Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 9 VOL 5

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Beauty & The Gospel


''The eternal kingdom of Heaven is bigger than the 351 chambers of Hell''


''The only difference is that we say we are born again''


''We should always pray against demonic spirits sent to monitor our lives''

D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E N O 9 V O L 5 | R 5 0 0 0

0 U R V I S I O N

Romans 15:20(TPT)

It is my honor and constant passion to be a pioneer who preaches where no one has ever even heard of the Anointed One, instead of building upon someone else’s foundation.


1 Corinthians 1:17 (MSG)

God didn’t send me out to collect a following for myself, but to preach the Message of what He has done, collecting a following for Him. And He didn’t send me to do it with a lot of fancy rhetoric of my own, lest the powerful action at the center— Christ on the Cross—be trivialized into mere words.

I will finish the work that the Lord Jesus has anointed me to do I declare open HEAVENS in my spiritual life, marriage, career, family, and finances Goodness & Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life My life shall draw man to the feet of JESUS O Lord , oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight against me. My destiny helpers and midwives are locating me King JESUS my life is for YOUR GLORY this month is filled with the manifestation of the Kingdom of GOD 3
Power ofthetongue declarations PROVERBS 18:21



Real out of body experiences by : Prophet Aston Mbaya

I AGREE, HEALING IS A PROCESS ''but that's the last pain you will feel before healing. ''


''It is therefore a wrong prioritization to make the need of your Spirit a secondary consideration. ''


''here are many people who are walking around, whose hearts are pumping blood, but they are actually dead ''


''How many of us truly believe what we read, preach, and teach? ''

Beauty & The Gospel 2022 ISSUE NO 9 VOL 5 @beautyandthegospel 4
''When a child of GOD fails to or is lenient in erecting an altar, chances are a foreign strange altar will speak and operate on your behalf . ''

thatgurl's EDITOR'S NOTE

34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

Luke 21: 34

tsakani mhlongo

This Editor's note is from Tsakani , a slave of Jesus Christ I greet you in the MIGHTY NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Shalom beloved of the Lord JESUS, grace and mercy has located us, and we're out to be grateful The Lord JESUS is such a good good Father and GOD

It's so easy to get carried away with the everyday hustle and bustle of life and forget the most important thing which is eternity Yes, we have dreams, goals and deadlines but compared to eternity they have nothing on it Remember how we are merely passing by and are here to fulfil our purpose and after it's all said and done, leave this earth and account to the Father for everything that pertained to this earth

This verse warns us to take heed of ourselves especially, our hearts shouldn't be overcharged with the cares of this world, as I write this I'm reminded of Martha whom the Lord Jesus had visited them and she was carried away with preparing the best whilst her sister Mary was laying at the feet of King JESUS , yes, even though preparations had to be made but they were not to be more important than the presence of the Lord JESUS.

Let's ask the Lord Jesus to help us live lives that are conscious of eternity at all times because we know not which shall come first, rapture or death and these are events we cannot postpone or run away from.


Think about that beloved!

nd 2022, we'd love to thank you for journeying with us this 2022, our biggest highlight etting the magazine in print and our gift store being live. We pray we shall continue r on this journey with the LORD JESUS ON OUR SIDE. Have a blessed December with family and friends

for our next issue on the 1st of FEB 2023 God willing. We'll be stepping into VOLUME 6.

he less, may the grace of the Lord JESUS CHRIST and the ever sweet fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT be with you Be a blessing and stay blessed !


Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3v 3.

I haven't come across anybody that said: "I don't want to go to Heaven". Well, just like every destination there is a designated way. To enter the Kingdom of GOD , meaning you & I , The Royal Family, Presidents , Trillionaires, MUST BE BORN AGAIN. Not educated, wealthy or connected, BUT BE BORN AGAIN!

Firstly, being born again is not lip service but the spiritual state(heart) which starts by an individual having a repentant heart towards the LORD JESUS and confessing Romans 10 v 9-10 KJV. Inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit , Whom shall then help you to live a righteous and holy life. If you've done so or would love more information. Please email me at :


Carry the Reality of Heaven

2 Timothy 3:1,5 (NKJV): “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be… lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”

2 Timothy 3:1 5 gives a pretty descriptive list of the character decline we are to expect from people who have rejected Christ. As well as those who say they know Him, yet refuse the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives and the transforming power of the Word. scripture tells us that they will have a form of godliness but reject the power that makes them Godly. They will act religious, but their words will be empty of the love and power of God, that is evident in those who know Him and belong to Him Jesus came to save all people, He gave us the free will to choose to receive His saving grace. But the choice must be made all the same. You will find many leaders, in prevalent positions declare that all people are children of God, no matter their life choices. Don’t be caught up in their deceiving words that entice you to compromise The Word clearly tells us that those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. In these last days, never be ashamed to stand out for the truth you know. Let the love and power of God speak for you as you carry the reality of heaven in you, to those who are looking for the truth.

d e v o t i o n s

Transcribed and compiled by Joshua Chong Thanks to Peniel Ngonde who translated the French sermons of Prophet Aston Adam Mbaya to English and posting his videos on YouTube


Brother, I am Aston Adam Mbaya and I would like to share the divine experience of my visit to the first city of Paradise.


