ABIC Journal Digital Magazine - Issue 7, August 2024

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© Aesthetic Beauty Industry Council 2024, All Rights Reserved

Proposed New ABS Occupation Classifications Set to Change the Face of Our Beauty & Dermal Industry

Establishing a Self-Regulation Committee for Beauty & Aesthetics

Pioneering Safety: An interview with Karen Meiring De Gonzalez from Skin Correctives

From the CEO


WeareatacrossroadsandBeautyandAestheticsisfacingan uncertainfuture

The landscape is shifting threatening to reshape beauty and aestheticpracticesnationwide

Ihearmanyprofessionalsandbusinessownerssaying"wehave heard this all before" and I was one of them, before we began ABICandtookalookbehindthecurtain.


A once in 20 year ABS Occupation Review is happening right now, which will redefine the role of Beautician, Beauty Therapist, Dermal Therapist and Dermal Clinician. It will also potentially limit the scope of practice of Beauty Therapists nationwide,andthealarmingthingisthatmostprofessionalsare notevenawarethatthisisoccurring,andthereforewon'thavea voice Ifyouonlyreadonearticleinthisjournal, FightingForBeautyshouldbetheone.

Education Reform has begun and Skills IQ is no longer the one steering the ship. The new SACSA SWAG Committee'saremakingbigchangestoournationaleducationandqualifications,andABICaretheirlead consultativebody.TheNailingEducationarticleisamustreadifyouwanttobeacrossyourqualification reform,orifyouhirequalifiedindustryprofessionals,orstudents.

Newregulationshavehittheaestheticspacequickly,withoutsufficientindustryconsultation,andhavebeen heavyhanded,impactingaestheticprofessionalsandbusinessesacrossthecountry

Beautyissettobenext,withallthesamesignsandpatternsemerging.Atthiscriticaltimeitisimperativethat welearnfromtheaestheticexample,prepareandpre-emptthechanges

Tohaveyourvoiceheardandmakeanimpact,readAUnitedVoiceforaBetterFuture,whereweoutlinea groundbreakingnationalself-regulationprogram,andhowyoucanbeinvolvedintakingcontrolofyour careerandindustry.


ABIC has seen tremendous growth over the past three years, driven by a united front of industry professionals However,complacencyisnotanoption

Nowisthetimetouniteandfightforthefuturewewant Weneedastrong,collectivevoicetoguidethe industrythroughthesechanges,ratherthanbeingsubjectedtounfairregulations.

This edition of the ABIC Journal features other insights from industry experts, educators, and supportive suppliers.TheircontributionsareinvaluableaswenavigatetheseuncertaintimestoFightforourIndustry andProtectYourFuture.

Safeguard & Stand Out


Ensureyourbusinessandservicescomplywith Nationalsafetyregulations,minimisinglegalrisk.


InstantlyboostconsumertrustwithourABIC SafeSkin™decal,signallingyourcommitmentto safetyandexcellence


Provideyourcustomerswiththeassurancethat yourbusinessandservicesmeetthehighest safetystandardsandexcellence


Stayinformedandcompliantwithevolving quirements

Fighting For Beauty

TheProposedNewABSOccupation ClassificationsAreSettoChangetheFace ofOurBeauty&DermalIndustry

“Thisisperhapsthesingle mostinfluentialmomentinour industry’sfuture,and withoutyoursupport,our industrywillnothaveenough swaytoinfluencetheoutcome“

As the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) embarks on a once in 20 years comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), significant and paramount changes are on the horizon for the beauty and dermal industry. The review aimstomodernisetheclassificationsystemtobetterreflect the evolving landscape of various professions, including thosewithinthebeautyandaestheticssectors Thisupdateis now a critical juncture for our industry and its professionals, as it will influence and change the scope of practice, qualifications, and professional identities within ourcommunity

It is moments like this that define why we need a unified peakbodytorepresentus,andwhythenumberofmembers werepresenttoGovernmentaresoimportant


ThecurrentclassificationofaBeautyTherapist(451111)ata SkillLevel3,isnotextensivelydescribedanditencompasses a wide range of services including skin analyses, facial therapies, skin-care treatments, body treatments and massage. However, the proposed changes introduce a new classification, 451112 Beauty Therapist, which narrows a therapists scope of practice and excludes Make-Up Artists. The proposed description emphasises beauty treatments suchasfacials,spraytanning,eyebrowshaping,andwaxing, whilehighlightingtheuseofsuperficialbeautydevicesfor skin treatments without a definition as to the term superficial

A significant addition is the creation of a new occupation, 451113DermalTherapist.Thisroleispositionedatahigher skill level (Skill Level 2) and focuses on advanced skin treatments, including skin analysis and assessment, microdermabrasion, cosmetic grade peels, and the use of laserandintensepulsedlightdevicesforhairreductionand othernon-invasiveprocedures.


The introduction of the Dermal Therapist classification is neededaswecurrentlydonothaveanoccupationclassified forDermalTherapists.Acorrectclassificationwouldelevate the professional standing of qualified Dermal Therapists who specialise in advanced skin treatments and it recognisesthespecialisedskillsandknowledgerequiredto perform these procedures safely and effectively. This distinctioncouldleadtoincreasedprofessionalrecognition, higher standards of practice, and potentially better remunerationfordermaltherapists

Furthermore, in this scenario there is a clear delineation between beauty therapists and dermal therapists which could enhance consumer understanding of the qualifications and expertise required for different treatments.Clientsseekingadvancedskintreatmentscould benefit from knowing that their service provider is specifically trained and qualified in those areas, thereby improvingtrustandsatisfaction

This development also presents an opportunity for educational institutions and training providers to expand theircurriculumtoincludemoreadvancedcoursestailored specificallyforaspiringdermaltherapists.Bydoingso,they canbetterpreparestudentsforacareerthatspecialisesin dermaltreatments,ultimatelyraisingtheoverallstandards withintheindustry.

“theproposedchanges introduceanew classification,451112Beauty Therapist,whichnarrowsa therapistsscopeofpractice andexcludesMake-Up Artists.Theproposed descriptionemphasises beautytreatmentssuchas facials,spraytanning, eyebrowshaping,and waxing,whilehighlighting theuseofsuperficialbeauty devicesforskintreatments withoutadefinitionastothe termsuperficial“

“Thesechangesalsopresentgravechallengesandconcernsforthe entireindustryanditsclients.

Theprimaryconcernisthepotentialrestrictiononbeautytherapists' abilitytoperformcertainadvancedtreatments.Proceduresthat havebeenpartofabeautytherapist'srepertoirecouldnowbe reservedexclusivelyfordermaltherapists “



The primary concern is the potential restriction on beauty therapists' ability to perform certain advanced treatments.Proceduresthathavebeenpartofabeautytherapist'srepertoirecouldnowbereservedexclusively for dermal therapists This shift would lead to a significant reduction in the scope of practice for beauty therapists,impactingtheirabilitytoservetheirclientscomprehensively.

Thereclassificationalsoraisesseriousquestionsaboutthetransitionprocessforcurrentbeautytherapistswho have been performing advanced treatments. Questions that have been posed are will they need additional qualificationstocontinueofferingtheseservices?Howwilltheeducationreformsupporttheseprofessionals throughthetransition?Thepotentialforincreasededucationalrequirementsandassociatedcostscouldpose anextensivebarrierformanytherapistsandbusinessesowners

Anotherconcernisthepotentialforconfusionamongclients Withtheintroductionofanewprofessionaltitle, clientsmayfinditchallengingtounderstandthedifferencesbetweenabeautytherapistandadermaltherapist. Clear communication and public education is going to be essential to ensure clients can make informed decisionsabouttheservicestheyseek.

And finally, and most alarmingly, this change will impact the livelihood of Beauty Therapists, Beauty Salon owners, and Multi-Disciplinary Skin Clinics who rely on the combined skills of Beauty Therapist, Dermal Therapists and Medical Aesthetic professionals. By significantly limiting the scope of practice of Beauty Therapiststherewillbeacolossalskillsshortageintheareaofadvancedskintreatments Therepercussionsof whichwillbefeltfarandwideinourindustry,notjustbyourBeautyTherapiststhemselves,butalsobydevice supplierswhowillexperienceasignificantdeclineinrevenue,andclientswhowillexperiencepriceincreases asaresultofashortageinthesupplyofsuchservices


TheAestheticandBeautyIndustryCouncil(ABIC)advocatesforthoughtful,nuancedandprecisechangesthat accuratelyreflectthediverseandspecificexpertisewithinourindustry.Whilewesupporttheelevationof standards and professional recognition, it is crucial that the proposed changes do not inadvertently marginalisecertainTherapistsandPractitionersorcreateunduebarrierstopracticetheircraft.

The beauty and aesthetic industry encompasses a spectrum of professionals, each with distinct skills, qualifications, and scopes of practice From beauticians and beauty therapists to dermal therapists and cosmeticnurses,eachroleplaysavitalpartindeliveringcomprehensivecaretoclients.Itisessentialthatany regulatorychangesrecogniseandrespectthesenuances,ratherthanimposingaone-size-fits-allapproach

ABIC has been the strongest voice and advocate for precise change with the ABS, and safeguarding the professionofBeautyTherapistwhichhasevolvedoverthepast20yearsintoaprofessionencompassinga comprehensiveofferingofskinhealthtreatmentsdesignedtoaddresstheclientinaholisticandcomplete manner,enhancingresultsandclientcare

ABIC has worked with education reform committees and ABS consultants to provide detailed submissions regardingthecurrentspecialisationsofeachoccupationwithinourcombinedindustry,howeverthereare conflictingstandpointsinourindustryamongvarioussectorspecificbodiesastowhatthesespecialisations shouldlooklikeinthefuture.

ABIC’s position is that there are currently 5 main occupations in the beauty, dermal&aestheticsectorsofindustrytoconsider:


HoldingaCertificate AtaSkillLevel3






At a Skill Level 2 (ABIC is under advisement and consultation to consider recommendingthiscategoryataSkillLevel1,ifAQFisatLevel6minimum)


HoldingaDegree AtaSkillLevel1

CosmeticNurseEN HoldingaDiploma AtaSkillLevel2

CosmeticNurseRN HoldingaDegree AtaSkillLevel1

The ABS Review submissions close by 6th September 2024. We will provided a detailed draft of our proposed industry framework and submission along with the services that are specific to each occupation for review on our website by Monday19thAugust2024.




Acriticalissuewiththecurrentandproposedclassificationsistheincorrectskill levelassignedtoBeautyTherapists.Presently,BeautyTherapistsareclassifiedat SkillLevel3,whichcorrespondstoacertificatequalification However,tobecomea Beauty Therapist, a person must complete either a diploma or an advanced diploma of Beauty Therapy, which should rightfully place the profession at Skill Level 2. This misclassification not only undervalues the extensive training and expertise required but also impacts professional recognition and opportunities within the industry Correcting this classification is essential to accurately representthequalificationsandskillsofbeautytherapists,ensuringtheyreceive therespectandopportunitiestheydeserve

ThismisclassificationiswhytheGovernmentreferredtoallthebusinessesinour industry-beauty,dermalandaestheticalikeas“BeautyParlours”or“Beauticians” duringtheCovidlockdowns TheGovernment,ingeneral,legitimatelydonotknow that occupations other than a Beautician at a Skill Level 3 exist, severely underminingthevalue,skillsandexpertiseofourvariedindustryoccupations


ABICistheonlyoverarchingpeakbodyrepresentingtheunitedbeauty,dermaland aesthetic industry, as such, we are the only non-partial representative not-forprofit organisation in our industry This means we advocate fairly for all professions.Weassessandanalysetheindustryinitsentiretyandhoweachsector works best in symbiosis with another and enhances the combined efforts of our industry to refer, collaborate, work together and elevate each sector for both patientsafetyandindustryprosperity

ABIC'sroleintheABSreviewistoadvocateforchangesthatreflectthetruenature of our industry. We are committed to ensuring that the new classifications accuratelyrepresenttheskillsandqualificationsofBeautyTherapistsandDermal Therapists. This includes pushing for the reclassification of Beauty Therapists to SkillLevel2,acknowledgingtheadvancedtrainingtheyundergo


Aswenavigatethesechanges,ourroleistofindanswerstoimportantquestions thatarise:Howcanweensurethatthenewclassificationsempowerratherthan limit our professionals? What support systems can we establish to facilitate the transitionforthoseaffectedbyanynewregulations?Howcanwemaintainhigh standardsofcarewhilepreservingthediversepracticesthatdefineourindustry?

The ABS review is an opportunity to advocate for a framework that supports professional growth, enhances client safety, and reflects the reality of modern practice.Itisachancetoshapethefutureofourindustryinawaythathonoursour collectiveexpertiseandcommitmenttoexcellence

Theproposedchangespresentbothopportunitiesandchallenges,theyunderscore theneedforaunited,proactiveapproach.ABICremainsdedicatedtorepresenting theinterestsofourindustry,advocatingforfairandinformedchangesthatsupport the continued growth and success of all Beauty and Dermal professionals. Together,asunitedmembersofABICwecannavigatethisperiodoftransitionwith resilience and determination, ensuring that our industry thrives in the face of change.


Now,morethanever,itiscrucialforindustryprofessionalstocometogetherand supportoneanother ThechangesproposedbytheABSwillshapethefutureofour industry,anditisimperativethatwehaveastrong,unifiedvoicetoadvocatefor the best possible outcomes We ask all Beauty and Dermal professionals to join ABIC, participate in discussions, join our Self-Regulation and Education Committees,andcontributetotheshapingofourindustry'sfuture Whenitcomes toGovernmentrepresentation,thereisstrengthinnumberswhichleadstoaction. Byworkingtogether,wecanensurethattheBeautyandDermalindustrycontinues togrow,innovate,andthrive.



Iamthrilledtoshareanexcitingandtransformativeinitiativeforourindustry Theestablishmentofa self-regulationcommitteeisasignificantstepforwardthatwillnotonlyelevateourstandardsbutalso safeguard the interests of professionals and clients alike. Our industry, encompassing beauty services, beauty therapy, dermal therapy, and medical aesthetics, is vibrant and diverse These professions intersect in a multitasking of ways, creating a rich environment of skills and expertise that enhances patientwell-beinganddrivesindustryinnovation.

However, this intersection also brings challenges, particularly in terms of regulation and safety. Inconsistent regulations and the presence of unqualified practitioners pose significant risks. By establishingaself-regulationcommittee,ABICaimstoaddressthesechallengeshead-on,creatingfairand equitable regulations that uphold the highest standards while maintaining the industry's commercial viability.


The beauty and aesthetic industry has evolved rapidly, with new treatments and technologies emerging regularly. This evolution, while exciting, has also led to a fragmented regulatory landscape Differentstateshavedifferentregulations,creating confusion and inefficiencies. Moreover, the rise of unqualifiedpractitionershasputclientsafetyatrisk andtarnishedthereputationofourindustry.

A self-regulation committee, managed by a united peak body like ABIC, can bring consistency and clarity.Bysettingnationalstandards,wecanensure thateveryprofessional,regardlessoftheirlocation, adherestothesamehighstandardsofpractice.This will not only protect clients but also enhance the credibilityofourindustry



Our advisory committee will have no maximum limit and will be open to all industry professionals whowishtocontributetheirexpertiseandinsights. This inclusivity ensures that a diverse range of perspectivesisconsidered,enrichingtheregulatory framework


The Working Group will consist of a minimum of sevenmembers

Each state will have at least one representative, ensuringnationwiderepresentation

Inaddition,threerepresentativesfromABICwillbe part of the Working Group, including two Council MembersandtheABICCEO.

Non-ABIC Working Group members will be nominated and elected by the Self-Regulation Committee through a secure polling process. This structureensuresthatallvoicesareheardandthat the Working Group reflects the diversity of our industry



One of the key functions of the self-regulation committee will be to draft policy submissions and advocacystatements Thesedocumentswillbesent to the public and industry for review, ensuring transparencyandinclusivity.

Feedbackwillbecollectedviasubmissions,carefully reviewed, and incorporated before presenting the finalpolicytothegovernment Thisprocessensures that the regulations are fair, comprehensive, and reflective of the needs and insights of industry professionals.



Having a unified peak body like ABIC can help the governmentcreateregulationsthatarenotonlyfair but also elevate the standards within the industry. This initiative ensures that client safety is paramount, without compromising the commercial interests of legitimate practitioners. By dealing effectivelywithunqualifiedplayers,weprotectthe integrity of our professions and ensure that clients receivesafeandeffectivetreatments.



Bygivingprofessionalsavoiceandthepowertosteerthe direction of the industry, the self-regulation committee ensuresthattheinterestsandlivelihoodsofpractitioners are safeguarded. This inclusive approach allows for comprehensive feedback and collaborative decisionmaking,fosteringasenseofownershipandresponsibility among industry members. When professionals feel that theyhaveasayintheregulationsthatgoverntheirwork, they are more likely to adhere to those standards and contributepositivelytotheindustry'sgrowth.


Having different regulations in every state creates confusion and inefficiencies. National standards, on the other hand, provide clarity and consistency, making it easierforprofessionalstooperateacrossstatelines This harmonization of standards also ensures that education and training programs are aligned with the industry’s needs, preparing practitioners to meet high standards of practice. By setting a single, unified standard, we can ensure that every client, regardless of where they live, receivesthesamelevelofcareandprofessionalism.


This initiative is a first-of-its-kind in Australia and represents a revolutionary step forward for the beauty andaestheticindustry.Thesuccessofthisendeavorhinges on the voices and backing of industry professionals, business owners, suppliers, and educators Together, we cancreatearegulatoryframeworkthatisnotonlyrobust but also reflective of the diverse and dynamic nature of ourindustry


To make this vision a reality, we need your support. We inviteallindustryprofessionals,frombeautytherapiststo medical aestheticians, to join us in this transformative journey.Byparticipatingintheself-regulationcommittee, you can help shape the future of our industry, ensuring thatitremainssafe,innovative,andreputable.

Imagineafuturewhereeveryclientfeelsconfidentinthe safety and quality of their treatments, where every professional is proud to be part of a regulated and respected industry This is the future we can create together.Yourvoicematters,yourexpertisematters,and yourparticipationmatters

The establishment of a self-regulation committee under theguidanceofABICisavisionarysteptowardsasafer, more professional, and ethically sound beauty and aesthetic industry. This initiative will not only protect clientsbutalsoempowerpractitioners,ensuringthatour industry continues to thrive and innovate. I urge all industry stakeholders to join us in this transformative journey Together,wecanbuildafuturethatupholdsthe higheststandardsofexcellenceandintegrity.

Applybyclickingthislinktoday! https://theabicorgau/abic-self-regulation-committee

ABIC: Karen, what initially drew you to the aesthetics and beauty industry?

Karen:IhadnoideawhatIwanted to do initially Psychology was my first interest, but I was unsure if I would enjoy sitting in one space all day and the emotional toll it would take over time To find some direction, I took part in a career guidance program at our local university that included aptitude tests and personality profiling Surprisingly, Beauty Therapy came up very strong as it matched my interestsandpersonalityneeds. Curiousandopen-minded,Iattended an open day at the world-renowned Isa Carstens Academy in South Africa. I was immediately intrigued by all the different aspects of the course.Iwasparticularlyfascinated by reflexology, electrology, and cosmeticchemistry.

The academy's comprehensive program and its offering of three advanced international cosmetology diplomasimpressedmegreatly,asit provided the opportunity to work abroad if I chose to. There were so manyareasIcouldspecialisein,and honestly,Ihaveneverlookedback.I havelovedeveryaspectofmycareer andstilldo.

Over time, my passion for skin care grew stronger, and I specialised in thisfieldwhileIwasstillahands-on therapist This journey eventually led to the establishment of Skin Correctives, where we now specialise in all things skin My career has given me numerous travelopportunitiesandallowedme toestablishmyselfhereinAustralia withmyfamily

Now, I lead my team to also fulfil their passion in changing lives through greater skin confidence This path allowed me to blend my passion for helping others with a dynamic and evolving industry that keepsmeengagedandinspired.

ABIC: What motivated you to seek out this specificcertification?

Karen: When I arrived in Australia, I was eager to find an organisation that could endorse Skin Correctives as a clinic of high standards In South Africa, I was a member of the South African Association of Health and Skin Care Professionals (SAAHSP), a professional body dedicated to maintaining high standards through professional designations and continuous professional development At the Isa Carstens Academy, SAAHSP membership was part of our education package, reinforcing the importance of being part of an association that sets high standards and promotes ongoingeducation.

