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Dumela! It's time to build people! Wendy M. Reynolds, MS/P Senior Managing Editor, Beauty Come Forth WendyInspires @Wendymreynolds

Dumela my friends! What, huh? Interesting word isn't it? I had forgotten all about it until my friend called me. At the beginning of our conversation he said, "Dumela Wendy!� Dumela is a South African greeting that translates as "I see you, I affirm you, I believe in you, and I see the great potential within you!� Wow! What a powerful word and a powerful gift to give to someone. Can you imagine what your family, your job, your city, and your world would be like if we would greet each other that way every day and mean it? How empowering! How would you feel if someone called you on the phone or wrote you a letter to tell you they believed in you, saw greatness in you. What if they told you that you were not invisible- not in the shadows- that your gifts, your talents, ... were noticeable, needed, and appreciated? What would happened if you told that little sister It makes us feel good that gets on your nerves- that employee that needs to be more effective- that to hear that we struggling church member that you get tired of- that son that has made bad matter- that our gifts choices, that spouse who you've been arguing or even silent with, ... "I are appreciated and believe in you! You might be struggling, but I see your potential for valued- that someone greatness!" Listen, we should never look to people to validate who we are, but we all desire encouragement. It makes us feel good to hear that we matter- that our gifts are appreciated and valued- that someone believes in us and knows we are destined for great things. It gives us that extra motivation and pull

believes in us and knows we are destined for great things.

that we all need to keep progressing forward. I alway believe that you should put into to people what you want to get out of them. If you want to see people grow, sow seeds and words of growth into their life. Invest your positive words, your time, and your resources into their lives. I want to encourage you today to go the extra mile with people. Let someone know you believe in him or her. Let someone know you see greatness inside of him. Pull someone aside and say something like, "You know, I just want to let you know that I see how hard you're working. I believe in you! I know you're destined to do great things! I know it's been tough, but don't give up. I know it may seem like you're invisible sometimes, but I see you! You've made a difference in my life! You've made a difference in this church! You're an important part of this company! We're better because you're here!" Pull people up and build people up with your words! Be sincere. If you're not sincere, you'll come across as being manipulative. Trust me; people know when you're being manipulative! If you're sincere, I guarantee It never ceases to you that person will have the best week ever!

amaze me how much time and effort we put into building churches, corporations, networks,... but fail to build people.

It never ceases to amaze me how much time and effort we put into building churches, corporations, networks,... but fail to build people. We build beautiful new houses, but so often the family on the inside falls apart. We look around the beautiful church edifice, only to find that more seats/pews are empty than they are filled. We've worked long hours, missed birthdays, and baseball games to build a company- a legacy- only to discover that the company is not producing as it should, the workers are disgruntled, and our family members are now distant. Build people and you'll build healthy families, churches, companies, and communities! You'll also find yourself feeling better and feeling more empowered. You'll find that as you give, it will be given back to you! So are you ready? Whom will you build today? Dumela my friend!

A RESOLUTION OF FAITH Resolve to believe what you speak

This is as personal as it gets. Your personal affirmations is your chance to affirm the woman you are destined to be. This is your time to speak life into your dreams and faith into your visions. Show love, encouragement, and appreciation to yourself by choosing words that frame your goals for the day, week and year. The power of words has been overlooked by most, yet everything that is, was first spoken into existence. So make sure to choose your words wisely and remember, you have what you say. If you want love, use words of love, and try to avoid words of anger and bitterness. You want peace, speak words of peace and not confusion and chaos. Be resolved to have what you speak and then believe by faith that it will come to pass, but keep in mind to align those things spoken with God’s will and not selfishness or greed. I remember reading Rick Warren’s book “A purpose driven life” I love that book, it had great insight to how we become who we are and how we can better align ourselves with God’s will for our life, in such a way that we reap the benefits of living the abundant life God desires us to live. At the end he has you write out your personal statement of purpose. Below is a wonderful example of a resolution of faith. It is a copy Daily Confessions written by Joyce Meyers

I love all people, and I am loved by all people. I prosper in everything I put my hand to. I have prosperity in all areas of my life – spiritually, financially, mentally, and socially. All my children have lots of Christian friends, and God has set aside a Christian wife or husband for each of them. All my household are blessed in their deeds: we’re blessed when we come in and when we go out. I take good care of my body. I eat right, I look good, I feel good, and I weigh what God wants me to weigh.

