real estate South Coast Property Specialists (Carlene Franzen) Tips:
Have You Heard of the “VESPA” Phenomenon? Vol 16 September 15thheard 2017 of the VESPA phenomenon, but you just didn’t know You probably have 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018 that someone has given it a name. One of Australia’s top demographers, Bernard Salt, has named the huge trend of people moving out of big ci=es into the regional areas the “VESPA” phenomenon which stands for Virus Escapees Seeking Provincial Australia. He adds to the clever acronym by saying that “They’re scootering out of our capital ci=es in search of their very own ‘Bonnie Doon escape’ and retreat,”
He confirmed what many of us have been thinking (and observing) that the coming of COVID-19 “has presented a great opportunity for many Australians to rethink their lives: Are they in the right job? The right rela=onship? Are they in the right city? Are they in the right housing?” He went to say: “With the opportunity now to work from home, many people have been encouraged to come out of the fashionable inner city, hipster apartments and to look at three and four-bedroom, twobathroom plus a ‘Zoom room’ home in the suburbs with a garden, or in fact, to move beyond the capital city to regional ci=es, within striking distance of the major capital city in each community,”. He believes that it’s not a short-term trend either and it will hold the real estate and property markets in good stead over the next five years. He believes it is the children of the Baby Boomers who are coming out of their apartments and buying homes, indica=ng that the “mini boom” is being driven by demographics as well as by the coming of COVID-19. He as added that Australia’s ability to navigate COVID-19 has a>racted “entrepreneurs and businesses, immigrants with skills, and students and visitors who want to be part of Australia”. “That’s going to drive a lot of energy into the Australian market around the middle of the decade”. So more very posi=ve news for the real estate and property market.
Expressions of interest sought for former bowling club site Expressions of interest are being sought from developers for the sale or lease of the former bowling club site in Batemans Bay. Eurobodalla Council purchased the land in 2016, leased it to Transport for NSW in 2018 for the new bridge construc=on compound, and is now taking the site to market. The current lease with Transport for NSW is expected to expire in July 2022. Located on the highway opposite the new Bay Pavilions, Council is marke=ng the land as ideal for tourist accommoda=on, conference facili=es, restaurants and cafes, and residen=al accommoda=on. The opportunity is adver=sed on Tenderlink and display ads were placed in metropolitan newspapers on the weekend. The expression of interest is the first stage of a two-stage procurement process that will shortlist respondents who may then be invited to a request for tender process. Council was aware of a number of companies interested in the site following an expression of interest process late in 2016, and expects more in this round now the bridge is complete and the Bay Pavilions are taking shape. Councillors resolved in August 2017 to endorse construc=on of the Bay Pavilions on the southern part of the Mackay Park precinct to allow for the development of the former bowling club site, and again in March 2018 to proceed with an EOI for development of the site. beagle weekly : Vol 210 June 4th 2021