beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 1 Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine. Your Beagle Weekly Index Arts ……………………. 33 to 38 Cinema ……………….. 29 Community ………………3 to 22 Reading ……………………..30 to 32 No ces………………………… 36 Sport and Fishing………. 39 to 43 Editorial …………………..2, What’s On …………….... 23 to 28 FIND ALL YOUR DAILY NEWS @ Vol 276 September 9th 2022
A venture into the dance contest grounds is a venture back in me.
In hindsight I should have bought one of those T-Shirts. If I had I would wear it today to proudly declare, ‘Mi lukim Missus Kwin’. Un l next—lei
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 2
I remember the news at the me of the Queen’s first visit to the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. In 1974 the country was s ll coming of age. In the main towns there was industry, educa on, health and hopes for a modern future while in the more remote corners were villages just one genera on removed from having never encountered the West. Arse-grass, penis gourds, pig grease raincoats, possum capes and wild bird plumage. I a ended the Mount Hagen Show in late 1974. The Mt Hagen Cultural Show is one of the largest annual cultural events held in Papua New Guinea that showcases the incredible diversity of dance, costumery and custom of the na on.
Today, sadly, the Queen of Papua New Guinea is gone. She was their Queen. One they chose, and one they loved.
editorial Welcome to this week’s editorial, In February 1974 I stood, with the rest of my school, on the edge of Boroko Drive in Port Moresby and waved as the Queen, Prince Philip, Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips drove by. The Royal detour was an odd one in that it le the highway and meandered through the back streets. Thinking about the route today it was an inten onal detour to take in five schools which pre y much guaranteed an avenue of children waving and Therecheering.was a buzz around the town that the Queen was visi ng and I hadn’t seen Moresby so clean in decades. Betal nut stains were washed off buildings, garbage was picked up, streets were swept clean and the place looked spick and span. Following the drive-by the Queen a ended her appointments ahead of the next day that saw her a end a welcome sing-sing at Herbert Murray Oval. It was a grand affair and the stadium was packed. I was there with the school and my father was there with his hot-dog cart. Also making a ‘killing’ were the Jepperson’s selling ‘Mi lukim Missus Kwin’ (I saw the Queen) tshirts. What you may not know, and few do, is that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II became Queen of Papua New Guinea and the Head of State when PNG gained Independence and joined the Commonwealth of na ons.
Photo from Royal website.
The Queen’s 1974 visit wasn’t just a box cking exercise. She was there to meet Chief Minister, Michael Somare and discuss Papua New Guinea's likelihood of joining the Commonwealth a er independence. Her visit was a Royal one with a Royal entourage, looking to measure the country, its future and how the Royal family might fit in.
It was evident from her visit that she was genuinely respected by the people of PNG. So much so that in all her du es rela ng to Papua New Guinea, she speaks and acts as its Queen, and not as Queen of the United Kingdom. Unlike Australia, the Queen was recognised as Queen of PNG because the PNG people actually invited her to become their head of state. There is li le doubt that King Charles the Third will be declared, by default, King of PNG.
Above: King Charles III, pikinini bilong Misses Kwin in PNG during the Queen's diamond jubilee of 2012
To be surrounded by fully armed, highly decorated, warriors running mock ba le charges and threat dancing is an experience you never forget. The s fling humidity, the overwhelming smell of bodies smeared with pig grease and the sounds of full voice ba le song with a pulse of kundu drum that reverberates through your body is a memory that never leaves you. But within those memories of that sing-sing I remember seeing one of Bernie Jepperson’s t-shirts on a happy Chimbu toddler that read ‘Mi lukim Missus Kwin’
Dr Holland told The Beagle "This morning I was privileged to a end the welcome to Country, smoking ceremony and cultural burning on the site of the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital. This was a day to acknowledge the tradi onal owners of the land on which the new hospital will be built. It was a day which signified recogni on and reconcilia on between our cultures."
The Eurobodalla cultural burn was performed ahead of work commencing on site later this year, by a team led by local Aboriginal cultural burn prac oner Andrew White, from the Batemans Bay Local Aboriginal Land Council who has been conduc ng cultural burns in the Eurobodalla and surrounding region for more than 10
Aboriginal people managed the land through cultural burning - it was one of our farming and land management prac ces to care for Country and will help to restore the land to create a healthy founda on from which the new hospital can grow,” Uncle Bunja said.
“Cleansing the land is an integral part of our connec on with Country to restore and rejuvenate the land spiritually, and today’s ceremony signifies that this hospital will be a healthy and safe place where the whole community can come to be healed.”
A ceremonial land cleansing was held today on the site of the new $260 million Eurobodalla Regional Hospital Development, as part of an ancient Aboriginal tradi on used to regenerate Country and prepare the land as a safe and welcoming place. Led by Aboriginal Elders and knowledge holders on Yuin Country, the event included a tradi onal smoking ceremony and cultural burn and was the first to be carried out on a NSW hospital project site.
"It is the most significant day of the new hospital project, far outweighing future symbolic ground breaking. I look forward to the commencement of works and the comple on of a new Regional Hospital for the Eurobodalla which will complement the South East Regional Hospital Bega. It is a personally significant day in my career a er 20 years of medical service to the community and a new career as their local representa ve", Dr Holland, now the Member for Bega, said.
Yuin Elder Uncle Bunja Smith said cultural burning is an ancient fire prac ce which has been used by Aboriginal people for over 60,000 “Foryears.millennia
Above: (R.) Uncle Bunja, Aunty Doris and (L.) Uncle Eddie with Dr Michael Holland (centre). Dr Holland has been a long term advocate and driving force behind the establishment of a Level Four regional hospital for the Eurobodalla. Via the original petitioning of the NSW Government and the relentless pressure of the One Eurobodalla Regional Hospital Group today's community focussed ceremony was a perfect alternate to the typical 'silver shovel' politician photo shoot of old.
community Aboriginal Land Cleansing Ceremony Prepares Site For New Eurobodalla Regional Hospital
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 3
The new hospital’s design is being guided by local Aboriginal knowledge to build connec ons with Country including the use of Dhurga language to support wayfinding around the hospital campus and the inclusion of a Mee ng Place.
An 18-year-old man had presented to Batemans Bay Hospital with mul ple stab wounds to his abdomen. His injuries are not life-threatening. Officers a ached to South Coast Police District were no fied and commenced an inves ga on, with inquiries revealing a nearby home in Kennedy Crescent was targeted just minutes before the home on Beach Road. The incidents are believed to be linked.
Theyears.Eurobodalla Regional Hospital will support core clinical services to be delivered at a role delinea on Level Four and will provide more health services than are currently available at both the Moruya and Batemans Bay hospitals combined, as well as an overall boost to bed capacity. Early works are expected to commence in late 2022, with main works construc on scheduled to commence in 2023. The hospital is expected to open to pa ents in 2025. The new hospital is part of the NSW Government’s record $11.9 billion investment in health infrastructure over four years to 2025-26, with nearly a third of the capital alloca on in this financial year going towards regional and rural health facili es. For more informa on about the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital development please visit the project website:
1.10am (Wednesday 7 September 2022), emergency services were called to Denhams Beach, following reports of two home invasions and a stabbing.
Stabbing and home invasions at Denhams Beach Police are inves ga ng the stabbing of a man following two home invasions on the state’s South Coast this Aboutweek.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 4 community
As inquiries con nue, police are looking for three males aged in their late teens, who were wearing dark clothing and face coverings. Anyone with informa on is urged to contact Batemans Bay Police on 4472 0099 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 Anyone000.with informa on about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or h ps:// Informa on is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report informa on via NSW Police social media pages.
