An Explora8on in Pastels and Mixed Media Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018
South Coast Pastel Society’s summer art exhibi5on will be held from 21 to 30 January 2022. Members of the society have been busy crea5ng a broad range of pain5ngs throughout the lockdown and enthusias5cally embraced the opportunity to get out and paint following the easing of restric5ons. This years’ exhibi5on promises to deliver stunning landscapes, majes5c seascapes and thought-provoking s5lllife works that will hang in pride of place on any wall. Whilst there will be lots of pastel works, the exhibi5on will also include acrylic, oil, watercolor and mixed media pieces to suit all tastes. All works will be for sale and range in price to suit most budgets. The exhibi5on will be at the Batemans Bay Surf Club, George Bass Drive, Malua Bay and opens from 10am to 4pm each day. Entry is by gold coin dona5on with the proceeds going to the Surf Club. The South Coast Pastel Society is a vibrant group of local and regional ar5sts working mainly in pastel – a pure pigment media with centuries of tradi5on that is just as fresh and relevant today. The SCPS has been organising quality exhibi5ons and ac5vi5es since the 1980’s and offers regular, world class workshops with renowned local, na5onal and interna5onal pastel ar5sts. More informa5on about the society, workshops and pain5ng ac5vi5es can be found on the society’s web site at There is also a gallery featuring society member’s works that highlight both the versa5lity of the medium and the high quality work that can be achieved with pastels. Follow the society on Facebook at h@ps://
beagle weekly : Vol 236 December 3rd 2021