Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 10 VOL 2

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EXCLUSIVE ! " I struggled grasping the concept of fatherhood and in being able to relate to God as a Father "



10 Reasons Christians Should Not Celebrate Halloween





VISION ROMANS 15:20-21 20 Accordingly I set a goal to preach the gospel, not where Christ’s name was already known, so that I would not build on another man’s foundation; 21 but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture], “They who had no news of Him shall see, And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”

MISSION 1 CORINTHIANS 1:17 17 For Christ did not send me [as an apostle] to baptize, but [commissioned and empowered me] to preach the good news [of salvation]—not with clever and eloquent speech [as an orator], so that the cross of Christ would not be [b]made ineffective [deprived of its saving power].

















Child of God, our brothers and sisters all over the world are being persecuted, it’s actually unbelievable. I live in South Africa and we haven’t reached that stage of Christians being persecuted, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be burdened by our brothers and sisters that are being persecuted. It’s our duty as the church to share each other’s burdens as stated in Galatians 6:2, and pray for our brothers just like the church in Acts 4v 23-31. Even though they weren’t in jail but they took it upon themselves to pray for Peter and John as they were one in heart and mind (Acts 4v32). I was encouraged to read that the Christians that are being sent to prison for their faith in King Jesus get encouraged and strengthened when they think that there are brothers and sisters all over the world praying for them. We need to get back to prayer and carrying each other’s burdens. Still talking about burdens, let’s also make prayers for those in authority, whether it’s the presidents, ministers of the gospel, school heads, business people and countries, that also is our duty as stated in 1 Timothy 2v1-5. Some of us are privileged to not only pray but also to give financially which is something they need, especially the Word of God. In closure let’s keep in mind that what we own doesn’t belong to us ( Act 4v32). Glory be to God for the opportunity to write the note and may He continue to richly bless you. Write me your comments and thoughts to our email: it might just be printed :-) If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till month, you’re loved by Him and I.

Bibles for Prisoners Needed Now If you could read the letters I read every day, your heart would probably break. They're pouring in from all across America—from prisons in all 50 states. Incarcerated men and women long for hope. They are hungry for answers. And they thirst for a way to be transformed. When they write to us, they ask for one thing—the Bible. James J. Ackerman President and Chief Executive Officer Prison Fellowship



What does the Bible say about the believers participation in world missions?


The Bible does not use the phrase “world

Because of God’s attitude toward the people

missions,” but God is certainly missions-minded

of the whole world, we know that world

(Luke 19:10), and His love extends to all the

missions—the evangelization of all the people

world (John 3:16). The salvation of all nations is

of the world—is a worthy goal. God sent His

a concern for every Christian, based on at

Son into the world to fulfill this prophecy: “The

least three factors presented in Scripture:

people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep

1. world missions is important because God is

darkness a light has dawned” (Isaiah 9:2).

the Creator of all people. World missions has its foundation in Jesus’ 2.

God cares about all people equally.

command to His disciples to go into all the world and “make disciples of all nations”


God desires all people to be saved and

come to the knowledge of the truth about Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:4).

(Matthew 28:19). This is exactly what the disciples endeavored to do.


In Syrian Antioch, Paul and Barnabas were “set apart” by the Holy Spirit and called for a special work (Acts 13:2). That work was to evangelize Cyprus and Asia Minor.

Eventually, Paul’s missionary work took him to Europe. Always, Paul strived to be a pioneer in world missions: “It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation” (Romans 15:20). Paul preached the gospel “from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum” (verse 19); he had plans to go to Spain (verse 24), and he eventually made it to Rome. The book of Acts showcases the missionary fervor of the early church and emphasizes the necessity of world missions.

God does not show partiality to one race or nation above another (Acts 10:34–35). The Bible says that, without Christ, we are all in

We should pursue world missions because God

the same spiritual condition: all have fallen

desires all people to be saved and to come to

short of God’s glory and are under Adam’s

the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). The

curse. Everyone—every race, every person,

offer of salvation is made to “whosoever will”

every nationality—needs to hear the gospel.

(Revelation 22:17, KJV). “Is God the God of

Everyone needs the righteousness of God that

Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too?

comes through faith in Jesus Christ. “How . . .

Yes, of Gentiles too” (Romans 3:29).

can they call on the one they have not

Revelation describes the new, heavenly city of

believed in? And how can they believe in the

Jerusalem as a place where all nations will

one of whom they have not heard? And how

walk in the light of the Lamb and where the

can they hear without someone preaching to

glory of all nations will dwell (Revelation

them? And how can anyone preach unless they

21:22–27). God cares about all nations, and

are sent?” (Romans 10:14–15). The offer of

representatives of all nations will be present in

grace is extended to all; God cares about all


people equally. The angel gave the Bethlehem shepherds “good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10). When we support world missions, when we share the good news of the

The salvation of all nations is a concern for every Christian

redemption that is in Jesus Christ, we glorify God, who says, “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation” (Isaiah 52:7).



November 25 | NIGER

Children Let the little children come to Me ... – Matthew 19:14a

November 20 | SRI LANKA On Easter Sunday when bombers attacked Zion Church, 136 children were in the courtyard; 14 are now with Jesus. Please pray for the 122 child survivors. A church Sunday school teacher recently recalled a child’s comment: “Teacher, we don’t want to close our eyes. When we close our eyes, we see fire.”

Pray for a Christian woman in the city of Diffa who was kidnapped by Boko Haram. She was later released. Pray for her as she copes with her trauma in an area that has been repeatedly attacked.

November 26 | NIGERIA Praise God for The Shalom Center, Open Doors’ long-awaited trauma center in Nigeria. Pray specifically with Rauta, the center’s hired staff counselor.


Join our multi-year Hope for the Middle East Prayer Campaign. Visit to learn more.

November 21 | MEXICO Persecution has far-reaching impact. Pray for children like Rosi* who was 12 when she began visiting her mother in prison—jailed for professing her faith in Jesus.

November 22 | BANGLADESH Imran, a 7-year-old boy, was mocked and attacked by teenagers for his faith. His family are the only Christians in their village. Now he needs an eye operation to see again. Because of your support, Imran will receive the care he needs.


My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. – Psalm 73:26

November 23 | VIETNAM Y Bi* was chased from her village and her home when she became a Christian. She asks us to pray she can finish construction of her own home and that her husband and daughter would come to know Jesus.

November 24 | NEPAL Pray for Sashita,* whose husband left her and their children when she became a Christian. Thank God for Open Doors partners who provided her a buffalo and a calf. She’s able to sell the milk to care for her family.

November 27 | IRAQ Our local ministry partners have shared health statistics, indicating that many young people are fighting cancer. Because of the difficult economic situation and the high price of cancer treatment, patients quickly feel depressed and hopeless.

November 28 | SYRIA Thank God for everything the Open Doors team is doing in Syria. Pray for team members to grow in strength, faith and wisdom and for vacancies on the team to be filled quickly.

November 29 | IRAQ Pray with two elderly Christian women who suffered a horrible attack in their home. Armed assailants beat them and looted their home. Please pray for protection for those who have returned to the Nineveh Plain.

November 30 | SYRIA Pray for unity between Syrian churches. The need for Christian congregations and denominations to work together for positive changes is urgent and great.

*Representative name or photo used to protect identity. Open Doors USA P.O. Box 27001 Santa Ana, CA 92799 USA

Prayer request bulletin for persecuted Christians worldwide

Monthly Focus | SECRET PROJECTS Sometimes the work Open Doors does is so risky we can’t speak about the details—to protect the believers involved and sometimes the work itself. This month as you join us in prayer, try to imagine being a Christian in an area so dangerous that things like owning a Bible, attending a Bible study or participating in a home church must be done in absolute secrecy.

November 1 | CENTRAL ASIA Please continue to pray for physical and emotional healing for Eldos, the young man who was brutally attacked for his faith. He’s now living in an undisclosed country for his safety. Pray he’s able to find a permanent home.

November 2 | EAST AFRICA Following Christ can be difficult and costly for Somalis in East Africa, with conversion from Islam carrying a death sentence in certain regions. Pray for wisdom and protection for Christians who live out their faith, often in secrecy and fear.

November 3 | SOUTH ASIA Please continue to pray for the programs our on-the-ground partners host in South Asia. These programs provide fellowship opportunities that pastors and other believers would otherwise be unable to experience.

November 4 | NORTH KOREA The work done in safe houses for North Koreans is high risk, especially with ongoing crackdowns in China. Reports tell us God is working powerfully as many people meet Jesus in the safe houses. Pray for courage for workers as they serve.

November 5 | CENTRAL ASIA Please pray for believers and churches who face constant government pressure for sharing their faith. Pray specifically for our work that supports evangelists who run children’s camps and medical clinics.

November 6 | WORLDWIDE Please pray Brother Andrew’s prayer—that God would “make seeing eyes blind”—as Christians secretly smuggle Bibles into the hands of believers. Pray the Word of God would bring new life and maturity to those who receive them.

November 7 | MIDDLE EAST Underground churches are alive and active. Pray that leaders will rise up to lead churches and for courage among believers to meet together and grow in their faith.

November 13 | COLOMBIA


And I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. – Jeremiah 3:15

November 8 | AZERBAIJAN Please continue to pray for Pastor Hamid Shabanov who leads Aliabad Baptist Church. For 25 years, the church has applied for legal status. Recently, the church’s appeal of a fine—that they received for being unregistered and holding religious meetings—was rejected again.

November 9 | CHINA Pray for continued fruitfulness for Pastor Sarah’s* work as she cares for hundreds of small groups of believers throughout southern China. Pray for her as she shares the gospel with Buddhists and unreached people groups.

November 10 | LAOS Pray for Anya,* a church leader of 580 people who is also trained as a healthcare volunteer. Pray for spiritual opportunities to minister to others as he cares for their physical needs.

November 11 | VIETNAM Pastor Thang* is a church leader whose family rejected him because of his faith. Fellow believers are his family now, he says. Your support and prayers strengthen him to care for others also facing persecution.


We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. – Romans 6:4

November 12 | BANGLADESH Pray for Christians and non-Christians who attend literacy classes where the Bible is used as the textbook. Pray that non-Christians would be drawn to Christ as they learn to read and write.

Believers in Buenaventura continue to preach God’s Word in an environment where dismemberment, murder and death threats are regular occurrences. Pray for their perseverance and protection.

November 14 | CHINA Pastor Timothy* is a church leader in his 70s. He asks for prayer that believers would stand strong in this ongoing crackdown—and that the young Christians in his church would hold fast to their faith.

November 15 | SUDAN Please continue to pray for our Christian family in Sudan where unrest and violence have permeated the country after the ousting of former dictator al-Bashir. Sudanese Christians need much grace to live out their faith.

November 16 | INDIA Please continue to pray for Tilak* as he still lives with threats against him for converting from a Hindu background. Thank God for the emergency supplies and persecution preparedness training Open Doors partners have provided.

November 17 | PHILIPPINES Pray for peace and wisdom for believers like Isagani* and Lila* who are caught in the middle of a bloody feud between clans. Pray for peace among warring families and for miraculous encounters with Jesus.

November 18 | INDIA Five Christians were severely beaten for their faith by villagers. Ask God to give them wisdom in their relationships with others in their community and strength to show forgiveness toward their attackers.

November 19 | MALI Pray for survivors of a Fulani extremist attack on the village of Sobame Da. Pray for transcendent peace and strength as families grieve.



THE FALLEN CHURCH (The devil’s playground) It amazes me today to see many Church buildings being built. So many Pastors being “called”, many sermons preached, many prayers being prayed and yet many people cannot seem to overcome sin and their problems are increasing every single day. Especially, people who profess to be Christians. After series of prayers, I asked God, why are all these things happening? And that was when He began with me on the journey to “THE FALLEN CHURCH” HE said to me…….. “ I see my children gathered in churches to pray against the devil and all they do is scream HOLY GHOST FIRE, FIRE, FIRE as many times as they can. They go home tired and exhausted and yet nothing happens. You see, It’s because they don’t know who this devil is, let alone how to overcome him. My son, do you remember what Lucifer did in heaven some time ago? I couldn’t answer! You see, the devil is not scared because you scream Fire Fire Fire and this is someone who was able to persuade and pervert 1/3 of my angels who were with me, do you know what angels are made of?” Psalms 104:4 “Who makes His angels spirits; His ministers a flaming fire” My angels are made of spirits and were covered in flames of fire and yet Lucifer was able to corrupt their Divine nature and convert them into demons, and my children think they can overcome him by just screaming fire? Even those who are made with fire fell for his schemes, how much more you who are flesh and blood? My son, I will show you how to overcome the enemy so you can save my Church and other Souls hungry for my salvation.

Proverbs 4:23 says “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life” You see the strategy of the enemy will never change, in the Garden of Eden; he used what was around man to destroy what was in man. When the devil attacks your finances, it’s not because he needs your money, because Lucifer doesn’t spend money in the dark world. He doesn’t attack your marriage because he wants to marry your spouse; he doesn’t attack your car because he wants a new ride. You see, when the devil attacks any of these things he sees that your heart is connected to them, and then he can touch your heart and destroy you. The devil will always use what is around you to get what is in you. But Christians today are more mindful of what is around them, more than what is in them. We are more scared of losing money than losing our souls and that is why they never overcome the devil, instead of setting your heart on purity and righteousness, you are rather praying to set fire around your business, money, cars and future. I PITY THE CHURCH. If the devil is able to capture your heart by making you live in sin, he has power over your physical materials. Proverbs 4:23 says “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life”


Risking death for God's Word

article by:

How the Bible gets into North Korea Kim Da-bin looks around nervously. It’s after midnight, and the moon lights her way as she sneaks out into the woods near her home. There’s no one around, and the air is still and cool. She’s carrying a small shovel under her jacket. She finds the spot on the ground, and she begins to dig as quietly as she can. Soon she’s unearthed what she’s after. She brushes the dirt off the plastic bag, and opens it to retrieve what’s inside. The small book falls into her hand with a small thud; the sound is barely noticeable, but in the nighttime quiet, it sounds like a gunshot. She looks around—no one has noticed her. And so, she takes the book,puts it in her jacket pocket, and slips back into her home. Once inside, she shuts the curtains, pulls the book out of her pocket, opens it, and begins to read. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. For your rod and staff, they comfort me. She can barely make out the text; it’s an older form of Korean that isn’t used much anymore. But this little book is her most treasured possession. After she finishes reading, she again walks quietly outside, puts the small Bible back into the bag, puts it back into the hole and covers it with dirt again. As quietly as she can, she makes sure she hasn’t left any trace of her work. She sneaks back into her house, and falls into bed. It’s another night with God’s Word, another night where she wasn’t caught. It’s another night in North Korea, the place where having a Bible can get you killed. What worship looks like in North Korea Kim Da-bin isn’t a real person. But her story is all too real. It’s based on countless photos and stories Open Doors has heard from North Korean Christians who have managed to get messages out to our teams in the region. We’ve heard about the risks, and we’ve prayed with and cried with the Christians who still follow Jesus despite those risks. We’ve seen the Bibles that were buried and reburied for years by faithful believers, along with other secret ways that North Korean Christians strengthen their faith. They do all of this even as they live under a regime who will execute people for having a Bible. Even leaving a Bible in a public place is enough to lead to imprisonment.

