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South Coast receive $80,000 in funding from the Na onal Australia Day Council
Three South Coast organisa ons have received $80,000 in funding from the Na onal Australia Day Council, supported by the Australian Government, to hold local community events promo ng inclusion for Australia Day.
A er a difficult few years, Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips MP says she is delighted to see the community once again coming together in respect, reflec on and commemora on to celebrate our local community spirit.
The Rotary Club of Batemans Bay, Jervis Bay Marine Rescue and Kiama Municipal Council all received grants to hold local community events celebra ng culture, community and connec on, as part of this year’s theme to Reflect. Respect. Celebrate.
Local events will focus on Indigenous recogni on and cultural displays, as well as welcoming new ci zens and celebra ng our community as part of the day.
“I say it all the me – my favourite thing about the South Coast is our enduring and inspiring community spirit, and as we come together in unity tomorrow, I know that spirit will be on full display,” Fiona Phillips MP said.
“Inclusion, respect and connec on must be our focus, and I am really pleased to see these organisa ons pu ng those values first, I am absolutely delighted that the Australian Government con nues to support regional areas like ours to hold events that are important to us. This year, the Federal Government has worked to make events on Australia Day more inclusive and accessible to all Australians. Each event supported by the Na onal Australia Day Council (NADC) now includes specific elements to ensure their events are inclusive such as having Auslan interpreters, ramp hires, accessible ameni es or providing quiet spaces.
"This builds on the incredible advocacy of the 2023 Australian of the Year, Dylan Alco ", Ms Phillips said. Successful hosts received up to $20,000 to deliver inclusive events that incorporate the message of ‘Reflect. Respect. Celebrate. We’re all part of the story’. Those working with First Na ons communi es to incorporate and celebrate their local history and culture received up to an addi onal $10,000.
“Australia Day is an opportunity to reflect on the history of our country and consider how we can all move forward together in a way that is respec ul and considerate. I am pleased to see so many local events and community organisa ons working hard to strike that balance this year,” Fiona Phillips said.
Fiona Phillips encouraged all local people to consider how they can join with their community in respect and reflec on this Australia Day. The NADC’s Australia Day Community Grants program is supported by the Australian Government. For more informa on visit australiaday.org.au.
A list of grant recipients in the Gilmore electorate is below:
Volunteer Marine Rescue NSW - Jervis Bay Unit - $30,000
The Marine Rescue Jervis Bay 2023 Annual Australia Day Duck Derby is a great family day which includes Aboriginal cultural displays, markets, food stalls, entertainment, and duck races. A true celebra on of Australia Day.
Kiama Municipal Council - $30,000
Celebra ng our local Australia Day Awardees and new ci zens through a ci zenship ceremony.
Rotary Club of Batemans Bay Inc - $20,000
Australia Day will be celebrated with a community breakfast on the foreshore next to the Clyde River and at an a ernoon tea launch of an exci ng new series of videos featuring our community members.
The new Durras Community Blackboard has been installed
The new Durras Community Blackboard has been installed! This is a project by the DCA funded with money raised at the Durras Handmade Easter Market. Thanks to all those who have supported this project. It was built by local volunteers - many thanks to Daniel Perrum, Bob Mates, Steve Gruber, Sco Innes, Mick May, Jarrad Smith and Trevor Daly. Thanks also for supplies and assistance to Camerons Hardware owners and staff. If using the blackboard, please use only plain chalk. No texta pens, s cky tape or should
A free 2023 Seniors Fes val Ac vity for you from Living Connected
Where: NBN Community Hub 3 Clyde St Bateman Bay
When: Friday February 3rd and 10th , 10am to 12noon
Seniors o en look back and think of pu ng together the story of their lives. You may have bits of your recent lives recorded online on social media, earlier memories saved in photo albums and other mementoes. In this introductory session, we will begin with a discussion on your life’s legacy.
We will show you how to use a blog to collect your life stories online and link them to create a coherent record of your life. These can be public or private or le to family and friends in your will. Follow on sessions will be arranged if needed to provide ongoing help for this ac vity as well as general help with phones, tablets and computers. Some background material to help you to prepare for this ac vity: h ps://beconnected.esafety.gov.au/topic-library/online-hobbies/blogs-online-journals Bring your tablet or laptop if you have one.