In Paradise I saw a skyscraper having a thousand floors I was lost in admiration and wonder. Each celestial city was in an enclosure, and they were separated from each other They were radiant angels in all these cities Then the Lord took me to the first city of the heavenly world, which was encircled by a wall that was immense

HEAVEN S O U R C E : H T T P S : / / S A V I O U R 4 E V E R . W O R D P R E S S . C O M / | | R E V E A L E D T O : P R O P H E T A S T O N A D A M M B A Y A

The city was adorned with all kinds of precious stones, which were shining like diamonds I saw countless angels around the city wall They were singing celestial songs I saw on the city wall, it was written, “The City of the Abandoned ” I asked the Lord, “What does it mean, The City of the Abandoned?” The Lord said, “This was a city that I built for My people They lived on the Earth and served Me in the Church. However, they failed to resolve the issue of sin in their lives When they died, they missed what I built for them, and they fell in the outer darkness in Hell No one is profiting from their rewards ” The Lord said, “You will tell the people on Earth when they come to Me and receive Me, they must fight the good fight of faith to the end What matters is the end of the race and the end of the battle Happy are the dead in Christ, for their deeds shall follow them (Revelation 14:13)”.

Brother, this lovely city built with precious stones was abandoned Radiant angels who were guarding the city was singing a song that said, “Woe, woe to the men who deserve this kingdom that our Father has made available for your wellbeing You have abandoned the rewards of your work and the fruit of your labor Oh, who will profit from the fruit of your labor and toil?” The angel was singing, “Woe to the Earth and the inhabitants of the Earth You have abandoned your rewards after serving God

Yet, the main objective is to inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Why have you attached to your souls the things that rot instead of things that will be forever?”

Brother, we must fight for the eternal things and we must use our time in daily devotion that secures our salvation, such as prayer, Bible reading and God’s service For whatever we see on the Earth will pass away when we die. Even our children, our women will not be on our side, we will face the judgment individually Understand that if the rapture of the church is delayed, death will come as a thief One day death will surprise us when we did not expect.

I was observing this tremendous city with all its wealth, abandoned by believers who failed to separate from the world. There were wealth, gold and all kinds of precious stones in this abandoned kingdom The Golden City was empty for the heirs of the kingdom were cast out into the outer darkness Because of the pleasure of the world, the children of the kingdom were cast out into the darkness When I heard about these saints who failed to inherit the fruit of their labors, I wanted to cry, it was painful

I remember the story of a sister who died recently. When she was buried, she came in the dream of one of her loved ones and said, “Pray for me because where I am now I am told there is no place for me ”

Brother, the work you do for God is not in vain. There is an eternal reward waiting for you The way you walk every second, every minute, and every day will secure your eternal rewards and treasure You must be sanctifying yourself every second, every minute and every day. Repentance must never be postponed for many have planned to repent tomorrow, but they never reach tomorrow They died and abandoned their heritage You must return to your first love.

Brother, we entered the abandoned city and there was no one inside The golden kingdom was empty with its wealth and precious stones. I saw at each house in the city there was the name of the owner.

The first house that I visited in this kingdom was the mansion of King Solomon It was a palace, a villa really beautiful. Its length can be estimated to 80 meters. This mansion was circular There were many lovely and green gardens inside This mansion was fenced with concrete, and these concrete walls were adorned in gold and precious stones. On top of each concrete wall, there was the name of King Solomon

Inside the mansion, there were many tables Upon these tables, I saw a book and it was written, “The Wisdom of Solomon ” I saw all the books that Solomon wrote, such as the Book of Wisdom, the Books of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs, the Song of Songs, and some Psalms

Inside the palace of Solomon, I saw angels sweeping the court I saw angels guarding the palace Some angels were watering the garden

The mansion was closed and the Lord said, “We must enter and see ” When we got inside the palace, I was in awe and admiration for the beauty of this house exceed all understanding The most beautiful city on Earth will not come close to this construction. This mansion was more beautiful than the greatest city on Earth Solomon’s house was well done with an architecture that was perfect I was contemplating the house There were a lot of bright angels dressed in the purest white. On their garments, I saw that it was written, “The Historian,” for these angels were talking to the visitors and telling these saints of Heaven the story of Solomon

I was joyful when I entered the mansion of King Solomon I saw a pool of water Inside this palace, I saw streams of water with fishes While I was in admiration the harp and brass band were resonating The angels of God kept playing music, golden instruments of music were resonating as the angels were singing the songs and


psalms of Solomon, but the heir of the kingdom, King Solomon has forfeited his eternal inheritance

The angels told me, “This mansion was built for King Solomon He did many good deeds on the Earth He gave a lot of offering but he was unable to come here ” I was stunned to see King Solomon who wrote some books of the Bible but failed to make Heaven and his house was empty I don’t know, I suppose it will cost billions to build such a house Inside the palace on the table, there were celestial food and wine ready to be served, but the son of the kingdom was cast into the outer darkness. He left his reward

“But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the outer darkness; in that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 8:12) .

Brother, what do you want to gain in this world? House, money or car, you will toil and work hard to gain these things However, when you die others will profit from it Therefore, we must labor for imperishable and eternal things, not for passing and temporary things

Whatever wealth King Solomon accumulated on the Earth, what was waiting for him in Heaven was a million times greater, but he followed the passing things of this world He lost his mansion in Heaven because of this world. What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? (Mark 8:36). In this sumptuous mansion, there was food ready to be served

The angels inside the mansion were walking in the court playing the role of protocols They were opening the door to the visitors coming from various cities of the Paradise of God The photo of King Solomon was there in his mansion, but the king was not there. When we left the king’s palace, I saw that the king’s neighbor had a gigantic mansion This was actually the abandoned palace of a well known prophet He had served God faithfully In his church, women don’t do hair and cover their heads. His palace was in pure gold.