I operate in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are tongues and interpretation of tongues, the working of miracles, discerning of spirits, the word of faith, the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, healings, and prophecy. I know God’s voice, and I always obey what He tells me. The love of God has been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost. I do all my work excellently and with great prudence – making the most of all of my time. I am creative because the Holy Spirit lives in me. I love to pray. I love to praise and worship God. I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress. I will speak forth the righteousness of God all the day long. I have humbled myself, and God has exalted me. I am a giver. It is more blessed to give than to receive. I love to give! I have plenty of money to give away all the time. I cast all my care on the Lord for He cares for me. I don’t give the devil a foothold in my life. I resist the devil, and he has to flee from me. I don’t have a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. I am not afraid of the faces of man. I am not afraid of the anger of man. I am a new creature in Christ: old things have passed away, behold, all things are new. I have died and have been raised with Christ and am now seated in heavenly places. I am dead to sin and alive unto righteousness. I am a doer of the Word. I meditate on the Word all the day long. I am not passive about anything, but I deal with all things in my life immediately. I do not judge my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus after the flesh. I am a spiritual man and am judged by no one. I take every thought captive unto the obedience of Jesus Christ, casting down every imagination, and every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. I am a responsible person. I enjoy responsibility, and I rise to every responsibility in Jesus. I have been set free. I am free to love, to worship, to trust with no fear of rejection or of being hurt. I have compassion and understanding for all people. I catch the devil in all of his deceitful lies. I cast them down and choose rather to believe the Word of God. I am anointed of God for ministry. Hallelujah! Work is good. I enjoy work. Glory! I have a teachable spirit. I do not think more highly of myself than I ought to in the flesh. Pain cannot successfully come against my body because Jesus bore all my pain. I am a teacher of the Word. I lay hands on the sick, and they recover. I do what I say I will do, and I get where I am going on time. I don’t hurry and rush; I do one thing at a time. God opens my mouth, and no man can shut it. God shuts my mouth, and no man can open it.

The law of kindness is in my tongue. Gentleness is in my touch. Mercy and compassion is in my hearing. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he; therefore, all of my thoughts are positive. I do not allow the devil to use my spirit as a garbage dump by meditating on negative things that he offers me. I am a believer not a doubter. No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper, but every tongue that rises against me in judgment, I shall show to be in the wrong. I am slow to speak, quick to hear, and slow to anger. I cast out devils and demons; nothing deadly can hurt me. I never bind a sister or brother with the words of my mouth. I am always a positive encouragement. I edify and build up; I never tear down or destroy. I will cry to God Most High Who performs on my behalf and rewards me. My son has a sweet personality, and he is not rebellious. I don’t speak negative things. My children love to pray and study the Word. They openly and boldly praise God. My children make right choices according to the Word of God. I am an obedient wife, and no rebellion operates in me. My husband is wise. He is the king and priest of our home. He makes Godly decisions. I use my time wisely. All of my prayer and study time is wisely spent. I walk in the spirit all of the time. All that I own is paid for. I owe no man anything except to love him in Christ. I love to bless people and spread the Gospel. I am an intercessor. I receive speaking engagements in person, by phone, and/or by mail every day. My daughter operates in Godly wisdom and discipline, and she is full of energy. I never get tired or grow weary when I study the Word, pray, minister, or praise God; but I am alert and full of energy. And as I study, I become more alert and more energized. I will study the Word of God. I will pray. I do not hate or walk in unforgiveness. I do not fear. I am not guilty.

Juice for Life A beginner's guide to getting started with juicing (From Juice Recipes for your health)

Why Juice? Think about a healthy beverage. You're probably thinking about juice (since you're reading this), or maybe a smoothie. If anything with the word 'diet' in it just crept into your mind, you better keep reading. Let's start off with a few things that beginners should know...