These are just some of the reasons that North Korea has been No. 1 on the World Watch List, the annual list published by Open Doors that looks at the 50 countries where it’s most difficult to follow Jesus, for more than 15 years. An Open Doors field worker describes what worship is like for a North Korean believer: “The curtains are pulled and very, very softly, you read from the Bible to your wife and 16-year-old son. You’ve only recently shared the gospel with him. Now he’s old enough and wise enough not to accidentally betray you. Of course, he didn’t understand the gospel at first, but you’re teaching him. You’ve been praying for years that he’d be ready. “You read the Bible in the dark, you pray; the words are hardly audible. Do you sing in whispers? Maybe—when you’re in a bold mood.” In North Korea, children stumble across a Bible in the way that American kids find the Christmas gifts their parents have hidden from them. “In our house, [there] was a hidden closet,” says Kim Sang-Hwa, who grew up in North Korea. “When I was 12, I accidentally found it. I don’t know why, but I started to feel inside the cabinet with my hand and when I felt a book, I pulled it out. I opened the book and began to read: ‘In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” She began to shiver and dropped the book. “I was so scared. I knew this book was illegal,” Kim Sang-Hwa says. “My discovery could cost me my life. I was afraid to touch the Bible, but I couldn’t just leave it there. I closed my eyes, picked up the book and put it back. I weighed my options: Should I tell my teacher? Should I visit the local security official? For 15 days, I couldn’t think of anything else. I knew it was my duty to report this illegal book. But it was my family that was involved. And I also had all these questions: ‘Who is this God? Or ‘what’?’” Where a Bible looks different In North Korea, what a Bible looks like might look completely different from what you’d expect. There are old languages not used anymore; Bibles in different formats; and even Bibles you can’t hold in your hand. Open Doors recently got copies of Bibles and other Christian books that were smuggled out of the country. These Bibles were only given up because the secret North Korean Christians received new Bibles and Christian materials from Bible smugglers who risk everything to get God’s Word into the country.

the middle of the 20th century. These were used by secret Christians in North Korea, and only smuggled out recently when the secret believes in North Korea were given new Bibles to replace these old ones.

These Bibles, devotionals, Christian books and songbooks that made it out of North Korea are remarkable. They are mostly from the 1920s through the end of World War II, and are written in a style of Korean script that was commonly used in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This script isn’t used anymore, but the Bibles and Christian books were so precious to North Korean believers that they kept them hidden and passed them along to one another. Some believers are also given audio Bibles on flash drives or other audio devices when they manage to sneak across the border into China. Often, this is a temporary move—people go across the border for food or medical care, and then return to North Korea so their relatives aren’t punished because a family member escapes from the country. Sometimes, they find their way to Christian safe houses, and they’re given audio Bibles to take back in with them. One Open Doors worker describes meeting with “Brother Y,” a North Korean Christian who now leads a small, secret gathering of believers in North Korea. “Last year, [Brother Y] received an audio device with the Bible and other materials on it from me,” the Open Doors worker says. “He takes care of a network of 15 people. He still uses the audio Bible we gave him for his personal Bible study. I also supported him with food, medicines and clothes.” There are also radio broadcasts that act as secret audio Bibles for North Korean Christians. Though the North Korean government tries to run signal interference, and knowing that listening to these broadcasts could result in brutal punishments, more than 30,000 believers still tune in. These radio broadcasts give these Christians Bible readings, along with tools to understand it. There’s even a radio program that functions as a Bible seminary, which teaches a seminary Bible course in three years. Despite the risks, North Korean Christians are still hungry for the Bible—and they’ll risk everything to read it and grow in faith. Doing anything to get God’s Word to His people Whether it’s buried, listened to on the radio, smuggled in and kept for generations or kept in a hidden closet, God’s Word is alive and active in North Korea. Through the Holy Spirit, it’s strengthening the faith of Christians in North Korea, reminding them of God’s love and the truth of His work for them. This is why Open Doors is committed to helping North Koreans have access to Bibles, no matter what. It’s in our DNA—we started smuggling Bibles in the 1950s, and will do so until it’s no longer needed. In North Korea, through our regional partners we smuggle Bibles, books and other Christian materials—including materials for parents and youth—but we can’t tell you how, or how many people get them. Usually the books are destroyed after the Christians have read them, so there’s no evidence left in their home. Open Doors helps Christians get Bibles and other Christian materials however we can—through radio, smuggling, safe houses or any other method that will work. What matters is helping God’s people get access to His Word so they can grow in their faith and deepen their love for Christ. “The delivered Christian materials will be distributed to the believers in a timely and safely way,” says one secret church leader. “I’m convinced these materials will contribute to their spiritual growth.

We, the church leaders, are committed and dedicated to giving our lives again for our responsibilities in Christ. We remember your love and trust towards us. We will teach our North Korean believers with the words of our God and keep focusing on the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.” Because of the Bibles and discipleship materials that make it into North Korea, God is strengthening His Church, who stand strong for Him, no matter the risk. “North Korean Christians are like the tree stumps of faith that our Lord has let remain,” says Kyung-So, a secret North Korean believer who has escaped the country. “Pray for them. Pray for those that do missionary work, and assist them. Please pray for human rights and the freedom for North Koreans to worship Jesus Christ. Imagine the desperation of the people who live in such a place. The Kingdom of God must soon be realized upon the land. Please pray for the ones who believe in Jesus Christ.”

Share your prayer with 300,000+ secret believers in North Korea In North Korea you can’t trust your neighbor; people are rewarded if they turn in Christians. It’s virtually impossible for Christians to mentor, educate and even encourage each other. Thankfully, Open Doors is able to broadcast encouraging messages over the radio from supporters like you to these secret believers. We invite you to share your one-sentence prayer for your family in North Korea below. Your words of encouragement may be read over the radio

Following Christ in Isolation For the last 18 years, North Korea has ranked #1 on the World Watch List. In the world’s most dangerous place for Christians, the Bible must be buried. Parents must hide their faith from their children. And believers must find secret ways to worship. If caught, they are often arrested and imprisoned. Today, an estimated 50,000 Christians are in prison for their faith in North Korea.If God lays it on your heart, we invite you to give today to help Christians in North Korea with emergency food relief, medicine, Bibles and other vital aid and support. GIVE NOW


OUR DIRECTION FINDER We are so honored to share this beautiful article written by Uncle Angus Buchan . A Born Again spirit filled servant of the Gospel. Thanking you once again Angus for sharing this article with us. He is an Author, Evangelist, Farmer, Husband, Father and Grandfather. Our direction finder Over the years I have read much about the importance of God’s Holy Word and I have read many scriptures, but it is only during the last few years that the relevance of God’s Holy Word (The Bible) has become so important to me. My concern amongst God’s people is not ISIS or Al Qaeda or any other group that is hell bent on killing God’s believers, but my main concern is compromise and heresy within the fold. Jesus warns us very clearly to be careful about wolves who parade around in sheep’s clothing. When we see international Christian leaders saying that the Bible is of no importance in society and if it keeps getting quoted it will have no consequence in society today. That type of terminology concerns me deeply. Especially when it comes to young people who are really seeking direction. At the end of the day if you take the Bible out of the equation you have nothing left. Everything we believe, everything we stand for comes from God’s Holy Word. Jesus says that He puts His Word above His name. He says that heaven and earth will pass away, but His Word will never pass away. Jesus says He came to fulfil The Word, not to take anything away from it. Therefore, the Old Testament is equally as important as the New Testament. In fact, if we look at 1 John 5:7 (NKJV) “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” Therefore, we see that Jesus Christ is in fact The Word and The Word is Christ. If we look at John 1:1 (NKJV) we see one’s again the importance of God’s Holy Bible, it says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

So how can we say in modern day society that the Word of God has no more relevance. I would say it is more important today than ever before, because if there is any dispute we need to go back to the Bible. I am not interested in your opinion and you should not be interested in my opinion, we are only concerned about God’s opinion. The legacy which I am determined to leave my family and the body of Christ is the importance of God’s Word, because when everything else departs God’s Word will stand. As we see in Amos 8:11 the Lord warns us that the days are coming when there will be a famine in the land, not a famine for bread, not a thirst for water, but of hearing the Words of the Lord. So you and I are custodians of God’s Holy Word on earth until we go home to be in heaven, and we preserve the Word as it stands. Nothing added to it, nothing taken away from it, because the Bible tells us clearly that if we adjust this Bible at all every plague in the Book will come upon us. I cannot stress enough how God has spoken to me about the importance of speaking His unadulterated Word without any apology whatsoever. I want to be His Colporteur. Now a colporteur is a man in the early days that would go from door to door selling The Bible. He carried a rug sack and he took Bible’s from door to door, in the country, in the city marketing the Word of God. What a noble way to live one’s life.

In the Word of God, we have everything we need.

In closing the Lord says clearly in Proverbs 3:5-6

The Word of God is our compass, our direction

(NKJV), “Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

finder (Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my

And lean not on your own understanding; In all

feet and a light to my path.”), it is healing (James

your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct

5:16 “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous

your paths.”

man avails much.”), it instructs us how to anoint the sick with oil and pray the prayer of faith which will heal the sick. Indeed, if you are reading this article and you are lacking faith in these hard times in which we are living then you need to get into this Book and read it systematically. Not randomly. Starting maybe in the Book of Psalms and then going across to the Gospel of John. Reading a portion each day and then applying it to your life, because The Bible says in Romans 10:17 (NKJV) “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

If you are having problems with your family and priorities at home, then you need to apply what the Bible tells us about the model family. E.g. Husbands love your wives, wives submit to your husbands. Children respect your elders, elders don’t antagonise your children, and then you will see a difference in your family literary overnight, but the problem is many of us (and some of us are even Preachers), tend to water down The Bible. We sidestep issues that are of relevance, because we don’t want to offend people. The Bible is a life saver, but the Bible can also be a tremendous offence to those who are wrestling with God. So, God has given me a “mandate” and He has told me that in the last chapters of my life I need to start preaching The Word more sincerely, telling less stories about other things and getting back to the lifesaving Word of God. I really want to say to you, my dear friend, it will be a good thing for you to start memorising scripture and hide it in your heart, because we do not know what the future holds for us. We know that we are living in the last days and those of us who are Bible speaking believers are going to be severely tested before the coming of the Lord. If you want to leave something for your children, leave them The Word of God.

God bless Angus Buchan



I got the chance to have a chat with South Africa's anointed Radio Hostess, entrepreneur, MC, mother, voice over artist and worshiper ZINHLE XULU. May we be enlightened further with this


exclusive interview. Q. Who is Zinhle Xulu personally and professionally and where are you from?


A. Zinhle is first of all a young woman who by grace has been saved and loves the Lord. I am a mother and a lover of life. I was born in

woman of

Pietermaritzburg, KZN but spent most of my life here in Johannesburg. Professionally I am an Entrepreneur, Radio Host, MC, and Voice Artist.


Q. When and how did you become Born Again? A. I got born again at the age of 12 at Zoe Bible Church in Pimville Soweto. I am grateful for my aunt who took us to church every Sunday where the word was preached with so much power-

and one day I just responded to the altar call and that’s when I got born again.

Q. Who does Zinhle say, THE SON OF MAN is? A. Mmmmh I say He is a Saviour, a Redeemer and a King. Jesus is the Son of man and He is the way, the truth and the life. He is God’s heart for humanity and the greatest gift man has ever known.

Q. When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? A . The first two things that come to mind are life and love. When I hear the name Jesus I know that life and hope exist no matter the situation. When I hear or think about Jesus, I think relentless love that does not know how not to give of itself over and over again. He literally is the cup that won’t run dry!

Q. Life hasn’t always been easy for you. Your dad died when you where 6 and with mom and you having to see her boss die in hers arms. How did all this affect you and your relationship with God? A. Looking back now I think growing up without a father affected my relationship with God in that for a long time I struggled grasping the concept of fatherhood and in being able to relate to God as a Father. I have found it easier to try and obey and fear God than I have to accept and receive the love of God as a Father. I think I internalised a lot of the pain and trauma I’ve been through but over the years God has helped me through all of that and He continues to heal me. Q. At age 16 mom got ill and being the oldest you had to juggle school and looking after her. Share with us the experience of having to grow up so quickly and the role Master Jesus played in that time? A. That must have been some of the hardest things I have been through but it is funny how Jesus held my hand at the time because I really did not fall apart as I always imagined I would if anything were to happen to my mother. It must have been God who gave me the strength to face the situation because I do not know how I did it and continued to do well at school and life went on. I remember having to wake up in the morning and cook for and feed my mom and then lock her up when I go to school and then come back and attend to her again in the afternoon all while trying to shield my then 6 year old brother from seeing my mom in that helpless position. Jesus defiantly has been my strength and hiding place all my life. I also thank Him for the strong people that surround me especially my aunt and cousins who have also been through a lot but continue to be a great source of strength and support.

Q. At age 16 mom got ill and being the oldest you had to juggle school and looking after her. Share with us the experience of having to grow up so quickly and the role Master Jesus played in that time? A . That must have been some of the hardest things I have been through but it is funny how Jesus held my hand at the time because I really did not fall apart as I always imagined I would if anything were to happen to my mother. It must have been God who gave me the strength to face the situation because I do not know how I did it and continued to do well at school and life went on. I remember having to wake up in the morning and cook for and feed my mom and then lock her up when I go to school and then come back and attend to her again in the afternoon all while trying to shield my then 6 year old brother from seeing my mom in that helpless position. Jesus defiantly has been my strength and hiding place all my life. I also thank Him for the strong people that surround me especially my aunt and cousins who have also been through a lot but continue to be a great source of strength and support. Q. As an orphan at 16 with acceptance and low selfesteem, was it something you had been experiencing growing up or it surfaced due to the death of your parents and being alone? A . I think I struggled with acceptance and selfesteem issues from even before my mom passed on. Kids are kids and I grew up in a time where being dark skinned like I am attracted a lot of being teased and even bullied. Basically if you were very dark, you were considered ugly. Secondly I had already lost my dad and not living with my mom who came from a very poor family and had me while she was a teenager so I sort of always felt a bit misplaced because I was not raised by my own parents and I was aware of that. As a child I think when you are not with ‘your own’ people/parents you always feel that gap and need for them no matter what so the issues were definitely there from a young age.

Q. What advice can you give the Child of God who is still going through being accepted and low self esteem? A . The honest truth is that everyone wants to belong and sometimes it is not that the people around us do not love us enough or make us feel unaccepted but there is just this deep internal thing that is in us as humans to want to be in a secure place where we know that we are loved unconditionally and our backs are covered no matter what. If it does happen that you lose that place/person/people one thing you need to know is that there is a Father who is the author of unconditional love and He is always there-

waiting to love you, in fact He loved you before you even knew Him. You are loved and accepted by God not for what you do but by virtue of being His own creation. You are made in God’s image, I always say that if He wanted you to look any different from what you look now- He would have made you that way. You are a work of art, never ever allow society to tell you otherwise.

Q. Would you say that everything we go through whether good or bad plays a major part in the different ministries that God calls us to? A. I totally believe that experience plays a major role in developing character which is very important in us living out our calling. I see a lot of the time how my experiences feed so much into some of the work that God has called me for on this earth.

