Beaute by ABIC Digital Magazine - Issue 6, 2023: The Business of Beauty & Aesthetics

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© Aesthetic Beauty Industry Council 2023, All Rights Reserved


The visionary behind “Skin by Sarah Hudson” and the “Sarah Hudson Collection”

ABIC|| Issue6 03 C O N T E N T S THE 12 Q’S FOR EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Twelve questions
to measure the strength of a workplace’s engagement culture 12 Profitable strategies that will turn your VIP Information Event into a whirlwind of glamour and sales savvy 15 STRATEGIES FOR YOUR NEXT VIP SALON OR CLINIC EVENT 34 Upcoming trends embracing innovation and promoting natural beauty AESTHETIC MEDICINE TRENDS FOR 2024 06
THE ICONIC SARAH HUDSON 20 Understanding and complying with taxation laws for beauty & aesthetics NAVIGATING THE COMPLEXITY OF TAXATION LAWS 70
THE IMPORTANCE OF SELLING RETAIL IN YOUR CLINIC OR SPA 30 42 INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO COST CUTTING Applying the art of Lean Management Techniques to Beauty & Aesthetics
Six top tips to help boost your skincare sales


Inthedynamicworldofbusiness,fewindustriesresonateasprofoundlyas ours, that of beauty and aesthetics It's a realm where passion and creativityconverge,wheredreamsofself-expressionandtransformation cometolife.

InthiseditionofourABICJournal,asweembarkonajourneyintothe heartofthebusinessofbeautyandaesthetics,wedrawinspirationfrom successfulAustralianindustryprofessionalswhohavenotonlymastered theircraftbuthavealsosculptedthrivingenterprisesfromtheirpassion.

The Australian beauty landscape is awash with stories of visionaries, manyofthemvaluedABICmembers,whohaveturnedtheirdreamsinto realities. These entrepreneurs embody the spirit of relentless determination, blending it with a profound love for the art of making peoplelookandfeelbeautiful.

Sarah Hudson, a proud ABIC Member and iconic figure in Australian beautyandaesthetics,says"SkinHealthisnotadestination;it'sajourney". Her words encapsulate the essence of our industry: a creative and meaningful partnership with our clients, driven by passion and the relentlesspursuitofexceptionalresults.

Inthisedition,youwillreadabouthowSarahHudson'svibrantbrandhasnotonlytransformedtheskinof countlessAustralians,buthasalsosetaninspirationalexampleofbuildinganimpressivebusinessfromthe groundup.

Whilstastrongelementofourindustryisaboutconnectionandfulfillment,itcanalsobefiercelycompetitive, andestablishingauniquebrandidentityrequiresbothcreativityandresilience.It'sajourneythatdemands unwaveringdedicationtothecraftandanunshakablebeliefinone'svision

Australia'sownskincaremogulandABICCouncillor,MarieCocciolone,remindsusthatperseveranceisakey contributortosuccess,"Givingupisnotanoption,it’sachoice So,choosewiselyandbethedriverofyour dreams,everythingispossible,youjustneedtowantitenough."

Marie's journey from evolving her business from her garage into several renowned skincare brands is a testamenttothepowerofdedication,persistenceandacommitmenttoprovidinglife-changingskincareand treatmentsolutionstoherclientsandpartners.

Ourjournalthismonthalsoexplorestheintricaciesofnavigatingourever-evolvingindustryandmastering thepowerofadaptability.MatthewWilliams,FounderofoneofAustralia'smostsuccessfulbeautyproduct andmodalitydistributioncompaniesisoftenheardsaying,"Inthisindustry,youmustbeopentochangeand innovation."

With advancements in technology and the emergence of new trends, staying ahead of the curve is vital. Successfulentrepreneursandbusinessownersinthebeautysectorarequicktoembracenewtechniquesand technologiesthatenhancetheservicestheyoffer.

Manyofusknowthatbeinginbusinessisfraughtwithmanychallenges,buttherewardsofperseveringcan alsobeabundantandmultifaceted.Beyondthefinancialgains,thetruebeautyofthisindustryliesinthe positiveimpactithasonpeople'slives.Thesatisfactionofhelpingclientsrediscovertheirconfidenceandfeel theirbestisimmeasurable

Whatwedoisnotjustconfinedtothephysicalalone.Itextendstofosteringasenseofempowermentandselfworth Acareerinourindustrycanbeacaptivatingjourneyfilledwithjoy,challenges,andrewards Itisa realmwherepassionignitesinnovation,wherecreativitythrives,andwherethedesiretomakeothersfeel beautifulisatthecoreofeveryendeavor.

In this issue, as we draw inspiration from the words of successful Australian beauty and aesthetic professionals,weareremindedthatsuccessinthisindustryrequiresunwaveringdedication,adaptability,and acommitmenttoexcellence Thepathtosuccessmaybepavedwithchallenges,butitisalsoilluminatedbythe radiant smiles and renewed confidence of clients whose lives are positively transformed by the magic of beautyandaesthetics

ABIC|| Issue6 04
T E F M I L L A Stef


# T R E N D I N G
2024 to watch in ABIC|| Issue6 06

It's fair to say, that the over the past 10 years it feels like the world of aesthetic medicine is moving faster than laser light Our industry is evolving and rapidly, driven by cutting-edge advancements, emerging technologies, and shifting consumer preferences.

As we venture into 2024, the landscape of aesthetic treatments promises to be more exciting and sophisticated than ever before with the top trends that are expected to dominate the industry in the coming year, focusing on embracing innovation while promoting the appreciation of natural beauty

As we explore these upcoming trends, we know that ABIC is there, at the forefront, representing beauty and aesthetic professionals and supporting education, safety and the prosperity of its members, along with every sector of our unified industry.

Embracing Innovation and Natural Beauty

Non-Invasive Procedures are on the Rise:

As the demand for minimally invasive treatments continues to soar, 2024 will witness a surge in nonsurgical aesthetic procedures Patients are increasingly seeking treatments that offer little to no downtime, minimal discomfort, and quick results. Advancements in laser technology, ultrasound, and radiofrequency devices will enable our skin therapists and cosmetic practitioners to deliver effective treatments for skin rejuvenation without the need for invasive surgery.

If you don't already have these in your practice and want to find out how to incorporate them into your clinic or salon, contact us and we will put you in touch with our network of reputable partners to grow your business.

Non-Invasive Body Contouring Goes Mainstream

In 2024, non-invasive body contouring treatments will gain significant traction as our clients and patients seek to sculpt their bodies without undergoing surgery.

Advancements in technologies such as high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and cryolipolysis enable more precise and targeted fat reduction, cellulite reduction, and skin tightening. These non-invasive procedures will continue to offer minimal downtime, fewer risks, and quicker results, making them increasingly popular.

Personalized Treatments with AI Integration:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of aesthetic medicine, providing practitioners with powerful tools to offer personalized treatments. AIpowered imaging systems will allow professionals to simulate potential outcomes and recommend tailored procedures based on a patient's unique facial and body features. This data-driven approach will enhance treatment precision and lead to higher patient satisfaction rates

Augmented Reality (AR) Consultations

Similarly, the integration of augmented reality (AR) technology in aesthetic medicine consultations will revolutionize the patient experience. With AR, prospective patients can virtually visualize the potential outcomes of various treatments, such as facial fillers, Botox, and even plastic surgeries. This interactive approach empowers patients to make informed decisions and set realistic expectations before committing to any procedure

Sustainable Products:

In 2024, the aesthetic medicine industry will witness a shift towards more "natural" and sustainable products. Patients are becoming increasingly conscious of the ingredients used in their treatments and are seeking options that align with their values As a result, there will continue to be a rise in the popularity of organic skincare products, biodegradable dermal fillers, and eco-friendly packaging.

Aesthetic practices that prioritize sustainability will gain a competitive edge and attract environmentally conscious clientele.

ABIC|| Issue6 07

Combination Therapies for Enhanced Results:

To achieve optimal results, combination therapies will continue to gain prominence in 2024

Aesthetic practitioners will increasingly combine various treatments, such as micro-needling with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy, Botox with dermal fillers, or photo-acoustic therapy with peels, and so forth, to address multiple concerns simultaneously.

These synergistic approaches will lead to more comprehensive and longer-lasting results, meeting patients' desires for efficient and effective treatments.

Focus on Men's Aesthetics:

The stigma surrounding male aesthetics is gradually fading, and in the following year and beyond, more men will seek cosmetic treatments to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence.

Aesthetic practices focus on catering specifically to male clientele, offering treatments tailored to address common concerns such as hair loss, jawline contouring, and skin rejuvenation The industry will see a surge in male-oriented marketing and specialized treatment packages.

Rise of Regenerative Aesthetics

Regenerative aesthetics, which involves harnessing the body's natural healing mechanisms to reverse signs of aging, will see a surge in popularity

Treatments like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, stem cell therapy, and growth factor injections will gain traction as people seek more holistic and sustainable approaches to rejuvenation.

These regenerative treatments offer natural-looking results and have fewer risks compared to traditional methods.

“The landscape of aesthetic medicine is set to transform with innovative technologies and patient-centric approaches”.
ABIC|| Issue6 08

Emphasis on Mental Wellness

Aesthetic medicine will increasingly place a focus on mental wellness alongside physical enhancements.

Ethical practitioners will prioritize mental health screenings and consultations to ensure patients are mentally prepared for the procedures they seek. Moreover, promoting body positivity and selfacceptance will become an integral part of the industry's ethos.

So, it looks like, in 2024, the landscape of aesthetic medicine is set to transform with innovative technologies and patient-centric approaches. Noninvasive body contouring, AR consultations, and regenerative aesthetics will redefine the way we perceive beauty and anti-aging treatments. Personalization and combination therapies will become the norm, ensuring optimal results for each individual. Moreover, as the industry embraces mental wellness and body positivity, it will evolve into a more responsible and empathetic domain, catering to both the physical and emotional needs of patients.

As these trends shape the future of aesthetic medicine, it is essential for practitioners and patients alike to stay informed through continued education and associations such as ABIC, and embrace these advancements responsibly to achieve the best possible outcomes while promoting self-confidence and well-being

With these exciting trends on the horizon, patients can look forward to achieving their desired aesthetic goals while maintaining a strong sense of self and well-being.

ABIC|| Issue6 09

The Power Of Niching Unveiling the Beauty in Specialisation

Theconceptofnichinghasemergedasapowerfulstrategythat cantransformthefutureofbothclinicsandsalons.

Gonearethedayswhenofferingawiderangeofserviceswas seen as the ultimate path to success Today, it's all about specialisation and perfecting your particular technique to becomeaknownexpert

TheTransformativePowerofSpecialization "Jackofalltrades,masterofnone"Thisage-oldadagecouldn't bemorerelevantinthecontextofourindustry.

In particular in Australia, where competition is fierce, it's no longer enough to offer a little bit of everything. Niching your servicesmeanschoosingaspecificareaorexpertisewithinthe industry and excelling in it. This type of specialisation, or niching, has the potential to be truly transformative for your clinicorsalon.


Oneofthemostsignificantadvantagesofnichingistheabilityto cater to the unique needs and desires of a specific target audience.Bynarrowingyourfocus,youcantailoryourservices tomeetthedemandsofaparticularniche Whetherit'sskincare forsensitisedoracneproneskin,laserhairremovalspecifically for darker skin tones, or organic treatments for eco-conscious clients,specialisingallowsyoutobecomethego-todestination forindividualsseekingyourspecificexpertise


Inasaturatedmarket,astrongbrandidentityisyourbeaconof light. Niching enables you to define your brand more clearly and authentically. It helps you create a unique selling proposition (USP) that distinguishes you from competitors Clients are more likely to trust a specialist who has dedicated their time and effort to mastering a particular aspect of their craft.


Niching requires dedication, continuous learning, and a commitment to becoming an expert in your chosen field This commitmenttomasterynotonlybenefitsyourclientsbutalso instills confidence in your team When you become known as theauthorityinaspecificarea,youattracttoptalentwhowant tobeapartofyourjourneytoexcellence.


Specialisationisn'tjustaboutnarrowingyourfocus;it'salso about increasing your value When you're recognised as a specialistinyourfield,youcancommandpremiumpricesfor your services Clients are willing to pay more for the assurance of quality and expertise. This, in turn, can significantlyboostyourrevenueandprofitability


Niching your services allows you to create a seamless and immersive client experience Every aspect of your clinic or salon,fromthedecortotheservicesofferedandtheexpertise of your staff, can be tailored to align with your niche This holistic approach not only impresses clients but also enhances their overall satisfaction, leading to customer loyaltyandreferrals.


In the digital age, effective marketing is essential for any business Niching simplifies your marketing efforts by enabling you to speak directly to your target audience. You can create highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with potential clients who are seeking your specialisedservices Thisnotonlysavesyoumoneybutalso increasesyourmarketingROI.


Ourindustryishighlycompetitive,withnewplayersentering the market regularly. Niching acts as a shield against competitionbyestablishingyouasanicheleader Itmakesit harder for newcomers to replicate your success because they'llneedtoinvestsignificanttimeandresourcestomatch yourlevelofexpertise


Niching isn't just about personal success; it can also contribute to the advancement of the entire beauty and aestheticindustry.Specialistsoftenbecomepioneersintheir field, driving innovation and setting new standards By pushing the boundaries of what's possible, you not only elevateyourownclinicorsalonbutalsoelevatetheindustry asawhole.

Niching is an innovative strategy that has the potential to revolutioniseyourbusiness,drivegrowth,andleavealasting legacyintheindustry

Bynarrowingyourfocus,you'renotlimitingyourself;you're unlockingaworldofpossibilities.

ABIC|| Issue6 11

12Q'sThe ofEffectiveLeadership

iconicheadsofstateto leadingateamof3to5 siness with extremely hefollowing: alsorgroupstowarda common goal, vision, or mission. It involves the ability to make decisions, set direction, and motivate others to achieve objectives while fostering collaboration, trust, and accountability withinateamororganization.Effectiveleadershipencompassesawiderangeofqualitiesand skills,includingcommunication,empathy,adaptability,problem-solving,andthecapacitytolead byexample

That’s an excellent definition, and there is also great wisdom in the great books written on leadership.Butifyouareanythinglikemostsalon,spa,andclinicowners,youwanttoknowthe details.

HowdoIinspiremyemployeestocareasmuchasIdo?Whatifmyvisionforthebusinessisnot thesameaswhattheywantfromtheirjob?HowdoImakeadecisionandmotivateotherswhenI amterrifiedthatIhavemadethewrongdecision?HowdoIholdmyteamaccountablewhenI wantthemtolikeme?

These are the tough questions that aren’t always answered in basic definitions or lengthy memoirsofdeceasedGenerals.

Istartedmyfirstbusinessover20yearsagoinmymid-twentiesandrapidlyfacedwhatfeltlike insurmountablechallenges,thetypethatyouareallfamiliarwith.Notenoughtime,notenough money,andthebiggestchallengeofallwasthepeoplepiece

Asaresult,Imadeitanobsessiontofigureoutwhypeoplebehavethewaytheydoandfinda waytokeepthemengagedandfulfilledatwork.

Full disclosure: I have failed miserably at this over the years and succeeded beyond my expectations,andIamproudthatIhaveahalfdozenteammemberswhohavebeenwithmefor over a decade, and one of them has been with me across three businesses spanning several decades

Inessence,leadershipisyourabilitytogetpeopletofollowyouandtodothat,youneedthemto trustyou.Thatreallymeansthattheytrustthatyouhavetheirbestinterestsatheart.

ABIC|| Issue6 12

OneofthebestbooksthatIhaveeverreadon the topic of leading teams to feel engaged and fulfilled in their roles and ready to show up every day to do their best work and go above andbeyondforthegreatergoodofthebusiness was "First, Break All the Rules" by Marcus BuckinghamandCurtCoffman.

Outlined in the book was a set of twelve questionsdesignedtomeasurethestrengthofa workplace's engagement culture. These 12 questionsarereferredtoasthe“Q12”.


