Beagle Weekender Vol 240 December 31st 2021

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Vol 16 September 15th 2017

28 December 7th, 31st 2017 2021 Vol 240 December Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Your Beagle Weekly Index Arts ……………………. 21 Cinema ……………….. 17 Community ………………3 to 14 Reading ……………………..18,19 Food………………………… 0 Sport and Fishing ………. 21,22 Editorial …………………..2 What’s On …………….... 15,16

Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine.


beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


editorial Welcome to this week’s editorial, Over the next twenty four hours or more we are going to be offered countless “Happy New Year” gree:ngs. From friends, neighbours and family to those we Vol 16 September 15thpass 2017in the street. 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

From the day we are born we are reminded that the current day’s date is an ascending count from Day 1. Today’s date is li<le more than a con:nual reminder of how many days, months and years it has been since Jesus was conceived and born. Tomorrow will be 1 /01/ 2022 AD ("anno Domini nostri Jesu Chris ", which translates to "in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ"). But what if you aren’t Chris:an? What year is it for non-Chris:ans? Does anyone else on the planet have a different calendar? Under the Islamic Hijri Calendar, a lunar calendar consis:ng of 12 lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days, it is 26 Jumada Al-Awwal, 1443. Meanwhile the current year in Ethiopia is 2013. The Ethiopian year starts on 11th of September or on the 12th September in a Gregorian leap year. It is seven to eight years behind the Gregorian year owing to alternate calcula:ons in determining the date of the annuncia:on of the birth of Jesus. My favourite is the Nepali Calendar. The current Nepali Year in Nepali is Nepali calendar 2078 due to the fact that their calendar is approximately 56 years and 8 and months ahead. In Nepal the new year starts from the middle of April. For those fortunate to have visited Nepal one of the best takeaways from the country is their expression “Ke Garne” that roughly translates into “it is what it is”. The road or path you are travelling on is cut by a landslide and might take a week to repair— “Ke Garne” The electricity has been cut and will stay off for some :me—“Ke Garne” The cow has eaten the vegetables—“Ke Garne” As I reflect on the expression “Happy New Year” I remind myself of the images that go with it. Clocks, :me, calendars… there is even a countdown as if we are willing the year that was to vanish as we “Welcome in the New Year”. There are hugs, kisses, the clinking of champagne glasses. But why do we stop at “Happy”? Instead of Happy why don’t we actually aspire to a bit more. Some a<empt to by using alternates such as “Prosperous” but surely we can go beyond that as well. Surely we want more than just happiness and prosperity? How about wishing for a New Year that is fruiOul, gra:fying, produc:ve, sa:sfying, valuable, worthwhile, edifying and fulfilling that is eco-friendly and sustainable and healthy? It is :me to set the bar higher. For ourselves and our expecta:ons. I think, for too long, we have said in our own way “Ke Garne”(it is what it is). Let’s see the year ahead, being 1443, 2013, 2022 or 2078, as the year we aspired to be more than just “Happy”. Un:l next—lei beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



The Broulee Sand Modelling Compe((on Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Broulee Surf School presents the 2021 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

'The Broulee Sand Modelling Compe::on' Located on North Broulee Beach on NYE Meet at the North Broulee Toilet Block from 1pm for check in - Compe::on runs from 2pm-3pm 1 - Junior Sandcastle (12 years and under) 2 - Open Sandcastle (13 years and over) 3 - Junior Sculpture (12 years and under) 4 - Open Sculpture (13 years and over)

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Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each sec:on. Friday 31 December 2021 2:00 PM - 3:00

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beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



NSW Govt needs to act on Rapid An(gen Tes(ng kit availability and its communica(ons Vol 16 September 15th 2017 If you have a friend, neighbour or family member in need of a Covid test you will have heard first hand of 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