Eurobodalla Shire residents under the age of 21 interested in YETS opportuni es are invited to a tour of Council’s administra on building on Wednesday 14 September from 12.30 – 2.30pm. Informa on sessions on how to apply will also be held on Monday, 12 September, 5.30-6.30pm online and Wednesday 21 September, 4 – 5pm at the Job Shop. To a end, contact Council’s employment officer Ashley Darby on 4474 1297. Trainee and appren ce applica ons close on 28 September 2022.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 5 community New Council traineeships to spark interest in future career
Leaving school to start a career is a significant life milestone, however, finding the right career isn’t always so easy. It’s exci ng to know, the Eurobodalla Shire Council is helping youth explore different work areas and get a feel for new skills.
Council’s Youth Employment Training Scheme (YETS) has had a freshen up for 2023 and applica ons are open now. There are four YETS traineeships available as well as 10 other traineeship and appren ce opportuni es at Council. See all job opportuni es on Council’s website. Instead of comple ng a traineeship in one business area, YETS trainees will rotate through four work areas, gaining exposure to different careers as well as comple ng a Cer ficate IV in Business.
Council’s learning and development officer Kate Brierley said the two-year traineeship can “confirm or spark an interest in a future career”. The four areas trainees experience include: Customer Service, Infrastructure Support, Development Services, Procurement and Stores.
“It’s a career sampler and door opener for school leavers who might feel uncertain of what career path to take. Trainees will rotate every six months through four different areas while receiving a compe ve pay rate and TAFE studies paid for,” Ms Brierley said. Ms Brierley encouraged youth to a end one of the informa on sessions on 12 and 21 September for ps and tricks on how to apply saying “It will be a great opportunity to ask ques ons and meet other trainees to hear about their journey so far.
Member for Bega, Dr Michael Holland said of the launch of CWA’s Awareness Week “I congratulate the Country Women’s Associa on of New South Wales on its centenary. It was founded in response to the poor quality of life and limited services available to women and children living in the country.
The funding recognises that approximately 1 in 5 new mothers and 1 in 10 new partners will experience depression or anxiety during pregnancy and in the year following birth. Demand for Gidget’s services increased by 150 per cent in 2021 compared to 2019, and its team delivered more than 12,000 appointments last year alone.
The recent NSW Government Inquiry into Health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote New South Wales has shown that deficiencies and inequali es s ll exist in rural areas including the Bega electorate.
I support the NSW Government’s investment in Gidget and Tresillian services for which I have advocated over many years.
The NSW Government also needs to provide comprehensive women’s health services including outpa ent consulta on and procedures as well as gynaecological surgery.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 6 community Strong Support For New Parents In Southern NSW
The Country Women’s Associa on and Gidget Founda on have teamed up to raise awareness of the importance of antenatal and postnatal support, as well as maternity services in rural and regional NSW Maternity services are provided at Moruya, Bega, Cooma, Goulburn and Queanbeyan as well as antenatal outreach clinics and postnatal services across the region to provide families the support they need close to home with a mandate to provide safe, mely and collabora ve maternity care that addresses each woman’s specific needs and achieves the best health outcomes for both mother and child.
During Country Women’s Associa on (CWA) of NSW Awareness Week (4 - 10 September 2022) expectant and new parents in southern NSW are being reminded of the support services available in their local communi es.
The health services available locally are complemented by incredible non-government partners-in-care such as the Gidget Founda on and Tresillian.
A commitment has been made of $3 million over four years from 2020-21 to expand and improve Gidget services, including ‘Start Talking’, a na onal telehealth counselling service, five new Gidget Houses, Gidget Village group programs and a 24/7 support centre with a further $2.6 million commi ed from 2021-22 to expand Gidget services.
The NSW Government needs to provide comprehensive antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care at South East Regional Hospital, Bega and the Eurobodalla Maternity Service, Moruya.
I have been disturbed by the complaints of cons tuents, their families and midwives over the reduc on of services for women before, during and a er their births.
In light of a need to ghten the belt it might be me for Council to reconsider its Hallmark events unless it begins to inves gate the actual net benefit to the community of what is now approaching a spend of $50,000 per year.
To encourage a standard of excellence from sculptors na onally and interna onally, the value of prize money is almost $70,000 with the acquisi ve prize money of $60,000. A world class Sculpture Trail is in the making.TheBatemans Bay Sculpture Walk on Batemans Bay foreshore is the legacy of the Batemans Bay Sculpture the local Council has done li le in the way of support other than rubber stamping the paperwork they require. It is hoped that the new Council recognises the value of the event and formally recognises it as a Hallmark event on a par with the Narooma Oyster Fes val and the River of Art so that the event might gain genuine support to posi vely assist the event that benefits the community and celebrates a region
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 7 community Sculpture for Clyde returns to the shores of the majes c Clyde River (Bhunduu) from 26 May 2023 to 4 June 2023
Batemans Bay will see the return of the full Sculpture for Clyde in 2023 following its six year absence of major works displayed along the Clyde foreshore as was the case in the opening year The hallmark event for the Eurobodalla is a 10 day fes val of outdoor sculptures on the Batemans Bay Foreshore. The indoor sculptures and student sculpture exhibi on will be opposite the Clyde St foreshore in Bridge plaza. Facing display and approval hurdles following the first year’s successful launch the major pieces of the Event were generously hosted and displayed at the stunning Wilinga Park, to the north of Batemans Bay. Willinga Park, a world-class equestrian centre at Bawley Point, only half an hour’s drive from Batemans Bay and 25 mins from Ulladulla, is a privately owned facility has interna onal award winning architecture, interna onally recognised sculptures and an unsurpassed garden that was generously made available for the Sculpture for Clyde event.
Ini ally the strained rela onship between Council and the event organisers nearly brought the demise of the event however event organisers pushed through the poli cal pe ness and bureaucra c obstacles that sought to take control and kudos, enabling them to present, over successive years, an event that was a major drawcard for the region. In 2023 the outdoor sculptures will be exhibited a short walk from the Batemans Bay Sculpture Walk with its permanent sculptures and nearby seaside cafes overlooking the bay and islands.
The Eurobodalla Event Strategy 2019-2024 (Event Strategy) supports the development and support of only two major events that they claim showcases the unique quali es of Eurobodalla and meet their key performance indicators within the assessment framework. Those events are given considerable support and Thefunding.selec on of the hallmark events is ini ated by Council, with a presenta on by the event proponent to councillors. The events, in accordance with the Event Strategy, are proposed to be supported for a threeyear term. The very substan al ratepayer Hallmark Event Grant “provides the opportunity to contract professional event management support to assist in crea ve event strategy planning to realise the full poten al of the event”.
Batemans Bay RFS at their 2022 Get WeekendReadyDay
A fun day for the whole family- that might just save lives in an emergency! Drop down to Corrigans Beach Reserve in Batehaven any me between 10am and 2pm on Saturday the 10th of September. Meet your local Fire Brigade and have fun learning how to prepare your home and family for the upcoming bush fire season. There are loads of exci ng ac vi es lined up: test yourself on what you would pack in an emergency , watch your kids race through an obstacle course fit for a firefighter , discover how you can prepare your home for the fire season, explore our firetrucks , crawl through our simulated 'Smoke House', learn about the new fire danger ra ngs. There really is something for everyone! community
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 8
Knowing that I am mostly using my own home-generated solar power to charge the car. The upfront price of an EV hurts—you typically need $50,000 and up. I really had to jus fy the expense—so I worked out the annual savings and incen ves, including fuel savings (petrol was about $3,000 p.a. in my li le Yaris), maintenance, stamp duty, and the second house ba ery I didn't need ...and decided it was a good investment when coupled with a solar system. And I love the way the car silently drives away.