1 Do you know what is expected of you at work? This question assesses whether employeeshaveaclearunderstandingoftheir rolesandresponsibilities.

2.Doyouhavethematerialsandequipmentyou need to do your work right? It evaluates whether employees have access to the necessarytoolsandresourcestoperformtheir jobseffectively

3. At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day? This question focusesonwhetheremployeescanutilizetheir strengthsandskillsintheirdailytasks.

4 In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work? It measures the frequency of positive feedback andrecognitionemployeesreceive.

5. Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a person? This questionassessesthequalityoftherelationship between employees and their immediate supervisorsorcoworkers

6. Is there someone at work who encourages your development? It evaluates whether employees feel supported in their professional growthanddevelopment.

7 Atwork,doyouropinionsseemtocount?This question gauges whether employees feel that theirideasandinputarevalued.

8. Does the mission/purpose of your company makeyoufeelyourjobisimportant?Itexplores theextenttowhichemployeesconnectwiththe organization'smissionandpurpose.

9. Are your coworkers committed to doing qualitywork?Thisquestionmeasuresthelevel ofteamworkandcommitmenttoqualitywithin theworkplace.

10 Do you have a best friend at work? It assesses the strength of interpersonal relationshipsandsocialconnectionswithinthe workplace.

11.Inthelastsixmonths,hassomeoneatwork talked to you about your progress? This question evaluates the frequency of performancediscussionsandfeedback

12.Inthelastyear,haveyouhadopportunities tolearnandgrow?Itmeasurestheavailability of learning and development opportunities withintheorganization.

These twelve questions are valuable tools for assessingemployeeengagementandidentifying areas where improvements can be made to enhance workplace satisfaction, productivity, and overall performance. They provide a frameworkforyoutodevelopasaleader.

Ihighlyrecommendthatyoubuythebookand develop behaviours that effectively result in yourteamrespondingwithastrongpositionyes toeachquestion

I can promise you that, when performed consistently, your team and your leadership skillswillprofoundlytransform.

"Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge"MarcusBuckingham

"Leadershipisnotabout beingincharge.Itis abouttakingcareof thoseinyourcharge."
ABIC|| Issue6 13 # L E A D E R S H I P

the next goto

IntroducingthegroundbreakingGlo2Facial,thelatest treatmenttakingtheprofessionalbeautymarketbystorm…

Facilitatethefutureofoxygenfacialswiththe sleekest new platform on the market today, Pollogen’s Geneo X, responsible for bringing the Glo2Facial 4-in-1 Super Facial to the forefront of the industry. Non-invasive and pain-free, suitable for all skin types and clients,evensensitiveduetothenon-vacuum device leaving no risk of damaging skin. Expect a new level of unrivalled results, luxury client experience, retention, recommendation and return on investment, makingthisthenewmust-havemodalityand treatmenttoofferinyoursalon,spaorclinic


TheXfactoroftheGlo2Facialstemsfromthe combination of the patented process of Oxfoliation™ (Oxygenation + Exfoliation) along with the clinically-proven RF, ESA and Ultrasound technologies. Now you can exfoliate, infuse, oxygenate, lift and plump with the one platform, achieving immediate and long-lasting results for younger-looking, glowing and hydrated skin for your clients fromthefirsttreatment.


The simultaneous action of oxygenation and exfoliation is the patented Oxfoliation™, the hero of the Glo2Facial, occurring when the revolutionary OxyPods react with the Primer Gel to gently exfoliate the skin and create a bubbly, CO2-rich environment on the skin’s surface.

This triggers the body to respond with The Bohr Effect, sending a surge of oxygen to the skin cells from the inside out, promoting cellular repair and regeneration, improving hydration,toneandtexture.


Lift, plump and tighten skin with TriPollar’s third-generationRadioFrequencywhichuses electromagneticwavestoheatthedermisand triggerrenewaloftheskinbystimulatingthe production of collagen and elastin fibres in a safeandeffectivemanner.


A unique proprietary technology enhancing skin elasticity by using electrical pulses to stimulate the skin’s natural healing process andreactivatesenescent(sleeping)skincells


Ultrasound creates micro vibrations on your clients’ skin to instantly smooth and increase thepermeabilityoftheskin’sprotectivelayer, enablingbetternutrientabsorption.


A relaxing, hands-free lymphatic massage sculpts the face, infusing the OxyPod’s active ingredients deeper into the skin while reducing red, puffy skin instantly and increasingbloodflow

GLO2 # G L O 2 F A C I A L
ABIC|| Issue6 14


The Glo2Facial 4-in-1 Super Facial can be customised to fit your clients’ skincare needs with the power of the OxyPods. Formulated with highly effective, 100% natural ingredients like red algae, charcoal,andvitaminC,thereistheopportunitytocustomiseeverytreatment,foreveryage,skin typeandseason

Balance(CharcoalFacial):ForOilySkin;topurifyandsootheoilyskin,fightacneandreduceoil production

Illuminate(VitaminCFacial):ForSkinBrightening;tobrightenunevenskintoneandtexture, improvepigmentationandrejuvenate.

Revive(RedAlgaeFacial):ForSignsofAgeing;tofightandreducethecommonsignsofageing, increasefirmnessandoverallappearance.

Detox (Green Tea Facial): For Skin Rejuvenation; to soothe irritated skin and protect skin barriersagainstfreeradicalsandenvironmentaldamage

Hydrate(BlueSpirulinaFacial):ForDrySkin;toenhancemoistureretentionandimproveskin metabolism.

Glam (Pure Gold Facial): For Skin Firming; firms and hydrates the skin to rejuvenate and increasevitality.

Retouch (Restart Facial): For Skin Resurfacing. A dual peeling effect that exfoliates, clarifies andencouragesskincellrenewalforclearer,brighterskin

YoucanalsobringthebenefitsofOxyGeneo™totheentirebodyinadditiontotheface,neckand décolleté,achievingsmoother,younger-lookingskinallover.




RealResults BusinessBenefits

TheGlo2Facialprovidesimmediateandlonglastingresultsforeveryage,everyskintype andeveryskinconcern.Inviteyourclientsto fallinlovewiththeirskinagainthankstothe instantluminosityachieved,alongwiththe longlistofresultsyoucanpromisebelow:














WiththeintroductionoftheGeneoXintoyour salon,spaorclinicandtheofferingofthe results-drivenGlo2Facial,you’llsee impressivebusinessbenefits,includingbut notlimitedto:


Non-invasive,nodowntime,pain-free. Safeandcomfortablefortherapistand client



Advancedinterfacewithbuilt-intraining andsupport

Vastandversatiletreatmentofferingsfor mostcommonskinconcerns

Multipleincomestreams-upto$6profit perminutefromRFalone

Versatileplatformallowingtheuseof technologiesaloneorcombined



Low-costconsumablesformaximum profitability

The Glo2Facial is available using Pollogen’s Geneo X, exclusively distributed in Australia

ABIC|| Issue6 15

ConqueringtheFearofStarting YourOwnBusiness

Intheworldofbeauty,whereinnovationand creativity flourish, the idea of opening your own beauty salon or clinic can be both exhilaratingandintimidating.

The prospect of turning your passion for beauty into a thriving business often comes hand in hand with fears of uncertainty and self-doubt However, it's crucial to recognize that every successful beauty entrepreneur and business owner faced these same fears andovercamethem


FLOURISH Beyond Fear ABIC|| Issue6 18


Thefirststepinbanishingfearistohaveaclearvision.Takethetimetoarticulatewhatyourbeauty salonorclinicstandsfor,youruniqueapproach,andtheimpactyouaimtomakeintheindustry.By definingyourvision,younotonlyinspireyourselfbutalsosetacleardirectionforyourbusiness


Fearoftenthrivesintheabsenceofknowledge Tocombatthis,becomeamasterofyourcraft Invest timeinexpandingyourskillsandexpertise Stayupdatedwiththelatestbeautytrendsandtechniques Themoreknowledgeyoupossess,themoreconfidentyou'llfeelaboutyourcapabilities.


Awell-thought-outbusinessplanisyourcompassintheworldofbeautybusinessentrepreneurship It outlinesyourobjectives,strategies,andfinancialprojections Havingacomprehensiveplannotonly boostsyourconfidencebutalsoprovidesastructuredpathtofollow


Thefearoffailurecanbeparalyzing,butrememberthateverysuccessfulbusinessownerhasfaced setbacks.Ratherthanfearingfailure,consideritasteppingstonetogrowthandmastery.Eachsetback offersvaluablelessonsandexperiencesthatwillultimatelystrengthenyourresolve.


Launchingabeautysalonorcliniccanbeasolitaryjourney,butitdoesn'thavetobelonely Surround yourselfwithasupportivenetworkoffriends,mentors,andfellowbeautybusinessowners,youcan findanincrediblysupportivecommunity,alongwithexperiencedleaderstoguideyouthroughABIC Theirencouragementandguidancewillprovideyouwiththeemotionalsupportandbusinesssavvy youneedtonavigatechallenges.


Thefearoftakingagiantleapcanbeoverwhelming Toconquerthisfear,considerstartingsmall Begin byofferingyourservicestoalimitedclienteleorlaunchingwithanichefocus Asyougainexperience andconfidence,youcangraduallyexpandandscaleyourbusiness


Our industry is constantly evolving. Embrace innovation and remain open to new ideas and technologies.Beadaptableandwillingtoevolveyoursalonorclinictomeetthechangingneedsofyour clients

SomeofthebestadviceforabuddingentrepreneurcomesfromAnitaRoddick,thefounderofTheBody Shop Shesays,"Whateveryoudo,bedifferent-thatwastheadvicemymothergaveme,andIcan't thinkofbetteradviceforanentrepreneur Ifyou'redifferent,youwillstandout"

Thisadviceencapsulatestheessenceofentrepreneurship,especiallyinourindustrywhereinrecent timescompetitionhassomewhatstifledcreativity.

Embraceyouruniquenessanddaretobedifferent,daretobeyourself,thisiswhatwillmakeyoursalon orclinictrulyshine Asyoustandonthethresholdofyourbeautysalonorclinicjourney,remember, yourvision,coupledwithknowledge,resilience,support,andinnovation,willbeyourguidingstars Fearisatransientshadowthatfadesintheradianceofyourdeterminationandbeliefinyourvision

Inpursuingyourdreams,knowthatyouarenotaloneinyourfears.Everysuccessfulentrepreneurhas faceduncertaintyandself-doubt. Withsomecourageandalotofstrategyyouarepoisedtoembarkon aremarkablejourneythatmaynotonlytransformyourlife,butalsoleaveanindeliblemarkonthe beautyindustry


ABIC|| Issue6 19


# A B I C M E M B E R
ABIC|| Issue6 20

IIn the realm of skincare and beauty, there are individuals who rise to aspirational heights,notjustbecauseof theirexpertise,butbecauseoftheirunwaveringpassionandcommitmenttotheircraft.

OnesuchluminaryinthefieldistheremarkableSarahHudson,thevisionarybehind "SkinBySarahHudsonandtheSarahHudsonCollection."



Her journey from humble beginnings to becoming a renowned aesthetic clinician is a story of dedication,education,andempowerment.

Sarah's mission is to help women embrace their natural skin health by providing them with the knowledgeandtoolstocarefortheirskin

BorninSydney,Sarahhadadeep-seatedfascinationwithskincarefromayoungage.Growingup, sheoftenexperimentedwithhomemaderemediesandreadavidlyaboutskincaretechniques.Her passionanddedicationfortheskinbeganwithherownstruggleswithacne,leadinghertopursuea careerindermaltherapies.


Sarah's path to becoming a skincare expert was a journey filled with learning and growth. She enrolledinoneofAustralia'sprestigiousbeautyschools,whereshehonedherskillsunderthe guidanceofindustryveterans.

Itwasduringthistimethatshedevelopedaprofoundunderstandingoftheintricaciesoftheskin andtheimportanceoftailoredskincareroutines.

Aftercompletingherformaleducation,Sarahdidn'trestonherlaurels Shesoughtoutinternships andmentorshipswithrenownedDoctors,AestheticNurses,ClinicalTrainers,andCosmeticChemists to gain hands-on experience. This commitment to continuous learning allowed her to master advancedtechniquesinskincaretonon-surgicalaestheticdevices.


One of the defining aspects of Sarah Hudson's approach to skincare is her philosophy of empowerment Shebelievesthatbeautyisnotaone-size-fits-allconcept Rather,it'sabout prioritising skin health and enhancing one's natural features. In her own words, she says, "True beautyembracesahealthylifebalance,acommitmenttoyourskinhealth,yourmentalhealthand overallwellness.”

This philosophy is at the heart of her practice at Skin By Sarah

Every client who walks through her doors receives personalized attention and a tailored skincare regimen designed to enhancetheiruniqueskinhealth.

Sarah'sempatheticapproachensuresthatherclientsnotonlyleaveherstudiowithglowingskinbut alsowitharenewedsenseofself-confidence.

# A B I C M E M B E R
ABIC|| Issue6 21


Sarah's entrepreneurial journey began when she decidedtoestablishherownskincarestudio,SkinBy SarahHudson Herstudioquicklygainedareputation asahavenforthoseseekingexpertskincareguidance inawarmandwelcomingenvironment.

The studio's success can be attributed to Sarah's unwavering commitment to quality, her exceptional skills,andherdedicationtoherclients

Over the years, Skin By Sarah Hudson has expanded itsofferingstoincludetheSarahHudsonCollection,a range of skincare products formulated with some of Australia’smostinfluentialcosmetic chemists. These products are a testament to her expertiseandcommitmenttousingonlythefinest, science-backedingredientsinherformulations From serumstomoisturisers,eachproductis designedtopromoteluminous,healthyskin.


Behind every successful entrepreneur is a life that is often a delicate balancing act. Sarah Hudson is no exception. She manages her career, business, and personal life withgraceanddetermination.

“WhenTheMomentIsAboutYou Theessenceofthe SarahHudsonCollectionistheprecioustimewegive ourselvesandthepracticeofself-careforthejourney towardsbeautifulhealthyskin"

Sarah is a firm believer in self-care and emphasizes theimportanceofmaintainingahealthylifestyle balance.

HerdaytypicallybeginswithKXreformerPilatesfor herbodyandsoulconnection.Followedbyamorning self-careroutinewithherownskincarecollectionisa practicesheadvocatesforeveryone.Thenshespends her workday providing treatments to her clients, sharing her knowledge, and empowering them to embracetheirnaturalskinhealth.Eveningsareoften reserved for research and product development, as shecontinuallyseekswaystoimproveherofferings


Sarah Hudson's journey from an aspiring skincare enthusiasttoarenownedAestheticClinicianand entrepreneur serves as an inspiration to all Her commitment to empowering individuals to feel confident in their own skin is a testament to the transformativepowerofself-careandself-acceptance

ABIC|| Issue6 22
“WhenTheMomentIsAbout You.TheessenceoftheSarah HudsonCollectionisthe precioustimewegiveourselves andthepracticeofselfcare,for thejourneytowardsbeautiful healthyskin”


The ABIC association plays a crucial r amplifying the Skin Industry’s voice keeping its members up-to-date with in compliance

ABICnetworkingeventsbothin-persona line allow you to connect with like-m businessownersandskinprofessionals,w excellent support network relevant t industry

ABIC is key for practising skin / d therapists and aesthetic practitioners to new relationships and help them expand education, creating opportunities for pe knowledgeandgrowth.

As an industry, it is vital that we ALL s ABICbusinessownersandskinprofessio sotheycanin-turnprovideusthesuppo voice we need to keep our industry m forwardintheyearstocome.

AsSarahcontinuestoexpandherbusine reach, one can't help but wonder wh futureholdsforthisremarkablewoman.

Onethingiscertain,SarahHudson'slega continue to be a source of inspiratio generationstocome

With her words in mind, "Skin Health is destination;it'sajourney",wecanallemb our own journeys towards embracin unique,radiantbeauty.

