Bears Perth Inc. 2013 Annual General Meeting 7pm Saturday April 20th 2013
Nomination for Committee We hereby nominate the following member of Bears Perth Inc.
For the position or positions of:
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer General Committee Member Life Membership Proposed by: Seconded by:
Name: (print clearly)
Membership No: (print clearly)
Signed: Date: Accepted by nominee:
Yes / No
Signed: Date: NB: As per the Bears Perth Inc constitution Section 10 - Committee of Management (7) A person who is eligible for election or re-election may (a) Propose or second himself for election or re-election; and (b) Vote for himself. The secretary must receive nominations no later than close of business Friday March 22nd 2013 Please send to: Bears Perth Inc. P.O. Box 885, Mt Lawley, W.A. 6929.