With this background, I have always valued a regulated environment. So, in my search for a similar organisation in Australia, I was horrified to discover that the industry was largely unregulated. However, I was excited to come across APAN and learn about the commendable work Tina Viney was doing. Joining APAN allowed me to be part of a passionate industry network and stay up to date withimportantindustrymatters.

Prior to SafeSkin™ Clinics Certification, the only way I felt we could provide some kind of endorsement for our clients to know that we are a business with high ethics was to enter and win awards. This was our way of demonstrating our commitmenttoexcellenceandhighstandardstoour clients.

When I heard from some industry leaders that they were forming ABIC, I got so excited. I remember receivinganemailaboutmembershipandsigningup within two minutes, becoming the first ABIC Clinic member The next day, I received a call welcoming me as the first clinic member and asking why I joined and what I was hoping to get out of being an ABIC member I had two main agendas: setting standards and benchmarks for regulation, and protectingourprofessionasbeauty/skintherapists

TheSkinCorrectivesteamisveryproudtohavebeen partoftheinitialbetatestingoftheABICSafeSkin™ Certification This involvement allowed us to contribute to the process and help set benchmarks for the industry. The ABIC SafeSkin™ Certification perfectly aligned with our goals, ensuring that our clinicoperatesatthehighestlevelwhilecontributing tobroaderindustrystandards.

ABIC: Why do you think this type of benchmark SafeSkin™ Certification is importantforourwholeindustry?

Karen: SafeSkin™ Certification is incredibly important for the beauty therapy industry because it paves the way for essential selfregulation and protection from potentially harmfulGovernmentintervention Here’swhy: Firstly, SafeSkin™ Certification sets rigorous standards for safety, quality, and professionalism This not only builds trust and credibility with our clients but also ensures that we are consistently delivering high-quality care When clients know that a clinic is SafeSkin™ certified, they can feel confident in the level of serviceandsafetytheywillreceive.

Secondly, effective self-regulation through SafeSkin™ Certification reduces the need for Government regulations. It demonstrates that our industry is capable of managing itself and maintaininghighstandardswithouttheneedfor external control. This is crucial because Governmentregulationscansometimesbeoverly restrictive, often due to not fully understanding theintricaciesofourfield.

Lastly, having a significant number of certified clinics creates a unified voice that can influence favourable regulations. When we come together as a certified body, we can push the entire industry towards higher standards and ethical practices. This collective strength helps us advocateforourprofessionandensuresthatany regulationsputinplacearefairandbeneficialto bothskintherapistsandclients.

ABIC: What are some of the certification areas that SafeSkin™ focuses on? And has it helped you to refine your processes and identifyareasofimprovement?

Karen: SafeSkin™ Certification covers a wide range of essential areas, ensuring that clinics operate at the highest standards These areas include:

Business Practices: SafeSkin™ Certification emphasises implementing ethical marketing strategies and ensuring financial transparency, which helps build trust with clientsandstakeholders.

Team Management: The certification process involves conducting regular performance reviews and fostering a supportive team culture. This ensures that every team member is aligned with the clinic'sgoalsandvalues.

Regulatory Requirements: SafeSkin™ ensures compliance with local health regulations and maintaining proper licensure, which is crucial for operating legallyandsafely.

Employment Obligations: Providing fair employmentcontractsandensuringworkers' rights are upheld is another critical focus area,promotingafairandethicalworkplace.

Workplace Obligations: The certification requires maintaining a safe and healthy working environment, adhering to occupational health and safety standards, and ensuring that both staff and clients are protected

Safety Obligations: Implementing infection control protocols and ensuring proper sanitation practices are paramount, especially in our industry where client safety isatoppriority

Training and Skill Requirements: SafeSkin™ emphasises continuous education opportunities and ensuring all staff are certifiedintheirrespectiveareasofexpertise This keeps the team updated with the latest industrystandardsandpractices.

The certification process has been instrumental in helping us refine our processes and identify areas for improvement. For instance, while we have always prioritised treatment safety and infection control, we realised we needed to pay more attention to our Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) protocols. Although we had comprehensive WHS documents, they were outdated and not at the forefront of our minds.

SafeSkin™ Certification prompted us to update and integrate WHS standards into our daily operations, ensuring that our clinic is a safe environmentforbothclientsandstaff.

Overall, SafeSkin™ Certification has reinforced our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, helping us maintain the highest standards and providing the best care for our clients.

ABIC: How do you think clients of the industry will respond to a program like SafeSkin™ Certification?Whatvaluedoesitbringtothem,andwhatreactionhasyourownclientelehad tothenewsthatyourclinicisnowSafeSkin™certified?

Karen: Existing clients might not notice much difference because they already experience the high standards we are known for However, SafeSkin™ Certification gives us an edge in attracting new clients When potential clients do their research, being SafeSkin™ Certified helps us stand out as a clinicofchoice

Clientswanttofeelsafeandtrustprofessionalstoguidethemthroughtheoverwhelmingmarketing and confusing jargon that often repackages the same technologies with fancy terms SafeSkin™ Certification assures them of our commitment to safety and excellence, providing peace of mind and confidenceintheirskincarechoices

Our clientele has been very supportive and proud of our achievement. They appreciate knowing that wemeetthehigheststandardsandthattheirwell-beingisalwaysourtoppriority.Thiscertification reinforcestheirtrustinusandconfirmsthattheyareinthebestpossiblehands.

ABIC:Whatadvicedoyouhaveforclinics andsalonswantingtolevelupandget certified?

Karen:ThebestadviceIcangiveistoexpress yourinterestandlookthroughtherequirements. Itmightseemdauntingatfirst,buttheprocess hasbecomesomucheasiernowcomparedto whenwefirstgotcertified TheABICteamhas trulyrefinedandsimplifieditforeveryone There aresomanyoptionsavailableforgettingyour certificationnow,sothere'snoneedtofeel overwhelmed Ifyoudon'thavealltherequired protocolsanddocuments,muchofthiscannow beprovidedforaminimalextracost

Don'thesitate justdoit Gettingcertifiedis suchagoodexerciseforyourbusiness Involve yourwholeteamintheprocess;it’sagreatway togeteveryoneonthesamepageandworking towardsthesamehighstandards.Clinicowners shouldsharewitheachotherandaskforhelp. There’sastrongcommunityreadytosupport you.

Andremember,don’tjustdoittotickboxes;do ittoelevateyourbusinessandyourteam! Certificationinstilsasenseofprideandrespect intheteam,knowingtheyworkinaplaceof suchhighstandards.It’saninvestmentinyour business'sfutureandwellworththeeffort.

ABIC: Where do you see the future of ourindustry?Whatarethenewtrends andchallengesyouforesee?

Karen: I see the future of our industry focusing on high-quality care, as clients becomemoreselectivewiththeirspending They will demand effective results while alsowantingtofeelnurtured.

Quality skincare services will always have a place, and as clients become more informed, it’s crucial for us to stay educated and at the forefront of industry developments.

Marketing often rebrands the same technologies as new trends, creating hype and confusion. Clients will increasingly seek out trusted clinics and clinicians to help navigate through this hype and provide reliable guidance, making it essential to build trust within our local communities.

We must stand together, unite, and take action before it’s too late. Setting benchmarks and working towards regulation is vital to protect our right to continue providing exceptional care. We need to weed out those who are not qualifiedandhighlightthosewhoare.

IbelieveSafeSkin™Certificationistheway forward. Despite scepticism, I’ve seen firsthand how effective this approach has been for over 50 years in South Africa. Now is the time for us to unite and ensure our industry maintains the highest standardsforthebenefitofall.

ABIC: After going through the SafeSkin™ certification process, do you recommend itandwhy?

Karen: Absolutely, I wholeheartedly recommend the SafeSkin™ certification Our industry is facing significant threats, and this has been a concern of mine for quite some time It's crucial for us all to unite and supportthiscertification

Thesestandardsarewhatweshouldalready have in place, and many of us do! SafeSkin™ certification sets you apart and shows a commitment to excellence. We need to come together,takethisseriously,andactnow.

Do it for your business, your team, and our beloved industry. This certification helps us buildaframeworkthatearnsusrespectand credibility with the Government. By showing a consistent track record of ABIC certificationandregulation,wepavetheway for the possibility of being self-regulated. This unity and commitment can safeguard ourprofessionandmaintainthehighlevelof care our clients deserve, so that we can continuetodotheworkwelove.

BecomeaSafeSkin™Certified Clinictoday!

Stand out as the strongest advice for your client’s success by becoming an ABIC SafeSkin™ Supplier

Offer your clinics and salons the most transformative asset to elevate their businesses, attract new clients while earning lasting clientrespect and loyalty, and promoting industry-wide excellence

Eatyour water& applyyour vitamins


Effective skincare requires a holistic approach, something that board-certified Dermatologist and Pharmacist, Dr Murad recognised when he founded Murad more than 30 years ago. One of the foundationsforhealthyskinaspromotedbyDrMuradhasincreasinglybeengivencredencebythe widerhealthcarecommunityistheconceptof“eatingyourwater”

“Skincareisnotsuperficialbecauseitishealthcare. Whenyouhavebeautifulskin,itisasignthatyou haveahealthybodyandmind” - DrMurad


Touted by scientists, dermatologists and nutritionists to insta-famous influencers, the concept of “eating your water” is fast gaining traction globally as a major pillar of health. Total health, as reflected in hydrated,glowingskincomesfromcellularhydration

Mostofusarewellversedintheconceptofdrinkingeightglassesofwateraday,butthisisnotthemost effectivestrategytogenuinelyhydrateyourbodyattheall-importantcellularlevel Especiallywhendrunk over a short period of time, the water can simply pass through the body, often stripping it of essential vitaminsandminerals.

Dehydrationasweallknowcancontributetoalackofenergy,itcanalsoproducedebilitatingheadaches and other negative side-effects such as muscle cramping. This is why drinking water has long been recommended,however,tomaintainoptimalhealth,wenotonlyneedtostayhydrated,butwealsoneedto ingestenoughvitaminsandnutrientsifwearetofunctionproperly.

Alternatively,whenweingestwater-richfoods,suchasrawfruitsandvegetables,weabsorbthewaterfar moreslowlybecauseitistrappedinthestructureofthesefoods.Theslowabsorptionofwater-richfood, resultsinthehealth-givingwaterstayingfarlongerinourbodies,resultinginamultitudeofbenefits

Asimpleexampleiseatingfoodssuchasstrawberries,cucumbers,tomatoes,rockmelonandlettuce.Made up of more than 90 percent water, each of these foods are almost the equivalent as drinking the same weight of water – only better. As well as being comprised of hydrating water,raw fruits and vegetables additionallycontainnutrients,vitamins,minerals,andfibreintheirnaturalform.

Additionally,asourbodiesareconstantlyregenerating,theycreatenewcellstoreplacetheolder,damaged cells.So,itisvitallyimportantthatweeatanddrinkwithadeliberatefocusonpromotingcellularhealth–thefoundationofwellnessandvitalitythatisreflectedinhydrated,glowingskin


Asaboard-certifiedDermatologistandPharmacist,DrMuradhastheuniquecombinationofskillsandexperienceto employadiagnosticapproachcombinedwiththeknowledgetopreciselyblendMurad’sformulationsfortotalskinhealth.

Withamedicalbackground,DrMurad’sapproachtoskincareisbasedonthe“firstdonoharm”philosophy EachMurad product contains a skin-health-cocktail that includes anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and super-charged water, alongsideactiveingredientstodrivemaximumresultswithoutdowntime


Alongwiththeindustry,mostofushaveevolvedtoexpectthatourskincareproductswillperform.Andbyperforming,we mean that it is active ingredients that are key to delivering results Like many brands, Murad uses incredible active ingredients,butactivesalonewon’tdrivetotalskinhealth–whatdoesisthecombinationofactiveingredients,correct formulationandthetechnologythatcreatesatargeteddeliverysystem


Muradformulationsnourishyourclients’skinwithprofessionalcosmeceutical-grade,non-toxicskincareproducts–with transparent ingredient lists Murad’s advanced formulas do not contain parabens, sulphates, phthalates, mineral oil, formaldehyde,andanimal-derivedingredients.

Muradcarefullydevelopstheirprofessionalandskincaresolutions,includingarangeofcleansers,exfoliators,serums, moisturisers,andtreatmentregimensbystayingtruetotheiroriginalphilosophyofscience,clinicalproof,andholistic wellnesssoyoucanhaveconfidenceinhealthyskinforbothyouandyourclients


Gold-stabilised, pure L-ascorbic acid + glutathione sustains vitamin C’s activity and benefits. It has 55% higher antioxidantdefencethantraditionalVitaminC

PatentedResorcinolTechnologyexclusivetoMurad,visiblyreducestheappearanceofdarkspots,PIHandunevenskin tone


ProprietarySoothingGroundCherryextract.Anatural,plant-basedphytosteroidtreatmentthathydratestosoothe discomfort,redness,andsensitivity

EncapsulatedRetinal.Aproprietarypharmaceutical-inspiredencapsulatedretinalenhancesstabilityanddelivery, providingatargeteddeliverydeepwithintheskin’ssurface,allowingfor25xmoreeffectiveness(v’sfreeretinal)–whilebeinggentleontheskin.



Hyaluronicacidisthebody’snaturalhydratorthatimprovestheskin’sabilitytoattractand retainwaterforlong-lasting,deephydration


Prebiotichydratingsugarspromotetheenrichmentofgoodbacteria,reinforcingand helpingtoboosttheskin'snaturalhydrationreservesforasmooth,healthybarrier


VitaminssuchasvitaminsA–Fprovideamyriadofskin-improvingbenefits,including boostingskinbrightness,tone,andtextureforenhancedradiance.








Providesgentleexfoliation,helpsrevealsofter,smootherskin,andencouragescell turnover.




Improvestheappearanceoffinelinesandwrinklesasitboostsskinfirmness,evensskin tone,&enhancesradiance.




Elevate YOURSALONWITH ABIC SafeSkin™ Certification

As dedicated professionals, we know that providing exceptional services goes hand-in-hand with ensuring the highest standards of safety for our clients, so we want to share with you an initiative that is set to elevate our industry: ABIC SafeSkin™ Certification.

If you make the decision to become a certified ABIC SafeSkin™ clinic, salon, spa, or professional it signifies to the industry and your clients, your commitment to excellence and safety!

What’s in it for me you ask, well strap in because the list is long!


Let’sstartwithRegulatoryCompliance.Ensuringyourbusinessandservicescomplywithnationalsafety regulations is crucial in minimising legal risks. ABIC SafeSkin™ Certification helps you meet all regulatory standards, providing you peace of mind and protecting your business from potential legal issues. It’s a significant step towards ensuring that your operations are not only effective but also compliantwiththehighestlegalandsafetystandards.


Boostingconsumertrustisessentialforanysuccessfulbusiness.DisplayingtheABICSafeSkin™ decal instantlysignalsyourcommitmenttosafetyandexcellence,makingyourclientsfeelmoreconfidentand secure in choosing your services. In today’s competitive market, this level of trust can set you apart, makingyourbusinessago-todestinationforclientsseekingreliableandsafebeautyservices.


Clients want assurance that they are in safe hands By meeting the highest safety standards, you can provide your customers with the confidence that their well-being is your top priority. This not only enhancesclientsatisfactionbutalsofosterslong-termloyaltyandrepeatbusiness.Clientswhofeelsafe aremorelikelytoreturnandrecommendyourservicestoothers


Let’sfaceit,thebeautyandaestheticindustryisconstantlyevolving,andthatwillnotslowdownany timesoon!Sostayinginformedaboutthelatestsafetyregulationscanbechallenging.ABICSafeSkin™ Certification ensures that you remain compliant with these changes, keeping your business at the forefrontofindustrystandards Bystayingaheadofregulatoryupdates,youcanavoidcomplianceissues andmaintainasmoothoperationalflow.


One of the standout features of ABIC SafeSkin™ Certification is its streamlined certification process. Getting started is quick and efficient, thanks to the user-friendly interface that makes managing your certification assessment a breeze. The platform is designed to be straightforwardandintuitive,allowingyoutoeasilytrackyourprogress andmanageyourcertificationdocuments.


Theprocessisdesignedforquickaccesstoyourdashboard,ensuringthat youcanstartyourcertificationassessmentquicklyandefficiently With anintroductorywebinarincluded,you’llbeupandrunninginjustafew simplesteps,savingyouvaluabletimeandresources


Navigatingthecertificationplatformisstraightforwardandintuitive You can easily track your progress, and every feature is designed to be accessible and simple to use This eliminates the usual complexities of certification management, allowing you to focus on what you do best providingexcellenttreatmentsandservices


The certification assessment is designed to cater to all beauty and aestheticbusinesses,frombeautyservicestoadvancedmedicalaesthetics. Thisflexibilityallowsyoutobypassanymodulesthatarenotrelevantto your specific operations, ensuring a streamlined and efficient process tailoredpreciselytoyourneeds


Whetheryouareabeautysalon,aspa,oramedicalaestheticsclinic,our platform provides the flexibility and scope required to support your unique business model. The customisable nature of the certification processensuresthatitisrelevantandpracticalforyourspecificservices


Achieving ABIC SafeSkin™ Certification elevates salons and clinics to a distinguished status within the beauty and aesthetic industry. By prioritising safety, excellence, and compliance, certified clinics not only attractnewclientsbutalsoinspireconfidenceandtrustamongexisting clientele


This standard option is perfect for clinics and sole traders seeking a streamlinedapproachtoobtainingtheirSafeSkin™Certification Utilising your dashboard and the ABIC resource library, this option provides an efficientwaytovalidateyourdocumentsandexpediteyourassessment Participants should be prepared to provide additional documentation if auditedduringtheircertificationyear,priortorenewal


Our Guided Certification goes a step further by offering comprehensive support throughout the certification process. This package includes a wealth of additional tools and preloaded resources to simplify and enhance the assessment experience. Ideal for both clinics and sole traders, this option ensures you have everything you need to succeed, fromexpertguidancetodetailedinstructionalmaterials


ABIC members enjoy exclusive discounted pricing on SafeSkin™ Certification, providing significant value and savings. For members certifying multiple clinic locations, there are additionaldiscountsavailable.


ABIC Clinic, Management, and Professional members receive exclusive member pricing Multi-clinic discounts are also offered, with a 50% discount on certification for each additionalclinic.

Standard Certification: $499 for members, $24950foreachadditionalclinic

Guided Certification: $899 for members, $44950foreachadditionalclinic


Certification is available at a regular price, with the option to join ABIC for member pricingandadditionalbenefits

Standard Certification: $599 for nonmembers.

By becoming an ABIC member, you can take advantage of these discounts and additional benefits that come with membership, includingaccesstoacomprehensiveresource library and full-time support from ABIC’s HR Advisoryteam


The ABIC SafeSkin™ Certification process is supported by a range of resources and tools to help you achieve and maintain compliance Keyfeaturesinclude:


YourABICMembershipPortalisacomprehensiveplatformdesignedtostreamlinethecertificationprocesswithfeaturesand tools for ongoing support This includes access to your certification dashboard, where you can upload and manage your documentsefficiently.


The Certification Dashboard helps you stay organised and up-to-date with minimal effort For those opting for guided certification,thedashboardincludesallresourcetemplatesneededtocompleteyourcertification,pre-loadedforquickaccess ABICResourceLibrary

Don’thaveallthenecessarydocumentstocompleteyourcertification?TheABICResourceLibraryhasyoucovered,providing access to SafeSkin™ Certification resources to assist you every step of the way Access to resources is determined by your membershiptier.


Your dashboard features an introductory webinar that provides a comprehensive overview of the SafeSkin™ certification process,itsbenefits,andtipsonhowtonavigateyourdashboardeffectively.Additionally,weeklyonlineinformationsessions viaZoomconnectyouwithABICfacilitatorswhoareavailabletoansweryourquestionsandhelptroubleshootanyissuesyou maybefacing.


For those opting for guided certification, enjoy an additional 2 hours of personalised guidance with an ABIC facilitator via phoneandemailconsultation Virtualwalk-throughsarealsoconductedremotelyforeaseandconvenience


YourbusinesswillbefeaturedontheABICSafeSkin™Directory,increasingvisibilityandcredibility withintheindustry Potentialclientsandpartnerscaneasilyfindandtrustyourcertifiedservices


Guided certification includes special mentions across the ABIC network, social media channels, emailnewsletters,andtheABICJournal,furtherenhancingyourbusiness’svisibilityandreputation.


