Beagle Weekender Vol 162 July 3rd 2020

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Vol 16 September 15th 2017

28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 Vol 162 July27th 3rd2018 2020 111April July 12th 2019

Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine.

Photo courtesy of Nicola Eugenea Photography

Your Beagle Weekly Index Arts ……………………. 23 to 25 Cinema ……………….. 0 Community ……………… 3 to 15 Reading ……………………..16 to 21 Food………………………… 0 Fishing ……………………. 26 Editorial ………………….. 2 What’s On …………….... 0


beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020


editorial Welcome to this week’s editorial, If you had asked me a month ago how we were going in the South East I would have said that we were geEng there, one step at a Fme, at a very slow pace… but we were geEng there. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019

There were signs of healing aGer the fires with evidence of support coming through for those directly affected by way of site clean-ups and financial assistance. The community, our community, had bonded to support those who were impacted, directly and indirectly. It was warming to witness the bonding across the community. IrrespecFve of who you were you were either affected yourself by the fires or knew of someone close who was. We got together as a community and stepped up to do what we could without quesFon. Then along came Covid. Once again this required the community to act as one and we did. We took all the precauFons required, most of us complied with direcFons and only some of us were just a liLle too keen to stockpile. In general we were selfless and community aware. Now, as Covid restricFons liG we are seeing our community awake to new days. The threat of bushfires have passed for the minute, the unseen Covid-19 bug is of less concern and we are quietly riding a sea of social security via Job Seeker and Job Keeper that, for the minute, is keeping us afloat. But all too soon that life raG will run aground and where we step out will be unchartered territory. When that Fme comes it will see us return to a region that relies too heavily on a peak and trough tourism industry in an area that has the highest median age in NSW and the highest youth unemployment in the State. Our older residents who are not on social security have taken a hammering in the share market by way of their superannuaFon and those who earn more than $750 per week will have taken a substanFal loss of earnings requiring a catch up on mortgages and overheads. AGer the bushfires, the floods, and now the Covid we will come out to an new Era that we have not experienced before. …. The Poor. And the Very Poor. Let’s see how we measure as a community when it arrives. UnFl next—Lei

Beagle Editor…….. Lei Parker 0405100257 All Enquiries please email PO Box 3029 Tuross Head, NSW 2537 Copyright © South Coast Beagle Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. The Beagle Weekly is owned by SOUTH COAST BEAGLE PTY. LTD.

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020


community The Australian Federal Police has charged a 32-year-old Blacktown man over a spam email campaign related to the upcoming Eden-Monaro byelec-on. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019

The man was arrested during a search warrant at his house and later conveyed to ParramaLa Police StaFon, where he was charged with one count of using a telecommunicaFons service to menace, harass or cause offence, contrary to secFon 474.17 (1) of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). The man was released on police bail and is due to appear before the Blacktown Local Court on 2 September 2020. The AFP commenced the invesFgaFon following a report from the Electoral Integrity Assurance Taskforce and the Australian Electoral Commission on 10 June 2020. The report related to spam emails, which appeared to be from legiFmate sources, being sent from an unidenFfied user to the Australian community and various organisaFons. The emails were assessed as offensive and harassing in nature. The AFP invesFgaFon idenFfied the use of a number of telecommunicaFons services subscribed using suspected fraudulent idenFficaFon documents. InvesFgators will allege in court that these acFviFes were linked to the 32-year-old man. The AFP invesFgaFon into this maLer remains ongoing.

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



OUT NOW—the latest Beagle Abode : your online weekly Eurobodalla real Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019 estate guide The beagle abode is an online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide showcasing the current Eurobodalla market and our independent realtors. The beagle abode is the new addiFon to the South Coast Beagle that owns The Beagle and the South Coast Travel Guide: The Nature Coast of NSW : from Durras to The Tilbas The Beagle Abode has been established to provide that service while also providing our readers with a glossy overview of latest properFes on the market each week. You can ďŹ nd Beagle Abode on the Beagle website under REAL ESTATE The latest Beagle Abode lisFngs are also available each week as a FlipBook on the website and also distributed to readers via our social media pages and our twice weekly mailouts.

The Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden reopens to the public this Saturday with COVID-appropriate measures in place to keep everyone safe and well as they revisit this much loved local icon. Stay up to date with all things Garden at hLps:// Le&: New entry sign to the Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden Photo ESC

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



$10,000 available for projects and events to celebrate, reinvigorate and strengthen Eurobodalla Vol 16 September 2017 are available for projects and events to celebrate, re-invigorate and strengthen Grants of up to 15th $10,000 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 2018 111April July 27th 12thcommuniFes. 2019 Eurobodalla’s

Distributed under phase 2 of the Eurobodalla Disaster Relief Fund, the grants are aimed to sFmulate the shire’s social and economic recovery following the devastaFng bushfires with Council advising that business chambers and community associaFons are invited to apply. The grants represent an opportunity for organisaFons to receive a quick injecFon of funds to deliver an event or project that helps our community, acFvates a public place or supports local businesses. Businesses, community groups and not-for-profits wishing to apply are encouraged to contact a local chamber or community associaFon to discuss opportuniFes to collaborate. The Eurobodalla Disaster Relief Fund, overseen by the Eurobodalla Disaster Relief Management CommiLee, was established in response to the 2019-20 bushfires that burnt 80 per cent of the Eurobodalla Shire. 125 generous donors contributed a total of $274,903 to the fund. Phase 1 of grant funding went to those whose primary place of residence was significantly impacted by the bushfires and were facing financial hardship. It distributed $127,000 to 127 successful applicants from areas including Cadgee, Catalina, Eurobodalla, Jeremadra, Malua Bay, Mogo, Moruya, Narooma, Nelligen, Nerrigundah, Rosedale, Runnyford, Surf Beach, Tinpot and Woodlands. Phase 2 of the fund is aimed at supporFng social and economic development via community-building events. ApplicaFons for the grants close 5pm Monday 31 August 2020. For more informaFon visit

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Films Wanted for Regional Online Film Fes-val Vol September 15th 2017 Far16 South Film,7th, an associaFon of professional 28 December Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 20192017

and emerging filmmakers in the South East region of NSW, is calling for submissions from regional filmmakers around Australia for its inaugural Far South Film FesFval. Due to COVID-19, this year's fesFval will be screened online on Sunday 23 August 2020 together with a number of filmmaker Q&As and awards announcements. The Regional Film FesFval will be an annual event, held on the fourth Sunday of August. In 2021 it is hoped it can be held at a cinema with all the excitement of a live audience. The FesFval showcases the unique, the beauFful, the scary, and moving stories made by the people from the lesser known areas of our island conFnent, who know those stories and places the best. At least two of the key creaFves (Writer/Director/Producer/Filmmaker) must reside in a regional area in Australia. Film submissions open 1 July with early bird 17 July and the final deadline of 31 July 2020. There are two film length categories: under 10 minutes and 10 to 30 minutes. The major prize will be $1000 for Best Film with a range of other prizes for different categories, including Best Director, Best Use of a Regional SeEng, Best Youth Film and a Diversity Award.