Q . How important is it to know our identity in Christ and being whole in Him? A. It is very important and what I have found to be more important is really getting closer to God. There are a lot of things that God teaches us and helps us through when we spend time with Him. Some things are a process and sometimes we have a lot of unlearning to do in order for us to come to the knowledge and acceptance of who we are in God. I would say go to God, spend time with Him and open your heart up to discovering who you are in Him, it changes everything. Another important thing is to not try to hide anything but pray about everything and that is when you will begin to experience a contentment in God and being whole in Him knowing that He knows you and you are kept in His hand.

Q. What did you learn about King Jesus in all that you went through, well even today? A. In Zulu I would say I have learned that AKAHLULWA ‘LUTHO uJESU! Nothing is too hard for Him. I have also very much learned and continue to learn that He is a faithful God who is true to His word. God goes ahead of us and prepares the way for us. God has a plan, God knows what He is doing, GOD IS GOOD!

Q. We see in your life and others that skin colour played a major role in tearing down self esteem due to it being dark. How did you evolve through that to a point where you embraced who and what you were? A. I have to say it took years and it took God. Look as a result of a low self-esteem, I really made a lot of bad decisions and mistakes in my life that left me in painful and difficult situations and because God is all I know, I went crawling to Him and when things got messy. Because all things work together for good- the low self-esteem led to the bad decisions, the bad decisions led to difficulty, the difficulty led me back to God and God dealt with me and even the low selfesteem. In summary, God helped me through it but it was not a matter of just me looking at myself in the mirror and feeling pretty, it was a matter of fixing me from the inside out. I felt pretty a lot of times before but I did not love myself, so God had to deal with me with issues of self-love, respect and acceptance a lot and that is what changed everything. Q. Would you say everything you went through equipped you to become the Zinhle we now see? A. Without a doubt, even though I would not wish some of the things on anyone, I do not question God and I trust Him when He says all things work together for good for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Q. What would you tell the 16 year old Zinhle today? A. Firstly-All the love you will ever need is found in God! Secondly- You are not second best, you are worthy. Lastly- Dream big, pray and focus! Q. Glory be to God, as in your final year in High school you got 3 distinctions ( Hallelujah) and got fees fully paid by a sponsor. Please share and glorify God Almighty. A. Oh wow, this is one of the things I remind God about when I am faced with a trial- I always say to Him “ I saw you do this for me and you are still the same God”. Indeed even after losing my mom and the pain that came with, I managed to do very well in my matric with 3 distinctions and fees fully paid. I remember asking my aunt how we would manage the fees that year because that was a pretty expensive school and she looked at me and said “God will provide.” And provide He did! I got a sponsor that I had not even applied for, I was just called in and told that a certain percentage of my fees would be paid and then a week or so later they called me again and said because of my performance and conduct my fees would be paid in full- THAT WAS GOD! I am eternally grateful and that is still one of the things that strengthen my faith till this day. Q. You are an audio visual management graduate elaborate what that is? A. So after matric I had planned to pursue a degree in Performing / Dramatic Arts because I had majored in Speech& Drama at school which I actually got one of the distinctions for, but that did not happen because the institution I had to go to did not offer that course. I then enrolled for the closest thing to that and that was Audio-Visual Production Management and in simple terms that just has everything to do with behind the-

scenes work of the television and film industry from script writing to directing to editing to camera operating and more. Q. Your first encounter with radio was all through volunteering. How did the love of radio come about and the importance of volunteering? A. The first time I imagined myself a radio presenter was at the age of 17. I used to listen to a Christian radio station at home and I would pray to God that would one day get a slot and use it to empower the youth and the passion kept growing. I then started looking around for opportunities and applying but it wasn’t until the year 2015 that I actually got to put my foot in. I was very excited when I received a call from the CEO of the first radio station I worked for after hearing my demo and I remember her saying to me “ I have not met you yet but I love you already”. I really would encourage volunteering as well as keeping an open mind to learn and grow. Had I not been willing to volunteer at the time, I would have not learned what I did nor gained the experience and knowledge so it definitely works in ones favour! Q. Being graced since 2017 to be hosting a daily show on Impact Radio (which so happens to be a Christian Radio Broadcaster). How has the journey been and what’s your desire when it comes to radio? A. I actually started at Impact Radio hosting a Saturday show once a week in 2017 and as of this year the opportunity to host a daily show came up. The journey has been great and I have been learning and growing. For me the platform matters more because it is aligned with my passion and purpose in reaching out to people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. My desire is to grow and be a positive influence to anybody who ever encounters the sound of my voice. I just want to be used by God as He will while doing what I love. Q. Any plans of doing television? A. Oh yes definitely, it is something I have also been desiring for a very long time and I am still praying and doing what I can to get into that but I trust God’s timing. Q. It’s grace to be able to share your passion for radio and love for Jesus all at once. Can we say this is Zinhle’s ministry? A. To an extent I think yes we can because it’s a platform, people/ lives are involved and the word is being released and God is doing the work and touching lives through it. Q. What challenges have you faced or are still facing as a Born Again Christian female especially in the media industry?

A. I have to say the pressure or expectation to conform. I generally am a person who finds it very difficult to fit into some spaces. I always insist on staying true to myself even if it means not living up to someone’s expectations or not fitting into their box. I am happy not to fit in as long as I am being genuine and authentic. Q. . You are also a worshipper. Share with us how and when? A. I serve within the praise and worship team at my local church- Arise and Shine Community Church and it is something I do not take for granted to be able to serve in that way. I always say what a privilege it is just to be called a child of God and then for Him to use even me is grace in it’s abundance. The funniest thing about this is that I do not even consider myself someone who can sing as such but somehow God gives me the grace to minister in song and only He knows how and why hahaha. Something about worshiping God that shapes and defines my entire being, I literally live to worship Him if I do nothing else, it has pulled me through every season of my life and there were times when I had nothing left but a song of worship in my heart and that kept the light burning within me. Q. You preach Christ at every opportunity. Other Christians feel that only the 5 hold ministry has been equipped and given that responsibility. Share with us the importance of sharing Christ at every opportunity and the how? A. Oh no, I believe it is every believer’s responsibility. The bible says ‘freely you have been given, freely you must give’. As long as you have received the good news, you need to share them at every chance. God has instructed us to go out to the world and preach the good news to all people. Not preaching Christ for me is like seeing people suffer from an illness and you have the remedy in your hand yet you do nothing. We need to make use of every chance, lives need to be saved just like ours have been. Sharing the gospel does not need a stage and a mic, it needs you and an ear! Q. If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? A. I would say the things I always say to Him in my closet haha. I would spend time sitting at His feet and learning from Him. Q. There is power in the name of Jesus Christ, share with someone who doesn’t seem to grasp that exactly? A. The name of Jesus is not just a name, it is a name that is above all names, a name that has authority to do things, to change things, to move and shift things so when you call on the name, expect something to happen.

Q. There is power in the name of Jesus Christ, share with someone who doesn’t seem to grasp that exactly? A. The name of Jesus is not just a name, it is a name that is above all names, a name that has authority to do things, to change things, to ove and shift things so when you call on the name, expect something to happen. Q. When people hear the name Zinhle Xulu. What do you want them to know? A. There is hope for all things. Q. Any advice to Christians? A. Stick with God. We live in times where lot is happening in the body of Christ and it is so important to know God for yourself lest you be deceived and led astray without even realizing it. Trust in God, keep a pure heart and avail yourself to Him in every sense of it. There is nothing more important than walking with God and allowing Him to order your steps. Again- Trust in God!

Q. How can people get in touch with you and access all that you do? A. Thank you, I can be reached via e-mail on on Facebook- Zinhle On Purpose and on Instagram @zinhleonpurpose. Q. Last words and plans for 2019? A. I would just like to remind everyone of Matthew 6:33- Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Sometimes we get so frustrated when we neglect God chasing after the things that are meant to come after us while we seek Him. There is more in God and there is more to God than the things, the things should therefore not be primary but an addition unto our lives with God at the centre of it all.


1. Legacy is ….?

7. If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….?

Something good and beneficial that outlives you

Be lost, hopeless, wounded, confused, broken…the list is

and benefits generations to come.

endless and like Travis Greene says its, I really don’t wanna know where I would be if He left me and did not wait for

2. On the weekend you will find me….?


Mostly either at home or church.

8. Can’t stop thinking about? 3. dream of …..?

The things I am praying to God about and trusting Him

Becoming everything that God says I can be. Impacting nations


and my life being a message that causes someone else to believe in God.

9. Daily mantra? Spread love and kindness, it costs absolutely nothing.

4. 2019 is…. A year of giving birth!

9. Purpose is…….?

5. What people don’t know is that I …….?

abilities all working together for the divine plan of God

I have a weakness for Tennis biscuits and I actually am an

throughout your life.

A combination of your calling, passions and

introvert though everyone disagrees.

10. Currently playing and reading ….? Dr Tumi- Ditheto is on repeat as well as Mdu Shongwe’s

6. I will retire the day ……?

album- Discovery. Reading a lot about prayer from

What does that even mean? Haha.

different sources.


Question: "What is the Aaronic Blessing?" Answer: The Aaronic Blessing is the blessing that Aaron and his sons were to speak over the people of Israel, recorded in Numbers 6:23–27: “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Tell Aaron and his sons, “This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.’' “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.” Because of the simple elegance and profound sentiments expressed in this blessing, it has been used throughout the centuries long after the sacrifices of the Aaronic priesthood ended. It is commonly used today in Judaism and known as the Priestly Blessing, the Priestly Benediction (birkat kohanim), the Dukhanen, or the “raising of the hands,” although the -

"EACH FESTIVAL IS FULL OF RICH CHRISTIAN SYMBOLISM, POINTING TO GOD’S PLAN FOR HUMANITY AND JESUS CHRIST’S ROLE IN EACH STEP. " time and method of pronouncement differs within the various groups of Judaism. The Aaronic Blessing is also used in Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran liturgy. It is also spoken over the congregation regularly in less liturgical services of many Protestant congregations. A closer analysis of the blessing shows that the emphasis is upon God. God originates the blessing —it was God who instructed Aaron on the proper form of the blessing and gave instructions for it to be spoken over the people to begin with. The blessing itself emphasizes that it is the Lord who blesses the people and does for them what they cannot do for themselves.

The Lord bless you and keep you. A blessing from the Lord is requested; it’s not just a general blessing but the specific protection of the Lord as we ask Him to “keep you,” words that have the sense of guarding or watching over someone. For Israel, this would have had a very practical application as they were surrounded by enemies, and God had promised to protect them as long as they were faithful to Him. For the New Covenant believer, the protection of God has a somewhat different connotation. While believers hope and pray for physical protection from enemies, we know that God has not promised this. In fact, He has promised persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). However, God has also promised that nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God that in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:36–38). Paul, sitting in a Roman prison awaiting his execution, was confident that God would rescue him and bring him safely to the heavenly kingdom (2 Timothy 4:18).

The way Paul was safely transported to that kingdom was by the executioner’s blade! The Lord make hisJESUS face shine on you and be WHICH

gracious to you. This line of the blessing has to do with experiencing God’s favor. When a person sees a loved one, his or her face “lights up.” God’s “face” radiates divine favor. Ancient Israel could expect God’s loving, gracious response to their calls for help. New Covenant believers have the promise of God’s never-ending love (Romans 8:26–38, mentioned above) and have already God’s gracious response to save us M experienced .K from our greatest enemies—sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:56–57).



The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. This line of the Aaronic Blessing continues the theme of the “face” of God and has the idea of His people receiving His full attention. The nations surrounding Israel believed in gods who could be distracted by other things (much like human beings) and had to be summoned, awakened, or roused to action. (This is the background for Elijah’s taunts to the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18:27–28.) Many pagan religious rituals were designed to attract the attention of the gods and put them in a proper mood to act on behalf of their worshippers. This is all foreign to the Israelite religion. When the people were faithful to God, His “face” was toward them with the result that they would have peace. Peace (shalom) is more than just an absence of warfare but a completeness or wholeness and maturity. Judges 2 records what happened when God turned His face from His people for a time and they lost shalom, but He quickly turned to them again when they repented.

The New Covenant believer has been granted peace with God though Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1), and we can also access the peace of God by trusting Him to take care of us. Prayer is the active means by which we can experience this peace (Philippians 4:6–7). For ancient Israel, the Aaronic Blessing expressed the highest state of blessing that the nation would enjoy as they were faithful to God. The application is slightly different for the New Covenant believer. Jesus Christ has already granted us all of the things that are asked for in the Aaronic Blessing, and they have been granted on a permanent basis. Our direct experience of these things can fluctuate over time. For the believer, this blessing should be a reminder of what one has in Christ. It should also be a prayer for a fuller understanding of God’s blessings in Christ and for the corresponding feelings that should accompany that understanding.


WARNING!!! DANGER ZONE: THE SPIRIT OF FAMILIARITY. by: Minister Monica They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. - Ephesians 4:18 ESV.

Times are changing. Gone are the days where we had the luxury to entertain the lust of our fleshy desires and forsake God until we were in desperate need. God is calling ushis church to get back to a place of reverential fear of the almighty God He is. Whenever the heart needs a checkupit begins to send notifications through an electrical signalof your cell pathways. Some could experience mild pain, some a contraction, some a slight twitch, and unfortunately for some a heart attack. I could sense my spiritual heart was experiencing a mild heart attack after a few weeks of contractions. The pain was hard to ignore, this was the signal, “Jesus is calling.” I wondered how Jesus could be calling if I already had a relationship with Him. Simple. I was becoming too comfortable in my walk with Him, that I acted as if I knew it all, but really no human can experience the full totality of the glory of God. The Lord called me to a fast. I told no one, because it was a time for me to learn to be obedient, to hear the voice of the Lord concerning His will for my life. I decreased and the Lord increased. As I fasted and prayed the Lord revealed to me that no sin is bigger than the other, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one [point], he is guilty of all. – James 2:10 ESV.

God brought to my attention His two sons, Saul and David. Saul disobeyed God’s command to get rid of all the possessions of the Amalekites “Go and attack the Amalekites! Destroy them and all their possessions.”-1 Samuel 15 CEV. David committed adultery by sleeping with Bathsheba and sending her husband to be killed in battle(2 Samuel: 11 NIV). They both committed a terrible sin before God, but their sins were not greater than the other. In fact, the only difference between Saul and David was that David had a heart of repentance, a heart of worship. David admitted his crime before God and lamented. Meanwhile Saul was boastful, prideful and lacked true repentance for his faults, he was so used to God blessing him with countless of victories that he allowed the spirit of familiarity to come in and distract him from seeing God high and lifted up. Saul’s heart hardened before His maker and at one point mine did too. The spirit of familiarity is a disease of the heart. It causes us to lose our reverential fear of God, to stop seeking him further, to lose the desire to move from Glory to Glory. We must get to a place of a deeper need to experience God at a higher level. Fresh encounters, a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. We too can learn from Moses who asked to see the Lord’s face. Moses wanted to live in the glory constantly.

He didn’t get bored; he didn’t get weary. The word says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.– Proverbs 9:10 NIV. These are the last days. Don’t be distracted, don’t be moved and let your light shine among all men. Keep your fire burning for Jesus at all times and when your heart begins to twitch make a note to yourself; Jesus is calling. Thank you so much for reading! My prayer is that you all would be so hungry, thirsty after God and His righteousness that you could care less what the world thinks and live as Jesus has called you too. Be encouraged, Love Monica.