the long queues in Moruya for PCB tes:ng. You might have also heard of the closure of the queues around mid morning for the day having reached the capacity to have tests taken and then dispatched via courier for analysis at 3pm sharp. Those in the tes:ng clinics and direc:ng the snaking queues are our local heroes. They are working under extreme pressure, barely able to take breaks and doing their best to remain calm and collected. Across NSW there are currently 763 COVID-19 cases admi<ed to hospital, with 69 people in intensive care, 24 of whom require ven:la:on. There were 21,151 COVID-19 posi:ves reported to 8pm last night. Source Above: Given the long queues, NSW Health are saying: people being turned away, labs under the "To reduce the strain on our services and be er protect the pump and the Christmas and New Year NSW community, priori sa on will be given to people ge!ng a fes vi es bringing us all closer together it PCR test (nose and throat swab) who: is inevitable that the rapidly spreading • Have COVID-19 symptoms or a posi ve rapid an gen test Omicron is taking a foothold. • Are a household contact with a confirmed COVID-19 posi ve case • Have been in a venue where there has been high transmission such as a club • Have been in a se!ng with vulnerable people, such as an aged care facility, which is experiencing a current outbreak If you receive a case alert in the Service NSW app, you should monitor for COVID-19 symptoms but only go and get a PCR test if symptoms develop." Aware of the long delays or turned away due to the daily quota being met our locals and visitors are doing all they can to find

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


Community—con(nues Rapid An:gen Tes:ng kits. Social media lights up when a new delivery is made and no doubt the stock is sold out in minutes once the supplier is iden:fied. Woolies, Coles, Silly Willies, a chemist here, another there..... Orders are flowing fast for online purchases of the kits. But in the mean:me the queues con:nue and the anxiety builds as the numbers of local infec:ons climbs daily. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, Vol 48 27th 2018 Labor Candidate for2017 Bega, Dr Michael Holland said of the situa:on "I endorse Ryan Park, the Shadow

Minister for Health, who is calling for increased access to free Rapid An:gen Tests across New South Wales. "I’m calling on the Government to specifically priori:se regional communi:es like ours for Rapid An:gen Tests. Par:cularly as people hit our beau:ful coastal towns for a break, and our popula:on triples, people need access to RAT tests. "We don’t want a situa:on where people are feeling unwell but can’t access a quick test simply because there aren’t any. It will inundate the tes:ng infrastructure up the coast. "In the same way, any increase in infec:ons in our region will strain our primary health services and any increase in hospitalisa:on will strain our already under-resourced local hospitals. "The NSW Government has con:nued to fail to provide clear and logical advice on when to be tested, what test to use and what to do following your result.

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



BBay boatramp report Eurobodalla Fishing & Boa(ng Network advise: Conducted two surveys at the local boatramps at Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Batemans Bay. Vol 48 27th 2018 More than 50% of vessels are towed by out of state vehicles. Punt Road boat ramp before and aTer Christmas was full and people had to prepare vessels in the road. The majority of vessels were jet ski. All disappointed no washdown facili:es. Clyde street boat ramp 80% full of vessels des:ned to fish up the river. Disappointed they could not wash their engines out aTer travelling in river - concerned that they may contaminate other estuaries. Hanging Rock was coping rather well with the increased volume and extra floa:ng pontoons. Parking working well except a number of cars without trailers taking up valuable space. All vessels using washdown ignored water restric:ons sta:ng "why water restric:ons when the dams are full?" Sign is too small at loca:on. When surveyed all boat owners had never used the local toilet (they have onboard facili:es) Not a single person had ever used an onsite BBQ or pick-nick facility at any NSW boat ramp. All respondents want more floa:ng pontoons if no beach adjacent and clear road marking showing prepara:on areas and washdown facili:es.

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

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Covid cases spike in the South East Southern NSW Local Health District advise: Daily updates will no longer include breakdown by town/suburb. One hundred and fiTy nine (159) new COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in Southern NSW today. Of the 159 new cases: Twelve (12) are in the Bega Valley LGA Seven (7) are in the Eurobodalla LGA Ten (10) are in the Goulburn Mulwaree LGA Seventy (70) are in the Queanbeyan Palerang LGA Twenty seven (27) are in the Snowy Monaro LGA Six (6) are in the Upper Lachlan LGA Twenty seven (27) are in the Yass Valley LGA