Far South Film is seeking more fesFval sponsors for filmmaker prizes and markeFng support in return for having their business promoted through the fesFval to online audiences around Australia. More details are available on the fesFval website at

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



The new Batemans Bay Bridge is powering ahead with the help of a local and Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 2018 111April July 27th 12th 2019 diverse workforce The new Batemans Bay Bridge is powering ahead with the substructure of the $274 million bridge now complete. In all more than 500,000 worker hours invested in the project so far. Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said this week "When complete, the new Batemans Bay Bridge replacement project will deliver safer and more reliable journeys while also improving Photo courtesy of South Coast Pix highway intersecFons and connecFons in and Toole said.

around Batemans Bay,” Mr

“The NSW Government’s Infrastructure Skills Legacy Program has seen groups typically under-represented in the construcFon sector take part in building the new Batemans Bay Bridge.” Nearly half of all workers on the project are local, seven per cent are female, 10 per cent are Aboriginal and 14 per cent are under 25. The project has also helped the Batemans Bay community to build and improve skills and experience within the local workforce. Local member for Bega, Andrew Constance, said "now that the substructure was complete, the focus would conFnue on segment producFon and installaFon to form the main bridge deck. “More than 20 concrete bridge segments weighing between 80 and 105 tonnes each have already been erected so you can start to see the new bridge taking shape,” Mr Constance said. Upcoming compleFons over the next three months on the project include a side track to allow for the realignment of Clyde Street west, and retaining walls and embankments for both approaches. Early preparaFon work for a new floaFng pontoon on the southern foreshore of the Clyde River is conFnuing and earthworks for a new roundabout and conFnuing realignment of Wharf Road is starFng.

The Beagle Trades and Business Directory provides local Trades and Businesses a free lisFng in a hope that they might gain work from it, and conFnue to provide employment and economic benefit to their families and our communiFes. AdverFsing is usually outside the affordability of many smaller businesses and sole traders. The Beagle supports locals. These lisFngs are FREE. If you are a local business and would like to be listed please contact us as we oGen turn over these lisFngs to give everyone a fair go. Email Trades and Businesses can also list themselves on the Beagle Trades and Business Group in Facebook at hLps://

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



New requirements for cat, dangerous dog owners Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Owners of non-desexed 28 December 7th, 2017 cats and restricted and dangerous Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019 dogs in Eurobodalla will be required to pay for new annual permits in addiFon to their pet’s registraFon in changes introduced by the NSW Government today.

Designed to promote responsible pet ownership and improve animal welfare, owners of cats that are not desexed by four months of age will be required to pay an $80 annual permit, in addiFon to their one-off lifeFme pet registraFon fee. The move creates a stronger incenFve to desex cats, which not only improves their health and wellbeing, but is also expected to help ease the burden on pounds and shelters, reduce euthanasia rates, and address concerns about feral, stray and roaming cats and their effect on wildlife. ExempFons are in place for cats registered before 1 July 2020, those kept for breeding purposes by members of recognised breeding bodies, and cats that cannot be de-sexed for medical reasons. Owners of dogs of a restricted breed or formally declared to be dangerous will also be required to pay a $195 annual permit in addiFon to their one-off lifeFme pet registraFon fee. This is designed to serve as a further disincenFve to owning high-risk dogs and encourage owners to beLer manage the behaviour of their animal. The fees will go directly to the NSW Government’s Companion Animals Fund, which pays for companion animal management by local councils including pounds/shelters, ranger services, dog recreaFon areas, and educaFon and awareness programs. The fund is also used to operate the NSW Pet Registry and carry out responsible pet ownership iniFaFves. The annual permits can be bought via the NSW Pet Registry website or through Eurobodalla Council, which is responsible for administering the NSW Companion Animal Management Act. For more informaFon about owning a pet in Eurobodalla visit

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019

Narooma CWA members with current numbers aLending meeFngs and size of the CWA rooms, July meeFng will be held at rooms. However with rooms currently being used for pre-polling for by elecFon date has been moved to Friday 10th July at 1pm. Zoom meeFngs have been an interesFng test for the members who had the technology, skills sFll learning some of us. The branch is to celebrate its 90th birthday on 31st July, and due to Covid the grand celebraFon that had to be postponed will be one topic of discussion. Members have been keeping busy and a bakers dozen of bright rugs have been donated to IRT Dalmeny. Any quesFons ring President Louise Starkie 4476-5131 or Secretary Sally James 4476-1691, or message .

