Beauty & The Gospel
''The eternal kingdom of Heaven is bigger than the 351 chambers of Hell''
''It created a real evil persona within me, as a result, I divorced God''
'' many of us are not careful with the words we use to random people''
O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E N O 8 V O L 5 | R 5 0 . 0 0
0 U R V I S I O N
Romans 15:20(TPT)
It is my honor and constant passion to be a pioneer who preaches where no one has ever even heard of the Anointed One, instead of building upon someone else’s foundation.
1 Corinthians 1:17 (MSG)
God didn’t send me out to collect a following for myself, but to preach the Message of what He has done, collecting a following for Him. And He didn’t send me to do it with a lot of fancy rhetoric of my own, lest the powerful action at the center— Christ on the Cross—be trivialized into mere words.
I will finish the work that the Lord Jesus has anointed me to do
I declare open HEAVENS in my spiritual life, marriage, career, family, and finances
Goodness & Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
My life shall draw man to the feet of JESUS
O Lord , oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight against me.
My destiny helpers and midwives are locating me
month is filled with the manifestation of the Kingdom of GOD
King JESUS my life is for YOUR GLORY
declarations PROVERBS 18:21
HEAVEN & HELL IS REAL Real out of body experiences by : Prophet Aston Mbaya
WHERE GOOD DECISIONS START ''remember, a good idea is not always a God idea ''
''As you relate and love one another, be warned that your thoughts should not run with your emotions.''
At Death You Will Know God is Righteous Even in Judgement
''You realize serving God is the most important work we have here on earth and everything else should just be secondary''
WE WERE CREATED TO WORSHIP HIM ''People can go from loving you, to despising you all because of your love and devotion to your God!''
''The people’s heart disposition is what will save them. When you are committed to purify and sanctify yourself detaching from the issues of life, you shall be saved . ''
Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 8 VOL 5 @beautyandthegospel 4
thatgurl's EDITOR'S NOTE
Yea, forty years didst thou sustain them in the wilderness, so that they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet swelled not.
Nehemiah 9: 21
tsakanii tsakanii
This Editor's note is from Tsakani , a slave of Jesus Christ. I greet you in the MIGHTY NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST
Shalom beloved of the Lord JESUS, grace and mercy has located us, and we're out to be grateful. The Lord JESUS is such a good good Father and GOD.
His mercy didn't start now, it started long before anything was created Please take the next few seconds to call to mind all He has done for you, above what you had asked nor imagined. I know right, there's too much to recall. Above all, how underserving we are but how faithful He still remains
Just like the children of Israel, He too was so merciful to them, in fact the KJV in Nehemiah 9:19 says " MANIFOLD MERCIES FORSOOK THEM NOT " . Can you fathom how amazing the LORD is For His mercies are not determined by us BUT it's WHO HE IS I mean the children of Israel just like you and I, rebelled against GOD, went about building Idols for themselves, wanting the benefit from His goodness but refusing to obey His commandments.
But the WORD OF GOD says, even in the midst of all this rebellion and rejection HIS MERCIES FORSOOK THE NOT Verse 21 says: " Yea, forty years didst thou sustain them in the wilderness, so that they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet ll d ot." Imagine as a parent having to still show up in the midst of rejection and rebellion, agine it wasn't easy Today I'd love to encourage you to meditate on this verse how , loving and graceful the Lord JESUS is. How He has sustained you and how you lack on't look at what your neighbor has nor peers, look at where you are and who you are JESUS The divine health, you're stable mentally, food on your table, clothes on your on top of your head and peace which surpasses all understanding, should I go on? He rves our lives as a living sacrifice, will you give HIM YOUR LIFE TO BE HIS?
hance BUT GRACE that you're reading this END TIME MAGAZINE. You're welcome to a monthly subscriber so you don't miss out on anything The LORD JESUS IS DOING WONDERS THROUGH THIS MAGAZINE! essage or call us on 079 4057 641 to SUBSCRIBE, also check our merchandise.
e less, may the grace of the Lord JESUS CHRIST and the ever sweet fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT be with you. Be a blessing and stay blessed !
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3v 3. I haven't come across anybody that said: "I don't want to go to Heaven". Well, just like every destination there is a designated way. To enter the Kingdom of GOD , meaning you & I , The Royal Family, Presidents , Trillionaires, MUST BE BORN AGAIN. Not educated, wealthy or connected, BUT BE BORN AGAIN!
Firstly, being born again is not lip service but the spiritual state(heart) which starts by an individual having a repentant heart towards the LORD JESUS and confessing Romans 10 v 9-10 KJV. Inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit , Whom shall then help you to live a righteous and holy life. If you've done so or would love more information. Please email me at :
EDITOR tsakani
Promise for the Faithful
by: Dr André and Jenny Roebert
2 Corinthians 10:4 5: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."
This day marked the fulfilment of a prophecy God gave through Jeremiah. It stated that the exiles would return to Jerusalem. Just as the Jewish remnant saw the fulfilment of what God had promised so will you and I. But they didn't just walk out of exile empty handed, those around them gave them silver and gold, supplies for the journey, livestock, and a voluntary offering for God This promise was for the remnant The dictionary definition for remnant is a minority of people who have remained faithful to God. If we are faithful to the Lord, we are His remnant, and every promise He has made us, we can be assured we are going to see fulfilled! Not only will we posses it with joy, we will see His hand of provision accompany it! Rejoice today knowing that not only is God going to bless you by delivering on His promises, but you will never walk empty handed as you go to possess them What a wonderful, generous God we serve! Psalms 37:25 says, "I have been young and now am old, yet have I not seen the [uncompromisingly] righteous forsaken or their seed begging bread." Enjoy His careful attention towards you as you walk faithfully before Him.
d e v o t i o n s
Chanelle Fairlene Pillay
Chanelle Fairlene Pillay is a South African born, qualified attorney in her own firm CHANELLE FAIRLENE ATTORNEYS, with her Masters in Business Law. She is a woman of faith and planted in the ministry known as THE SUPERNATURAL CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST where she encountered more of the Lord and His dynamic plans for her life. She is also the author of the books, "A Shepherd King" , "Away From Yesterday" and “The Destiny Dreamer available on Amazon.