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



Pay it Forward with your Discovery Vouchers : for Vol 16 September 15th 2017 deserving families to visit the 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018 Mogo Wildlife Park Most of us have 3 unused NSW Discover Vouchers that might not, for one reason or another, be redeemed before they expire on 30th June 2022. If you do have Discover Vouchers that you feel won't be used here is a wonderful Christmas sugges:on The good folk at Mogo Wildlife Park invite you to "PAY-IT-FORWARD with your DISCOVER VOUCHERS" Mogo Wildlife Park is calling on the Eurobodalla community to rally together in the support of local groups suppor:ng foster families, our indigenous community and mental health this month. Locals are encouraged to ring a member of the Park team on 02 4474 4930, or visit the park, and present their valid remaining Service NSW Discover vouchers, so that it can then be redeemed and donated to three deserving local groups: Anglicare Moruya (caring for foster families) Mogo Aboriginal Preschool (caring for indigenous children and families) Rural Counsellor (suppor:ng mental health needs) Mogo Wildlife Park have also offered to Beagle readers the opportunity to let us know of deserving family you think might appreciate a 2-child entry voucher to Mogo Wildlife Park. To enter please email to Your nominated Family's surname, your contact number and 25 words or less why you believe the family should be given a 2-child entry voucher to Mogo Wildlife Park. Entries will be passed on to Mogo Wildlife Park and winners advised. The Mogo Wildlife Park say "A big thanks to everyone for geVng behind this new ini:a:ve for our Eurobodalla community. Ring us on 02 4474 4930 between 9am-4pm daily to offer a voucher or for further informa:on." "Our Discover Voucher redemp:on drive will run un:l January 6th, and then the vouchers will be distributed to the groups in late January to enjoy throughout 2022.. beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


community You must not drive a vessel when your blood alcohol concentra:on (BAC) is over the legal limit or if you’re under the influence of illegal drugs. Vol 16 September 15th 2017

28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27ththe 2018 Driving under influence of alcohol or any drug puts everyone on the water at risk.

It's recommended that passengers also stay under the legal limit. Studies show that passengers are just as likely as drivers to be involved in incidents – such as falling overboard – as a result of drinking alcohol. Passengers may also need to respond quickly in a collision, or if the vessel capsizes or is swamped. When you're on the water, alcohol can affect your coordina:on, judgement, vision, reac:on :me and balance more than when you're on land. Waves, mo:on, vibra:on, engine noise, weather, wind and spray can all mul:ply the effects of alcohol. If you end up in the water, you're more likely to drown if you've been drinking alcohol. It's very difficult for you to es:mate your own BAC, even if you know how many drinks you've had. Your size and weight, how :red you are, and varia:on in alcohol servings can all affect your BAC. The only way to be sure you're under the limit is to not drink alcohol at all. If you do intend to drink, it's recommended that you have a plan, such as a designated skipper to get you, your passengers and your vessel home. Random tes(ng Police regularly monitor NSW waterways. They can stop you for random breath tes:ng (RBT) and random drug tes:ng (RDT) when your vessel is underway, including when it is driTing. If you're over the legal limit, police can give you a court a<endance no:ce. If a court convicts you of an offence, your licence can be cancelled.

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



Batemans Bay LEGO Brick Show Jan 17 and 18 For the first :me ever, Playwell Events will be holding Vol 16 September 15th 2017 it's own Brick 28 April December 7th,Show 2017 at Batemans Bay Soldiers Volvery 48 27th 2018 club. They will have over 50 tables of custom built LEGO models on display. With themes ranging from Star Wars, Architecture & Ninjago to a huge City layout, there will be something for everyone. There will also be the ever popular play tables where the kids can get crea:ve and build themselves as well as opportuni:es to purchase LEGO sets & parts on the day from the Show's vendors Mon 17 Jan 2022 - Tue 18 Jan 2022 (UTC+11) Batemans Bay Soldiers Club 6 Beach Rd, Batemans Bay NSW 2536

Need a COVID-19 test in Moruya? The Gundary Oval clinic hours are: Friday 31 December 9.00am to 3.00pm Saturday 1 January CLOSED Sunday 2 January 8.00am to 4.00pm Opening hours from Monday 3 January: Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm Saturdays 8.00am to 3.00pm Sundays CLOSED

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beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


real estate

OUT NOW—your latest Beagle Abode : Eurobodalla’s leading real estate guide Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

The beagle abode is an online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide showcasing the current Eurobodalla market and our many realtors. The beagle abode is the new addi:on to the South Coast Beagle that owns The Beagle and the South Coast Travel Guide: The Nature Coast of NSW : from Durras to The Tilbas The Beagle Abode has been established to provide that service while also providing our readers with a glossy overview of latest proper:es on the market each week. You can find Beagle Abode on the Beagle website under REAL ESTATE The latest Beagle Abode lis:ngs are also available each week as a FlipBook on the website and also distributed to readers via our social media pages and our twice weekly mailouts. CLICK HERE: h<ps://

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


real estate South Coast Property Specialists (Carlene Franzen) Tips #1077:

