2 minute read
Suppor ng carers through ma ers of life and death
End-of-life care and decision making can be extremely challenging says Shanna Provost. The end-of-life specialist educator cites 2022 research finding 90 percent of Australians say planning for care op ons in the face of serious or terminal illness is important, while only 40 percent go on to do anything about it.
To help turn that discussion into ac on, the author of the Rest Easy Journal will host an informa on session for people caring for a terminally ill friend or family member.
“Caring for our terminally ill loved ones can be really tough,” Ms Provost said.
“While carers are usually supported by a team of doctors, nurses, allied-health professionals, and even specialist volunteers, they can s ll find themselves overwhelmed.
“We’ll discuss simple strategies and tools that help carers feel confident as they support loved ones through life-limi ng disease like demen a, heart and kidney disease, and cancer.”
The free informa on session will be held at the Moruya Library on Thursday 25 May from 10.30 to 11.30am as a part of Na onal Pallia ve Care Week events across the country. Ms Provost said the workshop would help carers find confidence.
“Self-care, the courage to ask for support, and knowing how to find a team of helpers is vital. I’ll have proven ps and resources that help carers support their loved ones through this very tender me,” she said.
Bookings essen al at www.esc.nsw.gov.au/events
Above: End-of-life specialist educator and author of the Rest Easy Journal, Shanna Provost will run an informa on session for people caring for terminally ill family and friends at the Moruya Library next week.
and on the subject of end of life ....
Talking about dying won’t get you there quicker, but it will get you there be er! Early prepara on and open discussion about death, the process of dying and funeral op ons and preferences prior to a person’s passing can facilitate and ease each stage of the process for everyone concerned. The above session at Broulee Memorial Gardens will be the second in this series of mee ngs offered by the South Coast Funerals Group. At con nues… their first session in February, the convenors explored some of the many ways funerals can be made more affordable, personalised, family led and eco-friendly.
This me, their mee ng in May will focus more on end of life prepara ons and care. The session will begin with a video ques oning our current approach to death and dying.
The film will be followed by a discussion with Alina, Sonia and Lauren, who together offer a wealth of combined experience and understanding about how to prepare for death, how to celebrate and honour loved ones who have passed and how to adjust to their loss from our lives.
Light refreshments will be provided. So that they know numbers for catering, you can book your place at h ps://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/doing-death-differently-lets-talk- ckets-632199243957 www.iga.com.au/
This mee ng is offered free to anyone who wants to a end.
The South Coast Funerals Group welcomes the involvement and contribu on of other professionals and individuals who have a strong interest in reimagining our approach to end of life care and planning.