Go for it. If you are country folk or range is a worry, consider the EV as a second vehicle and daily running about (if you are a two-car household), or go for a hybrid. And if you own your roof, get a solar system to charge it up during the day.
SUSAN RHIND (SHASA) When did you first seriously think about buying an electric car?
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 9 community Me and My Leaf
As soon as the solar panels went on the roof I began obsessing about electric cars. What was avail-able? How long should I wait? How much? How far can they go now? How do you get your hands on one? (Not much, not long, too much, not as far as I'd like, and, with some difficulty). What finally pushed me to a decision were increased petrol costs. What was it that got you excited about the car you chose?
I found out you could buy a near-new Nissan LEAF second hand for a rela vely affordable price AND a longer-range LEAF became available (mine is 62kWh which gives a no onal range of 380km). Plus NSW State Government rebates became available. To top this, I found out that this model has the technical capability to power your home (not approved in Australia yet but being trialled in the ACT) which would save on home ba ery installa on. Added to that, Nissan recycles and re-purposes its EV ba eries.
EVs are heavy and powerful—my car hugs the ground and is all accelera on, and it is like owning a Ferrari compared to my Yaris. I have had to be very careful not to accidentally speed. That took me by surprise.
What would be your advice to someone thinking about an EV right now?
What's the best, or funniest, or most memorable comment you've received from someone else?
Is there one nega ve you would like to men on?
What's the best thing about being an EV driver?
Some people get a kick out of the fact that I say you have to treat the ba ery like a pet and should give it a name.... It needs daily care to keep it happy and properly charged.
community Quota Club Narooma Speech
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 10
Each year we usually run a street stall in Narooma to raise funds for the speech interven on program. However, that hasn’t been possible for the last few years. But this year, it’s back! Visit us ‘On the Flat’ in front of IGA Narooma on Thursday 15th September. Come and buy some home cooked goodies and support our local Speech Program.
Interven on Support
For many years now Quota Club Narooma has been suppor ng Narooma Public School with a speech interven on support program. This involves funding a Speech Therapist to assess students with these needs, and then provide individual programs for the students. We are very lucky to have Claire Price from South Coast Speech Pathology, administer the assessments and provide the programs. Janine Malec, Learning Support Teacher at NPS coordinates the program, working with Claire and other school support staff. The school has placed a focus on inves ng in students’ speech interven on, by providing staff to implement the programs. Early in the year Quota also made funds available for Claire to present a staff development session, so staff involved in this program could be Severalupskilled.Quota
members recently visited NPS to observe the program in ac on. We saw students and staff thoroughly enjoying the ac vi es, within a wonderful learning environment. We are so pleased that we can support this speech program. So remember, when you buy raffle ckets from us at Club Narooma, or a end one of our func ons, some of those $s go towards suppor ng our local school students.
“This Fes val within the River of Art Fes val will transform Moruya’s Riverside Park into a wonderland of light sculpture and projec on, music, markets and roving performers on Saturday 24th September.”
“We are so lucky to have these wonderful experiences right here in our community, so grab your ckets from our website today, you won’t be disappointed!”
Mayor Mathew Hatcher said the Fes val was vitally important for the coastal community by celebra ng arts and culture, and a rac ng visitors to the region.
“The River of Art Fes val has been going for 16 years and is going from strength to strength. It is an important Hallmark Event that showcases the talent of our crea ve communi es and makes a mul -million -dollar contribu on every year to the region.” “I encourage people to map out the program and buy ckets now to the feature events,” he said.
“We have a record 130 exhibi ons, workshops, open studios and performances this year concluding with the biggest laser and light show that South East NSW has seen - Luminous: Art A er Dark’ Leanne said.
"Luminous: Art AFter Dark offers an incredible show for just $20 general admission and $150 for the premium experience in the Luminous Lounge.
val chair Leanne Joyce said ckets are s ll available but selling fast, especially for feature events like an evening with Vince Jones and Band at Bay Pavilions, Luminous and Luminous Lounge, circus comedy cabaret Flu er, Forest Theatre’s ’For the Love of Earth’ and Muffat Collec ve’s Baroque Passions.
"While Luminous: Art A er Dark provides a fes val focal point, the program is packed with world-class offerings on any of the 10 days in towns across the Eurobodalla.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 11 community River of Art to deliver its biggest program in its 16-year history Eurobodalla is abuzz with just one week un l the River of Art delivers its biggest program in its 16-year history Ar sts, performers, business and the community are pu ng the final touches on their events, including the highly an cipated Luminous: Art A er Dark at Riverside Park on September Fes24.
The fes val launch will be held at Bay Pavilions on Friday September, 16 at 5pm, and includes the unveiling of the River of Art Prize finalists and winners and a preview of Luminous. Public welcome.
“We have over 60 ar san and food stalls and 60 community members have put up their hands to volunteer for this event, and we’ve had a strong field contes ng the River of Art Prize, to be announced at the Fes val launch next Friday.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 12 community h ps:// h ps://
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 13 history Track the Bermagui Mystery
Bermagui Historical Society Archivist Dave Co on said the police inves ga on at the me was a shambles “Ini ally it was thought they had drowned so police made no a empt to secure the wreck site which was visited by many people over the following days, compromising the site,” he said. This expedi on starts at the headland overlooking Bermagui River promptly at 10am Sunday 18 September ending at Mystery Bay picnic shelter about 1pm. Bring lunch; car sharing is recommended. Maps will be issued.
Join other amateur sleuths on Sunday 18 September on the trail of the crime that has intrigued people on the far south coast for over 140 years – the 'Bermagui MembersMystery'. of Narooma and Bermagui Historical Socie es and Montreal Goldfield Management Commi ee will retrace this mystery from Bermagui to Mystery FiveBay. men disappeared from Bermagui on Sunday 10 October 1880. Their bodies were never found, only their small boat deliberately wrecked near the area now known as Mystery Bay. They were Government Geological Surveyor Lamont Young, sent to check out the new Montreal goldfields and other gold finds in the area, his assistant Max Schneider, and three men from Batemans Bay – Tom Towers, owner of the boat, William Lloyd and Daniel Casey. Their disappearance quickly became known as ‘the Bermagui Mystery’. “This will be the fi h me we have held this event and amazingly o en we have something new to consider,” said Narooma Historical Society President Laurelle Pacey. “There was some confusion, even contradic on in the original records about where the boat was actually wrecked. Just what happened and who was responsible for their disappearance remains a mystery.”
Above: Thomas Towers’ small green fishing boat was found on a rock shelf near Mystery Bay on Sunday a ernoon, 10 October 1880. It was the only evidence for one of the south coast’s most curious unsolved crimes, the disappearance of Government surveyor Lamont Young and four others from Bermagui. Town and Country Journal, 21 April 1883.