Employment Opportunity – Execu-ve Officer (Moruya Jockey Club) The Club is a leading Racing NSW Country Category B Club, conducFng 13 Thoroughbred race meeFngs annually. The Club also operates Moruya Racecourse as a training centre for approximately 25 trainers and 100 racehorses and conducts non-racing funcFons. It has a fine reputaFon in facilitaFng fundraising for Eurobodalla organisaFons. The successful applicant will manage all aspects of business operaFons and develop plans to grow the business. The ExecuFve Officer (EO) will maintain the highest level of Health and Safety standards for staff, patrons and all industry parFcipants using the racecourse. As the EO you will work with, and be responsible to, the Board of Moruya Jockey Club. The successful applicant will have excellent leadership, communicaFon and management skills and have a knowledge of, and genuine interest in, Thoroughbred racing. They will be required to create excellent working relaFonships with a wide range of parFes including Racing NSW, industry parFcipants, members, sponsors and patrons. The EO will be expected to increase the generaFon of non-racing revenue by encouraging the use of Club faciliFes by businesses, individuals and community groups. A remuneraFon package will be negoFated with the successful applicant. ApplicaFon with CV and references should be sent to A Candidate InformaFon Pack, Job DescripFon and SelecFon Criteria can be obtained on request. For more informaFon call Peter Atkinson 0418 214 345 or Jim Madden 0427 542 600. beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020


community The NSW Police Force-led mul--agency opera-on to facilitate the mandatory quaran-ning of returned travellers to NSW is ongoing. The NSW Minister Health Brad Hazzard issued the Public Health (COVID-19 Air TransportaFon Vol 16 September 15thfor 2017 28 December 7th, 2020 2017 under secFon 7 of the Public Health Act 2010, which directs any person arriving by Vol 48 2018 QuaranFne) Order 111April July 27th 12th 2019 aircraG into NSW from a country other than Australia must go directly to a quaranFne facility. Since the order commenced on Sunday 29 March 2020, 32,036 people have entered into mandatory quaranFne in NSW. There have been no breaches of the quaranFne order. In an average 24-hour period, there are about 500 NSW Police officers rostered to maintain overall responsibility of 22 hotel footprints. They are supported by a further 150 ADF personnel. The operaFon is also assisted by private security contractors. All travellers are assessed by NSW Health on arrival at Sydney InternaFonal Airport and those displaying symptoms of COVID-19 are escorted to a hotel managed by NSW Health, while the remainder are escorted to hotels managed by the NSW Police Force. As at 8am today (Friday 3 July 2020), there are 4972 people in quaranFne across 18 Sydney hotels being managed by the NSW Police Force. There are a further 493 people in four hotels being managed by NSW Health. Any person who becomes symptomaFc while in a police-managed quaranFne hotel is transferred to a NSW Health-managed hotel. The professional management of this process has dramaFcally reduced the risk of COVID-19 spread within hotels, including to staff and other guests, and to-date has ensured no transmission has occurred. Further, the cooperaFon of the hospitality industry – parFcularly staff members within the hotels – throughout the operaFon has been excepFonal.

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Rugby Union trial games this Saturday at Hanging Rock Oval Batemans Bay Boars Rugby Union will play trial games this Saturday at Hanging Rock Oval, Batemans Bay. The games are an important part of their preparaFon for season 2020 that commences in 2 weeks on 18th July. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019

This weekend games are against both Shoalhaven (Nowra) and Wests Canberra with each team playing 2 games. Schedule kick off are; 1.00pm Batemans Bay v Shoalhaven 2.00 pm Shoalhaven v Wests 3.00 pm Wests v Batemans Bay Batemans Bay Rugby Cub advise they will be following strict COVID-19 policy around return to play. A safety Plan has been submiLed to the relevant bodies and include a register of everyone aLending and social distancing rules for spectators. In addiFon the Boars Club encourage anyone aLending to download the COVID Safe app

COVID-19 Respiratory Clinic Opens in Bega A GP-led respiratory clinic, established as part of the Australian Government’s $2.4 billion health package to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, has opened at Katungul Aboriginal CorporaFon Regional Health and Community Services in Bega. The Federal Government is establishing up to 100 GP-led respiratory clinics around the country to assess paFents with mild to moderate COVID-19-like symptoms in an effort to reduce pressure on hospital emergency departments and other local general pracFces. Federal Regional Health Minister, Mark Coulton, said the Bega clinic is one of up to 100 dedicated respiratory clinics being set up across Australia as part of the Australian Government’s response to the outbreak. “We are puEng in place a range of measures including addiFonal pracFce incenFves and the expansion of telehealth to enable the rural medical workforce to conFnue to care for regional Australians through this crisis.” Minister Coulton said. More than 260 fever clinics, jointly funded by the Commonwealth and State and Territory governments, are also in operaFon across Australia. · People with severe symptoms should call 000 and/or aLend the nearest hospital emergency department. · People with mild to moderate respiratory symptoms will need to make an appointment either online via booking links available at or over the phone if the clinic has made a local phone booking arrangement available. · It is important that people aLend the clinic only at the Fme of their booking so that social distancing can be maintained, and they may be asked to wait in their car unFl the clinic is ready to receive them. · People will be assessed by a GP or a nurse under the supervision of a GP and have a specimen taken for pathology tesFng if that is indicated. · Regardless of whether a test is undertaken, the person will receive clinical advice on how to manage their symptoms beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Super wipe out: Almost 500,000 Australians have emp-ed their nest eggs Vol 16 September 15th 2017of young Australians have wiped out their Hundreds of thousands 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019 reFrement balances under the government’s early release of super scheme, heightening fears the scheme could lead to a future generaFon leG languishing on the pension. New analysis from Industry Super Australia (ISA) esFmates 395,000 people under-35 have eroded their super balance. ISA esFmates that about 480,000 Australians across all age groups could have wiped out their super, even before the second tranche opens. In March the government broke open super’s preservaFon rules and allowed Australians who had lost their jobs or had hours reduced to access $10,000 in super and a further $10,000 from July 1.

The research follows calls from a noisy group of backbench MPs to dump the incremental and legislated increase to the super rate from 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent by 2025. But if those MPs get their way more workers would be more reliant on the aged pension - a bill everyone pays through higher taxes.