Oncecertified,youwillreceiveyourSafeSkin™CertifiedDecalforthecompletedyear,showcasing your commitment to safety and excellence This decal can be proudly displayed on your digital platforms,signallingtoclientsandpartnersthatyoumeetthehighestindustrystandards.


Asprofessionals,itisourresponsibilitytoleadbyexampleandsetthestandardsforourindustry. ABICSafeSkin™Certificationprovidesuswiththetoolsandknowledgetodojustthat.Itisaplatform forself-regulationandthefirststepinsettingourownindustrystandards

Weencourageyoutotakethissteptowardsexcellence.VisittheABICSafeSkin™Certificationpage, enrol in the program, and join the growing community of certified professionals committed to elevatingourindustry.Together,wecancreateasafer,moretrusted,andhighlyesteemedbeauty industry

We cannot wait for the future, where every salon and clinic proudly displays their SafeSkin™ Certification,settingthebarhighandleadingthewayinclientsafetyandprofessionalexcellence JointheSafeSkin™ movementtodayandbepartofthechangewewishtoseeinourindustry!


Dermalist is a premium Australian designed and made skincare brand While a small range – the luxuriousproductsarepotent,withastrongfocusonreducinginflammationintheskin

Dermalistproductsfocusonaddressingcommonskinconcernsincludingthesignsofageing,redness, pigmentation, and acne. Formulated in Australia by Founder Stefanie Milla, a dermal expert and formulator with 24 years of extensive industry experience and her team of formulators, Dermal CliniciansandCosmeticDoctors,withmorethan80years’combinedexperienceinthedermalindustry, theDermalistskincarerangeisunlikeanyIhaveevertried.Itishighlyeffective,andideallycreatedfor contemporary,stream-linedliving.


The first thing you notice – and others do, as I discovered – is the branding and packaging The contemporaryDermalistproductslookedelegantastheylinedasharedbathroomvanity.

Skincarecompaniesutilisepackagingtocommunicatetheiruniquevalueproposition totheircustomers–andinthis,Dermalistdeliversinspades.

Travelling with only three Dermalist skincare products, each was sleekly sealed in attractive black, minimalistpackaging,unlikemyusualarrayofmanymismatchedskincareproductsthatcontainjust one or two active ingredients - Each of the three Dermalist skincare products in my personal range containaplethoraofpowerfulactiveingredientsthatworktogethertodeliverrealresultsmuchfaster thantraditionalskincare,removingtheneedtouse,ortravelwithawiderangeofproducts.


Dermalist skincare products contain the most advanced, clinically proven ingredients from leading laboratoriesglobally.Whilehighlyconcentrated,eachproducthasbeenexpertlybalancedtoeliminate downtimeandthelikelihoodofaninitialbreakoutorinflammation Thesophisticated,multi-functional cosmeceuticalsrevealandrestorenaturalbeauty,createundeniableradiancewhileatthesametime, respectingtheskin'sintegrity.

Atthecutting-edgeofdermalscience,Dermalistproductscontainthemostadvanced,clinicallyproven ingredientsthataredelivereddeepintothedermisusingsophisticatedmulti-pathdeliverysystemsto provide maximum effectiveness and to treat both the appearance of, and any underlying causes of commonskinconcerns.

Withmythreechosenproducts,theUltra-HydratingLacticCleanser,Ultra-SmoothingFacialExfoliant and the AllSerum Facial Perfector my skin was as the products described. Cleansed, yet hydrated, smooth and exfoliated to perfectly absorb the AllSerum And all with three products, formulated to deliverasdesigned

Clinal Partners Profit with the High-Performing DermalistClinicalRange

Dermalist has produced a revolutionary skincare rangethathashelpedthousandsofwomenandmen facingskinconditionsincludingacne,pigmentation, aggressivesignsofprematureageingandinflamed, reddenedskin.

Specifically developed to dramatically enhance skincare in tandem with Dermalist’s clinical partners,theproductsare100%vegan,crueltyfree and made from 90% recyclable materials. These products have also been consciously developed in consultation with dermal, health and nutritional expertsforoptimalskinandholistichealth.

They contain only the highest quality, most nonirritating clinical actives, natural extracts, and preservatives - restoring natural beauty and radiance whilst respecting the skin's integrity The Clinicals Range is designed to both improve the resultsfromclinicaltreatmentswhileextendingthe benefits from the use of our cosmeceutical formulationsofAllSerumClinicalandDefyClinical.


Forvisiblyyounger,firmer,moreradiantskin,this revolutionary, concentrated all-in-one formulation targets the visible signs of ageing, dehydration, dullness,redness,pigmentation,andacne Itworks tooptimisetheskin’soverallappearance,reducing porevisibilitywhilstactivelyprotectingagainstthe damagingeffectsofinfraredlightandpollution

AllSerum Clinical is scientifically formulated for every skin type, it contains 17 specialised active ingredients including to deliver beautifully luminous, relaxed, radiant skin This product is a professionalstrengthformula.


For clearer, vibrant, and more youthful skin, Defy Clinical is a powerful anti-ageing treatment targeting the appearance of ageing, fine lines, wrinkles and loss of firmness and encourages collagen production whilst brightening and nourishingtheskin.

DefyClinicalcontainsCelluCap®VitaminA,adirect releaseandnaturallyencapsulatedRetinoltogether with clinically proven anti-ageing peptides to prevent and reverse visible signs of premature ageing caused by UV rays, pollution, and environmental aggressors This is a professional strength formula and is only to be prescribed by a qualifiedpractitioner.


As CEO of the Aesthetic and Beauty Industry Council, I am honored to be appointed to the Service and Creative Skills Australia (SaCSA) Strategic Workforce Advisory Group (SWAG)forEducationReform.Thisinitiativeisacrucialstep towards transforming the educational landscape of our beauty,dermal,andaestheticindustries.


TheestablishmentofSWAGmarksasignificantchangefrom theprevioussystemmanagedbySkillsEquip.

SWAG is a dedicated group of industry experts brought together to provide strategic guidance, insights, and recommendationsonworkforce-relatedmatters.Thegoalis to ensure that our training and educational pathways are robust,relevant,andfuture-proof.


SWAGs play a critical role in shaping the workforce in severalways


Identifying and responding to current and emerging workforce challenges This includes anticipating future trendsandensuringourtrainingprogramsarealignedwith thesedevelopments


Creatingresponsiveandflexibletrainingproductsthatmeet industry standards This process includes piloting new training modules and refining existing ones based on feedbackfromstakeholders


Partnering with training providers and em monitortheimpactoftrainingprograms.Thise theeducationdeliveredispractical,relevant,an inmeetingtheneedsoftheindustry.


Servingasarepositoryofintelligenceonworkf providing strategic advice on skills needs, and for policies that support the industry's g sustainability


The importance of getting our education co diplomasrightcannotbeoverstated.Thelastre DiplomaofBeautyTherapyservesasastarkrem consequencesofoversight.

Thecontroversialinclusionoftheelectricnailfile units of the Beauty Therapy Diploma - a tool t used by Nail Artists (Technicians) on acrylic extensionsornailenhancementsandmostdefi used by Beauty Therapists on natural nails widespread debate and backlash from professionalsandeducationprovidersalike.

This misstep cost education providers and stu adaptingtheirfacilitiesandprogramstosideste and has highlighted the need for a more inf consultativeapproachtocurriculumdevelopmen

“Theimportanceofgettingour educationcoursesanddiplomas rightcannotbeoverstated.The lastreviewoftheDiplomaof BeautyTherapyservesasa starkreminderofthe consequencesofoversight...

Thecontroversialinclusionof theelectricnailfileinthecore unitsoftheBeautyTherapy Diploma...sparkedwidespread debateandbacklash...

Thismisstepcosteducation providersandstudentsalike”


SWAG’s mission is to prevent such missteps by ensuring that every aspect of our educational framework is meticulouslycraftedandcontinuouslyupdatedtoreflectindustryneeds Thecommittee'sworkinvolves:




Offering recommendations on career and educational pathways, opportunities, and priorities to ensure the sectorremainsrobustandcompetitive.


Makingsureallstatesandterritoriesarerepresentedtocaptureacomprehensiveviewoftheindustry'sneeds andchallenges.


The beauty and aesthetic industry is evolving rapidly Technological advancements, changing consumer preferences,andnewhealthandsafetyregulationsmeanthatoureducationandtrainingsystemsmustbeagile andforward-thinking Gettingeducationreformrightisnotjustaboutavoidingpastmistakes;it’saboutsetting asolidfoundationforthefuture.

Wheneducationalignswithindustryneeds,itempowersprofessionalswiththeskillsandknowledgetheyneed toexcel Itdrivesinnovation,enhancesservicequality,andultimatelybenefitstheendconsumerswhotrustus withtheirbeautyandwellnessneeds.


As we embark on this journey, the participation and support of industry professionals are invaluable. Your insights,experiences,andfeedbackarecrucialinshapingatrainingframeworkthatisnotonlycomprehensive butalsoadaptabletotheever-changinglandscapeofourindustry

IurgeyoutoengagewithABICandjoinourEducationCommitteewhodirectlyparticipateandgivefeedbackon SWAG’sinitiatives.

Shareyourthoughts,andcontributetothedialoguethatwillshapethefutureofourindustry Together,wecan ensurethatourtrainingandeducationalpathwaysareexemplary,fosteringanewgenerationofskilledand knowledgeablebeautyprofessionals

This is a moment of great potential Let’s seize it together and create a brighter, more robust future for the beautyandaestheticindustry.

Formoreinformationandtogetinvolved,visittheABICwebsiteandjointheconversationabouthowwecan collectivelyenhanceourindustry

German Beauty Tech

Taking the world by storm, GESKE German Beauty Tech combines consumer tech products and dermatologist insights, reinventing what personal skincare looks like and offering professional solutions for holistic at-home skincare sessions to ever yone.

All GESKE devices are supported by an unprecedented 15-year guarantee, reflecting the commitment to both quality and sustainability in product design and functionality. Paris Hilton, the iconic Hollywood beauty and entrepreneur, has joined the ranks of A-listers endorsing GESKE. Paris’ endorsement adds even more star power to GESKE’s already impressive line-up of celebrity supporters, which includes FRIENDS star Courtney Cox, TikTok superstar Charli D’Amelio, Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev, Victoria’s Secret Model Romee Strijd and Megan Fox.

MicroCurrent Face-Lift Pen 6 in 1


& Cool Eye Energizer 6 in 1

Facial Brush 4 in 1
Hello Kitty - Facial Brush 3 in 1
Sonic Facial & Body Roller 4 in 1
Sonic Facial Brush 5 in 1
NEW Sonic LED FullBody Brush & Intensive Exfoliator - 9 in 1
NEW Skin Firming Wand - 7 in 1
Sonic Warm & Cool Mask 9 in 1
New Aqua-Steam Face Cleanser 8 in 1
MultiCurrent Face Lister 6 in 1
Sonic Thermo Facial Brush 6 in 1
Sonic Thermo Facial Brush 6 in 1
NEW Sonic Thermo Facial Brush & Face-Lifter - 8 In 1
Scrubber & Blackhead Remover 9 in 1


ELEVATING through compassion & community

Itisaninterestingtimetobealive;whereoncerelationships,connectionsandtheirimpactsreliedon face-to-face communication, today so much “happens” behind the scenes, on social platforms and forums. It goes without saying faceless connections give some people the courage to say things they wouldnotnecessarilysaytosomeone’sfaceandsadlymanyoftheseconversationsareimpactingthe mentalhealthofmany,both“victimsandobservers”.

Like most things, social media has two faces, on one hand it can initiate and enhance beautiful connections and strong community, support a sense of belonging and increase self-esteem, yet on the otheritcancreateintensestress,feelingsofnotbeingenough,sadness,unhappinesswithlifestyle,body dissatisfaction,FOMO(fearofmissingout)andisolation.

Sadly,inrecentmonths,ourownindustryhasexposeditsownuglysideandinmytravelsIamsaddened to hear stories from both people that have been bullied (victims) and those that witness (observers) disappointing interactions and conversations that lead to a feeling of disappointment and discouragement

Theindustryisallforpostingquotesandmakingcommentslike,raisingeachotherup,thesisterhood and straightening each other’s crown however this is not always the way interactions play out, and certainlynotoflate.

Asanindustry,weeachhavearesponsibilitytolookoutforeachother.Sure,wedonotallneedtolove each other, share meals and weekends together, but we do all need to ensure that our community is strongandsupportiveandthatultimately,wehaveeachother’sback Ourindustryneedstobeelevated tonotonlysupportourgrowthbuttosecureourfutureandifwearetobeanindustrythatisenticingto newcomers(andcomfortingtotherestofus),weallneedtothinktwicebeforewecomment,letalone judge.

Words by Maria Cocciolone ABIC Councillor


Thinkbeforeyouspeak.Itdoesnotmatterhowconfident,strong,andindependentpeoplecome across;weareallmadeoutofthesame“stuff.”Weallhaveatolerancepoint,weallhurt,ifyoucut us, we all bleed, and eventually we all break. It is important to show empathy and understand everyoneisgoingthroughsomethingandyourcommentmayjustbetheonethattakessomeone overtheedge

Doyourhomework!Wereadapost,welistentoavideoandbeforeweknowit,wecomment, withoutthinkingorquestioningisthereachancethisinformationisnotentirelycorrect.Think innocent,unlessprovenguiltyhere.Anegativejudgement-commentcoulddamageaperson’sor businesses reputation, let alone risk a person’s mental health. If there is a chance that you are commentingonsomethingthatmaynotbefactual,refrainfromjudgingandaddingtothenoise.

Asktherightquestions Donotbelieveeverythingyouhear Ifitisimportanttoyou,gotothe sourceoftheissue,asktherightpersontherightquestions.Ifitsoundscrazy,ifitdoesnotsound rightorhardtobelieve,chancesareitmaynotbe.Checkthefactswiththepeopleinvolvedbefore youpassjudgment.

Ifyouarecallingoutanindividualoracompany,besuretoonlysharefacts.Ifyourcommentsare trueandfair,youmayconsidercallingtheindividualbeforegoingpublicwithyourcomments. We are all human; we all make mistakes Giving people the benefit of the doubt in the first instanceistherightthingtodo Ifyourfactsare100%correct“then”youhavechoices

Talktotherightpeople.RecentlyIhaveseenpostscallingoutsuppliers.Asan“observer”itis concerningtowatchpotentiallydefamingcommentsbeingmadeina“public”place,puttingboth partiesatrisk.Onoccasion,ifwarranted,IwillliaisewiththeABICteamtomediateadiscussion between both parties, provide support, guidance, seek to understand the issue and facilitate a solution It’s important we don’t sit and watch potential damage unfold without questioning it withtherightpeople.

Checkinonthepeopleconcerned.Ifyouarefeelingsomeone’spain,sendthemamessageandlet themknowtheyarenotalone.Thesemessagesmaybetheonesthatkeeppeoplestrongandhelp themcope.

Berespectful Ifyouwouldnotsaysomethingtosomeone’sfacedonotwriteitandifyoucan’tbe nice,simplyscrollon.Sometimesathreadsaysmoreaboutpeoplecommentingthantheoriginal postorposter.

TheProfessionalBeauty&Aestheticindustryfacetofaceisaspecialplace;peopleyoumeetare mostly likeminded, generous with their support and knowledge and willing to build a special connectionandcommunity,wenowneedtotransferthesefeelstothedigitalworldandthegroup chats,thenandonlythencanwebeproudofthisincredibleindustrywegettoenjoyeveryday


Cardpaymentshaveemergedasanon-negotiablefor anybusinessintheevolvinglandscapeofthebeauty industry. Powering the way clients pay for treatments, we are in a world where cash is diminishing,andcardpaymentsaretakingcontrolof thewheel.

RecentresearchbytheRBAshowsthatoverthepast year,threequartersofallconsumertransactionsare now card payments, with a particularly rapid increase in digital wallet usage. The increase in contactless transactions and, thus, the rise in subsequent merchant transaction fees now affects businesses’bottomlinemorethanever

However,manybusinessownersareunawarethey couldbegettingabetterdealontheirEFTPOS,and thattheydon’tneedtogototheirbanksforalltheir businessfinanceneeds Therearemanyindependent providersinthemarketforservices,suchasEFTPOS, whocansavethemmoneyonfees.Especiallywhen firstsettingupanewbusiness,ownersoftendefault to the banks ‘bundles’ rather than exploring alternative (and, in most cases, much cheaper) options

So, what are the benefits of choosing a specialist EFTPOSprovideroverabank?Herearesomethings toconsider.


It is extremely easy to switch providers, but salon business owners worry that doing so will cause downtime, particularly during peak periods At Smartpay,wehaveaquickapplicationprocessanda dedicatedrepresentativewithyoueverystepofthe way, making the process simple. Why? Because EFTPOSshouldbeeasy.Manybanksarealsolikelyto askyoutosignupwithaminimumcontractperiod, whichyou’relockedintoregardlessofyourbusiness needs,solookforaproviderlikeSmartpaywithno lock-incontracts

beimpossibletopredict.WhenitcomestoEFTPOS fees,whynotwipethemoutentirely?

SmartpayoffersaZeroCost™EFTPOSsolution*that allowsyoutokeepeverydollarofyoursalebyadding aminimalsurcharge.


SwitchingtoaspecialistEFTPOSprovidernotonly savesyouonmerchantfees,butyoualsoknowyou areatoppriorityclient,giventheircorefocuson EFTPOS.Thegoalistomakeacceptingcardpayments aseasyaspossiblesoyoucangetonwiththemain thing:runningyoursalonbusinessandfocusingon creatingmemorablecustomerexperiencestoensure repeatbusiness


Businesses within the beauty industry know that greatcustomerserviceisimperative.Therefore,you needanEFTPOSpartnerthatistheretohelp,24/7, 365daysayear,matchingthatservicenomatter what time you open or close Most banks and incumbentscan’tofferpersonalisedservicetoevery customer.Unliketheirgenericcallcentres,whereit becomesa‘battleofthefinancialproduct’withthe waittimetomatch,whenyouswitchtoaspecialist provider,you’recallingaspecialistteamthatonly dealswithoneservicetype SmartpayhasatransTasmancustomerserviceteamalwaysavailableto help with queries, focusing only on your EFTPOS needs.Easy!

Astheindustryevolves,wecanexpectevenmore innovationsincardpaymentsolutionsforthebeauty industry,makingexperienceseasierforconsumers butpotentiallymoreexpensiveforbusinesses.So,if you’rerunningabusiness,keepyourbusinessbank andchangeyourEFTPOSfacilitytoreapthesavings; allowingyourbusinesstogrowatatimewhenyour bottom line is most critical It’s time to put your EFTPOS bill back into your beauty business by switchingtoaspecialistprovider.

GiveyourEFTPOSbillaglow-up!Wipeawayyour feeswithSmartpay,theEFTPOSspecialists

AreyouanABICmember?Takeadvantageofour $500cashbackifyoumaketheswitchtoSmartpay.

*MinimumturnoverandT&Csapply CashbackisavailabletonewSmartpaymerchantsonly

Our Industry’s Strength is Shaped by our Relationships Beauty Bonds

OurtruestrengthintheProfessionalBeautyandAestheticIndustrylies intherelationshipswebuild Theseconnectionsformthebackboneof our growth as leaders and demonstrate that together, we can achieve morethanweevercouldalone

By connecting with a diverse range of individuals, we expand our thinkingandgaininsightsintoperspectivesandscenariosthatmaybe unfamiliartous Thisbroadenedunderstandingfostersstronger,more empathetic leadership, enhancing our ability to navigate complex situationsandleadourteamseffectively Suchrelationshipsenrichour professionallivesandstrengthenourinfluenceasanindustryatlarge, invitingspaceforamoreinclusiveandunderstandingenvironment

Thefoundationofanyindustryrelationshipstartswiththecourageto reach out, engage, and embrace the notion that we are stronger together Eachconnectionweforgeopensupnewavenuesforlearning andgrowth It’snotmerelyaboutexpandingourprofessionalnetwork but also deepening the quality of our interactions that enrich our personalandprofessionallives

In any relationship, trust is crucial Building trust means creating a network where your authenticity and professionalism are known and respected Thisisachievedthroughgenuineinteractionswherewegive asmuchaswereceive–shareyourskillsandknowledge,offersupport, andbeadependableresource

Yet, the path of a beauty professional can sometimes feel isolating I know first-hand the overwhelm that can come from owningabusiness,managingasalon,navigatingteamdynamics,andenduringlongdaysinthetreatmentroom,especiallyin ruralcommunitieslikemine Itcanbedauntingwhenfacedalone,butthat’swhereourcommunity’scollectivestrengthshines becausebusinessownersneedtheirownsupportteamtoo,ensuringtheycanshowupastheirbestselveseachday.

