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Community bridge walk and celebra on to mark opening of new Nelligen bridge

A community celebra on will be held on the Nelligen foreshore in the coming weeks to mark the comple on of the new Nelligen Bridge before it opens to traffic.

A Transport for NSW spokesperson said the event is an opportunity for the local community of Nelligen to come together, reminisce, celebrate, and walk across the new bridge.


“Nearly a year ahead of schedule, the new two-lane bridge on the Kings Highway at Nelligen will be open to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians in late-February,” the spokesperson said.

“We want to thank the community for their pa ence during the construc on of the bridge and for their input to the design that will provide be er connec ons for the next 100 years.

“The community is invited to join us on the Nelligen foreshore for a sausage sizzle, to chat to the project team and an opportunity to walk across the new bridge on Saturday 4 February from 10am and 2pm.”

The spokesperson said the NSW Government has invested $148 million to ensure locals, tourists and the freight industry can experience a safe and reliable crossing of the Clyde River without speed or weight restric ons.

“Major work started on the new bridge early 2021 which is now opening to traffic nearly a year ahead of schedule,” the spokesperson said.

“The is a significant milestone in the Nelligen Bridge Replacement project which is now expected to be completed by the end of this year.

“A er the bridge opens to traffic, the project team’s focus will turn to removal of the old bridge, final pavement work and landscaping.”

Temporary traffic changes will be in place while we prepare for the bridge opening. More informa on on these impacts will be communicated to the community closer to the me.

For more informa on, go to nswroads.work/NelligenBridge

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