While we were visiting this kingdom, I saw that the residents and inhabitants of various cities of Paradise were also visiting this tremendous city. These citizens of Heaven were doing sightseeing since this city was an eternal testimony to the inhabitants of the heavenly world, reminding them that many have accumulated the wealth of the Earth but they failed in the battle to grab eternal life

The light shining upon the saints was also illuminating the city. The saints of Heaven were glorious and full of joy The city needed no sun or moon for the presence of God was shining upon the city The city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb (Revelation 21:23).

I was taken to the City of Mercy When we got inside the gate of the City of Mercy, I saw countless angels playing heavenly melody before the wall of the city I noticed that they were singing sad songs

The celestial song was all about the apostate believers, that have abandoned the Lord for the pleasure of this world The angel sang for apostate believers that should come back to the Lord Though these were sad songs, the angels were not sad but joyful for there is no such thing as sadness in heaven. They were singing to the Lord to recover the apostates who are their brothers, friends, and families, that have abandoned the way of the Lord Brother, when the gate of the City of Mercy was opened, I saw innumerable mansions of heaven as far as the eye can see

There were no residents in these mansions of light I saw that they were God’s angels inside these mansions of light Then I saw that houses in the City of Mercy were not completed, there were houses in the foundation There were houses midway and they were houses that were almost completed.

I saw that the bricks that are used for the construction of these mansions of light were golden, and they have the names of the saints that owned these properties

The first house that I saw on my left was a mansion It was like a building or apartment of many levels It was an apartment of approximately 25 levels I saw clearly that the building was not completed. The names of the owners of the property were written on each brick of this mansion The construction was supposed to go on, however it was stopped

hen I saw the name of the owner on the building written on a board I then saw the angels builders of this palace standing before this mansion of light When I looked, I saw that they were repeating the same things again and again They were saying, “Lord, help our brother that has deviated to return to the way Lord, help our brother that has deviated to return to the way ” I saw that the angels builders were also intercessors for they were all interceding for the deviants that had returned to the world Then I notice that in front of this unfinished mansion there was an altar, and blood was flowing from the altar

In fact, before these mansions of light in the City of Mercy there were angels builders interceding, and they were altars of blood I heard a voice emanating from the blood that was flowing from the altar. The voice in the blood was interceding and pleading for the soul of the owner of this apartment of light that has deviated and returned to the world


I could not understand what was happening here. I said, “Why has the Lord brought me here?” I was with God’s angel when suddenly we were joined by the Lord

When the Lord came, He said, “Aston, this City of Mercy and these houses belong to Christians They were My children, and they were walking in My word and principles, and they served Me, but today they are apostates and they have returned to the world Others have resorted to occultism.”

The Lord said, “The blood in the altar is the blood I shed on the cross and the voice speaking in the blood is My intercession. I am interceding and pleading and crying every day for these souls that deviated to return to the way I am doing all that is possible to get these backslidden Christians to come back to Me I am trying countless ways to get them to come back, even those who have entered magic and occultism ” When I heard this, I was not happy

I said, “Why is the Lord caring for those who have resorted to occultism to have churches and money? In the world, we criticize and condemn pastors that have resorted to occultism, yet the Lord still cares for them "I saw that Christians on the earth have different attitudes toward deviant men of God who have resorted to occultism for fame I thought the Lord was angry against them, yet the Lord was interceding and crying for them so that they would get back to Him, but my instinct was that these pastors working for the devil should pay for their action in hell

The Lord who read my thought said, “In heaven, there is no grudge and rancor However, when My children in the land learned that one of them fell, deviated and resorted to occultism, this become a subject of gossip and the lost soul will be rejected because of his shortcoming and sins, but I cry, and I do all that is possible so that these souls that have been building these houses to join their houses

These people have returned to the world, and they have backslidden, but My desire is that they return to the way ” The Lord said, “In this kingdom, there is no hate There is no wickedness and rancor One does not fight his brother ” Jesus said, “These brothers that you think they should go to hell stumbled and fell in the morning, you don’t know if you will fall in the evening Many saints of the earth don’t know if they will fall tomorrow You must follow My way today

I am interceding for My people, and I am asking you to intercede for your brothers that have fallen in sin and occultism You should pray that they return to the way Tell the Church not to reject them but to always intercede. Behold, these are their mansions and buildings filling the city of mercy ”

“These brothers that you think they should go to hell stumbled and fell in the morning, you don’t know if you will fall in the evening


Phillipians 4:19

mention needs, we're referring to those things that are standing in your way from Serving God. But we must understand that our needs are not just physical, material, financial, emotional and so on, but also spiritual When all your thoughts and prayers are focused on all other needs apart from the spiritual, you may not experience the true peace and fulfilment you desire Why is it so? GOD made man a spirit being in His own image (Genesis 1:27; St John 4:24) and only the spiritual can truly satisfy him God has given you a body, but He never expects it to distract you from who you really are

"But my GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
"Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:" Revelation 3:17

Whenever most people read Phillipians 4:19, their attention is more focused on their physical/material needs, but as you study through scripture, you can see that man's need is more than the physical JESUS said in Mark 8:36: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" If you have all your physical / material needs met but the cry of your soul and spirit is ignored, friend, you will never enjoy the blessing you have received Your spirit can't spend money or eat that delicious meal on your table, it doesn't mind the kind of bed you sleep on or the comfort in your house, but if anything goes wrong with your Spirit, all other things will go wrong It is therefore a wrong prioritization to make the need of your Spirit a secondary consideration

