Beaute by ABIC Digital Magazine - Issue 5, 2023: An Industry United

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T H E A B I C . O R G . A U J U N E 2 0 2 3 I S S U E 5 ABIC






All content in Beaute By ABIC Digital Magazine is for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction Our content is not intended to be relied upon to offer a solution to a specific problem, or as a substitute for the advice of qualified professionals tailored to your particular circumstances, business or lifestyle Everyone is different, so it is not possible for us to guarantee that our tips and suggestions will work for everyone, every time Please use your common sense when you try anything new, and consult with relevant professionals as necessary

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© Aesthetic Beauty Industry Council 2023, All Rights Reserved

ABIC || Issue 5 03 C O N T E N T S THE IMPORTANCE OFCOMMUNITY, COLLABORATION & CAMARADERIE The advantages of building community within an industry. 08 Some of the beauty trends of 2023 that you can expect to be showcased at the 2023 Beauty Expo SHOWCASING WHAT'S HOT - BEAUTY EXPO 2023 36 A Game Changer for the Beauty & Aesthetic Industry ABIC SAFESKIN CERTIFICATION 06 Such rapid industry growth has resulted in a growing demand for skilled beauty therapists. THE FUTURE OF BEAUTY 16 Move from being customer service focused to customer experience committed! WANT YOUR CLIENTS TO RETURN? USE THE PEAK-END RULE 48 Collaboration across our industry starts with knowing when to refer and who to refer to COLLABORATING THROUGH REFERRALS 28

It is both an exciting and challenging time in our industry at present.

With a plethora of changes to our industry hitting us faster than Tesla could, I think we can all safely say that it has been a struggle to keep pace, both personally and professionally.

We are hearing from so many of our members that are finding these changes challenging, perhaps more so than even throughout Covid, with so many obstacles that are out of our control.

The current financial climate compounded by, in some cases, untimely and costlimiting changes in workplace relations laws, coupled with new industry-specific regulations are making it more difficult than ever to be a business owner and even a sole trader.

It's times such as these that we need to reach out for the most important support tool that we have at our disposal, connection, and accept that helping hand, that consoling presence, and at times, that voice of reason.

We are so proud that the ABIC community is made up of strong, yet compassionate individuals that can seamlessly come together in times of need to share their experiences, knowledge, expertise and solutions to problems that we may never think of on our own.

This issue is about the motivation and inspiration that we find when we come together and unite, not just as an industry, but as humans.

On behalf of the ABIC Council we hope you enjoy our latest Beaute by ABIC Journal.

from the CEO.

S T E F M I L L A Stef
An Industry United ABIC || Issue 5 04
Reachnewqualityclients throughtheABIC SafeSkinClinic&Salon Directory ACAP SafeSkin Registration A C A P E L E V A T E T O G E T H E R ELEVATE Together AvailabletoABIC MembersOnly RegistrationNowOpen RaiseStandards AttainCompliance AchieveClinicalExcellence Scanheretolearnmore Clinics,spas,salons&the professionalswecertifyare compliantwithallFederal&State GovernmentLegislation& RegulatoryBodies,&alignedwith theAustralianQualifications Framework&ASQA Your ABIC Certified Aesthetic Professional (ACAP) SafeSkin Registrationisthebenchmark certificationforourindustry

ABIC SafeSkinCertification

A Game Changer for the Beauty & Aesthetic

As beauty and aesthetic professionals, one thing that we can all agree on is that we are exhilarated by the rapid innovation and fast pace of our industry

Ours is an industry of movers and shakers, ever emerging technology and dynamic advancements, this is as much for the excitement of our aesthetic professionals, as it is for the incredible benefits and results that we can achieve for our clients.

Enter the question; how can education and regulation possibly keep pace with such rapid innovation?

The answer; under our current system, it can't and it hasn't!


The rate of response from government and regulatory bodies to the changes and innovations within certain sectors cannot match our rate of modernization, leaving gaps in education, skills, standards, regulation and therefore client or patient safety

This situation is not unique to the beauty and aesthetics realm, similar challenges arise within other industries, all met with very similar resolutions; self-regulate, self-certify, and drive industry specific education.

ABIC has responded to this challenge by officially launching a certification platform unlike any other in our industry.

ABIC || Issue 5 06

Let's Elevate Togther with ACAP SafeSkin

ABIC Certified Aesthetic Professional (ACAP) SafeSkin™ Registration is the benchmark certification for our industry

It is a well rounded and comprehensive program that is designed to elevate clinics, salons, and spas, along with our sole traders, making them safe, compliant and successful.

ACAP SafeSkin registration is designed to bring you and your business up to an exemplar standard within our profession and to communicate this to your clients.

The program elevates and certifies the following 8 areas:

Your Business

Your Team

Your Regulatory Requirements

Your Employment Obligations

Your Workplace Obligations

Your safety Obligations

Training and Skills Requirements

Salon or Clinic Standards

In a time poor world the last thing we need is unnecessary red tape, so the SafeSkin Registration process is deliberately designed to be straightforward and simple with just 3 steps to obtain certification. 1.

Register to obtain your certification checklist and info pack Fill out the checklist and upload supporting documents to your private and secure web portal

Book your one on one session with one of our certification specialists

If you are worried that you may not have all of the processes in place to pass registration, then don't! Your SafeSkin Certification specialist will help you to fill any gaps in your procedures by providing you with the resources and documents that you require to achieve your certification.

This program is designed to elevate you and your business, attract new and more motivated clients and recognize you for attaining high standards.

SafeSkin Certification is what our industry has been asking for, craving and needing for many years, and the ABIC Council with the support of you, our incredible industry members, our Foundation, Supplier and Education Partners, along with our tireless team is proud to have delivered for our industry.

Head to our SafeSkin webpage below to register.

Let's Elevate Togther

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8
2. 3
ABIC || Issue 5 07

The Importance of


Fostering a strong sense of community, collaboration and camaraderie has a direct impact on the overall success of your organization and even an industry as a whole.

Understanding how to build a strong and connected community is one of the driving forces of ABIC. According to the Oxford Dictionary Camaraderie is a feeling of friendship and trust among people who work or spend a lot of time together and it is often heard as a description used in reference to the strong and successful bond among sports teams

But why is camaraderie important within an industry? Quite simply, that sense of friendship and trust is the secret ingredient that enables high-functioning people to successfully collaborate, innovate and communicate respectfully.

Equally important, camaraderie breeds the ability to share new and even risky ideas freely, in a space where you can disagree amicably, yet continuously learn and grow together.

Advantages of Building Community Within an Industry

There’s no question that investing in fostering community can be beneficial for any company because it drives employee engagement. By building trust and connection, your team, company and industry will reap a myriad of benefits for years.

Two measurable advantages of a community driven industry include:

Improved innovation: Workplace collaboration and community can increase successful innovation by 15%*

Increased profits: Organizations that scored highest for engagement showed 21% higher levels of profitability**

Fostering Camaraderie and Collaboration

Collaboration generally refers to individuals or organisations that can ‘work together’ to address problems and deliver desirable outcomes that are not easily or effectively achieved by working alone. In simple terms, camaraderie can be said to be the enjoyment of collaboration

In an increasingly connected world, collaborative practice is now central to the way we work, deliver goods and services and innovate. Collaborative relationships are attractive to organisations and industries because the combination of effort and expertise produces greater benefits than could be achieved by working alone

Especially in the services delivery business model, collaboration is achieved when organisations develop mechanisms, structures, processes and skills for bridging organisational and interpersonal differences, to arrive together at shared desired outcomes

Organisations generally collaborate to:

Improve the quality, scope or scale of service to their clients

Provide administrative or service delivery efficiencies

Share learning and educational opportunities for an industry-wide advantage

Collaborative practices are essentially a continuum of inter-personal relationships. The relationships formed between organisations can vary in terms of the formality of arrangements and how activities or functions are shared or integrated.

# A N I N D U S T R Y U N I T E D
ABIC || Issue 5 08

Collaborative arrangements can range from informal agreements for information sharing, or other networkbased meetings, through to amalgamations and mergers, and the formation of peak bodies to oversee and strive for the benefit of the many.

The Benefits of Collaboration

Although many industry organisations compete with one another for market share, the collaboration between otherwise competing businesses can provide many important benefits to individual businesses, their clients and the industry as a whole

Working with other businesses, either through informal networks or more formal peak bodies such as ABIC can provide:

Improved efficiency and less duplication.

