14 minute read
Coastal Energy
Offshore wind power refers to the construction of wind farms in bodies of water to generate electricity from wind. Unlike the typical usage of the term „offshore“ in the marine industry, offshore wind power includes inshore water areas such as lakes, fjords and sheltered coastal areas, utilizing traditional fixed-bottom wind turbine technologies, as well as deeper-water areas utilizing floating wind turbines
Which are the advantages of this technology?

Offshore wind speeds tend to be faster than on land . Small increases in wind speed yield large increases in energy production: a turbine in a 15- mph wind can generate twice as much energy as a turbine in a 12-mph wind. Faster wind speeds offshore mean much more energy can be generated. Many coastal areas have very high energy needs. More of the half of the population on the earth lives in coastal areas , with concentrations in major coastal cities. Building offshore wind farms in these areas can help to meet those energy needs from nearby sources. Moreover they create jobs; and they do not emit environmental pollutants or greenhouse gases . Otherwise Offshore wind farms can be expensive and difficult to build and maintain. In particular, is very hard to build robust and secure wind farms in water deeper than around 60 m). Wave action, and even very high winds, particularly during heavy storms or hurricanes, can damage wind turbines. The production and installation of power cables under the seafloor to transmit electricity back to land can be very expensive. Effects of offshore wind farms on marine animals and birds are not fully understood, on the other way offshore wind farms built within view of the coastline up to 20 km offshore, depending on viewing conditions may be unpopular among residents, and may affect tourism and property values. Offshore wind power can help to reduce energy imports, reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases (by displacing fossil-fuel power generation), meet renewable electricity standards, and create jobs and local business opportunities

114 wind turbines were fully grid connected, totalling 511 MW in 4 wind farms. 182 turbines were erected in four wind farms in the first half of the year. Some have been gridconnected, some have not. The average size of wind turbines installed in the first half of 2016 is 4.8MW, or 15% larger than over the same period last year. Seven projects, worth, reached Final Investment Decision in the first half of 2016. This will finance 3.7 GW of new capacity, a doubling from the first half of 2015.


Fosen Vind DA builds Europe‘s largest land-based wind power plant in central Norway. About 11 billion kroner will be invested in six wind farms totaling 1000 MW. Construction work started in April 2016 and all the parks will be completed by 2020.

What is a 21st Century Energy Landscape? The first exemple of renvable alternative solution is an energy-generating kite farm on a public beach in Abu Dhabi. The park is organized and designed to respond efficiently and creatively to climate. The intention is that the park serve as a barometer of regional weather events. Weather Field is simultaneously a public space, a dynamic energy icon, and a public weather service. The field is a registration of daily weather events including weather events such as Shamals winds, dense fog, and sandstorms, among others. Except for the posts that tether the para-kites, the ground and aquatic ecology is undisturbed. Tethered to flexible posts, 200 para-kites would use the innovative Windbelt generator to convert wind into enough electricity to power more than 600 homes. The eco-park allows people to interact with energy production in several different ways, ranging from the predictable to the extreme. A homeowner can choose to buy the energy from a kite, and as a kind of thankyou gift he or she will also receive a live feed of the beach views from the para-kite sent to a monitor in the home — a living landscape painting, if you will. How does it work? The para-kite is a hybrid of a parachute, a kite, and a glider. It is equipped with a series of hollow air chamber cells along its length, which allows it to become airborne and remain aloft in sufficient winds. As wind passes through the air cells, it encounters a series of non-turbine energy harvesting Windbelts™ along the depth of the chamber. The belts thin profile converts “aerolastic flutter” to AC power within the para-kite’s chambers. Only low to medium air movement is necessary for this technology to still have significant impact. The Windbelt™ generates AC power down the suspension lines to the supports posts. From there, electricity is carried in series to a step-up transmission station on site, before being fed into the high voltage power grid to the southeast. The side trim of the para-kites is equipped with light-weight magnetic strips. Para-kites can be aggregated and clustered to maximize a response to each weather condition. For example, during the Shamals wind, which can last up to 5 days continuously during the summer months, the para-kites gather in clusters of 5-6 in order to maximize harvest.