The bible says, GOD blessed Abraham in all things (Genesis.24:1); yet his heart kept seeking for a city with foundations, whose builder and maker is GOD Himself Hebrews 11:10 David, even as a king who had to himself, everything money could buy, said: "As the hart(deer) pants after the water brooks, so my soul pants after thee, O GOD " Psalms 42:1 Solomon preferred Wisdom to Wealth when he had an opportunity to ask GOD for something Then GOD responded by giving him what he asked for and everything he didn't ask for (1kings 3:12 13). From this text, I believe that when a man's spiritual need becomes his priority, GOD supplies all other needs without the person asking

Whatever you lack today does not in any way disqualify you from being a bonafide citizen of the Kingdom of God if you are Born Again; and it's only a matter of time, GOD will supply all those other needs

Caring more for your spirit is sound wisdom and it reduces the stress that other needs put on you My dear friend, you can't be a spirit being trying to satisfy only your physical needs. Your spirit sustains your body according to Proverbs.18:14 and if you ignore your spirit, there's no clue to the measure of wreck you will attract to your life

JESUS wrote to the church of Laodicea They were rich in material things and believed they had no lack whatsoever. But JESUS said they were poor, and this confirms the Lord's definition of 'true riches' in Luke 16:11 and being 'rich toward GOD' in Luke 12:21 Until your spirit and soul are truly rich, you may not be able to manage the riches your eyes can see without offending GOD

Finding quality time to fellowship with GOD and His Word will enrich your spirit so much that your body can feel it. By the way, what's the benefit of wealth without health? The truth is that GOD wants you to have as much good things of life as you desire but not out of greed or by ignoring the need of your spirit You cannot attend to the need of your Spirit with a casual haste. If you can sit on a dining table for 30mins, and you cannot spend 30mins with GOD and His Word, you have a spiritual need you must take seriously Nothing can be more urgent than responding to the need of your spirit. Just as you need good food to nourish your body, so you need God's Word to nourish your Spirit to stay spiritually healthy (Proverbs 4:22) Any wealth or health that does not draw from the wealth and health of the soul is not God's arrangement according to 3John.verse 2; and if it's not God's arrangement, GOD is not committed to sustaining it

Jesus Christ is coming back again and very soon

I pray that as this message reaches you and hundreds of people around the world: you will see an emergence of spiritually and physically strong men and women, the kind mentioned in Joel 2:1 11 "The earth shall quake before them "(verse 10) From this day onwards, the LORD, whose name is Jehovah Jireh and El Shaddai, shall supply all your needs and beyond in Jesus Christ name.

ShepherdHill Community


Fairlene Pillay

Chanelle Fairlene Pillay is a South African born, qualified attorney in her own firm CHANELLE FAIRLENE ATTORNEYS, with her Masters in Business Law. She is a woman of faith and planted in the ministry known as THE SUPERNATURAL CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST where she encountered more of the Lord and His dynamic plans for her life. She is also the author of the books, "A Shepherd King" , "Away From Yesterday" and “The Destiny Dreamer available on Amazon.


How many of us truly believe what we read, preach, and teach? We say we believe in Jesus and His Word, but do we really believe in Him? This may sound like a strange question But if we look at the story of Lazarus, we see a few examples in the passage of scripture of how those who were close to Jesus and knew Him had moments of doubt and unbelief

The story of Lazarus can be found in John 11. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were siblings, and they were close to Jesus. Jesus probably visited their home often, spent time with them, and they were familiar with His mission and ministry. The Bible says that “Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.” Many of us are like these siblings. We know of Jesus. We spend time with His Word. And we are familiar with all that He is doing. But do we really believe in who He is and what He desires to do for us?

Then, there are the disciples The very men who were walking with Jesus, learning from Him, and spending all their time with Him When Jesus heard of Lazarus being sick, He wanted to go to Judea He explained to His disciples that "Our friend Lazarus sleepeth, but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep ” His disciples could not grasp this revelation Jesus was speaking of Lazarus’ death and resurrection, but the disciples believed that Jesus was speaking of a natural sleep. They were in the presence of the Great I Am, and they had witnessed marvellous signs, wonders, and miracles, yet they missed the revelation of what His words meant and who He was and what He was about to do. This is like many people today. We spend time with His Word, and we hear His teachings. But do we truly understand and are we able to grasp the mysteries and revelation of His Word?

L A W & F A I T H

When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she ran to meet him because her brother had died She had all the right words to say to Jesus She said, “I know that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee ” Jesus replied to her that Lazarus shall rise again! Still, Martha did not believe or understand what Jesus was saying She responded, “I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day ” Many people are like Martha They know the Word They can preach it back to you But do they really believe that He is the resurrection and the life at all times, even in the most dead and hopeless situation? Do they really believe that He can do anything and everything?

Jesus explained to her that He is the resurrection, and the life He then asked her, “Do you believe this?” He asked her this question for a reason! She knew of Him, but did she really know Him?

Jesus then asks the people to take away the stone Martha is the one who says, “Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.” Instead of following the Master’s instruction, Martha wanted to point out the natural situation to remind the Son of God that the situation was hopeless. Many of us are hearing God’s instructions, but instead of obeying Him and

trusting in Him, we are reminding Him of how dead and hopeless the situation is

We are filled with doubt and unbelief Jesus answered her, saying, “Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe thou shouldest see the glory of God?” That is all Jesus is asking of us today: to believe

Once the stone was rolled away, Jesus called Lazarus forth! The Bible says, “He that was dead came forth…” The Glory of The Lord reached into that tomb and brought forth the bound man out of his tomb and back to life in the presence of all who were there! That is the power of the Resurrection and the Life, the One who is Creator and who can change any dead and impossible situation into life and possibilities!