“Those early contribu+ons are like yeast, without them you’re le& with a much fla/er nest egg.” Industry Super Australia chief execu-ve Bernie Dean: The ISA analysis is based on ATO data on the proporFons by age of those with accounts below $10,000, and Treasury staFsFcs on the age distribuFon of early release. EsFmates have been updated to the 14 June APRA totals. On average about 15 per cent of Australian workers have accessed their super early. Three states were above the naFonal average - Queensland at 20 per cent, Northern Territory 19 per cent and Western Australia 16 per cent. Only 8 per cent of ACT workers accessed their super early. Industry Funds have supported this scheme’s intent to get cash to those in dire financial need, they have already helped more than 1.4 million Australians tap into their super. But there have been troubling reports of super being used to gamble, buy alcohol or other types of discreFonary spending. As the second tranche of the early release scheme opens ISA is renewing calls for members to only access their super as a last resort. A 25-year-old taking out $10,000 now could have $49,000 less in reFrement, a 35-year-old could lost up to $34,000 and a 45-year-old up to $23,000. The government esFmated 1.65 million would take out $27 billion from super, but already 2.1 million have taken out at least $15 billion and it appears likely demand will far surpass forecasts. Despite the greater numbers, Industry Funds have prepared to deal with the demands of this scheme. Industry funds have paid more than $10.3 billion from super, 96 per cent of it within five business days of receiving the request from the ATO. beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Andrew Constance will flag cars away this Saturday morning for Rally of the Bay Vol 16 September 15thTransport 2017 NSW Minister for and Roads and NSW MLA local member for Bega, Andrew Constance will flag 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 111 July 12th 2019 cars away this Saturday morning on the first compeFFve championship rally to be held in Australia,

since before the World Championship Rally Australia was cancelled due to bushfires in November and the COVID 19 shutdowns that followed. With a full field of 90 cars including the reigning Australian champion Harry Bates leading the field in his Toyota Yaris, the AMH AutomoFve Group Rally of the Bay will also be the first major sporFng event on the South Coast, injecFng funds back into local businesses with around 500 visitors accommodated in Batemans Bay for the weekend, following the double whammy of the bushfire crisis and COVID 19 shutdowns. Organisers say "The 2020 running of the AMH AutomoFve Group Rally of the Bay has had to make massive changes to allow the event to run while the world is in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. "The organising car club, North Shore SporFng Car Club (NSSCC), has put in place a significant COVID-19 plan and has been aided by the governing body for the sport, Motorsport Australia, ‘Return to Race’ program. "One of the consequences of the COVID restricFons has been a tough decision to not allow spectaFng at this year’s event. However, NSSCC and Rally NSW has put in place a series of online systems to allow rally fans to follow the popular event." Michael Ward Rallysport is one of the many compeFtors looking forward to geEng back out in the dirt at the AMH AutomoFve Group Rally of the Bay. Driver Michael Ward and Co-Driver John Fraser will be using the event to start preparaFons for this year's Classic Outback Trial scheduled for later this year in November. "It's great to be able to get back into the driver's seat," Ward said. "We're using this event to start our preparaFons for the last Classic Outback Trial (COT) which has been moved to early November," he added. Because the COT is a 'blind event’, the team will be running the Rally of the Bay using the Roadbook rather than choosing the pacenote opFon. "Seat Fme, and pracFce reading the road at compeFFon speed is what's needed for us leading up to the COT. With limited events this year, we're grateful the AMH AutomoFve Group Rally of the Bay is on schedule," Michael said. Co-Driver, John Fraser teamed up with Michael for the 2016 running of the Classic Outback Trial where they finished first in class. Fraser was then back for the 2018 running of the outback event, as well as the Alpine Rally of East Gippsland in 2017 and 2019. The AMH Automo-ve Rally of the Bay will be conducted in the Forest surrounding Batemans Bay on the 4th of July. beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



AMH Automo-ve Group Rally of the Bay Goes Online The Rally of the Bay will be held on the 4th of July in Batemans Bay. The 2020 running of the AMH AutomoFve Group Rally of the Bay has had to make massive changes to allow the event to run whilst the world is in the midst of a COVID-19 Pandemic. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019

The organising car club, North Shore SporFng Car Club (NSSCC), has put in place a significant COVID-19 plan and has been aided by the governing body for the sport, Motorsport Australia, ‘Return to Race’ program. One of the consequences of the COVID restric-ons has been a tough decision to not allow specta-ng at this year’s event. However, NSSCC and Rally NSW has put in place a series of online systems to allow rally fans to follow the popular event. The online systems include full RallySafe tracking, up to date results using the Chrissport system, videos from OHM ProducFons posted on Facebook and YouTube, pictures from professional motorsport photographer Roy Meuronen on Instagram and updates across social media. Links to online systems: North Shore Spor-ng Car Club: hEps:// hEps:// Facebook: hEps:// hEps:// hEps:// YouTube: hEps:// Instagram (follow rallynsw and nsscc_au): hEps:// hEps://

Rallysafe tracking: hEp:// Chrissport Results: hEps://

hEps:// beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Eurobodalla netballers fair well in Confident Girls Founda-on Bushfire Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Relief Appeal 28 December 7th, 2017Grants Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019

Eurobodalla Netball AssociaFon (NSW) and Broulee Moruya Football Netball Club are two of eight netball clubs and associaFons from across New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia to have received more than $50,000 in grants through Round 1 of the Confident Girls FoundaFon Bushfire Recovery Grants iniFaFve. Netball Australia’s official charity, the Confident Girls FoundaFon, established the Bushfire Relief Appeal in March to support associaFons and clubs within the netball community that were affected by devastaFng bushfires that swept the country this summer. In response to this call for donaFons, the netball community rallied together and raised more than $365,000. This first round of grants will support clubs and associaFons to recover, providing funds to help rebuild infrastructure, purchase equipment, cover the cost of registraFons and fees, hold clinics and special community events and supply uniforms, among many other iniFaFves. The Confident Girls FoundaFon is pleased to announce the following clubs and associaFons as recipients of the first round of grants (a maximum grant of $10,000 per organisaFon was available):  Broulee Moruya Football Netball Club (NSW) - $2,705  Bruthen Netball AssociaFon (VIC) - $10,000  Corryong Demons Football Netball Club (VIC) - $10,000  Eurobodalla Netball Associa-on (NSW) - $5,000  Kangaroo Island Netball AssociaFon (SA) - $10,000  Sapphire Coast Netball AssociaFon (NSW) - $2,540  Warragul Football & Netball Club (VIC) - $7,260 Western Districts Memorial Community Sports Club (SA) $10,000 Confident Girls FoundaFon CEO Nadine Cohen said the devastaFon that these organisaFons experienced is incredibly hard to comprehend. An Advisory CommiLee with representaFves from Netball Australia, the netball community and the Confident Girls FoundaFon assessed and moderated all applicaFons and the FoundaFon Board approved the Round 1 grants. The Confident Girls FoundaFon uses netball as a vehicle for change to help address emoFonal, social and physical wellbeing. Netball is a sport by women, for women and we're proud to engage with the netball community to improve the lives of women and girls. DonaFons can sFll be made at and applicaFons for Round 2 of the Confident Girls FoundaFon Bushfire Recovery grants will open on Monday 22 June.

