2 minute read

Concerned About The Safety Of A Local Road? Nominate It For Black Spot Funding Now!

Member for Gilmore Fiona Phillips, also the Chair of the NSW Black Spot Consulta ve Panel, says locals know our South Coast roads be er than anyone.

The Australian Government is now encouraging individuals to nominate a road for funding under the Black Spot Program.


"I know that the safety of our local roads is a top priority for our NSW South Coast communi es," said Fiona.

"I strongly encourage people on the NSW South Coast to par cipate in the Black Spot Program and nominate any roads they believe need safety improvements," Fiona con nued.

The Black Spot Program is allocated $110 million per year across Australia and targets road loca ons where crashes are occurring or are at a risk of occurring

The program funds safety measures such as traffic signals, pedestrian crossings and roundabouts at loca ons where a number of serious crashes have occurred, or are at risk of occurring.

"Living regionally, I know how dangerous our roads can be. By funding safety measures the Black Spot Program has the poten al to save lives and prevent serious injuries. Let's work together to make our roads safer for everyone," said Fiona.

“It's simple to apply for funding via the Black Spot Program. Just complete the two-page online form and send it to the NSW Black Spot Consulta ve Panel,” Fiona con nued.

Nomina ons for Black Spot loca ons are invited from the NSW Government, our local councils, community groups and associa ons as well as individuals. Projects submi ed through the nomina on process are the only ones eligible for Black Spot funding.

Nomina ons are considered annually by Black Spot Consulta ve Panels in each state, who recommend projects for approval to the relevant federal Minister.

Applying for Black Spot funding is as simple as filling in a form and submi ng it to the NSW Black Spot Consulta ve Panel for considera on.

To nominate a local road for funding through the Black Spot Program or for more informa on, please visit: h ps://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/about/local-ini a ves/black-spot-program/nominate.aspx

The Moruya Mardi Gras Parade and River Lights will kick off at 12.45pm on Saturday, March 11.

12.45pm: Opening and Smoking Ceremonies at Church St in The River restaurant carpark and near Moruya Post Office.

1pm: Parade will begin from Church St near The River restaurant. Food stalls, markets, auc on and live music will begin at Riverside Park.

8pm: River Lights will be floated at Moruya River at Riverside Park.

8.45pm: Fireworks to finish off the day.

Sunday, March 12, from 9.15am: As part of the celebra ons, Moruya Quarry Tours will be conduc ng two tour groups at 9.15am and 10.15am from Moruya Swimming Pool. Fee is $5, limited spots are available. Call organiser Chris ne 0409 376 546 to book.

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