How can catgut-embedding (thread implantation) help Covid patients or those who have undergone Covid

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How can catgut-embedding (thread implantation) help Covid patients or those who have undergone Covid? Your immune system is your main protector, if it is not strong enough, it can weaken quickly and you can catch various diseases easily. Unfortunately, even a more stressful period can weaken your body, but when you have to deal with a strong pandemic like Covid-19 (Coronavirus), your immune system needs to function properly. If your immune system is strong enough, even if you catch the virus, you most likely will not have such strong complications. Few know that the immune system can be strengthened naturally by stimulating it to heal itself. Catgut-embedding (thread implant) treatment can help with this. What is a catgut-embedding (thread implantation) method, and how can it help strengthen the immune system? Dr. Le Thuy Oan’s method of catgut-embedding (thread implantation) heals with the technique of Traditional Oriental Medicine. Thread implantation is based on traditional acupuncture. While in traditional acupuncture, the needle is left at the appropriate points to act and stimulate healing in the targeted areas, the catgut-embedding method uses self-absorbing surgical threads and implants them into the meridians and those parallel points. This technique helps to stimulate the healing power of acupuncture points for three weeks, so it can be more effective. Therefore, thread implantation can give a hand to your immune system to begin to heal itself, thereby strengthening your body. How can catgut-embedding (thread implantation) help Covid patients, those who have undergone Covid, or those who have been more sensitive to vaccination and have returning symptoms or developed complications? For patients with Covid, and for those who have undergone Covid, thread implant treatment can alleviate their complications and help them recover faster. Many people experienced various complications after getting Covid. Currently, the most common problems include partial or complete loss of taste and/or smell, and developing difficulties associated with these feelings. It may happen, that a taste or smell that has been pleasant so far is becoming very unpleasant, or vice versa, something that has been particularly bad-smelling so far, has been less disturbing now. Even a perfume scent that someone liked so much can become repulsive now. In other cases, worsening symptoms or relapse of a previous disease after the third vaccination, such as joint pain, psoriasis, eczema could also happen. The catgut-embedding method can also help such cases. It is important to note that although thread implantation has been very successful in treating Covid symptoms, it is not a guarantee to overcome Covid disease and its complications, as several risk factors may be involved in the course of the disease that we may not be aware of or treat. Such risk factors may include: chronic diabetes, hypertension, renal failure, cancerous and tumorous diseases, heart failure and other heart complaints, chronic respiratory diseases, other chronic diseases, etc., but it is also a risk factor if someone is a heavy smoker. If someone is coming for thread implant treatment with any known “risk factor” illnesses, in addition to Covid’s complaints, the risk factors should also be addressed. In these cases, the body has to

focus on several areas, so recovery is slower and more difficult. It also matters how advanced the disease is, or maybe there are unknown factors that may cause thread implant treatment less possible. However, it is worth giving our practice a chance. It is also important to be patient when it comes to thread implantation. As everything takes time, you can't expect drastic changes after a few treatments, but after the first few treatments, patients usually feel better. Remember, protecting your health is paramount and your immune system is your main protector, so it’s very important that if your body needs help, you notice it in time. Learn more about Dr. Le Thuy Oan's method and the diseases cured by the Vietnam Rehabilitation Institute

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