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



OFF THE GRID by John Longhurst59 ‘Oi Dad, Angus beef caLle prices going through the roof on the market report. If we sell those fiGy in the back paddock we are ahead fiGy percent over the three months. Want me to press sell.’ Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 2018 111April July 27th 12th 2019 The old beef farmer spun around and eyeballed his son hanging out the kitchen window.

‘Get off that bloody computer. How many Fmes have I got to tell you we can’t have the computer going at the same Fme as the washing machine with our solar energy system. That’s exactly how we lose money. You’re drawing power from the grid whilst mum’s following the power roster.’ Overhearing the reprimand, the mother paused her phone conversaFon to her best customer and rushed to fill the washing machine with clothes before the electricity Nazi came in for morning tea. The old beef farmer gazed up at the cloudy sky and shook his head. ‘Hey love, I reckon you have got half an hour to finish that washing load. The sun is out but not for long. I hope you got it on the economy cycle.’ She fumbled around with the dials and rushed back to a now silent phone. ‘Damn’ she cursed. She had been working on that sale for the last two weeks and her income was keeping the farm afloat. The old beef farmer strolled in for morning tea. He seated himself at the head of the table. He flicked open his iPad and tapped the energy consumpFon app. There was the odd groan and the odd ‘ha ... ha’ as he scrolled through the data. ‘Ah not a bad morning love. Not too bad. It’s telling me you were late puEng the washing on and we had to buy some kilowaLs when that cloud cover came over. I did warn you. Doesn’t seem to be any point me standing in the backyard telling you how much sun there is if you are not going to listen ....... I’m beLer off spending me Fme farming.’ She shook her head. She pined for the days when no one cared when you used electricity. It was now all peak, shoulder, off peak, inverters, solar and the terms went on and on. He even monitored the electricity usage on their recent holiday to Indonesia. ‘Hang on, what’s going on here. Someone’s been using a heap of power before sunrise. Bloody kids. Look at this graph love. See that spike. Let’s look at that usage compared to yesterday and compare the whole month to last year. Now if we compare that to the weather paLerns for the same Fme last year...... there you go.... preLy good eh! We have saved a bit there. You beauty!’ He wrote down some figures and pulled out the household diary. He made a number of adjustments to the power roster. He was very proud of his efficiency. Heavy white goods to be running in the middle of the day, air condiFoner used to cool the house and then turn it off when the sun goes down and laptops and computers in the late aGernoon. He was trying to get everyone to play cards at night rather than watch television to avoid the early evening peak Fme spike and preLy much a free for all post 10.00pm off peak rates. Pleased with his adjustments, he closed the diary and finished his morning cup of tea. ‘I hope you going to look at those heifers calving this aGernoon. A lot of the money I’ve been earning is mixed up in that.’ He scratched his chin ‘Ah ....... best I adjust those solar panels on the eastern side of the roof. I reckon there is a five percent boost in power we generate with a minor twig here and there.’ She was about to ramp up the exchange when the son burst in. ‘Crikey, Dad Angus up by three hundred percent. We got to sell. Should sort out all the debt and then some but we got to move now.’ The old beef farmer’s eyes widened. ‘Son, get off that bloody computer. Computer Fme is 4.30pm. Follow the bloody roster and we save a lot of money. I want to get off the grid.’ He shook his head, turned off the light switch, glanced up at the sun and gave it a big wink. beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