Access to additional resources or lower costs through sharing resources such as office space, administration or other aspects of an organisation’s operation

Improved service coordination across agencies, with better pathways or referral systems for service users

A holistic approach to meeting client needs, with better and more efficient access to the range of services required, improved quality and consistency of service and greater responsiveness to industry needs

Shared organisational knowledge and improved service system capability

Greater innovation and flexibility to respond to changing, emerging or more complex client needs and changing operations and operational environments

Access to up-to-date information, new ideas and strategic thinking

Improved capacity to educate and demonstrate best practice

Political and lobbying strength

Additional expertise, support or legal protection for small, or new organisations

The combined benefits of collaboration are shown to create greater opportunities for partnering with others to build strong, safe, healthy and vital communities and a sustainable future together.


https://www learningwithbiz com/blog/9-amazing-statistics-that-show-the-power-of-teamwork/

# A N I N D U S T R Y U N I T E D ABIC || Issue 5 09


ABIC's industry connection at the Council of Small Business Summit

The COSBOA (Council of Small Business) Summit is all about the voice of representing SME’s (Small and Medium Enterprises) to government.

In a room full of thought leaders across a variety of industries, it’s our chance to voice the connection of our community to government. There was no shortage of challenges, but with a representation of both political parties, and small business ministers from across the country, it was an opportunity for ABIC to further capitalise on the gains made representing our industry during COVID.

Essentially, we got to question ‘How does that policy that you’re implementing affect small businesses ’ It was wonderful to see the open reception by policy makers with consultation to industry being so much more prevalent than it ever was.

With over 2.5million small business in Australia, it’s no wonder SMEs are referred to as the backbone of our nation, and this Summit was all about energising SME’s despite the obvious challenges we are currently facing It was ABIC’s opportunity to make sure we were not left behind

Part of our strategy in having ABIC present was to deepen our understanding of small business in Australia across all sectors and ensure ABIC is shining the light for our members

Some interesting stats around small business in Australia:

nearly half of small business owners represent an average age of 50, with only 8% of small business owners under the age of 30 employs 43% of all apprentices in the nation represents one third of GDP (measure of economic success) female small business ownership is 35% (however globally female business ownership is only 3%) How lucky are we in our industry where this stat is around 98%? Gen Z & Millennials count for one third of spending but over the next 10 years it will rise to half.

And some of the hard facts:

61% of small businesses have a total personal income of $78,000 pa 1/5th of incorporated business owners work multiple jobs, and 45% of small businesses failed to make a profit in the last year.

# S M A L L B U S I N E S S
ABIC || Issue 5 11

So as more and more responsibilities are falling on small business owners, the spotlight focussed on how we can shine the light to energise the aesthetic and beauty sector and ensure that small business is effectively big business where decisions relating to SME’s are concerned

Over the two days of policy discussions surrounding small business, topics covered included jobs and skills, cyber security, insolvency, industrial relations reform and workshops with various policy makers and representatives from small business.

An opening address from Peter Dutton (liberal party leader) was not backward in coming forward where he reminded us that costs of being in business are set to rise by 20% from July. Recognising we are in for difficult times, he spoke of resilience, purpose, impact and the Australian Economy- where we’ve actually seen modest growth and the 5th consecutive rise in GDP

This was followed by a message from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) regarding safeguarding of digital platforms. With 60% of Millennials purchasing online, the way that small business need cyber protection was focussed upon. A new program to support small business called ‘Cyber Wardens’ is just about to be released, so watch out for this programme and how it may support you With a 13% rise in cyber-crime since last year, the average loss in small business is $40,000.

A few workshops later and we were talking to The Department of Home Affairs on workplace shortages Now firmly placed on the skills panel, we are actively working on Skills Migration and COSBOA have ensured that ABIC has a seat at the table where we discuss our sector, the skills shortage and how we can bridge the gap on workforce planning and forecasting ABIC is currently sitting on the working groups regarding skills shortages, helping to drive the Jobs & Skills Council with regard to the imminent needs of our sector.

The address from the Hon Julie Collins, Minister for Small Business, Australian Government, highlighted in this climate of COVID recovery and surging inflation, some of the challenges we face, and highlighted some solutions.

The Australian Small Business Debt Helpline Cyber Wardens Programme R&D Tax Incentives

ABIC || Issue 5 12

With one in five small business owners diagnosed with a mental health condition this year, finding ways to help is key. It is our mission at ABIC to ensure that our members have access to the best resources, and can find support amongst our community. Unity was one of the underlying foundations for the formation of ABIC, and this community support is something we strive for every day

We then heard from AHRI (Australian Human Resources Institute) about building a safe and supportive workplace The changes to FWA (Fair Work Australia) and the high compliance required. HINT- being a member of ABIC is a great way of keeping up with information!

Workplace Health & Safety information with respect to Psycho-social hazards was valuable Traditionally employers have focussed mainly on physical dangers, but as the obligation moves to watching for causes of stress and anxiety in the workplace for employees, small business owners need to ensure:

Do my employees know the task expected?

Is the job description clear?

Do we have a positive workplace culture?

Do we have processes to report back in the workplace?

How do we create a culture of communication and support for our employees?

Being a clinic member of ABIC, you have access to our specialised HR Function where we can provide expert help and support on all information that you need to be across. Understanding Industrial Relations Reform is something that can easily go by the wayside for busy small business owners. For instance, did you know you must now ask your employee if they are prepared to work on a public holiday?

Overall, the COSBOA Summit was a great few days of learning, connecting, and spotlighting the importance that small business plays in the economy Despite the challenges, we came away with ways that you can find much needed assistance. It was a valuable chance, with the changing of the guard, for ABIC to connect with government, and we didn’t waste a minute in terms of firming up our position representing our members and having our voices heard Both Stef and I took great delight in representing you at the COSBOA Summit this year and look forward to supporting you as we move through 2023.

ABIC || Issue 5 13


ABIC (Aesthetic & Beauty Industry Council) kicked off 2023 by holding their hugely successful inaugural ABIC 2023 Educational Conference in February.

The conference was pulled together in short time by the dynamic Nicole Montgomery, ABIC’s General Partnerships Manager and attracted more than 450 delegates, 30 recognised iconic speakers, 25 sponsors with 10 new companies –each becoming a member of ABIC just to attend the event

ABIC || Issue 5 14

Each of these hosted panels consisted of a representative of each industry sector, including beauty therapists, dermal science practitioners, aesthetic nurses, aesthetic doctors and eminent surgeons.

Other learning experiences on offer at the event included Vivian Gardener’s lecture on the multi-modality approach to treating skin inflammation, Sarah Hudson’s lecture of the integrated approach to pre-menopausal and menopausal skincare, Liz McGowan’s presentation on Pigmentation and Cosmetic Tattooing, while Nicki Belle was available for consulting on how to successfully integrate device technology such as Tixel and Omnilux into your practice.

The live injecting room was also extremely popular for attendees and the generous gift bags were naturally appreciated by all those who attended

Set at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, guests at the ABIC educational event were treated to a sumptuous morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, with the event concluding with a fabulous networking cocktail party.

Given the success and popularity of the ABIC Education Conference, it is now set to be the annual centre stage conference for the wider aesthetics industry in Australia.

The MC for the day was industry icon, Grazina Fechner, with a range of wellqualified hosting delegates. Representing ABIC for the day was Industry Hall of Fame award winner, Emma Hobson, with wellknown industry influencers represented by James Vivian, Alex Pike, Gry Tomte and Otto Mitter

ABIC’s Emma Hobson hosted the first ever Presidents Panel which was hugely popular, as it consisted of a President from every peak body including ABIC, the Aesthetic Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, the Cosmetic Physicians College Australia, the Australian Society Dermal of Clinicians and the Cosmetic Nurses Association

There were four very well-attended panels that were hosted across the day, where case studies focusing on a different age group were presented. These panels were divided into those aged in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and those aged between 40 to 50 years.

ABIC || Issue 5 15

future of

THE Beauty

During her recent speech to the House of Representatives the Hon Karen Andrews MP highlighted the enormous potential and growth of our sector by voicing her recognition to one of the country's leading beauty education institutions - The French Beauty Academy.

In March, the Hon Karen Andrews MP officially opened The French Beauty Academy newest flagship program ‘The Future of Beauty’ to announce their partnership with the biggest names in skin and device technologies to co-develop an industry leading and cutting-edge skin focused program. This Australian industry first bridges the gap between training and employment, ensuring French graduates are skilled for the beauty jobs of tomorrow.