Sarah Hudson's story is a reminder tha skin health transcends the surface and the confidence, self-love, and self-acce thatradiatesfromwithin.It'sastoryofp perseverance, and the unwavering beli every individual is uniquely beautiful, theyare.

Sarah xx ABIC|| Issue6 23


THAT’SAWRAP! from walking to flying

The highly anticipated Aesthetics 2023 Conference, held from Friday to Sunday,August10–13,2023atTheWinx Stand,Sydneyhaswrapped.

Conceived and hosted by Dr. Steven Liew, the event is built on the conviction that by collectively sharing industry practices, insights, expertise and exciting new ideas – this benefits the entire sector, extending to every practitionerandpatient.

Built on the success of the last few years, the 2023 Aesthetics conference provided inspirational and exciting educational opportunities for the attendees.

Thethemeofthisyear’seventwas“FromWalkingtoFlying” Thethemedeventcoveredthenewly expandedthree-and-a-half-dayprogramthatchallengedthestatusquooftheaestheticsindustryby questioningoutdatedbeliefsandpractices

Overtheevent,thesechallengeswereshowntobeoffsetbyprovidingnewframeworkstoembrace boldideasonhowtheaestheticsindustrycanbebothbetterandsaferforindustryprofessionals–andofcourse,clientsandpatients.

AccordingtoAestheticBeautyIndustryCouncil’s(ABIC)Partnerships,Marketing&EventManager NicoleMontgomery,theeventbuiltonitssuccessthatwereestablishedattheinaugural2019event.

“Weneedtobuild knowledgeacross ourindustry regardlessofour backgrounds–so thatwecancontinue togrowandadvance together.”
ABIC|| Issue6 24

“The Aesthetics 2023 event continues to grow because it provides an educationalplatformthatisalwaysengaging,currentandpractical”


Another regular attendee, Brooke Francisco RN, a sought-after cosmetic injectorfromTheLaytClinic,agreesthattheeventcontinuestogrowin popularity – as a direct result of the level of education, connection and professionalismonoffer

“The Aesthetics 2023 event showcased world-class education in safety

DrLiewisaspecialisttrainedplasticsurgeoninSydney,Australiaandiswell regardedasaneducatorandaglobalinnovatorinthedevelopmentofaseries ofworld-firstnon-surgicalprocedureswhichhaveearnedhimaninternational reputation

“After19yearspracticingintheindustry,Ifindbyattendingtheseeventsthat Iamcompletelyengagedandexcitedaboutlearningaboutthelatestethical, naturalpractices.”
ABIC|| Issue6 25

Are you

Hello everyone, I am Chrissy Alger- Senior Coach and for The Zing Project, Salon/Clinic Business Coaching

I am a Salon Owner, Salon Marketer and Salon Coach having successfully run my own skin clinic business from startup- NOT as a technician and purely as someone addicted to business… I am actually a Psychologist, who decided to do something different and venture into the salon/clinic industry space under the guise of wanting to do more to promote health, wellbeing and self-confidence (all the things we get when we spend time in a Skin or Beauty Salon).

In this article, I want to help you navigate the pitfalls of marketing. It can be a minefield of opinions, strategies, do’s and don’ts. So Ill help you cut through the noise and simplify marketing concepts so they are easier to understand..

# M A R K E T I N G
marketing ready? ABIC|| Issue6 27

Areyouthinkingitistimetobringnewclients through the front door through marketing channels?


I have been marketing in the Salon niche for a numberofyearsandIhaveseenitall….Iwasa skinclinicowner,inastartupphaseofbusiness who was NOT from the industry who had not only a new business but an appointment book FULLofemptyspaces notonebooking

So I had to work out HOW to market at scale. I hadtoquicklylearnhowtobringclientsintomy business at a rate that would ensure I could survivemyfirstyearofbusiness

And it was HARD! I made all the mistakes… I wasted a LOT of money I was on mission to understandclinicandsalonbasedmarketingto avoid being another statistic of “businesses that failedintheirfirstyear”

Whateventuatedinmyfirst3yearsofbusiness was the creation of an (almost) 7 figure business…The7figurescameayearlater…but thiswaslargelyduetomyabilityasamarketer!

OvertheyearsIhavewitnessedsalonandclinic business owners being overwhelmed, confused and uncertain about how to market successfully…

SoIhavecreatedaguideofALLthethingsyou need to know and consider before you venture intotheworldofPaidandOrganicMarketing!

Ifeelpassionateaboutsupportingandmentoring salon and clinic owners to NOT make the same mistakesIdidwhenstartingout

So here are my HOT TIPS for ensuring you can marketinasuccessfulway


NotknowingWHOyouaretryingtoselltoislike throwing a deck of cards in the air and hoping yourtargetmarketcatchesthem.So,makingsure your marketing is landing in front of the right peopleisreallyimportant

I am not a big fan of the ‘Ideal Client’ connotations, from the perspective that I feel salon/clinic owners excuse clients not investing in what they have to offer as being ‘non ideal’ clients You can influence the level of commitment and investment of the client through good consultation, but it helps if you have marketed yourself in a way that at least preparesthisclientforwhatmightbeinstorefor them.

For example, you might emphasise through your organic social media the importance of consultation and investment of homecare as a means of ‘priming’ prospect clients around what they might expect when they come and visityou


There are two types of marketing support. A Generic marketer who is a marketing support whomarketsinlotsofdifferentindustries,they tend to have general knowledge of marketing but may not have specific skills required to understandyourserviceandmarket.

AnichemarketerhasPROVENsuccessofselling your service to the audience you are trying to attract My recommendation is to seek advice from the Niche Marketer It’s a no-brainer really,theyhavealreadydoneforsomeoneelse what you want them to do for you So, using someone with proven success in marketing to youraudienceisimportant.


Itisimportantthattheactivitiesyouengagein tomarketyourbusinessarewideandvaried.If you rely on only one platform eg Facebook Ads,itonlyreallygivesyouONEopportunityto attractyourtargetmarket.Similarly,ifyouonly rely on social media marketing, this can be problematic.Sotargetlotsofdifferenttypesof platforms and outlets for attracting new clientele,someideasinclude;

Facebook Instagram TikTok









Oftenbusinessownerscometomestatingthey need to attract new clients, to grow their business. But new client acquisition is not the ONLY way to bring people into your business Re-engagementmarketingisalsoagoodwayto attractclientsintoyourbusinessthatmayhave done business with you in the past, but have disengaged.

ABIC|| Issue6 28

How long has it been since you connected with clientsinyourdatabasewhohavenotattendedyour salonorclinicinthelastfewmonths?Doyouhave systems and processes in place to regularly engage with such people? I suggest you also ensure that your marketing ensures a balance between new clientacquisitionANDre-engagementmarketingto keepthosebooksfilled!


Itisoftentypicalforbusinessownerstobelievethat loads of enquiries about your promotional or marketing offer automatically equals loads of bookings right? Well, no, this is often not the case Yourabilitytogeneratebookingsfromenquiriesis determined by your ability to “lead manage”. Lead management is the process by which we connect withaclientprospectinawaythatleadsthemtoa qualified booking/appointment. Here is where I oftenseeleadmanagementgowrong:

The lead enquiry is not responded to promptly eg thephonegoesunanswered,ortheFacebook messageisnotreadforhours.

The language you use to connect with the prospectisnotinvitingenoughe.g.yourespond inaclosedmanneranddonottrytocontinueto conversation.

Youlosecontroloftheleadeg youtellthelead to “call you” or “message you” when they are ready to book or you send them away to an online booking platform Or you provide them with a price or estimate via messenger without evengettingtheminforconsultation.Youneed to control the conversation at all times and ensure you END the conversation with you bookingthemin.


I’vesavedthebestforlast Thatis,toensureyougetaRETURNforyourinvestmentinmarketing,youneedto ensure that the person you may have ‘paid for’ to come through the front door actually comes back! The returningclientdependsonalotoffactors,beingtheirconsultation,treatment/serviceandtheperceivedvalue ofthatexperience,howwellthejourneyismappedaheadandwhethertheyseevalueincommittingtothatfor thelongtermandalsohowmuchtheyenjoyedtheiroverallexperienceininteractingwithyourbusiness.If you cannot entice someone to return, it can be a very costly exercise investing in new client acquisition marketingifyoucannotretaintheclients Infact,therewouldbenopoint Soitisreallyimportantyoucheck thesemetrics(rebooking/retention;NewandExistingClients)numbersbeforeyouembarkonre-engagingor acquiringnewclients.



Or for more salon strategy, listen to ‘The Salon Hustler” podcast on all your major podcast platforms and followmeonInstagram;@chrissyalger zingandFacebook:@chrissyzing

Photoby Alexander Krivitskiy
ABIC|| Issue6 29

The Importance of selling retail in your clinic or spa

Firstly let's not call it retail skincare homecare is essential for everyone and is a huge part of the treatmentplanthatgetsresultsforeveryskinlongintothefuture!

When your customers get results you will get more rebookings, more referrals, a happy team which meansahappyemployer!

Youwouldn’tgotothedentistifyoudidn’tbrushyourteethathomeandusingskincareisexactlythe same.


Moreandmorecustomersarecomingintotheclinicusingbrandsfromhigh-endcosmeticstoresora usingproductaninfluencerrecommendedoffInstagramortiktok!Itsessentialwestaycurrentandare awareofwhatistrendingadfollowtheskincarecompaniessowecankeepourcustomerslovingus!

With a new skincare product launched on the market around the world every minute of the day, its essentialforusasprofessionallytrainedandeducatedskinprofessionalstoensureeveryhumanbeingis usingprofessionalskincareprescribedfortheirskinpriorities.

# R E T A I L
ABIC|| Issue6 30

Knowing your skin histology inside out & knowing about ingredients just doesn’t cut it anymorebecausethesavvyathomeshopperalso knows about the epidermis, Hyaluronic Acid & and they are all over Vitamin A and how to get their hands on prescription only products that mayormaynotevenbefortheirskin!

Sowhydoyouneedtobesellingskincaremore thenever?

BecauseyouaretheEXPERT!Youtrainedinskin sodon’tletyourcustomersbuyfrominfluencers andnontrainedsalespeople.

You have trained hundreds and sometimes for thousands of hours, you have completed post graduate education so it's time to share your qualificationsalloveryoursocialsandgetthose certificateshanginguponthewallstoshowyour clientsYOUARETHESKINCAREINFLUENCER!

Your retail should be a minimum 25% of your totalrevenuewithmostexpertskinclinicssitting higheratover40%retailvsservices.


1 - Work with brands you believe in and that support you and who have regular training online and instore for you & your team! Before investinginbusinesscoaches–haveyouutilised your business development managers that are offeringFREEtrainingtostockists–yourBDM’s know what works and what promotions you couldbeofferingtohelpyouincreasefurther

2-Ensureyou&yourteamallusetheproducts youprescribeinyourbusinessonyourownskin Give samples/ testers to your team when they start with you & every time a new product is launchedsoyoucanallspeakfromtheheartand are genuine in your feedback & recommendations – customers buy from people theylike&trust

3 - Have professional & clean looking displays with lots of products tidy on them Our Spa Conciergewillcleanourshelvesweeklyandtidy throughout the day as products sell. Nothing looks worse then dusty , cluttered or old packagingproductsmessyonashelf.

4-Share&educateyourtoptips&‘howto’s’on your social media as well as hosting education events+don’tforgettomakeitfun. One of our most popular posts was a bloopers reel–showyourclientsyouarehumantoo!

5 - People like to try before they buy so ensure youhavetesters,samplesoradabblebarsoyour customers can try your products You can also hostskinanalysisevents/expresstreatmentsto help customers to experience the product on theirskinfirst

6-Askyourskincarebrandabouthowtheycan help you more with targets / reward systems / travelorbonustraining&productincentivesfor you&yourteambaseduponsales.

7-Createtreatmentplansforeverycustomerand document everything – from your samples to historyto–thisisthebestwaytogetfollowup salesandprescriptions&alwaysfollowupafter treatments to see how their skin is. Keep the conversation always about them and their skin andgettingthemresults.

After following these 7 steps to boost your skincare sales you will soon have raving fans lovingyou,yourteamandyourbrands!

6 ABIC|| Issue6 31


withaHigh-Performing S K I N C A R E R A N G E

When operating an aesthetic clinic or practisingasacosmeticmedicalprofessional, arangeofhigh-performingskincareproducts canbothbenefityourclinicandenhanceyour brand. Considering the choice of a skincare range,willsayalotaboutyourbusiness The rightrangeofproductsforyourclinicorsalon, canprovetobeaprofitable,brandextension.


Today, most professional clinics and salons choose to offer a professional range of treatments, using high performing products that can then be followed up at home This holistic client care approach is not simply an afterthought or an additional sale. With the ideal client relationship, your recommendationisanintegrallinkandbond betweenyouandyourclient.

When considering a skincare range, ideally youwanttostaytruetoyourselfandyourcore business philosophy, with support and education, also deciding factors. In return, a reputable supplier would equally look for sharedvalues

Choosing a clinical skincare range is an importantdecisiontomakeforyourbusiness, requiring you to consider several factors to ensure a return on investment and satisfied clients. A new, or extended product range couldalsoimpactyourtreatmentoffering.

The ideal fit, your ‘Goldilocks’ range should resultinhigherprofitmargins,anaddedglow tobothyourclients’skinandyourbrand–and anall-important,boostinclientloyalty


First you need to consider your client-base and determine what they would want and need. For instance, are your clients younger or more mature?Isthemajorityofyourclientbasemale or female? Are your clients focussed on gaining results or do they prefer a more relaxed treatment?Anddoyourclientshaveahighspend allowanceoraretheymorebudgetdriven?

Onceyouhaveobjectivelyidentifiedyourmarket and know the kind of products you are likely to require,itisthentimetolookatwhichcompanies are out there One of the most dynamic, highperformingskincarebrandsworld-wideisMurad. Afirmly,science-basedbrand,builtonmorethan 35 years of proven clinical efficacy, Murad was developedbythehighlyrespectedDermatologist andPharmacist,DrMurad

# S K I N C A R E
ABIC|| Issue6 32

ThenowwidelyacceptedCellularWaterPrincipleTheorywasfirsttestedandvalidatedbyDr.Muradin scientifically controlled research studies. Dr. Murad researched the ways in which the body could be encouragedtoholdwatermoreefficiently,discoveringthekeywasholdingwaterwithinourcells–where itismostbeneficial.Dr.Muradestablishedthatmostcommondermatologicalandhealthproblemsrelateto cellularhydrationattheirmostfundamentallevel.

Results-driven,Muradskintreatmentswilltransformbothyourclients’skinandyourbusiness.Stocked acrosstheglobeinleadingclinics,salons,spasandmedi-spas,thequalityofMurad’sproductsisreflectedin the sophisticated, stylish and contemporary packaging This is a brand that is aspirational, while being firmlybackedbyscience.

Importantly, the Murad skincare range is designed to cater to both clinical treatments and home treatments, with current Australian-based stockists attesting to the ideal synergy between clinic and supplier

Withacorephilosophyof“SkinCare,SelfCare,HealthCare”theextensiveMuradrangeaddressesmature skintothosewithskinthatmaybepronetooutbreaksandotherconcerns

Withawiderangeofproductsthatpromotereal,visibleskinwellness,includingheroproductssuchasthe recentlyreleasedRetinAlReSculptOvernightTreatmentthatdramaticallyliftsandimprovessagging,asit smooths deep-set wrinkles and increases skin elasticity, Murad stylishly combines science, health and beauty.

As a salon owner or manager, it's essential that you try products to see the results for yourself. It is also advisedthatyoubookaMuradtreatmenttoexperiencetheprofessionalproductsinaclinicalsetting.The productsyousamplewillbehomecareproductsusedtomaintaintheeffectsofaprofessionaltreatment

ForfurtherinformationtobecomeaMuradSalonPartner email:Info au@muradcom

“We have been stocking Murad for a couple of years and I have never been anything less than impressed by the product and the team Our Murad reps are ALWAYS there to help, whether it be by text, email, phone or to set up education and training times Both face to face and over the phone.”

