13 FEBRUARY 2016
COPYRIGHT 2016, all rights reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced in any form, expect for the inclusions of brief quotation in review, without permission in writing from the author/publisher. Designed by Beatrice Cho Photography by Robin Thang and Kyle Ngo Printed at Lotai Printing Enterprise 2022 Bukit Batok Industrail Park A, Singapore 659527 Fonts used Playfair Display Type & Lato Type Paper are from RJ Paper 115 Defu Lane 10, Singapore 539228 Paper used Maple Bright 220 gsm
Maple White 100 gsm
Diamond Pearl 110 gsm
G E T H ANDSY! A hand lettering workshop for beginners.
INTRODUCTION A simple introduction of the workshop is followed by a refresher of the type anatomy along with some engaging games for the designers.
BE INS PIRED Books and hand lettering references will be given out to designers to allow them to be inspired from lettering artists.
GET HANDSY Designers are tasked to create new forms of letters with their hands from inspired subjects and themes.
DISCUSSION Designers will be invited for an open sharing session to talk about their first hand experiences with hand lettering.