This significant endorsement of both industry and government highlights the incredible opportunities within the beauty sector in Australia, particularly in the employment and small business opportunities for women.

“The academy's reputation for quality and professionalism means more than 90 per cent of dual diploma graduates secure a job before course completion.

I was delighted to open The French's Robina campus nearly a decade ago, and last week I had the pleasure of officially launching their newest flagship program, the Future of Beauty, as they partner with the biggest names in skin and device technologies to co-develop an industry leading and cutting edge skin focused program.

That is exactly what we need to be happening right across the industry and all industries.” Said Mrs Andrews.

ABIC || Issue 5 16

Such rapid industry growth has resulted in a growing demand for skilled beauty therapists

Currently in Australia alone it is conservatively anticipated that there is only one graduating students for every ten jobs available in the market, according to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).

Not only will students be trained in all the core fundamentals of beauty therapy, they can now choose their area of speciality and learn on industry leading device technologies and the newest skin treatment modalities.

Co-developed and jointly delivered with The French education faculty, each Partner’s research, technology and clinical protocols will be integrated into learning materials. Students will have hands-on access to the device and/or product, and be trained by each of the partner’s head clinical training teams.

The titans of industry sponsoring the program include; Hydrafacial, Emsculpt Body Contouring by BTL, Observ520X Skin Imaging by The Global Beauty Group, Omnilux LED Light Therapy by Device Consulting, triLift Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt™) by Lumenis, Dermapen4 Collagen Induction Therapy by DermapenWorld & Inskin Cosmedics, and Laser Hair Reduction

GMAX Pro Plus by Candela Medical, BBL IPL Skin Rejuvenation by Sciton

ABIC || Issue 5 17

Better known as the Harvard-meetsChanel of the Australian beauty training landscape, The French Beauty Academy is Australia’s largest and most prestigious registered training provider for services in the beauty therapy industry Established in 1986 as one of Australia’s first government registered beauty academies,

The French has a rich history of delivering high quality vocational training and world-class graduates for over 35 years Each year The Academy accepts over 1500 students into training programs in the areas of beauty services, dermal therapy, laser, makeup, body treatments, nail technologies, and medi spa therapies, with 9/10 French Beauty Academy students secure employment prior to graduation

The Future of Beauty is delivered within the nationally recognised and accredited SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty and SHB50216 Diploma of Salon Management This all-encompassing dual qualification arms students with the knowledge, skills and experience required to be an exceptional beauty therapist and important business understandings to know how to manage or open a clinic or salon, breeding the next generation of beauty entrepreneurs

French students gain a highly competitive edge by having access to latest research, advanced skin knowledge and practical experience delivering advanced cosmeceuticals treatments with Dermaceutic Skin Resurfacing Peels by Dermocosmetica, and growing consumer beauty categories such as Clean and Sustainable Beauty with Biologi skincare, and Bi-Directional and Ingestible Beauty with Vida Glow.

In her closing statements to parliament, Mrs Andrews said “As a very proud advocate for the advancement of women in education and providing more opportunities for women in our labour force, I'm so pleased to witness the pathways for the next generation of beauty entrepreneurs being created. Despite beauty and aesthetics being a billion dollar industry in this country, it's not a profession that gets a lot of discussion in this place, so it's important to recognise those who work in this field, delivering an in-demand service. The skills acquired are often highly technical and many are actually an art form that take study, practice and determination.”

ABIC || Issue 5 18


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Call 1300 781 239 for more information or visit:

www clairderm com


Beauty Business Partnerships

In the professional beauty industry, business-to-business partnerships are crucial for achieving success. These partnerships allow businesses and companies to leverage each other's strengths, resources, and networks to achieve common goals.

The benefits of such partnerships are numerous and include trust, increased brand recognition, and access to new clients.

One of the main benefits of business-to-business partnerships in the professional beauty industry is the ability to increase trust and loyalty By partnering with other companies or brands, beauty businesses can combine their knowledge, expertise, and resources to develop new products, treatment services, experiences or offers that meet the needs of your clients.

For example, a skincare brand may partner with a candle manufacturer to create a new product that has the signature scent of the top selling product Or, a beauty business can collaborate with a local Pilates studio to introduce a new skin fitness service they’re adding to their treatment menu

This collaboration can lead to the creation of more effective and innovative products and services which can help the brand stand out in a crowded industry.

Another advantage of business-to-business partnerships in the professional beauty industry is increased brand recognition. By partnering with other companies, beauty businesses can tap into new audiences and expand their reach.

For example, a specialist skin salon may partner with a naturopath to offer their treatments to clients who are interested in holistic health. This type of collaboration can help the brand gain new clients and increase their visibility in the marketplace.

In addition to improving your client offering and increasing brand recognition, business-to-business partnerships in the professional beauty industry also provide access to new markets By partnering with companies that operate in different markets or areas of businesses, beauty brands can expand their reach and tap into brand new customer bases

For example, a brow salon may partner with a media company that specialises in events This type of partnership can help both brands by providing an in person activation for the events company, while the brow company gains complimentary PR and helps them enter a new market, potentially gaining a foothold in a market where they may not have had a presence before

In approaching a brand you wish to partner with, be authentically you Showcase your business, your offering and the objectives you wish you mutually achieve and then reach out! Take a leap of bravery and ask, you might be surprised at how many businesses are excited to collaborate with your brand!

ABIC || Issue 5 20
every salon should consider
ABIC || Issue 5 21


There’s a lot written, not just within the wider beauty industry but every industry about brands that indulge in “greenwashing”. But what exactly is “greenwashing” and what is the wiser, genuine sustainable alternative when it comes to choosing a product?

Essentially greenwashing is making false claims (usually in marketing material) that your company or products are environmentally friendly And this misleading, usually slickly delivered lip service to sustainability is now rife across all products and markets, not just the wider beauty industry

Greenwashing however is rarely caused by malicious motivations to deceive, it’s usually the result of ignorance, laziness, degrees of fakery and in some instances, over-enthusiasm But it’s also easy to see why marketers are enthusiastic to promote their eco bona fides, whether they are true or not.

Sustainability Sells

According to GreenPrint’s 2021 Business of Sustainability Index*, 64% of Gen X consumers would opt to spend more on a product if they believed the product came from a sustainable brand. That figure jumps to whopping 75% among millennials who would choose eco credentialed products, over nonsustainable products.

The good news is consumers are becoming more aware of some of the misleading marketing tactics that companies have previously gotten away with. At the Aesthetic Beauty Industry Council (ABIC), we recognise that consumers are looking for brands that are transparent, honest and genuinely have integrity behind their actions and the products and services they release into the market.

# E C O C R E D
ABIC || Issue 5 22

One Body – One Planet

Anyone, any age who is conscious, who understands that our planet is fragile and currently out of balance, understands that we need to urgently redress that balance, not just by a change in our thinking – but by acting more consciously And in a consumer society, often our most powerful actions are defined by our purchasing power.

Balance, like many things in life is key here, and it’s interesting to consider that we should aim to treat our planet, just as we would like our bodies to be treated. That is, gently and considerately, while always striving for balance That’s a nice karmic thought to hold, isn’t it? If we were to treat the planet with the same conscious respect and care as we approach our bodies, the planet would be in a better state

Truly eco-conscious health, beauty and wellness products and services not only serve us as an individual, but they also serve greater good – the planet. So how exactly to you choose what is best for you and the environment?

Marketing by Confusion

This is a legitimate marketing aim / terminology, Marketing by Confusion is a cynical strategy that is especially rife in the health / wellness and beauty market Quite simply, there are so many skin and body care ranges that claim eco-friendly credentials that simply aren’t what they claim to be. Finding quality beauty and skincare products that are good for both you and the environment shouldn’t be so difficult, but unfortunately it can be.

But luckily in Australia, we have a regulated system, most importantly, if you choose to purchase “organic” products But it still all comes down to doing your research and understanding basic terminology and recognising legitimate certifications

If you want to find and buy genuine organic beauty and skincare products in Australia, we have a regulated certification system. Any brand or product that claims to be organic should have the certifications and the Australian Certified Organic logo on the packaging (it’s that small familiar swirl logo, usually green that looks like a sprout / or snail at first glance)

You can trust that when you purchase and use beauty and skincare products with this certified logo that you are using quality products that are made from nature's best ingredients Always look for this certification across your products when seeking the genuine organic products.