The spirit of familiarity is a disease of the heart. It causes us to lose our reverential fear of God, to stop seeking him further




by: J. Kerby Anderson

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H Many in our secular society believe Halloween is nothing more than a harmless festival that allows kids to collect candy. But is it? Its origins lie deeply rooted in the occult, and Christians should stay away. Here are ten reasons why. 1. October 31st has long been known as "The Festival of the Dead." The Celtic tribes and their priests the Druids celebrated this day as a marker for the change from life to death. 2. Halloween today is performed usually by adherents of witchcraft who use the night for their rituals. Witches celebrate Halloween as the "Feast of Samhain," the first feast of the witchcraft year. Being a festival of the dead, Halloween is a time when witches attempt to-

communicate with the dead through various forms of divination. 3. Christians should not be involved with occultic practice or divination. Note God's command against divination in Deuteronomy 18. 4.Occultists believe Halloween is a time of transition between life and death. Some occult practitioners practiced divination and believed you could learn the secrets of life and wisdom by lying on a grave and listening to the messages from the long-departed. 5. Occultists also taught that spirits and ghosts left the grave during this night and would seek out warmth in their previous homes.

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. Villagers, fearful of the possibility of being visited by the ghosts of past occupants, would dress up in costumes to scare the spirits on their way. They would also leave food and other treats at their door to appease the spirits so they would not destroy their homes or crops but instead move on down the road. That is the real reason why kids dress up in costumes today and go door-to-door seeking treats. 6. Occultists also would try to scare away the spirits by carving a scary face into a pumpkin. This horrible visage would hopefully move the spirit on to another home or village and spare that home from destruction. Sometimes the villagers would light a candle and place it within the pumpkin and use it as a lantern (hence the name, Jack-o-Lantern). This is the origin of carving pumpkins at Halloween. 7. In some witchcraft covens, the closing ritual includes eating an apple or engaging in fertility rites. In the Bible (Genesis 3), eating a piece of fruit brought sin and death into the world. In witchcraft, eating an apple is symbolic of bringing life. The practice of bobbing for apples brings together two pagan traditions: divination and the fertility ritual. 8. Schools are removing any religious significance from Christmas (often called winter break) and Easter (spring break). Isn't it ironic that most public schools still celebrate Halloween even though it has occultic origins? 9. Participating in Halloween gives sanction to a holiday that promotes witches, divination, haunted houses, and other occultic practices. 10. Christians should avoid Halloween and develop creative alternatives. Churches should celebrate Reformation Day (31 October). They should not endorse or promote Halloween. Copyright © 2001 Probe Ministries

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- testimony-


I was born again at the age of 16 in 1979 while still in high school. I’m 56 this year. As the first person in my family to accept the lord Jesus Christ, I soon discovered that my life became very hard and life was difficult as everybody was against the new decision I made.

I am the third born in my family and I’ve

They wanted me to renounce JESUS

been always aware that I was neither of my

which I refused. Then they said my JESUS

parent’s favourite children. My dad had pet

should do everything for me. My King

names for my siblings but me. As a result I

took their challenge and I found myself

learned from an early age to keep my

having everything I needed. I don’t know

opinions to myself as nobody took what I said

how but, all my needs were met over and

into consideration.

above what my parents ever did for me. Hallelujah Jehovah Jireh!!!

I stammered from an early age hence I was always ignored because I couldn’t verbalise

My stammering ceased after I got born

my thoughts quick enough so I became a

again. I don’t know when or how, I just

loner as they were not patient with me. Even

realised that I was suddenly eloquent. My

at school it was the same more with the

JESUS!!! This made my life so easy and

teasing so I became so quiet rather than

better. Little did I realise that the enemy

being laughed at.

was waiting nearby planning to ‘steal, kill and destroy’ my joy in the Lord: John 10:

My life became so difficult due to the fact

10. In 1980, I became very sick to the

that my parents refused to meet my needs as

point that I lost a lot of weight to such an

I refused to take part in their ancestral

extent that my head felt heavier for my


body. I couldn’t walk by myself.

The doctors were baffled as they didn’t

I was told that the lump was cancerous and

know what was wrong with me. I couldn’t

I was not clued up as what cancer was. I

eat as my throat felt closed up. I survived

was told that my breast had to be cut off

on soft porridge and yoghurt. It was only

for my safety. I was given an appointed

discovered after some weeks of severe

date for the operation. This jolted me back

pain that I had a boil inside of my right jaw

to reality. I had to mature spiritually and

when it popped. During that time I thought

realise that I serve a God who is so much

I was dying and was readying myself to be

bigger than everything going on. I then

taken to heaven and be with my Lord

started praying fevently to my Father

forever more. Thank God I healed

Jehovah Rapha to heal me. I felt the hand


of God upon my life. My Father did it. Towards the appointed date I discovered

After my high school, I went to college to

that my breast was no longer painful nor

study to become a teacher. I served in the

sensitive anymore. I was so overjoyed. I

Students Christian movement and was

didn’t go back to the hospital. The devil lost

vocal about my salvation. I suddenly felt


something was not right with me. I discovered a lump in my right breast which

There’s a song that says ’through it all, I’ve

started as a size of a peanut. As the lump

learned to trust in Jesus, I’ve learned to

grew, the pain also grew and it was the

trust in God, through it all I’ve learned to

most horrible time of my life. I became so

depend upon His name and word. This has

stressed as I had no one to share this with.

been my life for all these years otherwise I

I told my parents who asked me to go to

wouldn’t have made it without Him. He is my

my parent Jesus. My sisters also showed

solid ground.

no sympathy at all as they thought I was disrespecting our parents. They passed

I went through a lot in my life that I saw

nasty comments about choosing a Jewish

and learned who God is. I can write so

God over our ancestors. I went to the

many testimonies about what he did for me.

hospital alone when the lump was the size

The third testimony I can share from the lot

of a golf ball. My breast was so hot and

is when I had the OBE (out of body

very painful to touch. I waited till this time

experience). This really shook me in my

as I was in denial and I just thought it will

boots that I don’t take life for granted;

go away.

hence I always tell people that it is very easy to die.

I know that death is like a thief who comes unexpected hence we must always be ready and repent of our iniquities every time. This is so scary. JESUS has been with me through thick and thin. He has never abandoned me not once. I have been challenged left, right and centre by the devil but I’ve always known that I’m not alone through all the pain, challenges, afflictions and situations. I’ve been born again for 40 years and I don’t know any other life outside of JESUS. Wow, Glory to JESUS who is the same yesterday, today love Him so much because He first loved me. He saved and protected me against the devil who wanted to get rid of me from the face of the earth. I’m not going anywhere. I still have a lot to do for the Kingdom. Glory to JESUS!!! It is not over until JESUS says otherwise. Maranatha!!! Jesus is coming!!! Hold on and endure till the end. Christian life is not easy but take heart, the devil is defeated. JESUS IS KING AND LORD!!!



EMPOWERED TO EMPOWER by: Pastor Ntsako Scripture reading: Galatians 5:13 "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another" John 21:15-17 “When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?' Peter said to him, 'Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.' Jesus said to him, 'Feed my lambs. He said to him a second time, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me?' Peter said to him, 'Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.' He said to him, 'Tend my sheep. Jesus said to Peter the third time, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me?' Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, 'Do you love me?' and he said to him, 'Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.' Jesus said to him, 'Feed my sheep'”

"For God so loved the WORLD..." This is the first part of the well known scripture, John 3:16 and from it we get the understanding that God loves this world, and everyone living in it. His love for us is unmerited. He loved us before we even love ourselves. We don't deserve His love, but He loved us anyway. Now take a moment and thank God for His everlasting love... We were once lost, but now we have been found. We are now called the righteous ones by the grace of God. Take a moment and think of what God has saved you from, the sinful life we used to live, but God saved and empowered us.

Our salvation is not for selfish reasons. God wants to empower someone through your life. The Bible says in Galatians that we were called to be free, that's our salvation, and it continues and says: “through this salvation we must serve one another”. May your salvation give birth to another salvation. You heard and received the Good News and it is the purpose of God for you to spread this Good News. You can't keep this Good News for yourself, if it's real Good News, you going to share it. It is called news because it must be spread. How sweet is this Good News, the Gospel of Christ. Decide to empower someone today with the Good News of Jesus Christ... Jesus said to Peter in John 21, "if you love me, feed my sheep". Going to church doesn't mean you love God. You can play gospel songs and still not have the love for God. True love for God is reflected when you feed His sheep. May your heart burn with the passion to feed the lost sheep of God and empower those who are lost with the Word of God. You might not have money to give everyone, but you have something more powerful than that, the Word of God!!! Child of God, rise up and make the Word of God fashionable. Let’s preach this Gospel until it reaches the utter most part of this world. I am saved and empowered. I will serve and empower others!


A Simple Identity by: unknown

Look down at your shirt for a moment—is there a little emblem on the pocket? If you’re drinking coffee while reading this article, is there a green circle with a woman on the cup? This is called “branding”—a marketing strategy by which products are given their distinctive identities. A brand is a collection of images and ideas that symbolize a particular product or company. What comes to mind, for instance, when you think of an apple with a bite missing? Without a doubt, most people will think of the products available through Apple—Macs, iPhones, iPads, iPods—the image represents the brand. Today, companies are no longer interested in creating a product—they want to establish a brand—an instantly recognizable identity that strikes positive chords in the consumer. Branding attempts to sell a “feeling” as much as a product; and companies spend millions of dollars on just the right symbols, slogans, color schemes, and package designs necessary for branding a product, an author, a company, or a concept. What is your brand? What’s distinctive about you? What makes you different? What “feeling” do you produce in others when they think of you? Long before Starbucks or Apple, Jesus Christ understood the importance of branding, and He designed a particular “look” for all His disciples. He wanted to give them a simple identity, which He explained in John 13:34-35: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”


That’s a brand more powerful than any ever concocted

To lay down our lives for someone doesn’t always

by Madison Avenue; and it’s so important that without

mean that we’re going to die for them, though that’s

it, nothing else rings true in our lives.

exactly what Christ did for us. But it means we die to

Christians aren’t known to the world by what we wear

ourselves and live to meet the needs of others in

—we are known by our love. That’s our simple

Christ’s name.


That’s our identity. That’s the core of our Christ-

Recalling our Lord’s words in John 13, the apostle John

likeness. As Zechariah 3 says, we are simply brands

restated them in his first epistle, saying: “We know

plucked from the fire. And the world will know we are

that we have passed from death to life, because we

Christians by our love.

love the brethren . . . . By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (1 John 3:14, 16). John explained in the next verse, “Whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth” (verses 17-18). During the Vietnam War, two men were shot down over North Vietnam in separate incidents at about the same time. One was Porter Halyburton, a white southern boy, and the other was Fred Cherry, the first black officer captured by the North Vietnamese. The men were thrown into the same cell, and it didn’t appear Fred Cherry would survive. He’d been injured, and Porter soon discovered that he had to care for Fred in very personal ways in order for him to survive. When Fred appeared to be near death, burning with fever, Porter hovered over him day and night, tending his loathsome wounds, exhorting him to hold on. After the men were liberated, Fred Cherry said he wouldn’t have survived without Porter Halyburton. Porter said the reverse was also true. Caring for Fred gave him a sense of purpose, it enabled him to serve someone else, and it taught him to love a brother in need. And he said, that’s why he survived the Hanoi Hilton.[1]


19 But Peter and John replied, “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? 20 We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard.” ACTS 4:19-20 (NLT)


“We “must” all appear... It isn’t like jury duty where it is compulsory unless you have an acceptable excuse. There are no such exemptions from the Judgment Seat of Christ.” – Daniel Kolenda THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST (PART 1) As with all of God’s judgments, the Judgment Seat of Christ perfectly blends His justice and His mercy. It displays justice because it brings our lives on earth into the light of eternity. The same respect God showed Adam’s free will in the Garden, He will also show us at the end of the age. Our actions are important. How we live matters.

True, God will not judge us for our sins before the cross. But He will evaluate our lives in light of the cross. So let’s look more closely at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Let’s get ready for that just and merciful day. Our key text is 2 Corinthians 5. The rest of our study will focus on verses 10-20 along with a few other relevant passages. This will give us a better grasp of Paul’s meaning, a richer understanding of the nature of God’s judgment of Christians, and greater preparation for our future. “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

” (2 Corinthians 5:10, NKJV) The Greek word for “judgment seat” is bēma. In the world of the New Testament, bēma referred to a raised platform from which a speaker would address a crowd (Acts 12:21), or a ruler would make judgments on important legal matters. So a bēma usually referred to a tribunal—a judge’s bench in a court of justice. Jesus Christ stood before the “judgment seat” (bēma) of Pontius Pilate (Matt. 27:19; John 19:13). Paul stood before Caesar’s bēma (Acts 25:10-11), and testified before the bēma of the governor, Festus (Acts 25:6). The ancient city of Corinth had a well-known bēma for legal matters, the remains of which survive to this day.

In fact, Paul himself stood before that bēma. When Jews in Corinth accused him of leading a religious rebellion, they brought him before the bēma, or “judgment seat,” of Gallio, who was the Roman governor of that province (Acts 18:12). So the Corinthians would understand well Paul’s reference to the “judgment seat of Christ” in this verse (2 Cor. 5:10). It was no small matter to stand before the bēma of a judge, governor, or Roman Emperor! Verdicts there were weighty, binding, and final. Those who might stand before such judgment seats should take great care with their actions and their words. How much more, Paul suggests, should we believers live circumspectly since, one day, we will all stand before the bema of the greatest and final Judge, King Jesus the Messiah? No wonder Paul admitted in the next verse that he “knew the fear of the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:11)! But as I said earlier, the same judgment that gives us respect for God’s justice, also invites us into His mercy. Interestingly, there was also a bēma at the Greek Olympic Games. But this “judgment seat” was not for trying law cases. It was for rewarding athletic competitors. The Corinthians would also have been familiar with this bēma. Some Olympic-type games were played right near their city every other spring when athletes from all over the Empire would converge on Corinth to challenge one another in various athletic events. After each contest, the winners would stand before a judge’s bēma to receive the awards for their performances. This bēma might also be a fitting illustration of Paul’s point for two reasons. First, notice that only winners stand before the bēma. Just as in the Olympics today, losers do not receive medals.

Everyone who stands before the bēma is a winner. If you make it tothe Judgment Seat of Christ, it means you have been saved. You have beenredeemed and will spend eternity with Jesus. That makes you a winner. Second, however, there will be different levels among these winners. Not every winner receives equal reward. This is not something we talk about very often in the church —because it is not politically correct. We live in a culture where everybody is supposed to be exactly equal. Even in many sport competitions for children, everyone gets medals and trophies so nobody feels left out. But in the real world, there are winners and there are losers. Even among champions, some do better than others and everyone is rewarded according to his or her work. Remember what Paul said about those coming to this Judgment Seat: “We must all appear...” Notice he was not addressing heathens. He was speaking to the Corinthian church—believers who were Paul’s own disciples. And he did not say, “You must all appear…” he included himself. “We must all appear…” So even the great apostle, who spread the Gospel across the Mediterranean world and wrote two thirds of the New Testament, will in fact stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ himself. If the Corinthian believers have to face Christ’s judgment seat, so do you. If the apostle Paul must face it, so must you. “We must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ…” Notice also that he said we “must” all appear. There are no exceptions for extenuating circumstances. It isn’t like jury duty where it is compulsory unless you have an acceptable excuse. There are no such exemptions from the Judgment Seat of Christ. It is an appointment that cannot be cancelled. There are many uncertainties in this life. But I can tell you two things that are for sure.

