BeAnywhere inSight Lite Edition Quickstart Manual
Introduction The BeAnywhere inSight Lite Edition is the new Simple Remote Management and Monitoring (S-RMM) add-on featured on Support Express. Despite being purchased as an independent module, it can only be used when associated with Business or Corporate licenses. Major Features: ● Alert creation based on the agent’s OS; ● Graphical information about the agent’s resources usage and status; ● Detailed information about the agent’s hardware and software; ● Audit reports based on all gathered information; ● Software’s vulnerability alerts; ● Massive and remote script’s deployment.
Every BASE Corporate license is entitled with 10 BA insight Lite licenses, completely free; BASE Busines clients will also enjoy 5 free BA InSight Lite licenses.
Pre-Requisites BeAnywhere inSight Edition requires the 4.80 Agent or newer. There is no need for local configuration – the module is managed through the Admin Area. All technicians must be allowed to use it at “Management>Technicians”, selecting the “Permissions” tab. This procedure is necessary even for technicians with Admin Area’s administrator privileges.
There are two different kinds of privileges: Access and Management. ● Access- The technician can create new alerts, run existing scripts and audit machines. Can’t: 1. Activate/deactivate inSight monitoring in selected computers; 2. Delete Alerts; 3. Add/Delete/Edit Scripts. ● Management - The technician enjoys total control over inSight Lite licenses and features.
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Alerts and Monitoring The inSight Lite Edition features an advanced system health-status monitoring module, as well as a real-time alert engine; both tools allow for a swift situation-awareness of all connected devices. Technicians will also be able to establish specific rules for specific situations, activating automatic and immediate measures whenever the situation dictates an intervention.
Monitoring and setting up alerts My Computers Thanks to the BeAnywhere inSight Lite Edition feature, the “My computers” category, at the Admin Area, is now looking like this:
The biggest changes can be seen at the bottom, with the introduction of a double-PC tree that facilitates procedures like searching for Agents, the in-group navigation and the rearrangement of groups (moving and placing machines in specific groups); the introduction of a new option at the “General” tab is also new; and so are the four new tabs.
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Agent’s Search new features: ● New "inSight PCs only" field – Computers being monitored. ● New "With applied rules only" field – Computers being monitored and with associated alerts. "General" tab changes: ● New option "Enable monitoring (You have used X of Y monitoring licenses.)" - Specifies the agents being monitored and the number of remaining available monitoring licenses.
This tab shows all the available alerts and the rules that activate each one. Listed are the active and inactive alerts, enabling you to delete, create or activate/deactivate any of them. Listed are also the available alerts (each machine can be associated with 10 active alerts, plus 20 more inactive alerts).
NOTE: Deactivating an alert means that the associated rules will no longer be applied, but the “Alerts History” will remain intact and the alert will be ready for immediate reactivation. Deleting an alert means that the history of occurrences will also be lost and you won’t be able to reactivate that alert – you’ll need to create a new one from scratch.
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Alerts>Add New The type of rules that can be created are the following: ● CPU - If the CPU usage is bigger/smaller than X% for Y minutes/hours... ● Memory - If the physical memory occupation is bigger/smaller than X%/MB/GB for Y minutes/hours... ● Disk space - If the used space for the drive X is bigger/smaller than Y%/MB/GB for Y minutes/hours... ● Process not executed - If the process X is not in execution... ● Process executed - If the process X is being executed... ● Service not executed – If the service X is not in execution... ● Service executed – If the service X is being executed... ● Service execution type – If the service X has the type of execution Y … ● Windows Events – Detect in the Application/System/Security registries from the Event Viewer; detect text strings in the Category, Source, Event ID, User, Computer Name, Message and Description fields. ● There is also a customizable threshold for this kind of alert: ignores every subsequent identical event that occurs during a specified time-period. ● ONLINE/OFFLINE - If the computer remains without communication for more than 10 minutes...
