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Safety upgrades to be carried out on Narooma Bridge
Essen al upgrades will be carried out on the Narooma Bridge next month to improve its safety and reliability for all road users.
A Transport for NSW spokesperson said the structure is a key link for locals and tourists, who use the Princes Highway on the South Coast each day.
“Upgrades to the Narooma Bridge include improving the safety barriers on the northern approach and the reloca on of traffic lights to improve visibility in both direc ons,” the spokesperson said.
Work will start on Monday 15 May 2023, with the pilling work around the bridge to be completed in the first two weeks. The upgrade is expected to take 10 weeks to complete, weather permi ng.
To minimise the impact on road users and the community, work will be carried out at night from 7pm to 4am. Transport for NSW aims to complete the noisy component of work before 11pm each night.
During work hours, there will be traffic control, reduced speed to 40 km/h and intermi ent single lane closures to ensure the safety of all those in the area.
Transport for NSW is contac ng nearby residents to provide informa on about the work and discuss how it can help reduce the impacts where possible.
Transport for NSW appreciates the pa ence of the community and motorists during this me.
Community members are encouraged to send any feedback or ques ons they may have regarding this work to Transport for NSW at southprojects@transport.nsw.gov.au
Pandemic not over: cau ons COORDINARE’s Medical Director
With the World Health Organiza on recently declaring the end of the global health emergency, COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW PHN acknowledged and thanked our region’s health professionals for their significant and ongoing response to the pandemic.
Dr Kathy Michelmore, COORDINARE’s Medical Director said more than 80 percent of vaccina ons against COVID-19 have been administered by general prac oners.
“The figures demonstrate that vaccines and boosters have helped reduce the death rate and hospital admissions, but it is important to remember the COVID-19 pandemic is not over,” she warned.
“Although we are no longer in a health emergency, it is important we all remain vigilant as COVID-19 is s ll present in our communi es and new variants may s ll pose a threat,” said Dr Michelmore.
“By con nuing to receive the COVID boosters our community can con nue to limit the impact of the virus, especially on vulnerable members of our community.
“But there is a risk if we become complacent and if vaccina on rates fall,” she added.
Milton Family Medical Prac ce’s Manager Marion Hatwell said, "Our concern about the end of global health emergency declara on is that sort of thinking could cause our community to become complacent and fall behind in vaccina ons.
“We created mobile vaccina on clinics during the pandemic for those with mobility or transport issues. We’ve decided to con nue our mobile clinics as a permanent service, as we are concerned for those who could fall behind in their protec on from COVID. We con nue to check if pa ents are up-to-date, especially those who don't have regular contact with health professionals. They o en need to top up their COVID boosters,” Ms Hatwell said.
“Whenever we have an influx of tourists we broaden our scope of pa ents who need to be offered vaccines,” she said
If you are an adult and it is more than six months since your last COVID vaccina on and if you haven’t had COVID in that six-month period, talk to your doctor to about topping up your vaccines.
“Boosters are important in maintaining protec on against severe COVID illness and protec ng those at risk of severe illness – that is, everyone aged 65 years and over as well as younger adults who have medical comorbidi es, disability or complex health needs,” said Dr Michelmore.
“We're encouraging people at risk of severe illness from COVID-19 to top up their booster before June this year. COVID isn't a seasonal virus like influenza, but it is possible to have a COVID and flu infec on at the same me. Ge ng vaccinated against both viruses prior to winter is recommended,” she said.
A COVID-19 vaccine can be given at the same me as flu shots and other vaccines.
To book a vaccina on appointment view the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Service Finder