Thisisthecornerstoneofrelationshipsinourindustry-connectingwithotherswhohavewalkedsimilarpathsallowsusto sharestrategiesandconnectthroughinnateunderstanding,makingthejourneylesslonelyandkeepingusalignedwithour purposeandvalues.

Industry organisations like ABIC play a crucial role in this narrative They knit together individuals from all walks of the beautyandaestheticindustry,fosteringonlineandin-personenvironmentswherepeoplecanfindotherswho‘speaktheir language’,understandtheirchallenges,andcelebratetheirvictories Theseplatformsarenotjustaboutbusinessdevelopment butarelifelinesthatconnecttherapisttotherapist,ownertoowner,andsometimes,onamorepersonallevel,fromoneparent toanother

By attending workshops and conferences and playing an active role in industry communities like ABIC’s, we not only stay abreastofthelatestinnovationsbutalsofindourplacewithinacommunityeagertouplifteachother.Theseeventsaremore thaneducationalforums;theyarereunionsoflike-mindedindividualswhereeveryhandshakeandexchangedsmilehasthe potentialtoturnintoalifelongprofessionalrelationshiporacherishedfriendship.

Inanindustrythatthrivesonbeauty,thetruestformwestriveforisthebeautyoflastingrelationships.Thesebondsareour mostcherishedassets-theymakeusresilientintimesofchallengeandjoyfulintimesofsuccess Aswecontinuetoweave theseconnections,wereinforcetheveryfabricoftheProfessionalBeautyIndustry.Letuscontinuetoreachout,build,and strengthenthesebonds,fortogether,weareindeedmorepowerfulthanwecouldeverbealone

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TOP-TECH trends

with Renee Ellis, Medical Aesthetic Equipment Specialist at The Global Beauty Group

We sat down with medi-aesthetic specialist and cosmetic industry veteran Renee Ellis to discuss the latest trends in the medical technology space, and why more clinics and practices are taking advantage of the boom in cosmetic services from qualified medical practitioners

Renee, with her extensive background in Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, and Advanced Wound Care, brings over 15 years of experience in supporting businesses to thrive in the medical device industry. She is passionate about connecting practitioners with the latest technological advancements to enhance their ability to deliver superior clinical outcomes for their patients

Embracing the Cosmetic Services Boom

In 2024, the cosmetic services industry is experiencing an unprecedented boom with a predicted compound annual growth rate of 14 9% This boom has been driven by advancements in technology, along with shifting societal norms towards self-care and personal enhancement When asked to shed light on the exciting trends shaping this burgeoning sector, Renee observes "consumer drive to look and feel our best has never been higher Non-surgical cosmetic services have rapidly exploded over the past 24 months to an all-time high – as has the revenue potential for forwardthinking clinics taking advantages of shifting consumer demands".

But where is demand coming from? According to Renee, “social media is playing a role with ‘beauty filter culture’ altering expectations for real life aesthetics We’re also seeing a shift with the ‘skinminimalism’ and ‘clean beauty’ movements towards technology enhanced results that make looking good feel effortless; think naturally glowing, rejuvenated skin replacing contoured makeup and RF tightened abdomens replacing shapewear”

Another factor Renee attributes this remarkable surge in growth to are technological advancements that offer "quick, yet impactful treatments with minimal downtime”, underscoring a pivot towards treatment solutions tailored to the modern patient's desire for efficiency and effectiveness

“The technology today”, Renee emphasises, “is safer, more effective, and less invasive for clients than ever before Leveraging cutting-edge equipment and techniques, practitioners can deliver impressive results while minimising both recovery time and discomfort for their patients”

With minimal downtime and impressive results, these non-surgical alternatives are attracting a diverse clientele eager to enhance their appearance without resorting to undergoing more invasive procedures

Comprehensive Support for Success

Renee champions beauty wholesaler The Global Beauty Group's role in equipping clinics with cutting-edge technology, however for medical professionals looking to succeed, industry-leading devices are just the start. Underlining the necessity of a support system, Renee stresses, "it's not just about the technology - training and ongoing clinical and technical support is vital when launching non-surgical treatments into clinics As is the case for a lot of business owners, they won’t necessarily be conducting all of the treatments themselves, so it’s essential that all team members have access to a reliable partner to answer any questions that come up during a procedure.

Along with medical-grade industry certifications (including ARTG listing by the TGA, Medical CE certification plus ISO Standard), Renee loves that The Global Beauty Group Australian-owned range of technology delivers forward-thinking treatment innovations and unrivalled clinical results, backed by award-winning education, marketing and service support. “Rapid response technical and clinical support, available 7 days a week from The Global Beauty Group, is essential to ensuring you and your team can treat with confidence. Comprehensive marketing resources, along with both online and face-to-face education programs, ensure businesses of all levels experience the best the industry has to offer and are set up to succeed with their new technology”.

Technological Advancements in Medi-Aesthetics

When discussing the latest trends in the industry, Renee says “we have definitely seen increased demand for quick, non-surgical body contouring solutions that medicalgrade fat reduction machines such as the Reborn and Thuzzle deliver, as they utilise Power LED and RF to offer a safer form of non-invasive fat reduction when compared to other technology on the market such as such as cryolipolysis”

Developed by Israeli based LightFective, the awardwinning ReBorn device is a personal favourite of Renee’s, showcasing innovative, forward-thinking engineering and delivering clinically proven, medical-grade, permanent non-surgical fat reduction As a safer alternative to cyrolipolysis, the ReBorn uses innovative Power LED technology to provide cutting edge treatment results for patients and practitioners alike “Thanks to this new type of light source, which is hundreds of times more powerful than normal LED’s the ReBorn can emit power of up to 200w to achieve optimal and more even and homogenous heat absorption when targeting fat cells. This, coupled along with the largest treatment applicators on the market, ensure consistent energy distribution for unrivalled clinical results.”

Renee also notes, “ReBorn is unique in that provides clinics a quick, hands-off treatment with no consumables and is able to achieve targeted reduction of both adipose tissue and fat cells for a safe, easy & comfortable resultsdriven alternative to liposuction”

Meanwhile, the Italian engineered Thuzzle tops Renee’s list for treatment versatility, offering forward-thinking business owners the ability to deliver medi-aesthetics highest revenue and most in-demand services with 4 innovative treatment applications in one machine “Thuzzle offers clinics a competitive advantage by targeting both the face and body, and also combining lipolysis targeted fat-reduction with radio frequency skin tightening modalities including skin retraction and neocollagenesis plus skin resurfacing and lifting”.

Highlighting the unique features that Thuzzle brings to the table, Renee emphasises, "What sets this technology apart is its versatility” Thanks to treatment-specific handpieces designed to precisely target areas of concern (including double chins and underarms), “Thuzzle is able to achieve outstanding results in a quarter of the time compared to traditional ultrasound treatments”. In an industry-first, Thuzzle treatments utilise 4 Radio Frequency (RF) wavelengths of energy interlinked and controlled at 4 different depths to induce the most effective heat field possible for high-performance, superior treatment results.

Spotlight on Industry Trends and Opportunities

When asked if she thought there were any missed opportunities for medical practitioners focusing on delivering cosmetic and aesthetic treatments currently, Renee said “recent data has showed that surgical procedures were down by 12% while aesthetic procedures showed a remarkable 14% increase in total, largely attributed to the soaring popularity of nonsurgical procedures, which jumped 23% in the past year”

Meanwhile, the global aesthetic medicine market size was valued at a whopping USD 127 11 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14 9% from 2024 to 2030 with the Asia Pacific market anticipated to register the highest growth during that time.

Driven by advancements in technology, an increasing consumer demand for minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, and a growing emphasis on self-care and personal well-being, Renee feels that “all of these factors, along with the significant growth that the medical aesthetics industry is poised for, allow for huge opportunities for businesses going forward”

Challenges Facing the Industry

When asked about the challenges businesses can face, Renee believes that “due to the ever-growing and evolving medical aesthetic industry, it is vital for businesses to stay up to date on technology advancements in order to remain competitive”

Proper training is crucial for staff to operate mediaesthetic equipment both safely and effectively, and business owners need to consider the level of support that comes with a new device to ensure their employees are both knowledgeable about the technology and its applications and can effectively market treatments to potential clientele.

How Medi-Aesthetic Technology Helps Businesses Stay Ahead

As for the advantages, incorporating medi-aesthetic technology gives a competitive edge to medical practices in today's market thanks to the following:

Increased profits by performing high-revenue, in-demand services

Attraction of new customers thanks to fast, yet effective treatment outcomes with advanced, clinically backed technology

Ability to diversify revenue sources with nurses and dermal therapist practitioners performing the non-surgical work

Enhanced client satisfaction and loyalty

On-going repeat business and improved customer retention

Minimally invasive treatment options for clients of all ages with less down-time than traditional surgical interventions

Capacity to treat multiple areas of concern for both face and body

Navigating the Future of Medi-Aesthetic Practices

"The future is bright for clinics ready to invest in the latest technologies and support systems," Renee concludes With over 25 different types of technology available at The Global Beauty Group, Renee is thrilled to be able to offer clients a wide array of fast yet effective medical-grade treatment solutions and looks forward to helping match practitioners with the best possible technology for their business.

For clinics aiming to elevate their practice with the latest in medi-aesthetic technology, Renee offers a roadmap to success with tailored consultations to help practitioners confidently and successfully navigate the complexities of the ever-evolving landscape that is the medical aesthetics industry.

Are ready to take your business to the next level? Call 0451 430 032 to discuss your goals with Renee and let her guide you to the perfect technology for your business, or book your free in-person or video call consult here

Revenue is Ego Profit is King:

Profit-Boosting Techniques to Elevate Your Skin and Beauty Salon Business

I'veencounteredcountlesssalonownerswhoarelaser-focusedonincreasingturnover.Whileboostingturnoveris undoubtedlyimportant,it'scrucialtorememberthatrevenuealonedoesn'tdeterminethesuccessofyourbusiness.


Words by Helen Golisano ABIC Councillor


Thefirststeptoboostingprofitishavingaclearunderstandingofyourfinancials Thismeans morethanjustknowingyourturnover;youneedtounderstandyourexpenses,margins,and overallfinancialhealth

TrackExpensesDiligently:Regularlymonitorallyourexpenses,fromfixedcostslikerent andsalariestovariablecostslikesuppliesandutilities Identifyingareaswhereyoucan cutcostswithoutcompromisingqualityisessential Reassessandrenegotiateallexpenses at least every 12 months Wages are to be monitored every pay cycle comparing to TurnoverwithaclearfocusontheWage%-$TurnoverBusinessGoal

KnowyourBreakEven:Understandingyourbreak-evenpointiscrucialfordetermining profitabilityThebreak-evenpointiswhereyourtotalrevenueequalsyourtotalexpenses, meaningyou'reneithermakingaprofitnoraloss

Analyse Profit Margins: Different services and products have different profit margins Knowingwhichservicesbringinthehighestprofitcanhelpyoufocusyourmarketingand saleseffortsmoreeffectively Knowyourhighestprofittreatments–promotethosebefore others


Your pricing strategy can significantly impact your profitability Hereareafewtechniquestooptimiseyour pricing:

Value-Based Pricing: Set your prices based on the perceived value to the customer rather than simply marking up from cost This requires understanding yourmarketandwhatyourclientsarewillingtopay forpremiumservices

Tiered Pricing: Offer different levels of service at different price points For example, you could offer basic,deluxe,andpremiumfacials Thisallowsclients tochooseaservicelevelthatfitstheirbudgetwhile increasingyouraveragetransactionvalue

DynamicPricing:Adjustyourpricesbasedondemand Forexample,offerdiscountsduringoff-peakhoursto attract more clients during slow periods, thus maximizingyourchairoccupancy.


It'seasierandmorecosteffectivetoretainexistingclients thantoacquirenewones Anewclientcostsaprox$60to acquire in 2024 Here are ways to enhance client retention:

MembershipPrograms:Monthlymembershipsensure a steady and predictable stream of revenue This consistency helps in managing cash flow more effectively,allowingforbetterfinancialplanningand budgetingAstrongbaseofloyalmembersreducesthe needforconstantmarketingtoattractnewclientsThis can result in significant savings on advertising and promotionalexpenses

LoyaltyPrograms:Implementaloyaltyprogramthat rewardsclientsforrepeatbusiness Thiscouldbein theformofpointsthatcanberedeemedfordiscounts orfreeservices.

Personalised Services: Use your client data to personalisetheirexperience.Rememberingdetailslike their favorite treatments, birthdays, and preferences canmakeclientsfeelvaluedandmorelikelytoreturn. Regular Follow-Ups: Schedule follow-up communicationswithclientsaftertheirappointments. Whetherit'sathank-youmessage,areminderfortheir next appointment, or a special offer, regular touchpointskeepyoursalontopofmind.


Diversifyingyourservicescanattractawiderclientbase andincreaseyourrevenuestreams:

Add Complementary Services: Consider offering servicesthatcomplementyourexistingofferings.For example, if you specialize in skincare, adding services like massage or wellness treatments can attractmoreclients.

Upsell and Cross-Sell: Train your staff to upsell premiumservicesandcross-sellrelatedproducts.For instance,ifaclientcomesinforafacial,yourstaff shouldrecommendhomecarethatcomplementsthe treatment.




Automate Administrative Tasks: Utilise software to automate booking, confirmations, and reminders This reduces no-shows and frees up your staff to focusonprovidingexcellentservice.

Streamline Inventory Management: Keep track of yourinventorymeticulouslytoavoidoverstockingor runningoutofproducts.Useinventorymanagement softwaretohelpyouorderjustwhatyouneed. OptimiseStaffScheduling:Ensurethatyouhavethe rightnumberofstaffscheduledbasedonpeaktimes andclientdemand.Overstaffingduringslowperiods or understaffing during busy times can hurt your profitability.


Effectivemarketingandastrongbrandcandrivemoreclientsto yoursalon,boostingbothrevenueandprofit:

LeverageSocialMedia:Usesocialmediaplatformstoshowcase yourservices,shareclienttestimonials,andengagewithyour audience.Socialmediaisacost-effectivewaytobuildyourbrand andattractnewclients

Encourage Google Reviews and Maintaining Your Google BusinessPage: EncouragingGooglereviewsandmaintaining yourGoogleBusinesspageareessentialstrategiesforenhancing your salon’s online presence, building trust and credibility, improvinglocalSEO,andengagingwithclients Theseeffortsnot only attract new clients but also help retain existing ones by showcasing your commitment to excellence and client satisfaction In an industry where reputation is paramount, leveragingthepowerofGooglereviewsandawell-maintained Google Business page can provide a significant competitive advantageanddrivethelong-termsuccessofyoursalon OfferPromotionsWisely:Whilepromotionscanattractclients, theyshouldbeusedstrategically Ensurethatanydiscountsor offersstillallowyoutomaintainahealthyprofitmargin Focus onValueAddingratherthanpercentagediscounting


Your staff is one of your most valuable assets.Investingintheirtrainingcanleadto higherclientsatisfactionandretention:

Continuous Education: Training and developmentprogramsequipourstaff withnewskillsandknowledgethatcan beappliedtotheirdailytasks Thiscan lead to increased productivity and efficiencyasemployeesbecomemore proficient in their roles For example, traininginadvancedcustomerservice techniques can lead to quicker resolution of client issues and a smootheroveralloperation CustomerServiceTraining:Exceptional customer service can set your salon apartfromthecompetition Trainyour staff to provide a welcoming and professional experience for every client

Personal Development: Regularly provide your staff with opportunities for personal development Personal developmentencouragesemployeesto think creatively and innovatively By exposingthemtonewideasandbest practicesintheindustry,wefosteran environment where staff feel empoweredtosuggestandimplement improvements This can lead to innovative services and offerings that differentiate our salon from competitorsandattractnewclients.


Finally,continuouslymonitoryourperformanceandbewillingtoadjustyour strategies:

Set KPIs: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your salon'sperformance(WeeklyorFortnightly).Thesecouldincludeclient rebookingrates,averagetransactionvalue,Turnover/Wagesforeach Therapistandprofitmargins

RegularReviews:Conductregularreviewsofyourfinancials,operations, andmarketingefforts Identifywhat’sworkingandwhat’snotandmake necessaryadjustmentsTestandmeasureregularly

Inconclusion,whilerevenuegrowthisimportant,truebusinesssuccessintheAestheticandBeautyindustrycomes from boosting profitability. By understanding your financials, optimising pricing, enhancing client retention, expandingserviceofferings,improvingoperationalefficiency,focusingonmarketing,investinginstafftraining,and continuously monitoring performance, you can elevate your business and achieve sustainable profitability. Remember,TurnoverisEgo,butProfitisKing.

withoutmeso-infusionglidesandno applicationofSPFposttreatment.

It goes without saying micro-needling has come a long way since it burst onto the scene in 1995, introducing ‘dry needling’ as a means to lessen the appearance of scars before finding its place as a skin rejuvenation treatment in 1997

Fast forward 26 years and micro-needling devices, protocols, products, training, education and renowned field expertshaverevolutionisedhowwetreatandpreventcommonskinconditionssuchasatrophicandhypertrophic scarring, hyper-pigmentation, acne, hyperkeratinisation, fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, striae and rosacea.

Globallyrecognisedasaprofoundskinrejuvenationtreatment,thetopicofmicro-needlinggeneratesever-evolving informationand,withsomanydifferentvoicescontributingtotheconversation,differingopinionsonthedo’sand don’tsofbesttreatmentpracticeandprotocol.Thoughenriching,theseconversationsleadtodivisionamongstan industrystrivingforthesameoutcomeandultimateconfusionforboththetherapist/clinicianandconsumerwho hearsdifferinginformationfromclinictoclinic Aconundrumthataddsfueltothefireforcingloyalclientstoseek answersfromdigitalskin-fluencersthroughaviralavalancheofinformationattheclickofabuttonorscrollofa video.

Thelatestconversation:thetheoryofusingnoglide,orataminimumaconductivegelonly(commonlyusedforIPL andLasertreatments),andthemind-bogglingconceptofnoSPFapplicationimmediatelypostmicro-needling.

As research and clinical studies continue to develop and progress, we simply cannot look past the evolution of the treatment and how even as early as 1997 there was the immediate application of Vitamin A, C and E (Retinyl Acetate, Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate and Tocopheryl Acetate). As new discussionemerges,it’simperativethatwerememberthesevital ingredientsweremajorcontributorstoachievingtheoutstanding clinically trialed and tested results we now so eagerly use to encourage our clients to include micro-needling in their treatmentprograms.

Today,intheprofessionalbeautyandcosmeticmedicalindustry, wearefortunatetohavethelatestandmostinnovativescience and technologies at our disposal, like that of industry leading micro-needling powerhouse DermapenWorld. Proudly used in over 76 countries, predominately in the medical arena, DermapenWorldhasbeenattheforefrontoftheindustrysince revolutionising micro-needling with the launch of the world’s firstautomatedmicro-needlingdevicein2010.

In2012,DermapenWorldturnedinnovationintoproductwhenit releasedHylaActive;thefirstmeso-infusiondesignedspecifically for Dermapen skin needling procedures From the seed of just one product grew Dp Dermaceuticals: the world’s first mesoinfusionskincarerangecontainingspecialisedformulationsthat areclinicallytrialed,testedandconfirmedassafeforusewhen performingmicro-needling.

A working collaboration of leading global research, clinical experts and product development; Dp Dermaceuticals bottles years of micro-needling advancements, fusing critical skin vitamins and minerals essential in the wound healing phase triggered by a needling treatment with its patented HylaFuse Complex to form the cornerstone of its clinical skincare innovations.

Dp’s exclusive HylaFuse Complex enhances the delivery of biologically active Hyaluronic Acid and key performance ingredients and is fortified with Vitamins A, C, E, Copper Peptides,ZincandAntioxidantseachintheircorrectformsand dosesforinfusion,deliveredpreciselytothedesiredskindepth and more readily absorbed for visibly enhanced results Achieved through laboratory manipulation and molecular weighting,HylaFuseComplextechnologyisnoteasilyreplicated nor readily available but does lead the way in breakthrough micro-needlingtreatment.

