Narooma Rocks Van makes a star Vol 16 September 15th 2017 appearance at 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018 Sydney Markets The liMle South Coast oyster van with a big story to tell received a boost this week with the launch of a smart, black Toyota Hilux at Sydney Fish Markets. The van, and now a vehicle to tow it, are an ini=a=ve of Narooma Rocks, the not-forprofit company that delivers the Narooma Oyster Fes=val on the shores of Wagonga Inlet each year in May. Narooma Rocks will now be able to ac=vate their plans to deliver the unique flavors of south coast rock oysters to food and wine events around Australia, raising the profile of Narooma and Eurobodalla as a year round des=na=on. It has all been made possible with thanks to a $60,000 grant from Business Council Australia's bushfire recovery charity BizRebuild, and follows their $55,000 grant earlier this year which funded the purchase and fit out of the van. BizRebuild chair Sir Peter Cosgrove and Business Council chief execu=ve Jennifer WestacoM were on hand to celebrate the occasion. "Australians have faced a challenging 18 months with fires, floods and travel restric=ons - but we must try to avoid disaster fa=gue and remember many businesses s=ll need our support," Sir Peter said. "We're hearing incredible stories of resilience from communi=es all across the country and Narooma Rocks are one of the many businesses who have sought assistance through BizRebuild,' Sir Peter said. "When disaster strikes - local businesses owners simply want to get back on their feet as quickly as possible to recover and that's why our direct and immediate assistance is so cri=cal in suppor=ng local communi=es to rebuild aBer floods and fires." Ms WestacoM said: "Businesses are the glue that keeps communi=es together, so suppor=ng them through tough =mes is cri=cal. "BizRebuild will con=nue to work across the country to ensure disaster struck small businesses and communi=es can bounce back even stronger," Ms WestacoM said. The launch was the maiden voyage for the Narooma Rocks entourage, who were thrilled to receive waves and smiles as they drove along George Street in Sydney's CBD on Wednesday aBernoon. "We felt a liMle bit like rock stars, if you'll pardon the pun," said Cath Peachey, chair of Narooma Rocks. "I can't overstate the importance of this support and investment from BizRebuild," she said. "Recovery is a slow process but BizRebuild was there immediately to provide prac=cal and on the ground assistance to small, local businesses who were suffering." beagle weekly : Vol 237 December 10th 2021