“They’re so knowledgeable and know how to deliver information in a way that we can absorb, understand and redeliver to our client base The product line itself for me ticks all the boxes as it has a range to suit all skin concerns Stock wise and delivery Murad is always reliable. I couldn’t recommend being a Murad stockist more highly. It has remained as one of the best business decisions I’ve made ”

“Beautifulskin ishealthy skin,and whenyouare healthy,you arebeautiful.” –DrMurad.
ABIC|| Issue6 33

OutrageouslyProfitableStrategies forYourVIPSalonorClinic Event15

Hold onto your contour brushes and prepare to be dazzled! We're about to take you on a journey through 15 brilliantly profitable strategies that will turn your VIP Information Event intoawhirlwindofglamourandsalessavvy.

ABIC|| Issue6 34

1.TheIrresistibleInvitation: Startbysendingoutglamorousandexclusiveinvitations. Make them feel like celebrities with personalized touches.

2 RedCarpetExtravaganza: Literally,rollouttheredcarpet!AsyourVIPsenter,have them photographed by a professional, setting the stage foranightofstardom

3.ThePowerofLiveDemonstrations: Showcaseyourtreatmentswithlivedemonstrations.Let your clients see the magic happening before their eyes. Trustus;it'shardtoresist!

4.BeautyBarBuzz: Set up a beauty bar where attendees can try your products Encourage them to sample and experiment withdifferentitems.

5.InteractiveWorkshops: Host workshops with a twist Teach clients how to use your products effectively while injecting humour and anecdotes.Learningshouldbefun!

6.ExclusiveVIPDiscounts: Offer exclusive event-only discounts that expire at the end of the night. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) works wonders!

7.RafflesandGiveaways: Hold raffles for premium treatments or products. Keep theexcitementhighandtheanticipationpalpable.

8.TheArtofCross-Selling: Train your staff to subtly cross-sell products during consultations Highlight the perfect pairing for every treatment.

9.VIPPamperingStations: Createpamperingstationswhereguests can enjoy quick, complimentary touchups or mini-makeovers. It's hard to resist buying when you're feeling fabulous!

10.TestimonialTheater: Showcase glowing before-and-after testimonials from satisfied clients Let thesuccessstoriesdothesellingforyou.

11.CreateUrgency: Implement a limited-time offer during theevent.Makeclientsfeelthatifthey don't act now, they'll miss out on somethingextraordinary.

12.PersonalizedConsultations: Provide one-on-one consultations with your experts. Tailor recommendations basedoneachclient'suniqueneedsand desires.

13.EngagewithFunContests: Hold beauty-themed contests with valuable prizes Ask clients to submit theircreativebeautyhacksorskincare routines.

14 SeamlessCheckoutExperience: Set up a sleek and efficient checkout area. Ensure that the purchasing processiseasyandstraightforward.

15.Post-EventFollow-Up: Don't let the momentum fade away. Send thank-you notes and follow-up emails with personalized product recommendations and exclusive posteventoffers.

Thereyouhaveit,theultimateguideto hosting a VIP Information Event that guidesclientsthroughthesalesprocess whilehavingablastandwillleaveyour clientsfeelingutterlyglamandsatisfied

So, go ahead, put on that event of a lifetime,andletyourprofitsskyrocket.

ABIC|| Issue6 35


As COVID-19 spread through Europe, and countries quickly closed down, children in Italy drew rainbows and hung them on their road facing windows with the message, “Andra tutto bene” “everythingwillbeok”.InthestreetsofChina,theCantonesephrase“jiayou”,translatinginto“don’t giveup”or“hanginthere”wasfrequentlyheardandshared.

Aswelookback,assurrealasitmayfeeltoday,theirmessagesheldtruth,seeingsomeofussurvive andothersthrivethroughaglobalpandemicthatatonetimeoranothercrippledaswith“fearofthe unknown” Butsurvivewedid

Fortunately,thechancesoflivingthroughfuturelockdownsandisolationseemslim,yetit’sfairto say the next challenge, uncertainty, is imminent. Inflation, the cost of living, stress, anxiety, environmentalpressures,naturaldisasters,mentalhealth,healthingeneral,climatechange,thelist isendless.Lifeismadetochallengeusandifwehaven’ttakenahardlessonoutofCOVID,Ifeelwe neverwill.


Firstly,themottoIliveby,“thistooshallpass”.Thebadandtheuglywillpass,butit’salsoimportant toremembersowillthegoodandsoweneedtolearntoadjust,toenjoythegoodwhilewecanand adapttothehardertimeswhichthankfullyarelessfrequent.

Oftenthesituationisonewedon’thavecontrolover,AKAlockdown,theeconomy,risingcostsof living It’s in this moment that our reaction and response is everything Being strategic, working throughthechallengesiskey.

AnothermottoIlove,“youhavetonourishtoflourish”.There’sonlysomanywakinghours,somuch energyandbraincellswehavetodedicatetotasks,soit’simportanttodedicatethemtopositive actions,thosethatsupportgrowthandourultimategoals Focusonthethingswecancontrol,our mentalhealth,teamspiritandbuilding,customeroffers,educationandlearning,tailoredpackages, retailthatsupportsyouroffer,margins,andcustomerloyalty.


ABIC|| Issue6 37


A Reika Roberts

ABICChair&Beauty EntrepreneurExtraordinaire

Inthechangingworldofbeautyandaesthetics,one Australian entrepreneur has not only managed to stand the test of time, but has also emerged as a guiding light for others in the industry. Reika Roberts, the owner of Derma Aesthetics and the Chair of the Aesthetic & Beauty Industry Council (ABIC), is a name synonymous with innovation, expertise,andunwaveringdedication


Reika'sjourneyintotheworldofaestheticswasnot merelyacareerchoice;itwasacalling.

GrowingupinthevibrantcityofSydney,shewas exposedtothetransformativepowerofbeautyata youngage.

Hermother,anadvocateforself-careandwellness, instilled in her a deep appreciation for the art of feelingandlookinggood.Itwasthisearlyinfluence thatplantedtheseedforReika'sremarkablecareer.

After a short journey with an accounting and financecareer,Reikarealisedshewasmoretrying to please others than herself, and soon thereafter realisedherinsatiablecuriositylaywithintheskin and aesthetics profession. With a heart full of passion, Reika embarked on her educational journey,studyingpostgraduateskinandaesthetics and putting her business studies into practice beginningaskincaredistributionbusinessthatset outtobedifferentfromtheoutset.

Her career is marked by an unrelenting commitmenttounderstandingtheintricatescience behind beauty which evolved into her core belief: "Beautyisnotjustskindeep;it'sareflectionofinner well-being."

ABIC|| Issue6 38


Armed with knowledge, determination, and her guiding philosophy, Reika Roberts cofounded Derma Aesthetics with long-term business ally Simone Vescio This visionary brand soon became a symbol of innovation and excellence in the beauty and aesthetics industry At Derma Aesthetics, clients didn't merelyreceiveskincare;theyembarkedona transformativebusinessjourney.

Heruniqueapproachcombinedcutting-edge technology with a holistic understanding of skincare The results spoke for themselves, and Reika's mantra, "Never compromise on quality;theresultswillspeakforthemselves," becamethecornerstoneofhersuccess


Reika's influence extended far beyond her business She assumed the position of Chair at the Aesthetic & Beauty Industry Council (ABIC),dedicatedtounitingprofessionalsand settingindustrystandards

Through a series of groundbreaking conferences,andeducationalprograms,ABIC has become the epicenter of industry knowledgeandcollaboration.

Reika believes that unity and education are the bedrock of industry growth. Her relentlesspursuitoftheseidealshasnotonly benefitedABICbuthasalsoleftanindelible mark on the entire beauty and aesthetic industry


Reika Roberts is not content with the status quo Herunquenchablethirstforinnovation has driven her to explore the latest technologies and trends relentlessly. This dedicationtoresearchanddevelopmenthas resulted in the release into Australia of groundbreaking products and treatments thathaveredefinedbeautystandards

"Innovation is the lifeblood of progress. Embrace change, and you'll always stay ahead".Reika'sabilitytointegrateinnovation seamlessly into her work at both Derma Aesthetics and ABIC has not only solidified herstatusasatrailblazer,buthasalsopaved thewayforothersintheindustry.


Inthewhirlwindofhercareer,ReikaRoberts understandstheimportanceofbalance. She advocates for self-care and wellness, believingthattruebeautybeginswithtaking careofoneself.

Beyond the boardrooms and treatment rooms, she finds solace in nature, practices pilates, and immerses herself in literature focussing on both personal and business growth.

Thesepursuitsnotonlyrejuvenateherspirit butalsoenrichherperspective,allowingher toapproachherprofessionalendeavorswith renewed vigour. Reika often expresses, "Successisnotanendpoint;it'sajourney,and thebeautyofitliesinthepursuit"

Reika Roberts' life and career serve as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and beauty enthusiasts alike. Her journey from a young, passionate individualnewtoindustry,toaleaderinthe beauty and aesthetics field is a testament to the power of dedication, passion, and an unwavering commitment to excellence Through Derma Aesthetics and her role at ABIC, she continues to lead by example, driving the industry forward with innovation, expertise, and a profound sense ofpurpose

As we reflect on Reika's journey and philosophy, one thing becomes clear: her success is not merely measured by her accomplishments but by the countless lives shehastouchedandinspiredalongtheway Intheworldofbeautyandaesthetics,Reika Roberts shines as a guiding star, reminding us all that true success is built upon a foundation of passion, perseverance, and a commitmenttoexcellence.

"Successisbuiltupon afoundationof passion, perseverance,anda commitmentto excellence."
ABIC|| Issue6 39
before 3 days post-treatment
more flaking. better results • • Accelerates cellular tur nover Maximises and speeds up results

NEW retinol accelerator more flaking. better results.

In this fast-paced, modern world, many of our clients are looking for immediate results and more advanced outcomes from their professional services. Chemical peels have been a strong and solid global trend for many years, but with our clinic guests having less free time, there is a strong cry for accelerated results post treatment Dermalogica PRO Retinol Accelerator has been formulated to accelerate the skin’s natural renewal process and boost the results after professional exfoliating treatments providing a noticeable difference

So, what is all the fuss about retinol?

Our skin naturally produces a retinoid compound known as Retinoic Acid, which strongly influences epithelial differentiation and proliferation. Retinoic Acid contributes to a normalized rate of cell turnover and desquamation, decreasing the build-up of dead cells on the surface of the stratum corneum which can cause rough skin texture. Retinol and Retinoids are the gold standard in skin treatments and products, when it comes to targeting lines, and wrinkles along with uneven skin tone and texture

Retinoids, are an umbrella term for the entire family of Vitamin A derivatives, helping to regulate cell turnover and collagen production, which enables a healthier looking skin with less noticeable pigmentation concerns, such as sunspots or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Retinol, a member of the retinoid family, is well-known for visibly reversing the signs of skin ageing

This fast-acting oil soluble molecule easily penetrates the stratum corneum and fully delivers the active ingredients to stimulate keratinocyte activity. Topically applied Retinol needs to be converted by the skin into Retinoic Acid in a two-step process: firstly, skin enzymes convert retinol to retinaldehyde and then from retinaldehyde into Retinoic Acid. By accelerating the rate of cell turnover in the skin, new, fresh skin cells can make their way to the skin’s surface faster than they would naturally This helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and deliver improved skin texture while evening skin tone.

Clients looking for immediate advanced results, especially in conjunction with resurfacing services, can achieve these results with an application of a Retinol accelerator

Dermalogica’s PRO retinol accelerator is a Professional strength gel-serum that provides:

• Accelerated cellular turnover for faster results

• Maximized peel results

• A brighter and smoother skin

This industry first formula contains a powerful blend of actives including:

• A 3.5% Retinol, Retinyl Propionate and encapsulated retinol complex to accelerate cellular turnover for faster chemical peel results

• 5% Niacinamide to improve skin smoothness, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, reduce dark spots, provide antioxidant benefits, and clear the skin

• Stevia Extract soothes the skin and provides retinol like properties that enable a gentle and more natural alternative to retinoids while achieving similar rejuvenating results

• Alcohol-short chain molecules make the intercellular lipids more fluid which helps with the penetration of the product.

Dermalogica PRO Retinol accelerator is applied at the end of a professional resurfacing treatment by a trained Dermalogica professional Once applied, Retinol accelerator is either left to process for 10 minutes, or, if the client would like accelerated peeling and resurfacing, the formula can be left on the skin for up to four hours The client can then remove it at home with cleanser and then apply dermal layering products such as moisturiser and sunscreen.

Post procedure, clients must ensure they are gently cleansing their skin, moisturizing and applying an SPF such as dermalogica Porescreen SPF 40 or Dynamic Skin Recovery SPF 50 during the day and a hydrating moisturizer at night. Clients must not use any other actives such as hydroxy acids or other retinol type products during the peeling and flaking days After flaking concludes Dynamic Skin Retinol Serum can be added into the routine to continue age management benefits.

Dermalogica’s PRO Retinol accelerator is going to take your in-clinic service offerings and results to the next level for your clinic guests as they begin to see advanced results in a fast time frame- they are guaranteed to rebook!

Available to Dermalogica stockists on 16th October 2023. To enquire about this product, visit

Watch video here:

before 3dayspost-reatment NEW • •

Applying the Art of Lean Management Techniques to Beauty and Aesthetics

Intoday'schallengingbusinesslandscape,small businesses,particularlybeautyandaestheticclinics andsalons,needtobeagile,efficient,andcustomercentrictothrive.

Oneprovenapproachtoachievethesegoalsinhighly competitiveindustrieswheremarginsaretightisby implementingasystemcalledLeanManagement

LeanManagement,originallydevelopedbyToyota butnowusedworldwide,focusesonminimizing waste,optimizingprocesses,anddeliveringvalueto customers

Let'sseewhatwecanlearnandimplementfrom theseprovenprinciplestoenhanceproductivityand profitabilityinourindustry


Beforedivingintospecificstrategiesforbeautyand aesthetics,it'simportanttounderstandthe fundamentalprinciplesofLeanManagement.These principlesincludeidentifyingandeliminatingvarious formsofwaste,suchasoverproduction,excess inventory,andunnecessarywaitingtimesItalso emphasizescontinuousimprovementthrough employeeinvolvementandacustomer-centric approach.


Onecommonchallengeinbeautyandaesthetic clinicsisschedulingappointmentsefficiently.

ImplementingLeantechniquesinvolvesoptimizing appointmentschedulingtominimizeidletimefor bothstaffandequipmentUsesoftwaresolutionsto automatescheduling,andregularlyanalyzedatato adjuststaffschedulesbasedondemandpatterns.

T h e N e w I n n o v a t i v e A p p r o a c h t o C o s t C u t t i n g
ABIC|| Issue6 42


Inthebeautyindustry,inventorymanagementcan beasignificantexpenseLeantechniquescanhelp reduceexcessinventorybyimplementingajust-intimeinventorysystem.Thismeansorderingsupplies andproductsonlywhentheyareneeded,eliminating thecostsassociatedwithstoringexcessinventory


LeanManagementencouragesemployee involvementandempowermentTrainingyourstaff notonlyenhancestheirskillsbutalsoempowers themtoidentifyandaddressprocessinefficiencies

Thisapproachcanleadtoamoreengagedand productiveworkforce.


AcornerstoneofLeanManagementistheconceptof Kaizen,whichmeanscontinuousimprovement. Encourageacultureofcontinuousimprovementin yourclinicbyregularlygatheringfeedbackfromboth staffandclientsUsethisfeedbacktomake incrementalchangesthatleadtobetterservice delivery.


Inabeautyoraestheticclinic,thelayoutand organizationofyourworkspacecansignificantly impactefficiency.UseLeanprinciplestooptimize yourclinic'slayout,ensuringthatstaffcanaccesstools andsupplieseasily,andclientscanmove comfortablyThiscanhelpreducewastedtime searchingforitemsornavigatingaclutteredspace.


