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autograph books either purchased at the event or which a endees bring with them to be signed. Bookings -- the talks are free -- are strongly recommended for all three events. Bega Library 16 Sept at 11.30am h ps://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/author-talk-with-sandi-loganbetrayed-the-incredible-untold-inside-story- ckets-403313350087? aff=ebdsoporgprofile Batemans Bay Library 4 Oct at 5.30pm h ps://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/author-talk-with-sandi-logan-batemans-bay- ckets-371911937617 Narooma Library 5 Oct at 5.30pm h ps://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/author-talk-with-sandi-logan-narooma- ckets-371914916527

Below: Another beau ful Moruya Books Meet the Author event at Mogendoura Farm filled with laughs, smiles and food. Sulari Gen l was in conversa on with local luminary Julie Janson to talk all things murder and mystery. And the food was YUM!


Cheryl Davison @piajohnsonphotography Four Winds | Meet the team : Cheryl Davison

MEET THE TEAM // Our Aboriginal Crea ve Producer Cheryl Davison is a leading Aboriginal ar st and recognized storyteller on the far South Coast NSW. Cheryl’s works capture a number of important South Coast crea on narra ves that have come from family, Elders and community. Cheryl's work has been instrumental in educa ng and engaging people from all walks of life. Through her studies and life experiences she has acquired the technical, crea ve and interpersonal skills required to coordinate the delivery of Aboriginal content into many different contexts.

Cheryl’s artwork has been acquired by the Na onal Gallery of Australia, the Art Gallery of NSW and most recently the Na onal Museum of Australia. Cheryl is Four Winds Aboriginal Crea ve Producer and the founder of Four Winds Aboriginal Djinama Yilaga Choir. With song-writer Dr Lou Bennet AM, Cheryl has been working with the Choir composing songs in Dhurga language telling important Yuin stories. Djinama Yilaga is now in demand for performances all around NSW.

Explore the River of Arts interac ve map

River of Art have a great search tool for you! Explore their interac ve map, search by ar st, dates or town to plan your fes val journey. Head over to their website to play!


This week the final two rounds of the Championship were played. Congratula ons to all the ladies who par cipated and to the fabulous results that were posted. The weather was great for the final two days and the course was in excellent condi on. Monday, 22nd August 21 entrants competed in the Woman’s Championships round 3 event. Two divisions:

Div 1 0-22; Div 2 23-45 Sylvia Donohoe was division one winner with a ne score of 68 off handicap of 5. Moira Richards was division two winner with a ne score of 67 off handicap of 39. Balls to 72. Nearest to pin Hole 3, Div 3. Margaret Brown Hole. 14, Div 1. Jayne Hotchkis Hole. 17, Div 2. Janice Eardley Also on Monday, 6 ladies competed in the stableford event. The winner was Julie Whyte who had a blinder and posted a score of 39 off handicap of 31 Balls to 27. Round 4 and final round of the Woman’s Championship was played on Wednesday 24th August with 19 entrants. Heather McMillan was the winner with a great score of 71 ne off handicap of 30. Moira Richards once again played a great game and posted a score of 72 C/B. Balls to 74 C/B went to Julie Melville, Jayne Hotchkis, Margaret Brown and Chris Fader. Nearest to pin Hole 3, Div 2 Mary Young Hole 9, Div 3 Margaret Brown Hole 17, Div 1 Jayne Hotchkis 7 ladies played in the stableford event with Julie Whyte playing another great round and posted a score of 38 off her handicap of 30. Balls to 35. Congratula ons to our champions, Sylvia Donohoe gross winner with a fabulous gross score of 314 and to Moira Richards who played four great rounds and posted a ne score of 274.

Winner, Sylvia Donohoe, Leone Whelan, Life Member at Narooma, Jenny Walker, Ladies President.