Scientists at Princeton University could achieve major gains in light absorption and efficiency of solar cells after being inspired by the wrinkles and folds on leaves. The team created a biomimetic solar cell design using a relatively cheap plastic material that can generate 47 percent more electricity than the same type of solar cells with a flat surface. The team used ultra-violet light to cure a layer of liquid photographic adhesive, alternating the speed of curing to create both shallower wrinkles and deeper folds in the material, just like a leaf. From this technology sciencist provide a new system for generate energy in the houses of everyone. The name of this new idea is Solar Ivy, is a spectacular system of thin, fluttering solar panels that generate energy by sparkling in the sunlight. The wind and solar power generating photovoltaic leaves can be easily integrated on the side of a building to produce energy. The concept, consists of a layer of thin-film material on top of polyethylene with a piezoelectric generator attached to each leaf. When the sun is shining or the wind is blowing, energy is being generated via Solar Ivy. he Solar Ivy system is modular in nature and made up of ‘bricks’ of 5 leaves which may be scaled to any size necessary. A strip of Solar Ivy is capable of generating 85 Watts of solar power. The advantage of this type of system is that it may be easily mounted on a vertical wall due to its light weight. Another ingenious attribute of Solar Ivy is that its light-sourcing leaves are not static, allowing them to move around and catch the sun from many directions. Due to the organic shape of each panel, they look and act like real leaves, providing a more authentic climbing ivy aesthetic. Moreover this technology is not polluted and it can be smartly integrated with the architecture appearance of the building.
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HABITABLE WIND FARMS ON THE COAST OF HOLLAND Over the years, we see that there is increasing interest in wind energy. However, governments concentrate only on the functionality of wind power systems. Therefore, these systems became bigger in size and more expensive. At the same time citizens show little interest in wind energy because of the remote localisation of wind farms and the reputation to be unsuitable for habitation and recreation. In recent years little progress is made to address this issue in order to create cheaper, eye catching and more efficient wind energy systems. The philosophy behind this project is that architecture should not only focus on designing buildings, but also focus on combining sustainable energy and habitability, to create a sustainable way of living in the future. This is excatly what this project aims to achieve: to let people experience the benefits of the wind energy in a sustainable living environment by combining habitability (architecture) and a new wind energy system (technology) The ‘ammophila’ designed by murtada alkaabi is a wind farm that can also be used for habitation. the volume consists of demountable panels, making it possible to use the building for different purposes, while a moving façade creates a continuous curtain affect throughout the day. the project is based on combining processes for generating sustainable energy with viable options for living – envisioning a future where the two are seamlessly integrated. the concept differentiates itself from other wind power design as it has the potential to serve as an architectural landmark as well, using the one structure to serve multiple purposes. .27 .28 .29

Project Title: Ammophila: habitable wind farms Architect: Murtada Alkaabi – designer at To Create Gross Floor area: The project is flexibel. Location: Coast .33



The Land Art Generator Initiative exhibition in Glasgow is a clear example of how art and green power can be two elements perfectly joint together. Also the landscape is a great protagonist of this combination. On display at LAGI Glasgow there were a series of designs for a proposed renewable energy project targeted for the banks of two intersecting canals in the city in the Port Dundas area. The creations were developed collaboratively by agencies in Scotland as well as from other countries, demonstrating something of a global partnership in support of renewable energy projects—with a certain aesthetic flair, of course. The LAGI Glasgow exhibition demonstrates three distinct and unique designs that employ renewable energy generation without sacrificing eye appeal. Each more fantastic than the one before, the installations pay homage to the site’s natural surroundings, while incorporating some of the latest evolutions of clean energy technology, such as bladeless (or “vortex” style) wind turbines. Air, water, and light are all treated as sources of potentially endless value, within clean energy projects designed and executed by multidisciplinary teams from multiple continents. Some of these creations are sparkling, flowreshing: Watergaw’ is a hydropower installation comprised of water-callers and wind-callers, representations of natural features at the exhibition site; Wind Forest The artificial forest will transform 100 Acre Hill into a wind energy farm, sporting 100 4 kW single bladeless wind turbines, in three distinct groves, each painted in a slightly different shade pulled from the palette of the surrounding landscape.
new york

new orleans


Globally, the number of great inland flood catastrophes during 1996–2005 was twice as large, per decade, as between 1950 and 1980, while related economic losses increased by a factor of five. Socio-economic factors such as economic growth, increases in population and in the wealth concentrated in vulnerable areas, and land-use change were significant contributors. Floods have been the most reported natural disaster events in many regions, affecting 140 million people per year on average. Because flood damages have grown more rapidly than population or economic growth, other factors must be considered, including climate change. The weight of observational evidence indicates an ongoing acceleration of the water cycle. The frequency of heavy precipitation events has increased, consistent with both warming and observed increases in atmospheric water vapor. .37