ValueStreamMappingisapowerfulLeantechnique thatinvolvescreatingavisualrepresentationofthe entireprocessfrombookinganappointmentto providingaserviceandreceivingpayment.By mappingouteachstep,youcanidentifybottlenecks, redundancies,andareaswherevalueisnotbeing addedefficiently

Inabeautyclinic,thismeansunderstandingthe patientjourneycomprehensivelyAnalyzetheflowof clients,startingfromappointmentbooking,check-in, theserviceitself,andfollow-up.Bydoingso,youcan pinpointareaswhereimprovementsareneeded, suchasreducingwaitingtimesorenhancingthe checkoutprocess


The5Smethodologyfocusesonworkplace organizationandcleanlinessThefiveS'sstandfor Sort,Setinorder,Shine,Standardize,andSustainIna beautyandaestheticclinic,thiscantranslateto:

-Sorting:Regularlygothroughsuppliesand equipment,discardingitemsthatarenolonger neededThisreducesclutterandwaste

-Settinginorder:Organizetoolsandsuppliesina logical,accessiblemannertoreducesearchtimes.

-Shining:Maintainacleanandhygienicworkspace, ensuringthateverythingisinitsdesignatedplace

-Standardizing:Establishstandardizedprocessesand proceduresfortaskslikesterilization,cleaning,and inventorymanagement

-Sustaining:Encouragestafftoupholdthe5S principlesconsistentlythroughregularauditsand training


Thissystemaimstomaximizetheefficiencyand effectivenessofequipmentandmachinery.Ina beautyclinic,thiscanincludeskincaredevices,lasers, treatmentsetcRegularmaintenanceanda preventiveapproachcanreducedowntimeand ensuretheseassetsarealwaysinoptimalworking condition

“Continual improvement, waste reduction, and efficient resource allocation become ingrained in the organizational culture, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction, increased profitability, and a competitive edge in the industry.”
ABIC|| Issue6 43


TheKanbansystemisavisualmanagementtoolthat helpsmanageinventoryandworkinprogress(WIP).


1.Setup: BeginbycreatingaKanbanboard.It typicallyconsistsofcolumnslabeledas“To-Do,” “InProgress,”and“Done”Youcancustomizethese columnstofityourspecificworkflowstages

2.VisualizeWork: Eachtaskoritemisrepresentedby acardorstickynoteWritedownthetaskoritem’s detailsonthecardandplaceitinthe“To-Do”column

3.LimitWIP: Determinethemaximumnumber oftasksthatcanbeinprogressateachstage. Forexample,ifyourclinichasthreetreatment rooms,youmightlimitthe“InProgress”columnto threecardsatatime

4.PullSystem: Asstaffmembersorresources becomeavailable,theycanpulltasksfromthe “To-Do”columnintothe“InProgress”column Thisensuresthatworkisonlystartedwhenthere iscapacity.

5FlowandContinuousImprovement: Astasksmove fromonecolumntothenext,theworkflowbecomes transparentThisvisibilityallowsteamstoidentify bottlenecks,addressissuespromptly,and continuouslyimprovetheprocess.

Thisprocessprovidesaclearvisualoftheclinic's capacityandworkload,helpingyouallocate resourcesefficiently.


SixSigmaisamethodologyknownforitsprecision andprocessimprovementcapabilities


SixSigmabeginswithdefiningtheprocessandits criticalcomponentsInabeautyclinic,thiscould involvemappingtheprocessofprovidingafacial treatment.Itincludesstepssuchasclientconsultation, skinanalysis,treatmentapplication,andposttreatmentcare

Example:Yourclinicidentifiesthatclient dissatisfactionoftenarisesfrommiscommunications duringtheconsultationphase.Thisinformationis crucialfordefiningtheprocess.


Oncetheprocessisdefined,youneedtomeasureits currentperformance.Thisinvolvescollectingdataon variousaspectsoftheprocess,suchastreatment duration,clientsatisfaction,andanydeviationsfrom thestandardprocedures

Example:Yourclinicmeasuresthetimespenton eachstepofthefacialtreatmentprocessandtracks clientfeedbackthroughpost-treatmentsurveys


Usingstatisticalanalysis,youcanidentifytheroot causesofissuesandvariationsintheprocess.This stephelpspinpointareasthatneedimprovement Example:Thedataanalysisrevealsthatshorter consultationtimesarecorrelatedwithlowerclient satisfactionscores.Furtherinvestigationshowsthat inadequatetrainingincommunicationskillsisa significantcontributingfactor


Withtherootcausesidentified,it'stimetomake improvements.Thismightinvolverevisingtraining programs,implementingnewcommunication protocols,oroptimizingthetreatmentprocess

ABIC|| Issue6 44

Example:Theclinicinvestsincommunicationskills trainingforstaff,emphasizingactivelisteningand empatheticclientinteractions.Theyalsointroducea standardizedchecklistforthefacialtreatmentprocess toensureconsistency

5.ControlandSustain: ThefinalstepinSixSigmaisaboutcontrollingthe processtomaintaintheimprovementsThisincludes establishingperformancemetrics,ongoing monitoring,andemployeetrainingtoensurethe changesaresustainedovertime.

Example:Thecliniccontinuestotrackconsultation timesandclientsatisfactionscores,making adjustmentsasneededRegulartrainingsessionsand refreshercoursesoncommunicationskillsarepartof theongoingcontrolefforts.


EnhancedClientSatisfaction: Byaddressingtherootcausesofdissatisfactionand strivingforperfection,beautyclinicscansignificantly improvetheclientexperience.

OptimizedResourceUtilization: Efficientprocessesreducewastedtimeandresources, allowingclinicstoservemoreclientseffectively

ReducedErrorsandVariability: ImplementingSixSigmaprinciplescanleadtofewer treatmenterrors,whichiscrucialinourindustry whereprecisionisparamount

Data-DrivenDecision-Making: SixSigmaencouragesdataanalysis,enablingclinics tomakeinformeddecisionsthatdrivecontinuous improvement

WhileSixSigmamaynotbeatraditionalapproach forbeautyandaestheticclinics,itsprinciplescanbe adaptedeffectivelytoensureconsistent,high-quality services.Bydefining,measuring,analyzing, improving,andcontrollingprocesses,clinicscan elevatetheirstandardsandexceedclient expectations,ultimatelyleadingtosustainedsuccess intheindustry.

AccordingtoarecentsurveybytheSmallBusiness Ombudsman,smallbusinessesinAustraliathat adoptedLeanManagementtechniquesexperienced anaverageincreaseinprofitabilityby18%within thefirstyearofimplementation,highlightingthe tangiblebenefitsofthisapproach.

LeanManagementisnotjustamanufacturing concept;itcanbesuccessfullyappliedtosmall businessesinthebeautyandaestheticindustry.

ByembracingLeanprinciples,suchaswaste reduction,employeeempowerment,continuous improvement,andefficientscheduling,clinicsand salonscanenhancetheiroperationalefficiencyand customersatisfaction.

Asthebeautyindustrycontinuestogrow,theneed forleanerandmoreagilebusinessesbecomes increasinglyapparent.ByimplementingLean Managementtechniques,yourcliniccanstayahead inourcompetitivefield,deliveringexceptional serviceswhileminimizingwasteandmaximizing profits.

EmbraceLean,andwatchyourbeautyandaesthetic clinicflourish.

ABIC|| Issue6 45

SafeSkin Certification

Inourindustry,trendschangeliketheseasons, butonethingremainsconstant:theimportanceof safetyandquality.

TheAesthetic&BeautyIndustryCouncil(ABIC), throughitsSafeSkinCertificationprogram,has emergedasabeaconofexcellenceandsafetyin theindustry.

ButwhyisamovementlikeSafeSkinCertification sovitalforthegrowthandfutureofourindustry?


TheAesthetic&BeautyIndustryCouncil(ABIC) hassteppedintotheforefrontofshapingthe beautyandaestheticsindustryinAustraliain thesepasttwoyears.ABIC'scommitmenttosetting highstandardsandpromotingbestpracticeshas garneredwidespreadrespectandrecognitionina veryshortamountoftimeduetothe achievementsandcontributionsofcountless dedicatedindustryleadersonbehalfofABIC.

OneofABIC'skeyachievementsisitswebsite (,whichservesasarich resourcehubformembersandindustry professionals.Itoffersaplethoraofeducational materials,industryinsights,andupdateson regulationsandsafetystandards.ABIC's dedicationtoprovidingvaluableinformationto professionalsinthefieldisparamountandsets thestagefortheimportanceofSafeSkin Certification


ObtainingSafeSkinCertificationsignifiesa commitmenttoexcellenceandsafetythatextends beyondtheordinary Thiscertificationactsasa sealofapproval,assuringclientsthataclinicor salonprioritizessafetyandqualityaboveallelse Inanindustrywheretrustisofutmost importance,thevalueofSafeSkinCertification cannotbeoverstated

A C r u c i a l M i l e s t o n e f o r t h e F u t u r e o f t h e A u s t r a l i a n B e a u t y a n d A e s t h e t i c I n d u s t r y ABIC|| Issue6 46


Forindividualbeautyandaestheticprofessionals, obtainingSafeSkinCertificationisacareerdefiningmove.Itsetsthemapartasexperts dedicatedtotheircraftandclients'well-being. Clientsareincreasinglydiscerning,seekingout professionalswithrecognizedqualificationsand certifications.SafeSkinCertificationpositions professionalsforgreaterrecognitionandcareer advancement.


Ourindustryreliesheavilyonclienttrustand confidence.Themomentaclientstepsintoaclinic orsalon,theymustfeelsafeandassured.SafeSkin Certificationhelpsbuildthistrust.Itdemonstrates acommitmenttoadheringtorigoroussafety standards,ensuringclients'peaceofmindand loyalty.


Inanindustrysubjecttoever-evolving regulations,navigatingcompliancecanbea dauntingtask.ABIC'sSafeSkinCertification programsimplifiesthisprocess.Byaligningwith ABIC'sstandards,clinicsandsalonscanensure theymeetregulatoryrequirements,avoiding potentiallegalissuesandcostlyfines.


Inanincreasinglycompetitivemarket, differentiatingyourclinicorsaloniscrucial SafeSkinCertificationnotonlysetsbusinesses apartbutalsoservesasapowerfulmarketingtool

Clientsaremorelikelytochooseacertified establishmentoverothers,leadingtoincreased revenueandgrowth


ABIC'scommitmenttoinnovationisevident throughitsrigorouscertificationprocess.By encouragingclinicsandsalonstocontinually improvesafetymeasures,SafeSkinCertification fostersinnovationwithintheindustry.Thisnot onlybenefitsclientsbutalsokeepstheindustry dynamicandforward-thinking.


ABIC'sSafeSkinCertificationprogramisn'tjust aboutindividualclinicsandprofessionals;ithasa rippleeffectthroughouttheentireindustry.As morebusinessesembracethesehighstandards, thecollectivereputationoftheindustryimproves. This,inturn,attractsmoreclientsandencourages newcomerstojointheindustry,promotinggrowth andsustainability.

Asourfieldcontinuestoevolveandexpand, ensuringsafetyandqualityshouldbeour foremostconcern.TheAesthetic&Beauty IndustryCouncil'sSafeSkinCertificationprogram, withitsbenchmarkstandardofexcellence,playsa pivotalroleinachievingthisgoal.

ObtainingSafeSkinCertificationthroughABICis notjustvital,it'saresoundingimperative.It'sa commitmenttothevaluesofexcellence,safety, andtrustthatdefineourindustry'sveryessence. It'sadeclarationthatwearededicatedtocreating afuturewherebeautyissynonymouswithsafety, andclientscanconfidentlyentrusttheirwellbeingtous

Call1800MYABIC(1800692242)oremailuson aSafeSkinClinictoday.


EnquireaboutbecomingaSafeSkinSupplier andstandoutasaninnovatorpromotingthe standardsofexcellenceinyourfield.

ABIC|| Issue6 47
“It'sadeclarationthatwearededicatedto creatingafuturewherebeautyis synonymouswithsafety,andclientscan confidentlyentrusttheirwell-beingtous.”

Cultivatingan Extraordinary CompanyCulture

The backbone of a remarkable workplace culture is leadership. Leadership isn't just about making decisions or directing a team. It's about something much deeper. It's about the profound connection between great leaders, vibrant cultures, and thriving businesses. In this article, we'll delve into the core principles that connect effective leadership with great workplace culture.


Tobeaneffectiveleaderofpeople,youmustfirstmastertheartofleadingyourself It'stheinnergameof leadership,ajourneyofself-discoveryandgrowththatultimatelyallowsyoutobringoutthebestinyourself and others. Leading yourself means understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and values and using this self-awarenessasafoundationforguidingyourteam


Reflectingonmy30-yearjourneyinthisindustry,therewasapivotalmoment.Amomentofrealizationwhen Ifoundmyselfexhausted,withnothinglefttooffermyfamily.Iquestionedifthiswasasgoodasitgets.Many entrepreneursfacethiscrossroads Iembarkedonatransformationaljourney,sheddingoldbeliefsthatheld meback.Iredefinedmyidentityasaleader,determinedtocreateabusinessthatservedme,myteam,and myfamily.


Communicationisthelifebloodofanyorganization.Themoreeffectivelyweconveyourvision,purpose,core values,ideas,andstandards,themoreinfluencewehold Whenpeoplefeelalignedwithameaningfulvision, theynaturallyfollow,knowingtheyarepartofsomethinggreater.Sharingmyvisionwithmyteamwasa turningpoint.Iaskedfortheirsupport,feedback,andpatience.Thisconversationignitedprofoundchange, bringing us closer than ever before Leadership doesn't require perfection; it demands dedication to your visionandyourpeople.

ABIC|| Issue6 49
Words by Rebecca Miller High performance & Mindset coach and Creator of the 1% code for self, wealth and salon/clinic expansion Salonpreneur Mastermind



Leadership isn't just about giving orders; it's about leading by example. Coaching, mentoring, and inspiringyourteamtosurpasstheirownexpectations isatitsheart.Asleaders,it'sourdutytoprovideour teamswiththetools,training,knowledge,andskillsto thrive within our organization It's about helping them realize their dreams. Leadership is a journey, notadestination.

5. The Energy of Leadership Powers

a Positive Culture

Leadership transcends mere strategy It's an energy frequency, a state of being that promotes growth, expansion, and unwavering self-belief It's the understanding that we are here to accomplish significant feats, to motivate, to inspire (literally "to breathelifeinto"),andtobeaspirationalfigureswho move our teams toward personal and professional transformation. This is what fosters an unstoppable culture

6. Leading by Example Sets the Tone for Your Team

What you do when no one is watching defines your leadership.Peopledon'tlearnsolelyfromyourwords; they learn by observing your actions Setting higher standards for yourself and consistently embodying the values and vision you promote is paramount. Yourcommitmenttothedreamwillinspireyourteam tofollowyourleadandcreateacohesiveculture.

7. Acknowledging Dreams Builds a Beautiful Culture

Everyone carries dreams within them, waiting to be realized Every person, including yourself, seeks a leader who can acknowledge and support the fulfillmentofthosedreams.Youcanbethatleaderby honingyourabilitytobreathelifeintootherpeople's visions and dreams and connecting these dreams to yourbusiness

Remember,greatculturesarebuiltbydesign,notby chance And at the heart of this design is extraordinary leadership. By leading ourselves, inspiring our teams, and championing a shared vision, we create a culture that's not just productive but also deeply fulfilling. With unwavering commitment,youcanachievegreatnesstogether.