The Bible says that (1) it is appointed for men once to die, and (2) after this comes the judgment (Heb. 9:27). We will all die. And we will all face judgment—whether at the Judgment Seat of Christ or the Great White Throne. Scripture goes on to say that each of us will receive what is due for the things done in the body. Paul makes this point with precision. There is no space for ambiguity. He is not speaking poetically about an intangible fantasy. He is not speaking in figures of speech just for immediate effect. Rather, he is speaking of something very real, very practical, and very certain. He says we will account for “things”— that’s tangible. He says we will account for what is “done”—that’s action. He says we will account for what is done “in the body”—that’s physical. In other words, we will give an account for tangible things and real actions done in our physical bodies on earth. We hope you enjoyed this Bible Study by Daniel Kolenda. Be on the lookout for the second part of “THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST” (PART 2) in the next issue!. -------------------------------------------This Bible Study Introduction has been taken from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda’s book, “The Judgment Seat of Christ.” Rediscover the amazing Truths that surround the Judgement Seat of Christ, one of the forgotten treasures of Scripture. It is a theme central to the doctrine of the New Testament authors and especially to Jesus Christ Himself.

young , married &

BORN AGAIN by; empress teekay

A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Created by God for us.

1. Who are you individually (personally &

We can never learn enough and this couple does exactly that. They teach , encourage and live. Enjoy and make sure you have a note book with you, you will definitely be taking notes. Here's the love story of Brian & Genevieve Harris

community pillar of hope whose life mission is to

professionally)? Brian Harris: is a compassionate visionary and restore strength to those whose circumstances have made them feel powerless. A native of Miami, Florida, Mr. Harris has served the veteran and youth foster care populations for over a decade. This wealth of experience inspired him to start his company,

Harris Heart Enterprises. The company provides assistance to foster homes and veterans through outreach initiatives such as back to school events and drives and events catered to exposing the often forsaken veteran population to resources and services after they have served. He hopes to use the company to share his heart of service with the world and to inspire change one heartbeat at a time. Genevieve Carvil-Harris: Is an effective capacity building strategist. She has actively worked as a voice for individuals with dreams that far exceed their circumstances and current budgets for over 15 years. She specializes in capacity building and dream development strategies. Her unique approach to fundraising and corporate development have made her a sought after consultant and speaker for non-profits and companies nationally. She has been able to help clients amass from $250,000 to MILLIONS of dollars through strategies that she has created. Whether through leadership development or resource development, Genevieve desires to "Create, Train, and Cultivate" others and impact generations to come. 2. How and when did you meet? Brian Harris : This story will vary depending on who you ask to tell it. If you ask Brian he’ll say we met in 2008 and then again in 2009. We have a mutual friend name Shivonne Johnson who was the choir director for the college choir I was a part of. Shivonne introduced us after our annual concert (both years but I honestly didn’t remember meeting Brian then). Genevieve Carvil-Harris : If you were to ask me, I would have to say we met officially in September of 2010 when Shivonne asked us to sing with her at a youth conference about 45 minutes away from where we lived and suggested carpooling for us to take turns driving to practice. Well that never happened instead I suggested to Brian that I would just pay for gas and he would be the designated driver. So, we drove back and forth for a month spending roughly an hour and a half during our commute getting to know each other and we have spent every day since solidifying that bond. 3. How long did you date before you got married? We dated for four years before we got married. 4. How did you individually know that He , She was the one? Genevieve Carvil-Harris : Brian showed me love that I had never experienced before. It was completely selfless and I knew that if he could love his friend like that MARRIAGE would be wonderful. I have never had to compete with him and he allows me to be who I am without judgement. Brian Harris : Genevieve showed me that she possessed all that I needed and wanted in a friend and I knew that I couldn’t live my life to its fullest if she wasn’t in my life as more than my friend.

She allows me to be me and keeps me accountable of things that I say I want to work on. 5. When did you get married? October 11th 2014 6. Take us through the process of the wedding celebration how was that and if there is any changes you could have made? The wedding was held in a beautiful part of Florida called Key Biscayne. Family from near and far attended and we were blessed to have over 180 attendees. My godfather flew from Texas to be the officiant because we desired to have both of our fathers participate in the wedding (both are pastors). The broom that we jumped was handmade in Rwanda in Africa. Our parents Gilbert & Mable Harris and Raymond & Henrietta Carvil pronounced blessings and favour over lives and marriage. It was such a beautiful day people still think that the natural backdrop was an altered image. God’s hand on the day was evident and it was beautiful.

Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate . -Ecclesiastes 4:12

7. How has your relationship changed from dating to marriage? Truthfully it’s our belief (as it is for many to never stop dating) I would have to say that the manner in which we date has shifted a bit ( given bills and other commitments that can shift a “date night” but during our courtship we had a good idea that we weren’t planning on wasting each other’s time so we tried our best to pattern and ask questions about what life would be like as husband and wife and I think it made the transition from dating to married as seamless as possible.

8. If you could change the perception that people have about marriage, what would it be? Marriage has lost its allure and the respect it once garnered. This statement rings true for those inside and outside of the church. Often times it’s portrayed that Christian couples can’t have fun and we must say that is far from the truth. We believe it is important to have fun with your spouse and equally find like minded couples who can relate so that you can share and learn from one another. 9. For the single person out there, wondering when they are getting married ,what advice would you give them? Do not rush to the finish line. Love is a journey and it is meant to be enjoyed every step of the way. Forcing something to happen before time is begging for hurt and disappointment. Spend your days as a single person seeking personal and spiritual development so that you can be on the right path.

10. How do you deal with problems that you encounter as a married couple? As a married couple we are so careful to speak openly in love about the problems that we face. If either one of us lacks understanding in a matter we will seek clarity before jumping to conclusions and we ALWAYS pray about issues that concern us.

11. Challenges you’re facing as a married and born again couple? Ironically the challenges that we face as a born again married couple stem from the lack of understanding that many have concerning marriage. Communication about expectations has been an area of concern due to the fact that society teaches so many of them prior to having your first date. We have learned to endure the challenges that God has allotted. 12. Things you wish you were told about marriage? I wish that people told singles aspiring to be married that it is not as easy as the movies and books paint it to be. It takes true dedication and labour of the heart to accomplish a successful day of marriage and it will take perseverance to maintain it. Focus of the role and responsibility that you have to develop personally and the honour that it is to impact the life of another individual. 13. Who is Jesus Christ to you individually and as a couple? Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour. He is the center of our marriage and the reason why we love. 14. One word, if possible to describe your marriage? Resilient

let no one separate -Ecclesiastes 4:12

Therefore what God has joined together,


the harris's




First things first! Write out your schedule for every Monday. Nothing leisurely; The time you get up, go to work, get home, eat dinner, and sleep.Count the hours you don’t do anything.So, how much time do you have to dedicate to your purpose?Do the same for Tuesday through Sunday.How much total time do you have to work towards your purpose? How much time do you have in a month or even a year? We have to stop wasting the time that God ordained for us to have to fulfill His will. Today you will start to make some changes to your schedule. If you don’t have one, now’s the time to make one. You only need a handful of changes to alter the course of your life. Number six in our countdown to better time management is Get rid of negative people. Pinpoint your most negative

friends. Based off this list you will know if it’s time to release your companions: They say negative things about your vision, you feel as if you are constantly in competition with them, they always talk about your shortcomings, you walk on eggshells when y’all communicate, they focus on your flaws, they lack empathy, they are poor listeners, after you talk with them you feel worse, they are untrustworthy, and they always live in drama.


Write the friends names that fit half of this

Write out which task you don’t like, are more

list.What will you do next? Write down your

tedious or your biggest. Write them from 1, 2 3 and


so forth. Do those in the morning.Then reward

yourself with the task you like towards the end of

If you are unsure as to what actions to take, here

your day.Who knows, you may have extra time

are a few tips.Call your friend to see if there is a

for the next day’s task, creative freedom, or to head

good time this week for y’all to talk.After you

home early.

solidify a date and time, prepare yourself for the

conversation. Pray for your friends and

#3 is Say No! When you say “yes” to everybody, you

yourself. Understanding and patience is always

are saying “no” to yourself. Here are the reasons

needed in these types of conversations. Tell them

why we hate saying no. Write out your remedy for

how you feel without being accusatory. Be clear

the reasons that pertain to you.

and concise.Listen to their thoughts on the

friendship and allow the Holy Spirit to lead the

We think we are their only savior. Pride


will make you think someone needs you when God

is saying let them handle it. Let them lean on me

However the conversation goes,you will have a

or another resource.

better understanding of the relationship and

We don’t see the activities as unproductive.

where it should go.

We believe “doing something” is productive, but

it’s generally busy work. We say yes too quickly. We

#5 is Declutter your life. One of my managers

rarely take the time to weigh the pros and cons of

once told me if I cleaned up every setting that

the activity. When’s the last time you told someone

belonged to me my mind would be clearer.The car,

“I’ll get back with you” instead of saying “yes” the

workspace, bedroom, kitchen, etc. Make a plan

second their question rolls off their lips?

to clean up those areas within a six months- time.

We don’t want to appear mean.Since when did

Allocating up to a month for one area and so forth.

saying “no” become a bad thing. God says no to us

By the end of the month, you’ll feel like you can conquer the world. Make sure you keep it that way! I recommend the Marie Kondo method.She has a Netflix series, books and clients to solidify her proven approach. Including MYSELF! In my opinion, she gives her clients the best way to tidy their lives forever.She goes from decluttering your clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items to keepsakes; she leaves nothing unturned. #4 is Knock out your biggest task early. There’s

nothing like looking at your phone and realizing you have one hour left at work, and you saved the worst for last.Stop saving the longest task and the ones you hate the most to the end of the day. Do them in the morning. You will feel refreshed and energized once you complete them. Your day will feel much easier and you won’t get anxious trying to get it done in a time frame that you know won’t work.Change your schedule up and you will see a total difference.

all the time and it’s for our good. Not every yes is good. “No” only means I have priorities that I’m sticking to. You have not written out your plan.When

you don’t write out your plans it’s hard to see when you can help others. When you make a plan and stick to it people can’t mess up your flow. It will empower you to say, I have plans that require my full attention. Don’t feel purposeful.When you don’t know

why you are on earth, you’ll do anything. Start asking God what He wants from you and start listening. As he shows you write out that plan and stick with it. You feel like you aren’t as important as others.

Why are other people’s lives more important than yours? What has happened to you that makes you feel lower than others. What new mindset do you need to feel important? Now, all you have to do is write out your answers.

#2 is Take a break from technology. How

many hours are you on FB, IG, Snap Chat, and other social media outlets combined? Too much, right? Have a system for checking your phone and dedicate a certain amount of time to it. You can easily shift your time from 3 hours a day to 45 minutes.The time it takes to check your phone and refocus on any task is too long. What you previously thought about may be forgotten.If you are big and bold, lol, turn off your notifications and check them when you are ready. Have a set time to watch television.Limit your time from 5 hours to 3, then 2 to 1 over the course of a month.Plan to read one book a month that pertains to your goals.Shift that into the time you would’ve been watching TV/Social media. Take up a new hobby that doesn’t include your phone. Get back to the old school way.Do a puzzle, crossword puzzle, take a walk, painting or cooking class. The world is at your finger and mind tips. #1 Read a chapter from the Bible daily.

What better way to start your day than with reading the Words of God? Not a devotional, not a topical study, but the Bible, you and God. Anytime you start your morning this way a certain peace and readiness gets you going. If you roll over, snooze the alarm three times, then check your FB and IG page before jumping up to get out the house in 15 minutes, you are already starting your day off wrong. Start your day relaxed in prayer and study!Reading gives you clarity, understanding, wisdom and knowledge that the world can’t give you.As you shift your heart on God, He will make your life clearer even with all the ups and downs.If you do these six things you will be on the right track to tackle your purpose! Start today because tomorrow is too late to be great.

As always, be blessed and stay sunny on the inside.

Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

Pleasures Forever-more! Message taken from Psalm 16:11 (NIV) Psalm 16:11 (NIV): "You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand."

Do you realise how blessed you are? Because of the finished work of the cross, Jesus has made us joint heirs with Himself. This means that through faith, whatever the Father has given Jesus is now ours too. That means victory over sin; healing for every sickness; perfect peace; joy unspeakable; and abundant, overflowing life are ours to enjoy. All we need do is believe His Word, and walk out every day trusting and following His lead. When we do this, the Bible says we will have all things to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17). And because we walk in His ways, Psalm 84:11 tells us the Lord will not withhold any good thing from us. The key is to understand that it's in God's Presence and close-up against His side, that we live in the fullness of His provision. When we take every measure to draw near to Him and remain vitally connected to His heart, our intimate relationship with Jesus causes us to experience all He is and has for us. It's also where our lives become most noticeably fruitful. So make your relationship with the Lord your first priority and let Him fill your life with every good thing.



Article by Rick Adams

Summary: This message focuses on controlling the big fish in the mouth called the tongue. SWEARS AND CUSSES If you still use your tongue to curse and swear, you have a serious problem. It means that your tongue is still glued to the chain of the enemy. What kind of witness are we if we talk like that? Let’s look at this way. If I have a cup that is filled with coffee, and I bump it, what should come out of it? Coffee, right? If we are filled with Holy Spirit, and we get bumped, what comes out? We can’t have a potty mouth and expect to effectively witness. Saints hear may heart on this. We must continually check what we are saying. We must be careful who we speak to, how we speak, when we speak, and where we speak. When we lose control of our tongue, our whole life can spiral out of control, and what’s worse, is we can misrepresent God. Therefore, the key to a successful life is to ask God to get a firm hold on our tongues. God takes the power of the tongue seriously. For example, the prophet Isaiah got a vision that he was dwelling among people with unclean lips and an angel had to take a hot coal of fire from the alter and put it on his tongue to cleanse it. There must have been something wrong with his tongue that would have prevented Isaiah from representing God.

something wrong with his tongue that would have prevented Isaiah from representing God. When God passed judgment on those who were building the Tower of Babel, He disrupted their work by confusing their tongue. When the Holy Spirit fell in Acts chapter 2, the first port call He made was the tongue. Friends, to live an effective Christian walk, and to have a positive impact on this world, we must subject our tongue to the power and control of the Holy Spirit. A TONGUE THAT IS PRODUCTIVE 1. EXERCISES PROFITABLE SILENCE The Bible ways there is a time and season for everything under the sun, there is a time to keep silent (Ecclesiastes 3:7). However, this has been turned upside down. People talk when they should be silent, and keep quiet when they should speak. The Bible further teaches that we should be “quick to hear and slow to speak. Think about this Jesus who is our ultimate example was placed on trial for heresy. He was in the right, yet He kept silent. Remember this, if you are quiet, nobody can quote or misquote you, or repeat what you did not say. As Samuel Clemens, more notably known as Mark Twain once said, “A closed mouth gathers no foot.” Sometimes it is just best to be quiet.