Welcome to 2022 Well, 2021 was15th a “cracker” of a year in so many ways, both good Vol 16 September 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

and bad. I’m sure this time last year, all of us were somewhat hopeful that our leaders had the measure of the Corona Virus and things would start going back to “normal” and “freedoms” would abound. But, a pesky variant called Delta came along and that changed everything. With a bit of work we started to get that under control then another pesky variant called Omicron came along. As I write this edition of Franzen tips, NSW has just recorded 12,226 new cases (in one day) and it will be interesting to see what staggering number it will be when you read this (remembering that 25,000/day has been “forecast” as a potential number by the end of January by our Minister for Health). Indeed, one epidemiologist estimated that as many don’t want to stand in long testing queues there may already be 7 times the current number in the community (yikes). But, what does all this mean for the property market? As we have reported in recent Franzen Tips (to be found in The Beagle’s archives), all the banks and most analysts have predicted that house prices will continue to increase throughout most of 2022 and then come back a bit in 2023. Another BUT, those predictions were made before Omicron had even been given a name. And what about other possible/likely (?) variants which may be even more contagious and maybe even more deadly? The trouble is no one really knows. The forecasts have been made on the premise that we will learn to live with Covid and things will start to return to normal after the mass “let’s get out of the city and move to the regions” trend, that has driven the market over the last 18 months. And this may well be the case. Another but, what if variants that we haven’t even seen yet are even worse? The more people around the world with Covid does lend itself to yet another variant(s). So, once again, no one really knows. So, what should you do? Well, it is always wise to make decisions on known/current information and not to speculate too much on what might be. It is still very much a seller’s market and property prices are predicted by the banks and analysts to increase for most of 2022. So, it is both a great time to sell and still a great time to buy. As we close out 2021 and leap with all our might into 2022, there are several things we recommend. Be safe, be careful, be vigilant, be kind.

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


What’s on

All the known gigs to date: Dec 31st - 5051 at Club Tuross Dec 31st - Flock of Haircuts at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Dec 31st - Bonnie Kay and the Bonafides $20 at the Moruya Golf Club Dec 31st - Moruya Waterfront • 19-Twenty, Genevieve Chadwick and MORE! Dec 31st - Celebrate NYE at Club Catalina with Kimmi from Power FM

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

Jan 1st - The Pearlerz – Club Narooma (5.30pm) Jan 1st - Dave Berry @ Club Catalina Jan 2nd - Solo West at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Jan 2nd - Jacii Leigh @ Club Catalina Jan 3rd - Solo West at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Jan 3rd - Joe Quennell – Club Narooma (5.30pm) Jan 3rd - Mick on Wheels @ Club Catalina Jan 4th - Simpson and Samson at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Jan 4th - Rick Bamford – Club Narooma (5.30pm) Jan 4th - Jeff Hill @ Club Catalina

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


What’s on –coming up

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


What’s on—cinema

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


Reading—A beer with Baz From the front bar window, Bazza wondered at the wedge-tailed eagle soaring into the summer blueness, just as Mick entered the pub. Mick’s Hawaiian shirt, loud board shorts, sunglasses and a zinc painted face wrapped in a map of2017 Australia mask had the front bar doing a double take. Vol 16 September 15th 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018 The bar a<endant laughed and brought him over a complimentary colourful cocktail with a :ny umbrella. “Everyone has been asking where you have been hiding, Mick. What’s with the clobber?” “Holiday :me, Bazza. You’re bloody lucky I made it. I only just managed to sneak out. I’ve got an invasion of family from interstate for Christmas and thought I be<er disappear before there is a blue.” They both took long sips. “Its bedlam at home, Bazza. The son in law, from Queensland, has put a QR code on their bedroom door. He spent the morning refereeing a game of touch football in the backyard by calling ‘tackle’ every :me the cousin from Victoria came within 1.5 metres of the ball carrier. It’s a bloody nightmare. They even drew up a roster for ea:ng :mes for Christmas lunch, in line with respec:ve state of origin.” “You need to set a few ground rules if they are all staying at your place, Mick. I mean, you can’t all live in the same place with different rules.” “Not much chance of that, Bazza. The family from Western Australia ordered a heap of palings from Bunnings and spent their first day raising the height of the fences with the neighbours by three metres. They’re wearing double face masks and have decided to sleep in tents in the far corner of the yard. They even brought their own food from Perth.” Mick pa<ed down his Hawaiian shirt and gave the :ny umbrella a twirl. “The way I see it, Bazza, the kids are all going to jack up, and there will be a blue, and the rules will be broken as the cousins like to hang out with each other. That’s the reason I’ve sneaked out for a drink. I’ve just got to be careful I don’t get caught out.” ‘Not that I want to interfere, Mick, but shouldn’t you be at home sor:ng things out before it all gets out of hand? Mate……..I’ll even go so far as to say a bit of leadership is needed, so that everyone can enjoy the holidays.” “Easy, Bazza, I’ve spent a good chunk of their inheritance during this pandemic, bringing them all together for Christmas. They all think I’m a good bloke. I reckon, as long as they have some sun screen on, they should be right. Anyhow, it will all run to script.” Mick checked his watch and Bazza furrowed his brow. “By about now, the kids will have jacked up at the rules, and will be wrestling and playing with one another in the backyard. On cue, some adult will spoil all the fun, and put the hose on to separate them.” Mick leaned back, pa<ed his Hawaiian shirt again, adjusted his sunglasses and took a long sip of his cocktail. “I’m going to make sure I’m not holding the hose, mate.” Bazza and Mick wish you a happy 2022 at beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