Further providing the necessity of micro-needling specific productisDpDermaceuticalsCalphasomesTechnology,basedon theprinciplesofCorneotherapy Calphasomesarederivedfrom Hydroxyapitate comprised of Calcium and Phosphate, two mineralsthatworktogethertoensurethedifferentiationofthe keratinocytes remains intact whilst repairing and healing the skin.Thebenefitsofusingthisenhanceddeliverysystemarenot onlyinthetransdermaldeliveryoftherequiredvitaminsintothe skin during needling procedures, but also in maintaining skin barrier homeostasis by increasing the synthesis of lipids thus improvingtheintegrityoftheStratumCorneum.

A wealth of advancement, innovation and world first’s encapsulated in the DermapenWorld Authorised Treatment Provider (ATP) protocol, guaranteeing flawless transdermal delivery of required ingredients in their right forms and right dosestosupporttheregenerationandrepairofthetissuewhilst alwaysrespectingtheskinsbarrier:safedeliverywithenhanced treatmentresults.


Ifconversationcancauseconfusion,thedebateabouttheapplicationofSPFimmediatelyafteraskinneedling treatmentisthequintessentialexample.Whatweknowforsureisthatmicro-needlingcausesmicrotrauma renderingtheskinextremelyvulnerabletofreeradicalattack.Whatwe’veheardisthatSPFcancausedamage toopenskinandabsorbthroughthemicrochannelspuncturedintotheskin,andasaresultskin’sshouldbesent from the clinic without broad spectrum protection against UV. Confusion causes concern, and eventually compromisedprotocolsthat,plainandsimple,arescary

Revertingtofactanddata,thelatestconclusiveresearchstates:“theuseofphysicalprotectionsunscreenafter differentmicro-needlingproceduresissafe.”

Astudytitled‘Analysisofimmediateuseofsunscreenaftermicro-needling’aimedtoinvestigatethedifferences betweenthechemicalandphysicalsunscreenapplicationmixedwithIndiainkaftermicro-needlingwhichwas assessedthroughhistologicalanalysiscarriedoutusingopticalandelectronmicroscopy

Thistwo-phasestudyanalysedtheskinreactionswiththeuseofphysicalSPFimmediatelyaftermicro-needling wherethesampleconsistedof30volunteersdistributedintothree(3)groups:G1receivedadermalroller needling treatment, G2 received a ‘pen’ micro-needling treatment and G3 received a fractional needling treatment.Thesecondphaseresultsdemonstratedthattheuseofthephysicalprotectionsunscreenafterthe different micro-needling techniques showed no adverse reactions such as itching, pain or soreness, and hyperaemia ThepigmentfromtheIndiaink(mixedwithSPFformicroscopicanalysis)showedonlyinthe superficialepidermallayerandposednoriskduetothehealingpropertiesofZincOxideandTitaniumDioxide

TheuseofphysicalSPFsaswellasmeso-infusionproductsandglidesthatholdclinicalbackingaresafeaswell asrepairingandregenerativetothetissuewhichisparamountinachievinglongtermenhancedresults.

Thegreatestlessonistoknowyourproducts,therightingredients,theirforms,dosagesandalways,always applyaphysicalSPFtoprotecttheskinfromfurtherdamageWhenindoubt,useDpDermaceuticals,theworld’s firstandmostexclusivemeso-infusionskincarerangeusedandtrustedgloballybycliniciansandmedical practitionersalike.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34080246/ PhotodermatolPhotoimmunolPhotomed 2021Nov;37(6):521-529 doi:101111/phpp12704 Epub2021Jun16


Patient Care

Inthefieldofaestheticmedicine,patientconsultationsarepivotalindeliveringexceptionalcareand achievingoptimalresults.Thetraditionalconsultationmodel,whilefunctional,oftenfailstoaddress the intricate and personalised needs of patients seeking aesthetic treatments. By elevating patient consultationsthroughacomprehensiveframework,aestheticpractitionerscanenhancepatientcare, satisfaction, and outcomes. Information to follow will explore the essential components of such a framework,emphasisingcommunication,personalisation,technologyintegration,financialsensitivity, psychologicalsensitivity,andcontinuousimprovement


Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful patient consultations in aesthetic practice. It involves not only the exchange of information but also the establishment of trust and rapport between practitioners and patients A communication-focused approach ensures thatpatientsfeelheard,understood,andvalued


1 Active Listening: This involves paying full attention to thepatient,acknowledgingtheirconcerns,andresponding thoughtfully This practice is crucial in understanding patients'aestheticgoalsandexpectations.

2. Empathy and Compassion: Demonstration of empathy and compassion can alleviate patient anxiety and foster a supportive environment. Aesthetic practitioners should consider to strive to understand the patient's perspective andexpressgenuineconcernfortheirdesiresandconcerns or apprehensions Another consideration to note is that behaviouralexpressionscansometimescomefromdeeper past experiences, hence we need to be mindful of our choice of language to avoid any triggers or emergence of trauma.

3. Clear and Concise Information: Providing clear, concise, and jargon-free information about treatment options, procedures, and potential outcomes ensures that patients are well-informed and can make educated decisions about their aesthetic care. Ensuring all informationisevidencebackedandallintricaciesaboutthe prosandcons,alternativetreatmentoptionsandpostcare arebeingdeliveredtopatient/client


Personalisation is another element for consideration in enhancing patient care. A one-size-fits-all approach is often inadequate in addressing the unique needs of each patient Personalisingconsultationsinvolvestailoringtheinteractionand care plan to the individual patient's goals, preferences, and lifestyle


1 Comprehensive Patient Histories This involves gathering detailed patient histories, including medical, psychological, dental, familial, and social backgrounds This information can enablepractitionerstoofferpersonalisedrecommendationsand treatmentplansthatalignwiththepatient'swhyandgoals

2 Patient Preferences Understanding and respecting patient preferencesregardingtreatmentoptions,desiredoutcomes,and proceduraldetailsiscrucial

3 Empoweringpatientstounderstandandmakedecisionsabout their treatment options, and assisting in planning to help them attain their desired outcomes, is our ultimate goal. We must remember that we sometimes have vulnerable people seeking servicesandourjobistonotonlybeofservice,buttoempower themontheirjourneytobeautonomousandpositive abouttheir planratherthantohaveadependencyontheclinicianandthe cliniciansplan

4 Cultural Sensitivity: Being aware of and sensitive to cultural differences can significantly improve patient interactions and outcomes Practitioners should consider cultural factors when discussing aesthetic goals and treatment plans. Although recent legislative initiatives have advocated cultural awareness, these transitions are still new in their navigation and expression for somemaystillbechallenging


The integration of technology into patient consultationscanrevolutionisethewayaestheticcare is delivered. Technology not only enhances the efficiency of consultations but also provides innovative tools for patient engagement and education.

1.Telemedicinehasbecomeanessentialtool,allowing patients to consult with practitioners remotely. This makesaestheticcaremoreaccessibleandconvenient, particularly for follow-up consultations and initial assessments. Extend this opportunity for prescreeningpatients

2 Visual Simulation Tools such as advanced imaging and simulation tools can help patients visualise potential outcomes of aesthetic procedures. This enhances their understanding and aids in setting realisticexpectations.


Financial considerations play a significant role in patient decision-making in aesthetic practice Addressing these concerns with sensitivity and transparencyiscrucialforbuildingtrustandensuring patientsatisfaction,especiallyinthecontextofglobal financial stressors. We need to consider that the patients/clientswemaythinkweknewoverthepast manyyears,mayhavechangedsincecoviddaysand may continue to change. We are not privy to one another’sinternaldialogue;henceweshouldresistthe mistakeofassuming.Skillstoassistthiscaninclude:

1 Transparent Pricing Provide clear communication onthecostsassociatedwithdifferentprocedures,both theonessuggestedforthedayandoptionalothers.Itis important to include potential future additional expenses.Thishelpspatientsmakeinformeddecisions and reduces the risk of financial misunderstandings andburden

2 FlexiblePaymentOptions Offeringflexiblepayment plans and financing options can make aesthetic treatments more accessible to a broader range of patients This flexibility can alleviate financial stress andenhancepatientsatisfaction.

3 Cost-Benefit Discussions: Engaging in open discussions about the cost-benefit aspects of various treatmentoptionshelpspatientsunderstandthevalue of their investment and choose the most suitable proceduresfortheirgoalsandbudget.

4 Acknowledging Global Financial Stressors: In light of global economic uncertainties and financial stressors, it is essential to be empathetic and adaptable. Practitioners should be aware of the broader financial landscape and how it may impact patients'abilitytoaffordaesthetictreatments,offering tailoredfinancialadviceandsupportwherepossible.


Psychological sensitivity is essential in aesthetic practice,asmanypatientsseektreatmentstoaddress deeply personal concerns Understanding and addressingthepsychologicalaspectsofaestheticcare can significantly enhance patient outcomes and satisfaction

In addition to this consideration global financial stressors can add to psychological concerns. Patients inability to afford their usual treatment / self-care treatments can further contribute to psychological distress.Someadditionalconsiderationsinclude:

1. Emotional Support: Providing emotional support throughout the consultation and treatment process helps patients feel more comfortable and confident. Practitionersshouldbeattunedtosignsofanxietyor distressandofferreassuranceandsupport

2.RealisticExpectations:Helpingpatientssetrealistic expectations about the outcomes of aesthetic procedures is crucial for their psychological wellbeing. Clear, honest communication about what can andcannotbeachievedhelpspreventdisappointment andpromotessatisfaction.

3 Post-TreatmentCare:Offeringrobustpost-treatment support,includingfollow-upconsultationsandmental health resources if needed, ensures that patients feel cared for and supported throughout their aesthetic journey.


Continuous improvement in patient consultations involves regularly evaluating and refining consultationpracticestoensurethehigheststandards of care This can be achieved through patient feedback,professionaldevelopment,andtheadoption ofbestpractices.

1. Patient Feedback: Actively seeking and incorporating patient feedback is crucial for identifyingareasofimprovement Surveys,follow-up calls, and feedback forms can provide valuable insightsintothepatientexperience

2. Professional Development: Ongoing training and education for practitioners ensure that they stay updated with the latest aesthetic techniques, communication strategies, and technological advancements

3. Best Practices: Adopting evidence-based best practices can enhance the quality of patient consultations. Practitioners should stay informed about the latest research and guidelines in aesthetic practiceandapplythemintheirpractice


Implementing this new framework for patient consultations requires a strategic approach Aestheticpracticescanstartbytrainingtheirstaff in effective communication techniques, cultural sensitivity,psychologicalsensitivity,andtheuseof technology.Additionally,creatingapatient-centred culture that prioritises personalisation and continuousimprovementisessential


Elevatingpatientconsultationinaestheticpractice through a new, comprehensive framework can transform patient care, leading to improved satisfactionandoutcomes Byfocusingoneffective communication, personalisation, technology integration, financial sensitivity, psychological sensitivity,andcontinuousimprovement,aesthetic practitionerscanofferamoreholisticandpatientcentred approach to care. Implementing this framework requires commitment and collaborationfromallstakeholdersintheaesthetic industry,butthebenefitsarewellworththeeffort. Ultimately, an elevated patient consultation process not only enhances the patient experience but also contributes to better aesthetic outcomes andamoreefficientpractice.


the line-up

In today's fiercely competitive beauty and aesthetics industry, staying ahead requires strategic investments in cutting-edge technologies that not only enhance your clients' results but also boost your profits Proudly aligning with industry-leading manufacturers of advanced skincare solutions, Professional Beauty Solutions (PBS) ensuresthatyoursalon,spa,orclinic can harness the revenue-generating benefits of world-class aesthetic technology.

As a respected distributor in Australia, PBS has built a strong reputation by adhering to a foundation of excellence, meticulously selecting world-class brands based on efficacy, innovation, performance, and profitabilityforsalon,spa,andclinic partners Withadiverseportfolioof 16 globally-recognised professional beautybrands,PBScontinuestobea trusted partner for businesses seekingtothriveintheever-evolving beautylandscape.

PBS understands that clients today are more discerning about their skincare,withagrowingdemandfor technology-driven treatments. The carefully curated selection of aesthetic devices offered by PBS is designed to not only grow your businessbutalsodeliverexceptional resultstoyourclients.

Choosingtherightbrandordeviceis athoughtfulandrigorousprocessat PBS,ensuring thatwhenabrandis launched, it meets the highest standards of quality. Behind the scenes, extensive research, testing, and adherence to regulatory requirementsareconductedtobring only the best-of-the-best brands and devicestomarket


MesopenPro:TheWorld'sFirstElectroporation&CIT SystemforMicroneedling

Experience the extraordinary benefits of dermal needling combined with advanced electroporation MesopenProenablesthedeliveryofactiveingredients deeper into the skin, making it more effective than traditional needling, ensuring increased efficiency, clientcomfort,andsuperiorresults.

Bio-Therapeutic:MicrocurrentTechnologyforToned, LiftedSkin

Achieve toned and lifted skin with Bio-Therapeutic's Bio-Ultimate Platinum & bt-nano. These microcurrent devices offer a comfortable, low-cost, and safe nonsurgical facelift, enhancing skin tone, elasticity, and hydration for radiant, glowing skin whilst being clinically proven to increase ATP (adenosine triphosphateproduction)byupto500%

Dermalux: World Leaders in Medical Grade LED Phototherapy

Developed and manufactured in the UK, Dermalux is theonlyLEDdevicedeliveringthreeclinically-proven wavelengths for accelerated results. With a range of award-winning systems, Dermalux effectively treats countless skin conditions with minimal operating costs. The Dermalux MD is also the only LED to be MedicalCEcertifiedtotreatpsoriasis,acne,accelerate woundhealingandrelievepain(alongwithFDA,ARTG andISOlistings).

Pollogen Geneo: The Ultimate, Non-Invasive Facial Treatment Platform with Oxygenation, RF & Ultrasound

Offering a unique combination of technologies to oxygenate, exfoliate, infuse and tighten, Pollogen’s Geneo provides immediately visible, brightening and hydrating,pluspain-free,long-termskinrejuvenation.

Pollogen Divine Pro: Advanced Resurfacing & Collagen RemodellingwithRFMicroneedling

Featuring the world’s leading non-invasive facelift with radio frequency to supercharge your skin needling, the Divine Pro offers practitioners a comprehensive toolkit for effective skin tightening and volumising, serious wrinkle reduction, rejuvenation and resurfacing personalisedtocustomerneeds

Bio-Therapeutic: Hydro Microdermabrasion setting a newservicestandard

Combiningthebenefitsoftraditionalmicrodermabrasion with the advancements of progressive hydrating solutionsandtheuniquediamondtiphandpiece,Hydro Microdermabrasion delivers a superior deep clean, smoothing, hydrating and brightening the skin while minimisingfinelinesandwrinkles

Pollogen Maximus: Clinically-Proven Body Contouring System

Addressing all four layers of the skin, the Maximus defines and reshapes, offering remarkable results for anti-aging, skin texture improvement, localised fat reduction,cellulitetreatment,andbodycontouring

Lynton: Laser & IPL for Industry-Leading, Unrivalled Results

Delivering high-quality, reliable technology, Lynton's 3JUVE and Excelight devices use medical-grade IPL, FractionalErbiumLaser,andTriPollarRadioFrequency for a range of treatments, from hair removal to skin tighteningandadvancedresurfacing,plustheimpressive treatment of technical skin concerns such as vascular lesions,pigmentation,acne,sundamageetc


Boasting three skin rejuvenation treatments in one device, Microneedling, Micropricking and Nanopeel, the 1Need pro takes collagen induction therapy to a new level.Deliveringexceptionalresultsforallskinconcerns andtypes,theItalianmade,handhelddeviceistheonly needlingdeviceintheworldtoholdaClassIIBMedical CEandhousestheworld’ssafestantiback-flowcartridge system, NoFlow®, to protect against risk of crosscontamination.

PBS provides award-winning technologies to accelerate yourclients’results,withdevicesforeveryskinconcern, budget and business model The exclusive Australian distributorpridesitselfonunderstandingtheneedsofits business partners and delivering solutions with resultsdriven treatments, tools and support to ensure your salon,spaorclinicthrives.

These world-class devices are exclusively distributed in Australia by Professional Beauty Solutions. For more information, visit wwwprobeautysolutionscomau or call1800625387.


Inclusivity: a personal perspective

Earlierthisyear,Ihadtheprivilegeofbeingasked tospeakatABIC’s2ndannualconference,Elevate, on the topic of inclusivity. Little did I know that I would finish my talk with a sense of achievement likeIhaveneverexperiencedbefore

In full disclosure, when ABIC first reached out to metoaskmetospeakonthetopicofinclusivity,I didn’tthinkIwastherightfitforsuchanimportant and,I’llsayit,scarytopic,butABICremindedmeof a quote that appears on our website, our social mediaandevenonourclinicwindow:

James Vivian loves skins of all colours, genders, ages,culturesandreligions.

And it was at this moment that I realised that this statement, whilst true for me and our business, neededtobeheardindustrywise.

When it came to creating a talk on the topic of inclusivity,Ithoughtlongandhardaboutwhythe statementabovewassoimportanttome WhyIfelt theneedtoprintitonourfrontwindow.WhyIview the world and my place in it through a lens of inclusivity And I began to think about why I first entered this industry. To make people feel special, cared for, seen, heard and looked after. As therapists, we express this through the power of touch,exquisitecustomerservice,creatinginviting andsafespacesforclientstovisit,butIbelievethat opportunities to create inclusive spaces can be missed,evenwithoutknowingit.

James Vivian

But before I go on, take a moment to think about what inclusivitymeanstoyou?Does it stir up confidence?

Confusion? Fear even? Fear of giving it a go and getting it wrong, appearing offensive, makingyoufeeluncomfortable and exposed? By leaning into these feelings of discomfort and unease you can begin to empathise what it feels like to be on the receiving end of discrimination and that’s a great place to start. It’s called empathy

I have no doubt that if you’re reading this, you have empathy.It’swhat’sdrawnyou to this incredible industry and it’s why you can connect with yourclientsandwhytheylove you ‘Empathyisthewaterthat inclusivity swims in’ is one of my favourite quotes as it expresseshowthetwoliveside by side and that you cannot haveonewithouttheother.

If you think about the work we do with clients as so incredibly intimate,twopeopleinaroom,sharingsecrets,exposed,uspoking andproddingtheiroftenmostsensitiveandvulnerableareas,than considertherehasneverbeenatimemorecrucialtomakeyour clients feel comfortable. And that’s what inclusivity is all about. Makingeveryonefeelcomfortableinyourspace.

Expressing inclusivity, for some, is a no brainer. For me, due to yearsofbeingbulliedatschool,aswellasbelongingtoaminority duetomysexuality,Ihaveaninnatedesiretoneverwanttomake anyone feel like I felt when I was a child or when being discriminatedagainst–alone,scared,confusedandunsafe.

There is no right or wrong way to express inclusivity, as long as you’re expressing it. As humans we are continually striving for waysthatwecanbettertreatoneanothersoIencourageyoutobe part of this evolution and to lead by example. It starts at home. WithyourTeam,thepeopleyouemploy,thewayyouspeaktoyour clients,thewordsyouwriteonyournewslettersandsocialmedia posts,theimagesyoushare.

Ifinishedmypresentationwitharequesttohearfromanyonewho wants to share their inclusivity practices with me so that I can better my own, as I don’t write this as someone who knows everything, but I am someone who wants to be my best to make this industry one that everyone feels they have a place on our treatment bed So please reach out to me to chat inclusivity or beyond and let’s keep this conversation going, both amongst ourselvesand,toourwiderindustrycommunityandtoourclients.

Unlock Japan's AntiAgeing Secrets:

The Revolutionary Methods Australians Can Adopt from a Japanese Skin Expert

Dr Kentaro Oku, leading dermatologist and founder of Hills of Grace Skin Clinic in Yokohama, Japan, is pioneering a revolutionary approach to skin health, bridging cultural techniques and modern sciencetobenefitAustralianskinhealth.

Dr. Oku says the cornerstone of Japanese skincare is the use of lotion as the first step, which is crucial for maintaining a flawless complexionthroughintensemoisturisation.

“While the Australian approach focuses on protection and recovery, particularly from environmental damage, the Japanese approachisaboutregenerationandnurturing. Butthesedays,theapproachesvaryasthere’s a trend of self-skin care using overseas products,”DrOkusays.

Dr Oku also dispelled a common skincare myth in Australia; that UV protection is only necessaryduringdirectexposuretoUVlight.