The Lord desires our worship because He created us to worship Him and have intimacy with Him! The Heavens are provoked by a heart of worship
The Bible says in:
Psalm 95:6, “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!”
Psalm 150:6, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!”
Exodus 23:25, “Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.”
John 4:24, “God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
In the Book of Exodus, we see the destruction that can come on a person or nation for standing in the way of God’s people worshipping and serving Him The Lord spoke to Moses and said, “Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him,
thus saith the Lord, let my people go, that they may serve me And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite all thy borders ”
Plague after plague and destruction after destruction fell on an entire nation for one man’s hardened heart in letting God’s people go The Lord will not allow anyone or anything to stand in the way of you coming to Him to serve Him and worship Him. It is in your serving and worship to Him that you draw closer to Him and have intimacy with Him. It is in your relationship with Him that freedom comes to be all that He has destined for you. Anything that is stopping you from serving your God or worshipping Him shall and must be removed from your life so that you can go higher on the mountain and step into your promised land.
In the life of David, we see a similar lesson David was a worshipper He longed for the Lord and loved the
L A W & F A I T H
Lord with all his heart God called him a man after His own heart He penned down beautiful and moving Psalms and songs of worship that we read today for encouragement and upliftment Heaven was provoked by his heart of worship, and it was one of the reasons that the oil and anointing was so rich and thick on his life Yet, there came a time when he was despised by his own wife because of his worship to his God
The Bible says in 1 Samuel 18:20, “And Michal, Saul’s daughter, loved David ” David’s victory over Goliath pleased her His favour in the eyes of God and man pleased her But his worship to his God displeased her
In 2 Samuel 6:14 16, the Bible speaks of the time when the Ark of the Covenant was coming into the city The Word says, “And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod
So, David and all the house of Israel brough up the ark of the Lord with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet And as the ark of the Lord came into the city of David, Michal, Saul’s daughter, looked through a window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the Lord, and she despised him in her heart…”.
People can go from loving you, to despising you all because of your love and devotion to your God!
As a result of her wicked heart and thoughts towards God’s servant and worshipper, she was struck barren The Bible says, “Therefore, Michal, the daughter of Saul, had no child unto the day of her death…” She was unable to produce and bring forth that which was her purpose because of coming against a heart of worship
Today, may nothing and nobody stand in the way of your relationship and worship to The Lord!
''People can go from loving you, to despising you- all because of your love and devotion to your God!''
L A W & F A I T H
Transcribed and compiled by Joshua Chong
Thanks to Peniel Ngonde who translated the French sermons of Prophet Aston Adam Mbaya to English and posting his videos on YouTube
in Heaven
Brother, I am Aston Adam Mbaya and I would like to share the divine experience of my visit to the first city of Paradise.
I was reading a Bible passage where the Lord said to the thief, “Truly I tell you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43). After reading that passage, I moved on to the next page, but I felt in my spirit that I should come back to this passage I continued to meditate on this passage about the thief that was to meet the Lord in Paradise
S O U R C E : H T T P S : / / S A V I O U R 4 E V E R . W O R D P R E S S . C O M / | | R E V E A L E D T O : P R O P H E T A S T O N A D A M M B A Y A
Then suddenly I heard the voice of the Lord behind me The Lord said, “Aston, today I am taking you to a land of marvels, which is the expectation of all the saints Those who have chosen the way of the truth shall rejoice in that land of wonder Today we are going to the Paradise of God, and you shall see the marvelous City of God You shall experience joy and gladness in Heaven ”
The Lord spoke about great things, and I was full of joy and rapture of delight to hear this I was filled with expectation, and I could not wait I was out of my body and my notebook fell where I was meditating. Immediately I began to worship the Lord
The Lord kept talking about the Paradise of God and the joy awaiting those who are walking in His ways and persevering. When I was looking at the Lord, I saw that His body was beaming a great and luminous light The Lord was wearing a crown that had countless stars There was still fresh blood dripping from His hands and feet.
At that moment, I saw the ceiling of my house rolling like a sheet of paper
Then we began to rise in space at a tremendous speed As we reached the height of the sky, I saw people rising in space with great speed, and they were dressed in brightening white garments. I never saw people defying gravity and rising in space like rockets at great speed
The Lord said, “These are people who have escaped the corruption of the world. They suffered to keep God’s principles They are rewarded today, and they are heading home to receive consolation that the world cannot give ” These saints were beaming great light and shining
The Lord said, “These are good deeds that followed the saints Those whose lights are stronger are the ones who are winning souls They were not ashamed of the Gospel Wherever they went, they talk about the good news of the Gospel They were assisting the poor and doing works of liberality with their own money You’re going to tell My people not to be ashamed of the Gospel
They must evangelize and warn the world The saints that are shining less are the ones who failed to win souls Yet every single believer is supposed to evangelize. It is a duty. There is darkness in the world, but you are supposed to be light and power of the Holy Spirit ”
I saw these saints rising in Heaven and they were dressed in brightening garments. I noticed that their garments had little bells on the bottom ends As they were rising these bells were making noise I asked the Lord, “What is the meaning of these bells that are ringing and making noise?” The Lord said, “When these redeemed saints were on the Earth, these bells were the voice of My Spirit in their consciences and their minds
Whenever My children fell into sin, whenever they were going out of the way of righteousness, My Spirit was ringing the bell in their minds and consciences, reminding them to confess and repent
And whenever My Spirit was ringing the bell, they were convicted of their sins, and they were repenting They overcame for they were responding to the reproach and conviction of My Spirit. They took measures to amend and repair whenever My Spirit rang the bell in their soul, telling them to come back to My way They went back to the way of righteousness, keeping My principles As a result, they kept their garments white. My children are not alone in this world. My Spirit is always with them, convicting them when they move away from the path of righteousness My Spirit will not be silent, for whenever they fall, My Spirit will always ring the alarm in their minds convicting them to repent and get back in the way of righteousness without delay ” , And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21).