Reading—history 100 Years Ago—31st December 1921 ILLNESS. – Mr. George Turner or “Lynnwood,” Moruya, whose life was despaired of a few days ago has, we are pleased to state, taken a turn for the be<er. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 THE – Mr. R. W. Hilliers, proprietor of the Shamrock Café, Vulcan Street, Moruya, has been 28“SHAMROCK.” December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

appointed sole agent for Messrs. Atcherley & Dawson, tea, coffee and cocoa merchants, Sydney. Mr. Hilliers has spent a considerable :me in Ceylon and China and knows the value of good tea. He conveys to his clients his warmest thanks for their support and goodwill and assures them of his best effort to maintain that cordial rela:onship in the year that is to come. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH. – The parishioners of St. John’s Church, under the organiza:on of Miss Ilma Walter, took advantage of the Christmas Fes:val to show their apprecia:on of their three honorary organists – Mesdames Preddy, Gregg and Sanders. … Mr. Dawson asked each to accept a pair of handsome silver vases, inscribed, as a li<le outward expression of their gra:tude. Mr. de Saxe also spoke, and aTer the ladies responded the mee:ng concluded with the Doxology. RAINFALL. – Since our last issue Moruya has been blessed with boun:ful rains; … 513 points for the month [181 mm]. MEMORIAL SERVICE. - …for the late Mrs. Mary Ann Mason was held at the Methodist Church, December 11th. Mrs. Mason, nee Sisley, was born in Sussex in the year 1842. Her father, a man of sterling character, died whilst she was quite young. She emigrated to Australia with her mother and brother Jacob in the year 1855. On reaching these shores Mrs. Sisley and her two children at once went to Yarragee, where Mr. Jacob Luck (brother of Mrs. Sisley) was already residing. ATer a short stay there a removal was made to Kiora. Soon aTer Jacob Sisley was called to the Great Beyond. Mother and daughter … came to Moruya when the daughter was 22. At the age of 28 she married Mr. Giles Mason, who pre-deceased her by eight or nine years. AMUSU THEATRE. – Realising the necessity of a larger Hall in our town, Mr. A. H. Preddy, one of Moruya’s most enterprising and energe:c ci:zens, purchased an allotment of land opposite Kea:ng’s Hotel in Vulcan Street, and erected thereon a fine capacious building alongside his motor garage. The Hall, which is en:tled “Amusu” Theatre, is composed of hardwood and fibrocement, its dimensions being 117x35 T., with a 35x12 supper-room a<ached. ADVERTISMENT. – BIG DAY’S SPORTS AT MOGO On New Year’s Day. LOCAL WOODCHOP, SHEFFIELD HANDICAP AND OTHER EVENTS. You will be glad you happened along! Ball at Night! A. J. ANNETTS, Hon. Sec. Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc. h ps://

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



Broulee Runners December 29th 2021 The last run for 2021 was special as we were able to a<ract Vol 16 September 15ththe 2017 larger numbers for first :me since the end of June when 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018 were plunged into isola:on. Of the 56 runners, we had lots of visitors from other parts of NSW, Victoria, and the ACT. We welcomed the McFarland family consis:ng of Angus, Hannah, and Sophie. Franke and Sco< Lang from Melbourne, Aliza Levy, Jake and Gen Trevaskis, Finn Baxter, Anna and Kate Crisp, Lachlan and Stewart Hindmarsh and George and Penny Page. In the 2-kilometres personal best :me were recorded by Anna, Mollie, and Nellie Johnson. In the 5kilometres PBs were recorded by Eli Sleeman. Rosie McPartland, Zara Menzies-Stegbauer and Jason Hawkins.