Is juice the same thing as a smoothie? No, these are two very different things. They're both very healthy for you, and one isn't better than the other, necessarily. A smoothie is made in a blender. It's blended, not juiced. With a smoothie, you retain the pulp (which is insoluble fiber). This can be either gross or good depending on what you're blending. A blended drink yields a lot more because of the pulp, and some people like that, but others find it difficult to drink all of it. Juice is juiced with a juicer. Juicers 'juice' your produce and separate the pulp (the insoluble fiber) from it. You discard the pulp and drink the juice. You still get fiber in the form of soluble fiber. I know, crazy, right? You just learned something new today. Juicers are things like a Breville juice fountain, Omega VRT350, Omega 8006, etc. Not a nutribullet! A nutribullet is a blender that blends. Those blades chop things up like every blender

works. It has pulp in it no matter how much you blend it. It can't turn into juice unless you separate the juice from the pulp or you apply magic to it (like their marketing team does). If you only have a blender and still want to juice, you still can! If you get a cheese cloth or something similar, you can strain your blended drink and turn it into juice. It's a little more work and wont yield as much as a good juicer, but it's something. If you want to read more about juicing vs blending, take a look at our blog article on Juicing vs Blending There's nothing wrong with smoothies. We love those too, but there's just something about juice that keeps us making it daily and enjoying the entire process. This isn't a battle of "what's better? Juice or smoothies?", it's a battle of "what do you like best?"

My friend said juicing isn't healthy because you don't get any fiber. Fiber is what helps move food through the digestive system, but it's not digested. There's two types of fiber: 'soluble' and 'insoluble'. When you juice, the pulp you see in the 'pulp bin' is mostly the insoluble fiber. You're still getting plenty of soluble fiber in your juice. Even if your juice gave you 0 grams of fiber, it would still be very healthy for you. It's like saying that your water isn't healthy because it doesn't have fiber in it. Juice is a healthy beverage and shouldn't be relied on for your insoluble fiber.

What's the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber? Insoluble fiber is the left-over pulp after juicing. Only a small amount of this makes it to your juice. If you were to mix insoluble fiber in a glass of water, it would sink to the bottom, absorb the water and puff up. If you imagine that moving through your body, you can picture what it does for you. It's beneficial to help get things 'moving' and prevents constipation. Soluble fiber will make it to your juice. Soluble fiber is 'soluble' in water. Soluble fiber (like gums and pectins) will partially dissolve in water and form a type of gel. Soluble fiber absorbs digestive bile made by cholesterol, which creates even more digestive bile, which then helps to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Soluble fiber also can help moderate your blood glucose levels because it helps sugar to be more slowly absorbed, which is why some diabetics report juicing to be helpful to them. We personally love the consistency and the great flavors we can make with juice. We can put weird things like sweet potatoes in our juicers and create a delicious dessert-like juice, but we sometimes feel a bit limited with flavors in our smoothies.

What's the easiest way to get started juicing? Answer: Take the 30 Day Challenge.

The 30 Day Challenge was created by us to make this whole juicing thing as simple as possible while still allowing you to challenge yourself to get into a healthier habit/lifestyle of juicing. It's not a juice fast, it's just a challenge to drink a minimum of 1 glass of juice a day, every day, for 30 days. The reason why it's suggested for a beginner, is because we supply you with the shopping list each week and we tell you which recipe to make every day using that shopping list, so we've taken a lot of the thought out of juicing so you can just focus on enjoying the lifestyle. After 30 days, you'll have a new sense of how flavors come together in your juice and you'll be able to start experimenting with your own recipes. People have also reported losing weight and feeling great after going through the challenge. Give it a try! If you get a weird vegetable from the market, you can see if it exists in one of our recipes on our ingredients page or check out the nutrients in it by visiting our juice builder page.

Juicing Essentials Also known as "Cool stuff that a juicer would love!" First, you definitely need a juicer if you don't have one yet, which usually comes with the question...