So,let'scontinuethisincrediblejourneyofleadership, nurturing a culture where dreams flourish, and our businessthrivesbeyondimagination

ABIC|| Issue6 50

Inthejourneyofcraftingathrivingculturewithinyourbusiness,certainpillarsandprinciplesstandoutasthe foundationofsuccess.Theseelementsarenotjustcheckboxestofill;theyaretheheartandsoulofaremarkable workplace Let'sdiveintowhatmakeseachoftheseaspectssospecial:

Each of these elements represents a piece of the puzzle that forms the extraordinary culture you're crafting. They are not just corporate jargon but heartfelt commitments to creating a workplace where every team membercanthrive,bothprofessionallyandpersonally.

So,let'sembracethesefoundationalprincipleswithunwaveringdedication Together,we'llcultivateaculture thatnotonlybreedssuccessbutalsofostersfulfillmentandmeaninginourwork.

1.ClearVision:Yourvisionisyourguidingstar It'sthemapthatleadsyourteamtowardacommondestination Withaclearvision,yougiveeveryoneapurpose,asenseofdirection,andareasontostriveforgreatness.

2.Purpose:Purposeisthe"why" behind what you do It's the heartbeat of your organization, thedrivingforcethatkeepsyou and your team motivated and aligned with your larger mission.

3.ClearValues:Yourvaluesare your compass, guiding every decisionandaction Theydefine the character of your organization, ensuring that everyone operates with integrity, respect, and shared principles.

4.Standards:Standardssetthe barforexcellence.Theyarethe benchmarks that define quality and performance, ensuring consistency in your products, services,andinteractions

5. Roles and Responsibilities: Clarity in roles and responsibilities is the blueprint of your organization. It ensures that each team member knows their unique contribution and how it fits into the bigger picture.

6.ClearExpectations:Expectationsarethebridgebetweenwhat'senvisionedandwhat'sdelivered Theylay outpreciselywhat'srequired,fosteringaccountabilityandasharedunderstandingofsuccess.

7. Onboarding Process: The onboarding process is the first impression It's how you welcome new team membersintoyourculture,settingthetonefortheirjourneyaheadandhelpingthemintegrateseamlessly.

8 Team One-to-Ones: These personal connections are the heartbeat of your culture Regular one-on-one meetings show that you value each team member, creating trust, open communication, and a sense of belonging.

9. Weekly Power Hour Upskilling: Continuous learning is the path to growth. Weekly upskilling sessions provideyourteamwiththetoolsandknowledgetostayaheadintheirrolesandfosterpersonaldevelopment

ABIC|| Issue6 51

10.TeamGrowthPathways:Personalandprofessional growth should be nurtured. Clearly defined pathways offer your team a vision for their future within your organization,motivatingthemtoreachnewheights

11.DailyHuddles:Dailyhuddleskeepeveryoneonthe same page They promote real-time communication, collaboration, and adaptability in a dynamic work environment.

12.PlanningandPersonalDevelopmentDays:These dedicated days are an investment in your team's growth They allow for strategic planning, skill enhancement, and personal reflection to drive excellence.

13. Acknowledgment and Celebrations: Celebrate wins, big and small. Acknowledgment and recognition inspireyourteamtostriveforgreatnessandreinforce yoursharedvalues.

14. Accountability: In the fabric of your culture, accountability is the thread that holds everything together It's the unwavering commitment to owning one'sactions,responsibilities,andoutcomes.Itensures thatpromisesarekept,deadlinesaremet,andgoalsare achieved

15.Transparency: Transparencyisthecornerstoneof trust It's the commitment to open and honest communication,sharingbothsuccessesandchallenges. It fosters an environment where everyone feels informedandvalued

16. Building Leaders and Leadership Teams: Great cultures are nurtured by great leaders Invest in developingleadershipskillswithinyourteam.Identify and cultivate leaders who can inspire, mentor, and guideotherstowardsuccess

17.FeedbackCulture:It'snotaboutmerelygivingand receiving feedback; it's about making it an ingrained partofourdailyinteractions.Inafeedbackculture,we understand that feedback is a gift, a pathway to continuousimprovement

18 The Significance of Acknowledgement and Celebrationsofwinseachweekfocusingonbehaviour andvalueslived.

19.Havefunit’snotreallyaboutthegoalpostbutwho webecomeonthejourney,somakingthejourneyfunis so important for enjoyment and happiness in our cultures.Bellylaughsarerequireddaily.

Eachoftheseelementsrepresentsapieceofthepuzzle that forms the extraordinary culture you're crafting. They are not just corporate jargon but heartfelt commitments to creating a workplace where every team member can thrive, both professionally and personally.

So, let's embrace these foundational principles with unwavering dedication. Together, we'll cultivate a culture that not only breeds success but also fosters fulfillment and meaning in our salon and clinic business.

ABIC|| Issue6 52



Located Australia-wide, MM MedicalAestheticsisadivisionof MM Medical, a well-respected medical company that has operatedformorethan25years.

MM Medical Aesthetics designs, manufactures and services products exclusively for the aesthetics sector, providing sales, servicing, as well as importing market-leadingdeviceswhilealso providing training for a wide variety of medical aesthetic devicesandbeautyequipment

The personal story of director, Mike Matkovcik (B Sc) is representative of so many successfulimmigrantswhochose Australia as their home Arriving from Europe, Mike Matkovcik came armed with medical electronics qualifications, skills andexperience.

Shortly after moving to Sydney, Mike Matkovcik seized an occasion that presented itself almost three decades ago “One day the boss’s wife has returned in the office very upset – she attendedabeautytreatment The treatment could not be finished due to machine breakdown and thesalonhadnoideawhocanfix it.”

“Almost immediately, I started fixing beauty equipment as a secondjoboneveningsafterwork and weekends,” explains Mike. “By 1997 I had quit my full-time job, then later in 2002, my sole tradership, MMB Electronics was replaced by MM Beauty EquipmentServices”

As one of the few Australians capable of designing, workingwith,andrepairingelectricalmedicaldevices, MikeMatkovcikalsofoundthetimetoteachElectrical BeautyDevicesattheaccreditedbeautyschool,Maria Pirisi Beauty Academy. At the same time, Mike Matkovcik was also supplying and servicing devices for TAFE Ultimo, TAFE Petersham, TAFE Port MacquarieandChallengerTAFEinWesternAustralia.

MikeMatkovcik’sownmedicaltechnologywaslocally designed and manufactured by his Sydney-based company Products include the well-known EpiPeel microdermabrasion,theSuperliftMicrocurrent/EMS andEpiBlendelectrolysis/diathermymachines.

# T E C H N O L O G Y ABIC|| Issue6 53


Aswell,MMMedicalAestheticshavebecomeanauthorisedserviceagentinAustraliaformanylarge companies that include STEREX UK, WELLA Germany, GOLDWELL, ELLA BACHE, SALONQUIP, JOIKEN,RaFischerUSA,aswellasmanyothers.

Duringhiscareer,MikeMatkovcikcountshimselfluckytohavemetmanywonderfulpeoplewithin theindustrysuchasCarolineMoran Themotherofcelebritychef,MattMoran,CarolineMoranhas nowworkedasadedicatedsalesagentwithMMMedicalAestheticsformorethanadecade

“OnedayCarolineMoranhasaskedmeifIcoulddesignandmanufacturesomecosmeticequipment Well,thishasstartedanewchapterformycompany–designandmanufacturing!”


Today,MMMedicalAestheticsisoneofAustralia’slongest-runningaestheticdevicecompanies.They areimporters,distributersandnationaltrainersofawidevarietyofadvancedaestheticsequipment, providingleadingtechnologyandexcellenceinaestheticsequipmenttraining,aswellasexceptional customerservice.

“During the last 20-plus years in beauty industry I have seen many companies come and go,” explainsMikeMatkovcik.“Andyetwearestillhere,withmyloyalcustomerscomingback,againand again.”

OneofthestrengthsofMMMedicalAestheticsistheyonlyfocusonmedicalaestheticstechnology. Theentireteamhavebeeninstrumentalinintroducingmanynewtechnologyadvancementstothe Australianmarket,includingElectromagneticMuscleStimulation,HIFU,IPL/SHR,PlasmaTherapy, RFtreatmentdevicesandnon-invasiveMesotherapy/Microdermabrasion.


In 1999, the Epiblend Electrolysis machines were designed by MM Medical Aesthetics Director, MikeMatkovcikandcustommanufacturedlocallyinaSydneyworkshop

Superlift,anonsurgicalfaceliftwasdesignedandlocallymanufacturedandreleasedin2000 With anexcellentmarketresponse,aProfessionalBeautyMagazineheadlineforthedevicewas“Forget Superman,nowwehaveSuperlift.”

Theyear2000isalsotheyearthe Epi Peel Microdermabrasion brand was launched, personal designmanufacturedinmysmall private workshop in Sydney and wasinproductionfor15yearstill 2015 Hundreds were produced andsoldAustralia-wide,aswellas being exported to Vietnam and NewZealand.

In 2007, MM Medical Aesthetics started selling the TGA Listed ELIS range IPL machines and Lasers.TGAListed

In2012,theywereoneofthefirst importersinAustraliamakingthe newgenerationofSHRpopular–in motion IPL technology. In the same year, THERMA B was imported to Australia, it is manufactured by DAEYANG Medical Co- Korean made monopolarRFsystems.

ABIC|| Issue6 54

TheLiftronThermatrixKoreanFractionalRFwas introduced in 2014. Another high-quality DAEYANG Medical Co product. The Liftron Thermatrixisaoneofitskindonthemarketwith both Mono and Bipolar technology combined in onemachine

The HIFU system was launched in 2016, along withanewgenerationApoloMedIPLSHR–with BBR and STACK MODES allowing for pain-free hair reduction and other skin rejuvenation treatments.

In 2017, the highly effective PlasmaLift was introduced. A unique, best-in-class Korean-made devicethePlasmaLiftisTGAlistedinAustralia.

ThePlasmaliftPro–PURISMAwasintroducedin 2018. With a ‘no downtime’ option, this technologywasmadebyarecognised50-year-old Koreanmanufacturer,DAEYANGMedical.

The OPTILUX ELITE, also introduced in 2018, comes with theKoreanmadeLEDsystemswithtwocolouroptionsred andblue.Thistechnologyissuitabletotreatbothfaceand body

Introducedin2019,theCMSlim™ContouringMaster™HIEMT™ is a revolutionary electromagnetic muscle stimulationsystemthatismadebymanufacturer,DAEYANG Medical

TheAlphaShape–isanAustraliandesignedbodyshaping device was introduced in 2019, in a new partnership MedicAge. Also in 2019, the OPTILUX LED systems were releasedtothemarketbyMMMedicalAesthetics.

With over 25 years of experience in importing and distributing aesthetic medical and beauty devices, MM Medical Aesthetics prides itself on offering quality, best-inclass technologies and modalities that deliver uncompromising results, with one-on-one personalised servicefortheircustomers

MM Medical Aesthetics has representatives in Queensland, NSW,Victoria,SouthAustraliaandWesternAustralia

For further information, call 07 5577 9881, or email or visit:

ABIC|| Issue6 55

Introducingthe#1 Salon&Spa professionalskincarebrandintheUSA

Are you on the hunt for a skincare brand to take yourtreatmentsandsalontothenextlevel?Lookno further than IMAGE Skincare, who have a product and treatment for every skin type, client and concern.Builtonabrandmissiontoenableclientsto AgeLater™,IMAGESkincareisbackedby20yearsof experienceintheindustryandquitesimply,knows skin.Thebrandisofferedinover30,000spasinover 66 countries globally and it’s a must have in your spa,clinicorsalonnow.Here’swhy…


The clean, clinically-proven range is a therapist’s bestkeptsecret,offeringeverythingfromorganicto advancedanti-ageingproductsandprotocols,using the highest allowable percentages of over 460 differentactive,medical-gradeingredients It’salso PETA-certified and proudly made in America, formulated by internationally recognised chemists andaboardofphysicians


IMAGE apply the idea of a balanced diet to your skincare routine, feeding your face and body topicallywithacompletesystemcoinedTheImage Skincare Diet, to correct, prevent and provide nutrition to clients’ skin. You’ll find a mix of AHAs and BHAs, retinols, antioxidants, peptides, plant stem cells, and lightening agents, all delivered via patented delivery systems to ensure the safety and efficacyofTheIMAGESkincareDiet


Expectacompleteskincarerangetocomplementthe full IMAGE Skincare Diet, enabling therapists to customiseandprescribeeveryclientwithanyskin condition, a product or treatment that will achieve results IMAGE is about correcting, repairing and delivering the right nutrition to the skin, to ensure youcantreatanythingfromrosaceatofinelinesand wrinkles, dehydrated, dull skin to acne and pigmentation.

When it comes to skincare, one size doesn’t fit all and with IMAGE, you will always find a skin solution. Therapists can count on endless opportunities to control and achieve enhanced results in salon and prescribe to their clients for maintenance at home The extensive and unique rangeleavesnoroomforguessworkandensuresno skinisleftbehind.

ABIC|| Issue6 56
*Kline&Company’s2021ProfessionalSkinCareU.S.Report Twoyearsrunning!

VITAL C: For rosacea, environmentally damaged,dryanddehydratedskin(Tri-Vitamin CComplex,Antioxidants&PolypeptideComplex andHyaluronicAcids).

AGELESS:Forageingandpigmentedskin(Stem Cells,Peptides,AHAs,RetinolsandLighteners).

ORMEDIC: Organic range for sensitive skin (Peptides, Copper Complex, Antioxidants and Botanicals).

ILUMA:Lightenandbrightenpigmentationwith Vectorize Technology™ with over 25 performancelighteningingredients

CLEAR CELL: For acne (AHAs, BHAs, Peptides andAntibacterialBotanicals)

theMAX:Forageingskin(PolypeptideComplex, Stem Cells, Antioxidants, Botanicals and VectorizeTechnology™).

BIOME+: Microbiome-friendly skincare that powersahealthyskinbarrier.


I MASK: Embark upon a journey of total rejuvenationasyouexperiencetheultimateskin transformationritual.

IMAGEMD:Highperformanceforaftercosmetic procedures, including dermal fillers, laser treatmentsandlipinjections

BODY SPA: Formulated for overall skin health and wellbeing (Epp Enzyme Polypeptide Complex,AHAsandAntioxidants).

IBEAUTY:Offersproductsandtoolstoreveala healthier,flawlesscomplexioneveryday.


IMAGE Skincare is committed to constant growth and development, so you can rely on the fact that every formula and protocol boasts the latest ingredients, innovations, and advancements in skincare technology. In the last three years alone, the brand has welcomed over 46 new or reformulatedproducts,withthemostrecentrelease, BIOME+ at the forefront of microbiome-friendly skincare.


IMAGE Skincare is a clinical, results-driven brand that offers organic enzymatic peels and advanced acid-basedpeelsforeverydifferentbusinessmodel. From express 30-minute options to advanced high end, luxurious facials, you’ll find a customisable treatment for every business and client Therapists have a choice of 10 clinical peels, over 20 high performance facials, and two body treatments, featuring over 10 types of stem cells and 15 antioxidants,plusanti-ageingpeptides,alldelivered by the revolutionary aloe-based formulation that feedsandnourishestheskinwhileyouwork




SignatureFacelift:VitaminCandenzymepeel AcneLift:AHAandBHApeel

AdvancedBHALift:Extrastrengthsalicylicpeel WrinkleLift:Glycolicandretinolpeel WrinkleLiftForte:AdvancedAHA/BHApeelfor deeperwrinkles


Lightening Lift Forte: Advanced lactic peel for stubbornpigmentation

Perfection Lift: Advanced self-neutralising AHA andBHApeelforanti-ageing

Want more? Therapists can personalise each peel even further thanks to the I ENHANCE range, allowingyoutocustomiseandboostalltreatments toaddressmultipleskinconcernssimultaneously

IENHANCEHYALURONICACID:Idealfordry, dehydrated, dull or mature skin that helps to softenandsmooththelookoflines.

