8 minute read
Reading—le er to the editor
The Beagle Editor,
Another excellent Beagle editorial at the weekend. Our various governments’ and regulators’ inaction over the past 10 years may take another 10 years to correct. Adequate and affordable housing is essential and a core responsibility of government. State and Federal (perhaps also Local Government) regulator’s mistakes have been many, particularly shrinking government spending on social housing and suspension of many public incentives for new home ownership. All this has been based on the assumption that ‘the market’ would sense a profit and step up to balance the supply/demand scales. That strategy doesn’t work and never has worked with essential community services and products - and housing is of course an essential product. The market worships at the altar of profit not goodwill.
Homelessness Australia (a national non-profit advocacy group) has estimated that, in real terms, States spending on public housing and aid for the homeless has halved since 2013. This is a wrong that needs to be immediately corrected. Where would the money come from? Initial funds could be sourced from the Commonwealth should they be bold enough to scrap the Stage Three tax cuts and redirect a chunk of the $240billion saved over 10 years to right the wrong of a neglected social and first home ownership sector.
Additionally, a billion or two could be invested in the currently under-resourced Accelerated Infrastructure Fund. This fund, established in 2020 by the NSW Government, aims to dismantle the many barriers currently discouraging the construction industry from boosting the supply of new homes. Red tape and cumbersome official planning processes are suffocating initiatives to create more serviced land, to reform unnecessary building regulations, to assist with sourcing quality construction materials and to address the shortage of skilled workers.
Any spare change can be distributed as desperately needed rental assistance. There is likely to be a minimum impact on the Ballot Box given the recent Australian Institute report showing that just 22% of Australians are in favour of retaining the Stage Three tax cuts.
Kim Odgers
100 Years Ago— 20 May 1923
Tilba is becoming famous through the foresight of its farmers. It is being held up as an example of what an up-to-date farm should be like in a me of drought. The dry spell, it is reported, has not affected Tilba to the same extent as further south. Most of the farms are equipped with silos, and the stock fed on ensilage look remarkably well. Moreover, it is stated that there are several farms in the district whose milk supply is quite equal to that of a normal season.
The bones of two celestrials [Chinese emigrants] were exhumed at the local cemetery last week, and shipped to the Flowery Land.
Miss Miller, of Bimbimbie, unfortunately met with an accident through being thrown out of her sulky, the lady receiving a severe shaking and fractured ribs. Dr. Cutler was immediately sent for, and the pa ent is now progressing favourably.
Since Mr. George Brown, of Bodalla, was operated on, the most serious one performed here, was skilfully done on Tuesday by Dr. Cutler on li le Mollie Mylo , only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mylo . The li le girl was suddenly taken ill on Saturday, and the case being diagnosed as appendici s the pa ent was removed to the local hospital where the opera on took place. It transpired that the case was much worse than an cipated, peritoni s having supervened. However, with skilful treatment, and assiduous nursing by Matron Constable, we are pleased to report that there is now a slight improvement, and her recovery is almost assured.
Mr. A. H. Preddy and family have le “Tuffwood” and taken up residence in Mrs. J. Emmo ’s commodious co age “Eversley” in Page Street.
Bateman’s Bay. (From our Correspondent.) Mogo footballers played a return match with the Bateman’s Bay juniors on the la er’s ground. The game was extremely rough and several players were badly knocked about especially young Barling, of the Mogo team. The Bay won by 3 to nil.
The dredge put into this port on Tuesday a ernoon, pending favourable weather to commence opera ons on the Moruya Bar.
Mr. Forbes Mackay, who is always on the lookout for latest modern methods, has had an up-to-date electric light plant installed at “The Bungalow.” We expect others will follow suit shortly.
AUCTION SALE on May 19th at 2.30 p.m. sharp. H. J. Thomson will sell … under instruc ons from Mr. H. E. Simpson; - No 1 Farm, known as “Oaklands,” Mullenderee, containing 87 acres of alluvial flats, divided into seven paddocks, with a five-roomed co age and kitchen, bails, silo and shed, and two acres of lucerne; No 2 Farm, known as Ninderra Estate, containing 433 acres of highly improved hilly land, and having a permanent water supply, with co age, bails, and 100 ton silo built of granite.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.
Exhibi on highlights shipping’s importance for South Coast
The importance of shipping to the South Coast un l the early 1950s will be highlighted in an exhibi on by Narooma Historical Society in Narooma Library 12-27 May during library hours.
Society President Laurelle Pacey said in the early days roads were rough tracks or nonexistent so the sea provided a vital transport link.
“It was the means of taking cargoes mainly to Sydney returning with supplies for se lers, miners and businesses, mail and o en also carried passengers,” she said.
“Cargoes could include mber, wa le bark, oysters, oats, cheese, maize, wheat, hides, kegs of bu er, even granite from Moruya River. In the early days of steamers, it was a 13 hour trip from Narooma to Sydney compared with several days by road.”