“It is imperative to practice UV care 365 days a year, regardless of whether it is sunny or overcast, or even whenindoors It’sveryimportanttorecognisetheneed forbroadspectrumlightcare,especiallyintoday’sage where we are also exposed to blue light from smartphonesandPCs,”DrOkusays

“TheintenseUVexposureinAustraliahasabigimpact on not only the epidermis but also the dermis; this results in collagen damage in the dermis and tends to dryouttheepidermis That’swherestrategiestargeting thedermisandepidermalmoisturisationarecriticalfor revitalisation.”

DrOkurecommendsabasicdermatologicalcareroutine thatAustralianscouldadoptfromJapanesepracticesto improvetheirskinhealth.

“Prior to using energy-based device treatments, it’s crucial to establish a period of four weeks for skin priming, using low-concentration retinol in your daily careroutines,”DrOkusays

One of Dr. Oku's groundbreaking innovations, CynoGlow, combines pigment correction with dermal regeneration in a single session, offering a holistic approach to skincare that promises luminosity and elasticity.

"ThisdualapproachisperfectlysuitedfortheAustralian climate,whereUVexposureisamajorconcern,"Dr Oku says.

The dermatologist has reflected on how cultural perceptionsinfluenceskincare

"In Japan, there’s a high value placed on pale, translucent skin, which drives the popularity of whitening products This contrasts with Australian beauty standards, which are more diverse and influencedbyenvironmentalfactors."

Dr Okuanticipatesthatthefutureofskincarewillfocus on multi-functional treatments that address several concerns simultaneously, a trend he believes will resonateglobally.

About Dr. Kentaro Oku:

Dr Kentaro Oku is a graduate of Fukushima Medical University and the founder of Hills of Grace Skin Clinic He is an esteemed member of the Japanese Dermatologist Association and The Society of Aesthetic Dermatology. Dr. Oku is recognised globally for his contributions to dermatology and aesthetic medicine.




Thebeautyindustryisadynamicandeverevolvingfieldandthankstoadvancementsin technologyandchangingconsumer behaviour,businessesinthissectormust continuouslyadapttostaynotonlyrelevant, butatthetopoftheirgame

However,whilenavigatingthisshift,it wouldberemisstolosesightofthe significanceoftraditionalbeautyservices thatareessentialforsomebusinesses.

Thetrickforsustainedsuccessin2024and beyondistofindthebalancebetween innovationandconventionalbeauty, fosteringthefamiliar,whileintroducingthe newtokeepyourofferingfreshandfulfilling foryou,yourteamandyourclients.



First up, when walking the line between traditional and progressive treatments, it’s important to explore and understand the landscape in which you find yourself Typical facials, massages, manicures, and hairstyling have long been the backbone of the industry, doubling as services that are much-loved and known for their reliability and consistency, plus ease of understanding from a consumer perspective.

On the other hand, the advent of innovative treatments like laser and light therapies, skin needling,andadvancedskincareroutineshave revolutionised the beauty industry Now consumers are more informed than ever, but moretimepoor,creatingtighterdeadlinesfor results and higher expectations of allencompassing treatment experiences, along with their ability to transform skin. The answer to finding the balance lies in your abilitytounderstandyourclientsandcultivate a customised offering in response to their needswhilecreatingtheirwants

Fundamentally, traditional beauty treatments are necessary to serve anessentialpurposeorprovideanongoingsolutionsuchashaircuts andstyling,manicures,pedicures,hairremovalandmore.Clientswill continuetobookthesenon-negotiablesthatifdonewell,aretrusted, reliableandconsistentforclientsandbusinessesalike Theseoffera senseofstability,comfortandfamiliarityandformany,theritualistic aspect of traditional beauty routines is just as important as the outcomes.

Meanwhile, progressive treatments, driven by cutting-edge technology, ingredients and innovation, offer exciting growth potentialtobothbusinessesandclients.Thesetreatmentscanamplify resultsinbothspeedandprocess,attractinganewclienteleeagerto try the latest and greatest trends and tell their friends about them. Engaging with the more modern, tech-savvy clientele can take a businesstonewheights,setyouapartfromcompetitorsandposition youasaleaderinthefield


However,evolvingintothisspacedoesn’tcomewithoutitschallenges. Although it can be instrumental to growth, introducing nextgeneration technologies and treatments involves risks and costs, including the need for specialised equipment, along with new team members and/ or training for original personnel, plus effectively marketing it to your community Informing current clientele is also challenging,duetopotentialresistancetothenewandunknown.The primarychallengeofadheringstrictlytotraditionalservices,though, istheriskofstagnationinyouroffering,whichcouldresultinbeing leftbehindinanever-evolvingindustry


Ifyouwanttogrowandmaintainrelevance,successfulintegrationof innovation with traditional services is critical To do this, beauty businesses need to start by assessing market demand and gathering clientfeedback Thishelpsinunderstandingwhatclientsvaluemost andwheretheremightbeinterestinnewtreatmentsandtechnology, so you can customise an offering that will be well-received and monetarilyviable.

Combining these services into hybrid packages that boast both traditional and innovative treatments can alsobeaneffectivestrategy Forexample,atraditional facial can be enhanced with a modern microdermabrasion, or skin needling session, or an eyebrowwaxcanincludeamicrocurrentsessiontolift theeyeareawhilegrooming

Regardlessofthetreatments,continuousstafftraining and education are essential to ensure that all services areperformedtothehigheststandard Atthecruxofa beauty business, health and safety should be paramount,andqualityshouldneverbecompromised.


Gradualintroductionofnewservicesalongwithmarketingstrategies and promotions to encourage adoption can ease the transition for current clients, allowing them to understand and experience the benefits without feeling overwhelmed Joining forces with Key OpinionLeaders(KOLs)inthecommunityandpartneringwithother businessestopromoteinnovationisanotherwaytoattractnewclients whowouldn’tusuallystumbleuponyourbusiness.

SeveralAustralianbeautybusinesseshavesuccessfully navigated the balance between innovation and tradition. One well-known spa in Melbourne, traditionallyrecognisedforitsclassicspaservices,has gradually introduced innovative treatments like LED light therapy and hydro-microdermabrasion By maintaining high standards for both types of services andcontinuouslyeducatingtheirstaff,theymanagedto attractadiverseclienteleandgrowtheirbusiness Their approach of blending modern technology with traditional relaxation techniques has set a benchmark intheindustry.

Anotherestablishedskincarebrandwithsalonsacross Australia has integrated digital skin analysis tools alongside their traditional facial treatments. This technology allows for a more personalised skincare regimen, enhancing the overall client experience. The seamless integration of new technology with their classicofferingshashelpedthemremainrelevantand competitive

Lastly,aprominentchainofbeautyclinicsinAustralia offers a mix of traditional beauty services like facials and waxing, alongside progressive treatments such as laser hair removal and cosmetic injectables Their strategy involves offering initial consultations to educate clients about the benefits of new treatments, thereby easing any apprehensions and ensuring a smoothtransition


In conclusion, if you take a wholistic approach, balancing innovation and tradition in the beauty industryisnotonlypossiblebutalsoessentialforlongterm success. By carefully assessing market demands, introducingnewtreatmentsgradually,andmaintaining ahighstandardofservice,beautybusinessescanthrive Embracingboththeoldandthenewensuresthatclients receive the best of both worlds, fostering loyalty and attracting new customers, continually growing in an always-on industry For beauty business owners, the key is to stay informed, adaptable, and committed to excellenceinallservicesoffered


In the bustling world of business, navigating the complexities of industrystandards,regulations,andcompetitioncanbedaunting. Thisiswhereindustrypeakbodiescomeintoplay.Oftenseenas the collective voice of their sectors, they play a crucial role in advocating for businesses, setting standards, and providing a support network. For any business owner or company, joining your relevant industry peak body is not just beneficial it’s essential!


Imagine trying to push a boulder up a hill on your own. Now, imaginethesametaskwithateamoflike-mindedindividuals,all pushing together. This is the essence of what an industry peak body does and it’s this collective force that drives industry-wide progressandinnovation.

Representation: Industry peak bodies represent the interests of theirmembersatalllevelsofGovernmentandacrossthebroader economiclandscape.Combiningresourcesandvoiceswithother industry leaders they can advocate more powerfully than any singlebusinesscouldalone.

SettingStandards: Industrypeakbodiesoftenplayacriticalrole inestablishingindustrystandardsandbestpractices Thisisvital for maintaining quality, safety, and consistency within the industry.Forconsumers,thismeanstheycantrustthatservicesor products meet certain benchmarks. For businesses, it ensures a levelplayingfieldanddrivesinnovation

Industry Insight: Being part of an industry peak body provides access to a wealth of information. They frequently research and gatherdataonmarkettrends,consumerbehaviour,andindustry challenges Thisintelligenceisinvaluableforbusinesseslookingto stayaheadofthecurve.


One of the most significant roles of an industry peak body is advocacy.Inaworldwhereregulationsandpoliciescanmakeor breakbusinesses,havingapowerfuladvocateisindispensable

Policy Influence: Industry peak bodies lobby Governmentsandregulatoryagenciestoensure that the interests of their members are considered in policy-making. They engage in dialogue with policymakers, provide expert advice, and campaign for legislative changes thatbenefittheirindustry.

Protecting Business Interests: When new regulations or laws are proposed, peak bodies actasthefirstlineofdefence.Whenconsulted, they scrutinise these proposals, assess their impact,andmobilisetheirmemberstorespond This proactive stance can prevent harmful policiesfrombeingenactedandcanhelpshape legislation that supports business growth. They often have a seat at the table in Government meetings and hold influential positions in industry and reform groups to help shape policiesanddrivechangesintherightdirection.

Public Influence: Industry peak bodies play a crucialroleinshapingpublicopinion.Theyare often sought after by the media to speak on behalf of their industry This is especially importantduringtimesofcrisis,aspublictrust and perception can significantly impact businessoperations.

Industry peak bodies promote their industry, addressingmisconceptionsandhighlightingthe positive contributions their members make to theeconomyandsociety

Whileadvocacyisacornerstoneofwhatindustrypeakbodiesdo,their supportforbusinessesextendsfarbeyondthis.

Networking Opportunities: Membership in an industry peak body opensdoorstoavastnetworkofprofessionals Fromconferencesand workshops to social events and online forums, these organisations provide numerous opportunities to connect with peers, share knowledge,andformpartnerships.

TrainingandProfessionalDevelopment:Industrypeakbodiesoffer training and certifications, and other professional development opportunities.Thishelpsbusinessesandtheiremployeesstayupdated withthelatestskillsandknowledge,enhancingtheircompetitiveness andoperationalefficiency.

Access to Resources: Members gain access to a treasure trove of resources, from industry reports, HR/IR and legal advice, templates, and guidelines. This can save businesses time and money, allowing themtofocusontheircoreactivities.

Exclusive Benefits: Discounts on services, preferential rates for events,andspecialoffersfromaffiliatedpartnersarecommonperksof membership.Thesebenefitscanprovidesignificantcostsavingsand addvaluetoyourbusiness.


Theeffectivenessofanindustrypeakbodyislargelydependentonits membership.Alarge,diverse,andengagedmembershipbaseamplifies theorganisation’sinfluenceandabilitytoadvocateeffectively.

IncreasedInfluence:Themoremembersanindustrypeakbodyhas, themorepowerfulitsvoice Governmentsandpolicymakersaremore likely to take notice of an organisation that represents a substantial portion of the industry. This collective strength can lead to more significant and favourable outcomes in negotiations and policy discussions

DiversePerspectives:Alargemembershipbasebringsadiversityof perspectivesandexperiences.Thisdiversitycanleadtomorerobust discussions, better decision-making, and solutions that benefit the entireindustryratherthanjustasubset

Financial Stability: More members mean more resources This financial stability allows industry peak bodies to invest in research, advocacy,andenhancingmemberservices.

Joininganindustrypeakbodyismorethanjustpayingamembership fee;it'saboutbecomingpartofacommunitythatsupportsandelevates eachother It’sabouthavingavoiceinthediscussionsthatshapeyour industryandaccessingresourcesthatdriveyourbusinessforward.It’s aboutsafeguardingthefutureofyourindustryforyouandthenext generation

Inalandscapewherechangeistheonlyconstant,thecollectivepower ofanindustrypeakbodyisananchorforstabilityandacatalystfor growth.Aligningwithyourindustrypeakbodyisastrategicmovethat canprovidelastingbenefits.

ABICstandsproudlyasAustralia’slargestoverarchingindustrypeak body,representingallfoursectorsofourvibrantindustry Ourefforts are dedicated to not only protecting our industry but also driving it towards new heights. With your support we will continue to make strides in leaps and bounds, ensuring that our industry not only survivesbutthrives

Embracethepowerofunity! BecomeamemberoftheAestheticand BeautyIndustryCounciltoday!

DermocosmèticaHow ischangingtheindustry

Dermocosmèticastartedwithhumblebeginningswhen George Kypreos saw a gap in the medical aesthetic market13yearsago Withanextensivebackgroundin thepharmaceuticalsindustry“Mygoalwastobuilda company like no other – around integrity and trust, offering the most advanced, innovative and scientifically backed products” Since then, Dermocosmètica has achieved major milestones including:

2020 - LMX4® becoming the number #1 topical anaestheticcreaminAustralianHospitals.

2021-Emepelle®salesreachnumber#2intheworld (secondtotheUS)

2022 – Profhilo® launched in Australia with record breakingresults,becomingtheleadingcountryinthe worldintheuptake

2023–Dermocosmèticaopensupnewtrainingfacility and launches Spain’s number #1 skincare range Isdinceutics

2024–DermaceuticAustraliaearnednumber#1onthe uptake of the DermaAcademy Learning App and becamethe3rdlargestmarketintheworld

This year Dermocosmètica has set out to take the industry standard to the next level. Education and training have always been a priority at Dermocosmètica Earlierintheyear,aHeadofClinical Training Aesthetics for AUS & NZ was appointed to overseethisimportantfunction.

George adds that “Our aim is to empower our practitioners, nurses and clinicians with the latest research and developments that are useful to deliver safeandeffectiveresults”

In addition, when sourcing brands from around the worldincludingtheUSandEurope,productsmustpass theFourPillarsofProductSelectiontoensuretheymeet Dermocosmètica standards. “It is mandatory that our productshavesoundformulationandtechnology,they are safe to use short term and long term, they have scientific evidence to prove their claims and deliver resultsthatimprovethequalityandhealthoftheskin”.

Theirpassionforskinandeducationisevidentintheir useoftheSkinHealthPyramid,wheredoctors,nurses and dermal clinicians are encouraged to use when planninganddispensingskincareproducts.Itisalsoa resourceful framework to educate patients about the importance of targeting the three levels of skin needs (Fundamental, Transform and Optimise) in order to achieveultimateskinhealth.

“We have invested a lot in resources including expanding our team, our head office, our systems and processes to ensure we deliver high quality products and services to our partnering clinics We have some exciting product launches in the horizon and we are really excited about sharing that with you and the industry”saysGeorge.

The team of 8 has quickly become a team of 23 employees within a 12 month period. And with more positions to fill and headquarter’s expansion due to completewithinmonthsfromnow,Dermocosmèticais on a trajectory to contribute and change the aesthetic industry,forthebetter.

We are a family-owned company dedicated to helping healthcare professionals within the aesthetic community access world class products to improve skin quality and health. We are built upon trust and integrity We are committed to delivering quality products and services to drive effective results We are Dermocosmètica.


3Celebrating years0

Advanced Skin Technology is celebrating its 30th year in business.

Our commitment to innovation and excellence in skincare is stronger than ever. We remain at the forefrontofcosmeceuticalsciencewiththelaunchof theAspectPlatinumrangelastyearandtheexciting new product development releases that are just aroundthecorner…watchthisspace!

The question is, what does it take to make a great skincareproductwithhighefficacy?

Cosmetic science, “active” ingredient selection, and skin physiology are the fundamentals to consider when developing a product for the skin. There are thousands of skincare ingredients listed in ingredient databases, with more added every year, finding a clear development path can be daunting, butnotwhenyourvisionisclear.

Science is moving quickly, and discoveries are constantlybeingmadeonhowtheskinfunctionsas anorganandthebidirectionalinfluenceithasonthe bodyandmind.

Understandinghowthevariouslayersandnetworks within the skin interact and benefit from the application of topical ingredients requires a thoughtful approach. The ultimate goal is to design highly efficacious products where the synergy of ingredients and the skin interact to create remarkableimprovements.

Research is the cornerstone of innovation, and the scienceoftheskinisthe“truenorth”thatguidesour development.

Thecarefulcurationofadvancedskincareproducts encompasses many considerations and a profound understandingofskinscience Inthisarticle,wewill outlinesome(notall)oftheaspectsthatneedtobe thoughtofwhendesigningaskincareproduct.

Safeguardingthemicrobiome-Theskinmicrobiome iscurrentlyatrendingtopicinskincareandanarea ofconstantlyevolvingdiscoveries Itisinfact,ahost to a living microbiome of organisms that have a powerful influence on the health of the skin. It has become well understood that disruption and alterationofcommensalorganismswillresultinskin pathologyandovergrowthofpathogenicorganisms, such as mites and bacteria Factors in dysbiosis of microbial commensal communities include aging, illness,psychologicalstress,climate,changesinskin pHandhydration,aswellastopicalingredients

Consideration must be taken for which types of ingredients support the skin microbiome – prebiotics, probiotics (live cultures) and post-biotics, and when is it appropriate to utilise these, and are there potential negativeeffects?

Skinlipidomics–thisistheprofilingandcategorisationof the complete spectrum of skin lipids This is a new evolving area for research and understanding of how defects in skin lipid processing can occur and the consequences of this on skin health Disordered production of skin lipids can be caused by endogenous (age, genetics, diet, lifestyle, illness, etc) and exogenous factors(topicalproducts,environmentalfactors)

Skin surface lipids can be categorised as sebaceous lipidsandextracellularlipidsbasedontheiroriginand composition. A clear distinction between epidermal (barrier)lipidsandskinsurface(sebaceous)lipidsand theapplicationanduseofthesetypesoflipidsshould be made. Choosing the correct lipids based on skin condition and age is key to enhanced efficacy Some examples are bioactive lipids – sphingolipids and ceramides,sterols,squalane,andnaturalplantoils.

The key to applying the right plant-based oil is understanding the lipid profile of the oil, and what effectthishasontheskin,however,theapplicationof lipids in cosmetics is an enormous topic that can be discussedanothertime.

Proteomics–Ithaslongbeenunderstoodthatcollagen and elastin provide the supporting network or scaffolding for the skin, however, this is an area of increasedinterest,particularlyunderstandingtherole of proteins in skin aging and disease. Discoveries around the alteration and degradation of protein structures in the skin opens a door of opportunity in anti-agingactiveingredients.Thefocusisnowturning to lesser-known protein structures like Fibrillin, with newactiveingredientsbecomingavailabletostimulate this protein which plays a vital role in influencing growthfactorsandsupportingelastin

Antioxidant protection - Oxidative damage is the key driverofagingandskindysfunction–ie.mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA damage, and cellular senescence Importantly, the skin's immune system is also supported by antioxidant resources. There are many topical antioxidant ingredients available, and the selectioncriteriamustbebasedonefficacyandcurrent researchtodeterminetheeffectwithintheskin. Different antioxidants can have action within the skin ie. rev improving cellular function, an matrix metalloproteinases - p structures such as collagen and forthetypesofcompoundstobe - Niacinamide, Vit C and E, poly extremolytes/microalgae,andb peptides, and what are we targ outcome? Selection of antioxid based on bioavailability and ingredient Manyantioxidantsar oxidationsoairlesspackagingisa

Hydration – Water is the life Hydrationisakeyfactorinresto skin health, and there is mor Hyaluronic acid Adequate mois skin are required for the prope formation of the skin barrier, as desquamation process via en considerwhenselectingingredie can be all or some of the follow uptake into cell via Aquaporin natural moisturising factors and high molecular weight hu polysaccharides and Hyaluronic bound to uppermost skin surf molecular weight Hyaluronic penetration and moisture leve corneum.

Brain-Skinaxis–Psychologicalstresscausesoxidative stress, and this creates an imbalance in skin homeostasis. The net effect of stress mediators is a disrupted skin barrier, reduced skin defenses (decreasedantimicrobialpeptides),weakenedstratum corneum adhesion, stimulation of inflammatory cascade, microbiome imbalances, and microinflammationleadingtoadvancedaging.