100 Years Ago July 3rd 1920 ANOTHER OPERATION.– His many friends will be sorry to hear that Mr. Feneley, who dislocated his collar bone pracFcing football, will have to undergo another operaFon. The doctors at Maitland, the home Vol 16whilst September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 48 April 2018 111young July 27th 12th 2019 ofVolour sport, have now found it necessary to drill and sFtch the bone with gold wire. LIGHTEN OUR DARKNESS.– The Braidwood Municipal Council has adopted a small lighFng scheme for the town. Our Shire Council evidently does not believe in “LeEng their light so shine before men that they may see their good works,” as our streets sFll remain in darkness. What has become of our Progress AssociaFon’s worthy move in this direcFon? WHO WILL HE BE?- A prize of one guinea has been offered by a lady for the most original make-up by a gentleman at the forthcoming Hospital Ball. Now, who will be the gallant gentleman to make a similar offer for a lady? S.O.S.—The latest report on the sugar shortage states that the steamer Austral Mount leG Cuba on June 1 with a full equipment of raw sugar for Sydney and should arrive here early in July. Her cargo will be promptly refined in Sydney, and thenceforth the Sydney shops will have fair quanFFes of white crystal and other sorts. During July the new-season’s sugar (N.S.W. and Queensland) will be available in Sydney, and early in August the shortage will be at an end. An official assurance has already been given that the price of sugar in Australia will not rise for at least three years, and what may happen then, nobody knows. THE SHAMROCK.– Mrs. J. Strahan, of the Shamrock Tea Rooms, who has been an inmate of Lewisham Hospital, suffering from a nervous breakdown, writes to say that although not much improved, she will reopen her business in Vulcan-street early this month. A WARNING.– Moruya unfortunately at the present Fme possesses some low rascals who will not pay their legiFmate debts. One business man informs us that one such unprincipled thing contracted a debt which he would not pay, and when a summons was issued the villain only worked a certain number of days in order to keep his wages under the amount for which a garnishee order could be issued. Tradespeople beware! NERRIGUNDAH. (From our Correspondent). The welcome home social tendered to Pte. Fred McGill, on the 18th of June, by the Nerrigundah PatrioFc CommiLee, was a great success both financially and otherwise. ...The admission was 5/- double and 3/single, and the door takings with sale of Fckets amounted to £23/2/9. Mr Roberts manager of the dredge undertook the decoraFons, and with flags, bunFng and ferns arFsFcally arranged, and in large leLering of “Welcome Home,” neatly interwoven with ferns in the background, the hall looked splendid and was greatly admired by many visitors. Dancing commenced at 8 p.m. … About nine o’clock Pte. McGill, who is totally blind, accompanied by his charming English wife walked down the hall, amidst great cheering and took their seats on the stage in front of the Roll of Honor tablet, where they were soon surrounded by many of his friends who were there to greet him...Mr J. Pollock, who acted as chairman, gave a lengthy and appropriate address aGerwards presenFng our returned hero with the Nerrigundah Returned Soldier’s medal, and the Shire Council’s CerFficate, also a wallet containing £66 12s. Private McGill suitably responded… I may also add that the forFtude with which he bears up against his terrible afflicFon should be a lesson to us all, and especially to those who are conFnually finding something to growl at when aGer all they should be ever thankful for their sight alone. beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Eden Monaro Choices: Who are we becoming? Rev Linda Chapman OAM of Moruya asks: Eden Monaro Choices: Who are we becoming? "We don’t seem to have heard much from Eden-Monaro candidates about the CoaliFons raising of fees for Vol 16 September 15th or 2017 HumaniFes degrees further cuts to ABC funding? The erosion of each of these has significant repercussions 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019 for the nature of our society. "The raFonale for raising fees for the humaniFes is that the government want an emphasis on job focused areas of study. At face value this seems reasonable enough. But if we inquire more deeply into this we might see the shaping of a society that increasingly views people as individual units of producFon and consumpFon, a merely mechanisFc culture. "The cuts to the ABC underscore the devaluing of a more ‘human’ society. The arts, philosophy, history, theology and so on appear to be seen by this government as unnecessary expenses in a world geared towards saFsfying the demands of an economy of unlimited growth. "And this world view underlies the uLer intransigence of the CoaliFon in regard to acFng seriously in the face of the climate crisis. Nature herself has become industrialised, mechanized and degraded by our human acFvity. We will all be the poorer for it. "The original purpose of educaFon (paideia) was to be a formaFon in growth towards wisdom. Today it appears to be simply a jobs factory. "A society that is undergirded by a wholisFc educaFon with the humaniFes valued as developing a whole, thinking, quesFoning human being is essenFal. We are meant for more than just producFon and consumpFon. We can be more than simply fodder for a technologized and industrialised world in which the other than human world has been so destroyed that we lose touch with what it means to be human. " Human acFvity is significantly contribuFng to the climate warming which fuelled the drought which fuelled the devastaFng fires we have just come through and will face again. "Apparently, one of the Eden-Monaro candidates suggests that we just need to do more hazard reducFon burning. The science does not support this view. It is a simplisFc response. "We must, as a whole society, inquire more deeply into the way in which we are shaping both the present and the future. What we know is that we need to urgently reduce our use of fossil fuel emissions in the form of coal and gas. The economy must be seen as a partner and enabler of the ecology. "Renewable energy means a renewable economy. Jobs are meant to support a whole society, the common good, not just the profit of corporaFons. And the common good is grounded in care for the whole environment. We are rapidly running out of Fme. We cannot afford to placate climate deniers. We need governments that have the vision and wisdom to lead into a viable future. "We, the people, have criFcal choices to make."

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



My Bushfire Recovery So Far…and Why it is so Difficult to Find our New Future Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019

I wanted to share how I am feeling and what has happened in the six months since our house burned down on New Year’s Eve in Malua Bay. The month of January was spent in Canberra where we took refuge with relaFves. We felt anxious about the fires that conFnued to burn near Moruya, and in Canberra. We felt separated from our fellow bushfire vicFms, we yearned to connect with them and share our experiences. We spent our Fme in Canberra shopping for items we wanted to replace and would need when we finally moved back to the coast in some future rental. It felt very odd as we traveled around the city and people there were just living their normal lives when we were so devastated and in shock. Mid-February we located a rental in Tomakin with the help of a good friend. I was thrilled to be back on the coast and back to my favorite farmers market. I missed our old life, but going through the nesFng process in the holiday home was distracFng enough. We started to connect with friends and knew that being with people was a big part of healing our trauma. Then Covid hit us, our human relaFonships which was our medicine for healing from trauma were cut off and we were by ourselves. Watching too many news reports on tv is NOT good medicine. The end of March and the beginning of April was spent disassembling the amazing vegetable garden structure my husband built for me on our property, and poEng up any plants that were worth saving for a future home. We were prepping the land for the cleanup crew to come in and take the rubble away. We have chosen to sell the land and buy a home elsewhere. It was at this point that grief hit me with a vengeance. I was working on our property when I heard the big truck from our neighbor’s burned out home rumble out their driveway on the way to the Fp. I knew that all their hard work and love was gone, scraped off their land and carted away forever. I knew our house was next. I burst into tears at that moment and haven’t stopped since. I know a lost house is not a lost human being. But my husband and I put years of work into our home, we gave it love, we made it ours. I truly believe our home had a soul because the loss of it sure feels like a death. We have a nice amount of insurance money to work with, but that can never replace our personal treasures that marked a lifeFme of memories and experiences. Towards the end of May I reached out to the free counseling services offered by Catholic Care. That was a great decision, and I highly recommend it to anyone struggling with bushfire trauma. I don’t feel so alone anymore, and it is wonderful to be sorFng out all the emoFons and feelings associated with our loss. Covid has put a strange spin on life. My husband says we have been robbed and put in prison. I can’t argue with that. I will add that this whole experience of losing our home has peeled away to a new layer of myself. I think I have accessed a deeper sense of compassion for my fellow man. I cry when I hear of a tragedy or a travesty, I cry good tears when I witness acts of grace and kindness. I bet our house hunFng on the internet began a few days aGer the house was gone. We are sFll at it. Is anyone else out there having a super hard Fme finding a half to one acre property with an open beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020


reading plan house on it?? The way property blocks are parceled out in Eurobodalla is shocking. We are actually becoming quite angered by it. Why does council think we are all fine with living on a postage stamp? I have NEVER heard anyone say anything good about council. They seem to want to pack us all onto Fny pieces of land so they can maximize their rates. Instead of being public servants, they are public enemy #1. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 2018 111April July 12th 2019 People are27th aLracted to Eurobodalla for its natural habitat and its rural seEng. They are leaving the ciFes to

get away from the busy side of life. I’ll bet they would like a liLle space. Council is making it so that the only opFon is to move right back to a city seEng. Many of these postage stamp neighborhoods don’t even offer a community space where there could be an area for a community park or playground. If the grassroots is going to cure society’s ills, how can community be fostered in these neighborhoods with no central meeFng zones? We certainly can’t depend on council to help us out. Covid has taught us that we need to reevaluate. The bushfires have taught us the same. I think that more people would like to be able to grow a liLle of their own food. Maybe set up a volley ball net in the backyard. Park their boat in an extra shed. How can we do this on a postage stamp? Our dream of a new home is quashed daily when we look on the internet and find nothing. I pray for a miracle every day. Lindsay Gates & Randy Knispel (SFll renFng in Tomakin)

