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Arts ……………………. 27,28 Cinema ……………….. 20,21 Community ………………4 to
Aug 27th - Chris & Mick McGrath at Tukka Cafe Moruya from 1pm Aug 27th - Live in the Lounge Rockabilly at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Aug 27th - Ricky Bloomfield at Tomakin Social Club Aug 27th - Country Pumpkins – Moruya Markets (10am) Aug 27th - Richard Lawson – Tuross Club (6.30pm) Aug 28th - Craig Morrison at Tukka Cafe Moruya from 1- 4pm Sep 2nd - Live in the Lounge Simpson and Sampson at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Sep 3rd - Live in the Lounge Simpson and Sampson at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Sep 3rd - HD DUO Michael Duke, saxophone & David Howie, piano—Exci ng new music for Saxophone and Piano. 2:30 pm Saturday September 3 St Paul’s Anglican Church, Narooma Sep 3rd - Intensity – Tuross Club (6.30pm) Sep 9th - Live in the Lounge Mark Dabin at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Sep 10th - Live in the Lounge Mark Dabin at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Sept 10th - The Spindri Saga are coming back to Smokey Dan’s joined by The Scaramouche from the far south coast, Moon Dogs from the central coast and locals Don John & the John Dons
Montague Visi ng Ar sts - HD DUO - Sat Sep 3
Coming up on Saturday, September 3 is something a li le different. Pianist David Howie and Saxophonist Michael Duke have been playing together as the HD Duo since 2008. In that me, they have commissioned many new works from Australian and interna onal composers. They have toured Australia many mes as well as performing together in Thailand, USA, England, Scotland, Mexico, France and New Caledonia. In Narooma, they will be playing an a rac ve program of works by Ma hew Hindson, Katy Abbo , Lyle Chan, Brenton Broadstock, Ari Antoniades and Ma hew Orlovich. You can read more about the HD Duo here h ps:// michael-duke.com/hd-duo and listen to a sample here h ps://youtu.be/4Vq8KUmohu0
Elizabeth Sellars - Violin, Molly Kadarauch - Cello, and guest performer Tomoe Kawabata - Piano “Making Angels” 2pm Sunday 28 August St Bernard’s Church Batehaven Composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Maurice Ravel wrote some of the best-known pieces of classical music played today. Mozart sits on top of Spo fy’s most downloaded classical music list, and Ravel is amongst Spo fy’s Top 50 composers. Although downloading music makes it accessible, live performance is best. Luckily for local music lovers, the South Coast Music Society is bringing the Melbourne based Sutherland Trio to St Bernard’s at Batehaven on Sunday 28 August for one live performance. It will feature Mozart’s Piano Trio in C Major, Ravel’s muchloved Piano Trio and a piece called ‘Making Angels’ by Australia composer Katy Abbot Formed in 2010 to honour the trailblazing Australian composer, teacher and pioneer Margaret Sutherland, the Sutherland Trio’ combine great chamber music works with significant direc ons in composi on worldwide and highlight a female composer in each concert. This program does exactly that, with music from 18th century Vienna, 20th Century France, and 21st century Australia. These pieces have been described by reviewers as ‘flamboyant’, ‘drama c’ and ‘soaring towards freedom and light’. Performances by The Sutherland Trio have been described in Limelight Magazine as ‘beau ful and u erly cap va ng’. This descrip on also fits the experience live performance in St Bernard’s Church. St Bernard’s provides a wonderful venue with magnificent acous cs and expansive views across Batemans Bay. Audience members can sit close enough to the musicians to really see them as they play – an experience that can’t be had in larger or more formal concert halls. Great music, masterful performers and a beau ful venue make this a concert not to be missed. The Sutherland Trio ‘Making Angels’ is presented by the South Coast Music Society in associa on with Musica Viva. Tickets cost $40 for non-members and $35 for members and can be purchased from www.southcoastmusicsociety.com or at the door For more informa on email southcoastmusicsociety@gmail.com
The sister duo Mabel and Ivy Windred-Wornes are gracing us with their lullaby tunes at the Windsong Pavilion, Barragga Bay (Bermagui) in September. “Wonderful Oblivion is a moving work, dressing up the shared experiences of the everyday with music that tugs at the heart and s rs the imagina on.” -The Australian DATE Friday 30 September 2022 7.00pm Doors open @ 6.30pm LOCATION Four Winds Windsong Pavilion Barragga Bay (Bermagui) PRICE General Admission $39 Concession $35 16 years & under FREE BOOK VIA Fourwinds.com.au Image Credit: Kristoffer Paulsen / Anna Cordell Clothing
Gadfly 247 By Robert Macklin Democracy is a delicate flower. Yet it has survived these many years of firestorms and cataclysms in a rough and tumble world. Then along comes an oafish Head Gardener who secretly plots to take control of those flower beds tended by the specialists he had chosen to minister to them, despite their being formally appointed by the Lord of the Manor, answerable only to the Queen. Democracy is imperiled. This is not a perfect analogy, but it does focus our attention on the Governor-General’s decision to accede to the then Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s demands. Two questions arise: Why did David Hurley, a knight of the Order of St John, agree to Morrison’s unprecedented demand for control over no fewer than five ministries? And why did neither Morrison nor the good knight not tell the Queen, the voters, or four of the five ministers of their actions? We will never know exactly why Morrison kept it secret since he appears unable to separate truth from blather. But Hurley is made from sterner stuff. Son of a Port Kembla steelworker, he went to the local high school and thence to the Royal Military College, Duntroon. He graduated BA and secured a