The Term “Natural” Can Mean… Absolutely Anything!
Many peopleunderstandably assume “natural” in the description of a product means something. It does not.
ABIC || Issue 5 23

“Natural” Claims for a Product Could Pot Follow these Standards:

Unregulated (no laws around what can an be done)

Green washing / false eco-terminolo common in labelling and marketing

Open to misleading claims (due to it unregulated)

No minimum requirement for ‘natural means that as little as 1% of the product 'natural'

Does not have to consider the environ impact (not eco conscious)

On the Other Hand, in Australia – Certified Organic Products Convey:

Cosmetics / skincare products are especially heavily regulated

No greenwashing is allowed

No false or misleading claims are allowed

Products must contain a minimum percentage of organic natural ingredients

Products must consider environmental impact

While emerging products and certain formulas that include rare ingredients may not have the standard Certified Organic Product logo / approval, you could do your own research into the product to see if it meets your personal standard However, I would caution that this would be the exception to the rule.

Know Your Ingredients (or at least the nasties to avoid)

It takes some time and a little dedication, but it is worth having a rudimentary understanding of the basic ingredients that are found in body, skin and hair products, particularly if you have allergies, or even preferences. For instance, at a glance I now know after years of trial and error) that any spray hair conditioner that contains any alcohol at all, will instantly dry out my already, frizz-prone hair Why god? Why, do they add alcohol to these products? But they do.

While we are all obviously different, with different skin / hair / dietary needs and preferences, it makes sense to notice what products work for you and what ones don’t. If you have an adverse, or unhelpful reaction to certain products, you are more than likely to find that there’s a common ‘culprit’ ingredient, which you can then, once identified; avoid in the future.

There are too many unhealthy, damaging beauty and skincare ingredients to list here, but a quick google search will reveal more information than you or I could ever hope to absorb. However, below are listed a couple of great websites that outline the more harmful ingredients in beauty, skincare – as well as household products to avoid, both for your health’s sake and the planet’s

A good example that has been in the headlines recently is the unwelcome inclusion of microbeads in a growing variety of skincare and cleansing products. Not only do microbeads potentially enter the body through dermal absorption, but they can cause abrasions, scarring and stress to the skin, which can then speed up the signs of aging Add to that, these small nasties are proving to be an environmental disaster, as they persistently don’t break down and can be especially damaging to marine life

It’s simply no coincidence that the cleaner, the purer, the eco-friendlier your beauty and skincare products are, the better. ABIC always endorses choosing wisely, choosing healthy, sustainable products, not only for you – but for our planet

Reference: GreenPrint

https://greenprint eco/


https://www safecosmeticsaustralia com au/key-issues

https://www healthline com/health/beauty-skincare/ingredients-to-avoid-for-stress-free-skincare#ingredient-woes

ABIC || Issue 5 24


Here's how to do it THANYOUTHINK-

SPA+CLINIC Managing Editor Nadine Dilong shares her media secrets so you can spruce up your marketing.

This is where PR agencies come in, but don’t worry, you don’t necessarily need one if you are willing to put in some work yourself. If you decide to work with a PR agency, they can write a press release for you and send it to their list of media contacts, but of course you have to pay them.

If your marketing budget is on the lower side, here is my step-by-step guide on how to get media coverage:

Have an idea/a point of difference. Are you a cosmetic nurse with a degree in nutrition? Has your clinic tripled in size in just two years? Are you a cosmetic chemist who can explain every single skincare ingredient out there? Whatever it is that makes you an ‘expert’ in a field, focus on that

Some of you may know me as Managing Editor of Australia’s leading B2B magazine for the aesthetics and wellness industry, SPA+CLINIC. We are a proud media partner and foundation member of ABIC and love supporting the industry. In the past six years of producing content for SPA+CLINIC, I might have even interviewed you or met you at an industry conference, or maybe you are a reader and follow us on social media. If not, I highly encourage you check out SPA+CLINIC, but enough about us

I am writing this article, because I have noticed that most industry professionals don’t know much about marketing, especially when it comes to working with the media. Sure, social media is important, and getting tagged by influencers may increase your reach and following, but what about traditional media, such as print and online magazines?

Have you ever wanted to be quoted in an article as a skin expert, or even better, a profile about your business? What might seem difficult, is actually just a matter of knowing how to reach out to media so they know you are available to them Having worked in media for the past 17 years, I encourage you to get your name out there.

You see, Editors are always looking for content These days, we have to produce articles almost every single day, with very little time to do any deep-dive research for most of them, so to some extent, we rely on you pitching ideas to us.

Write a short and snappy pitch with an interesting and informative headline. I am talking no more than 150 words, include a couple of images of yourself and/or your business, and most of all, make it very clear what you are offering that Editor, i e you are available for commentary on x/y/z, or even better, you have written an article on a topic you know suits the publication you’re pitching to (do your research beforehand!) and you’re attaching it for the Editor’s consideration. Include links to your website and/or Instagram, and make sure every e-mail is personalised a little; don’t just copy and paste to 20 different people. And please, check your spelling and grammar

Send it to all media outlets that you would like to be featured in. How do you find the e-mail addresses? Most online publications have their Editors’ contact details on their website. For print, if googling doesn’t work, just call the receptionist and ask for it! You’d be surprised how much information you can get if you just ask. Be prepared to respond quickly. Sometimes, an Editor will need 100 words and your head shot by the end of the day. If you respond quickly and someone else they reached out to doesn’t, guess who will be featured? You

In my case specifically, I am writing for and about aesthetic and wellness professionals, so I would love to hear from you. We feature clinic and spa profiles, interviews with practitioners, and I always need expert commentary on all things skin, aesthetic devices, new treatments, and business advice.

So if you’d like to be featured in SPA+CLINIC, please reach out! I am looking forward to your short, snappy, informative e-mail on

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# M E D I A
ABIC || Issue 5 25



Potenza is the next generation in RF Micro-Needling

Potenza takes microneedling to new levels. The versatility this system provides allows you to customize treatments based on your patients’ specific needs – all skin types, anywhere on the body, any time of the year.

The versatility of the Potenza system allows you to customize treatments based on your patients’ specific needs – all skin types, anywhere on the body, any time of year. The Potenza device offers monopolar, bipolar and 1 & 2 MHz capabilities, allowing you to provide shallow and deep treatments in one system

4 different RF modes Monopolar, bipolar, 1 & 2 MHz capabilities

Unique Tiger Tip™ technology treats more tissue at multiple depths

Single-needle handpiece used to precisely target and improve blemishes

9 different tips multi-needle arrays in various densities

Discover Potenza with skin impedance monitoring feedback so you can confidently delegate the treatment to other team members

Potenza offers 1MHz and 2 MHz Frequency. In general, higher frequency energy is more quickly absorbed than lower frequency energy

2MHz is more focused, for specific targeting of tissue and can deliver a more aggressive treatment.

2MHz is more focused, for specific targeting of tissue and can deliver a more aggressive treatment.

1MHz is more comfortable and provides a wider and deeper delivery.

H i g h F r e q u e n c y L o w F r e q u e n c y Potenza provides real-time impedance monitoring (RIM) that helps achieve and maintain optimal therapeutic RF delivery and makes instant adjustments to ensure the right level of RF is being delivered

Deliver An Air of Confidence With The Fusion Tip

First and only Microneedling device to provide enhanced topical penetration up to 67% with the Fusion Tip.

Potenza’s Fusion Tip is a dual-air chamber design that captures and releases air towards the skin with each pulse, enhancing the penetration of topicals into the skin by giving them an extra “push”. The Fusion Tip has 21 insulated needle with an Adjustable depth of 0.5-2.5 mm.


uses ultra fine needles and radiofrequency (RF) energy to penetrate the top layer of the skin and trigger your body’s natural healing process to regenerate new collagen and elastin

This treatment helps to:

Reduce the common signs of aging

Minimize pore size and improves blemishes for a smoother, more radiant complexion

Stimulate collagen production for tighter*, firmer* and younger-acting skin

All skin types, anywhere on the body, any time of the year




I was recently asked about what qualities make up a great Dermal Therapist. Without having to think I responded by saying an ability to know what they can, as well as what they cannot do.

As specialists in this wonderful industry, we each do extraordinary things. We’ve studied intensely, honed our skills, built our reputations from scratch and worked our exfoliated bottoms off day and night So why would we sell ourselves short and send our clients elsewhere?