During the official opening, Lynne Thomas will ‘Welcome to Country’ and share a Dream me story of mother mountain Gulaga. Lynne is a Yuin-Biripi cultural knowledge holder and Aboriginal Educa on Officer at Narooma Public School. Lynne’s family lived and worked with the Bate family at Mountain View for many years. Other history presenters at Tilba CWA’s Vintage Garden Party will be Laurelle Pacey, Harry Bate and Zoe Burke. Laurelle Pacey is a journalist, historian and south coast author who wrote the book Tilba Times Revisited among others. Laurelle will speak about the development of the three se lements around Gulaga, Mt Dromedary, in the old dairy at Mountain View Farm a er 12.15pm. Harry Bate grew up at Mountain View with his family and is step grandson of Mrs Elsie Bate. Zoe Burke of Tilba Walks is a small group walking tour specialist and narrator and will share the historical and cultural heritage of the Tilba villages and surrounding landscape. Zoe is also a member of Tilba CWA. They will converse in the old dairy from 1.30pm about developments at Mountain View including water supply in 1910, the small hydroelectric scheme from 1932 to 1970s, as well as dairying and cheese making. They will also talk about Mrs H.J. (Elsie) Bate who was the President of Tilba District CWA for 35 years (1934 to 1970). During this me, Elsie lived at Mountain View Farm with her husband HJ (Harry) Bate. Elsie planted magnificent gardens around their homestead and hosted fundraising garden par es at Mountain View for Tilba Tilba’s Church, the Red Cross and CWA. She was also a talented cook who once won best fruitcake in the State CWA Land Cookery compe on. Zoe will then walk people around the farm to view points of historical significance. She will carry a li le blue flag so she will be easy to spot should you want to join the walk.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 14
community History and Games at Tilba CWA’s Vintage Garden Party Tilba CWA’s Vintage Garden Party at Mountain View Farm Tilba Tilba on Saturday 10 September will celebrate CWA of NSW’s centenary. In addi on to High Tea and Wine and Cheese Tas ng, there will be history talks and outdoor games to entertain everyone.
Outdoor games for adults and children begin at 11.30am, a er the official opening, and con nue to 3.00pm. They include croquet, coordinated by members of Narooma Croquet Club, badminton, table tennis, giant Jenga, quoits, Bocce and Boule coordinated by hoola hoop expert and former Tilba CWA President Linda Appelgren. Tickets for Tilba CWA’s Vintage Garden Party are s ll available. Wine & Cheese Tas ng ckets are $20 per person including entry. High Tea ckets are sold out but entry for history, games and other ac vi es is only $5 per person or $10 per family with parking available at Tilba Tilba Oval. For ckets contact Tilba CWA’s Treasurer 0407 100 710 or cwatreasury
“We have a record 130 exhibitions, workshops, open studios and performances this year concluding with the biggest laser and light show that South East NSW has seen - Luminous: Art After Dark’ Leanne said. “This Festival within the River of Art Festival will transform Moruya’s Riverside Park into a wonderland of light sculpture and projection, music, markets and roving performers on Saturday 24th September.”
Eurobodalla is abuzz with just one week until the River of Art delivers its biggest program in its 16-year history Artists, performers, business and the community are putting the final touches on their events, including the highly anticipated Luminous: Art After Dark at Riverside Park on September 24.
“We are so lucky to have these wonderful experiences right here in our community, so grab your tickets from our website today, you won’t be disappointed!”
While Luminous: Art After Dark provides a festival focal point, the program is packed with world-class offerings on any of the 10 days in towns across the MayorEurobodalla.Mathew Hatcher said the Festival was vitally important for the coastal community by celebrating arts and culture, and attracting visitors to the region.
“The River of Art Festival has been going for 16 years and is going from strength to strength. It is an important Hallmark Event that showcases the talent of our creative communities and makes a multi-million-dollar contribution every year to the region.”
The festival launch will be held at Bay Pavilions on Friday September, 16 at 5pm, and includes the unveiling of the River of Art Prize finalists and winners and a preview of Luminous. Public welcome. community
Luminous: Art AFter Dark offers an incredible show for just $20 general admission and $150 for the premium experience in the Luminous Lounge.
Festival chair Leanne Joyce said tickets are still available but selling fast, especially for feature events like an evening with Vince Jones and Band at Bay Pavilions, Luminous and Luminous Lounge, circus comedy cabaret Flutter, Forest Theatre’s ’For the Love of Earth’ and Muffat Collective’s Baroque Passions.
“We have over 60 artisan and food stalls and 60 community members have put up their hands to volunteer for this event, and we’ve had a strong field contesting the River of Art Prize, to be announced at the Festival launch next Friday.
“I encourage people to map out the program and buy tickets now to the feature events,” he said.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 16 community CWA calling for immediate ac on delivers for New Parents In Southern NSW
“In 2022, this is simply not good enough and is very disturbing for those living outside our major ci es. Having a baby should be a wonderful me for parents and families, but instead we’re looking at a situa on where mothers are having to endure stress and uncertainty, and even fear for their lives and the life of their baby,” said Joy Beames, President of the CWA of NSW.
The health services available locally are complemented by incredible non-government partners-in-care such as the Gidget Founda on and Tresillian. Con nues…...
One of the key recommenda ons from the Inquiry was around establishing a review of rural maternity services in the wake of the closure of dozens of hospital birthing units around the state, and o en harrowing tes mony from inquiry witnesses who shared their stories of giving birth without adequate support and facili es, or having to travel far from home to have their babies.
The issue was on the Associa on’s radar at its annual State Conference in Sydney in May, when a number of branch mo ons were put to members around the need for improved maternity services and care in rural and remote NSW, and for the establishment of a dedicated hotline to support women in rural areas to navigate available services.
Maternity services are provided at Moruya, Bega, Cooma, Goulburn and Queanbeyan as well as antenatal outreach clinics and postnatal services across the region to provide families the support they need close to home with a mandate to provide safe, mely and collabora ve maternity care that addresses each woman’s specific needs and achieves the best health outcomes for both mother and child.
During Country Women’s Associa on (CWA) of NSW Awareness Week (4 - 10 September 2022) expectant and new parents in southern NSW are being reminded of the support services available in their local communi es. A catalyst for the forma on of the Country Women’s Associa on of NSW a century ago was the need for adequate maternal health services in the bush, and 100 years on the Associa on con nues to advocate for expectant mothers and their families, with the cri cal issue the focus of this year’s annual Awareness Week campaign.
The Country Women’s Associa on and Gidget Founda on have teamed up to raise awareness of the importance of antenatal and postnatal support, as well as maternity services in rural and regional NSW.
On the final day of the conference, in the wake of the release of findings from a NSW parliamentary inquiry into rural and regional health, a mo on of urgency was unanimously endorsed by members, calling for immediate ac on by state and federal governments to address the current crisis in the provision of primary medical services as a result of the lack of general prac oners and medical staffing in hospitals in rural TheNSW.Inquiry found the state’s rural health system was "in crisis and is failing residents of rural, regional and remote areas" with people living outside metropolitan centres having "significantly poorer health outcomes, greater incidents of chronic disease, and greater premature deaths".
Member for Bega, Dr Michael Holland said of the launch of CWA’s Awareness Week: “I congratulate the Country Women’s Associa on of New South Wales on its centenary. It was founded in response to the poor quality of life and limited services available to women and children living in the country. "The recent NSW Government Inquiry into Health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote New South Wales has shown that deficiencies and inequali es s ll exist in rural areas including the Bega electorate. "I support the NSW Government’s investment in Gidget and Tresillian services for which I have advocated over many years. "The NSW Government needs to provide comprehensive antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care at South East Regional Hospital, Bega and the Eurobodalla Maternity Service, Moruya.
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community Con nues...
A commitment has been made of $3 million over four years from 2020-21 to expand and improve Gidget services, including ‘Start Talking’, a na onal telehealth counselling service, five new Gidget Houses, Gidget Village group programs and a 24/7 support centre with a further $2.6 million commi ed from 2021-22 to expand Gidget services.
PUBLIC FORUM @ 10.30am – register to speak by 12pm Monday 12 September. COUNCIL MEETING @12.30pm Join the Council Chamber or watch the webcast. Full agenda and online viewing links here > ngs
The funding recognises that approximately 1 in 5 new mothers and 1 in 10 new partners will experience depression or anxiety during pregnancy and in the year following birth. Demand for Gidget’s services increased by 150 per cent in 2021 compared to 2019, and its team delivered more than 12,000 appointments last year alone.