“Neurocosmetics”aregainingtractioninskincarewith aburgeoninggrowthinresearchandtheavailabilityof newingredientsinthissectorwherethereisafocuson ingredients to modulate the production and/or degradation of stress hormones such as cortisol, and neuropeptides such as Substance P, which is highly valuableincosmeceuticalskincare.

It is an exciting prospect to explore effective ingredients available that interact with cannabinoid receptors within the skin, or that can stimulate the production of endorphins, and oxytocin alleviating stress and perhaps even improving mood and overall senseofwell-being.

Here we have only touched the surface of aspects of skin science applied in designing highly effective cosmeceutical products. The discussion of particular skin concerns such as aging, sensitivity, acne, and hyperpigmentation once again involves a further indepth understanding of the pathophysiology of these conditions and carefully considered ingredient selection. AST will always remain curious and committed to research and innovation to bring to markettheproductswiththehighestefficacy


Clients’ Skin through the Menopause Transition

As aesthetics practitioners, our role is to promote and preserve the skin and overall health of our patients and clients, empowering them to feel both confident and comfortable in their bodies Unfortunately, one of the largest groups we serve menopausal and perimenopausal women is often underserved

Hormonal Shift: A Whole-Body Experience

To provide the best care, aesthetics professionals need more than a surface-level understanding of menopause and perimenopause These life stages involve significant physiological changes that impact not only skin health, but every major body system, affecting overall well-being and lifestyle choices In order to achieve successful treatment outcomes, we need to understand what is going on.

Perimenopause: The Transition Phase

Perimenopause, often starting in a woman's late 30s or early 40s, marks the gradual decline of ovarian function and fluctuating hormone levels. Oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels decline, leading to symptoms like menopause, albeit with irregular menstrual cycles still occurring Understanding perimenopause is crucial as it sets the stage for noticeable changes in skin health

Menopause: The Milestone

Menopause is officially reached when a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period, typically occurring between ages 45 and 55, though the average age in Australia is 51 During this stage, ovaries cease egg production, and hormone levels especially oestrogen plummet Beyond hot flushes and night sweats, menopause brings about systemic changes affecting skin health, metabolism, bone density, and much more

The Impact on Skin

Oestrogen plays a pivotal role in maintaining skin health. It supports collagen production, skin elasticity, hydration levels, oil regulation, and even melanocyte function The coincidence of decreasing levels of oestrogen and the beginning of skin ageing suggests that there is an inextricable link Ageing skin is oestrogen deficient skin.

Oestrogen deficiency increases oxidative stress levels

Beyond Skin: Comprehensive Menopause Symptoms

Menopause affects every system in the body, presenting symptoms beyond skin changes:

Hot Flushes and Night Sweats: Sudden heat sensations affecting comfort and skin temperature.

Mood Swings and Sleep Disturbances: Emotional fluctuations and sleep disruptions impacting mental well-being and skin health.

Metabolic Changes and Weight Gain: Altered metabolism leading to weight redistribution, especially around the abdomen.

Bone Density Loss: Reduced oestrogen increases osteoporosis risk and impacts bone health

Intimate Wellness Issues: Vaginal dryness, thinning, discomfort, and urinary symptoms affecting quality of life and intimacy

Onward manifestations of oestrogen deficient skin include the following:

Dryness: Decreased moisture retention leads to dry, less supple skin.

Loss of Collagen: Reduced oestrogen results in less collagen and elastin, contributing to sagging and wrinkles.

Sensitivity: The skin becomes more susceptible to irritants and environmental stressors.

Hyperpigmentation: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to uneven pigmentation, such as age spots or melasma.

Acne and Breakouts: Androgen levels may rise relative to declining oestrogen, causing increased oil production and breakouts.

Hydration: Ceramide levels in the epidermis and glycosaminoglycans in the dermis decline resulting in dehydration and barrier impairment

Delayed Wound Healing: Oestrogen-deficient skin tends to heal more slowly, impacting recovery from procedures and treatments

Intimate Wellness

Intimate wellness deserves a little more discussion because it is being increasingly integrated into aesthetic practices, addressing vaginal atrophy (genitourinary syndrome of menopause, GSM) Symptoms include thinning vaginal walls, reduced elasticity, dryness, and recurring urinary tract infections. Effective treatments target incontinence, laxity, thinning, dehydration and include menopause hormone therapy, laser treatments, Radio Frequency and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to improve comfort and quality of life.

Importance of Understanding Menopausal Changes for Effective Care

As aesthetic professionals, understanding these physiological and psychological changes is crucial for several reasons:

Tailored Treatments: Personalising skincare treatments to address specific concerns related to hormonal changes enhances effectiveness and client satisfaction.



Empathy and Support: Recognising the challenges women face during menopause fosters trust and enhances the client-practitioner relationship

Holistic Approach: Providing holistic care by advising on lifestyle changes, nutrition, recommending appropriate skincare products, and integrating intimate wellness services where appropriate ensures comprehensive support


Education and Empowerment: Educating clients about the effects of hormonal changes on skin health and beyond, empowers them to make informed decisions about their skincare and overall wellbeing

Practical Tips for the Aesthetics Practice

Client Education: Offer resources and information on menopause in waiting areas and consultations to normalise the discussion.

Treatment Packages: Create integrated packages that combine skin rejuvenation with products supporting menopausal skin health, including ingestible and intimate care solutions as appropriate Professional Development: Stay updated with advancements in menopause treatments and skincare by attending relevant workshops and conferences.


Perimenopause and menopause represent profound life stages that significantly impact skin health and overall well-being. By understanding the changes that occur beyond the face, and providing compassionate, informed care, aesthetics professionals can play a vital role in helping women navigate these changes with confidence and grace. Our expertise not only enhances skin health but through collaboration, can also improve quality of life, ensuring our patients and clients look and feel their best during and beyond menopause

By taking a holistic approach that recognises how menopause affects women in various ways, we enhance our practice, allowing ourselves to become known for our services

By educating, supporting, and finding new ways to support the changing needs of menopausal women, we help them achieve vibrant, healthy skin and improved well-being.

To stay up to date on how we can better serve our patients and clients, attending relevant menopause conferences and workshops to learn about the latest advances in treatment options should be a must

Thriving Through Menopause Symposium is an industry focused event, the first of its kind for the Medical Aesthetics Industry Featuring renowned menopause experts, it will be a day of learning and networking. The menopausal consultation, insightful case studies, treatment journeys and so much more await!

Grab your tickets here: www.thrivingthroughmenopause.com.au

Date: 24th February 2025

Location: State Library NSW | 1 Shakespeare Pl, Sydney


and learnings

from this years’

Reika Roberts

Itwasmygreatpleasuretoopenthe ABIC‘Elevate’conferenceearlierthis year, where over 400 industry professionals all curious for learning, gathered in Sydney to connectandgrow.

The intention of ‘Elevate’ was to create a deep sense of belonging to ourindustryandaencourageathirst for learning which leads to professional growth and development Attendeescouldapply reallearningstoenhanceboththeir professionalandpersonallives.

For me, the magic came from presenters sharing their journeys and the collective vision of learning from one another. It is this sense of providing real world applications within the safety of our peer ecosystems that defined the conference. We helped attendees to enhance their knowledge, develop their confidence, sharpen their leadership skills and provided real world teachings that they could applytotheirownbusinesses.

IfIhadtouseonewordtosumitall up-itisconnection.Andwhatagift it is to connect There was a great sense of belonging which brought a wonderfulsenseofpridetomeboth professionallyandpersonally

Allthelectureswereagreatwayfor presenterstoletpeopleexpresstheir passion.Itrulylovethatourindustry enables ABIC to recognise the interconnectednessofsuccessacross the entire beauty and aesthetics sector and learns to balance individual achievements with collective impacts for the industry. The bonding and socialising made theconferenceacompletepackage.

‘Elevate’focussedonsupportingyou, as members, because successful clinicsstartwithempoweredpeople. AnoldAfricanProverbsays “Ifyouwanttogofast,goalone. Ifyouwanttogofar,gotogether”

I feel this summarises the intent of theconference,becauseatABIC,we embracethecollaborativeapproach Wehopeyouenjoyedandtookaway many great learnings from this year’sconference.


It is always such a privilege and honourtostandinthepresenceofso many outstanding beauty, dermal, and aesthetic professionals at industry conferences and events AlthoughIregrettosaythatmyrole, being largely behind-the-scenes (headdown,bumup)meansthatIdo not have the opportunity to attend manythroughouttheyear.SowhenI do,Isavortheexperience!

The second ABIC conference was a bittersweetexperiencewithsomany beautiful moments, yet so many learnings that will enhance ABIC's future conferences and educational events.

Uponreflection,whatstoodoutwas the beautiful sense of community, collaboration, and connection Profound and meaningful topics were explored, and experiences shared by some of our incredible speakers, with a true intention to take us to a higher level of understandingandbeingashumans andprofessionals.

Inparticular,thesegmenthostedby our courageous and generous ABIC Clinic Member, James Vivian, sharing his journey of inclusivity and taking us through diverse perspectiveswhichhelpedtoelevate our own personal awareness, and alsoinourprofessionalpractice.

Giventhatthisyear,unlikeourfirst year,Iwasnotthekeydriverofthe conference-Ihadanopportunityto stand back and evaluate the true benefit of an ABIC educational conferencefortheindustryandour members.

My key learning is that pure play educationiswhereABICshinesbest and what it will pursue solely and relentlessly in the future. The questionIamoftenaskediswhatis the ROI of being an ABIC Member, and my simple reply is that ABIC is not a marketing company, we only exist altruistically to help and serve the industry and represent its best interests to government and the public

SoIurgeeveryonetorememberour grassroots and why we created this uniqueandpreciousassociation. Let us be united to preserve its integrity, defend its intention, and come together to strive for a better futureforourindustry

Maria Cocciolone

While Mother Nature did her best to disrupt ABIC Elevate 2024 Annual Conference at Sydney’s Doltone House, she wasn’t able to wash away the excitement, warmth and genuine connections of the ABIC members There is nothing quite like bringing industry professionals together in asociallearningenvironmentand ELEVATE 24 certainly bought the industry’sbestout

The day started with one of the most moving and inclusive Acknowledgement of Country I have witnessed to date; members were taken on an empathetic journey of appreciation while being invited to share a learning experience that supported a partnership between past and present

Keynote speakers offered relevant learnings to today’s environment, skin and ingredient focuses, equipment opportunities, compliance updates, panels that supported multiple learnings and approaches to diverse topics, marketing strategies, communication, and personality profiling. It goes without saying therewassomethingforeveryone

Elevate 24 was admirably supported by incredible sponsors who made the day not only possible but also offered informal opportunitiesforABICmembersto getalittlemoreintimatewiththeir brands, not to mention bring relationshipstolife.

Days like these are invaluable, their impact ultimately hard to measure given the offerings and thelearningsarelayeredandoften just being in the company of likeminded professionals is enough to keep you focused and motivateduntilthenextevent.

Nicky Tzimas

One of the key reflections from the conference was the critical importance of inclusiveness and cultural diversity for both the professional providing care and the enduser,ourpatients

Speakers emphasised the need for ongoing knowledge and education to address disparities and ensure equitable access to services for all clients, regardless of socio-economic status, ethnicity, or geographic location. In addition there was high consideration of the importance of clinical practice and hygiene in the workplace.Innovativestrategieswere discussed,suchasindustryprograms and organisations to assist and support our current changing aestheticclimatesincecovid

The conference highlighted that true patient-centredcaremustbeinclusive and considerate of the diverse cultural needs of all individuals, fostering an environment where every patient and clinician feels understoodandrespected.

Collaboration across disciplines, including the integration of health and beauty, was another significant theme Sessions underscored the necessityofinterdisciplinaryteamsin providingholisticcare Thisapproach, which combines medical treatments with beauty and wellness practices, not only enhances patient outcomes butalsoboostspatientconfidenceand overall well-being, fostering a more supportive environment for healthcareprofessionalsandpatients alike.

Additionally, the Elevate Conference is at the forefront of innovation and collaboration across all healthcare aesthetic practices. Presenters discussed cutting-edge strategies to ensure all patients receive highqualitycareandoutcomes,regardless of socio-economic status or geographiclocation.

Finally,theimportanceofcontinuous learning and adaptability in healthcarewasarecurringtopic.The dynamic nature of healthcare demands that professionals stay updatedwiththelatestadvancements andbeopentochange

Overall, the Elevate Conference was truetoitsword Itwaselevatingand aninspiringconvergenceofideasand innovation, emphasising that the future of aesthetic practice lies in harmonising technology, empathy, and collaboration of practice across multipledisciplines.

Helen Golisano

Attending the ABIC Elevate Conference in Sydney this February was an inspiring and insightful experience.Theeventreinforcingthe strength and unity within our industry, showcasing the immense support we receive from suppliers throughtheirgeneroussponsorships and the members for the commitment to attend and get involvedontheday Akeytakeaway was the crucial role of inclusivity in our businesses highlighted with the Panel hosted by James Vivian, emphasizing the need to foster diverse and welcoming environments for both clients and staff . Highlighting the need to ask better questions to our team and clientsandtolistenthoughtfully.

The conference served as a vibrant hub of industry knowledge and passion, highlighting cutting-edge advancements in beauty and aesthetictechnologies.Itunderscored the importance of staying updated with the latest trends to maintain a competitive edge. Additionally, sessions on regulatory compliance andself-regulationprovidedvaluable insights into maintaining high standards and advocating for professionalautonomy.

The"TheArtofCommunicationwith Behavioural Profiling" with Jarrod Abbott was a highlight as it reinforcedwhatIworkhardtoinstill inourbusiness.Jarrod'sinsightsinto behavioural profiling provided a deepunderstandingofhowdifferent personality types communicate and interact

By understanding the unique preferences and tendencies of team members and clients, we can significantly improve our interactions, leading to increased cooperation, productivity, and satisfaction.Ithighlightedhowsmall adjustments in our communication style can lead to more positive outcomesandstrongerrelationships Overall,theconferenceleftmewitha renewed sense of dedication to our industry, inspired by the collective commitment to excellence and innovation. The connections made and knowledge gained will undoubtedly help us enhance our operationsandcontinuetoleadwith inclusivityandintegrity

Linda Sim

I had the privilege of attending the 2024, ABIC Elevate Conference in Sydneyearlierthisyearasaproud, newly elected ABIC Councillor. It was my first conference with ABIC and an honour to attend and meet the other dedicated ABIC team members.

The presentation of this event was spectacular to say the least and, in my view, rivalled many of the prestigious cosmetic medical conferences held throughout Australia

I enjoyed chatting to the vast array of exhibitors who did themselves proud despite a torrential storm passing by almost washing those in the marque area away. A bit of a reshuffle saw everyone successfully housedinsideoutoftheweatherfor theremainderoftheday.Ifoundthe line-upofspeakerstobeoutstanding and ABIC covered off on something forallsectors,Beauty,Aestheticsand CosmeticMedical

The highlight of the event for me was hearing how to make our premisesmoresociallyinclusiveand about the struggles many have due to so many of us being oblivious about the diversity needs in our sector.

As an educator myself this message is something I can take back and sharewithourteamtoensurethisis consideredinourdeliveryofAACDS dermal and cosmetic injectables training


years ofSkincare


iscelebratingit’s 30thanniversarythisyear!

That’s 30 years of exceptional scientific and technological expertise and 30 years of delighted cliniciansandconsumers.

That’s 30 years of skincare development experience, where each new innovation is built on the deep scientificresearchalreadyheldbythecompany.Prior toherlaunchofJMSRin1994,JanMarinialreadyhad 15yearsexperienceasafounderofMDFormulations andMDForteinthe1980s

When you upgrade your phone or computer, or use artificalintelligenceapps,oranyinternet-basedtech, youareusingthelatesttechnologybuiltondecadesof development. The same is true of skincare formulation, whereby the latest innovations are the most advanced iterations of years of scientific development, clinical research and peer-reviewed medicalstudiesonfinalformulations.

Expertise is essential to scientific advancement, and this expertise is most profoundly developed through years of deep and focused research, extensive experience, collaboration with university medical researchinstitutesandotherexperts,aswellasactive engagement within an ecosystem of technological innovation

JanMariniskincarewasfounded,andisstilldeveloped and formulated, in Silicon Valley in the US. This biotech and research ecosystem has been at the forefront of scientific advancement and is still consideredtheleadingtechnologyhubglobally.Thisis testament to JMSR’s commitment to innovation and research Itwouldbemoreprofitabletooperatewithin a State with far less regulatory oversight, taxes and costs,butthatdoesn’talignwithJanMarini’smission orvision.

JMSR has invented technologies now widely used in theaestheticsindustry.Forexample,thefirststabilised and lipid soluble vitamin C, unique hydroxy acid combinations,thefirstnon-prescriptionencapsulated retinoids, the first recombinant peptides, the first eyelash growth factors, the first oil-absorption technology and the first low molecular weight hyaluronicacid,amongotherinnovations Sowhereas most skincare formulators purchase “off the shelf” ingredients from industrial chemical suppliers, JMSR invents, develops and manufactures its own and has often shared its expertise as “open source”, a culture uniquetoSiliconValley.

JMSR’s scientific credentials can be measured by its ongoingauditandcompliancewithFDACurrentGood Manufacturing Practice (pharmaceutical-grade), with complianceandregistrationundertheModernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act (MoCRA) and with its adherence to complex EU and Canadian cosmetics regulations.Theseareallwellbeyondanycompliance required in Australia, where there is little to no oversight,soyoucanbesureyouareusingthesafest and “cleanest” products available, based on a truly scientificglobalregulatoryenvironment

When it comes down to it, what clinicians and their clients really want long term are measurable and reproducible results. Not just results, but solutions to common skin concerns The latest Tik Tok trends and marketingspinmightcaptureimmediateattention,but thesewillhaveashortlifespanandtobaseabusiness model on them will be counterproductive. What cliniciansneedforsuccessisaclientelewhocantrust youtoprovidepositiveandclearlymeasurablechanges intheirskin.

It's helpful to think of skin concerns like acne, hyperpigmentation, rosacea and sensitivity as inflammatoryprocessesintheskin.Downregulationof these processes, combined with rebalancing the microbiome and repair of the skin barrier all lead to improvedoutcomes.

Through formulation expertise, and the inclusion of revolutionaryskincaretechnologies,JMSRcanprovide exceptionalresults.OurR&Ddepartmentisledbyour chiefscientistDrSubhashSaxena,whoholdsaPhDin pharmaceuticalsciencefromtheUniversityofMonroe intheUS,andhascarriedoutresearchandformulation development with such luminaries as Dr Albert Kligman.DrSaxenaandJMSRhavebeenawardedmany patentsovertheyears.

You can see some of our results here: janmariniaustralia.com.au/results

JMSR has multiple medical peer-reviewed papers on end formulations, so when we talk about “data”, we don’t mean simply ingredient data supplied by the industrial chemical manufacturer. An ingredient may be proven in-vitro (ie in a lab test using artificial cell cultures) but not in humans and not in combinations with other ingredients, which can alter their efficacy substantially.

Several of our peer-reviewed papers have been published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology and presented by physicians at podium at scientific meetings Thisshouldgiveyouconfidencethatrigorous medical and scientific investigation of the actual product,ratherthanindividualingredients,iscentralto theveracityofJMSR’sscientificclaims.Forexamplesof independent, peer-reviewed medical studies on JMSR formulations,seebelow Theseandotherindependent studies are available as complete articles to our stockists.

Jan Marini Australia has been distributing JMSR to Australianclinicssince2001.OurexperiencewithJMSR is augmented and supported through our own clinical expertise developed at our medical aesthetics clinic, EraseAestheticServices,foundedinMelbournein1997


janmariniaustraliacomau Contact-NationalSalesManagerKelly:0455408666

Beauty of Health?

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, researchers delve into the intricate web of environmental exposures that shape our well-being over a lifetime. This emerging field, known as exposomics, goes beyond the conventionalboundariesofgenomics*andproteomics*,aimingtounraveltheprofoundimpactoftheexposomeonour mind,body,andbeauty

Thesignificanceofunderstandingexposomesasthenextfrontieriskeytouncoveringtheintricateconnectionbetween innerhealthandouterbeauty.


The exposome represents the totality of environmental exposures individuals encounter throughout their lives. Unlike genomics,whichfocusesonthecompletesetofgenes,andproteomics,whichexaminesexpressedproteins,theexposome encompasses a diverse array of non-genetic exposures. From chemical pollutants and dietary components to lifestyle behaviours and psychosocial stressors, the exposome weaves together a complex tapestry of influences that leave an indeliblemarkonourhealth.


