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South Coast History Society Recollec
South Coast History Society is ‘off to a flying start’ this year.
In addi on to producing their February/March 2023 issue of ‘Recollec ons’ (a ached) they’re about to launch a new book ‘Fascina ng Bega: The Anatomy of a Town 1851 – 2023’ which the Society have co-produced with Bega Valley Historical Society
The Society has also scheduled a couple of history-based bus tours of Bega and return to 2023 with their free Monday Morning Movies in Merimbula that resume on 6th February… Keep in mind that the South Coast History Day is on March 25th, 2023. And that’s not to men on several talks they’re giving to community groups and their presence at the Bega Show.
Peter Lacey of the South Coast History Society said "The incredibly high level of support we are receiving from the community con nually encourages us and enables us to share and promote the South Coast’s very interes ng history – and, for that support, we thank you very much"
Register to automa cally receive future copies of Recollec ons by email—Simply email ‘Send Recollec ons’ to southcoasthistory@yahoo.com. It’s free! Or subscribe and they’ll post copies to you. Send your cheque for $20 to South Coast History Society, 90 Whitby Wilson Road, Quaama NSW 2550, along with your name and address, to receive paper copies of the next six issues of Recollec ons.
Back Issues of Recollec ons are available, free, in PDF format at www.bit.ly/Recollec onsX where X is the issue number (1 to 37, except for Issue 3 which is 3- and Issue 10 which is 10-). Recollec ons 38 will be available to non-subscribers at one of the many outlets across the region.
Narooma Gallery presents: Frida & Feathers
Perpetua (Pe ) McInnes and Donna Goulding exhibit new work together for the first me at the Narooma Gallery. Diverse works, both ar sts explore character, belonging, and personal strength.
Un l Sunday, January 29, 2023 4:00 PM
Narooma School of Art & Soldier's War Memorial Hall Inc92 Campbell Street, Narooma
Goulding’s works are an interpreta on of Frida Khalo’s life. Khalo is a muse, model and leader for many women and a source of inspira on for countless ar sts. Goulding states: I am interested in the life of Frida Kahlo as she is a strong woman like me, and she inspires me to create and be honest. Frida Kahlo’s strong poli cal, intellectual and deeply patrio c views always sought to be a strong voice for oppressed women. Self-taught, her pain ng allowed Frida to overcome and alleviate severe physical and psychological pain caused by a debilita ng accident.
A er a 30 year career in Fes val and Event management, McInnes has recommi ed to her con nued love of crea ng and pain ng. The works for this exhibi on are an explora on of colour movement. They express McInnes’ fascina on with birds, which on observa on are like humans, each bird has their own clans and personali es.
Ar st talk gathering
All are welcome to come along and listen to the ar sts talk about their work and stay for drinks and a sausage sizzle immediately a er.
Saturday 21 January 5:30 pm - 7:00pm
Image credits:
A day of FREE crea ve arts session for Aboriginal youth aged 12-24.
28 January 10AM-4m Lunch provided Narooma Surf Life Saving Club
Work with Elders, Knowledge Holders and local ar sts to learn more about local cultural history and stories. Create content for a new exhibi on featuring digital projec ons. light and sound.
Info & bookings: Ashweeni Mason 0499 356 279 or Jazz Williams 0497 281 464
Marking Country is presented by South East Arts