By Myra Wallace I’m ok…. How many times in life have you heard yourself say that? Do you really believe it? Or, is it the best shot at trying to convince yourself that in spite of your world crumbling right before eyes, you can grab your boot straps and pull yourself out of whatever situation is making you feel like you’re on the edge of giving up? I know that pep talk very well, I’ve had it with myself on many occasions, but it was not until recently that I’ve truly accepted the fact that I am ok, that I am enough, that I am exactly where God wants me to be. I am a woman, and as a woman I will be the first to say we are a very self-censured species. When all else fails, blame yourself and make sure everyone else’s self-worth stays intact. We are constantly seeking the stroke of approval from the individuals that we have allowed to define our worth, when in reality they are usually more emotionally deficient than we are. Yes, I’m talking about the opposite sex. We are the wives, mothers, girlfriends, bff’s with benefits or employees, constantly preparing for that next hoop to jump into, hoping that this time we will actually get that cape and leotard with the “S” on the chest. Well I’m here to declare to you, that cape is a figment of our imagination sold to us at an early age, but they forgot to tell us it’s not real and that the real superwoman is looking back at you every morning you wake up and look in the mirror. Yes I declare, I’m Ok, as a matter of fact, I’m more than OK, I’m phenomenal and so are you. It’s time to stop entertaining those conversations going on in our head, telling us we need to change who we are, we do not. The only change that is needed is a change of perspective, our perspective of self. I’ve spent many years of my life sabotaging my greatness at the expense of making sure everyone else was ok, all the while pushing my needs, wants and dreams to the back burner, secretly hoping the person holding my heart strings would somehow see me really see me and not just look through me. Now as I reflect on many of my experiences, I’ve come to realize, I had the wrong perspective. It shouldn’t matter if they ever see me, if they can never grasp the amazing woman I am. What matters is that I see it, that I own it, that I speak it and most important that I be it. We as women have a tendency to lose ourselves, we somehow equate changing our name to changing our identity or with the title of mother comes the supernatural power to conquer the world in one day. News flash, your life is not a TV sitcom, and though we often long for that fairy tale ending, the reality is

our lives are more like a never ending path of discovery and once we are able to change our perspective, we are able to see the many possibilities of creating a beautiful new experience every day we open our eyes. Yes, you are enough and you are OK and I’m so glad to say that so am I. Now it’s time to show the world, and this time, it requires no hoops to jump through, no pats on the back by your non validating significant other, no pulling yourself up by your boot straps, it simply requires you to be you, pure and simple and let God handle the rest. While on this journey back to self, try to remember the famous poem of Ithaka written in 1911 by the Greek poet Constantine Peter Cavafy-

As you set out in search of Ithaka Pray that your journey be long, Full of adventures, full of awakenings. Do not fear the monsters of old… You will not meet them in your travels if Your thoughts are exalted and remain high, If authentic passions stir your mind, body and spirit. You will not encounter fearful monsters If you do not carry them within your soul, If your soul does not set them up in front of you Written to encourage those on the journey of self-discovery, a personal odyssey in search for authenticity.

By Marshawn Evans

For we are Christ’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do good works which He prepared in advance for us to do. –Ephesians 2:10

If I asked you to come up with a brand that captivated you, I know you could probably rattle off dozens: Starbucks. Apple. Ellen DeGeneres. Oprah. But what about those brands that have shattered or disappeared before your very eyes? What happened to them? Brands like K-Mart (if you’re of a certain age, you’ll remember when this was the go-to store). Tiger Woods. Izod. In this era of social media, where we step into our brand with every tweet and post, it’s crucial to look at how one can fall so quickly from the A-List to the D-List.

Here are what I see as the most common branding mistakes. I call them “The Four D’s.” 1. Devaluing Your Brand. It’s never a matter of, “Oh, phew, I’m successful, now I can rest.” Building and sustaining a brand takes constant thought–you can’t rest on your laurels or take it for granted for a moment. Devaluing your brand might look like not keeping up with the latest technology–or getting too “social” on social media–and not providing enough business-related, service-related information. It’s far too easy to post very insignificant info on Facebook or Twitter. Keep it simple and use common sense: If your brand has an earthy, natural feel, you probably don’t want to post photos of that wild night in Vegas. Have a clear strategy and be very conscious and aware of what you’re putting out there.