Diploma of Defence Studies. There followed a highly distinguished 40-year military career, before being chosen as Governor of New South Wales in 2014. Five years later and two months after his ‘miracle’ election, Morrison as Prime Minister selected him as Governor -General. It was a big step up the national totem pole and - unlike some of his predecessors - Hurley kept a very discrete public profile. He carried out his duties with grace and dignity. But was that all that could be expected from the Queen’s representative in these days of constitutional debate and discussion? An earlier G-G, Sir Paul Hasluck, a knight of the Order of St Michael and St George (and later the Garter), ruminated on this issue. In 1972, he said, the Governor-General’s ‘dominant role is as one who uses his influence to ensure that there is care and deliberation, a close regard both for the requirements of the law and the conventions of the Constitution and for the continuing interests of the whole nation…the Governor-General’s influence would disappear altogether if he were thought of as one who would do as he was told without asking questions why.’ In essence, he was saying that it all depended on the personality, background and character of the G-G. This is unsurprising since Hasluck was first journalist, then academic and from 1951 a senior Minister in the Menzies and Holt governments until 1969. He knew all there was to know about the vagaries of political practice. Hurley by contrast had led a working life bounded by the soldier’s chain of command; and at its peak was the Prime Minister upon whose advice he was now required to act. As it happened, I was thrown together with him recently in a controversial military Case Study I was undertaking; and I can happily attest to his strong sense of duty, honour and patriotism. His perception of his office – politically at least - was to ‘not make waves’. This flowed very naturally through all his working life. And who knew that better than the then PM? It would be unconscionable if Morrison’s oafish duplicity were to lead to David Hurley’s term of office being cut short. He, more than anyone, would now know the delicacy of the democratic flower he is protecting in the venerable estate of Yarralumla. And no one would be more concerned than he to defend it from harm. robert@robertmacklin.com
Reading—A beer with Baz Bella, the publican, twirled Mick’s senior discount card through her finger and shook her head. Mick rifled through his pockets for shopping vouchers, turned them over, and laid them out in front of the two schooners. “Not a chance, Mick. Try your luck at the barber…… if you want a discount.” A very grim Alan Kohler presen ng the ABC Finance Report on the television had Mick scowling, as he let the two schooners guide him to the bar table. Bazza unfolded his arms, nodded at Mick and took a long sip. “Prices are through the roof, Bazza. Now…..I’m not blaming Albo….…yet….but infla on is out of control. It’s way beyond just iceberg le uces……..I mean people are even bringing their own avocados to smash on to their toast when dining out for breakfast.” Mick sucked in a breath and lowered his voice. “I’ve had to introduce a number of measures at home, Bazza…..to cut down on costs.” He leaned in. “First up, the electricity bill. I’ve researched the power usage of all the electrical appliances and lined up usage, in accordance with the sunlight projec ons, on a daily basis. I’ve installed an alarm system with different sounds as reminders to turn on the dishwasher, washing machine and the dryer. For example, the most efficient me to boil the ke le for a cup of tea was at 11.57am yesterday. I’m having a bit of trouble training up the household to the new regime. There is an app I can check to measure consump on if I am out, but I do seem to be spending a lot of me ringing home to lay down the rules.” Mick flipped open his iPad and ran Bazza through a range of spreadsheets with various colour codings. He then overlaid the presenta on with hourly weather predic ons over the next seven days. There were green bars and bright red bars and an alarm sounded intermi ently. Bazza shook his head and took a very long sip. “Next up, grocery shopping, Bazza. I now take a step ladder to the supermarket these days, to buy the products higher up. They are always cheaper. I am also travelling to Canberra to buy products in bulk once a fortnight and am ren ng the neighbour’s spare shed to store toilet rolls, washing powder and enough muesli to get us through to Christmas. On top of that, I have purchased a giant freezer to store meats when they are on special. I reckon I am saving a fortune.” Mick paused for a drink and Bazza half grinned. “You are right on top of all this cost cu ng, Mick. You should take note that the cheapest fuel is fi y kilometres south of here.” Mick ghtened his eyes and he had both elbows on the table. “That’s called a false economy, Bazza. You need to think these things through.” An extended pause. “Right then, Mick….. I am following your logic. If you included your hourly rate how much has all this economising cost you?” “A bloody fortune, Bazza. A bloody fortune to get it right.” Have a beer with Bazza at john.longhurst59@gmail.com
MR. Richard (“Dick”) Whi aker, of Gundary, Moruya, N.S.W., has been appointed a Magistrate of the Territory. LAST week the s.s. Eden took on board at Bermagui 147 pigs – a record shipment for the last two years. MORUYA has gone gay – sports, balls, euchre par es, ska ng carnivals, jazz par es, tennis tournaments and golfing. COMMENCING from 1st January next, a fee of two guineas per quarter (payable in advance) will be charged to pupils a ending High School. BODALLA flats have suffered very considerably by reason of the recent heavy rains and the overflow of the Tuross River. …
Scores of acres of the rich flats were s ll under water, and many more from which the water had receded were covered with a brown silt.