Paul, looking intently at the Council, said, “Brethren, I have lived my life with a perfectly good conscience before God up to this day.” (Acts 23:1).
''However, when My children are no longer responding to the bell, that My Spirit is ringing in their consciences in order to confess and correct their mistakes, there is danger. When My Spirit is no longer ringing the bell in your mind or reproaching you about your sin you are no longer Mine For those who belong to Me will be convicted in their consciences by My Spirit through the bell that would be ringing to warn them to repent.”
Keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith (1 Timothy 1:19) By means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron (1 Timothy 4:2)
The Lord said, “Many of My children are not walking in My principles and they make decisions without consulting Me Their garments are dirty as they are living like the world Yet on Earth, they are foreigners and strangers "Hebrews 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the Earth
Jesus said, “You will tell them I will not let anything impure within the city gate ” But nothing that is impure will enter the city, nor anyone who does shameful things or tells lies Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of the living will enter the city. (Revelation 21:27) As the Lord was speaking, I saw the saints rising at a tremendous speed and I wondered
The Lord said, “There is no more time left Time is finished These redeemed saints are eager to see the kingdom I have prepared for them. Aston, you have to see what I have made available for My people I did not die in vain, and I did not shed My blood in vain Tell them there is a world of peace and felicity I have prepared for them where they should live forever in peace with exceeding joy.”
As the Lord spoke to me, I saw the dead in Christ rising into space They were of all nations and all colors I saw African, Asian and European and others
They were climbing the height and pillar of Heaven. Then I saw that these redeemed souls reached a height in space where wonders began to happen At that moment, I saw that these people of all colors and all languages were glorified and exalted.
Basically, when these saints reached this place in space, they were no longer African, Asian or European They were transfigured into beings of light They became radiant light shining brightly, like the stars of Heaven, for their skin became transparent light
The Bible says, Then the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever (Daniel 12:3)
They left earthly and human characteristics. They were released from human and corrupt nature Their human skins and pigmentation were obliterated They were clothed with transparent light, for they were transfigured, and they became like the stars of Heaven, for they were no longer black and white, nor African, Caucasian, or Asian They turned into great lights I was in wonder and awe
The Lord said, “My Word purifies and sanctifies and those who are purified will overcome decay and corruption in order to be dressed in immortality They will be dressed in an incorruptible and imperishable body in order to live forever. These saints have left imperfection and they are being dressed in perfection They are heading to true perfection My Word must change My people ” Jesus said, “The people’s heart disposition is what will save them.
When you are committed to purify and sanctify yourself detaching from the issues of life, you shall be saved.” Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things, for you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:2-3)”
As the newly arrived saints stood before the gate, there was great light like a projector emerging from the city gate
Brother, when I entered the pearly gate of the city, the Paradise of God was beyond description I don’t have the appropriate vocabulary to describe the splendors of the holy city It was magnificent There was intense light. The city was massive beyond all human conception I was lost in awe
Then the Lord left me, and an angel joined me He was trying to talk to me about the City of Light. I did not mind him, for I felt completely overcome with wonder and admiration
The angel said, “Brother, welcome. What you see is the 47,000 cities of Paradise ” Brother, I testified about the 351 chambers of Hell The eternal kingdom of Heaven is bigger than the 351 chambers of Hell The inconceivable height and glory and vastness of this domain of light can never be fully comprehended. I was talking to myself I said to myself, “I am not going back to Earth I will stay here all my life ” I saw the newly arrived saints who preceded me They were standing there beholding the city in shock and awe. They were lost in wonder and surprise
The pavement of the city was transparent gold When I began to move in the Paradise of God, I beheld new creation emerging every second in this land of glory
The newly arrived saints were in wonder and admiration For every second new things came into existence. The angels and the living creatures were in admiration for the new creations and new species that were called into existence in the heavenly world by the Lord
We beheld and marveled at the coming into existence and the manifestation of new things made by the Lord The saints were on their knees, for we were in awe, wonder, and admiration to discover new creations and new things that were made every second in this land of wonders by God I saw the living creatures and the elders exalting the Lord
They said, “We revere You, You who live forever. You make everything new To You belong wisdom and intelligence Your intelligence is incomprehensible Your ways transcend our understanding and reason ” I saw the living creatures on their knees worshiping the Lord all the time They said, “To You belongs wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge ” Brother, they were kneeling all the time to worship the One who lives forever.
I saw that in the Paradise of God, there was no race for all the saints of Heaven shone brightly like the stars of Heaven In God, there is no race and tongue, only hearts prepared to receive from God If only you can prepare your heart for the Lord, you shall inherit the eternal kingdom
I saw banners flying in the Paradise of God upon which it was written, “King of Kings ”
There was intense light, bolts of lightning, and thunders I heard from a distance the roar of the redeemed praising the Lord I saw that these saints of Heaven had inscriptions on their foreheads and their hands that said, “The Word of God ”
In Heaven, I saw the public infrastructure which is the commonwealth of the saints These are treasures that the Lord has made available to every citizen of the heavenly world. And I saw the personal property, which was the rewards of those who had served the Lord in their lives and walked in holiness
I asked the Lord about the light of saints of Heaven. The Lord said, “They kept themselves pure and away from sexual defilement and stain. They washed in the water of the Word Thus, they are shining, and they are forever the light and stars of eternity ”
In this city, I saw terrestrial animals and celestial animals unknown on Earth It was breathtaking
There were birds everywhere, and I saw animals that we have on Earth and animals that are found only in Heaven. I saw white lions, yellow lions, and blue lions. There were lovely evergreen trees producing golden fruits of light all the time
The joy was immense in this domain. The saints were full of heavenly emotion
I saw the inhabitants of Heaven hugging one another strongly and they were giving one another gifts. These triumphant and joyous citizens of Heaven live in a community They were a big family They were a community of people living for one another
There was an exceeding overflow of joy in this land of saints who were a big family These happy saints of Heaven had no sexual desire and no fleshly demand for they were shining with the presence and light of God.