Today, The Lord is asking you, “Do you believe?”. We can preach all we want We can read the Word of God from morning to night We can have all the answers and quote all the scripture We can follow Him and serve Him But in our most dead and barren and hopeless situations, do we truly believe who He said He is? Do we truly believe that He is the Resurrection and the Life? As Jesus said, “If you would believe, you shall see the glory of God ” With your physical eyes, you shall see the impossible be made possible… if you believe.

L A W & F A I T H
''But in our most dead and barren and hopeless situations, do we truly believe who He said He is?''


Satan doesn't have knowledge about everything and everyone. He relies on monitoring spirits.

Satan and his demons are always so curious to know what is happening in people's lives so that they can know how best and where best to attack.

They send demonic monitoring spirits that watch people and listen to people's conversations in order to know things about that person.

If they attack someone, then they want to monitor and see the person's reaction to the attack If they see that the attack is yielding the desired result and hindering the person from continuing to pray, then they know that whenever they want to get you to quit praying, that attack is their reliable weapon

For example, if something happens in your life and you react to it by being angry with God and stop praying, Satan monitors all those reactions And since he really wants to keep you from praying, he'll keep attacking you in that area because he knows that's where he's got you, that's the area that yields the results he desires

Then you will start to wonder why the same attack persists, it's because it's yielding results and has become satan's trusted weapon against you

We should always pray against demonic spirits sent to monitor our lives. And we should never react to situations in a way that will please satan, it only invites more attacks in the same area because as long as he can see it yields results, that's the place he'll keep hitting It's the reason some people keep experiencing the same attack over and over.

Instead, never allow yourself to feel like a victim and stop praying No matter what happens, pray and rely on Jesus He will grant you victory.

God willing, I will share more in a video on some things the Lord Jesus showed me on how monitoring spirits work and how we can defeat them. Spiritual warfare is real, and it is continuously there regardless of whether or not you engage in it, satan attacks you anyway

But prayer is a mighty weapon in defeating satan. Which is why God's children must take their rightful place in the battle because we're assured of victory

@ rachael mushala chisulo 15
W R I T T E N B Y : P A C H A E L M U S H A L A


But don't use that phrase as a grip to hold on to your pain

I know it's hard to confront your pain, it even feels better to postpone because the day you decide to face it, it means all the memories will flood back, it means you will re live the experience and possibly break down, it will mean you will have to forgive, of which at often times we are not ready to

It is a painful process, but that's the last pain you will feel before healing.

I know I make it sound easy, but in reality, it isn't, I've been through it, at times it takes years, but your commitment and consistency in prayer, in exposing your wounds to God, in your acceptance that you're weak and broken and need help, healing won't resist


Some people post a lot of jokes, but in reality, they are broken.

Some people post a lot of pictures and videos, but in reality, they are lonely.

Some people post a lot of motivations, but in reality, they are at the verge of giving up

Some people post a lot about love, but in reality, their hearts are full of anger and hatred

Some people post a lot about truth, but in reality, they are living a lie

Some people post a lot about self discovery, but in reality, they are lost and confused

Not everything is as it seems


In almost every healing process, there is a sharp pain that hits you everytime you think of forgiveness

And that is because:

Forgiveness makes it seem like you're weak Forgiveness makes it seem like you're easily letting things go Forgiveness makes it seem like you were the wrong one Forgiveness makes it seem like you're opening doors for them to hurt you again

Forgiveness feels like giving them another chance undeservingly

Forgiveness makes it seem like it's the easy way out

You want them to understand that they hurt you Not only understand, sometimes you want them to feel the pain you felt.

Not only feel the pain you felt, but you also want them to be remorseful and apologize. Not only apologize but for them to promise never to do it again. And not only that, and for them to STAY AWAY FROM YOU if you cannot perfectly reconcile.

That's often what delays our HEALING, our hearts often want justice we often know we will never get, or perhaps get it but not the way you wanted




Jill and I found Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour on the 18th of February 1979, just two years after settling in Greytown, Kwa Zulu Natal Midlands, South Africa Originally from Zambia, we bought a piece of land on which we planned to farm crops and livestock. We had very little to start with but even as brand new Christians, we were content with our farm, which we later called SHALOM.

The Word of God in Psalm 85:6 (NKJV) says:

How we desperately need revival again We need revival in our own hearts, we need revival in our nation

I heard a very interesting comment from a man some time ago who said, there are many people who are walking around, whose hearts are pumping blood, but they are actually dead We need to trust God for the sleeping church to wake up The evangelist needs to preach the gospel, people need to be born again and then the church needs revivalists to revive the church that has gone to sleep.

I remember many years ago, we did a big painting that I used to take with me when I was preaching. It was a picture of a Century guarding a walled city, he was at his post but he was sound asleep

All the people inside the city were also sleeping, because they were trusting the Century, the guard, to protect them. In the meantime, the enemy was creeping up on this little walled town and they had already put ladders on the walls and they were climbing up the walls. It is a very sad picture. We need to blow the trumpet; we need to warn the people and we need to trust God to revive the church

We have a responsibility as those who are born again to call the people in the church to stand up and to protect the flock of sheep. Send your Revival please Lord Jesus, Amen.

Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You?
JesusblessyouAngusand JillBuchan



Child of GOD we are ought to pray and not faint, in and out of season. There are many teachings being taught on which is the correct way ''to pray''.