Le : Dorelle Monteith, Jenny Wu keHayes, Sylvia Donohoe, Leone Whelan, Jenny Walker.

sports Broulee Runners Wed 24th August 2022

Today had one of the coldest mornings of the year followed by one of the nicest days of the winter. The snow stayed in the higher ground! We had 15 actual starters and 8 virtual runners. Two of the virtual runners were the Lambert’s with outstanding results from Mudgee running fes val. Michael’s half marathon’s me of 1 hour 55 minutes got him a bronze medal in his age group. Bernie ran the 10 kilometres in 61 minutes and came 6th in her age group. In the 2-Kilometres Emily Tugwell improved her previous best by 19 seconds. In the 3-kilometres Julianne Domeny improved her best me by 36 seconds.

It was good to see Barry King come and tryout the new course. Previously he had 8 runs over the former 5-kilometre course with a PB of 21.25.

Right: The group before the start.

Feel good with free fitness sessions at Batehaven and Narooma

A fitness program that has helped 50 Eurobodalla residents shed more than 200 kilograms between them will be extended un l next March.The Eurobodalla Shire Council has welcomed funding to con nue the Live Life Get Ac ve program at Batehaven and Narooma. Par cipants can a end fitness camps for free at Corrigans Cove and the Narooma foreshore un l 10 March 2023. Council’s recrea on coordinator Tina Smith said the program was funded in 2021 by a bushfire resilience grant and has been extended for a further six months. “The benefits have reached beyond people impacted by the bushfires and Council is pleased to con nue to offer the program,” Ms Smith said. Ms Smith said the camps have been a blast with people feeling comfortable and supported in a group outdoor se ng. The sessions include boxing, yoga or cross-training and are suitable for all ages and abili es. Over 300 people are registered par cipants. Ms Smith said mentorship from the local trainers has helped more than 50 regular camp par cipants loose 218kg collec vely. “The program has been a great success in both loca ons, with all par cipants repor ng an increase in both physical, mental and social good health,” Ms Smith said. “It has been a great way for people to connect and share the success of their health and wellbeing goals.” Olympian Jane Flemming ini ated the program which runs in more than 100 communi es across NSW. To sign up, visit the Live Life Get Ac ve website to complete a ques onnaire.

sports Batemans Bay Mountain Bike Club launches

In a major step towards the development of mountain biking in the area, the Batemans Bay MTB rider community last night voted to establish the Batemans Bay MTB Club. Around 40 interested riders met at the Broulee Brewhouse to vote overwhelmingly in favour of forming a club with the objec ves of suppor ng and advoca ng for the local trail network, hos ng racing events and developing the sport of MTB riding in the local community. The inaugural members appointed a commi ee and agreed to pursue affilia on of the new local club with AusCycling, the peak body for all cycling disciplines in Australia. This will provide members with addi onal benefits available such as sport development, racing opportuni es and insurance cover. Batemans Bay Cycles and Moruya Bicycles have pledged support for the new club and its members, and the club’s funds were kickstarted by a generous dona on from one of the inaugural members. New club President Jamie Clout said “The BBMTB Club is a great opportunity to develop the sport in our local area, in partnership with other clubs on the south coast and southern NSW, as well as grow the sport in the broader local community. The club is fortunate to have so many enthusias c members with a passion for riding and the experience to create a really vibrant club that is a feature of the local sport and social scene.” As well as races, the club is planning social rides to bring riders of all ages and levels together to develop their skills to make the most of the local trail network.

Before the mee ng got down to the business of forming a club, the Eurobodalla Shire Council gave an update on progress on the Mogo Adventure Trails, which will deliver around 150km of mountain bike trails between Batemans Bay and Mount Wandera, just north of Moruya. The trails will be world class and provide a major new a rac on to tourism in the area, as well as provide an amazing recrea onal asset for the local off road riding community. Membership of the Batemans Bay MTB Club will be open through the AusCycling website once affilia on is complete, most likely later in 2022. In the mean me the club can be contacted via ridebatemansbaymtb.gmail.com President and Secretary - Jamie Clout Vice President - Mark Walker Treasurer - Yma Carnall Commi ee members - Andrew Hearne, Iain Oliver, Geoff Henderson and Steve Wright Batemans Bay MTB Riders already has a Facebook page that welcomes new members to join and keep up to date in discussions and events h ps://www.facebook.com/groups/451045276182285

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