MODERATE PRODICTUBLITY LOW FLRXIBILITY NOT RAMPING UP POWER DESCAMPING POWER LIFESPLAN 22 YEARS TIDAL EBERGY, FLOATING TURBINS TECNNOLOGY The first kind of technology that we choose to analazyed is the tidal wave power. In order to create amd generate hydroelectrici- ty the sciencist of the our century started to use the power and positive aspects of the water mo- vement. Nowdays there are two main way to generate this kaind of energy, both of them are equally useful and productive even if the barrier tech- nology is more dangerous for the oceanic fauna and ecosystem. The turbine has a four quadrant operation, which means it has four main, active, operating modes: forward turbining; reverse turbining; forward pumping; and reverse pumping.

TURBINE SECTION SWAN SEA TIDAL LAGOON, ENGLAND The turbine can also be used in ‘sluice mode’ at very low heads to adjust lagoon levels. As with all conventional hydropower plants, utilises the head difference between the upstream and downstream (inlet and tailwater) water levels to generate power. The higher the head, the grea- ter the potential energy.
Bulb turbines are commonly used in conventio- nal run-of-river hydro projects which experience a low head range and varying flow conditions Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon will be the world’s first tidal lagoon power plant. A tidal lagoon is a ‘U’ shaped breakwater, built out from the coast which has a bank of hyd- ro turbines in it. Water fills up and empties the man-made lagoon as the tides rise and fall. We generate electricity on both the incoming and outgoing tides, four times a day, every day.
Due to the incredible tides on the West Coast of Britain, by keeping the turbine gates shut for just three hours, there is already a 14ft height difference in water between the inside and the outside of the lagoon. Power is then generated as the water rushes through 200ft long draft tu- bes, rotating the 23ft diameter hydro turbines.
The project was awarded a Development Con- sent Order in 2015 and is primed for construc- tion. It will comprise 16 hydro turbines, a six mile breakwater wall, generating electricity for 155,000 homes for the next 120 years.

Barcelona has always been known as the city born from the Cerda Regulatory Plan, the Example, born in 1919 after a series of economic and urban vicissitudes. What does the Barcelona plan mean today, what it me- ans to live in a city whose rigid structure doesn’t allow any kind of breath to those who live it and to those who visit it. What happens to a metropolis of similar size when it’s forced to grow tight in a shy flap of land bet- ween sea, coast and mountains? Recently, many schol- ars and urban planners have been interrogated on this subject. Particularly, the Spanish architect and urbanist Marcel Gausa, teacher at the University of Barcelona, asked himself and to his team of Master students, what could be a possible future which allow the city to ex- pand and grow over time. This investigation has far-re- aching roots, begins in the alleys and in the systematic analysis of the physiology of the city. A city that is based on a constant, orthogonal form, made of insulates that do not change either in shape or size and are the semantic matrix of the city's urban soil. Over the course of the last century, the built ground has undergone changes although remaining faithful to the original form of the plan. Deep changes occurred within these building conglomerates: superstructures, cano- pies, blocks of blocks with other buildings, etc The texts that we analazyed propose several tips on how to change and work on existing internal features in the territory to increase its intrinsic potential. Both of them are from the architect Gausa who suggest diffe- rent solution and methods. Its orthogonal mesh made of Manzanas (insulated) is crossed by connecting strings: beyond the Ramblas we recognize a system of strings, connecting ropes that connect sea, coast and mountains. This vertical dimen- sion is predominant with respect to the horizontal trend that characterizes other maritime cities such as Genoa, GOA, the Italian twin city, which with its urban structure (albeit on a smaller scale), its history and its port identi- ty can to be entirely compared to Barcelona.