2. DOES NOT GOSSIP – already been there 3. IS ADDICTED TO WITNESSING A tongue that is productive continually wants to build and expand the Kingdom of God. In order to do that, the Gospel must be shared with others. But more so than that, the Gospel must be lived through words and actions that reflect Christ in the appropriate light. A life that has been transformed and changed by Christ should want to tell others. 4. SPEAKS THE TRUTH IN LOVE A careful study of Christ’s ministry will reveal that Christ not only spoke what was true, but He did so with love. By doing so, the person He spoke to came to the conclusion that what they were involved in wasn’t right on their own. Paul further instructs us that if we speak with tongues of men and angels and have not love, we are just making a lot of senseless noise. 5. DOES NOT GRUMBLE AND COMPLAIN In the wilderness, the children of Israel experienced some of the greatest manifestations of God. Yet, they grumbled and complained. In fact, Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:10 that the reason some of the Israelites died was because of their constant murmuring and complaining. A tongue that is productive and constructive gives God praise for all that He is done. In all things give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 6. MAKES POSITIVE CONFESSIONS If you as a Christian talk doubt, doubt will conquer you. If you talk failure, it will conquer you. If you talk sickness, you will reap sickness. If you talk weakness, you will become weak. If you talk poverty you will move in and out of poverty. If you talk fear, it will grip you. If you talk bad about your marriage, it will get worse.

We shouldn’t use our tongues to glorify a bad situation. Instead, we should think and speak positive things. Remember the whole sowing and reaping principle. 7. CONTINUALLY PRAISES THE LORD I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. – Psalms 34:1 Friends, if you want to see God move in your life, then continually praise Him. The Word of God teaches us that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. Ask yourself the following question – “What have I been saying with my mouth?” Be assured that the words you speak will shape your life. The life you are experiencing and leading now has been shaped by what you said in the past. This is why the Bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. The tongue can kill and it can bring life. It can give hope to the hopeless and point the way to God. It can make or break relationships, make or mar your children, heal or kill a church, and attract or repel people from Christ. CLOSE Again, the Bible compares and untamed tongue to hell’s fire. But there is another fire, the might burning fire of the Holy Ghost. That is the kind of fire this church is hungry for and desperately needs. I have always heard that the best way to fight fire is with fire. So we are going to worship the Lord, and ask the Holy Spirit to burn out all the junk and restore relationships, friendships, marriages, and yes restore this church.


3. These teachings range from chapter 5 to 7 (8 is not included) 4. The teachings tackle every aspects of our Christian lives i. It talks about how we should view God ii. How we should treat brethren iii. How we should treat the outside world iv. How we should behave

B. The sermon on the mount is the greatest documented teachings that teach us about the TRUE WAY to HAPPINESS, LIFE and HOPE and this is quite fitting coming from Christ because : 1. He is the true way to happiness /Joy 2. He is the true way to life 3. He is the true way to the Hope of all 4. Living through the vision of Jesus Christ

Be perfect as your father is perfect by: Pastor Bongani Gama Text: Matthew 5:43-48"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect; as you’re heavenly Father is perfect. 1. Introduction A. The theme is the true way to happiness, life and hope adapted from the sermon on the mount Matthew 5:1-2 “Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him,and he opened his mouth and taught them 1. The sermon was preached on the mountain hence the name sermon on the mount 2. The sermon was preached after he was baptized Matthew 4 (this were the first teachings after he began his ministry)

II. Matthew 5:43-48 THE TEXT A. Verse 43 “You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy” 1. What have they heard? 2. They must have heard their whole lives being taught that love is for their fellow countrymen and not extended to others 3. They must have been taught to love only from within their nation/religion and hate those outside their nation/religion 4. This thing of loving your neighbor was coming from God Leviticus 19:18 “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD” 5. (who were the enemies of the Jews) Deuteronomy 7:16 “And you shall consume all the peoples that the LORD your God will give over to you. Your eye shall not pity them, neither shall you serve their gods, for that would be a snare to you. B. Verse 44 “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,(do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you:)) other versions omits this part

1. But I say: He speaks with authority and he also speaks to correct the people who misuse and misinterpret the Law Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” 2. The law was that Love your neighbor but who was the neighbor here Christ says to them those you consider enemies are your neighbors so Love them. Leviticus 19:33-34 “When a stranger sojourn with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God 3. Love those who are your enemies, those who wish bad things do good to them Galatians 6:10 “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. 4. Pray for them that persecute you (these people were persecuted by the romans) and those that spitefully use you Matthew 6:12 “and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. C. Verse 45-46 “so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 1. If we love our neighbors, we are being like God who is our father 2. We should show actions of the father Matthew 5:9 “blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be sons of God” 3. As children of God we should be able to be read by the world 2 Corinthians 3:2 -3 “You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 4. As sons of God we are to be clear of what the mandate of the spirit is, so that we do all in the name of Jesus Christ to resemble our father in heaven 5. For one to be good they need to treat people the way God treats people a) God is good to all the just and the unjust and he shows that in his love which is demonstrated in action.

b) Romans 5:6-9 “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person--though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to diebut God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. c) We have to be like God and show love to all (believers and unbelievers alike) d) What good are we doing if we only have love for brethren only (there is no benefit in that) D. Verse 47 “And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 1. To greet only your brothers 2. The word for greet has an idea of treating with affection or to embrace /to welcome with an open heart or understanding (in that time it meant that people would even have personal contact with one another when they greet Romans 16:16 greet one another with a holy kiss) 3. This is how we view people we feel much closer with, but Christ says the gentiles do the same you should be doing more than them 4. We should be embracing even those we consider enemies or E. Verse 48 “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. 1. He closes by saying be perfect like your father in heaven, a parallel verse in Luke 6:36 “be merciful as your father is merciful” 2. But is Christ talking about being sinless here? 3. The word perfect within context means that we need to be more like Christ and less of self 4. The word has a strong idea of maturity, which means growth or development,

6. When have grown in doing these we are living to please God and we are being like HIM AND WE BECOME COMPLETE? 1 John 4:12 “No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. 7. Perfection is being complete or when something accomplishes the purpose it was intended for 8. When we are together with Christ together with his qualities, we become complete or perfect in the eyes of God III. Conclusion A. The true way to happiness, life and hope is Jesus and He teaches in the sermon on the mount that He is the only thing we need to be considered perfect in the sight of God and as long as we have Him our Love will be perfected to be even seen by the world around us B. Be perfect as your heavenly father is and you will have happiness, life and hope

may the peace and grace of King Jesus abide in you in abundance~ Pastor Bongani

Be perfect as your father is perfect!

5. Christ says we need to be fully developed in Love and we need to take God as our standard for Love a) When we think of love, we should think compassion towards others, being gracious towards others b) Showing mercy to others, being kind to others, being good towards others


Exploring the Names of


Jehovah Jireh The Lord Will Provide

the site where God told him to sacrifice his son, Isaac as a burnt offering. If you

As we continue with our series of the names

recall the story, this was God’s way of

of God, I’m excited to share one of my

testing Abraham’s faith and obedience.

favourite of the Lord’s names: Jehovah

(You can refresh your memory by

Jireh. The Lord Will Provide or The Lord Who

reading Genesis 22)


(Other names of God

include Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah

When Abraham raised the knife to take his

Nissi, JehovahRohi, Adonai, Abba, Yahwe

son Isaac’s life, God stopped him.

h, Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah Shalom)

Abraham then noticed a ram that had

Which will be added in issues to come!

been trapped in a nearby bush or thicket. He offered the ram as a sacrifice instead

Jehovah Jireh is the name that Abraham

of Isaac.Abraham felt certain that God

called God by and he also assigned it to-

had provided this ram for this purpose-

and called God The Lord Will Provide.

Philippians 4:19 ESV

Jehovah-Jireh provided a sacrifice to save

And my God will supply every need of your

Isaac, and that action was a precursor of

s according to his riches in glory in Christ

the provision of His Son for the salvation of


the world.

Genesis 22:14 ESV

In Hebrew, the name is

‫ ִי ְר אֶ ה‬ ‫ ְי ה וָ ה‬. T h e f i r s t

word of the phrase is the Tetragrammaton (

So Abraham called the name of that


place, “The Lord will provide”; as it is said

‫)הוה‬, generally translated in English bibles a

to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it

s “the LORD” or “GOD” in capital

shall be provided.”

letters. Jehovah is a Christian anglicized vo calization of this name using the vowels of Adonai.

Ephesians 3:20 ESV Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think,

The early Septuagint translation into Greek

according to the power at work within us,

gives the meaning as “The LORD hath seen.” One Latin version of the Christian Bible rend

Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

ered the name in Latin as Dominus videt (“Th

33 But seek first his kingdom and his right

e LORD sees”). The King James Version follo

eousness, and all these things will be give

ws this meaning, as quoted above.

n to you as well.

Jewish translations of the verse into English

Hebrews 11:6


include, And Abraham called the name of

6 And without faith it is impossible to

that place Adonaijireh; as it is said to this

please God, because anyone who comes

day: ‘In the mount where the LORD is seen.’

to him must believe that he exists and

– Genesis 22:14

that he rewards those who earnestly seek


However, some modern translations, including the NIV, render it “the LORD will provide”, amplifying the literal meaning

Isn’t it so comforting to know that God kn ows our needs before we do?

along the lines of “the LORD will see to it”,

He not only KNOWS our needs, but He prov

and referring to Abraham’s earlier words in

ides them to those who believe in Him.

22:8, “God himself will provide the lamb”. God desires for us to carry out His will on earth. He loves you and He has a good

Scripture Related to Jehovah Jireh

plan for your life. He wants to bless you

While Jehovah Jireh scripture references are

so you can fulfill His plan and purpose …

minimal (the actual text “Jehovah Jireh”

so you can really enjoy your life. And in

occurs just once in the Bible in Genesis

His Word, He tells us who He is and how

22:14), promises that God will provide are

we can access everything we need

found throughout the Bible. Here are just a

through Christ.


The problem is, sometimes we miss out on

Jehovah Jireh Prayer

what God wants to do in in our lives beca

Magnificent Jehovah Jireh,

use we go to people, expecting them to g

I thank you that there is no situation that

ive us what we need, instead of God. Now

is out of your control. You are Jehovah

, God will work through the people He put

Jireh – the Lord Who provides. I thank you

s in our lives to help us, but we need to g

that you hold everything in your hands

o to Him first and let Him determine the b

and give me what I need. I also thank you

est way to meet our needs.

that you know my needs before I even ask, before I even come to you. You know my

Many of us, fall short, however, because

needs even when I don’t.

we rely on earthly providers, instead of

Heavenly Father, you know my concerns

our Heavenly Father.

and worries and and you have a plan for me. You have the solution, you have the

Do these sound familiar?

provision. Only You can move mountains

to make a way for situations that, I, as

We plan for something, but don’t invite

human, think are out of control. I ask for

God to the planning session.

your answer, according to your plan and in your perfect timing, to be given for

We expect someone else to do something,

every need that burdens me.

get something for us, love us. but don’t

Forgive me for doubting you, for worrying,

consider God’s plan for our lives.

and for thinking that I have the answers.

When we seek things instead of God, our

Jehovah Jireh, help me to trust you

focus is not in the right place. Our relatio

completely and increase my faith.

nship with God needs to be our number

Remind me that you are able to

one priority all the time, because everythi

accomplish far more and do far greater,

ng we need is found in Him. When we seek

than I ever thought possible.

God to know Him more and to learn the ri

I thank you, in advance, for your miracles,

ght way to live, then we can have confide

for your provision. Thank you for blessing

nce that He will take care of everything t

me abundantly. More than I could ever

hat concerns us and meet all of our

imagine. I trust you this day, and every


day, and are so grateful for your Power and joy that fills my life. Thank you for


teaching me to be content in all


circumstances. I love you Father God,


Jehovah Jireh and I put all in Your hands. Amen-------------------------------------

Studying and praying the names of God,

SUSANJNELSON is a writer, speaker and

including Jehovah Jireh, can expand your

the creator of Women of Noble Character

love of Him and His promises.

ministries. She is passionate about helping Christian women deepen their

If you are unsure how to pray to God

walk with God through Bible study and

using His Hebrew names, here is a

creative worship and strengthen their

Jehovah Jireh prayer to get you started:



Can Satan Read Our Minds? BY: MARY FAIRCHILD

Can Satan read your mind? Does the Devil know what you're thinking? Let's find out what the Bible says about Satan's ability to know your thoughts. Can Satan Read Our Minds? The Short Answer?

The short answer is no; Satan cannot read our minds. While we learn in Scripture that Satan is powerful and influential, he is not all-knowing, or omniscient. Only God has the ability to know all things. Furthermore, there are no examples in the Bible of Satan reading someone's mind. The Long Answer

Satan and his demons are fallen angels (Revelation 12:7-10). In Ephesians 2:2, Satan is called "the prince of the power of the air." So, the devil and his demons do have power— the same power given to angels. In Genesis 19, angels struck men with blindness. In Daniel 6:22, we read, "My God sent his angel and shut the lions' mouths, and they have not harmed me." And angels can fly (Daniel 9:21, Revelation 14:6). But no angel or demon has ever been depicted in Scripture with mind reading abilities. In fact, the encounters between God and Satan in the beginning chapters of the book of Job, strongly indicate that Satan cannot read the thoughts and minds of humans. If Satan had known the mind and heart of Job, he'd have known that Job would never curse God.

"satan cannot read our minds. While we learn in Scripture that satan is powerful and influential, he is not all-knowing, or omniscient. Only God has the ability to know all things." Understand, however, while Satan cannot read our minds, he does have an advantage. He has been observing humans and human nature for thousands of years. This fact is evidenced in the book of Job as well: "One day the members of the heavenly court came to present themselves before the Lord, and the Accuser, Satan, came with them. 'Where have you come from?' the Lord asked Satan. Satan answered the Lord, 'I have been patrolling the earth, watching everything that's going on.' " (Job 1:6-7, NLT) You might even say that Satan and his demons are experts in human behavior. Satan certainly has a fairly good idea how we will react to temptation, after all, he has been tempting humans since the Garden of Eden. Through ceaseless observation and long experience, Satan and his demons can usually guess with a high degree of accuracy just what we are thinking. Know Your Enemy

So, as believers it's important that we get to know our enemy and become wise to Satan's schemes: "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8, ESV) Know that Satan is a master of deception: "He [Satan] was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44, ESV) And know, too, that with God's help and the Holy Spirit's power, we can fend off Satan's lies: "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7, ESV)



WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS (PART 2) Relationships today are more defined by what the world says than what the word of God says. Because this topic has not been thoroughly taught so it becomes much easier to go with what everyone is saying or doing. What I want to achieve at the end of this series, is for you to actually say that I want to become an example of how a relationship should look like.

Isaiah 40: 8 says: the grass withers and the flowers fade. but the word of God stands forever. God the Father, God the Son (the word) and God the Holy Spirit Gen 2:18: Then the Lord God said, it is not good for a man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.

The book of Genesis • It’s actually the first time we actually see a relationship. Before there was ever a person there was already a relationship.

• It’s not good for you to be alone, it’s not good to have a life that is by yourself because that’s where the enemy comes to attack. • When you are isolated in your thoughts, isolated in relationships and in your dealings that’s where the enemy becomes your best friend. He will suggest, whisper and tell you who you are or not who you are, he will convince you of what you can or cannot do.

When you read the book of Genesis, we realize the first time when God actually said ITS NOT GOOD, everything He created He said ITS GOOD.