2. Diluting Your Brand. Narrowing your focus to your ideal client is a big part of what makes a brand successful–just think of monikers like, “Bill’s the tech guy” or “Sharon is the wordsmith lady,” etc. When you start adding responsibilities outside your expertise area just to get business in the door, you water down your brand. It’s like an actress who achieves a level of fame and then creates a purse line, cuts an album, runs for office and opens a restaurant. Who is she now? We don’t know because that brand’s been so diluted. Remember… Focus on your strengths and your strengths get stronger. Just keep serving who you are meant to serve. 3. Diffusing Your Brand. When it comes to branding, one or two things, do them well and keep doing them. to success and captivation. Diffusing is oversaturation, or giving too much. It might be a case like Pirates of the original movie was fantastic, but the sequels it spawned Diffusing might look like slashing your prices with promotions through online coupon sites. Customers or low prices out there and it’s hard to convince them to pay a higher price after the deal is over.

less is more. Do That’s the key overexposure, Caribbean: The were duds. special clients see the

4. Destroying Your Brand. This can come from simply making a poor choice at the wrong time–think Tiger Woods here. It has to do with selling out, being a copycat, not keeping promises, not being true to your values. You know it when a client approaches you with a project that clashes with your values or ethics. The successful brand stays current and is always evolving, changing and keeping abreast of what is out there–while staying true to itself and its mission. Also, the successful brand defines, develops, delivers and defends itself. After you understand what NOT to do, here’s what you can do: Create and follow a clear strategy. If you want to be seen as knowledgeable, helpful, resourceful, show up that way… in your life, on Facebook, at the grocery store, etc. Remember, the goal is to build a brand that is captivating and desirable…that attracts clients or customers and positions you as an expert in your field.

Marshawn Evans is a Global Mentor and Catalyst for Women looking to Launch Their Dreams and Live Their Purpose. She equips others to AMPLIFY their lives, their leadership and their legacy by teaching the principles of influence, branding, and divine purpose. Her weekly eZine goes out to thousands of subscribers. Are you ready to unleash your brilliance and align with your REAL destiny? Sign up for a FREE subscription at

(Exerts from Gary Chapman- “The Five Love Languages)

Remembering the first time I heard about a book that outlined the love languages, I thought, wow, everyone should read this book! All this time I’ve been speaking the wrong language to the people I love, no wonder there is so much confusion about who loves who or why someone does not feel love. So I figured, as we start out this new year, let us all put our best effort into loving others in their love language to make sure they feel the love, and when you get a moment pick up the book; “The Five Love Languages” written by Gary Chapman. Until then, here is a brief peak into what the 5 languages of love are all about. Words of Affirmation One time when my wife and I were visiting our daughter and son-in-law and our two grandchildren, our son-inlaw took the garbage out after dinner. When he walked back into the room where we were talking with our daughter, she looked up and said, "John, thanks for taking the garbage out." Inside I said, "Yes!" because I knew the power of appreciation. I can't tell you how many men and women have sat in my office over the past 30 years and said to me, "I work my tail off every day, yet my spouse acts like I haven't done a thing. I never get a single word of appreciation."

If your spouse's primary love language is words of affirmation, your spoken praise and appreciation will fall like rain on parched soil. Before long, you will see new life sprouting in your marriage as your spouse responds to your words of love. Acts of Service Do you remember the old saying, "Actions speak louder than words"? For some people, that is particularly true of love. If acts of service is your spouse's primary love language, nothing will speak more deeply to him or her emotionally than simple acts of service. Maxine, who had been married for 15 years, came to my office one day because she was frustrated with her marriage. Listen to what she said: "I don't understand David. Every day he tells me that he loves me, but he never does anything to help me. He just sits on the couch watching TV while I wash the dishes, and the thought never crosses his mind to help me. I'm sick of hearing 'I love you.' If he loved me, he would do something to help me." Maxine's primary love language is acts of service (not words of affirmation), and even though her husband, David, loved her, he had never learned to express his love in a way that made her feel loved. However, after David and I talked and he read The Five Love Languages, he got the picture and started speaking Maxine's love language. In less than a month, her love tank was beginning to fill up, and their marriage moved from winter to spring. The next time I talked to Maxine, she said, "It's wonderful. I wish we had come for counseling 10 years ago. I never knew about the love languages. I just knew I didn't feel loved." Receiving Gifts In every society throughout human history, gift giving has been perceived as an expression of love. Giving gifts is universal, because there is something inside the human psyche that says if you love someone, you will give to him or her. What many people do not understand is that for some people, receiving gifts is their primary love language. It's the thing that makes them feel loved most deeply. If you're married to someone whose primary love language is gift giving, you will make your spouse feel loved and treasured by giving gifts on birthdays, holidays, anniversaries and "no occasion" days. The gifts need not be expensive or elaborate; it's the thought that counts. Even something as simple as a homemade card or a few cheerful flowers will communicate your love to your spouse. Little things mean a lot to a person whose primary love language is receiving gifts. Quality Time If your spouse's love language is quality time, giving him or her your undivided attention is one of the best ways you can show your love. Some men pride themselves on being able to watch television, read a magazine, and listen to their wives, all at the same time. That is an admirable trait, but it is not speaking the love language of quality time. Instead, you must turn off the TV, lay the magazine down, look into your mate's eyes, and listen and interact. To your spouse, 20 minutes of your undivided attention – listening and conversing – is like a 20-minute refill of his or her love tank. Men, if you really want to impress your wife, the next time she walks into the room while you are watching a sporting event, put the television on mute and don't take your eyes off her as long as she's in the room. If she