Then we were led to the homeland service, where every soul was supposed to be led to his mansion and place of rest, which were in the 47,000 cities of Paradise This is the new domain of light that the Lord went to prepare for His people
I saw thousands of golden cities. Each one of them was in an enclosure I saw many cities built on top of the mountains of Paradise They were entirely encircled by massive walls
W R I T T E N B Y : Z I P P O R A H M U S H A L A
We as Christians are always mindful of the kind of language, we use with people around us as we try to be as godly as possible
However, the Lord brought to my attention that many of us are not careful with the words we use to random people we meet on the street as we go about our daily lives
Life is a hustle and leaves us many chances to be frustrated especially as one tries to get about their life in a crowded place where everyone else is trying to get to their goal Things can easily go out of control in such situations, and this is where many find themselves using ungodly language towards others without realizing
Some comfort themselves that the person they are talking to is just a random stranger who will soon disappear in the crowd and so it doesn't matter
However, those ungodly words will follow that person wherever they are and will haunt them when all the hustle and bustle quieten down and they begin to reflect on the day We should know that the words we use towards others are powerful and can cause emotional damage.
Using these ungodly words also defiles us
This does also not reflect well on our Christianity as you never know who is watching Someone may know you and know that you are a Christian and feel discouraged to repent just by seeing you acting in that way.
Remember that anger is not a sin as it is a human emotion just like happiness What becomes a sin is what you do when you are angry, if you become careless with your actions.
Ephesians 4:26 “BE angry, and DO NOT sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath
Ephesians 4:29 30 ''Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers And DO NOT GRIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.''
Matthew 12:36 37 ''But I say to you that for every IDLE WORD men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words, you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned ”
This day is a Gift from God to you
Would you treat God's purpose Last or First Today?
Choose His Purpose First and see how your day will turn out.
"You shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for you." Deuteronomy 3:22.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind " 2 Timothy 1:7.
yourself to and what you submit to becomes your master.
GOD never created man to fear and that makes fear alien to our original nature When you believe who the devil says you are, rather than who GOD says you are, fear sets in like we see in Adam. Therefore, fear is the devil's lie sounding real and convincing
Even when you feel inadequate, weak or vulnerable, rather than give in to fear, remember God's promise to you in Isaiah.41:10, 13:
FEAR THOU NOT; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I WILL HELP THEE; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness "
The GOD who knows, you will need His help says: FEAR NOT.
Upon accepting the sacrifice of Noah in Genesis 8:20 21, GOD declared in Genesis 9:2, that everything on earth will fear Noah and all the people that went into the ark with him.
Today, you and I have come into Christ Jesus the true ark; and so, upon accepting the superior sacrifice of JESUS for us, GOD is also declaring that:
everything on earth, including powers of wickedness will fear you in Jesus Christ name It's not about you, but that God's acceptable sacrifice you identify with. Hallelujah. What an extravagant power bestowed on you
The Bible says in 1 John 4:18 that, fear has torment and before the devil brings that torment of fear, start declaring that: GOD has not given me the spirit of fear; therefore, I reject every kind of fear and I receive the spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind
Dear friend, henceforth, I declare that fear shall never have dominion over you in Jesus' name
ShepherdHill Community
Sarahina Mayoyo EXCLUSIVE 16
We at Beauty & The Gospel have been honoured to interview South Africa's BUT GOD enthusiast,
A woman of God who has been through the most, BUT GOD. By the grace, she has allowed Yeshua to use her life experiences to heal the broken hearted and give sight to the blind.
1.Firstly, who is Jesus Christ to you?
To me, Christ is the human interaction or character of God Almighty, the Grace and Mercy Personality of God that was introduced for my benefit for me to have a more humanly in depth experience of God I believe because in olden eras, the human understanding of God was a Deity impossible to approach and if one does will die instantly because His Perfect Being was too much for our sinful state; God decided to Express Himself in a Person that will understand our level and will also be like us to make Him approachable I see the Yeshua character of God as Mercy for me To enable me to see God’s loving heart toward me So, even for a wretched human like me who would run far away from God the Father’s presence because it judged me without Him talking, I can run toward God even if I’m filthy because of this Man Yeshua. That’s Who He Is to me!
2.How and when did you get Born Again?
Interesting question I grew up in a religious home and faith, as a result I got baptized at the age of 15 because it was the right thing to do I had no concept of what that meant, but it felt good being celebrated by everyone for having taken such a big step
Then life happened hectically I, at some point, rejected God because I just couldn’t connect the God, I was told loved me to the pain I was going through Well, that’s a whole other story which I open up about in my book. But it was on 2008 when I really grasped the meaning of my decision to be baptized (to be born again). I understood the symbolism of the death by submersion in water to arise a new being So, it was in 2008
3. What do you wish you were told about your journey with King Jesus?
That it’s not all milk and honey, in fact it’s more like Aloe and vinegar On a more honest note, I wish I’d been taught more about God’s love, instead of being hammered about His judgement I grew up with an image of a God Who was always unsatisfied with me; and now I discover a God Who had always been smiling at me and cheerleading me on It would have saved me from many terrible decisions, thinking that God was just not pleased with me anyway, so I might as well be that reject, He sees me as.
4 Your life story consists of sexual abuse and depression which was inflicted by those close to you How did that affect your outlook on your life, men and Yeshua?
Shew, in a nutshell I’d say those experiences broke trust completely for me I didn’t trust anyone ever, after that incident, especially God because I felt in all the people, I felt let me down, He was the worst because He was the only One Who could’ve stopped it, but He didn’t. I had a dark anger that occupied my heart, more towards men and a thirst for revenge. I would hear the say, “Vengeance is the Lord’s”, but I’d be like, since He failed me by not protecting from the abuse, I think I can handle the vengeance on my own It created a real evil persona within me, as a result, I divorced God so that I could be a demon in peace It messed me up and warped my perspective of life completely
5 You’ve dedicated a book on your life experiences titled: “I fell in love with my abuser, BUT GOD” How did you get to the point of falling in love with your abuser?