-God wants a relationship for you. He created you to have relationship with people.

• You need to understand that the native tongue of the enemy is lie. If you ever hear anything that goes against the Word of God, it’s a LIE But how many of the lies do we believe? How many do we accept and let them be routed in our hearts to grow to stop us from reaching our purpose and destiny? • But God is saying if you had somebody around you, they could point them out. Who are you linked up with? Who has God linked you up with? • YOU CAN TELL IF A RELATIONSHIP IS FROM GOD BY THE QUALIFICATION ONLY BY JUST HELPING YOU (JOHN 10:10)

We tolerate more relationships that are just taking from us, that are STEALING our peace, that are DISTROYING our joy, and KILLING our future, that even keep us awake at night, such people are not helping.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: two people are better off than one, for they can help each other success, if one person falls, the other can reach out and help but someone falls alone is in real trouble. It doesn’t need a word if people surrounding you are keeping you stuck to your chains. If you are praying for God to remove symptoms of people around you, they not helping you. God wants every relationship you enter to help you succeed. GOD WANTS A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU FIRST AND THEN HE WANTS A RELATIONSHIP FOR YOU WITH OTHERS

Relationships were purpose is not known, opens the door to the devil If we know the purpose for a relationship then we won’t allow for the symptoms that let him in to our relationships destroy us. God designed an order for our relationships to be a success vs 18: then the Lord God said, it is not good for a man to be alone.I will make a helper who is just right for him Genesis 2:8-15- vs8 then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east and there He placed a man. The Lord placed the man He had made. The Lord God made all sorts of trees from the ground, trees that were beautiful and that produced delicious food. SO, GOD PLACED, MADE AND PRODUCED vs 15 The Lord God placed the man in the garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. But the Lord God warned him that you may freely eat the fruit of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you will surly die. (parameter/boundries) TO BE CONTINUED.....

may the love of Christ Jesus abide richly in you. Pastoe Thutho Gezani


THE #1 MOST OVERLOOKED PROPHETIC SIGN source : end times bible

Can we know when Jesus is coming back? No. No one knows the day or the hour of His return (Mark 13:32). However, we can know the general season of His return. Why do I say this? Because Jesus told us so. He said certain signs will indicate His return is near. And today, we see them. Those signs include (but are not limited to): the rebirth of Israel as a nation (Jeremiah 23:7-8)... The Jewish people in control of Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28)... A marked increase in travel and knowledge (Daniel 12:4)... and many more. Centuries ago, Jesus and the prophets pointed to dozens of signs just like these. Jesus said when you see them, you should "look up, because your salvation draws near" (Luke 21:28). But I want to focus on just one of those signs. It's a sign so obvious, people take it for granted. It may even be the most important sign. Yet, while it's in full view of every man, woman, and child on earth, most people still ignore it. Hard to believe isn't it? But it's true. One of the foremost signs of the Second Coming is either ignored or dismissed by almost everyone in the world. The Most Overlooked Sign of the Second Coming So what is this sign? It's the Gospel. That's right. The spread of the Gospel is the most overlooked sign of the Second Coming. When Jesus was asked, "When will the end come? And what will be the signs of your coming?" He said, "the Good News will be preached to the whole world so all nations will hear it, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14). Our generation is on the verge of fulfilling this sign. Right now, the Gospel is being preached in every nation on earth. It's an unmistakable sign of the times in which we live. Yet, it's the #1 most overlooked sign. The world, and even many Christians, take it for granted.

Those people say, "What's the big deal? Why wouldn't the Gospel spread across the world? We live in an age of satellite TV, the Internet, and global travel."

True. Technology partially explains the recent explosion of the Gospel. Print books, ebooks, websites, television, radio, and more take the Gospel to millions on a daily basis. But is technology solely responsible? No. Technology alone will not make a message go global. So what will? The power of the message. God is the one behind the spread of the Gospel. Don't doubt it. As Gamaliel observed, "If the Gospel is not from God, it will soon fade away. But if the Gospel is from God, no one will be able to stop it" (Acts 5:38-39). How many others have tried to spread a different message and failed? The Gospel has spread because it's the Word of God. The Bible says the Word of God always produces fruit. It will accomplish all God wants it to and prosper everywhere He sends it (Isaiah 55:11). No one should take this for granted. After all, the global spread of the Gospel is nothing less than a miracle. Think about it. A first century carpenter on the outskirts of the Roman Empire said His message would be proclaimed to the ends of the earth. He said "the whole world" and "all nations" will hear it. That's a bold claim. Remember, Jesus only had a few followers at the time. He had no great wealth.

He didn't hold a high or important government position. He wasn't a conquering hero. He was a poor wandering preacher in an all but forgotten province of the mighty Roman Empire. He lived in a time when TV, radio, the Internet, and the printing press did not yet exist. Nothing indicated His name and message would spread to all nations. Yet, here we are today, where the name of Jesus is known throughout the world. Do we really grasp the significance of this? When Jesus made this bold claim, His followers didn't even understand what "the whole world" was. Perhaps they had heard of India and China, but Japan? Australia? North and South America? All these places were unknown to the disciples. No one at the time knew how large the world was or even how many nations existed. The idea of reaching them all was absurd. Yet Jesus knew. As God in the flesh, He knew how big the world was. And He said the global spread of the Gospel would be a sign of His return. The Spread of the Gospel Following the crucifixion, the Gospel spread throughout Israel. But it took several decades to reach the rest of the Roman Empire. For the first 1,000 years of Christianity, the Gospel rarely left western Europe and the Mediterranean region. So for fifteen centuries, no Christian could point to this sign of the Second Coming. Many honored the Lord's command to "go into all nations and make disciples" (Matthew 28:19), and they tried to fulfill this sign in their time. But only in recent years could anyone claim this sign is nearing fulfillment.


Today, the Gospel circles the globe on a daily basis. Missionaries take it to the most remote corners of the world. Radio and television transmit the Word of God into nations hostile to Christianity, and the Internet brings the Gospel to everyone with an electronic device. Yet, despite all this, the spread of the Gospel goes largely unnoticed. Jesus said this would be a sign of His return. He said in the days of Noah, people enjoyed banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat and the flood came and destroyed them all (Luke 17:2630). The people of Noah's day did not believe a flood was coming. But the flood did come, and so will Jesus. Remember, Jesus said, "The Gospel will be preached to all nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14). He didn't say, "The Gospel will be preached to all nations, and then I'll come 50 years or 100 years or 1,000 years later."No. He said, "And then the end will come." Our generation is on the verge of seeing the Gospel preached to all the nations. That means Jesus is right at the door. He's coming soon! -----------------------------------------------------Britt Gillette is the founder of End Times Bible Prophecy and the author of Coming To Jesus and Signs Of The Second Coming. Receive his book 7 Signs of the End Times for FREE when you sign up for his monthly newsletter.







(Q)Who is Tebogo Motlhabi,

(A) WOW what a powerful

and talents through every

personally and professionally?

question. My creative process

avenue available out there.

(A) Personally -Tebogo Motlhabi

differs all the time, but mostly

(Q)You are a nominee which is a

is a born again Christian and a

God would deposit a melody in

big deal, for the BEST RAP at

God-fearing man of God. I am

my spirit and would start

the 10th Sabc Gospel Crown

a father of two beautiful boys,

harming the melody and

Awards and for the SONG

Lethabo and Oagile Motlhabi

immediately I would grab my


and married to beautiful

phone and record that melody so

Wawela Music Awards. What

woman of God, Kelebogile

I won’t forget it, then from there I

does being nominated mean to


just go to my studio and start


Professionally- I am a Music

finding the keys on my keyboard

(A) It means people do see and

Producer, qualified sound

and work on creating that

acknowledge the work that God

engineer, songwriter and a

melody to a song and the rest

is doing through me in Christ

Rapper/performing artist.

would build up from there.


(Q)How and when did you

(Q) Your latest EP is titled

(Q) You not only a rapper but

become Born Again?


your first love is MUSIC

(A) – I got born again in 2012

why that title and what does it

PRODUCTION. You’ve had the

when I joined Covenant

mean to you?

opportunity to produce some

Remnant Ministries


music themes for big soapies in

International, under the

FASHIONABLE” title started when

South Africa. Tell us more about

leadership of Prophetess Sharon

on social media where I would


Kasongo, which is where I have

post encouraging statuses and

(A) I had a huge catalogue of

been serving since up to date.

end up by saying

music that I produced and I

(Q) Who does Tebogo say: THE

#makingJesusfashionable and it

didn’t want them to go to waste


grew to a movement last year

so I joint a company called

(A) My Lord and Saviour, JESUS

2018. We had our first making

LALELA MUSIC for music


Jesus fashionable fest. Where

publishing and because they

(Q)When I say the name Jesus

music meets fashion and it was a

liked the music that I was

what come to mind?

success to a point that I decided

producing the CEO Alan Lazar

(A) salvation

to create and EP soundtrack

of Lalela music who’s based in

(Q) When and how did you

based on that concept.

LA gave me a call one day said

realise you had a gift of rapping?

(Q) Your EP has songs like: “My

he wanted me to collaborate

(A) I realised I had a gift of

Testimony, Wait on the Lord”

with me by writing and

rapping when I was in high

what do you want this EP to

producing music themes.

school when me and my friends

impart to the listener?

(Q) Still on the topic of music

used to do what we call

(A) I would love the EP to be

themes and music production.

freestyle during break time.

impactful to the listener and

What’s that one show you are

(Q) As a rapper, how did you

through music one can become

praying to be a part of and given

decide to combine that craft

champions and winners through

the chance, which two artists

with the Gospel?

Christ who strengthen us and

nationally and internationally

(A) I decided to use the craft to

also learn to be patient and

would you love to produce

spread the Word of God when I

wait on the Lord so they can

their album?

understood Mark 16:15 when

testify about the goodness of

(A) - Actually the one show that I

it said “Go ye into all the world

the Lord in their lives.

would love to be a part of is THE

and preach the gospel to every

(Q) How can the Body of Christ in

QUEEN if given a chance


these last days MAKE JESUS

- Nationally, my two artists

(Q) When writing material for


would be Takie Ndou and

gigs, collaborations or albums,

(A) By spreading the gospel of

Pastor Lungi Ndala

what’s your creative process?

Christ with our God given - gifts

- Internationally, would be Kanye West and Chance the rapper.

I decided to use the craft to spread the Word of God when I understood Mark 16:15 whenit said “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

(Q) What does it mean to Tebogo Motlhabi to be Creative in Christ? (A) It means that it is a blessing to be a part of the vine producing fruitful fruits for the kingdom of God. (Q) Would you say you have found your purpose and what is purpose to you? (A) Yes I have and my purpose is to be impactful and change people’s lives for the glory of God. (Q) How would you elaborate the verse “Many are called but few are chosen”? (A) Well, I would elaborate it this way: there are many who are called to preach the gospel of Christ but they just don’t have the time to give the invitation a chance because of their busy schedules with worldly things, and the ones who are chosen are the ones who accept the invitation whole heartedly, make time for it and prepare for it. (Q) If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? (A) Wow, another powerful question. I would give Him a hug and say thank you for Everything. I would spend a day learning more about spiritual life and heavenly things.

(Q) Do you remember the first rapper you heard that made you fall in love with Hip-Hop? (A) oh yes that was Queen Latifa UNITY (Q)If you could change something’s about the modern church, what would it be? (A) It would be to stop the churches from making people feeling guilty about giving. (Q) Message for the Body of Christ in these last days? (A) Let’s get ready, Jesus is coming back soon. (Q)Plans for the remaining months of 2019? (A) Hoping to get nominated again for the Crown gospel music award and eventually win. (Q)How can people get in touch with you? (A) People can get in touch with via Instagram and facebook as tebogomotlhabi, my website: for bookings: or WhatsApp: 082 488 9416

fact file

and talents through every

avenue available out there. >< Legacy is… (Q)You are a nominee which is a Impacting people’s lives with big deal, for the BEST RAP at something different that will help the 10th Sabc Gospel Crown them to be more wiser about the Awards and for the SONG gift of life. WRITER OF THE YEAR at the Wawela Music Awards. What >< On the weekend you will find does being nominated mean to me ….? you? You can find me at church or (A) It means people do see and somewhere in the world winning acknowledge the work that God souls for Jesus through music. is doing through me in Christ Jesus. >< I dream of …..? (Q) You not only a rapper but I dream of being successful in your first love is MUSIC everything I do through Christ PRODUCTION. You’ve had the and change the world opportunity to produce some music themes for big soapies in >< 2019 is… South Africa. Tell us more about my year of light, great things are that. happening, and doors are (A) I had a huge catalogue of opened. music that I produced and I didn’t want them to go to waste >< If it had not been for King so I joint a company called Jesus I……. LALELA MUSIC for music I would not be alive publishing and because they today. liked the music that I was producing the CEO Alan Lazar >< What people don’t know is of Lalela music who’s based in that I….. LA gave me a call one day said I like ice cream a lot he wanted me to collaborate with me by writing and >< Can’t stop thinking about….. producing music themes. Meeting King Jesus (Q) Still on the topic of music themes and music production. >< Daily mantra…. What’s that one show you are I am God’s battle axe, I am God’s praying to be a part of and given Instrument, I am God’s mouth the chance, which two artists piece. nationally and internationally would you love to produce >< Favorite Artist? their album? Apart from me, is Dr Tumi. (A) - Actually the one show that I


would love to be a part of is THE >< I will retire the day …… QUEEN if given a chance God says well-done. - Nationally, my two artists would be Takie Ndou and >< Best advice ever received? Pastor Lungi Ndala Don’t go through life without - Internationally, would be knowing God, find a church Kanye West and Chance the that feels like home to you. rapper.



ILuke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his

I often hear people say "well the Lord knows my heart"

heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil

as an excuse to say what they want and the truth is the

treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the

Lord knows our hearts yes, but so does everyone else

abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

because they can hear what we are saying, or nowadays, see what we are typing and posting. The heart has to be in sync with the Master in order for the

So many times we are asking God to deal with our

words that flow from our hearts to be pleasing to Him.

mouth or help us with what comes out of our mouths. When we should more accurately be asking God to

For one day, we will have to give an account for every

change our hearts. Our words flow from our hearts. Our

idle word spoken (Matthew 12:36 But I say to you that

words flow from the abundance of what is in our

for every idle word men may speak, they will give


account of it in the Day of Judgment.) So it is not enough to "control" our tongue. It's our hearts that need

Today, so much focus is placed on what we say and

to be changed, cleansed and pruned...

how we say it and little attention is given to the "why we say it". For Christ is plainly telling us to pay attention

In order for a true transformation to take place. It's not

to our words because they reveal our hearts and our

enough to have it together on the outside if your heart

hearts reveal our character.

is jacked up. A lot of times we pray for character changes or seek God for deliverance when what it

Proverbs 27:19 says; As in water face reflects face, so a

really all boils down to is a heart issue and only Christ

man's heart reveals the man.

can make that kind of change.


