3 minute read
Forestry Corpora on failing to comply with the law: Auditor General report into the regula on of public na ve forestry
A new report published by the Auditor general today has been cri cal of the Forestry Corpora on’s processes and assessments for non-compliance during logging opera ons across our public na ve forest estate. The report has also iden fied that the Environment Protec on Authority needs to increase the resources and training provided to compliance officers to ensure they are able to complete their job regula ng the logging of our na ve forests.
Greens MP Sue Higginson and spokesperson for the Environment said “This report is confirma on that the NSW Forestry Corpora on is failing in their legal and compliance obliga ons. Unfortunately, this does not come as a surprise. Not a whole lot has changed in the past decade since a Judge of the Land and Environment Court found the Forestry Corpora on has a culture of non-compliance.
“Na ve forest logging costs NSW tens of millions just in the harves ng and haulage, if we add the expenses of the EPA having to monitor all of the non-compliant opera ons, then the bill blows out even more. Recent cases where the EPA has prosecuted the Forestry Corpora on have resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and court costs. It is unreasonable that a government agency has to sue a State-Owned Corpora on at a cost to NSW residents to enforce compliance of the law while damaging our forests.
“The lack of risk-based assessments for logging sites and for quality assurance is a red flag that Forestry Corpora on is playing fast and loose with their responsibili es. It is excep onally concerning that the Corpora on is not even measuring whether they are tracking towards their zero-non-compliance goal.
“The Environment Protec on Authority should be the first line of defence against unlawful forestry opera ons, but they currently aren’t, they need training and equipment that allows them to conduct this vital work and a whole lot more money. It would be an absolute absurdity to have to go down this path now. The case to end logging the public forest estate has been made. It is cos ng taxpayers millions of dollars in losses and subsidies every year to prop up the industry and cause further harm and destruc on to our precious forests including koala habitat. The NSW Government needs to look to VIC and WA and hasten the inevitable.
“With this new evidence about the non-compliance of na ve forest logging in NSW, it is untenable for the Government to allow na ve forest opera ons to con nue, especially in vulnerable areas - and par cularly in the proposed Great Koala Na onal Park.
“There are serious concerns that the Forestry Corpora on is conduc ng a grab and run in our na ve forests.
SAGE Winter Sols ce on Sunday 25 June
Book ckets to the SAGE Winter Sols ce on Sunday 25 June!
Enjoy warmth from the fire, the company of friends and live local music by the talented Val Moogz while sharing delicious soups made from local produce.
Fresh hot bread made in our pizza oven will help warm the cockles of your heart.
3pm start - food starts at 4pm.
BYO drinks, soup mug and spoon, chair and/or picnic rug, beanie and warm clothes.
Tickets are only available online; $25 per person, $15 for kids under 13 and $70 for families of 4.
Book online at www.sageproject.org.au
ON THE AGENDA for Council Mee ng
Tuesday 27 June 2023
Adop on of next year's opera onal plan, budgets, fees and charges
Revised fees for councillors and mayors in NSW Recommended move to monthly Council Mee ngs that include Public Forum in the mee ng Grants for local safety and emergency services groups, plus rates subsidies for others Dra water management strategy to be endorsed for public exhibi on PUBLIC ACCESS @ 9.30am Speak to councillors about any Councilrelated topic. PUBLIC FORUM @ 10.30am Speak to councillors about ma ers on the Council Mee ng agenda. Register for Public Access or Public Forum by midday Monday 26 June - contact us on 4474 1358 or council.mee ngs@esc.nsw.gov.au COUNCIL MEETING @12.30pm Join in the Council Chamber in Moruya or watch the webcast. Full agenda, public forum and public access info, plus online viewing here > www.esc.nsw.gov.au/mee ngs