On Friday 19 May at 10.30am, Ms Pacey will talk about shipping to the south coast, par cularly Narooma. Everyone is welcome.
The exhibi on coincides with the Na onal Trust’s Australian Heritage Fes val and Interna onal Museums Day on 18 May.
She also urges everyone to visit Narooma’s Lighthouse Museum in the Visitors Centre which highlights Narooma’s rich mari me past and its close associa on with Barunguba (Montague Island).
Fes val Launch & Call For Entries
The River of Art Fes val is back from Friday 15 to Sunday 24 September 2023. Now in its 18th year, the 10-day fes val will feature culture, music, visual art, theatre, and crea ve workshops around the fes val theme Celebra ng Place.
The River of Art Fes val is now invi ng proposals from ar sts, the community and business to be a part of this year’s fes val by producing crea ve works or providing a venue or gallery to host events.
The deadline for proposals is Wednesday 12 July.
Moruya Red Door presents: Acts of Passion
Following a sell out season with Agatha Crust and the Village Hall Murders, the Moruya Red Door Theatre Company's next play is almost here.
Two wonderful one act plays at the Moruya RSL Hall.
While the matinee will have the usual theatre seating, the night shows have table seating. So grab a friend and organise some nibbles for a terrific night out. Tickets on line or at the door.
The Ladybirds by Tony Layton and directed by Jack Spahr
A village drama group has lost all their men. The future looks bleak until a bright director agrees to help them out. The suggested solution at first shocks the actors and the villagers, so don't be surprised with what happens next.
Six Shades of Difference”
exhibi ng at The Clyde Gallery, Bay Pavilions, Batemans Bay for the month of May.
Six local ar sts who regularly get together and paint. These ar sts are all different in their approach to pain ng, style, technique, subject ma er, medium and colour pale e. The artwork is diverse and ranges from realis c local scenes, impressionis c work, s ll life, abstract expressionism, as well as semi abstract landscapes and seascapes. Various media is used, some of which explores acrylic paint, mixed media, ink, pastel and much more.
Above: Abstract by Kristen Arraye
The exhibi on is open 7 days per week 8am to 5pm for May.
Carroll College presents: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Carroll College have an upcoming Musical : Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The Musical will be held on Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th June commencing at 6.30pm each evening.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve wri en about the amazing therapeu c proper es of Moringa oleifera. This tree is na ve to northern India and Africa and has for centuries been used to fight disease and treat many ailments.
As I’ve explained previously, there are many health benefits when taking Moringa oleifera, however one of the most interes ng is the an -inflammatory effect Moringa oleifera has on the body. It is believed Moringa oleifera contains some of the most powerful and effec ve an -inflammatory compounds in natural medicine.
Many sufferers from arthri s and joint pain say they receive a significant reduc on in pain and some mes complete remission. Because of these an -inflammatory quali es, Moringa may also work well in preven on and treatment of gout. Moringa oleifera in fact not only acts as an an -inflammatory but also alkalises the body. Many will be aware, lowering acid levels by alkalising our body is important in trea ng and preven ng gout and arthri s.
Cycooxygenase-2 is one of the key enzymes in our body which assists the body in producing the inflammatory compounds which are necessary when we suffer an infec on or an injury. These inflammatory compounds in such cases are essen al for the healing process. However, when the body generates excessive amounts of these key enzymes, we then suffer from chronic inflamma on and pain. The phytonutrients contained in the Moringa oleifera directly help the body to restrain and control those key enzymes which cause joint pain or those nagging pains caused by exercise or general wear and tear (i.e., old age!).
In addi on to these key enzyme inhibitors, Moringa oleifera has been found to contain other pain-relieving quali es including bio-ac ve compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids and polyphenols which is thought to also reduce inflamma on and encourages bone and joint health.
When we think of inflamma on, I guess most will automa cally think of arthri s however low-grade chronic inflamma on can also play an ongoing part in other diseases such as autoimmune disorders, for example rheumatoid arthri s, lupus, and polymyalgia rheuma ca where our body’s immune system mistakenly sets up an inflammatory response although there’s no inflamma on to fight off. Then we have inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease, coli s, and ulcera ve coli s. Moringa oleifera, because of its aninflammatory quali es, can be beneficial in treatment of these diseases.
Some migraine sufferers find if they follow an an -inflammatory diet their migraine headaches subside. When migraines are caused by low grade chronic inflamma on, taking Moringa oleifera may be worthwhile.
Low grade chronic inflamma on is believed to be the source of many diseases including cancer, obesity and heart disease which could therefore mean it’s the foremost cause of deaths in the western world.
Quite o en there will be no indica on of chronic inflamma on un l illness occurs. Chronic inflamma on can be present in our body for years with no obvious signs. It is low grade and systemic, quietly, and insidiously