Deliverance from evil altars (part 2) BY: dr daniel olukoya

Marriages could be broken through this means. In fact, various kinds of evil could be perpetrated on people using their pictures. 4. Image altars: Symbols are made to represent a person or something in the spirit world and whatever they do to that symbol may happen to that person in the spirit. For example, if they give the head a terrible blow, the person may begin

2. Tree altars: We know that some people put sacrifices by some trees, for example, iroko tree, pawpaw tree, banana tree etc. Sacrifices found at tree altars are usually wrapped with white cloths. That way, a report is filed against a person and the case of such a person is handed over to the demons living in the tree, including witches and wizards. Before a sister got born again, she was a member of the demonic world. She became a demonic prophetess, who laid hands on people while she prophesied upon their lives. She told a story of how she attended a church to carry out her demonic assignment as usual, but a woman sitting beside her challenged her claiming that she had a greater power. So, she told her to shut up, and before the ‘prophetess’ could say anything, the woman touched her leg and as a result, both of them were lifted away from the church and landed in a cave within a rock. There, they saw various kinds of modern gadgets like refrigerators, stereos, wall clocks, electric cookers, etc and right there she started to cook for the woman. This explains the fact that there are things. 3. Photographic altars: Altars can be constructed with wedding photographs, family and individual pictures and through that, a person will begin to receive torments and afflictions or he may even get killed.

to have severe headache, and this explains why some students suddenly take ill during their examinations. Also, a shop can be constructed to represent the real shop of a person, and whatever they do to that image would happen to the shop in real life. 5. Reporting altars: This is the kind of altar where the name of a person is chanted at all times. Victims of reporting altars would be hearing their names without knowing who is calling them. However, if they answer, they immediately fall prey. 6. Clothing altars: This is a case where evil people lay hands on the clothes of their victims for evil purposes. So, if you know that somebody had cut away some portion from any of your clothes or your underwear was once stolen or your clothes got missing mysteriously, you need to embark on aggressive prayer. 7. River altars: These are altars meant to serve water demons. They sit on people’s lives and keep them submerged.

9. Body part altars: Things like placenta,

As they were preparing for him, the Lord

hair, etc are used to destroy lives.

told him to start praying in the spirit. As he began to speak in tongues, they

10. Astral altars: There are people who

became confused. When he saw that, he

utter evil words against the stars of others

intensified the praying in tongues and

in order to render their lives unfruitful.

before long they all took to their heels and he was able to escape. This is an

11. Altars of evil transfer: Satanic priests

example of a physical altar.

and spiritual robbers at the altars of evil transfer, transfer people’s virtues.

14. Altar of curses: An example will serve to explain this. Somewhere in Ondo State

12. Family shrines: Any family with

of Nigeria, a man boarded a bus and the

shrines has an altar, and the whole family

fare was fifteen naira. He took the old

members are monitored through that. I

one-naira note, which has the colour of

once prayed with a sister with a pathetic

the current ten-naira note and joined it

case. Her mother in-law brought an idol

with the normal five-naira note to settle

from their village into their sitting room

his fare. The conductor did not discover

for three months before she went back

this trick immediately, until after a long

with it. While the thing was there, the

time during the trip. Eventually, the

woman created traffic of demons in her

driver discovered it and demanded to

home. Through this, the mother in-law

know the culprit, but all the commuters

now had some evil spirits that were

denied. The driver got annoyed, brought

monitoring the sister’s home and giving

out a horn with a viper’s tooth and issued

them information for evil purposes. It

some terrible curses with it. He said the

took a great deal of prayer of deliverance

person who did it would bury his

to destroy the effect of the idol. When I

children, then he folded the old one naira

asked her why her husband could not get

and threw it into the bush, and as he was

rid of the thing, she said that immediately

throwing it, he also added that as the note

her mother in-law brought it in, he turned

was being thrown away, the culprit would

to a spiritual daft and it was as if he never

never prosper. Of a truth, these curses

went to church before.

began to happen to the fellow. He noticed that his brilliant son suddenly became a

13. Physical altars: This is the type of altar

dullard. He then started to search for the

where they sacrifice people that are

driver and when he found him, the driver

kidnapped. I know a brother who fell a

said he had thrown the thing into the

victim of this terrible altar. When he woke

forest and solution could only come if he

up, he discovered that his son had thrown

could find it. The man could not find it

his daily guide into the dustbin and that

but he ran to Jesus. What did that driver

was how he left for the office without

do? He simply erected an altar of curses

doing his normal quiet time. On getting to

against the man.

the bus stop, somebody emerged from nowhere, slapped his chest and as a result he began to follow him. He was taken to a

Beloved, Christian life is a spiritual

bush where there was a satanic priest with

warfare. If Jesus Christ, the purest man

assorted human parts, which littered the

that ever lived had enemies, it is certain

surrounding of the altar.

that we would have enemies as well.

But there are different strategies in

2. Repent of those things in your life that

Christian warfare. You could lay ambush,

are giving evil altars the platform to

mount a frontal attack, launch a night

prosper in your life.

attack or do constant bombardment from

3. Renounce them. It does not matter

afar. However, nothing is as terrible as

whether you know about them or not.

fighting a war you do not understand.

4. Resist them using the words of God.

Sometime ago, somebody showed me a

5. Kill the priests of evil altars who are

film of the America/Vietnam war. As I

being used against you. It is an acceptable

watched it, I almost started to cry because

biblical practice to slay either evil priests

the Americans brought sophisticated

or prophets through aggressive prayers.

weapons to Vietnam but they could do

6. Withdraw your benefits and virtues

little or nothing with it because their

from the altars.

enemies were hiding on trees and inside

7. Destroy the evil altars.

the water with breathing apparatus, hence

8. Give praises to God.

the Americans could not see them. So, the

Furthermore, to destroy evil altars, you

Vietnamese succeeded in out-witting

can curse them. You can call the fire of

many of them. Eventually, the Americans

God, or the divine hurricane of the Holy

abandoned the war because they did not

Spirit to blow them away. Every prayer

understand the strategy of their enemies.

against evil altars must be done

In the same vein, if Christians do not

aggressively and with violent faith.

understand the kind of battle they are in,

Embark now on the following prayer

they would be rendered useless. But our

points to disgrace evil altars.

God has the capacity to reduce our enemies to a state of helplessness within a


second. The most difficult situation you

1. I render every aggressive altar

may face gives God the greatest

impotent, in the mighty name of Jesus.

opportunity to show Himself as the

2. Every evil altar erected against me, be

Almighty God because He has a lot of

disgraced, in the name of Jesus.

unusual weapons that can make us

3. Anything done against me under

victorious. The usual trend is that things

demonic anointing, be nullified, in the

might start getting worse before they

name of Jesus.

begin to get better and the general

4. I curse every local altar fashioned

reaction of people is to get discouraged

against me, in the name of Jesus.

and worried instead of taking the bull by

5. Let the hammer of the Almighty God

the horn. Difficult times may be as a

smash every evil altar erected against me,

result of the penetration of a lot of

in the name of Jesus.

enemies who must be expelled before

6. O Lord, send your fire to destroy every

there could be relief. The fact is that, the

evil altar fashioned against me, in the

more the enemy boasts against a child of

name of Jesus.

God, the greater his fall shall be.

7. Every evil priest ministering against me at the evil altar, receive the sword of God,


in the name of Jesus.


8. Let the thunder of God smite all the evil priests ministering against me at the

1. Recognize their operations which I have

evil altars and burn them to ashes, in the

already explained above.

name of Jesus.


OBEYING GOD (PART 3) BY : PROPHET GEZANI OBEYING GOD : GIVES PROVISION III. Abraham’s Triumph Read : Hebrew 11:19 “Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death” In this verse we learn something that is only hinted at in Genesis 22. Twice in that chapter Abraham intimates that he expects that somehow, some way, God was going to work things out so that Isaac would live. When he saw Moriah in the distance, he gave this instruction to his servants:

“Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you” (Genesis 22: 5). Did you get that? “We” will come to you. Not “I” will come back, but “we” will come back. Abraham believed that he and his son would somehow return together. Then as the two of them walked along, with Isaac carrying the wood for the sacrifice, the son asked his father, “Where is the lamb for the burnt offering? ” (v. 7). Abraham’s reply has become a synonym-

for the man of faith speaking faith into what is a humanly hopeless situation. “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son” (v. 8). The writer of Hebrews tells us why Abraham could talk like that. He believed that God could raise the dead. •Didn’t know how. •Had never seen it happen. Abraham believed that he and his son would somehow return together. He reasoned from what he knew about God to-

what he knew about the situation. And the only thing he could come up with was, “I’m going to put my own son to death, and then God will raise him from the dead.” It turns out that he was partly right about it. God can raise the dead, a fact proved at the empty tomb outside the walls of Jerusalem. That part was 100% correct. But he was wrong about Isaac dying that day. He didn’t literally die because at the very last second, Abraham saw a ram caught in a thicket, a ram placed there by God, and he offered the ram in the place of his son. Thus, figuratively he did receive Isaac back from the dead. Faith at its Highest Point Now we can stand back and see the story in clear perspective. Did God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac? Yes. Was it a legitimate request? Yes. Did Abraham know in advance how the story would end? No. Specifically, did he know about the ram in the thicket? No. Well, then, what was it that Abraham knew? He knew what God had asked him to do, and he knew that God had promised to give him a -

son through whom he would bless the world. What he didn’t know was how God was going to reconcile his promise (to bless the world through Isaac) and his command (to offer Isaac as a sacrifice). It is at this point that we see Abraham’s faith at its highest and best. Even though the command made no sense from a human point of view, Abraham intended to obey it anyway. He meant to obey God’s command even though it meant killing God’s promise. How could a man do such a thing? Because he believed that God could raise the dead. It comes as part of the happy ending to a very great trial. God commends Abraham by saying, “You have not withheld from me your son, your only son” (v. 12; see also verse 16). Abraham had to come to the place where he willingly gave back to God what was always God’s in the first place. We come into this life with nothing. We leave with nothing. God fills our hands with good things. And then He asks us to give them back to Him so that we can walk in fellowship with Him.

When I have the courage to open my hand and let go in the evening, I get up the next morning and try to grab it back again. When we finally have the courage to let go . . . When we stop trying desperately to hold on . . . When we open our hands to God . . . When we hold lightly what we value greatly . . . When we give back to God what was always His anyway . . . How wonderful to enter into the liberty of saying, “Lord, I have no idea how all this will work out. All I know is, all of this belongs to you. Do with it as you will.” And the Lord says, “Bring your dearest and best to the altar and leave it all in my hands.” Letting go of your Isaac. Will you hold on to what you own? Or will you say, “Lord, it all belongs to you anyway"? It was Christ himself who asked, “What do you benefit if you gain the whole world and lose your own soul?” (Mark 8:36 NLT). Maybe that’s our real problem. We’ve gained so much that we don’t dare let go lest we lose the whole world. And somewhere in the process, we lost our own soul. What is your Isaac? Are you willing to lay it down for Jesus’ sake? YOU ARE BLESSED , BECAUSE IT CANNOT BE OTHERWISE: PROPHET GEZANI

-bible study-

When satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness, Christ reveals a pattern for believers to follow. The temptation to sin or disobey God is a basic

Question for Reflection

Jesus defeated Satan's attacks with a powerful stab of God's sword—the Word of Truth. When you are tempted, do you

experience all people

battle it with the truth of the

encounter. Jesus demonstrated

Bible or do you try to defeat it

the proper response—to resist with the help of God and his Word, which is our most powerful weapon to refute the

with your own inadequate willpower? We would do well to follow our Savior's example. Scripture References

lies of the Devil. The Lord’s clash with satan in the wilderness occurred for our sake. It was part of God’s work of salvation, to show that he was tempted “in every way, just as we are” (Hebrews 4:15).

The account of the temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness is recorded in Matthew4:1-11; Mark 1:1213; Luke 4:1-13


sSatan Tempts Jesus in the

Life Lessons and Themes

He would not worship false gods;

Wilderness Story Summary

This was no small battle

he would stay totally loyal to God

After his baptism by John the

between satan and Jesus.


Baptist, Jesus Christ was led into

God's will and the devil's will

the wilderness by the Holy

met in a terrible clash. Satan

satan almost always presents sin

Spirit, to be tempted by the

tried to ruin God's plan of

as acceptable and desirable, but

Devil. Jesus fasted there 40 days.

salvation by getting Jesus to sin,

the remedy is the truth of God’s

because a sinful Messiah could

Word. Because Jesus was fully

satan said, "If you are the Son of

not be a worthy sacrifice for

human, he is able to sympathize

God, command this stone to

mankind. But Jesus was always

with our struggles and give us

become bread." (Luke 4:3, ESV)

able to see through the Devil's

the exact help we need to resist

Jesus replied with Scripture,

schemes, and he is much more


telling satan man does not live

powerful than satan. Points of Interest

by bread alone. satan tempts Jesus in three

` Matthew and Luke list satan's

Then satan took Jesus up and

areas that correspond to

temptations in a different order. `

showed him all the

temptations common to all of

` Mark merely summarizes the

kingdoms of the world, saying

us today: the lust of the flesh

event. The Gospel of John does

they were all under the Devil's

(hunger of all types); the lust of

not mention it at all.

control. He promised Jesus to

the eyes or covetousness; and

` Jesus' 40 days of fasting

give them to him if Jesus would

the pride of life, or lust for

reminds us of the 40 years the

fall down and worship him.


Israelites wandered in the desert and the 40-day fasts

Again Jesus quoted from the

satan's first temptation is an

of Moses and Elijah.

Bible: "You shall worship the

attempt to get Jesus to doubt

` The Spirit of God led Jesus into

Lord your God and him only

God’s divine care. By turning

the wilderness, or the place of

shall you serve."

stones into bread, Jesus would

temptation, but it was not

(Deuteronomy 6:13).

be acting independently of his

God's Spirit that caused the

Father, using his own power to

temptation. satan tempted

When satan tempted Jesus a

meet his needs. The Lord's

Jesus. We cannot blame God for

third time, he took him

response reveals that spiritual

the temptations we face.

to the highest point of the

nourishment is more valuable

` It was no coincidence that

temple in Jerusalem and dared

than physical nourishment.

satan tempted Jesus

him to throw himself

immediately after his baptism.

down. The Devil quoted

The second temptation is an

Many new believers experience

Psalm 91:11-12, misusing the

attempt to get Jesus to test

similar testing right after

verses to imply that angels

God’s promise of protection

salvation and baptism.

would protect Jesus.

from physical harm. But Jesus refuses to test his Father’s


Jesus came back with

faithfulness and protection. He


Deuteronomy 6:16: "You shall

trusts God completely and

"What was the meaning and

not put the Lord your God to

needs no such tests.

purpose of Jesus' temptations?"

satan’s third temptation gives

Seeing that he could not defeat

Jesus the chance to grab hold


Jesus, satan left him. Then

of the kingdom and avoid the

angels came and ministered to

cross. The Lord’s response is one

"The Interpretation of St.

the Lord.

of no compromise.

Matthew’s Gospel." The ESV

the test." (ESV)

Study Bible

ANNOUNCEMENT s s e pr e m u s E s e i s m i s h . t t i e r e , o e p r o m e h th le .I nd c y a n i i e t d r H e ga a d a s e is a y e e a n s k n t i u e n z o i e a y T . g l sa l e a l l a l m a s ab e l n i h o wa a T g v . n a s i l s r l i to y Ca r u b a i l tr sa n o o n c o s free

Advertisers you are also welcome. For reasonable price queries email: beautyandthegospel@ Till next time ,THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ! look out for the next issue on the 1st of December 2k19

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