Traditionally, discussions surrounding health and beauty have often been confined to skin treatments and at-home regimens. However, considering exposomics sheds light on the holistic nature of aesthetics, emphasising that true radianceemanatesfromtheinsideout Chemicalexposures,dietarychoices,andlifestylefactorsplayapivotalrolein determiningthehealthofourskin,hair,andnails.Byunderstandingthecumulativeimpactoftheseexposures,wegain insightsintofosteringbeautythattranscendsmereaesthetics

Notable in driving this inside-out approach to beauty is clinical skincare brand Murad, who’s founder, Board-Certified Dermatologist&PharmacistDrHowardMurad,haslongtoutedthebenefitsof4PillarsofWellnessinthetreatmentof topicalskinconditions

Inarecent2024reportfromMintel,researchershighlightedtheshiftingdemandsfromcustomers,whoclaimtheyfeel moredistracted,disconnected,andoverwhelmedthanever Australiaisranked#6intheworldforwellnessconsumption, soit’sreallynosurprisethat2024willseetheriseof‘psychodermatology’.


Psychosocialstressors,anintegralpartoftheexposome,havebeenassociatedwithvarioushealthconditions Thesestressorsnot onlyimpactourwell-beingbutalsoleavevisibletracesonourappearance.Nearlytwodecadesago,Dr.HowardMuradpioneered researchintothephysiologicaleffectsofsuchstress,coiningtheterm'CulturalStress' Thisconceptencapsulatesthechronic,allencompassingstressarisingfromthedemandsofmodernliving.

CulturalStressspansmultiplefacets,includingtheoverdependenceontechnologyoverpersonalconnections,theblurringofworklifeboundariesduetoconstantconnectivity,andthesedentarylifestylefosteredbyon-demandservices Drivenbytechnological advancements,economicuncertainties,environmentalfactors,anddietarychanges,itbecomesanomnipresentstressorthatrarely allowsthebodytorecuperatewithoutactiveinterventionstrategies

WhatdistinguishesCulturalStressfromconventionalstressisitscontinuousnature Itpermeatesdailylife,posingchallengesfor the body's recovery mechanisms Moreover, Cultural Stress appears to indirectly hasten the aging process Dr Murad's clinical studieshighlighteditsadverseeffectsonhormones,cellularhealth,andconnectivetissue.Additionally,researchershavelinked sleepdeprivationtoacceleratedaging,asevidencedbytelomereshortening

Thisundeniableconnectionbetweenmindandbodyunderlinesthesignificance of exposomes in shaping both our physical health and mental well-being As individuals navigate the intricacies of daily life, the exposome emerges as a crucial factor in understanding how environmental stressors, such as Cultural Stress,impactouroverallhealthandappearance


Understandingtheconceptofpsychodermatologyhasprofoundimplicationsfor aesthetics and personalised care. As we grasp the interconnectedness of environmental exposures and health outcomes, skincare and beauty regimens canbetailoredtoaddressindividualexposomeprofiles.Thisbespokeapproach addressesthemind,body,andenvironment,workinginsynergytoenhancethe efficacyoftraditionalaestheticinterventions.

2024 will see the demand for quality and simplicity and the dawn of the next chapterinwellness,wherementalwell-beingisinterconnectedwithourphysical appearance

Asanindustry,wearepoisedtounlockaneweraofpersonalisedinterventions thattranscendtraditionalbeautystandards,embracingtheholisticconceptthat SkinCare+SelfCare=HealthCare

Exposomes: Imagine your life as a book where each page represents something you're exposed to; air you breathe, the food you eat, the experiences you have All these things, over your entire life, make up your exposome It's like a collection of all the environmental factors that shape your health

Genome: Your genome is like a manual or blueprint inside your body that contains all the

instructions for how you grow, develop, and function. It's made up of genes, which are like tiny chapters in the manual, and they determine things like your eye colour, height, and other traits

Proteome: Picture your body as a busy factory The proteome is like a list of all the different workers (proteins) in that factory These workers perform various jobs to keep your body running smoothly



The European Union has introduced new regulations that will limittheuseofretinolanditsderivativesinskincareproducts TheCommissionRegulation(EU)2024/996,publishedonApril4, 2024, restricts retinol, retinyl acetate, and retinyl palmitate to 005%RetinolEquivalent(RE)inbodylotionsand0.3%REinface and hand products. These restrictions will come into effect on December31,2024,forproductsplacedonthemarket,withafull compliance deadline by the end of October 2025. Future regulationsmayimposeevenstricterlimitsorpotentiallyleadto acompletebanonretinolinskincareproducts.


Dr.TiinaMeder,agloballyrecognisedingredientsafetyspecialist and founder of Meder Beauty Science, has always prioritised inclusivityandsafetyinherformulations.MederBeautyScience hasneverusedretinoloritsderivatives,particularlyconsidering the needs of pregnant and breastfeeding women Dr Meder's extensive experience in dermatology and ingredient safety has informed her decision to avoid retinol, given its potential to causeirritation,sensitivity,andotheradversereactionsinsome individuals

Instead, Dr. Meder champions the use of innovative and scientifically backed alternatives that deliver similar anti-aging andskin-renewingbenefitswithouttheassociatedrisks.Forover 25 years, Meder Beauty Science has incorporated cutting-edge ingredientslikeAvocutineandMaclurabioflavonoidsinitsacne treatmentsandanti-agingproducts,ensuringbotheffectiveness andgentleness.


Retinol,aformofvitaminA,hasbeenwidelyusedinskincarefor its ability to regulate skin cell turnover and stimulate cell differentiation and proliferation However, its potent effects come with risks, particularly for pregnant women, due to its impact on embryonic cell development Retinol can also cause side effects like sensitivity, redness, and irritation, and it is chemically unstable, breaking down easily under ultraviolet light,whichcanleadtooxidativestressinskincells.


Giventhehealthrisksandpotentialforirritationassociatedwith retinol,thereisagrowingdemandforalternativesthatprovide similarbenefitswithoutthedrawbacks Retinolalternativesare particularly valuable for individuals with sensitive skin, those prone to retinoic dermatitis, and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.




Health Risks: Excessive retinol exposure can be harmful, especiallyforthosewithnaturallyhighlevelsofretinol.

Mutations: Improper use of retinol can cause mutations in skincellsexposedtosunlight.



SideEffects:Rednessandirritationarecommonwithretinol use.

Pregnancy Concerns: Retinol is not recommended during pregnancyorbreastfeeding


Dermatosis Risk: Prolonged use of retinol can lead to dermatosis,impactingqualityoflife


Meder Beauty Science has embraced several innovative ingredientsasalternativestoretinol:


Bakuchiol: A plant-based compound that mimics retinol's effectswithlessirritation



Peptides: Chains of amino acids that stimulate collagen productionandimproveskinelasticity

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): Known for its antioxidant properties, it brightens the skin and reduces hyperpigmentation



Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): Improves skin elasticity, enhancesbarrierfunction,andevensskintone

Hyaluronic Acid: A powerful humectant that hydrates and plumpstheskin


PlantStemCells:Promotecellturnoverandprotectagainst environmentaldamage

These ingredients are integrated into Meder Beauty Science's formulations,providingeffectiveanti-agingandskin-improving benefitswhileminimisingtheriskofirritationandsensitivity

ExploreMeder'sbestretinolalternativesinEu-SebConcentrate, Equa-Derm Cream for oily skin, Eu-Skin Anti-Acne Cream, the Arma-Lift collection for mature skin, and the Lumino-Derm brighteningcollectionforpigmentation

The affectsourskin Microbiome


Theintricatelinkbetweenguthealthandskinhealthhasbecomeapivotalfocusinthebeautyandaestheticsindustry. Asprofessionalsdedicatedtoadvancingstandardsandachievingoptimalclientoutcomes,understandingthesciencebehind thisconnectioniscrucial.Thegut-skinaxis,abidirectionalcommunicationpathwaybetweenthegutandskin,offersprofound implicationsforskinhealthandopensnewavenuesfortreatmentstrategies.

This article delves into the science behind the gut-skin connection, its implications for skin health, and how Synergie Skin solutionscanintegratethisknowledgeintoyourpractice.


The gut microbiome, comprising trillions of microorganisms, plays a vital role in various bodily functions, including digestion, immune response, and even mood regulation. Similarly,theskinhostsitsownuniquemicrobiome,servingas the first line of defence against external aggressors. The gutskin axis refers to the complex, bidirectional communication system between these two microbiomes, influencing each other's condition and function through inflammatory mediatorsandimmunesystemregulation.

Recentstudiesunderscorethesignificanceofthisconnection, revealing that gut dysbiosis an imbalance in gut bacteria can manifest externally as various skin conditions, including acne,eczema,rosacea,andprematureaging.Keymechanisms throughwhichguthealthimpactsskininclude:

Inflammation: Dysbiosis can trigger systemic inflammation, exacerbating skin conditions characterised byinflammation

BarrierFunction:Acompromisedgutbarriercanleadto increased intestinal permeability ("leaky gut"), allowing toxinstoenterthebloodstreamandpotentiallycontribute toskininflammation.

Immune Regulation: The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in modulating the immune system, with imbalances potentially leading to overactive immune responses affectingskinhealth.


Improving gut health for skin rejuvenation involves a multifacetedapproach,focusingondiet,lifestyle,andpossibly supplementation,tonurturethegutmicrobiome'sbalanceand functionality Thesearethefundamentals:

Incorporate Prebiotic, Probiotic, and Postbiotic Foods: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help restore and replenish balance to the gut microbiome Postbiotics are also present in the probiotic fermented foods Postbioticsarethebeneficialmetabolitesthatthe good bacteria produce (such as essential short chain fatty acids and lactic acid). Fermented foods such as yogurt,kefir,andsauerkrautarerichinprobioticsand postbiotics. Prebiotics are indigestible fibres that feed these beneficial bacteria. They act as 'fertiliser' for the goodbacteriainthegutandhelptoimprovedigestion, promote a healthy immune system and reduce inflammation. Prebiotic rich foods include garlic, onions,chicoryroot,bananas,asparagus,andleeks

Maintain a Diverse and Nutrient-Rich Diet: A diet abundant in various fruits, vegetables, whole grains, andleanproteinscansupportadiverseandhealthygut microbiome These foods provide essential nutrients and antioxidants that can reduce inflammation and supportbothgutandskinhealth.

Staying Hydrated: Adequate water intake is vital for maintaining gut barrier integrity and facilitating the eliminationoftoxins,whichcanpositivelyimpactskin clarityandhydration.

Limit Inflammatory Foods: Reducing the intake of foods known to cause inflammation or gut dysbiosis, such as refined sugars, processed foods, and excessive alcohol, can improve both gut health and skin appearance. We go into even further detail on skinfriendlydietsinourblog:EatWellforGreatSkin

ConsiderGut-HealthSupplements:Supplementssuch as prebiotic fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics and postbiotics can support gut health However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional beforestartinganynewsupplementregimen

Fordermatologists,aestheticpractitioners,andbeautytherapists,addressingguthealthcannotonlyimproveexistingskin conditionsbutalsoenhanceoverallskinvitality Here’show:

HolisticTreatmentPlans:Developcomprehensivetreatmentplansthatincludedietaryandlifestylerecommendations tosupportguthealth.Thiscansignificantlyenhancetheefficacyoftopicalandproceduralinterventions.

PreventativeStrategies:Educateclientsontheimportanceofmaintainingabalancedgutmicrobiometopreventthe onsetofinflammatoryskinconditions,promotinglong-termskinhealth.

SynergieSkinSolutions:SynergieSkinofferscutting-edgesolutionsthatintegratethelatestscientificresearchonthe gut-skinaxis,providingprofessionalswithadvancedtoolstoenhancetheirpractice.


DermioticPre-SerumElixir:Formulatedwithprebioticsandpostbiotics,Dermiotichelpsbalancetheskinmicrobiome, reducinginflammationandstrengtheningtheskinbarrier Thisproductisessentialforclientsdealingwith inflammatoryskinconditions.

SkinHealthSupplements:SynTernals–sistercompanytoSynergieSkin–haslaunchedNRgize+,acomprehensive cellularenergysupplementthathastheadditionalbenefitsofsupportingahealthygutliningandmaintainingskin health *Alwaysreadthelabelandfollowdirectionsforuse


Implementingagut-focusedapproachin yourpracticeinvolvesseveralkeysteps:

AssessmentandEducation:Consider startingclientassessmentsthatinclude dietaryandguthealthevaluations Educateclientsonthegut-skin connectionandtheimportanceofgut healthforskinvitality


1. ComprehensiveTreatmentPlans: Developtreatmentplansthat incorporateguthealthstrategies, includingappropriatedietary recommendations,lifestyle recommendations,andappropriate supplementationalongsidetraditional skincaretreatments Itiscrucialto acknowledgethatwhileskincare practitionerscanguideclientson generalwellnesspractices,theyarenot medicaldoctorsornutritionists. Therefore,practitionersshould encourageclientstoseekprofessional medicaladviceforpersonaliseddietary andhealthplans Thiscollaborative approachensuresclientsreceive comprehensivecare,andpractitioners canadjustskincaretreatmentsbasedon professionalmedicalrecommendations.


EnhancingProfessionalKnowledge: Asindustryprofessionals,itisessential tostayinformedaboutthelatest scientificdevelopmentsandtheir practicalapplications Continuing educationonthegut-skinaxisandits implicationsforskincarecanenhance yourexpertiseandelevateyour practice.

anunderstandingofthisconnectionintoyourpractice,youcanoffer clientsaholisticapproachtoskinhealththataddressesbothinternal andexternalfactors.SynergieSkin’sscientifically-backedsolutions providethetoolsnecessarytoimplementthisapproacheffectively, ensuringyouremainattheforefrontofindustryadvancements.

TobecomeaSynergieSkinstockist,visitus https://synergieskin.com/pages/become-a-stockistorcall1300689619

Aestheticexcellencewith ESTHETICA ACADEMY

Based in Melbourne, Esthetica Academy is an Australian owned company dedicated to ensuringthesuccessofnewandexistingclinic partners, by offering state-of-the-art technologies, comprehensive education and ongoing support at a competitive price Esthetica’s mission is to empower aesthetic clinicsandmedicalpracticeswiththetoolsto enhance their services and increase company profits for business whilst boosting patient satisfaction.


Founded by trusted industry advocates who hold over 25 years of experience in understandingtheaestheticindustry,Esthetica Academy has established itself as a trusted supplierwithintheAustralian&NewZealand, aesthetic,cosmeticandmedicalindustries

We are more than just a distributor, we partner with clinics to provide high-end technology, ongoing training and comprehensive clinical and business support. This partnership offers practitioners an exciting opportunity to grow their business, upskilltheirstaffandenhancetheirtreatment offerings”-MedihaZeeshan


In an industry that is constantly evolving, Esthetica Academy prioritises the power of knowledge, empowering clients with fresh insights and techniques from esteemed experts Oursupportextendsbeyondtheinitial purchase to include marketing assistance, extended device warranties and ongoing educational resources Esthetica Academy remains at the forefront of the aesthetics industry when it comes to sourcing new and exciting technologies to bring into the Australian&NewZealandmarkets.

“We are more than just a distributor, we partner with clinics to provide high-end technology, ongoing training and comprehensive clinical and business support. This partnership offers practitioners an exciting opportunity to grow their business, upskill their staff and enhance their treatment offerings.”





In my role as a facilitator, I am constantly reminded of the profound importance of human connection and community FromthefirstcallIhavewithourmembers,acommonsentimentemerges:manyclinicownersfeel isolatedintheirjourney.Thisfeelingofsolitudecanbeoverwhelming,butitalsounderscoresthecriticalneedfor astrong,supportivenetworkwithinourindustry.


EveryconversationIhavewithourmembershighlightsthetransformativepowerofhumanconnection.Whether it's a new clinic owner seeking guidance or a seasoned professional looking for camaraderie, the need for connectionisuniversal It'sinthesemomentsofinteractionthatIseethetruevalueofmyroleasafacilitator It's not just about providing information or resources; it's about creating a space where members feel heard, understood,andsupported.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is connecting with our members during events like the ABIC Conferenceandourclinicvisits Thesegatheringsaremorethanjustprofessionalevents;theyareopportunitiesto buildrelationshipsandstrengthenourcommunity.AttheABICConference,memberscometogethertosharetheir experiences,learnfromeachother,andforgelastingconnections.It’sinspiringtowitnesstheexchangeofideas andthesenseofsolidaritythatpermeatestheseevents.

Our clinic visits are equally impactful. By meeting our members in their own environment, we gain a deeper understandingoftheirchallengesandsuccesses.Thesevisitsallowustoofferpersonalisedsupportandfostera senseofbelonging.It’sduringtheseface-to-faceinteractionsthatthetrueessenceofcommunityisfelt knowing thatwearenotaloneinourpursuits

The journey towards a more unified and supportive industry has only just begun. Each step we take together brings us closer to a future where no one feels isolated. By fostering human connection and building a strong community,wecancreateanenvironmentwhereeveryonethrives

Aswecontinuetogrowandevolve,ABICiscommittedtobeingtherewithyoueverystepoftheway.Ourcollective strength lies in our ability to connect, support, and uplift each other. Together, we can overcome challenges, celebratesuccesses,andcreateabrighterfuturefortheAestheticandBeautyIndustry

Theimportanceofhumanconnectionandcommunitycannotbeoverstated.Itisthefoundationuponwhichwe buildoursuccessandfindoursenseofbelonging.Iamgratefulfortheopportunitytoconnectwitheachofyouand lookforwardtotheincrediblejourneyahead Let’scontinuetoembracethepowerofcommunityandsupportone anotheraswenavigatethisexcitingpathtogether.

Ifyouwouldlikeustovisityourclinic,salon,orindustryworkplace,listentoyourfeedback,oreveneducateand inspireyourteam,emailusatinfo@theabicorgau

By nurturing these connections, we create a foundation for success that benefits everyone. Let’s embrace the powerofcommunityandcontinuetosupporteachotheronthisincrediblejourney.

On The Record.

ThismonthontheABICPodcast, patientconsultingmasterclass, onlineprotectionandcrackingthe codeofculturalstresswithour industryleadersandpathmakers.

# P O D C A S T

289:CrackingtheCodeof CulturalStresswithKatyBacon fromMuradAustralia

Katy is a seasoned professional with over two decades of experience in the beauty, health, and wellness industry. As the Education Director for Murad, responsible for the Asia Pacific region, she leverages her expertise as a dermal therapist, clinical nutritionist, and cosmetic chemist to advocate for wellness and a scientific approach to skin health.

290:OnlineProtectionand consumersafetyinthe SkincareIndustrywith MariaCocciolonefrom INSKINCosmedics

With almost 40 years industry experience, Maria EnnaCocciolone is the golden thread thatconnectsINSKINCOSMEDICS, its powerhouse portfolio of brands and her team of experts and the only Australian industry icon to have created three professional skincare brands fromscratch.

Throughouthercareer,Mariahas been an integral member of the professional beauty industry,

291:PatientConsulting MasterclassforSkin RejuvenationwithDrFeng YangforCynosureAustralia

Dr. Yang boasts over three decades of extensive experience inGeneralMedicine,Surgery,and Cosmetic Medicine. He honed his skills at Beijing Medical Universitybeforeembarkingona surgical fellowship at The Alfred Hospital in 1994, which marked the beginning of his illustrious medicaljourneyinMelbourne.In recognition of his expertise and dedication,Dr.Yangwasawarded the fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitionersin2002.

InthisepisodeKatydiscussesthe cellularimpactsofCulturalStress on the skin and helps practitioners discover how they can revolutionise the customer journey and consultation process toempowerclientsfortotalbody wellness.


Maria’s philosophy is that all brandsinherportfoliomustmake ‘good business and good skin sense’, supporting healthy businessesandskintoo.Herfocus is defying skin aging and giving patients their best opportunity to age gracefully, be confident in their skin and never stop believing in themselves; the pillars O COSMEDICS, GINGER&MEandnowINSKINCO arebuilton.

Maria joins us to discuss Online Protections and consumer safety intheSkincareIndustry

Continuing to innovate and elevate standards, Dr. Yang has expanded his repertoire to include cutting-edge laser and equipment-based cosmetic services, which has enhanced his services and patient satisfaction. Dr.Yang'sunwaveringdedication toexcellenceensuresthatpatients receive the highest quality care, tailoredtotheiruniqueneedsand aspirations

Don’t miss a Patient Consulting Masterclassforskinrejuvenation, withDrFengYang.









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