Are you sure you have enough pages for this answer The way in which the abuse was done to me, played a lot on my emotional needs and groomed me to be addicted to my abuser because I needed his validation and attention. He was giving me the attention I so desperately needed, and it didn’t matter how he was giving it, as long as I was getting it So that’s the face value meaning of how I fell in love with my abuser But, on a more high level understanding, which is mostly what I’m referring to with this title is how I then became used to the abuse, such that I didn’t know anything else besides it, as such I always looked for it in all my relationships after My understanding of love was so perverted that to me if someone didn’t have that streak of abuse or violence, he didn’t love me I always fell for men who resembled my abuser, and that made sense to me It even got to a point where I became my abuser, I assumed his character and became abusive too, to those I “loved", and to myself. I could no longer make a distinction between love and revenge. I had assumed his position because he was the object of my whole emotional existence
The 5 year old me was “in love" or addicted to him, my teenage self missed him but was also hurt by him, my young adult self was pissed off at him and my stronger adult self demanded revenge on him So, my life was consumed by this person and as a result my life was wrapped around his pinkie finger That’s what I’m dealing with in my book, how unresolved pain and trauma make us prisoners to our abusers without us even being aware
Highly common It’s very subtle and can go undetected Whatever consumes you and is the object of your most intense emotions, has your undivided attention
6. Would you say it’s common for people to fall in love with their abuser?
Sarahina Mayoyo
See, we think to be “in love" is to have romantic feelings only towards a person But it’s actually a person who can stir all of our emotions intensely. Many of us have people we haven’t forgiven or are still very angry with. Those people have occupied a very important position in our heart and we’re not even aware because we’re not feeling emotions of love towards them but we’ve made them matter that much to our lives that they feature
7. Your life did not just end in depression and abuse BUT GOD Share with us about this, BUT GOD experience?
I’ll definitely have to summarize this answer because this is 80% of my book I believe at God’s appointed time He brought healing to me in a way that was relevant to me
My whole entire journey, I always had questions that I believe were crucial to my healing. I wondered where this LOVING God was when I was being molested? Why did He not stop it since He was All Powerful and Knowing? Did He not love me? Was I not worthy of His love and protection? Did I even matter or exist to Him? So, God brought me healing by dealing directly with these questions through a man I met, unaware it was a setup from God When I met this man, for me it was like meeting all the other men before and I responded the way I usually did But, there was something very different with this particular man The way he treated me was not like the way I was used to being treated, and that intimidated me I soon wanted to regain my control of the situation and the best way for me to do that was to push this man into what I know every man to be about an abuser. I did things to push him to violence so that I can prove my theory and be right about men, but this man didnt budge He loved me in a way I’ve ever known love and I couldn’t take it I can only coin it by saying, “his love broke my walls down brick by brick", and that’s when I discovered that God has always loved me, throughout my journey and it took using this man’s heart and me causing it pain, to show me just how much This experience is shared in depth in my book, but it was in God’s answers to my questions that healing truly flowed to me His answers made sense of my pain And that’s what gave birth to my famous quote, “When Your Pain Meets Your Purpose, Your Destiny Gets Birthed”!
8. Did you ever think what you went through would be your ministry today?
What??? Ministry??? Me??? Nope! And I still don’t somehow I think it is definitely God’s Ministry though He knew the “Why" of it all You see, I’m not running a ministry even now, I’m just living my life as real as possible But in that authentic living, God sees fit to use parts of my journey for His ministry
Just like Peter and them wer honestly living their lives, business, when God decided and ever since then. That’s w at all, I’m just blessed and pr to include me in the great w have preconceived notions still the human being who m hurt and miss the mark now and again, BUT GOD!
That’s the power of this declaration Its relevance is not only limited to my past experiences, but also an everyday reality for me where I end a day of victories and loses with #ButGod Also, in my journey, it’s the comma that precedes this declaration that brings power to my story. From listening to my journey, many may refer to me as a rape victim, promiscuous girl, prostitute, alcoholic, and and.... But I then say don’t end there, out a big comma after those titles and add But God transformed her to become a wife, mother, Ceo, speaker, life coach, author, and and and The But God phrase is to inspire everyone to refuse to settle with only the first parts of their journey, there are new chapters God is aching to write about you that look nothing like where you come from So, remove the full stop and put a comma after your painful past story, and give God the room to jot down what He thinks of you
9 In the midst of your pain by the grace of God you met your husband who you weren't interested in, let alone marriage BUT GOD Take us back to that day he stepped into your life and told you he was going nowhere and whatever demon you faced he’d be there. I mean how has his presence impacted your life till date?
He is that man that I fought who was adamant to fight through my high walled fence At first, I was like, who is this crazy man and what did he want from me? Like, who sent you? I actually got scared of him because I couldn’t figure him out, which meant I had no control where he was concerned and that was not good for me because control was a big thing for me The moment you’re probably referring to is one of the most defining moments of my life; when I felt cornered because I was losing control and when my anger reached level of rage and I was ready to hurt this man for good and get out of that relationship I had an object on me that I was planning to use to get rid of him, and at that moment he said the words that I believe God used to crush the last brick in my defences. Standing in front of me, with me ready to hurt him he said, “whatever it is you’re fighting with in there I want you to tell it it’s time to go because I’m not going anywhere” That broke my last form of defence and tears rolled down my face I couldn’t understand why this man loved me that much, but I also was recognizing the involvement of a higher Source because there was no way this man could know my story, so it had to be Someone Who knew me well Who was saying those words
My relationship with my husband revealed God to me in a way that a church pulpit would’ve never been able to I got to experience God’s love in a tangible way through that man, and that was crucial to my healing I believe because it was a man who messed up God’s image in my life so it was fitting for God to use a man to fix it. My husband is a man like any other, but what I’m grateful for is his obedience to be a vehicle for God’s healing in my life And after that, in our journey of marriage God restored him back to his position of being my husband That is important so that I don’t set my husband up and make him a God, but for God to remain in His position in my life But right through our lives he’s always a strong influence of God in our family, a true High Priest
10 It’s certain you had to learn to forgive yourself, life and the abusers. How did you learn to forgive, get strength and courage to forgive and the importance of forgiveness as stated in the Word of God? This was the most difficult part of my journey because I didn’t want to do it I felt it was unfair to expect it from me with all that I went through My journey to FORGIVENESS was most definitely not smooth sailing But, through that journey I learnt so many valuable lessons which I treasure and use in my daily life Firstly, I learnt that forgiveness is not for deserving people, it’s actually for those who can’t afford or earn it And I learnt this the hard way, because in my journey God brought up my own evil acts I only had one question to answer; did I deserve forgiveness? After watching my own life and remembering some of the terrible things I had done, I realized how much I didn’t deserve to be forgiven, yet I was, and I received it. It was mercy that I was forgiven which then meant even the next person would deserve forgiveness through mercy, by grace Once I acknowledged my own gift of being forgiven by God, I had to forgive myself too Another very difficult aspect, forgiving myself Thereafter, it became easier not easy but easier to extend it to another But the ultimate reason why I was able to forgive those who had hurt (most especially my abuser) was the story of Joseph (coat with many colours) The moment God made sense of Joseph’s journey, when He gave Joseph the purpose for his pain; Joseph was able to understand that it was God who wanted him in Egypt There was a bigger plan beyond his brothers That’s why Joseph was able to say, “there’s nothing to forgive, God wanted me in Egypt.” This is what God did for me too, when He answered my questions, He revealed His greater purpose for my life and I could jo longer live my life giving credit to an abuser; it was God because He could see into the future, the 21st century when the scourge of abuse will be a pandemic and knew there would be a woman called Sarahina who will say comma But God, abuse is not a life sentence, we come out of it “When Your Pain Meets Your Purpose, Your Destiny Gets Birthed!”