The Olga Masters Short Story Award closes in just over two weeks. The Award welcomes entries from writers of all ages resident in Australia. Short stories (2000 to 4000 words) on the theme of life in rural Australia. The Main Prize is $1500 and a $500 prize for runner-up. In the Youth Prize, there is a $500 first prize and a $250 prize for runner-up (13-18 years) and a creaFve wriFng tutorial with JD Shaw for 12 years and under. South East Arts is administering this award in partnership with The South Coast Writers Centre and Island Magazine. For more informaFon and to enter, please visit the Olga Masters website. Award-winning photographs of the night sky from the last 24 months as judged by world-renowned astrophotographer Dr David Malin are sFll on display at the South East Regional Hospital in Bega. Thanks to the generous support of the Powerhouse Museum (Applied Arts and Sciences) South East Arts has been able to secure this travelling exhibiFon for an extended period and display it at one of the few venues always open to the public. For the benefit of hospital staff, paFents and visitors, this exhibiFon is displayed in the recepFon areas. @southeastarts and we’ll feature different projects on social media over the following months.

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Tears From Fire book launch July 4th in BBay Join Jim Hughes on July 4th to celebrate the release of his 1st book Tears From Fire. Come down to the Bayview Hotel in Batemans Bay on Saturday the 4th of July to help Jim Vol 16 September 15th 2017 launch his highly anFcipated book. 10:30am to 11:30am. You will be able to purchase a signed 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019 copy directly from Jim himself! The book is also available through Tears From Fire Facebook page with PayPal. $14.95 if you live locally and they can get it to you easily or $19.95 with postage in Australia. Jim and his daughter lost their house in the horrific fires and wriFng poetry has helped him process some of the grief. THE BURNING BAY POEM BY JIM HUGHES The Burning Bay Where fires are burning For over a month and a day I live on the coast, In sunny Batemans Bay It’s sFll going on With no end in sight There’s no other choice But to stand up and fight I’ve had my bloody turn It came on in a hurry We did the best we could There was no Fme to worry. It was Roger, Dad and Me There was Chriso and Mark Everyone else had leG before the first spark....

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Micro Grants Success South East Arts has awarded 34 Micro Grants to arFsts and2017 art organisaFons, Vol 16 September 15th 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 111 July 12th 2019 providing just over $33,000 to the arts in the region. The funding will support a diverse range of proposals from the purchase of equipment and *Photograph of The New Graces from Candelo, NSW, taken by Asha materials lost in the bushfires, to Kidd. The New Graces are one of the recipients of the Micro Grants, website development and live which will be used towards publicity and promo+on of their debut streaming gear. album, Seasons. Almost 100 applicaFons were received, highlighFng the significant impact that bushfires and COVID-19 have had on arFsts in the region. South East Arts iniFally supported the one-off grant round from their public fund and then received addiFonal support from the Bega Valley Regional Gallery, through the Regional Arts Fund, as well as from the Eurobodalla and Snowy Monaro Councils. “Support from our local councils was fantasFc and enabled us to significantly increase the number of recipients for the Micro Grants”, explained Andrew Gray, ExecuFve Director of South East Arts. “As we near the end of the financial year, we welcome any tax deducFble donaFons to our public fund that would enable us to keep providing iniFaFves like this to support our arts sector”. While many successful Micro Grant proposals will directly help individual arFsts, there were a number of projects that aimed to support the community in bushfire recovery and dealing with COVID-19 restricFons. These included an online community choir project, community art exhibiFons and arts-focused trauma recovery workshops. “All the applicaFons highlighted the resilience of our arts sector and the ability for a creaFve response to adversity. While the grants of up to $1000 are only a small amount in the scheme of things, you can see from the applicaFons that arFsts will use this to value add and build both social and economic benefit”. “Because of the large volume of applicaFons, there were many excellent proposals that we were not able to support”, said Andrew Gray “but there conFnues to be a range of arts funding opportuniFes for both bushfire and COVID-19 recovery and South East Arts is ready to assist and advise people interested in applying”. MarkeFng, in parFcular improving online promoFon, was a common need idenFfied in the Micro Grant round. To assist in this area South East Arts is offering a free Beginners Guide to MarkeFng webinar to be presented by CreaFve Plus Business on 24 July. AddiFonally, Laura Jackson – South East Arts CommunicaFons Officer – is regularly available to advise people on website design and effecFve social media skills. South East Arts is encouraging any applicants from the Bega Valley area to consider parFcipaFng in Art Month during July/August. This will be a diverse digital program of exhibiFons, workshops, panel discussions, virtual arFst studio visits, online tours, exclusive gigs and more. Check out the Bega Valley Regional Gallery website for more informaFon. Please click here to view a full list of the successful applicants. hLps:// beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Shimmering: The Mona Hessing Tribute Project Inspired by one of Australia’s leading texFle arFsts Mona Hessing, a selected group of arFsts from the Eurobodalla Fibre and TexFle ArFst Group (EFTAG) have come together to pay homage in Shimmering: The Mona Hessing Tribute Project. Exhibi-on dates: Saturday 4 July - Sunday 26 July, 2020 A pioneer of texFle art, Mona Hessing exhibited naFonally and internaFonally throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s before seLling in Eurobodalla. AGer receiving a donaFon of some of Hessing’s materials, each arFst created an original artwork inspired by Hessing and her contribuFon to the texFle medium. This exhibiFon will feature both 2D and 3D works made from natural braided sisal and hand-dyed and hand-spun wool with silk slubs. ArFsts: Julie Armstrong, Julie Brennan, Alison Bogg, Lorna Crane, Cathie Griffith, Roslyn Holmes, Susan Jamison, Stephanie Simko, Mischi West Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019

Anthony Browell Portrait of Mona Hessing in studio 1973 (detail), courtesy of the Churchill Trust. Mona Hessing (1933-2001) was instrumental in moving the texFle form from the constraints of fine cloth made on a loom to the freedom, scope and scale enjoyed by contemporary texFle arFsts today; three-dimensional construcFons and hand-woven forms in varied techniques. AGer traveling and exhibiFng overseas, Hessing seLled in Tuross Head where she conFnued to exhibit locally and naFonally.— EFTAG formed in 2005 through shared interests and passion for texFle art. Since then over 100 members have shared and learned skills, promoFng fibre and texFle arts with the aim of increasing awareness to future members and with the wider public.