Council Mee ng Tuesday 13 September 2022
ON THE AGENDA for Council Mee ng Tuesday 13 September crown land at Turnbulls Lane, Moruya Keeping community updated on the Dalmeny land release dra Community Engagement Strategy
"I have been disturbed by the complaints of cons tuents, their families and midwives over the reduc on of services for women before, during and a er their births.
"The NSW Government also needs to provide comprehensive women’s health services including outpa ent consulta on and procedures as well as gynaecological surgery", the Member for Bega said.
PUBLIC ACCESS @ 9.30am – register to speak by 12pm Monday 12 September.
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community Nomina ons open for Shire heritage award
“They may have restored a historic building, wri en a historical book or created a film on Eurobodalla’s cultural heritage. The important element is a contribu on to knowledge and awareness of the shire’s heritage,” Ms Radford said. Nomina ons for the award close on Friday21 October. For more informa on or to apply, visit the heritage award webpage or contact Nardi Arnold on 4474 1226.
Eurobodalla Council has opened nomina ons for its annual $1,500 Heritage Award, which recognises individuals, groups or organisa ons making a significant contribu on to promo on, management or conserva on of the shire’s heritage. Previous award winners include The Moruya An que Tractor and Machinery Associa on, and long- me member of the Moruya & District Historical Society Shirley Jurmann. Council’s coordinator for strategy and place Angie Radford said the nominee must have completed their project in the last two years.
An informal, social meet-up with occasional informa on talks and ongoing support. (Plus a cuppa).
WHERE: ‘The Manor’ Re rement Village – The Car Park Lounge. 156 Beach Road, Batemans Bay.
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We all know how isola ng how hearing loss can be in social and more formal situa ons, hence the reason to set up a group within The Bay where we can meet with others with hearing loss and discuss our common experiences. Here, being deaf or having a hearing loss, is not a reason for exclusion but is an acceptance into a welcoming group. Joining us is completely voluntary and there are no fees to pay. Membership is completely voluntary……just come when you feel like it. So please come and join us for our first mee ng.
The Bay Hearing Loss Group
WHEN: Wednesday 21st September 2022
Note: Please enter at the main office (Masks must be worn) and you will be shown where to go. For further informa on: Call Lee Raper on 0427 451 405 or Joe Gillman on 0411 327 700
On Saturday 27 August, 15 Batemans Bay Bushwalkers headed up to Mount Bushwalker just north of Milton for a hike on and around the Mt Bushwalker walking track. For most, this was the first me back to the area a er the 2019/2020 fires.
The walker’s notes soon had them detouring on a side trip down Goalhouse Pass, now hard to find amongst the regrowth, but their search was well worth the effort, says Peter. ‘We descended below the escarpment into rain forest untouched by the fires. There we just stared in awe at the moss and fern covered cliffs towering above us, before climbing back out to re-join the track’.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 20 Batemans BushwalkersBaywalk
The Batemans Bay Bushwalkers have a membership base of about 150 members. They have a programme of walks offering two walks a week for their members throughout Eurobodalla and its surrounds. For more informa on about becoming a member of the Batemans Bay Bushwalkers, or to just come along as a visitor on one of their walks, see the BBBW website for all the informa on -- h p://
‘The last me we were there was in 2018’ said Peter Thompson who was amongst the walkers. ‘We were keen to see the area with the new regrowth, and the work done by Na onal Parks in upgrading the track a er the fires’ he said.
‘Mt Bushwalker’
The walkers set off in what seemed to be perfect weather. They were greeted by a renewed track of board walks, making the walking more than easy. The wa le was in flower everywhere, providing endless photo opportuni es of the yellow against the blackened banksias.
A er a few more side trips to spy some early spring wildflowers along the cliff lines, the walkers se led in for lunch at the lookout. The weather though, only held out long enough for the walkers to enjoy those majes c views for a few minutes. A squall came in from the east covering the gorge and mountains in mist and rain. ‘Apparently this being the 25% chance of rain!’ explained Peter.
The walkers made a hasty retreat to the car park for the dry of the cars and their drive home. But all were very sa sfied with the expedi on.
The views from Mt Bushwalker lookout are amongst the best in NSW. The lookout gives 180-degree views across the Clyde River Gorge and its surrounding mountains - the Shrouded Gods to the north west, the Castle, due west, and Pigeon House to the south west. ‘We were banking on the weather staying fine and it seemed promising with BOM’s forecast of a 75% chance of no rain’ said Peter.
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A new commi ee was elected at our AGM held on 31 August 2022 following a disrup ve year with covid restric ons. As the past Chair Wayne Gwynne reported “shed numbers and projects have been increasing”. The new commi ee comprises Bruce Findley as Chair and School Liaison, Vince Heys as Vice Chair and Public Phil Kirk as Treasurer, Sharlie Young as Secretary, Jillian Peck as Publicity Officer and David Lomas as Social Co-ordinator. Following the mee ng the shed’s famous sausage sizzle created a pleasant atmosphere for members to chat and for new members to get to know each other and discuss some exci ng plans for the Shed. We meet every Wednesday and Friday from 8am ll 2pm. All are welcome. It is not just a Mens Shed although we come under the umbrella of the Australian Mens Shed Associa on and are covered by their insurance. Our membership fees are $35 per annum with a $2 contribu on for morning tea and cleaning supplies. Please contact Bruce Findley on 0423 710 067 for more informa on. We would love to see you
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 22 community Moruya WorkshedCommunity
Sep 10th - Steve Benic – Tomakin Club (7.30pm)
Sep 10th - Live in the Lounge Mark Dabin at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club
Sept 10th - The Spindri Saga are coming back to Smokey Dan’s joined by The Scaramouche from the far south coast, Moon Dogs from the central coast and locals Don John & the John Dons Sept 10th - Craig Morrison at Tukka Cafe, Moruya Sept 11th - Ashleigh Chapman live at The Patch, Tomakin Social Club
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What’s on
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 24 on Cau on advised over buying Non-official RED HOT SUMMER
Tickets for the 2023 REDHOTSUMMER TOUR went on sale via Ticketmaster at 9am AEST on Thursday 1st September 2022. Tickets HERE Organisers advise that " ckets are only available through authorised cket outlets listed. Patrons are advised not to purchase ckets from Viagogo or other Third Party Sellers, as fraudulent ckets will not be honoured.
General Admission Tickets are $139.90 inclusive of booking fee and credit card charges. This cket gives access to all General Admission areas of the venue. Patrons are advised to bring a camp chair for General Admission areas. Rock Bar Rock Bar Tickets are $259.90 inclusive of booking fee and credit card charges. This The Rock Bar is located approx 70 metres from the stage in the exis ng venue func on centre to the le hand side of the site. It is not a VIP Facility, it as a facility where cketholders have use of extra inclusions. The Rock Bar Ticket includes: Admission to the Event, BBQ Dinner, A private unreserved area with a capacity of 150 patrons. Tables, Chairs and Private Cash Bar + Toilets are provided in this area. Rock Bar Ticketholders may come and go from the Rock Bar at any me. Rock Bar patrons must check in at the Box Office prior to entry to collect accredita on.
"The official cke ng agency for this event is Ticketmaster. The Red Hot Summer Tour takes no responsibility for ckets purchased outside of the official agency. Tickets purchased through third par es such as Viagogo, Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree, Ebay or other sites are done so at the customer’s own risk. "Fraudulent ckets will not be honored. Once a cket purchase is completed there are no refunds or exchanges available. In purchasing a cket to this event the purchaser acknowledges that any government mandates, public health orders or inability to a end due to illness or other changed circumstances does not render the purchaser eligibility for a refund or exchange".