As the old adage says, it takes a village. Or more specifically, it takes a Beauty Therapist, a Dermal Therapist, a Nurse, a Doctor, a Dermatologist, a Plastic Surgeon and many, many more experts in their field.

We are each representatives of not only ourselves but more importantly our industry at large. Every time we provide a client with skin correcting serum, or a glowinducing facial, or a referral to another practitioner better suited to treat their concerns we are showing the world that we’re bloody good at what we do and that we always have our clients best interests at heart.

There’s a collaborative shift occurring across the aesthetic industry and one that organisations like ABIC are encouraging more and more of their members and the wider aesthetic industry to get onboard with.

Cross-referring refers to the movement of clients across different practitioners who each offer specialised abilities to best help a client achieve their goals Knowing that none of us can do everything or be everything to every single client that has or will walk through our doors means that there’s never been a better time to, as Vanilla Ice so famously rapped Stop, Collaborate and Listen.

At James Vivian, we know what we do well, what we love to do and what our clients need from us. Whilst this may have taken much trial and error over the years, we are now unwavering when it comes to what skin-related concerns we refer onto other practitioners and have a list of vetted practitioners that cover different geographical areas across Melbourne and beyond.

# R E F E R R A L S
‘it takes a village, or more specifically, it takes a Beauty Therapist, a Dermal Therapist, a Nurse, a Doctor, a Dermatologist, a Plastic Surgon and many more experts in their field’
ABIC || Issue 5 28

STOP! Collaborate

AND listen

Clients come to our respective businesses for help. I often say the best treatment is no treatment at all if it means a client should be getting looked after elsewhere. I can recall so many moments where clients have been overwhelmed with gratitude as we presented them with a business card to another practitioner rather than a homecare plan for some skincare that ‘might’ work. And I can recall a similar amount of times that these clients have returned to us at a later date to commence treatments or referred their family and friends who often recall how amazing we were by referring them to another practitioner Boom, another client for life.

Collaboration across our industry starts with knowing when to refer and who to refer to. Being able to confidently refer your clients to like-minded practitioners who will care for your clients as well as you and who will, ideally, refer your clients back to you takes time and much research To start, ask your clients who they like to go to, ask your colleagues who they refer to, reach out to people who you’re vibing with on social media, attend conferences and jump on online forums.

By collaborating across our industries, we also become more knowledgeable, more powerful, more desirable and forwarding clients onto other practitioners who can help them better gives you more time to look after clients who really need you.

If you were lucky enough to have a seat at this ABIC’s inaugural conference earlier this year you would have witnessed firsthand just how powerful collaboration across our industry can be. Through live case study presentations showcasing the unique approaches that Beauty, Dermal, Nurses, Doctors and Surgeons will take to assist a client, to the support and attendance by some our industries most prestigious brands, to the wide-range of speakers sharing their knowledge and experience, it’s clear that the future of our industry lays in us working together

Since its inception, ABIC has worked tirelessly to help elevate the standards of our industry and to be a voice for every single one of us, especially during times where it seemed no one was listening. ABIC are comprised of a membership of practitioners across our industry who believe that we are better off together than apart. Unifying our industry is one of their main goals and I would encourage everyone to begin building relationships with allied practitioners because remember...referrals work both ways.

# R E F E R R A L S
ABIC || Issue 5 29

toADDRESSING individualskin

Acustomisableapproach Concerns

Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting Inskin Cosmedics at their training centre in Melbourne and experience the O Pro Dermal Active treatment (PDA) I have to say, I was blown away by its uniqueness and effectiveness. The treatment is specifically tailored to target individual client concerns, making it highly customisable and client centric. Designed to complement the Dermal Planning Series (PDS), PDA is all about resetting the microbiome, vascular activation, and lymphatic stimulation for optimal skin health from the inside out

The microbiome is an ecosystem of microorganisms that live on the surface of the skin This complex ecosystem helps protect the skin When the microbiome is out of balance, it can lead to a host of skin issues, including acne, dryness, pigmentation, and inflammation which can weaken the skin barrier PDA works to restore the microbiome.

Another unique aspect of PDA is the use of vascular activation and lymphatic stimulation. These techniques help to improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage which can help reduce puffiness, dark circles, and other signs of ageing. By promoting healthy circulation and lymphatic flow, PDA delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to the skin, which improve overall skin health and radiance.

PDA can be done anywhere on the body where a client is experiencing skin concerns. Unlike other treatments, there are no restrictions on who can have this treatment. Whether you're using Roaccutane, pregnant, breastfeeding or have never used active products, PDA is suitable for all Plus, there's no downtime, making it perfect for busy individuals who need a quick pick-meup before an event. Essentially anyone that walks through the door is a perfect candidate for this treatment, yes! Including clients with darker Fitzpatrick

Due to PDA being versatile, it can be customised into four different treatments. The use of skin focused actives is used as activators to uniquely customise the treatment.

Lift and Firm: Suitable for clients concerned with laxity.

Collagen Boosters: Suitable for clients concerned with ageing

Clear skin: Suitable for clients with problematic skin and acne

Bright Skin: Suitable for uneven, dull pigmented skin.

During my treatment, which lasted for 1hr 15mins Bright Skin was the activator of choice. This was used as my concern was uneven skin tone

The treatment began with cleansing, followed by the application of an oxygen enzyme peel, which had a slight tingling sensation In areas of high dehydration such as lips, nose and eyes, a youth activating oil balm was used to cover and protect the areas The heat felt on the skin is vascular activation, which is inducing blood and is a highlight of the treatment.

There is also a very surprising but relaxing component to Pro Dermal Active, this is the combined use of Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) and LED therapy called O-Rejuv. This is a facial massage device that aids in oxygenation and nutritional delivery to the skin, by stimulating microcirculation

Depending on individual skin concerns, red light is used to stimulate collagen and elastin To clear and purify the skin, blue light mode is selected and used. For clients who require lift and firm in certain areas, low level EMS is selected The warming effect of Red LED as it glides on the skin, makes the treatment not only effective but also very relaxing and calming

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The real star of the show, however, is the PDA component, which involves the application of the mask. The O-Biome Oxygen Powder was mixed with the Bright Skin Activator

The mask is then applied from the decolletage upwards to the face, forming one big connection where lymphatic compression really takes hold. The O-Biome Oxygenating mask is left on for 45minutes

As the mask dries, it starts to compress, which induced a pulsating sensation around my neck, cheeks and around the eyes While waiting for the mask to dry and feeling the pulsating sensation, your mind starts to relax, and you are taken on what I like to call a sensory journey.

This induced a state of calm, which interestingly also improves skin health, since stressed skin is known to cause ageing.

“Pro Dermal Active (PDA) is such a fundamental component of a clients SKIN KIT! Being able to correct and work the skins Microbiome, Lymphatic System and Vascular activation at the same time is a huge elevation in skin correction! My favourite part is on top of all of this the treatment is then customised to suit the clients condition using functional actives to really laser focus in on that individuals skin concerns!” –

The beauty of the Pro Dermal Active treatment is that there is nothing like it on the market. It is a unique and effective approach to addressing individual skin concerns. It focuses on rectifying the microbiome of the skin, which is very crucial for optimal skin health.

Whether you are concerned with fine lines and wrinkles, suffering from problematic skin such as acne, and uneven skin tone Its customisability and versatility make it suitable for all skin types and conditions, and the lack of downtime makes it perfect for busy individuals Skin feels smoother and visibly brighter, after just one treatment.

The treatment is customisable and can be tailored to address a wide range of concerns and meet client goals.

The beauty of the Pro Dermal Active treatment is that there is nothing like it on the market. It is a unique and effective approach to addressing individual skin concerns.
ABIC || Issue 5 32


L U T R O N I C C L A R I T Y 2

LUTRONIC Clarity 2 provides better efficacy in real –rapid results that will thrill your patients, and your bottom line! The Clarity IITM platform provides a full range of applications, including Hair Removal, Pigmented Lesions, Wrinkle Reduction, Rosacea Hemangiomas, Telangiectasia and the unwanted, unattractive, Café au Lait complexion

The numbers speak for themselves, more than 10 million treatments per year in the US have been addressed by Clarity II

For the Practitioner / Clinicians:

Real-Time Temperature Sensing helps inform the practitioner about treatment efficacy. Only Clarity II provides real-time Temperature Sensing that is both easy and intuitive The LED on the handpiece reflects the corresponding colours on the screen for easy viewing during treatment

A practitioner can decide to treat an area with a few passes until they reach the first or second yellow bar (the preferred effectiveness), and then shift to a new area and see the skin temperature range drop back to the first green bar

This additional real-time information can be an invaluable tool to indicate both safety and effectiveness. Clarity II with Temperature Sensing provides more patient-centred feedback to the practitioner which can lead to more clinical confidence and better results.