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021



Tackle World Fishing Report December 31st 2021 Moruya River. Vol 16 September 15tharrived!! 2017 Summer has finally With plenty of people in town, the place is 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018 alive with holiday makers. The lack of the wet stuff from the heavens is seeing the fishing condi:on vastly improve in the river. Whilst the majority of the ac:on is s:ll located in the lower sec:ons of the river, the fish are star:ng to make their way back into the usual spots. The flats under the town bridge are star:ng to see more bream and the odd whi:ng, with the flathead also making an appearance. Baits and lures are all working here. The spur wall in front of the campsite at the airport is seeing a few nice flathead, as are the flats in front of the airport. There are a few more bream and the occasional whi:ng being seen here with the cleaner influx of ocean water coming in on the rising :de. Further upstream in the fresh the Duea river is once again running clean and clear, allowing for be<er access to the local bass popula:on. The warmer days are star:ng to see more cicada ac:vity, leading to be<er surface bite ac:vity. Frogs, poppers and cicada imita:ons are my favourite way to chase bass! It’s all about the surface bite!! Tuross River. The flathead are maintaining their place on the leaderboard for most prevalent species caught in Tuross this week. All techniques are working on the flathead at the moment. As the waters con:nue to clear up, the sec:ons around four ways and above are also star:ng to improve considerably. Bream in the racks and snags that line the system banks are becoming a be<er op:on also for the lure brigade. As for the Duea River, the upper sec:ons of the Tuross river are again running clean and clear, offering a be<er than average chance of finding some sweet water bass. Give the surface lures a go in the morning and in the aTernoons, and deeper diving op:ons of hardbody lures , spinnerbaits or soT plas:cs fished deep during the warmer parts of the day. Rock and Beach. Salmon and Tailor are s:ll available on all the local beaches where the sea weed isn’t an issue. There are also reports of a few nice bream and whi:ng coming from the gu<ers in close on pipis and worms. Nippers are also a good op:on for when the pipis and worms are hard to find. Moruya breakwall is seeing a fair bit of angling pressure, as it always does this :me of year, with salmon, bream, trevally, flathead and Luderick all coming to the stones. Offshore. The snapper and flathead are the main stays for the offshore guys at the moment, whilst further out wide there are reports of some nice Marlin star:ng to turn up. For those interested, here are the co-ordinates of the new ar:ficial reef deployed by fisheries last week. S 35deg 53.122 E 150deg 12.211 At a depth of 40m Remember that the reef won’t be a viable op:on for a good few months whilst the required marine growth establishes itself. The older it gets, the be<er it will be. Pa:ents being the key for this structure. The water temperature is star:ng to come up quickly as the very warm currents push down from up north. Reports are that is is above 21deg at the moment. Well I guess that is 2021 done and dusted, for be<er or worse, it has been an interes:ng year. I know that it has interjected plenty of obstacles for us all to over come, which we have! We at Tackle World Moruya would like to extend a huge THANK YOU for all who have supported us this year, and we look forward to seeing you all next year, what ever comes our way… Stay safe everyone and remember, “every days a good day for fishing…” Team Tackle World Moruya.

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018 50 April May 11th

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Air Conditioning



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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Builders

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Carpet Cleaners

Computers/ IT

beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Concretors

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018





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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Garden Landscaping

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

Home Maintenance



Mowing and Gardening

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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Painters

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Pest Control



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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Solar Electrical

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018


TV Antenna


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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Vets

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

Waste Management

Late entries

The Beagle Trades and Business Directory provides local Trades and Businesses a free lis:ng in a hope that they might gain work from it, and con:nue to provide employment and economic benefit to their families and our communi:es. Adver:sing is usually outside the affordability of many smaller businesses and sole traders. The Beagle supports locals. These lis:ngs are FREE. If you are a local business and would like to be listed please contact us as we oTen turn over these lis:ngs to give everyone a fair go. Email Trades and Businesses can also list themselves on the Beagle Trades and Business Group in Facebook at h<ps:// beagle weekly : Vol 240 December 31st 2021


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