engages you in conversation, turn the TV off and give her your undivided attention. You will score a thousand points and her love tank will be overflowing. Physical Touch We have long known the emotional power of physical touch. That's why we pick up babies and touch them tenderly. Long before an infant understands the meaning of the word love, he or she feels loved by physical touch. In marriage, the love language of physical touch includes everything from putting a hand on your mate's shoulder as you walk by, touching his or her leg as you're driving together, and holding hands while you're walking to kissing, embracing and sexual intercourse. If physical touch is your spouse's primary love language, nothing communicates love more clearly than for you to take the initiative to reach out and touch your mate.

21 DAY BREAKTHROUGH TO A NEW YOU” The New Book By Pastor Troy L. Campbell The 21 Day Breakthrough To A New You Prayer Journal is designed to help believers develop and maintain consistent and healthy prayer habits. This new book authored by Pastor Troy L. Campbell will help you to:  Make godly wisdom a priority in your life.  Identify unnecessary people and problems in your life.  CONFRONT the real issue.  IGNORE the invitation to compromise. This book is one hundred and sixty – eight pages of inspiration, revelation and confirmation. “The price to awaken a generation has always been prayer!” – Pastor Troy Campbell Troy Campbell is the Senior Pastor of an evangelistic, multicultural church called THE SECRET PLACE in Bellflower, California, where he is “SOUNDING THE ALARM” for “REVIVAL!” Pastor Troy Campbell believes that an effective prayer life is the foundation of Christian living and discipleship. His heart’s cry is (1) for God’s house(s) to be a house of prayer, (2) for God’s people to create a secret place where they meet with Him daily in passionate praise, wonderful worship and Holy Ghost prayer, and (3) to HELP people discover, develop and unleash their inherent gifts and talents. Through the RISING GENERATION LEADERSHIP TRAINING, he is equipping lay people, and leaders alike, to do the work of ministry with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Pastor Troy Campbell is married to Teresa Campbell and they have a nine-year-old son named Joshua Christopher Campbell (who loves Jesus and legos).

By Shauna Carther

Congratulations!!! You have won a cash prize! You have two payment options: A - Receive $10,000 now OR B - Receive $10,000 in three years. Which option would you choose? What Is Time Value? If you're like most people, you would choose to receive the $10,000 now. After all, three years is a long time to wait. Why would any rational person defer payment into the future when he or she could have the same amount of money now? For most of us, taking the money in the present is just plain instinctive. So at the most basic level, the time value of money demonstrates that, all things being equal, it is better to have money now rather than later. But why is this? A $100 bill has the same value as a $100 bill one year from now, doesn't it? Actually, although the bill is the same, you can do much more with the money if you have it now because over time you can earn more interest on your money. Back to our example: by receiving $10,000 today, you are poised to increase the future value of your money by investing and gaining interest over a period of time. For Option B, you don't have time on your side, and the payment received in three years would be your future value. To illustrate, we have provided a timeline:

If you are choosing Option A, your future value will be $10,000 plus any interest acquired over the three years. The future value for Option B, on the other hand, would only be $10,000. So how can you calculate exactly how much more Option A is worth, compared to Option B? Let's take a look. SEE: Internal Rate Of Return: An Inside Look Future Value Basics If you choose Option A and invest the total amount at a simple annual rate of 4.5%, the future value of your investment at the end of the first year is $10,450, which of course is calculated by multiplying the principal amount of $10,000 by the interest rate of 4.5% and then adding the interest gained to the principal amount: Future value of investment at end of first year: = ($10,000 x 0.045) + $10,000 = $10,450