I ENHANCE ANTI-OXIDANT: A hydrating treatment enhancer featuring a blend of select antioxidants that help to brighten, soothe and fighttheeffectsofenvironmentaldamage

IENHANCESTEMCELLS:Poweredbyplantcell extracts that help to restore resilience and nourishtheskin

I ENHANCE RETINOL: An essential treatment boosterpoweredbyvitaminAtorevitaliseskin texture,supportskinelasticityandhelptoreveal renewedskin.

IENHANCEVITAMINC:AVitaminCenhancer that helps to target dullness, support skin elasticityandprovideantioxidantbenefits.

ABIC|| Issue6 57


Regardlessofyourbusinessmodel,sizeorstyle,IMAGESkincareisaboutprofitandprofitability. Everybusinesscountsandwithnominimummonthlyspendororderquantities,youcanstartsmall andgrowintomoreadvancedoptionswith100%markupfromyourfirstorderandongoing.

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InterestedinIMAGE?Don’twaitaminutelongertoexperienceitforyourselfandfindouthowIMAGE canamplifyyourresultsandtransformyourbusiness IMAGESkincareisdistributedbyProfessional Beauty Solutions. Call 1800 625 387 to enquire about a free trial and samples today or visit

ABIC|| Issue6 58

A Catalyst for Success

Modern Human Resource Practices Transform Businesses

Over the last 10 years the role of Human Resources (HR) has transformed from a mere administrative function into a strategicpowerhousethatdrivesteams,employees,employers, andbusinessestowardsunprecedentedsuccess

Australia,withitsdiverseanddynamiceconomy,haswitnessed a remarkable shift in HR practices that have not only revolutionized the workplace but also paved the way for sustainedgrowthandprosperity

A cornerstone of ABIC is based on elevating and protecting businessesandemployeesthroughprovidingthepivotalservice of HR to Australian Beauty & Aesthetic businesses We do this seamlessly for our Clinic Members via our membership platform.

Let's explore the importance of HR in businesses of all sizes, whilst shedding light on the pitfalls and dangers of neglecting thiscriticalfunction

The Crucial Role of HR in Australian Beauty & Aesthetic Businesses:

InAustralia,HRpracticeshaveevolvedtobecomeacornerstone of success for businesses. Modern HR is no longer confined to recruitment, payroll, and compliance; HR teams have become strategic partners that align organizational objectives with employee development, well-being, and engagement Here's a closerlookathowHRpracticesbenefitvariousstakeholders:


HRplaysapivotalroleinenhancingtheemployeeexperience It fosters an inclusive workplace culture, ensures fair compensation,andprovidesopportunitiesforskilldevelopment andcareeradvancement.

AtABIC,ourHRpracticesareincreasinglyfocusingonemployee well-being,mentalhealthsupport,andwork-lifebalance,which hasadirectimpactonproductivityandjobsatisfaction


For employers, HR practices offer a competitive edge in attractingandretainingtoptalent

ABICHRprofessionalscanhelpcreateaworkplacethatvalues diversity, equity, and inclusion. They also drive initiatives to improve employee engagement, reducing turnover rates and savingbusinessessignificantcostsassociatedwithrecruitment andtraining


EffectiveHRpracticesempowerteamstofunctioncohesively HRcanhelpfacilitateteam-buildingactivities,encourageopen communication, and resolve conflicts swiftly This results in more productive and collaborative work environments where innovationthrives.


At the macro level, businesses benefit immensely from robust HR practices. HR professionals are instrumental in shaping organizational strategy, aligning it with the evolving needs of the workforce and the business environment They enable companies to adapt to change, navigate labor laws, and seize growthopportunities.


Conversely, neglecting HR can be detrimental to your business, irrespective of its size. Here are some of the dangers associated with not incorporating solid HR practices:


Without HR expertise, businesses may unknowingly violate labor laws, leading to costly legal disputes and fines ABICHRspecialistsarewell-versedinthecomplex legal landscape, ensuring your business remains compliant.


In the absence of effective HR practices, employee turnover rates tend to skyrocket. This not only disrupts business operations but also incurs recruitment and trainingcoststhatcanbeasignificantdrainonresources


Neglecting HR can result in a toxic workplace culture markedbylowmorale,highstress,andconflict Suchan environment hinders innovation and collaboration, ultimatelyimpactingthebottomline


Failing to adapt to changing workforce dynamics and markettrendscancausebusinessestomissoutongrowth opportunities HRprofessionalshelpcompaniesstayagileandresponsivetoindustryshifts.

TheimpactthatABIChashadinthetransformationofHR practicesinourindustryhasbeenimpactful Frombeing seenasanadministrativetask,theexpandedHRservices that we offer have evolved into a vital component of membersbusinesssuccess.

Thebenefitsitbringstoemployees,employers,teams,and businesses as a whole are undeniable. Conversely, the dangers of not incorporating solid HR practices are equallyevident,rangingfromlegalriskstomissedgrowth opportunitiesanddamagedcompanyculture

In today's fast-paced and competitive business environment,anyorganization,regardlessofitssize,can ill-affordtoignorethecriticalroleofHR

It is the driving force behind a thriving, engaged workforce and a resilient, adaptive business, ensuring successtodayandintothefuture.

Embracing modern and industry specific HR practices is notjustachoice,butanecessityforbusinessesthataspire toflourishandleadintheirrespectiveindustries.

For more information about how we can help you and your business prosper and excel through ABIC HR services,calluson1800MYABIC(1800692242)today!

ABIC|| Issue6 59
MEDICAL GRADE SKINCARE FOR ADVANCED RESULTS SPA & SALON PROFESSIONAL SKINCARE BRAND IN THE U.S.* *Kline & Company’s 2021 Professional Skin Care U S Report Retail Collection and Professional Treatments 1800 625 387 100% markup 30,000 skincare professionals 460 active medical-grade ingredients For more information, call or visit from your first order Recommended by a global network of DISTRIBUTED BY PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY SOLUTIONS ®

Imagineaworldwhere achievingyouthful, radiantskinisassimple asattendingaspecial eveningevent.Iwas invitedintoarealmof innovationandbeauty, whereSofwavetook centrestage. Itwasanexclusive cocktaileveningthat promisedto revolutionizemy perceptionofskincare.

Introducing Sofwave: The Epitome of SkinRejuvenation

The modern world embraces innovation, and the field of beauty and skincare is no exception.Sofwavestandsasatestamentto thisspiritofprogress,embodyingthelatest in non-invasive, minimal-downtime skin treatment solutions. At the heart of this breakthrough lies the remarkable SUPERB™SynchronousUltrasoundParallel Beam technology. This cutting-edge innovation serves as the foundation for visibly tighter, lifted skin that eradicates faciallinesandwrinklesinasinglesession.

A Journey into the Future: Your InvitationtoInnovation

Dr. Sean Paul, a renowned oculofacial plasticsurgeonhailingfromAustin,Texas, and Wolfgang Kramer, Vice President of APAC at Sofwave, guided us through the marvels of this revolutionary technology. Dr Paul's expertise and insights, coupled with Mr. Kramer's extensive knowledge, provided a comprehensive understanding ofSofwave'stransformativepotential


TheFutureofSkin TighteningTechnology

E # F U T U R E O F B E A U T Y
ABIC|| Issue6 62


Sofwave was introduced in Australia by High TechMedical,apioneerinmedicalinnovations Thisingenioussolutionredefinesthelandscape of face and skin-tightening treatments, embodying intelligence, simplicity, and innovation. The cornerstone of Sofwave's effectiveness is the ground-breaking SUPERB™ technology Itintricatelytargetsthemid-dermis, achieving unparalleled treatment results. The integration of an advanced cooling mechanism ensures a comfortable experience for patients whilesafeguardingthesuperficialskinlayers.

Unlocking the Secrets of SUPERB: A Glimpse intotheFuture

Sofwave's SUPERB™ technology is more than just an acronym; it is a promise of remarkable change Themid-dermis,positionedpreciselyat 1.5mmbeneaththeskin'ssurface,isthecanvas upon which Sofwave paints its masterpiece. Each pulse boasts extensive coverage, with uniformenergydepositionthatleavesalasting impact.WhatsetsSUPERBapartisitsabilityto achieve remarkable efficacy without damaging theepidermisorunderlyingstructures.Asingle treatment, encompassing 1-2 passes, yields visibleresultsthatechothefutureofskincare

havebeenlovinghavingthisoptionfor them–whentheywanttogetalittlelift oralittletightening,buttheydonot wantdowntime."-


Sofwaveredefinesthenorms,offeringaswiftandcomfortableexperiencethatleavesminimaldowntime anddiscomfortbehind.Thisnon-invasivemarvelisnotonlyefficientbutalsoeffortlesslyintegratesinto practices of all kinds Whether standalone or as a complementary treatment, Sofwave brings forth an impressivereturnoninvestment,settingthestageforpracticestothriveattheforefrontofinnovation.


Guiding us through the realm of Sofwave is none other than Dr. Sean Paul, a luminary in the world of oculofacialplasticsurgery BoardcertifiedbytheAmericanBoardofOphthalmologyandadistinguished memberoftheAmericanSocietyofOphthalmicPlasticandReconstructiveSurgery,Dr.Paul'sexpertiseis unparalleled. His innovative approach, blending surgical and non-surgical techniques, has redefined patient care As the founder of Austin Face and Body, his insights carry the weight of experience and excellence.


The journey into the future of beauty and skin rejuvenation begins with Sofwave. The cocktail evening delivered not only insights but also a glimpse into the transformation that awaits. As we stand on the precipiceofinnovation,Sofwaveguidesusintoaworldwhereyouthful,radiantskinismorethanadream it'sarealitywaitingtobeembraced.

# F U T U R E O F B E A U T Y
"Sofwavebasicallytreats1.5mmbelow theskinwithnoneedles,veryminimal timeawayfromyourusualroutineand reallynopost-careaswell,sopatients
ABIC|| Issue6 63

FreshLifeThe Conference2023:Ajourneyinto AestheticsandWellness

The enchanting town of Byron Bay played host to the muchanticipated Freshlife Conference 2023, where attendees were greeted with beautiful Australian weather to explore the latest advancementsinaesthetics,wellness,andpersonalgrowth.Day1 commenced with a sense of excitement as guests flocked to the registration desk, eager to embark on this transformative journey.

TheFreshlifeConferencekickedoffwithaheartfelt"WelcomeTo Country"ceremony,payinghomagetotheindigenousculturethat graces this pristine landscape As the sun cast its first rays, an introductionvideosetthestageforadayfilledwithinspiration andenlightenment.

Motivational coach Yemi Penn took the stage, encouraging attendees to unlock their inner potential. Her powerful talk, "IgniteYourInnerPossibilitarian,"resonatedwithmany,settinga toneofpositivityandpersonalgrowththatwouldpermeatethe entireevent.

Aesthetic enthusiasts eagerly awaited Emily Schultz's keynote, "AdvancedArtistrywithEmilySchultz:AnIn-DepthExploration of Lower Face Enhancement" Emily's insights into facial enhancementtechniqueslefttheaudiencecaptivated.

ABIC|| Issue6 64

Forme,thestaroftheshow,Dr.StevenLiewdelvedintothefuturewithhisintriguingtopic,"Non-SurgicalFace Design: Dr Steven Liew vs AI" Attendees were left pondering the remarkable intersection of technology and aesthetics.

Mike Clague provided a comprehensive understanding of facial anatomy and its vital role in achieving optimal toxin treatments. Meanwhile, Tim Boon and Gordon Wilson shared their invaluable insights on the path to financialsuccessintheaestheticsindustry.

Dr. Yaida Jamali discussed the unique challenges posed by treatment-naïve mature patients, while Dr. Jenny KimminsexploredinnatecorrectionwithArtFillerFineLines.Thesebreakoutsessionsofferedattendeesawealth ofknowledge

Abreakformorningteaallowedattendeestonetworkandreflectonthemorning'senlighteningsessions.Theday continuedwithadiverserangeoftopics,includingShapingtheFutureofAestheticIdeals,PatientSafety,Achieving GreatResultswithProfhilo,andtheinnovativeuseofMicrobeTechnologyinskincareandmicroneedling.

The day concluded with a Happy Hour session, courtesy of Amore Aesthetics, fostering connections and camaraderieamongparticipants.

Day2oftheFreshlifeConferencewasallaboutmasteringtheartofaestheticsandunderstandingtheever-evolving worldofnon-surgicaltreatments.

ThemorningstartedwithSuzieHoitink'scaptivatingkeynote,"FromStartuptoScalingthenSelling:HowtoBuy YourOwnPrivateIsland."Herinspirationaljourneyfromstartuptosuccessresonateddeeplywiththoseaspiringto achievetheirdreams.

Dr.BillurSezginKiziokprovidedacomprehensiveguidetomasteringfacialanatomy,whileDr.EdwinaMorgan andDr.JingWangunveiledthesecretsoffirmingandliftingusingSculptraandRestylane.

Dr BobKhanna'smasterclassinfacesculptingwasahighlightoftheday,demonstratingtheartistryandprecision behindcreatingspectacularresults

Dr. Kristy Kostalas explored how to transform devices into revenue-generating assets, and Sam Peek provided invaluableinsightsintomarketingstrategiesduringuncertaintimes

ABIC|| Issue6 65

Morning tea provided a welcome break for attendees to exchange ideas and reflect on the wealth of information they had acquired. The afternoon continued with sessions on Aesthetic Trends, Vascular Occlusion,ClinicSoftwareEfficiency,andmore

Thedayendedwithalavishfinale,theHugelsCoachellaFinaleParty,whereparticipantscelebratedtheir newfound knowledge and connections as well as let their hair down The atmosphere was electric surroundedbyrainforestaccompaniedbybeautifulByronweather.Itwastrulyanighttoremember, especiallyafterafewlate-nightdipsintothepool–youknowwhoyouare!!!

TheFreshlifeConference'sfinaldaywasdedicatedtobusinessworkshops,providingattendeeswiththe toolstheyneededtothriveintheever-evolvingaestheticsindustry

SuzieHoitinkledaworkshoponstrategicplanning,offeringattendeesaroadmapforsuccess.Woodrow Wilson's session on clinical photography underscored the importance of visual documentation in aesthetics.

Tim Boon, Gordon Wilson, Lacey Lopez, and Sam Peek shared strategies for financial success, and Adriana Martins discussed how to achieve success from consultation to treatment with the EnVogue Portfolio.

Natalie Darlington provided insights into nasal vascular occlusion, a critical topic in aesthetics safety. Mitch Woods delved into maximizing clinic efficiency with Fresh Clinics Software, offering valuable takeawaysforclinicmanagement.

ThedayconcludedwithinsightfulconversationswithexpertssuchasStuartTurner,SuzieHoitink,Dr ElsaDelport,andDr.KristyKostala.

AstheFreshlifeConference2023drewtoaclose,attendeesleftByronBaywiththeirmindsenriched, spiritslifted,andprofessionalnetworksexpanded.Thisannualeventhadonceagaindemonstratedits commitment to pushing the boundaries of aesthetics, wellness, and personal growth. As participants returned to their practices, they carried with them the knowledge and inspiration gained from this transformativeconference,readytomakea“fresh”impactontheworldofaestheticsandbeyond.

ABIC|| Issue6 66




Intoday'sfast-pacedworld,thebeautyindustryisconstantlyofferingconsumersanever-expanding array of makeup choices. Amidst this sea of options, one brand stands out for its commitment to purity,qualityandinnovation:YoungbloodMineralCosmetics.

Founded on the principles of health-conscious beauty and ethical production, Youngblood has emergedasaleadingplayerintheworldofmineralmakeup.But,beforewediveintothewondersof their world, let's first understand what mineral makeup is and why it has become a beauty revolutioninitsownright…

Mineralmakeupisanaturalalternativetotraditionalcosmeticsthatcontainsyntheticchemicals, fragrances, and additives. It is composed of finely milled minerals such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide,andironoxides,whicharederivedfromtheearth.Thesemineralsarenotonlygentleonthe skin but also offer numerous benefits, making them an ideal choice for those seeking a more sustainableandskin-friendlybeautyregimen.