11 Had you not forgiven do yo I know I’d be dead for sure, after walking. There’s an empoweri forgiveness that motivates you forgiven, I wouldn’t have merge firm believer that without purpo
12. Sometimes are unable to don’t want to overcome/ let go of our traumatic experiences and end up making excuses How dangerous is that?
It’s a very tricky one because at times it’s not by intentional choice, we just don’t know how to let go or it’s just difficult to overcome the pain But, I believe we all need to make the first move, attempt to get well by allowing ourselves to receive help. Sometimes pride is the cause of our inability to heal because we’re not willing to receive help. Holding on to past pain and hurt is dangerous because you do it at the expense of your future See, the problem is that your future cannot have a chance to be what it’s supposed to be because it has your past trauma as a ceiling So, it is always in the past’s mercies And your present just doesn’t exist in that scenario because you spend it running away from the past and anxious about the future Free yourself by allowing healing to flow and buy yourself some years back of your life
13 The Lord Jesus literally changed your name to Sarahina What does it mean, how did it happen and how has it changed your life (it’s significance)?
I received this name in the year 2010, which was a year of many happenings in my life. My husband and I were planning to get married and so we were living in different places. This one particular night, I had a dream, which felt more like a vision It was so clear, and I was just sitting in an empty space where a voice with so much authority said, “your name is no longer Sinazo
Your name is Sarahina ” I woke up, shocked and slightly confused The next day my husband (then fiancé) came over to visit and I was aching to share this dream with him As I was about to tell him that my name changed to He immediately stopped me and said, “please don’t tell me your name is Sarahina
The meaning of the name is, “Mother of Nations and Blessed Womb”! God said, because I was routed to destroying lives (especially of men), but now I was re routed to restore and save lives
14. How important is it for us to wait patiently for that BUT GOD manifestation in every sphere of our lives? It is crucial to wait for it and also be aware because some of
us miss it, because it may not look the way you thought your turnaround should look Allow God to do it Himself for you. Don’t predict or pre empt it. Have an expectation, most certainly, don’t dictate.
15. You’ve recently launched a talk show “chatting with Sarahina” what propelled/inspired this and what you wish it imparts to the listener?
What I realised in my entire journey from when I was young is that real communication has been a luxury for us especially in our Nguni culture
Chatting with Sarahina is a platform we’ve created to respond to this challenge where we open up about real issues and have unfiltered conversations about the things that happen in our lives on a daily basis
We want the listener to see themselves in the conversations and get triggered to do something about the reality they are not happy with; whether it is talk about it or actually get help to deal with it
16. How powerful are words and how can we use them in our lives to bring about a change? Words are potent! The Word of GOD says, “life and death are in the tongue"!
God used Words to create the the Word to keep us even today
Words don’t just speak to the ea and like seeds to fertile ground and bear fruits. Now, dependin dropped, we’ll know by the resul
17. If King Jesus were to visit you say to Him and how wou day with Him?
I’d like to answer this question not hypothetically because I truly and honestly believe that I get these visits very often and how I spend the day with God differs Some days I literally sit still like Mary and keep quiet, and He just speaks to me such words of comfort, and this happens a lot when I’m feeling down or overwhelmed. My husband even knows, at the end of that day I’ll tell him that it was Date Day with God and he’ll even comment that he can see from my mood that it was one of those. Some other Date days include God coming through in the form of a stranger in need of the kind of help that I can give at that particular moment After an incident of that nature, I always utter these words in my car, “it was good to see You today"! It’s an amazing personal relationship that only God and I understand
Firstly, I learnt that forgiveness is not for deserving people, it ’ s actually for those who can’t afford or earn it.
G O D 21
All Things Work to the Good!
by: Dr André and Jenny Roebert
Deuteronomy 6:8 9, "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates".
The Bible says that when God is a partner in what we do, all things will work together for our good. Not some things. All things. Often times, the devil attempts to trick believers into thinking that their past will negatively affect the plan and purposes of God for them. However, God is able to turn around every mistake you've made and incorporate it into His divine plan and purpose, for your good. Take the life of David for example. There was a time when he neglected his relationship and faithfulness to God and fell into sin that had grave consequences for him and his bloodline. He committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba, and in an attempt to cover up his sin, he murdered her husband. On repenting and turning wholeheartedly back to God, despite his serious errors, God raised up a king from the woman David committed adultery with King Solomon! When David turned back to God, even though he suffered loss as a consequence of his sin, God restored him and caused all things to work together for David's good. We may have made regrettable mistakes in our past, and wonder if they will handicap our future purpose in God Understand, when we repent and chose to partner with God in all things, He restores us and causes them to work together for our good, just as He did with David. While we remain submitted and committed to Him, we will walk out His perfect will for our lives.
d e v o t i o n s
A conference for young ministers that will be taught and equipped by older ministers the journey of being called by King Jesus.