Intelligence in Technology

IntelliTrakTM Technology helps improve treatment coverage, speed and consistency

IntelliTrak is designed to precisely deliver energy pulses at a user-selected overlap density with repetition rates from 2 4Hz to over 3Hz depending on the chosen fluence and spot sizes up to 18mm. Lutronic’s IntelliTrak distance gauge tips also provide system feedback based on the user’s rolling speed to help ensure complete and consistent treatment area coverage

LED lighting on the console and handpiece help inform the operator about the optimal rolling speed for fast treatments. Clarity II with IntelliTrak technology also allows users to fully harness the highpowered platform to achieve faster treatment times, that patients and clinicians both appreciate and value – without sacrificing the quality, consistency or fluence delivered during treatment

Features included (though not limited to – the IntelliTrak Technology:

•Higher power 755/1064nm platform for fast and efficient treatments

•Brilliantly removes hair, pigment and vascular lesions in all skin types

•IntelliTrakTM technology and Temperature Sensing enable increased provider confidence and treatment efficacy

•Brilliantly & rapidly treats hair, pigment, and vascular lesions in all skin types

•As a clinician, you can delegate with confidence

•Fast and efficient with potentially fewer sessions to reach desired outcome

Main treatment indications:

Pigmented lesions including freckles, lentigines, seborrheic keratosis, melasma management and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Vascular lesions (face & body) including telangiectasia, spider & cherry angiomas, venous lakes, inflammation-induced redness, rosacea, leg veins and more.

Skin rejuvenation including skin laxity, textural improvement of large pores, fine line and wrinkles, active acne, scar revision, onychomycosis and more


Specific Treatments by LUTRONIC Clarity

Highest Power - single fibre

755nm + 1064nm platform laser / Clarity Hair Removal (skin types 1-IV

IntelliTrak Technology - designed to

precisely deliver energy pulses at a user-selected overlap density maintaining reliable & consistent outcome

Realtime Temperature Sensing

Technology - provides real-time temperature feedback to ensure treatment efficacy and safety.

Short pulse duration - for

breakthrough efficacy for fine facial hair, lighter hair, and red hair (0.1ms, 0.3ms, 1ms and 2ms)

Hybrid cooling system – The

Gold Standard cryogen cooling and air cooling in the one device

Brilliantly & rapidly treats hair, pigment, and vascular lesions in all skin types

Delegate with confidence

Fast and efficient with potentially fewer sessions to reach desired outcome


“With the advanced features of Clarity II including IntelliTrak, we are able to complete hair removal in much less time and often in fewer treatments. The old days of freehand stamping for inconsistent treatment coverage are gone This leads directly to better staff productivity, higher ROI and patient satisfaction. The positive patient experiences and results are growing practice referrals Lutronic continues to provide cutting-edge laser technology with the best customer service and marketing support ”

“The Clarity II has been a big step forward for our staff and patients as its design has dramatically reduced our total treatment time auto-calibration in seconds, large spot sizes with plenty of energy, rep rates up to 3Hz, and IntelliTrak to make treatments thorough, consistent and fun. Clarity II is such a complete platform that we are able to switch wavelengths, spots and parameters in seconds to treat different skin types and indications.”

“Clarity II provides meaningful clinical advantages over other systems The higher energy and shorter pulses, like 1.0ms that no other device has today, allows me to remove finer facial hair more effectively for the first time And the real-time temperature sensing gives my staff and I more confidence in our patients’ treatment efficacy and endpoints. Clarity II is full of intelligent capabilities for all platform applications ”

ABOUT Lutonic

Entering its third decade, Lutronic partners with leading physicians around the world to advance the clinical efficacy of Lutronic’s intelligent, energybased aesthetic platforms To develop unrivaled solutions with “smart” features, Lutronic devotes four times what competitors invest in research and development, resulting in more than 535 current and pending patents worldwide

Partnering with Lutronic includes access to our extensive technical, clinical, and marketing support services we are invested in your success

LUTRONIC Clarity 2

For further information, please contact:

Showcasing What's Hot -


26-27 August 2023 | ICC Sydney Darling Harbour

Beauty Expo Australia is the billed as the country’s largest gathering of beauty brands, suppliers and professionals and is an event that is firmly marked in ABIC’s calendar.

Held at the ICC Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour in Sydney on Saturday 26 August from 9am - 5pm and Sunday 27 August, also from 9am - 5pm. Exhibiting will be more than 200 brands, including Australian-made, eco-friendly brands, plus live demonstration areas, a beauty sanctuary and educational sessions. In total there is expected to be more than 6,500 beauty professionals in attendance.

The event will provide an opportunity for beauty brands to showcase their latest ranges directly to an audience comprised of key decision makers, motivated buyers and salon owners. It’s the perfect place to meet, network and do business with your target market, all in one place, across two fantastic days.

With the almost the whole industry in attendance, it begs the question, what can you expect that will surprise and inspire you? ABIC have had a deep dive into some of the beauty trends of 2023 that you can expect to be showcased at the 2023 Beauty Expo.

# T R E N D I N G
ABIC || Issue 5 36

ABIC’s Predicted Beauty Trends –

What’s Hot for 2023

# T R E N D I N G
ABIC || Issue 5 37


We all know that big lashes are still BIG. Be it lash nutrition, to lash applications, lash products and lash applications and tinting treatments remain a staple of the beauty industry. Lash applications by the best and the swiftest will be exhibited live at the Sydney Beauty Expo this year, as they have been previously – to wide and popular acclaim.


Lips that look like your own lips – only better will rightly remain one of the more durable must-have looks. Feathered-in lip liners, with glossy balms over the top and nothing else is a current look. But it’s not just about how your lips look, one of the more neglected beauty treatments is looking after your lips! Peptide Lip Treatments and products are on the up and up, providing you with pillowy, smooth and well-hydrated lips.


It’s still all about nails, isn’t it? From Mother of Pearl Nails that mimic the shimmer of seashells, to glued-on pearl details to glitter and sparkles, there are so many ways to make the ocean-inspired mani trend your own. Chrome Manicures as chosen by everyone from Dua Lipa to Zendaya to Hailey Bieber to accompany their sparkly red carpet looks, chrome manicures are also huge look for 2023.

# T R E N D I N G
ABIC || Issue 5 38


Romantic, feminine, "coquette" makeup is a popular look and is currently red hot on TikTok lately. With rosy eyeshadows, doe-eye liner, lashings of lashes and glossy pink pouts, this oh-so-feminine look emulates 18th and 19th century beauty.

For sheer boldness, Face Gems are having more than a moment with models and serious party girls sporting face gems that can make you feel like an instant stand-out hit at a party

Sultry, smudgy and smoky, siren eyes were very on-trend last year and the look continues to endure into 2023. This classic-with-a-twist look features much darker eyeshadow the previously used, with a more blended wing overall than your classic cat-eye makeup.


Side-parts are huge, as seen sported by everyone from Kim Kardashian to beauty queen Zoë Foster Blake. You can team a side part with a messy up-do, chignon or wear it super slicked-down, with a ballerina-style bun. Nothing says 2023, quite like the side part!

Other hair trends include copper as one of the hottest hair colours for 2023, as it is versatile, with virtually every skin tone pulling it off! The Wet Hair Look as seen on Zendaya, channels a cool 'day at the beach’ look and can be paired with seashell jewellery and other oceanthemed pieces.

Updos, updos and more updos! You may have noticed at the 2023 Oscars, graphic updos are huge! Florence Pugh's was especially dazzling, but there were plenty of other great, clever and twisted updos rocking the red carpet These twisted, clever new updos were almost designed for the TikTok generation, as the video, step-by-step instructions make them possible for everyone.

ABIC || Issue 5 39

ABIC’S PARTNERS with 2023 Non-Surgical symposium

For the first time ABIC is a media partner for the popular Non-Surgical Symposium (NSS), to be held on the Gold Coast. ABIC will be exhibiting and promoting all ABIC industry members who are also exhibiting at this exciting event.

