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Fantas c Mixed Media Workshops

Coming to the Bay

Amanda’s of Mogo are thrilled to have the fabulous Greek mixed media ar st Antonis Tzanidakis coming back to Batemans Bay on his Australian tour, teaching his amazing mixed media workshops. Antonis will be teaching 5 workshops in July, Friday 21st –Sunday 23rd July 2023.


You can book all 5 workshops for a great mixed media weekend or just one or two classes. Classes can be booked by calling Amanda’s of Mogo on mob. 0436 357 364 or online via our website - (h ps:// amandasofmogo.com.au/onlineshop/)

His workshops range from a geisha bo le, decorated notebook, and panels plus an edgy poison bo le panel. Almost all of materials are provided including most surfaces, paints, pastes and embellishments.

Everyone can par cipate, no mixed media experience needed, you will learn plenty of different techniques like pain ng, ageing, an quing and faux rus ng.

When: July 21st , 22nd and 23rd 2023

Where: Batemans Bay Marina Resort, 49 Beach road, Batemans Bay

Meals: Morning and a ernoon tea. are included. Your crea ve weekend awaits. Bookings essen al. Book Now.

Natalie Bateman explores mum’s country at the Bas

Ar st and Walbanja-Yuin woman Natalie Bateman is inspired by her deep connec on to family and the beau ful land she lives on.

minga bagan, meaning mum’s country, is Natalie’s latest collec on of pain ngs on show at the Basil Sellers Exhibi on Centre from Saturday 17 June to Sunday 16 July.

Natalie always looks for ways to release her crea vity through vibrant and upli ing colours.

“I have found my style in triangles, steering away from ‘dot’ art; triangles and line work are tradi onal Yuin art,” she said.

The use of triangles in Natalie’s work represents who she is - her DNA and connec on to the land, and its beauty of sounds and colours.

Natalie feels humble when people see her designs move and shi .

“The flow between land, body, and culture is what I am seeking,” she said.

Above: Natalie Bateman’s exhibi on, minga bagan, is on show at the Basil Sellers Exhibi on Centre from Saturday 17 June to Sunday 16 July.

Most of Natalie’s pain ngs have the essence of her family - she considers them central to her life and crea ve prac ce. Knowing her ancestors walked on this land before her provides empowerment.

“Most of my ideas come from everyday living and the land - which feels so natural to me,” she said.

“The incredible colour, shapes and pa erns. The smells, sounds and the stories passed down from my elders.”

For more informa on, visit www.thebas.com.au

A STITCH IN TIME is an exhibi on of embroidery art by long me Mystery Bay resident Audrey Jean Coxhill. Running from Thursday to Sunday 25 June 2023 at the Narooma Gallery, Narooma

Audrey’s exhibi on presents a sumptuous collec on of handcra ed needlepoint. Each piece is carefully designed and drawn before she brings it to life with me culous and colourful s tching.

Audrey Jean Coxhill is a tex le and embroidery ar st with a deep passion for history and ancient arts. She draws inspira on from ancient Egypt, the Renaissance, Cel c and Medieval arts.

A trip to Europe in 1986 was Audrey's ini al inspira on. She has been s tching ever since, although rarely exhibits her work. Audrey, now in her 80’s has a flair for colour and design, as well as an extraordinary commitment to her cra . She has made hundreds of pieces including a 20 metre long replica of the Bayeux Tapestry.

Joanne Junor, a Professional Portrait Photographer, from Melbourne moved to Mystery Bay in 2021, and soon a er joined a local cra group where she met Audrey. Amazed by the detail in her pieces, Joanne knew she had to capture Audrey and her work in a portrait. With Audrey’s agreement she carefully transported over a hundred pieces to her studio to create the set. In the final portrait, now printed and framed in Audrey’s living room, she sits like a queen surrounded by all her beau ful crea ons.

Joanne says of the portrait they made together “I knew we had created something special and, I realised it would mean a lot to Audrey if she could have an exhibi on of her work, so I offered to help her achieve this. I believe her collec on is unique and needs to be seen.”

The opening event will be a morning tea held at the Gallery on Thursday 15 June at 10:30am. Everyone is welcome to come along and help celebrate the work of this amazing woman.

A STITCH IN TIME by Audrey Jean Coxhill

Where: Narooma Gallery (formerly SoArt Gallery), 92 Campbell Street, Narooma

When: 15 - 25 June 2023

Open: daily 10am – 4pm

Web: www.naroomaschoolofarts.com.au

I always get excited when I find a new product range which I think will be a great hit with customers and par cularly if the range contains a new and interes ng ingredient. What has got me even more excited is the rave reviews I’ve heard and read about this product. There have been many posi ve tes monials about the effec veness of this cream for pain relief.

The Zea Kunzea range contains a new ingredient known as Kunzea ambigua, an essen al oil which has been found to be extremely helpful for trea ng pain.

Kunzea ambigua which is an Australian na ve bush, is related to the Myrtle family and grows profusely in the north eastern wilderness of Tasmania and Bass Strait Islands. Whilst Kunzea may be comparable to other Myrtle plants, the key ac ve ingredients have now been found to be even more beneficial. Kunzea oil has been found to contain a higher content of ac ve ingredients which have been found to be beneficial for their an -inflammatory, an -bacterial and an -microbial proper es. Kunzea has unique biochemical quali es and the high content of several C15 compounds, has meant it has excep onal therapeu c benefits. The numerous sesquiterpene ingredients in Kunzea means Kunzea oil may be hugely beneficial when used as an an -inflammatory which is good news to anybody suffering from ongoing pain.

Kunzea Pain Relief Cream. Because the ac ve ingredients in Kunzea Oil have been shown to be aninflammatory they have been found to be beneficial for joint and arthri s pain. Customers report a reduc on in arthri c pain, scia ca, neuralgia including shingles, fibromyalgia and generally most types of pain. Kunzea Pain Relief Cream contains Kunzea, Rosemary and Lavender Essen al Oils, Macadamia, Vit E and Coconut Oil plus Shea Bu er. Kunzea Pain Relief Cream would be great to use in conjunc on with P.E.A. which many customers are already finding to be helpful in addressing pain and inflamma on.

Kunzea Muscle Balm helps relieve muscle aches and pains. Kunzea Oil contains several compounds which have been found to help sooth fa gued muscles, whether it’s a er a long day on your feet or a er a gym work out. Kunzea can also help improve circula on and ease muscular tension as well as promote so ssue repair a er injuries, sprains, and strains. The addi on of Arnica means it may also sooth and calm bruises whilst also easing the pain. Muscle cramps can be eased when using Kunzea Muscle Balm. Kunzea Muscle Balm contains Kunzea, Peppermint and Eucalyptus Essen al oils as well as Ginger, Arnica, Beeswax and Mango Bu er plus Vitamin E, Castor Oil and Jojoba Oil.

Kunzea Bath Salts may also help to soothe and relax red muscles, rejuvenate the body as well as help to detox and hydrate the skin. These salts can also aid in reducing stress, helping with sleep and relaxa on. There has been interes ng feedback on Kunzea Bath Salts and Kunzea Muscle Balm helping to relieve the muscle aches of Covid. Some customers enjoy using the bath salts in their foot bath. Blocked sinuses or a blocked nose can be helped by inhaling a steam bath using the bath salts. Simply pour boiling water into a

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