By the grace of GOD , Beauty & The Gospel is hosting their second : Young Ministers On Fire Conference.
written by: Rachael Mushala
Sometimes people think they have many more years ahead but then death comes suddenly
Just the other day I heard of a lady who just went to take a shower but collapsed and died Was she ready for eternity? If that happened to us, would we be ready for eternity?
Regardless of whether you were an atheist or believed in God, at death you will know beyond all doubt that God is real, and you will clearly know what you should have done to be saved, and if you are condemned to hell, you will know exactly why and with all your heart you will understand that the judgement is fair
I do not say this as an opinion, but God made me experience it when He showed me hell No one in hell thinks God is unjust They may blaspheme God's name but deep down their hearts, all the people in hell knew they only had themselves to blame They knew Jesus had made a way of salvation which they rejected
Because once you enter the spiritual realm, everything becomes extremely clear
You clearly realize what was important in life that you should have spent your time on. You clearly realize what conversations you shouldn't have bothered with, what arguments and disagreements were unnecessary and just a waste of the precious time God had given you to serve Him
When Jesus took me to hell, I felt like all conversations that were not about Jesus were a complete waste They may not be sinful, but they were unprofitable and a waste of my time. That's how being in the spiritual realm, apart from your earthly body makes you feel
You realize you were the real loser for being unforgiving, and you wish you had forgiven everyone no matter what they did and regardless of whether or not they were sorry for it because now you see that unforgiveness costs your soul
Matthew 6:15 "But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses "
You realize serving God is the most important work we have here on earth and everything else should just be secondary
When I saw my childhood friend in hell, she was saying, "I wish I was in your place If I was in your place, I wouldn't waste my time. I wouldn't even go out to nice restaurants with my friends Instead, all the time I would be praying, if am not praying I would be reading the Bible, if am not reading the Bible I would be evangelizing. But I wouldn't waste my time!"
It's not a sin to go and have fun or eat at nice restaurants to relax but because she was in eternity, this woman saw that as very unimportant compared to preparing for eternity and serving God.
When you step into eternity priorities become clear because the flesh is out of the way, but it's too late by then The time to serve God is today
We must be good stewards of the time given to us here on earth and live for God's glory We must live a holy life of repentance and obedience to Jesus Seeking Him every day and keeping our eyes on our bridegroom
We must not be adulterous and fall in love with this perishing world
Here on earth people may accuse God of being unjust in His judgement but once you die and your flesh is out of the way, you will realize God is just even in judgement
At death you will realize He showed you so much love here on earth
You will realize He gave you so many chances to repent and turn to Him, but you thought the pleasures of sin were better
In hell no one thinks their sin was worth going to hell for.
They all feel very foolish! They all know they deserve to be there because they made their own choice.
This is what God showed me You will realize you despised God's mercy and that you have only yourself to blame for perishing
We who are still alive can turn to Jesus because this is the chance, He's giving us to turn from sin and follow Him
Mark 9:43 48
"If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched where ‘Their worm does not die And the fire is not quenched.’
And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off It is better for you to enter life lame, rather than having two feet, to be cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched where ‘Their worm does not die, And the fire is not quenched ’
And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire where ‘Their worm does not die And the fire is not quenched ’
grace & peace
Rachael Mushala
(part 7 - a true story)
Oh God please help me to correct my mistakes.
At that little prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit telling me to hold the hand of my wife as we walk out of my hospital room. I obeyed and held her hand. She was surprised but quietly followed me The assistant pastor averted his gaze
I kept following the baby till we got to a door marked, THEATRE The baby entered and I followed still holding my wife
We bursted into a commotion scene, doctors confused, nurses running everywhere They were trying to resuscitate the woman who just delivered a dead baby The birth was a still born, so they had thrown the baby carelessly into the bin by the wall All attention was on the women
The baby I was following led me to the bin and waited by the bin I heard the Holy Spirit telling me to decree that the baby should come alive At this time, the nurses had come to chase us out of the theatre
I shouted at the top of my voice, being made confident by what I saw and what the Holy Spirit told me DEBORAH COME BACK IN JESUS NAME I didn't know how I knew the baby should be called Deborah
The baby sneezed and started wailing The dying mother sneezed and started crying The doctors almost jumped out of their skin, and they started talking rubbish in their confusion The nurses ran out of the theatre
My wife let go my hand and crouched on the floor crying My assistant pastor ran out of the door
In the midst of the whole confusion, the Holy Spirit (my new companion) was telling me that the name of the woman is also Deborah, and she was told by God to name her baby Deborah
God led her to this hospital for her antenatal She wanted to go to the United States for her delivery, but God told her to use the closest hospital to our church
This woman went for a scan three days ago and her baby was pronounced dead She was scheduled for an immediate operation, but God told her to tell the doctors to schedule the operation 3 days later
God told her that He didn't give her a name for a dead child, but the vessel God wanted to use isn't ready but will be ready in 3 days' time
Her husband and family members had made jest of her for waiting on God and staying in Nigeria for her delivery. She remained Christly stubborn. She actually came to the hospital with her baby things.
She told her husband, "God told me that my baby is Deborah, and I shall be known as Deborah's mum."