Every rule allows the following actions: ● Register Only (information will be stored in the "Alerts History" tab) ● Send E-mail (the alert is registered and sent to the provided email address) ● Deploy script (executes a script from the group) You can apply the same rule to more than one computer: you only need to select the relevant machines on the right. The list will show the amount of alerts that can still be set on each PC. NOTE: You can’t give the same name to two different alerts – in that event, the second alert will be automatically renamed (e.g.: "High CPU" will be renamed to "High CPU (2)").
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Alerts History
This tab keeps record of all alerts associated to rules that haven’t been deleted. As well as the date, the rule name and the settings that trigger and stop them, you can also check what action has the rule originated and to which address was a notification email sent (if sent).
System Info > Dashboard
The Dashboard is the only indicator available to all computers, even the ones with no active monitoring. The technician can rapidly check the major features of the entire BASE Agents lot. NOTE: The REFRESH button, available in each category of the System Info tab, will only work for that particular category (avoiding an overcharge of the remote computers and BeAnywhere’s databases) – the remaining categories will stay the same. If you need to update them all, you’ll have to do it one-by-one.
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System Info>Applications
This category shows all the computer’s installed programs (and registered in the OS), sorted by manufacturer. When a security update is available the program will be marked with red colors and a link for the update will be provided.
System Info>Processes
On the Processes category are featured all the processes that have been detected in the moment the data was gathered. This information is quite volatile, so the use of alerts is recommended over this category. The indicators are: ● Name ● CPU occupation % ● Occupied memory (KB) ● Priority ● Number of threads ● Descriptive ● User that houses the process ● Physical memory occupation %
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System Info>Network
In this area you’ll find the physical and virtual machine adapters, as well as the fields that follow: ● MAC address ● Machine DNS ● Domain DNS ● Address assigned by DHCP (Yes/No) ● DHCP Server
System Info>Services
This tab shows the system services, including name, status, mode and type.
System Info>Drivers
This category presents all system registered drivers, stating the following fields: ● Name – driver registry name. ● Type – Type of driver (kernel, filesystem). ● Path – Driver’s registered location. ● X – Driver status, stating its effective presence on the system.
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System Stats
This tab presents the historic for the last fifteen days for the following indicators: ● CPU 1: in servers with multiple real processors, only shows the first CPU; when dealing with processors with multiple cores/threads, all of them will be part of the CPU’s metrics (usage percentage). ● Physical memory: in Gigabytes. ● Hard Drive space used: in Gigabytes. It’s possible to select any of the available drives. You can open any of the graph charts in a bigger window ; to zoom it in, just click over it. The selected time-lapse for the chart affects the resolution in which the information is presented, as the following table indicates: Time-lapse Last hour 3 hours 6 hours 12 hours 24 hours 2 days 7 days 15 days
Resolution Each minute
Each 5 minutes Each Hour
This table indicates not only the graphs information but also what information is stored on record – the BeAnywhere’s data-base only stores detailed information for the last six hours. It’s also possible to select the visualization metrics included in the chart - this is particularly useful for longer periods of time, with lower graph resolution.
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Scripts execution The inSight Lite Edition allows advanced settings like the immediate or scheduled script deployment in any of the listed computers. It’s directly compatible with Script Batches, Visual Basic Script and Powershell, but as long as the machine is storing the appropriate runtime, the script deployment will work, regardless of the language used. You can also set the scripts deployment through alerts.
Scripts deployment>Adding a new script to the Repository To run a script task you need to first add and set the script in the repository, by clicking in “Management>Scripts”.
This interface allows the creation of script groups and script sub-groups. To create a new group, simply click in “ADD GROUP”.
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Equally, adding a new script starts by pressing the “ADD SCRIPT” button.
In this window, specify a name and a description for the new script. You can check it immediately as active or choose to do it later; then click in “ADD SCRIPT”. In the event that the script needs one or more resources available for download through the web, add them through the “ADD FILE” button. NOTE: You’re entitled to add an unlimited number of resources. At this screen you may also delete or edit the settings already set.