So, here's why you should get your hands on mineral makeup and take note of Youngblood’s cosmeticcollectionthatisbeneficialforbothyourskinandtheenvironment.

ABIC|| Issue6 67



One of the most compelling reasons to choose mineral makeup is for its skin-friendly ingredients. Someconventionalmakeupproductsmayclogpores and cause breakouts, but mineral makeup is noncomedogenic. It allows your skin to breathe while providingexcellentcoveragesoitcanbeconsidered thelaststepinyourskincareroutine

Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics takes pride in its 100% pure mineral ingredients, free from common irritants such as talc, parabens, and artificial fragrances. Based on the concept of beauty with benefits, their commitment to clean, premium ingredients ensures that your skin remains healthy andradiant,always


Another remarkable advantage of mineral makeup isitsbuilt-insunprotection.Zincoxideandtitanium dioxide, two primary ingredients in mineral makeup, offer broad-spectrum sun protection withouttheneedforadditionalchemicalsunscreens. ThisnotonlyshieldsyourskinfromharmfulUVrays but also aids in the prevention of premature aging andsundamage.


Mineral makeup is renowned for its long-lasting coverage. The finely milled minerals adhere to the surface of the skin, creating a flawless finish that withstands the day's challenges. Whether you're heading to the office or enjoying a night out, your makeup will stay put, maintaining a fresh and vibrantappearance.


Oneoftheuniquequalitiesofmineralmakeup,and Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics is its versatility. It allowsyoutocreateanatural,everydaylookorbuild upforamoreglamorousanddramaticeffecteasily. Thisadaptabilitymakesitsuitableforallskintypes and occasions, catering to the diverse needs of makeupenthusiasts.


Thebeautyindustryhasfacedgrowingscrutinyfor its environmental impact Conventional cosmetics often contain harmful chemicals, contribute to plastic waste, and involve unethical practices. Mineral makeup offers a more sustainable and ethicalalternative.

Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics stands out in this regard,astheyprioritiseeco-friendlypackagingand cruelty-freeproduction.Bychoosingtheirproducts, you're not only enhancing your beauty but also supporting a brand committed to ethical and sustainablepractices.

ABIC|| Issue6 68

Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics: A Beauty Brand ThatCares

Nowthatweunderstandtheremarkablebenefitsof mineral makeup, let's take a closer look at Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics and what sets them apartasabrand.


Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics is dedicated to maintaining the purity of its products. They source the finest minerals and formulate their makeup without synthetic fillers, fragrances, or parabens. This ensures that every product they offer is of the highest quality - luxurious, gentle, nourishing, and suitableforsensitiveskin.


Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics carries the finest foundations to combat and cover a slew of skin problems, such as acne, rosacea, and eczema Not only are they kind to sensitive and allergy-prone skin, they also boast anti-inflammatory properties, while being non-comedogenic - meaning their nonirritative formulas won’t block pores or cause furtherproblems


Inclusivity in beauty is of paramount importance, and Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics recognises this. Their extensive shade range caters to a wide spectrum of skin tones, and their formulas don’t discriminate when it comes to age, skin type or concern, ensuring that everyone can find their perfect match This commitment to diversity empowers individuals to express their unique beautyconfidently.


YoungbloodMineralCosmeticswillcomplementany in-salon treatments ensuring patients who have sensitive skin after procedures such as microdermabrasion,IPL,chemicalpeels,orsurgery are still able to undergo a makeover without affecting their results. Youngblood’s hero Loose MineralFoundationcontainsonlythehighest-grade, finelytriple-milledmineralslikemicaandtitanium dioxide to safely cover skin blemishes heal, and soothepost-operativeskin


Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics is a cruelty-free brand, meaning they do not test their products on animals. Moreover, they actively seek to minimise their environmental footprint by using recyclable packaging and sustainable sourcing practices. By supporting Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics, you're contributing to a more compassionate and sustainablebeautyindustry.


With over two decades of experience, Youngblood MineralCosmeticshasestablisheditselfasapioneer inthemineralmakeupindustry.Theirdedicationto researchandinnovationensuresthattheirproducts are not only effective but also at the forefront of beautytrends.


Youngbloodiscapableofcamouflagingeventhemost tryingskinmarks,includingheavybruising,tattoos, hyperpigmentation, and birthmarks Their highimpactloosemineralsandcream-basedproductsare incredibly buildable, acting as the final step in your skincare routine to cover without compromising on skinhealth.


YoungbloodMineralCosmeticsbelievesthatmakeup isnotjustaboutenhancingexternalbeauty;it'sabout empowering individuals to feel confident and beautiful from within. Their makeup products are designed to enhance your natural features rather thanmaskthem,allowingyourinnerbeautytoshine through.


Youngblood boasts such a comprehensive range of colours and pigments that they compete with major colour cosmetics players with ease, providing everyone from the everyday woman to top makeup artists with all they need to create premium looks while synonymously enhancing skin health and beauty.

As you can see, in a world where beauty choices abound, Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics stands as a shining example of what's possible when a brand combines the power of nature with innovation, ethics,andinclusivity.

Thebenefitsofmineralmakeupareclear:it'sgentle on the skin, provides natural sun protection, offers long-lastingcoverage,andsupportssustainability YoungbloodMineralCosmeticsgoesastepfurtherby embodyingtheseprinciplesineverythingtheydo

Their commitment to purity, inclusivity, ethics, and innovation makes them a beacon of hope in the beautyindustry.Theyareprovidingthefinalstepin your routine with makeup that doubles as skincare, so, whether you're a makeup aficionado or simply someone looking to enhance your natural beauty, consider making Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics a part of your beauty journey In doing so, you're not just embracing a brand; you're embracing a beauty revolutionthatempowersandupliftsusall.

If you want to experience the Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics difference, call Professional Beauty Solutions on 1800 625 387 or visit lon-professional.

ABIC|| Issue6 69

Navigating the Complexity of Taxation Laws for Beauty & Aesthetics

StartingandrunningasmallbusinessinAustraliacanbe arewardingendeavour,butitalsocomeswithasetoftax obligations and complexities that can be daunting for manyentrepreneurs.Understandingandcomplyingwith taxationlawsiscrucialtothesuccessandsustainabilityof yourbusiness.

Fromthebasicsofbusinesstaxtomoreintricateissues, we will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the complex world of Australian taxation for beauty&aesthetics


Before moving into more complex concepts, let's start withreviewingthebasics!


The first step for any small business in Australia is to obtain an Australian Business Number (ABN) and consider whether to register for the Goods and Services Tax(GST).AnABNisessentialforlegalandtaxpurposes, whileGSTregistrationismandatoryforbusinesseswith anannualturnoverof$75,000ormore.


Choosetherightbusinessstructureasitimpactsyourtax obligations Options include sole proprietorship, partnership, company, and trust. Each structure has differenttaximplications,soseekprofessionaladviceto selectthemosttax-efficientoneforyourbusiness.


Maintaining accurate financial records is crucial Implement robust accounting systems and processes to track income, expenses, and deductions This not only simplifiestaxreportingbutalsohelpsinmonitoringyour business'sfinancialhealth


Small businesses are generally taxed on their assessableincome,whichincludesrevenuefromsales, services, and investments. Ensure you report all incomeearned,includingcashtransactions.


Familiarize yourself with eligible deductions, such as expenses directly related to your business. Common deductions include office rent, employee wages, uniforms, and depreciation of assets. Claiming legitimatedeductionscanreduceyourtaxableincome.


PAYG Withholding - If you have employees, you must withhold Pay As You Go (PAYG) tax from their wages and report it to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). TheATOprovidestaxtablestoassistwithwithholding calculations.


Businesses registered for GST must submit Business Activity Statements (BAS) periodically to report GST collectedandpaid.LateorinaccurateBASsubmissions canleadtopenalties.

ComplexTaxIssues CapitalGainsTax(CGT)

Whenyousellassetslikepropertyorshares,youmay be subject to CGT. Understanding the CGT rules, exemptions,andconcessionscanhelpminimizethetax impactonyourbusiness.

ABIC|| Issue6 70


Ifyourbusinessengagesininternationaltradeorhas overseas income, you may face complexities related to transfer pricing, withholding tax, and double taxation Seek professional advice to navigate these issues


Ensureyoumeetyoursuperannuationobligationsby making regular contributions for your employees

TheSuperannuationGuaranteerequiresaminimum contributionof11%ofanemployee'searnings


Inadditiontofederaltaxes,beawareofstate-specific taxes like payroll tax and stamp duty. Rates and thresholds vary by state, so research the requirementsforyourlocation.


If you provide non-cash benefits to employees or associates, you may be liable for FBT. Aesthetic and beauty clinics often provide perks such as free or discounted treatments to employees, employee gifts, lunchesandluxurybenefitsmayattractFBT. Depending on the nature and value of these perks, they may be subject to FBT. Understanding the FBT rules and exemptions is crucial to avoid unexpected taxliabilities,somakesureyouaskyouraccountant!


Beauty and aesthetic clinics typically invest in expensive equipment like laser machines and specialized devices. Calculating and claiming depreciationontheseassetscorrectlyisimportantfor tax efficiency. You can choose between prime cost and diminishing value methods, but the choice can impactyourtaxdeductionsovertime.


If your clinic sells beauty products, you need to consider inventory valuation methods. The choice between FIFO (First-In-First-Out) and LIFO (Last-InFirst-Out) methods can affect your taxable income. Consult your tax advisor to determine the most suitablemethodforyourbusiness.


As Beauty therapists & aestheticians, we often undergotrainingandcertificationtostayupdated withthelatesttechniquesandtrends.Someofthese expenses may be deductible, but the rules regarding deductibility of self-education expenses can be complex. For example, ABIC SafeSkin Certification for your clinic is tax deductible. But first seek professional advice to ensure you claim eligibledeductions.


Family-ownedbeautyclinicsmayconsiderincomesplitting strategies to optimize their tax position

However, the ATO has strict rules to prevent income splitting to lower tax liability. Consulting withataxadvisorcanhelpyounavigatethisissue


Cash transactions are common in the beauty industry,andbusinessesmustaccuratelyrecordall income, including cash sales. Failing to do so can lead to tax evasion allegations Implement robust cash management and record-keeping procedures tostaycompliant.


Depending on your clinic's location, you may be subjecttovariousstateandlocalgovernmenttaxes and fees. These can include land taxes, council rates, and business registration fees. Research the specific requirements in your area to ensure compliance.


Salons and clinics often invest in marketing and advertisingtoattractclients Understandingwhich expenses are deductible under advertising and promotionalexpensesrulescanhelpyoumaximize deductions while promoting your business effectively


Now here are some strategies that can help you optimizeyourtaxposition


Selecting the right business structure can significantly impact your tax liability. Consider structureslikesoleproprietorship,partnership,or company Seek advice from a tax professional to determine which structure aligns best with your clinic'sfinancialgoalsandtaxobligations.

ABIC|| Issue6 71


As mentioned earlier, you can claim depreciation on high-value equipment and assets Choose the depreciationmethodthat suitsyourclinic'scircumstances,eithertheprimecostor diminishingvaluemethod,tomaximizedeductionsover time.


If your clinic is involved in innovative research and development efforts, you may be eligible for Research andDevelopment(R&D)taxincentives Theseincentives can provide tax offsets or deductions for eligible R&D activities


Investing in staff training and development not only enhancesyourclinic'sservicesbutcanalsoresultintax credits under government-funded programs. Explore opportunities for government grants and incentives relatedtotraining


If you plan to sell your clinic or assets in the future, considerCGTconcessionsavailableforsmallbusinesses. Theseconcessionscanreducethetaxliabilityoncapital gains, but they come with specific eligibility criteria, so consultataxadvisor.


Implement a proactive tax planning strategy. Regularly review your clinic's financial performance and tax position to identify opportunities for tax optimization andcompliancewithevolvingtaxlaws.


Engaging a qualified tax professional with expertise in the beauty industry is essential They can provide tailored advice, ensure compliance, and help you make informeddecisionstoreduceyourclinic'staxburden.

Reducing tax liabilities involves a combination of prudent financial management, strategic decisionmaking,andadherencetotaxregulations

By carefully implementing these strategies and seeking professional guidance, your clinic can optimize its tax position while focusing on delivering high-quality services to clients and achieving long-term financial success

ABIC|| Issue6 72
All-in-one salon management and marketing software Bookings Business Academy Everyday Marketing Dedicated Support Fill your calendar, maximise your booked time and delight new and existing clients with a beautiful and intelligent booking solution. Proven marketing, strategy and business growth tools from industry-leading mentors and coaches at your finger tips. Access ready-made templates and connect with your customers with the integrated email and SMS marketing platform. Your dedicated Client Manager will always be on hand to help you maximise the potential of your business. Accelerate your business with integrated learning and marketing Scan now for a 14 day free trial and see how Beauti can manage, market and grow your salon.

On The Record.

ThismonthontheBeautebyABIC Podcast,medicalcertifiedLEDs, cleanbeautyanddebunking misconceptionswithourindu leadersandpathmakers.

# P O D C A S T ABIC|| Issue6 74

268:CommonMythsAbout IPLTreatments:Debunking theMisconceptionswithDr JonExleyfromLynton Lasers

Jon’s interest in lasers began whilst studying physics both at the University of Leeds (UK) and the Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble(France).

He is currently the Managing Director of Lynton Lasers since 2009 He also serves as the HonorarySecretaryoftheBritish MedicalLaserAssociation(BMLA) whichherepresentsintheExpert Reference Group established by HealthEducationEngland(NHS).

This group was responsible for creating a novel educational qualification framework dedicated to the application of Lasers, Intense Pulsed Light, and LED in non-surgical cosmetic interventions.

267:CleanBeautySkincare withKathrynDumaresq fromAustralianColour Technologies

Kathryn Dumaresq is a highly experienced skin therapist who has been working in the beauty industry for over 10 years She joined this field with the aim of assisting individuals with their skin issues, particularly acne, which she personally struggled with due to hormonal breakouts throughoutherlife.

Amumofonewithanotheronthe way,withafamilyofherownshe becameincreasinglyinterestedin living a life that is as free from harmful chemicals and additives fromtheingredientsinfoodtothe cleaningproductssheusesinher homeandofcourseherskincare

266:Theimportanceofusinga MedicalCertifiedLEDDeviceto TreatSkinConditionswithDr AbsforProfessionalBeauty Solutions

Dr Settipalli (also known as Dr Abs) is a dentist with a special interestincosmeticdentistryand facialaesthetics

After graduating from the UniversityofLeedsintheUK,Dr Abs practices cosmetic medicine anddentistryatagloballevel He is also a clinical trainer for medical professionals, lectures at universities, writes for scientific andcommercialpublications,and hasrecentlywrittenabookabout LEDPhototherapy

He enjoys combining his knowledge in both dentistry and medicine to treat the entire person as a whole: smile, skin, face,hair,body

Additionally, Jon plays a crucial role in the broader industry landscape and was recently appointed to the External AdvisoryBoardfortheUniversity ofManchester(Dept ofPhysics)

On this episode Dr Jon Exley for Professional Beauty Solutions discusses the common myths about IPL Treatments and debunkingthemisconceptions

As the Trainer for The Bdr Medical Beauty Branch since 2018, she creates all training materials for Bdr medical beauty in Australia and New Zealand after completing the training offered by the head office of Bdr inGermany.

She has a deep passion for all things skin, skincare, health and wellness as well and an ongoing desire to learn and grow and using her knowledge to educate others.

You’re sure to enjoy this discussionontheconceptofclean beautyskincare

Dr.Absisaglobalopinionleader for several companies and when notworkinginclinicheregularly lecturesintheUKandabroad.He has authored books on his areas of expertise and has recently written a book about LED Phototherapy and has created protocols in medical technology thatarenowusedglobally.

Discussing the importance of using a Medical Certified LED Device to treat skin conditions, youdon’twanttomissthisone!

# P O D C A S T
ABIC|| Issue6 75

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