We don't want to say this is the correct way but what we know is, THE WORD OF GOD DOESN'T COME OUT AND COME BACK VOID, IT WILL ACCOMPLISH WHAT IS HAS BEEN SENT TO DO!

With that being said, we'd love to encourage you to command the morning (wake up in early hours, commit the day, your life and family to the LORD JESUS. Decree and declare using HIS WORD! (Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place: JOB 38V12)

Your life will never be the same. Here are some scriptural prayer points just as a start, the more you pray using the WORD the more the Holy Spirit will add to the list.

1. This is the day which the Lord hath made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118: 24

2. LORD, IN THE MORNING YOU HEAR MY VOICE, as I lay my requests, unto You my Lord Psalm 5vs3. I let my requests be known unto You with prayer and supplications, with thanksgiving, I let my requests known unto You, my Lord. Phill 4vs 6.

3. I command the dawn to take the earth by its edges and shake out the wicked out of it.

Job 38 vs 13.

4. Father, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I lay my ordinance this morning and command the morning to nullify any form of weapon the enemy has fashioned against me and my family during the night, in Jesus mighty name. Job 38 vs 12.

5. I command the dawn to take the earth by its edges and shake out the wicked out of it. Job 38 vs 13.

6. Father, the sun shall never smite me nor my family by day, nor the moon by night. Psalm 121 vs 6

7. Lord, frustrate the works of every wicked power in the 2nd realm, that is working against me and my family, let the works of their hands achieve no success, in Jesus mighty name Amen. Job 5vs12.

8. Father, you have given me keys to close and open doors. Right now, I close the door of divorce in my marriage and open the door peace and calamity between my husband and I in Jesus mighty name. Isaiah 22vs22.

Nothing and no one will open the doors you have shut.

9. Father in the mighty name of Jesus, you have put your words in my mouth to uproot, to tear down, to destroy, to build and to plant. Jeremiah 1vs 10.

10. Father command your angels concerning me and my family, to guard us in all our ways. Psalm 91vs11 (911...the rescue verse.)



When you persist in prayer even when you cannot see the answer, it's because you still believe God will answer But when you stop praying because you haven't seen the answer yet, it's because you don't believe God will still answer And because you don't believe, you will not receive, not because God is unfaithful but because you have unbelief. Satan steals your answer from you

Previously I had shared a vision God had shown my sister in Christ, Anna She saw herself in a room filled with beautifully wrapped gift boxes They filled the room all the way to the roof and were in different sizes. They were all wrapped so beautifully like people wrap gifts So, she wondered what this was

Then the Lord told her that all these boxes were the gifts God had sent from heaven for His children as answers to their prayers, but satan had intercepted them and stolen them before God's children could receive

He stole the answers by planting unbelief, and the people stopped praying before they could receive the answer because they disbelieved God and thought He cannot answer them

Mark 11:24

"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them "

They didn't know that the answer had already been dispatched from heaven in the spiritual realm But because they disbelieved and gave up praying, they ended up not receiving

Satan stole their answers and locked them away in that room! Those people will keep thinking God didn't send an answer, yet He did because He's faithful, but they had moved from the place where the answer had been dispatched, the place of faith They went away, having given up and Satan came and stole their blessing!

Satan lives in the spiritual realm and can see when the answer is released. And that is the time he discourages the most That's why it seems darkest just before the breakthrough

His aim is to make you move and give up in unbelief so that he can steal what you laboured for so much in prayer. That's why Jesus wants us to pray until we receive the answer So that satan will not steal what belongs to us Anyone who asks receives

Sometimes you receive immediately, other times you must persist and wait but you will still receive Don't listen to satan who is a thief and discourages you so that he can steal your answer Listen to Jesus instead

On His part, God is always faithful to release the answer. But can we faithfully keep believing until we receive?


In the book of Daniel, we read of how satan tries to block the answers of God's children even after they are already dispatched. But when we continue to pray, we defeat him and receive our answers from the Lord

Daniel 10:12 13

"Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words

But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia."

Jesus emphasized that we receive answers when we persist in prayer, continuing to believe.

Luke 18:1 8

"Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary ’ And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.'' Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”

grace & peace

Rachael Mushala







(2) I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts;

(3) A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick;

(4) Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels;

(5) Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day.

International Director of Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide
"HOREMOW is like a large body of water coming with great force washing away all debris, shedding dead weight, and riding off all impurities from among the churches today. The great force carries along the genuine children of God from all over the world and from all denominations and nationalities onto the narrow way to be rapture ready and to meet our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ This is the last move of God on earth, and, Holiness Revival Movement is the Last Ark of our generation Some say, "Is this the only place people can worship?" Indeed, such a drastic measure would perplex the world. But, Jesus said, "My children know my voice


Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

As a member of a church, have you tried to know the condition of your church? Do they teach the truth there as the Word of God demands? You know very well that the members are not living holy life. Even your pastor does not practice holiness in his daily life. You still see those outside your church that are living holy Christian life, but refused to join them.

Do you want to destroy your soul? You make your church a prison cell waiting for hell fire. Was it God's plan for you? They assure you of Heaven, blessings and protection, but never warned you of sin. Is a Christian a sinner? What then are you saved from, if you remain a sinner? 1 John 3:6 says, “Whosever abideth in him sinneth not: whosever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.”

They are not even ready to invite holiness preachers to your church to open the eyes of the members. Outside your church, you see some Christians practicing holy life different from your own and the members of your church. Is that not enough for you to think and leave that jungle they call church and follow those that serve God out of a pure heart?