Asked if the drains opened by the Estate Managers Messrs. Evans and Grierson had filled up and contributed to the inunda on, Mr. P. Lennard, who was reared on the Estate and who usually takes an intelligent grip of such subjects, expressed the opinion that even had the drains only been opened up, that would not have prevented the flooded state of the flats.
The cause was, said Mr. Lennard, that year a er year the Tuross River had been filling up owing to the growth of trees and the accumula on of debris, including sand, brought down by every li le freshet, un l now the old course of the River has become so blocked that an unusual rush of water cannot escape and is forced over the banks. THE ladies’ mee ng convened for the purposes of making arrangements for the Annual Hospital Ball was held on Wednesday a ernoon, there being a record a endance. … The President (Mr. Flood) said that he had been connected with the Hospital for 14 years and never before had he had the pleasure of presiding over such a large mee ng. It was decided to hold a plain and fancy dress ball at the Amusu Theatre on Tuesday 17th October. Those authorised to collect refreshments and monetary dona ons were: Mesdames Quilter and Kea ng, lower town; Mesdames Sanders and E. Hawdon, upper town; Mrs. Flood and Matron Constable, Gundary; Miss Luck, Yarragee and Kiora; Miss P. Colle , Mungerarie; Mrs. Carter, Dwyer’s Creek; Mesdames Anderson and Carter, Mantle and Summer Hills; Mrs. Milne, Mullenderree; Mrs. Preddy, Mynora and the Heads; Miss Bown, Bergalia; Miss Flynn, Deua River. … DRIVEN by Mr. Ber e Chewying in his Overland car, a party visited Broulee Island on Thursday and all speak in glowing terms of the beauty of this coming tourist resort and of the hospitality shown them by Messrs. Kosenen and Norman.
MYSTERY BAY TRUE CRIME— AUTHOR TALKS 'DRUG GRANNIES' Mystery Bay author Sandi Logan will begin his south coast author's tour at the Bega Library in September, followed by Batemans Bay and then Narooma Libraries, 'spilling the beans' on the inside story of the two most unlikely drugrunning grannies in Australian history. Logan's book -- BETRAYED (Hache e) -- was released in June and has a racted widespread acclaim from readers and journalists alike for his extensive research and storytelling, based on the author's exclusive access to the prisoners Vera 'Toddie' Hays and Florice 'Beezie' Bessire whose diaries, le ers and photos he features in his first book. The feedback has included comments such as: "one of the best books I've read", "fantas c", "what an incredible true story", "a could-not-put-down-' ll-finished-book", "fabulous", "such a good read", "so well told", "I don't want to put it down", "a rive ng but immensely sad tale" and "I can't believe the poli cs of it all". Bega Library will host an author's talk on 16 September at 11 .30am and bookings are expected to fill up quickly as the key demographic which was closely a uned to the American women's case which involved the importa on of almost two tonnes of hashish secreted in the base of an 8m Mercedes-Benz campervan makes up over 30% of the shire's popula on. "About a third of the Bega community of 35,000 residents were either just entering their teens or well into 20s at the me the Drug Grannies, as they were dubbed by the media, were busted and then jailed," said Logan, a 10-year Mystery Bay resident who splits his me wri ng on the coast and playing ice hockey based in Canberra. "In Eurobodalla, it's almost half of the 40,000 residents who will well remember this story as they're now at that age - 50 to 75-years-old, and older -- when they were teens or well into their 20s and 30s when this story broke. "Many people will know a li le about this story from the extensive news repor ng it a racted in the late 70s, and for those people who weren't around then, the enormous size of the drugs shipment, the lengthy jail sentence and the various well-known iden es involved tell an incredible historical tale of drugs, crime and corrup on," Logan added. Author talks at Batemans Bay Library on 4 October, and then at Narooma Library on 5 October will complete the tour. "The NSW south coast has a vibrant and eclec c arts and cultural community, with many live performance spaces and fes vals, inspiring mentoring hubs, plenty of experienced performers, ar sts and writers with whom to share ideas, and really suppor ve local communi es all the way from Eden up north to Batemans Bay," Logan said. "As a local, I owe it to the Bega Valley and Eurobodalla Shire communi es to share an author's perspec ve with them about how I came across this story in 1977, became heavily invested in the women's lives and their fate, and then fought for the women's freedom in order to see them released and returned to their home in the USA," he added. The author will share exclusive photos and documents with a endees at his talks, as well as take ques ons at each session. Candelo Books will be on hand to sell copies of BETRAYED in Bega, and the author will