The NSS is an all-inclusive, three-day learning event designed to give all attendees a lifetime of value. It is an annual three-day conference dedicated to excellence in the fast-growing field non-surgical aesthetics

Brought to the industry by ASAPS, the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, the Non-Surgical Symposium’s growth over more than a decade reflects this burgeoning market and is the largest in Australasia, attracting industry experts from all over the world.

The 2023 NSS program will showcase the latest aesthetics technical advances, all of which are evidence-based treatments and techniques to ensure our Australian attendees have access to the latest in world-class excellence within the aesthetics industry.

ABIC || Issue 5 40

Co-curated by the Non-Surgical Symposium’s Scientific Convenor, Dr Naveen Somia, the NSS has introduced an exciting new Scientific Advisory Committee, providing expert, inclusive, innovative and diverse scientific advice.

This science-centric approach will offer attendees excellent educational opportunities. These NSS sessions will also be made available post-event (online/on-demand) to provide the opportunity to catch up on any sessions missed or to recap on sessions that may have been especially of interest

The Four Key Pillars of Success

For the entrepreneurs across all levels, a Four Key Pillars program has been purpose-built as a practical, easy-to-use and easy-to-deploy framework, that is ideal practice for both professional and business success.

Ideal for ABIC’s many clinical and practitioner members, the four key pillars of successful aesthetic practice include:

Facial aesthetic treatments

Care of skin and customer service

The business of running your practice

Risk mitigation

Other very relevant, fresh NSS program events will cover an extensive and diverse range of topics, from a global perspective on filler complications, to menopausal skin and body changes, plus the important conversations we need to have around social media and building a cosmetic business online.

The Non-Surgical Symposium 2023 will also showcase technical advances, evidence-based treatments and specific techniques in the field of aesthetics, in order to help attendees achieve a worldclass level of excellence.

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ABIC || Issue 5 41

ABIC’s Partnerships, Marketing & Events Manager, Nicole Montgomery sees ABIC’s new role as Media Partner for the event as an ideal alliance.

“ABIC and the NSS are on the same page. We share the ideal of providing and promoting opportunities for those in the aesthetic and beauty industry to learn, become inspired, share ideas and commit to the highest professional development standards.”

The Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) Board are collaborating again with the Australasian Society of Cosmetic Dermatologists (ASCD) and welcome the endorsement of the meeting from the New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine (NZSCM)

As for the last 11 years, this year the NSS will proudly partner with a well-known charity, Interplast Australia, and as 2023 is the 40th Anniversary of Interplast Australia, that makes the partnership even more special.

The NSS is an annual three-day conference dedicated to excellence in non-surgical Aesthetics will take place between 23-25 June 2023 at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.

For further information, visit:

ABIC || Issue 5 42

at the


ABIC was proud to attend the Australian Society of Cosmetic Dermatologists hosted Symposium from 2426 March 2023, with a sponsored pre-event workshop starting on 23 March 2023.

Set at the Crown Conference Centre Melbourne, the event was a huge success, hosted by Professor Greg Goodman, ACSD was informative, collaborative, and fun with incredible networking events

Some of the Australasian Society of Cosmetic Dermatologists (ASCD) symposium highlights included:

Challenging Beliefs

The Challenge of Intravascular Filler Complications

The Challenge of Extravascular Complications

Challenge Yourself: Level 2 regions of high risk

Challenging Aspects of our best Practice

Challenges in moving away from the everyday with Neuromdulator delivery

Challenging the HA Fillers

Challenges on a day-to-day basis

General Patient Emergencies and management

Surface Active Devices and Injectable emergencies and their treatment: Case Presentation and management strategies

The Challenges of beginning a practice with Energy Based Devices

Challenging the epidermis: My favourite device / technology for superficial sun damage

The Challenges of Safety: Update in Energy Based and Tissue active

The Challenge posed by the patient

Challenging the dermis: Transepidermal drug delivery

Challenges in Practice management

The Challenges of increased Regulation

We cannot wait for the ASCD Emerging Trends in Cosmetic Dermatology, from the 12 November 2023 at the Crown Conference Centre

ABIC || Issue 5 44

PR O F O U N D M A T R I X ™

You may have heard by now that the newest revolution in radiofrequency (RF) microneedling is here The Profound Matrix™ system is a 3-in-1 multi-application platform that features the allnew short-pulse Matrix Pro™ microneedling applicator.

Did you know the Profound Matrix™ is the only device on the market that offers multiple depths AND multiple energy settings in one pass? Using ultra-thin needs for smoother insertion, increased patient comfort, and minimal downtime.

First-of-its-kind system that is equipped with impendence monitoring and Depth Intelligence technology, providing realtime feedback that allows the user to deliver consistent results to their patients

It's the first RF Microneedling device to deliver 3 distinct usercontrolled depth AND energy settings in a single insertion

It has ultra-thin needles, the finest on the market

Register to download the full Profound Matrix product brochure and learn more about how the Profound Matrix™ system could make a difference to your patients and practice.




Everyone has flaws. As therapists, practitioners and clinicians, you see them every day But it’s deeper than that In the last 50 years, behavioral science has made huge leaps in our understanding of the brain. It was once thought people made rational and considered choices That’s total fiction

The work of legendary research duo David Kahneman and Amos Tversky transformed the fields of neuroscience, cognitive science and behavioral science, with a paradigm shift based on three principles:

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Everyone is irrational No one really knows what motivates them Everybody uses mental shortcuts (called heuristics) to make decisions

All three principles influence our decision making. One hundred and seventy-five research-based cognitive biases have since been defined and grouped into overlapping categories[1] that underpin our decisions, behaviour and memory

What’s this got to do with your clinic or doctor-led practice? Everything

Successful businesses – no matter whether they’re practices, skin clinics or beauty salons – have one thing in common. They should all provide a memorable customer experience, based on every encounter (big, small, in-person, online and over the phone) clients have with them. That’s a big ask. However, that’s led to a misconception that to create a memorable customer experience, every aspect of the journey needs to be flawless. It doesn’t.

Fortunately, our memory is flawed, and that cognitive bias is called the Peak-end rule[2].

Focus on the peak and the end

Psychologist, Nobel laureate and economist, Daniel Kahneman and his research partner, Amos Tversky, explored this cognitive bias at length Kahneman details the results in his international bestselling book, ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow”[3], where he explains the study charted the “remembered” experiences of patients’ after a short medical procedure.

Kahneman and Tversky’s research proved that our brain is unable to remember everything that happens throughout an entire experience Instead, it uses heuristics (mental shortcuts) to pick out the two most intense moments, and judges the experience based on those moments

In short, people remember the peak – the best (or worst) part of their experience, and the end The sum of those moments colours your overall memory. And the rest… is forgotten.

Emotion is one of the most important heuristics people use so the more intense and recent the feelings, the more memorable That’s why the emotions your clients feel during a procedure, injection or treatment are the crucial foundations for how they feel about your clinic’s customer experience.

It’s worth mentioning that even if the peak experience was negative, you can still positively impact the customer’s perception by helping them have a positive end experience – a practice that’s’ easily accomplished in both a medical-based practice and therapist-based clinic

Clinic growth expert, Neil Osborne, explains how using the behavioural principle called the ‘Peak-end rule’ and creating memorable client experiences, can inspire clients to return. Again, and again.
Wikipediahttps://en wikipedia org/wiki/List of cognitive biases#Memory Wikipediahttps://en wikipedia org/wiki/Peak-end rule “Thinking FastandSlow” DanielKahneman PenguinPress;1stedition(2July2012) 1 2 3 ABIC || Issue 5 48

Using the peak-end rule to improve customer experience

An important shift to make when you’re applying the Peak-end rule, is to move from being customer service focused to customer experience committed. This deliberate transformation is accomplished by modifying the style of language you use, and the moments when questions are asked and answered – which is possibly a fundamental change to the way you and your team thinks, acts, and communicates

So how do you make the move from one to the other?

Customer service (CS) is a longstanding stalwart of retail and service businesses. It’s centred on what you offer, how and when it’s offered, plus the means of delivery Generally, customer service is all about ‘the business’

Customer experience (CX) shifts the focus to your clients and looks at the experience from their perspective Memorable CX is made up of multiple touch points, or micro-experiences, that stretch throughout each client’s individual journey of getting to know you (pre-treatment), like and trust you (in-clinic), right through to post treatment delights you deliver.