They have reasons to give for their action in keeping you there, but this is a technical siege against the souls of their members. Your leaders do not want to live holy life and block you members from knowing the truth from others whom you are sure they hold the truth. That assurance of Heaven, blessings and security they are giving you is false, and it will land you in hell fire.

They have given you position in the church or even made you a pastor, elder, deacon, to keep you busy so that you will not go out to know the truth from others. As 2 Timothy 3:7 says, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Your life is in danger, because you cannot make Heaven in that sinful life. You are not even qualified to stay in God's presence, because He is holy.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: False security in assurance of Heaven

BIBLE READING FOR THE DAY: Proverbs 23-24; 2 Corinthians 5

exposing the lies of the enemy to the church

They have reasons to give for their action in keeping you there, but this is a technical siege against the souls of their members '' .
will land you in hell.


The Word of God says that the devil is the god of this world This is true because whatever is happening in this world is by his standards Whatever he does is the total opposite to what God, our father commands and expects from us The devil contradicts God in everything He is an opposer By Gods standards we are expected to live according to His Word, laws, statutes and commandments.

My observation is that as the children of God, the world seems to be telling us what to do, when to do it and mostly how to do anything. We seem to have lost our mandate as the citizens of heaven Romans 12v2 says ‘do not be conformed to the standards (patterns, behaviours) of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God’.

We seem to care a lot about the standards of this world, and we follow all the trends that are going on and there is one thing that the Lord revealed to me lately Hebrews 13v8 states: ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever’. This means that He is very old fashioned He never changes He doesn’t change His mind or Word He is dependable He never divorces His Word. He doesn’t move with the times. His Word is steadfast forever and ever

What we see in the other kingdom is that things change every time. There is no continuity. There so many trends every season God is not like that Right now, as children of God we seem to move from what the Word commands us and we want to be politically correct We want the approval of man and care less about what our God is saying.

Article: Margaret Mhlongo

We are no different from the world We are like them The only difference is that we say we are born again. By whose standards are we born again? By whose standards are we living our day to day lives?

By the look of things, we seem to do the things the way the world does We are following the behaviours of this world We are friends with the world We are on the same level as the world 1 John 2v15 17 states:” do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever”

We are in this world but are not of the world. It is understandable when people do not see the need or importance of being born again When they look at us, they don’t see anything that attracts them to our salvation We go where they go, we do what they do, we speak their language, we dress like them, we eat their food, we have ungodly relationships with them, we sometimes oppose the Word of God thus agreeing with them that God understands how tough life is

We make them believe that no human being will go to hell, only the devil and his cronies. What a lie!!!

As Christians we are not representing heaven the way we should We are heaven’s ambassadors, but we are not doing our job like we are assigned to. We even have the audacity of saying heaven is our home and destiny We need to stop lying to ourselves Which heaven do we think we are going to enter by our own standards? This ideology of “once saved, always saved” needs to stop.

Are we producing the fruits of the spirit according to Galatians 5v22to23 Which fruits of the flesh are evident in us? Galatians 5v19 states: adultery, fornication, witchcraft, indecent, jealousy, hatred, fights, selfish ambitions, fractions, envy, murders, drunkenness, wild parties, difference of opinions, uncleanness, anger and the like These are not the standards that the Lord wants us to live by. We need to change so we can be found worthy of His heaven If not, we are going to miss heaven

This is not a joke or threat. We are expected to be spotless and without blemish Be a holy nation Let us fix our crooked ways before it is too late Shalom!!!




(part 7 - a true story)


I was about to do something drastic when Abong arrived. Due to our history together, I was open to him.

He came to report his wife to me, his marriage is also scattered, his wife had denied him sex for over 2 years. She had pushed him out of the matrimonial bedroom She told him that she hates him with passion

We naturally started discussing and keeping ourselves company He had made efforts to hold me or kiss me, but I didn't agree

To be honest, I didn't know when we started sending love messages to eachother I didn't know when I started sneaking out of the house to meet with him in restaurants just to be away from all my own marital storms

My husband, I am sorry

Two weeks ago, I stumbled on a Facebook post that says, emotional relationship is adultery I was about to do something drastic when Abong arrived Due to our history together, I was open to him

He came to report his wife to me, his marriage is also scattered, his wife had denied him sex for over 2 years She had pushed him out of the matrimonial bedroom She told him that she hates him with passion


We naturally started discussing and keeping ourselves company He had made efforts to hold me or kiss me, but I didn't agree

To be honest, I didn't know when we started sending love messages to ourselves I didn't know when I started sneaking out of the house to meet with him in restaurants just to be away from all my own marital storms

My husband, I am sorry

Two weeks ago, I stumbled on a Facebook post that says, emotional relationship is adultery I felt bad, I told Abong but he wasn't ready to stop

I went into fasting and prayer I told God I will give him anything just to have my marriage back I told God to name his price

God gave me a dream I saw an old man walking into my room, he brought out a big sack and told me to open my closet He packed all the cloths that were either short or tight for my stature He went into my closet and packed all my jewelleries He packed all my make up kits and even my sexy G string panties He packed all my wigs and add on eye lashes.

Then he went to my shelve, packed off, all the feminism novels I had gathered over the years.

Finally, he collected my phone and started deleting all the romance and x rated novels I had downloaded.