Sky Lounge Sky Lounge Tickets are $279.90 inclusive of booking fee and credit card charges. The Sky Lounge is located approx 80 metres from the stage to the right hand side of the site. It is not a VIP Facility. The Sky Lounge is a two-storey mobile building with a capacity of 125 Patrons. The Sky Lounge Ticket includes: Admission to the Event, Access to the unreserved viewing deck, Tables, Chairs and Private Cash Bar + Toilets are provided in this area. Sky Lounge Ticketholders may come and go from the Sky Lounge at any me. Sky Lounge Patrons must check in at the Box Office prior to entry to collect accredita on.
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beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 26 What’s on
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 27 What’s on—coming up
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 28 What’s on –coming up SEPT 30, 7PM // CHARM OF FINCHES The sister duo Mabel and Ivy Windred-Wornes are gracing us with their lullaby tunes at the Windsong Pavilion, Barragga Bay (Bermagui) in September. “Wonderful Oblivion is a moving work, dressing up the shared experiences of the everyday with music that tugs at the heart and s rs the imagina on.” -The Australian FridayDATE 30 September 2022 Doors7.00pmopen @ 6.30pm FourLOCATIONWinds Windsong Pavilion Barragga Bay (Bermagui) GeneralPRICE Admission $39 Concession $35 16 years & under FREE BOOK VIA Image Credit: Kristoffer Paulsen / Anna Cordell Clothing
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 29 What’s on—cinema
Johnny……. reading it the right way up might be a good start…….anyhow……I reckon we should wander down to the beach to read this poem.”
The impa ent knock on the door had Bazza opening it to a surly faced teenager with a ta ered schoolbook in hand. Bazza cracked a wide smile.
Johnny Bodalla sucked in a deep breath and Bazza began reading the poem; He thrust his joy against the weight of the sea; climbed through, slid under those long banks of (hawthornfoam—- hedges in spring, thorns in the face s nging).
A beer with Baz
Johnny followed the surfer all the way to the beach as he morphed back into humanity. Con nues...
“Johnny Bodalla…….For what reason do I owe the pleasure?”
A long stroll of teacher complaint led them to rocks at the base of the headland and they both posi oned themselves to observe a group of body surfers. “I’m pre y busy Bazza….. I was hoping we could knock this poem over in ten minutes.”
In moments, a group of body surfers caught their a en on with varying a empts to master the waves. Bazza and Johnny squinted into the blueness and their focus shi ed to a single body surfer. He was equal to the challenge of each wave. His arms moved slower and his body created less splash than the other surfers, yet he moved faster in the frothing breakwater than the other swimmers, as they all posi oned for a building wave. Surfer a er surfer balked at or retreated from the wave’s ominous bulk. This surfer was now alone, and the wave seemed to pause as he effortlessly rose on its lip. Time froze as he glided and sliced, dolphin like, down the bank of the wave in elegant harmony with the ocean.
Muscle of arm thrust down long muscle of water; and swimming so, went out of sight where mortal, masterful, frail, the gulls went wheeling in air as he in water, with delight.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 30
Johnny opened his somewhat shabby school text to the poem, passed it to Bazza and began tapping his “Well,foot.
Turn home, the sun goes down; swimmer, turn home. Last leaf of gold vanishes from the sea-curve. Take the big roller’s shoulder, speed and serve; come to the long beach home like a gull diving.
“Well Bazza……I have to write about this poem for English at school and Mum reckons you are just the bloke to see me right.”
How his brown strength drove through the hollow and coil of green-through weirs of water!
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 31 Reading—A beer with Baz con nues.. Con Bazzanues…paused at certain points in the poem to capture the poet’s techniques but shied away from explana on. Johnny’s eyes darted along the beach and he blinked repeatedly at key words and phrases. For on the sand the grey-wolf sea lies, snarling, cold twilight wind splits the waves’ hair and shows the bones they worry in their wolf-teeth. O, wind blows and sea crouches on sand, fawning and mouthing; drops there and snatches again, drops and again snatches its broken toys, its whitened pebbles and shells*
“Now…..that was a pre y good descrip on of what we just saw, Bazza. You should be a poet……. but I suppose we be er start on this bloody poem, The Surfer, by Judith Wright.” “I wish Johnny……I wish.”
TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW & SELLING FAST ! A limited number of weekend and day passes are available online now ! If you feel like choosing your own adventure, individual tickets to all sessions are also performances.theatreworkshops,,ng,sharingstoriesandthemind.AcrossdaysinOctober,theTathraHeadlandserveasabackdroptoanofauthorin-ons,panels,poetrybreakfasts,andmusic
*The Surfer by Judith Wright Have a beer with Bazza at
There was a very long pause and Johnny squinted into the surrendering sun.
By invita on of the public Miss Berkely, Dame Nellie Melba’s protegee, will sing at Narooma on 2nd prox.
THE death took place on Saturday morning of Mr. Henry Hertzberg Lawson. He was 55 years of age. His contribu ons to Australian literature, alike in the domain of poetry and prose, had won for him an enduring and notable place in its annals. His remains were accorded a State funeral on Monday. No ce: There has been running in my Long Swamp paddock for the last 18 months a young STEER. Owner can have same by paying agistment fee and cost of adver sing. If not claimed within 14 days the steer will be sold to pay expenses. (MRS.) JOSIAH TAYLOR, Moruya. Return Thanks: MR. H. BOWN desires to tender his sincere THANKS to the residents of Bergalia and Congo, for their kindness during his wife’s illness. He wishes specially to thank Mrs. P. Poole and Miss M. Donnelly, who so kindly assisted in the nursing and a ended to the household du es. Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc. h ps://
THE Shire Council has had a new pump placed in posi on at the wharf trough and on Monday Mr. George Mitchell set the instrument in mo on and filled the trough which holds about 1000 gallons. Well done, George!
IT is said that the solar eclipse on the 21st September will afford a spectacle which has not been witnessed for a hundred years, and will not be repeated during the life me of the present genera on.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 32 Reading—history 100 Years Ago 9th September 1922
A “kitchen evening” was last week given by Mrs. John Bate, of “The Pines,” Tilba Tilba, in honor of Miss Stella Spence who was married to Mr. Joseph Hibel on Wednesday last. … STAFFORD Bros. are at present engaged at Narooma making bricks for the Soldier’s Memorial Hall about to be constructed in that town.
ONE of the reasons why our residents throughout the whole district should give with two-fold liberality to the Hospital Ball fund this year is the increase in the cost of upkeep of these worthy ins tu ons. Since 1913 the cost of maintenance of the 140 general hospitals in New South Wales has increased from £406,025 to £664,133 per annum.
MR E. A. Baker commenced work under his tribute agreement on Monday last, on Mr. Gordon Johnson’s Moruya gold and arsenic mine. The mine is now being unwatered, three shi s being worked by C. Stubbs, F. Rowe and T. Henry under Mr. Baker’s supervision. As soon as the mine in unwatered miners will be put on breaking ore for shipment to Sydney.
THE death occurred on Monday of Mrs. Joseph Grumley of Wagonga, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Manning, Gundary, at the age of 60 years. … She leaves to mourn their irreparable loss a husband, four sons, Joseph Henry and Thomas William (Queensland), Edward John and Sydney Charles (Stoney Creek), and four daughters, Mrs. McDonald (Stoney Creek), Mrs. Payne (Narooma), Mrs. C. Manning (Gundary), and Miss Ethel May (Wagonga).
“You will be surprised with what you come up with in the workshop.”
Eurobodalla Libraries coordinator Samantha Fenton encouraged everyone to check out the exci ng list of events at Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma libraries from 16 – 25 September.
