1 minute read
Ana Julia Kleba
P.44 Cadizpedia, Parque Natural de la Bahía de Cádiz, https://cadizpedia.wikanda.es/wiki/Parque_Natu- ral_de_la_Bah%C3%ADa_de_C%C3%A1diz). Almadraba Tuna Tour, Gastronomy Gourmet, Cadiz Turismo, (http://www.cadizturismo.com/gastrono- mia/rutas-gastronomicas/?set_language=en) . PESCA: CALADEROS Y CAPTURAS, Atlas de la Historia Economica de Andalucia, (https://www.juntadean- dalucia.es/institutodeestadisticaycartografia/atlas- historiaecon/atlas_cap_21.html) P.46 Exploitation of tidal power in the Bay of Cadiz: Anci- ent tidal mills by José J. del Alonso Rosario Julio Pérez Serrano Julio Pérez Serrano, Juan Carlos Mendoza Sánchez, Juan Vidal 21.03.2006 (https://www.researchgate.net/publica - tion/277581201_Exploitation_of_tidal_power_in_ the_Bay_of_Cadiz_Ancient_tidal_mills). A POSSIBLE ROMAN TIDE MILL by Robert Spain (http://www.kentarchaeology.ac/authors/005.pdf) . Ecological Technology - Wind Power to the people of Andalucia, WIND FARMS, (http://www.andalu- cia.com/environment/new-ecological-technology. htm). SPAIN IEA Wind Annual reports 2015 (https://www. ieawind.org/annual_reports_PDF/2015/Spain.pdf). The Influence of Sediment Load on Tidal Dynamics, a Case Study: Ca´diz Bay by O. Alvareza, A. Izquierdoa, B. Tejedora, R. Man˜ anesa, L. Tejedora and B. A. Ka- gana, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (1999), 48, 439–450 Article No. ecss.1998.0432 , available online at http://www.idealibrary.com P.50 Urban Scenario, Cityvision, by S. Ferreira Rodrigues Pereira - M. Franco Sêrro Caiado (http://www.cityvi- sionweb.com/competition/f8n3s9/). P.62 Costa de la Luz travel guide – golden beaches, horse ballet and the birthplace of flamenco, Hotels.com ( https://uk.hotels.com/articles/ar000340/costa-dela-luz-travel-guide-golden-beaches-horse-balletand-the-birthplace-of-flamenco/). Landscapes - Marshes and wetlands (http://www.an- dalucia.com/environment/marshes.htm). P.63 The Economics of Tidal Stream Power by Boronows- ki S., Monahan K. and van Kooten G.C., University of Victotoria, Canada, ( http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/ bitstream/44260/2/403.pdf). eco