So, God, the perfect arranger, the way maker, the best match maker, ensured I was discovered fainted in the office by my wife, so that I can be taken to the hospital where this child of God will be battling with the spirit of death, both for herself and for her baby
In the midst of the commotion, I had peace because I could hear from the Holy Spirit, and I could see into the supernatural
Can I pause here to pray for my readers, may every scale that blocks your Spiritual eyes and ears be removed by Mercy in Jesus name Amen
After the whole commotion ended, everyone agreed that I don't need to be admitted at the hospital again
Because I hadn't heard from the Holy Spirit that I should leave my wife's hand, I held on to it tightly My wife was quiet now The assistant pastor was nowhere to be found
I had a little talk with my ministers and sent them back to church so they could attend to all our invited guests
Despite the fact that a lot of dignitaries were waiting for me in the church, I decided to go home with my wife
For the first time in many years, I wasn't eager to go to church My eyes are opened The structure isn't what makes the church a church but the Spirit of God No wonder Jesus said, where two or three are gathered in His name, He will be there
The over 50,000 persons who gathered for our concert came because some wanted to dance, some were bored and needed a place to go Some missed their club gig and decided to replace it with church gig Many came because of the artist we invited We organised it so as to make history and make a name for ourselves Jesus was absent
When I got home, I didn't leave the hands of my wife I kept on holding it till we got to the bedroom I wanted to talk but the Holy Spirit still asked me to shut up So, we both sat on the bed, starring into the ceiling
It was so awkward The silence was so deafening but I kept holding her hands The Holy Spirit was quiet My spiritual eyes saw nothing
I really have a lot to say but the Holy Spirit, my new personal teacher had told me to shut up
Then her phone rang. It was a call from the assistant pastor. She used her free hand to pick the call and she put the call on speaker:
"My love, what is happening to your husband, I don't understand what is happening, I am confused here" he said, not knowing that the phone was on speaker
That same moment the Holy Spirit spoke "Be still and know that I am God I Am more than enough to take charge of any situation in your life Learn to wait on me"
My wife bursted into tears Not minding the blabbing of the caller, she knelt before me and said " My husband I need to confess"
Pastor Abong was my boyfriend in secondary school, and we lost touch over the years
I was surprised when he was the one that was transferred to our branch from the international headquarters
I was fed up with acting right in church when our home was in shambles You were very angry with me regularly Everything I did at home annoys you
Because of my highly placed position in the church, I couldn't talk to anyone Because I am the one other pastor's wife look up to for marriage advice, I bottled up my hurt and pain inside
To be continued
TEXT: 1 JOHN 4:17-21
(17) Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
(18) There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
(19) We love him, because he first loved us.
(20) If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
(21) And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.
We love him, because he first loved us.
Pastor Paul Rika
International Director of Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide
"HOREMOW is like a large body of water coming with great force washing away all debris, shedding dead weight, and riding off all impurities from among the churches today. The great force carries along the genuine children of God from all over the world and from all denominations and nationalities onto the narrow way to be rapture ready and to meet our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ This is the last move of God on earth, and, Holiness Revival Movement is the Last Ark of our generation Some say, "Is this the only place people can worship?" Indeed, such a drastic measure would perplex the world. But, Jesus said, "My children know my voice "
A believer can be friendly with another believer of opposite sex due to the love of God. Not for boyfriend, girlfriend, concubine or for sexual interest; but the love of Christ. Let brotherly love continue. Believers are warned against carnal responses to love, because there are people when you love them, their thoughts will move to the body. Give them a smile, the flesh comes up.
When we show you true Christian love, the laughter we have because of Christ, we have no other motive. However, the flesh now comes up and is becoming prominent. You are putting another interest inside because of carnal responses to love. It is wrong for a brother to ordinarily show love to a sister in Christ and the sister diverts the love to mean another thing, thinking that it is for immorality. Where a sister is innocently playful with a brother because of the kindness of Christ and the brother is thinking another thing, then it is not proper.
That is why marriage should not be abused. Brothers and sisters, you may not be married, but love one another in Christ. Don't always put marriage on your forehead like a stamp. Marriage should not be the motive leading you in everything. In Christian love, our mind should not always be on marriage. If anyone laughs with you, is he going to marry me? A Christian sister by chance, she plays or jokes, is she the will of God for me?
It is a warning against carnal responses to love. As you relate and love one another, be warned that your thoughts should not run with your emotions. Be careful with the words that come out of your mouth. Manifest love in the Spirit, not in the flesh. You are loved as a living soul, not just your body is loved. You are loved because you belong to Christ as a child of God. Do not deviate from pure to impure love. Let not your motive in love be deviated from the Christian spirit to another thing and do not push your way to sisters for another thing.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: This is a warning against ungodliness in thoughts, words, emotional feelings and actions.
BIBLE READING FOR THE DAY: Zechariah 10-12; Revelation 20
exposing the lies of the enemy to the church
As you relate and love one another, be warned that your thoughts should not run with your emotion '' .
ANGUS & JILL BUCHAN written by:
Jill and I found Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour on the 18th of February 1979, just two years after settling in Greytown, Kwa Zulu Natal Midlands, South Africa Originally from Zambia, we bought a piece of land on which we planned to farm crops and livestock. We had very little to start with but even as brand new Christians, we were content with our farm, which we later called SHALOM.
If we turn straight in the word of God to the Book of Psalms Now, this is an interesting Psalm because it is a Psalm that was written by Solomon, not by David Psalm 72, I am reading from verse 1:
“Give the king Your judgments, O God, And Your righteousness to the king’s Son He will judge Your people with righteousness, And Your poor with justice ”
And then we go to Matthew, the Lord says:
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you ”
Matthew 7:7
The wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, why was he so wise we may ask? Quite simply because he sought counsel from God and not from man. You and I are living in perilous times and we need to start seeking the counsel of God, if we are to succeed especially in our working environment We carry cellphones around with us and can google anything at any time we want but there are a hundred different answers for every question The same thing applies in our home situation There are so many theories on how to bring up your children, how to manage your home, the role of the mother in the home and position of the father in the home A lot of it is good stuff but remember, a good idea is not always a God idea
You know, when people invite me to speak with preaching appointments and I get a lot, I do not just receive them and acknowledge them because it seems to be a good opportunity, no The only invites I accept are the ones that I believe the Lord Jesus Christ would have me accept I always go into prayer and ask the Lord I have also got some very trusted people around me and I ask them about each invitation. We really need to seek God’s counsel in every decision we make, then we will find that things will go well in the workplace, in the home and in the ministry.
May Jesus bless you today as you start to put Him first, just like Solomon did, and then you will be surprised with the good decisions that you make
Jesus bless you Angus and Jill Buchan
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2 Timothy 3:12
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.