He now gave me our wedding picture as compensation for everything he packed. Then I woke up from my dream. I knew the sacrifice He wanted for my marriage is what He showed me in the dream

My darling husband, I complied last weekend, you were to busy to notice, I have changed totally from what I used to be

This week, I fasted, and I cried to God that since I have given Him everything He wanted, He must give me my husband back I felt bad, I told Abong but he wasn't ready to stop but he blackmailed me that he would expose all our chat He also emotionally blackmailed me that He will kill himself if I stop spending time with him

I was afraid to tell you because I know what you can do when you get angry, I'm so sorry my husband I will take any punishment you decide to give me

I was totally disappointed at her, at my assistant pastor and most of all at myself

I feel like dealing with that assistant pastor, but I need to wait for the Holy Spirit

I remembered that one of the points Satan had against me was being unforgiving I lifted up my wife from the floor and hugged her to myself

Immediately I did that, I felt the warm love of God and I heard the Holy Spirit say, "YOU JUST PASSED A TEST"

My assistant kept trying to text my wife to confirm if she had truly confessed to me or not, but I told my wife to just act normal with him

Five days later, at the leading of the Holy Spirit, I organized a dinner for both families My family and the assistant pastor family We do this once every year

I acted normal as if I haven't heard anything He was stealing glances at my wife, but I kept my cool in Christ

During the dinner, I stylishly apologized to his wife I said "my sister, let me apologize that I kept your husband busy for months as we prepare for the praise program"

Usually, his wife was so reserved, she is an introvert, and she keeps to herself, but tonight she seems very jovial

She smiled and reply "pastor! Don't mind my husband o, no matter how late he gets home, I must be ready for sex He loves sex more than food" Assistant pastor was staring at his food very seriously.

My wife almost chocked on her meal. I smiled; God is exposing the lair. His wife continued her chatter....

I also want to thank you and mummy for the one million naira you gave our family. Though my husband wanted to keep it a secret, but I saw the alert.

This time I chuckled too So, he was stealing money from the church in addition to trying to get my wife

Sweet Holy Spirit, well done

His wife continued "I also want to thank you sir" It's ok now, let us eat The husband interjected in a stern voice

The wife for the first time jumped up in our presence, faced her husband saying, "do you want to beat me in the presence of pastor?"

"The way you beat me when I questioned your traveling with Helen for church ministration"

She faced me, "I'm sorry sir, don't send my husband on ministration with that Helen My husband is a smooth womaniser "

My wife was standing by now

The eyes of the assistant pastor were very red and his hands shaking

To be continued 27
@ t h e y o u n g m i n i s t e r s o n f i r e Join us as we gather with young people all over South Africa. King Jesus has remembered South Africa and has charged young people to come to His Throne of mercy for the restoration /revival of South Africa. Visit YMOF social pages for more info! 28


Safety precautions for the festive season

The festive season is a season of rest, by the grace of GOD a time to enjoy with family and enjoy the fruit of the year's labour For others, it means a time to rob others of the fruit of their labour

With this, we decree and declare that you shall not fall victim but shall enjoy the grace and favour of GOD over you and your family

We at Beauty & The Gospel pray a safe and graceful end of 2022 and a prosperous entry to 2023

Here are some tips to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove:

Tips to safeguard your personal details

Please do not respond or reply to any spam email Majority are scams

Please do not subscribe to buy or participate in any SMS adverts for cheaper airtime, data bundles, or cell phone which you did not ask for

Please do not allow any stranger to come into your house / office to sell you anything, especially perfume, air freshner, blankets etc

Most of the people are disguised robbers Their spray has drugs and if sprayed will make you sleep off in few minutes and you will be robbed

Do not carry ALL your bank cards in your wallet When you're driving or go shopping

2 people have called to report that their bank cards were stolen last month

Please do not confirm any password or code sent to you from anyone saying he/she is calling from your service provider relating to SIM SWOP. This is very common now

Do not click or send any link relating to buying any product cheap or bonanza to win any item

Do not apply for a loan from adverts sent via emails, WhatsApp or any social media




(1) And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said unto them, These are the words which the Lord hath commanded, that ye should do them

(2) Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the Lord: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death

(3) Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the sabbath day.

(4) And Moses spake unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying, This is the thing which the Lord commanded, saying,

(5) Take ye from among you an offering unto the Lord: whosoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it, an offering of the Lord; gold, and silver, and brass, (6) And blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair,


And I will visit upon her the days of Baalim, wherein she burned incense them, and she decked herself with her earrings and her jewels, and she went after her lovers, and forgat me, saith the LORD

The use of jewelry is seen to have connection with idolatry when the children of Israel wanted a strange god or idol The earrings collected from idolatrous Egyptians were used to form an idol. Here we see the connection of earrings with idol worship We also see the connection of earrings with strange gods when Jacob wanted to prepare his family for the worship of the true God

Again in the account of Gideon in Judges 8:24 27, Gideon collected the earrings of the prey and made an ephod (an outer garment of the high priest) maybe to inspire godliness in the people. But alas, the people turned the ephod into an object of worship The earrings used in constructing it were idolatrous property The people here might have been idolatrously inclined by these earrings, since Israel had backslidden from the true worship of God at this time

It is an established truth that demonic forces of idolatry accompany jewelries It is the driving force behind immorality and defilement in the Church May the Lord open the eyes of the blind preachers of this end time before the rapture. These materials carry strange forces These are the original intention of the kingdom of darkness to lure men into immorality.

There is a revelation that these items are made from the marine world A sister who was delivered from this evil kingdom revealed that no matter how spiritual any Christian may prove to be but still using jewelries, they still have a strong hold on them Therefore, my brethren, please yield to the Spirit of God and be free in Jesus’ name

belovedwebeseech youtake everything in prayer

W A T C H & P R A Y
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Acts 17:30-31

30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

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