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Windmill Trust Scholarship for Regional NSW Ar-sts Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Established in 1997 in memory of the arFst 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019 Penny Meagher, the emphasis of the Windmill Trust Scholarship is to support professional arFsts from regional NSW to develop and or present their work. This scholarship provides assistance towards the cost of:

 independent arFsFc research or pracFce such as studio rental, material or labour costs  professional development and educaFon  presenFng work in new ways  exhibiFng work such as framing, space rental, promoFon, arFsts' fees, freight, installaFon and documentaFon. Funding Available: One individual or group will be awarded up to $10,000 + GST. Important Dates: ApplicaFons close 23:59 AEST Sunday 19 July 2020. Windmill Trust Scholarship Terms and CondiFons 2020 (166.2 KB) Windmill Trust Scholarship Terms and CondiFons 2020 Word Document (57.0 KB)

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020



Look aGer your tackle Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Local and visiFng 28 December 7th,fishers 2017 are being Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 2019

urged to ‘look aGer their tackle’ in a new naFonwide campaign aimed at reducing lost fishing line in waterways. Fishing line is one of the top-20 items of liLer impacFng Australian waterways, where it can kill and Above: Discarded fishing line found at the Moruya Breakwall. injure marine life. An iniFaFve of the Tangaroa Blue FoundaFon, the ‘look aGer your tackle’ campaign urges recreaFonal fishers to properly dispose of fishing tackle and to “know their knots” to prevent unexpected losses. Fishers can even test themselves against knot-tying expert Adam Royle, from the Australian NaFonal Sporeishing AssociaFon, and try to beat his 9.5-second improved clinch knot. Eurobodalla Council’s environmental educaFon officer BernadeLe Davis said fishing line remained in the aquaFc environment long aGer it had been thrown away. “Discarded fishing line can severely injure or kill marine mammals and sea birds by entanglement, restricFng their mobility and causing starvaFon, infecFon, amputaFon and eventually death,” she said. “We are asking our local and visiFng fisherfolk to get on board with this naFonal campaign and ‘look aGer your tackle’. Make sure you take any line or packaging with you when you are out at your favourite fishing spot and check that your knots are secure to avoid loss of gear.” Council has installed fishing tackle debris bins at popular fishing locaFons throughout Eurobodalla for beachgoers and anglers to use, maintained by fabulous volunteers. “Next Fme you are out and see one of our 'tackle bins', take a moment to look around and pick up any discarded fishing tackle you see - you may just be saving a life,” Ms Davis said. “And if you have a favourite fishing spot with a discarded fishing line problem, we would like to hear about it. “Contact to find out how you can help.” For more informaFon on the campaign – including the ‘know your knots’ challenge – head to reefclean/lookaGeryourtackle/

beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020


Your up to date fishing report from Tackle World Moruya July 3rd 2020 Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Moruya River 7th, 28 December Vol 48 111April July 27th 12th 2018 20192017

Winter bream seem to be on one everyone’s mind at the moment. For those who don’t know, the cooler months see the average size of bream caught increase. Down around the hole in the wall, good numbers of big bream have been found in the deeper secFons. Live nippers, soG plasFcs and deeper running hard body lures will tempt a few of the real “blue nose” bream into biFng. Jackson ArFst FR70’s with their slow sink profile allow you to get a good bream bite size lure right into the trick zones. Up around the holes in front of the hospital, good numbers of bream have also been encountered. The flathead are sFll present, but very lethargic in their energy levels. Lures or baits will have to be presented right on the flaEes noses to get a reacFon. Tuross River Again, the bream has been the main focus of fishos aLenFon this week, with good catches reported around four ways, and further up towards the Bodalla bridge. Once again, find the deeper water adjacent to flats to find the bream. They move onto the flats aGer dark for a feed in safety, and retreat to deep water during the day. Other areas to target big winter bream are the abundant oyster racks that the Tuross system is famous for. Try areas around Turlinjah, or any of the thousands of racks that are placed in the system, with shallow running suspending lures or flies for best chances. There are sFll mulloway being caught around the boat shed. Try and Fme your fishing acFvity around the Fde changes. This weekend sees some big high Fdes aGer dark that coincide with a full moon on Sunday night, these Fdes might be a good Fme to target the silver ghost!

Rock and beach There are sFll salmon being caught on all the local beaches and the Moruya break wall. Pilchards on gang hook rigs, Arma metals and even casFng soG plasFcs have been producing the goods. Whilst they haven’t been super thick in the water, they have sFll been making an appearance. Some paFence is required for them to turn up. Try adding a bit of burley to where you are fishing to help aLract them to you. There are sFll good numbers of drummer and luderick coming from the local rock ledges, as are there snapper. Fresh caught, or quality squid baits are your best proposiFon when targeFng big reds from the stones. Offshore The snapper and flathead are sFll being caught on the inshore reefs and flats for the boat crews geEng out. As usual, the magic 30-40m depth seems to be where most of the fish are holding. For the game crews, big blue fin tuna is the buzz on everyone’s lips at the moment with fish in excess of 200kgs being caught this week. That’s a lot of sushi!!!! In store, we have just had the new carpet Fles laid, and we have taken the opportunity to re-work the store layout and refresh the stores internal appearance. Come in this weekend and check out all our hard work. There are plenty of fresh items added to the ever-popular discount bin, plus all of your regular fishing needs covered. Tight lines my friends and remember “every day’s a good day for fishing … “ Team Tackle World Moruya beagle weekly : Vol 162 July 3rd 2020


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