In this window, specify a name for the file. It’s also possible to add a MD5 hash, enabling the file’s integrity validation. Next, indicate the URL from where the resource will be downloaded, as well as the local device’s destiny folder. It’s also possible to specify if the file will be always downloaded or only when it doesn’t exists locally. The first option is useful when the resource is constantly updated through the same URL. When finished, click “SAVE”.
NOTE: The inSight Lite Edition only natively supports file downloading through the web, from internet or intranet, using HTTP and HTTPS protocols (the technician is able to copy files from the local network, enjoying the extended power and versatility of script’s commands).
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Afterwards, at “Script Content”, you can set if the script text is directly inserted in BASE interface, through the “Explicit Script” option, or if it is available in a text file located in an external URL, by selecting “External Script”. In the first case, the technician should paste the necessary commands to the “Script Body” field and then select the type of script that is being added.
If the technician chooses “External Script”, he will need to enter an URL – it’s also possible to add an MD5 to validate the file’s integrity – and select the script type.
By clicking “SAVE”, data will be saved and the script will be ready to deploy. You can move it to a different group, using the “MOVE TO” button; or delete it, clicking the “DELETE” button.
Scripts deployment > Create a new script deployment job After setting up one or more scripts at the repository, you’ll be able to create a deployment job. The script can be distributed to one or more devices, being possible to schedule the beginning of the deployment, set the context and set the result notification. NOTE: To deploy multiple scripts in a single job add to the repository a script containing different scripts.
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If a technician chooses to use the standard settings, it will only be necessary to name the job on the first window and then click “NEXT”. However, there are multiple parameters that can be set:
The option “Start on” allows the technician to set a specific time and date in which to launch the job (standard setting orders an immediate start). However, jobs will always obey to a 5 minute delay after creation, to allow their cancelation. When expanding this option, two extra configuration options will appear: ● Deployment will stop – If the job isn’t over when time limit is reached, you will get a report about the current status and the job will be marked as completed. ● Computers will discard this job if not completed in – If the job isn’t concluded in one or more devices when time limit is reached, the job will be marked as failed.
By default, the “Run as” option is set for the script to be deployed in the system account context. The technician can also choose to deploy the script in another context, local or from the network (for instance, using domain administration credentials), with limited or unlimited privileges. In any of the contexts, the following options are possible: ● Deploy only when the user has an active session; ● Allow script interaction with the local user – For instance, when installing software incapable of performing a silent installment or when trying to make sure that the user is able to cancel the script deployment.
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It’s also possible to specify if the script resources should be erased after a successful deployment. After setting up these elements, press “NEXT”. Now select the script to deploy (the description of the chosen element will be visible). After the job setting is complete, click “NEXT”.
In the last tab, you need to select the device(s) that will perform the job and press “DEPLOY SCRIPT”. It will be deployed accordingly to the specified options. It’s also possible to specify if the script resources should be erased after a successful deployment.
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After setting up these elements, press “NEXT”. Now select the script to deploy (the description of the chosen element will be visible). After the job setting is complete, click “NEXT”.
To follow the script job status or to check the script History you should choose the “REPORTS>Script Jobs” link. Here you’ll be able to check when a job has started and ended, its status, its author and the script content, when applicable.
Using the “REPLICATE NOW” button, the technician can repeat the job execution.
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Auditing devices The inSight Lite Edition also allows the auditing of one or more devices. Through this feature you will be able to obtain detailed reports about the activities performed in the selected devices, as well as detailed information about those same devices. To start an audit, go to “REPORTS>Audit Devices”.
A similar screen to the Script deployment one will pop-up. It’s possible to choose one or multiple computers inside each group. After selecting the computers to audit you will only need to press the “AUDIT” button.
At the new window you can choose what report you want to generate and a destination email address for that report. Just like in all the other reports generated by BeAnywhere, a link will be sent by email.
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BeAnywhere inSight Lite Edition v.BETA - QuickStart Manual