Above: Braidwood-based poet Harry Laing can’t wait for a night of crea vity, laughs and nibbles at Moruya Library on Thursday 22 September.
“Hear from photographer and storyteller Anna Jarre or create your own visual masterpiece using gum leaves with ar st Carmel Cox … the libraries have something for everyone,” she said.
The shire’s favourite arts fes val is almost upon us, and what’s exci ng this year is a variety of workshops to spark crea vity and new skills.
From wri ng and performing comic poems to mastering the culinary art of baking sourdough bread, the Eurobodalla Shire libraries are hos ng an array of workshops, exhibi ons and ar sts talks during the River of Art Fes val this September.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 33 arts Shire’s showcaselibrariesculinary art and comic poetry in fes val program
Comic poet Harry Laing can’t wait to show off his flair for performance throughout his workshop, giving ps along the way. He is all about crea ng an atmosphere of fun and energy to unleash the crea vity of others. Beginners are welcome to a end his comic poetry workshop at Moruya Library on Thursday 22 September.
“This workshop is a chance to really throw your words around, experiment with some different forms and unleash your inner comic poet.
Ms Fenton said places were limited and filling quickly. To see all upcoming events at the libraries and secure a spot, visit Council’s website. To see the full fes val program, visit the River of Art website.
“I love having fun with language and enthusing people to have a go at performing,” Mr Laing said.
Sculptures & Art In The Gardens Will Delight
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 34 arts
To celebrate The River of Art, local sculptor Paul Dimmer and ar st Carmel Cox are presen ng their collec on of works in the Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Gardens for the month of September. As you wander around the grounds, you will see Paul’s quirky and clever sculptures made from corten and recycled steel. Paul works mainly from second hand materials and his sculptures are sure to delight visitors. Step inside to the gi shop and you will see Carmel’s whimsical and ethereal pain ngs of dandelions and teazels. Her journals are an art piece in their own right with clever artwork on the front & back covers plus more artwork inside the cover. See you in the gardens…Open Wednesdays to Sundays 9am to 4pm.
Address: Sunshine Bay public School, Beach Road, Sunshine Bay When: Saturday and Sunday 24 and 25 September from 1:30pm to 4pm and from 10am to 4pm each day from Monday 26 September to Monday 3 October.
Presented By: South Coast Pastel Society
Cost: Gold Coin dona on The South Coast Pastel Society 2022 Exhibi on and Compe on is the society’s premier event for the year with ar sts entering works in four categories: Landscape; Seascape; Flora/Fauna and S ll life/ Interior. As a judged compe on, the exhibi on always a racts pain ngs of the highest quality in a variety of styles. Visitors to previous exhibi ons have commented on the breadth of subject ma er and the depth and vibrancy achieved by each ar st in their pain ngs. Pastels are truly a versa le medium! Each year, the pain ngs are judged by a well known and respected ar st and this year is no excep on with award winning south coast ar st Gary Laird judging the pain ngs and providing insigh ul cri ques on the winning entries. Winners and runners up in each category will be awarded cash prizes generously provided by the society’s loyal sponsors who have con nued to support the society through good mes and bad. The Society is very apprecia ve of this ongoing support. All pain ngs will also be considered for the highly prized “Best in Show” award whilst visitors to the exhibi on will also have the opportunity to nominate their favourite pain ng for the “People’s Choice Award”. The exhibi on will be open from 1:30pm to 4pm on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September and from 10am to 4pm each day from Monday 26 September to Monday 3 October at the Sunshine Bay Public School, Beach Road, Sunshine Bay. Entry is by gold coin dona on with the proceeds going to the School.
South Coast Pastel Society
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 35 art
Exhibi on and Compe on
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 36 art Explore the River of Arts interac ve map River of Art have a great search tool for you! Explore their interac ve map, search by ar st, dates or town to plan your fes val journey. Head over to their website to play!
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 37 arts Did you know the shire now has an orchestra?
The Eurobodalla Chamber Orchestra was formed in 2018, with a small group of string players. Over the past few years it has grown in number and added woodwind – flutes, recorder and clarinets to its ranks. COVID has made rehearsing and performing a challenge, but the orchestra regrouped this year, and con nues to rehearse once a fortnight in TheMoruya.orchestra is performing as part of The River of Art on Saturday the 17th of September. The music begins at 1 p.m at the Spo ed Gum Pavilion in the Eurobodalla Botanic Gardens. Bring a picnic lunch and a chair or rug, or buy your lunch from the café and be entertained by some deligh ul music. Works by Bach, Mozart, Handel, Schubert, and Vivaldi are on the programme. If you are interested in joining us, or have any enquiries, please call 0450 742 933
Rebus Theatre’s Playback Ensemble is touring their new show ‘At The End Of Our Street’ throughout September and October as part of Project Alchemy, a cross disciplinary arts project to build resilience across south-east Australia.
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 38 arts
Playback Theatre is a form of improvisa onal theatre in which audience members tell stories from their own lives and watch as actors and musicians enact them on the spot using movement, music and words, but without script or rehearsal. It can be moving or funny according to the stories shared.
Playback Theatre is a powerful way for people to share stories on common themes. Audiences are le with a be er understanding of the issues that concern them as a community. They connect to each other and to their common goals and ‘Atstruggles.TheEnd
Of Our Street’ will see the audiences real stories enacted on stage in an interac ve theatre show that will fill the heart and revive the Projectspirit. Alchemy is made possible thanks to funding from the Australian Government for the Black Summer Bushfire Grant Program
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 39
resultsLadiesNaroomaGolf Wednesday 7th September we had 31 entrants in a stableford Divevent.1.0-28: Div 2. 29-45
Joan Hosking also finished with a fine score of 38 ne . A new “Ros Rose Award” was introduced and will be awarded as encouragement to the highest scoring “C” grader in individual rounds. This award has been generously donated by Mr Jeff Rose in memory of his late wife Ros Rose, and in acknowledgement of her love of women’s golf and previously long associa on with the Moruya Golf Club. The first recipient of the Ros Rose Award was Shirley Noy with 37ne . Balls went to: R Hawkins (37C/B), S Noy (37), M Muriwai (36), M Bingham (35), L Gibbs (35), J Dixon (32C/B), B Kennedy (32), C Becker (31). NTP: Div. 1 5th Hole J Lumsden, Div. 2 5th Hole D Davies
Wednesday, 7th September Beau ful weather and drier fairways en ced 17 women to par cipate in this week’s Stableford round. Congratula ons to the winner’s on their successful scores:1st place went to Jan Lumsden (right) who scored a magnificent 40 ne Runner-up.
Grade A winners were: Kay Lawrence who posted a score of 39 off handicap of 19 Runner up was Leonie Malcolm who posted a score of 38 C/B off handicap of 22 Grade B winners were: Karen Parkes who posted a great score of 43 off handicap of 37 Runner up was Marion Brooks who also posted a great score of 39 off handicap of 28 Balls to 36 C/B Nearest to pin: Hole 3, Div 1 Kay Lawrence Hole 9, Div 2 Maddie Robinson Hole 14, Div 3 Maureen Casswell
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 40 sports
sports Tuross Head Vets Golf results Tuross Head Vets golf was played in sunny conditions on Wednesday 7th September. 43 players registered for the special Stableford game of 3 clubs plus a putter. Winner of the round was Kevin Reilly with a score of 17 points, closely followed by Sandra Hanlon with a score of 16, next was Gail Rogers on 15 and Greg Bush on 14 on a count back. Ball or chocolate winners were Len Rogers, Graham Moore, Richard Kelly and visitor Neil Bridge. Frank Pomfret was the nearest the pin on the 4th, Steve Swanbury on the 6th, Chris Wratten the ladies on the 7th and Paul Coffey the mens on the 7th. Shirley Quinlan won the accuracy voucher on the 5th.