Clinic Visits
Using the Peak-end Rule Visit A is more likely to be remembered positively, even though it took longer, because it had a higher peak and end compared to Visit B which ended poorly ABIC || Issue 5 49

To move your clinic away from customer service and closer to being customer experience committed, take advantage of the Peak-end rule with these three steps:

1 Identify your peaks

Go through the processes and steps each client takes with you, and identify what the peak moments are, when and why they occur. To assemble this list, carefully go through your clients’ journey and identify the emotional highs and lows as your team takes them through a conversation, booking, consultation, treatment and/or procedure, rebooking, post-treatment or post-procedure care and payment

2. Create memorable peaks

Once you know the current peaks in your customers’ journey, purposefully work on making them positive peak experiences. One way to do this is to highlight the emotion felt at each step of the experience and ensure they reflect a positive emotion


Good surprise

Relief Conversation





Being listened to


Bad surprise







Being ignored

Positive peaks don’t necessarily have to be expensive or elaborate You can easily create positive peak experiences with simple actions like using each client’s name, remembering important dates or simplifying a process.

3 End on the highest possible moment

Explore what you can implement to ensure clients remember and feel positive emotions at the end of their interaction with your clinic. Numerous methods can be used to achieve this, like helping them to accelerate their results at home or by providing a small departure gift as they leave.

The Peak-end rule is a cycle of experiences, not one path

Remember, your clients’ journey isn’t a linear path. It’s a cycle, that’s made from continuous, multifaceted moments of engagement… thanks to the many digital places where people, either directly or indirectly, engage with your business

However, there is one thing that’s the same throughout. Successful clinics – no matter whether they’re practices, dermal clinics or beauty salons – all provide a great customer experience Better still, the ones who are using behavioural science and creating emotional connections are delivering extraordinary results in spending, lifetime value, loyalty, and brand advocacy

By tapping into cognitive biases, like the Peak-end rule, high-performing clinics are creating powerful growth and differentiating themselves as remarkable practices, at a time when the noise has never been louder

Neil Osborne is a master trainer, business coach and entrepreneur He has worked exclusively in the salon, clinic and aesthetic markets for more than three decades, teaching businesses and brands how to profitably grow and be commercially clever Contact him on +61 419 233 439 or at www spendsuasion com au

ABIC || Issue 5 50

On The Record.

This month on the Beaute by ABIC Podcast, we talk natural aesthetics, gut health and treating skin holistically with our guest doct

# P O D C A S T ABIC || Issue 5 52

Episode 258: Electrical Arc Sublimation Therapy with Dr Guido Maronati for MARA Aesthetics

Dr Guido Maronati graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Milan in 2000 In 2001 he qualified to practice as a Medical Doctor after passing the Italian Medical Board qualifying exam and is registered with the Provincial Order of Physicians and Surgeons of Milan In his 2001-2002 Academic Year, he became the winner of the concourse to attend the School of Specialisation in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Udine.

In 2006 he completed his specialty training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery and spent a year in Brazil undergoing intense training with famous surgeons Professor Ivo Pitanguy and Professor Antonio Roberto Bozola.

Episode 259: The impact of gut health on our skin with Dr Irene Prantalos from Salubre

Dr. Irene Prantalos understands the challenges associated with severe skin problems

In her teens and 20s, Irene, along with her mother, spent years trying to find a solution for her severe psoriasis.

In her quest for a doctor who could help her, Irene found relief through Chinese Medicine and took matters into her own hands.

Having completed a double degree in Human Biology and Chinese Medicine at RMIT, Irene completed a clinical internship in Nanjing Teaching Hospital in China.

Episode 260: The origins of common skin conditions & how to treat them holistically with Dr Ben Johnson from Osmosis

Founder and Formulator Dr Ben Johnson is a physician, inventor, and entrepreneur who has spent the last 25 years dedicated to solving some of the world’s most challenging skin and health conditions. He holds multiple patents related to skincare and wellness as a result of his unparalleled research and philosophies pertaining to the skinbody connection

Dr Ben is passionate about treating skin from within He has researched the aetiology of skin conditions, how they affect the whole body and how to treat them holistically.

He is a member of the Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SICPRE), a member of the Italian Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (AICPE), a member of the Italian Association of Aesthetic Therapy with Botulinum (AITEB) and a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)

Sharing his knowledge & expertise in E A S T HP, you don't want to miss this one!

Dr Irene has seen many patients come into her clinic suffering from skin problems since opening her private practice in 2003

While Chinese medicine provided relief, Dr Irene realised it was essential to ease pain and discomfort to help the healing process when it comes to skin problems.

Here to discuss the impact of gut health on our skin, from Salubre, today we welcome Dr Irene Prantalos.

Dr Johnson founded Osmosis Beauty with a revolutionary approach that is changing the direction of skin care away from excessive exfoliation and renewing the focus of dermal remodeling, barrier and DNA repair, and detoxification. He has found that the skin and body are capable of healing themselves with the proper tools and the removal of toxic influences

Listen to this fascinating discussion with renowned MD, Dr Ben Johnson.

# P O D C A S T
ABIC || Issue 5 53

THE IMPORTANCE of Networking

After COVID, which for most of us is now like some weird dream; it’s finally time to network! In person, not TEAMS or ZOOM meetings, but meeting in real life! Who knew what was once so normal – meeting in person with likeminded people – could become so special and valued.

For many, after all that hibernation, networking events may seem at first daunting, even for some of the most extraverted people But there’s nothing like meeting people in person. The eye-meeting, the press of hands, and even enveloping hugs from friends, networking events can be extremely rewarding, valuable and fun!

If you’re about to embark on a career path or start your own business, or even build your existing business, nothing compares to human connections when it comes to opening doors and making deals that would otherwise not be possible.

Events, networking or industry-based provide a platform to talk with potential suppliers, employers, employees while also providing the opportunity to ask the important questions, while meeting like-minded people that spark inspiration

After you’ve completed your list of must-meets, don’t discount those less well-known and not typically associated with your sector of interest, who knows – they might be offering just what you’re looking for.

Connecting with people face to face is the most effective way of networking than through online channels You can make much more progress in one event than you can exchanging emails, phone calls and messages over a period of weeks

Networking events like the ones hosted by ABIC also give you a great opportunity to build upon your personal network You never know who could potentially take your business to the next level!

If you start by working your way around the room, you’ll soon learn some invaluable tips on the best way to present yourself

Whilst some networking events are more general, there are some fantastic events that focus on particular areas of interest. Networking events can focus on addressing the challenges and opportunities of the aesthetic industry we all love.

Networking events can help to combat some of the barriers faced by our industry by providing a platform for discussion, sharing ideas and understanding different perspectives.

At ABIC, we believe that networking is a crucial steppingstone of the business world At networking events, the aim is to meet new people, have conversations and build strong connections with others in our industry. The more people you talk to, the more likely it is that you’ll meet someone who can potentially help you and your business.

Before you attend the event, it’s useful to review the list of organisations and speakers booked to attend and identify who you may want to speak to

Be open, understand and learn about as many different roles in our industry as you can.

There’s no one so interesting as someone who is interested, so show an interest in others and the rest will fall into place Often, you’ll find that fellow industry folk will be impressed if you’ve attended an industry specific event, but also if you can highlight who you engaged with and what the outcome of that meeting was It’s also a good idea to go to networking events with an open mind You should never avoid companies because you presume that they won’t have any benefit for you or your business

At any networking events, you will also have the opportunity to talk about possible career options, and paths and benefits that can be formed with other business owners This may be the perfect time to really find out what you want to do with your future by speaking with industry leaders directly

# N E T W O R K I N G
ABIC || Issue 5 54
BEAUTY & SPA I N S I D E R S Monday 16 October 2023 Pier One, Sydney Harbour SPONSORED BY BROUGHT TO YOU BY Don’t miss Australia’s Premier Beauty and Medi-aesthetics Event Discover the program and learn more about our speakers online at Stay tuned for further speaker announcements in the coming weeks.
JESSIKA BRIGGINSHAW Founder, Brow Squad KELLY GEORGE Founder, Kelly George Aesthetics DR KATE JAMESON Founder & Medical Director, Youth Lab DR IAN CHINSEE Cosmetic Surgeon, Director Inigo Cosmetic PETA FRIEND Manager & Operator, Will&Peta Skin Clinic KATH MERLO Co-Founder, KAILO Medispa KAREN GEISZLER Owner, KG Beauty & Modality Training
Early Bird tickets on sale now at Limited tickets available. Don’t miss out. Early Bird offer valid until Monday 31st July
FIONA TUCK Author, Nutritional Medicine Practitioner and Skin Expert













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