The day was a massive success and the hope is that it only builds in the coming weeks. All games were ghtly contested and Rugby was no doubt the winner on the day. Big thanks to the volunteers from setup, pack up, canteen, refereeing and general organisa on. The ac on con nues this Saturday at Bermagui with games star ng from 1pm. Not too late to join your local club, including the mighty Boars
Above: the winner of the day Kevin Reilly on the left and Neil Mather on the right.
South Coast Rugby Union
Great start to the South Coast Rugby Union September 10s last weekend with good numbers and great rugby on display from Broulee Dolphins Rugby Union Club, Braidwood Redbacks Rugby Union, Bermagui Cobargo Sharks Rugby Club and Milton Ulladulla Rugby Union Club
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 41
Sept 9th - 12 noon. All the women bowlers were really happy to get back onto the greens to commence the pennant season again. The Far South Coast District 2022/23 Pennant season began on Thursday September 1st. Both Tuross Head Country Club sides had a bye in Round 1. The Grade 4 players are doing par cularly well a er 3 rounds. Last Tuesday at home on a beau ful green and in very good playing condi ons, they won convincingly against Malua Bay with 53 to 24 points overall on the combined board. This gave them a total score of 5 game points, made up of 3 points for an overall win and 2 for winning both rinks. In a similar fashion, they played at home again last Thursday 8th and defeated Bermagui with a 49 to 31 overall score, gaining another 5 game points. They are very pleased to be on the top of the ladder with ten points, and we wish them lots of luck in their next two games. We would love to see these ladies get to the District playoff to be held at Tuross Head in October. We are so lucky to have so many new bowlers who are adding such enthusiasm and strength to our club, both as players and as commi ee members.
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sports Pennant Season is underway for Tuross Head Women Bowlers
The 2’s played Malua Bay Blue at home last Tuesday and had very close, ght games which went “down to the wire”. One side led well and were 14- 6 a er 11 ends, but a “slump in the middle” where we stayed on 14 for 7 ends, led to a 22- 14 advantage by Malua Bay a er 18 ends. We clawed back to gain 5 on the last three ends but it was not enough and we were defeated on one rink by 22-19. The other rink side was in sight of ge ng us over the line for a combined score win with a 17-13 lead on the 2nd last end, but unfortunately went down by 3 on the last end winning their rink with a ght margin of 17-16. Despite a valiant effort, this was not enough to claim the overall board score. Malua Bay Blue had a 38-36 combined score win and also claimed the game score of 4 to Tuross Head 1. On Thursday, the 2’s played at Malua Bay against Malua Bay Green in very difficult condi ons. We all found it very challenging to find our “grass and weight” due to the swirling, changing wind. One Tuross side was leading 17-13 a er the 2nd last end when the “jack was propelled out of bounds,” resul ng in us having to play the last end again, only to have another dead end, crea ng a very tense game with the last end played three mes. Malua Bay picked up 2 on the replayed last end, so we won with a very close score of 17 to 16. The other rink lost 22-15 giving us an overall 38-32 combined point score loss, and a 1- 4 game loss. At this stage Malua Bay Blue are the leaders of Grade 2 with 9 points. Best wishes to all players in the next few games!
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 43 Tackle World Moruya Fishing Report
Moruya River. The fishing in the river this week continues to be quiet for the most part. There have been regular catches of tailor in the lower section of the river, with Preddy’s wharf seeming to be the main area that they have been holding, the town ramp has also seen a few tailor caught as well. The flathead have been present but low key with the low temperatures in the river.
Tuross Reportsriver.from Tuross also are quiet this week, with the odd flathead and tailor being caught towards the marginally warmer lower sections of the river. The waters are currently running clean and clear, something that hopefully hangs around this season, but will be dependant on the rains again this year.
Rock and Beach. Salmon and tailor continue to be the main stay and saving grace for the beach and ledge brigade this week. I haven’t heard of any reports of squid around, but they should be available off of the local rock ledges, swell dependant of course.
As we experience this time of year, every year, we are waiting for the air temps to increase as they days get longer, and we wait for the currents from up north to start to push the warmer water down our way. The fishing also sits in a holding pattern till it starts to fire.
SnapperOffshore.and flathead have all been caught by those venturing offshore this week. Finding a gap in the winds that are seeming ever present this time of the year helps with comfort levels if nothing else. The game scene has been quiet this week, with minimal reports making their way into the store. Now is a great time to go over all of your gear, and get it ready for the flurry of summer activity that we all look forward to. We still have Shimano tackle storage solutions at 30% off RRP for those looking to update their storage needs. We also have new stock for the 2023 season starting to arrive in store from our major suppliers. So keep your eyes peeled on our social pages to what has arrived in store. Stay safe everyone and remember, “every days a good day for fishing…” Team Tackle World Moruya. sports
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 44 real estate
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 45 real estate OUT NOW—your latest Beagle Abode : Eurobodalla’s leading real estate guide The beagle abode is an online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide showcasing the current Eurobodalla market and our many Therealtors.beagle abode is the new addi on to the South Coast Beagle that owns The Beagle and the South Coast Travel Guide: The Nature Coast of NSW : from Durras to The Tilbas The Beagle Abode has been established to provide that service while also providing our readers with a glossy overview of latest proper es on the market each week. You can find Beagle Abode on the Beagle website under REAL ESTATE The latest Beagle Abode lis ngs are also available each week as a FlipBook on the website and also distributed to readers via our social media pages and our twice weekly mailouts. CLICK HERE: h ps://
Tim Lawless said “Poten ally the cash rate could retrace some of the hikes through the second half of next year or into 2024. In fact, this is the trajectory that financial markets are now pricing in, with the ASX cash rate futures indica ng a peak in the cash rate at 3.9% by July/August of next year followed by an easing back to 3.7% by the end of 2023. As the cash rate finds a ceiling, that will probably be the cue for housing values to find a floor.”
beagle weekly : Vol 276 September 9th 2022 46 real estate South Coast Property Specialists (Carlene Franzen) Tips #1113:
Let’s all hope the RBA is more accurate with this round of forecas ng to get more stability in the cost of living and in the property market.
Interest Rates – Yet Again
While this has a significant impact on mortgages, ironically the RBA isn’t specifically interested in the property market. Their sole focus is pre y much on driving infla on back down into the target range of 2-3% and increasing the cash rate is the big s ck they use. Tim Lawless from Corelogic described it this way: “A considera on of housing prices isn’t part of the RBA’s mandate, so it’s likely the RBA will be prepared to look through the peripheral noise of falling home values, focussing on infla on and labour market condi ons. However, the housing sector does play an important role in the broader economy due to the large propor on of wealth ed up in the housing asset class (57% of household wealth is held in housing assets), along with the large propor on of Australian workers employed within the property sector either directly or indirectly. As housing prices trend lower, Australians feel less wealthy which could flow through to lower confidence and diminished spending.”
We know that the topic of interest rates doesn’t seem all that exci ng, however it is a key issue influencing the cost of living and it’s par cularly important for the property market. Most of you will be aware that the Reserve Bank (RBA) increased interest rates again on Tuesday and this was totally expected.
So, what is the forecast for interest rates? Everyone needs to be a tad cau ous of this as the RBA has come under significant pressure by its totally incorrect forecasts of a couple of years back where they “implied” that interest rates were unlikely to increase before 2024. With that out of the way, the RBA now believes that infla on will peak towards the end of this year and the cash rate should stabilise as infla on heads back to the target zone of 2-3%.
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