You can also calculate the total amount of a one-year investment with a simple manipulation of the above equation:  Original equation: ($10,000 x 0.045) + $10,000 = $10,450  Manipulation: $10,000 x [(1 x 0.045) + 1] = $10,450  Final equation: $10,000 x (0.045 + 1) = $10,450 The manipulated equation above is simply a removal of the like-variable $10,000 (the principal amount) by dividing the entire original equation by $10,000. If the $10,450 left in your investment account at the end of the first year is left untouched and you invested it at 4.5% for another year, how much would you have? To calculate this, you would take the $10,450 and multiply it again by 1.045 (0.045 +1). At the end of two years, you would have $10,920: Future value of investment = $10,450 = $10,920.25


end x

of second year: (1+0.045)

The above calculation, then, is equivalent to the following equation: Future Value = $10,000 x (1+0.045) x (1+0.045)

Think back to math class and the rule of exponents, which states that the multiplication of like terms is equivalent to adding their exponents. In the above equation, the two like terms are (1+0.045), and the exponent on each is equal to 1. Therefore, the equation can be represented as the following:

We can see that the exponent is equal to the number of years for which the money is earning interest in an investment. So, the equation for calculating the three-year future value of the investment would look like this:

This calculation shows us that we don't need to calculate the future value after the first year, then the second year, then the third year, and so on. If you know how many years you would like to hold a present amount of money in an investment, the future value of that amount is calculated by the following equation:

SEE:Accelerating Returns With Continuous Compounding Present Value Basics If you received $10,000 today, the present value would of course be $10,000 because present value is what your investment gives you now if you were to spend it today. If $10,000 were to be received in a year, the present value of the amount would not be $10,000 because you do not have it in your hand now, in the present. To find the present value of the $10,000 you will receive in the future, you need to pretend that the $10,000 is the total future value of an amount that you invested today. In other words, to find the present value of the future $10,000, we need to find out how much we would have to invest today in order to receive that $10,000 in the future. Written for

“Global Glam for the Luxurious Lifestyle�

Let’s Go, Mexico! has carved its own Euro-chic niche along the Yucatán Peninsula. Sophisticated expats and vacationing Europeans relax at the beachside lounges, upholding this small enclave's budding reputation as the place in Quintana Roo to see and be seen. The area's nerve center is El Zócalo, and similar to Mediterranean beachfront towns like Nice, the funky little public square is within walking distance of the beach. Just off the square and running parallel with the shore, La Quinta Avenida features 20 blocks worth of delicious eateries and quirky shops. Cancún is so 10 years ago -- today's savvy beachgoers choose the cosmopolitan "Playa."

is situated 5,000 feet above sea level, this colonial city is centered around a traditional town square and surrounded by the Sierra Madre del Sur mountain range. Mexican cuisine, vibrant markets and native customs make Oaxaca ideal for immersion in the country's culture.

Cozumel's clear turquoise waters and powdery sands coax travelers by the hundreds from cold winter climates to this 250square-mile island off the Yucatán Peninsula. Cruise ships are a constant feature of Cozumel's coastal views, and the atmosphere on this charming island is often interrupted by tourist chatter. In fact, Cozumel's charms are so effective that the shopping plazas along the waterfront stay congested much of the year. But crowds shouldn't deter you from discovering what this tiny Yucatán island has to offer, especially as Cozumel's real allure is far away from the downtown area. You can hire a fishing or diving charter boat to discover the shallow reefs along the coast (this is arguably one of the best diving destinations in the world), take a glass-bottom boat on a tour around the island, or simply find a quiet beach where you can relax and do nothing. Once the cruise ships clear out, you should head down to the plaza for some live music and the real skinny on this little island.

In the past decade, has grown into a coveted vacation for luxury travelers (or, as the New York Times says, the "Yoga tourist"). But it still tempts bargain-hunters who remember when this tucked-away jewel of Mexico's east coast was more of a secluded getaway. Here, you'll find some of the best-preserved Mayan ruins in the Western Hemisphere, ruins that have the cerulean waters of the Caribbean Sea as a backdrop. And there are other out-of-this-world wonders, including several cenotes (or underground water-filled caverns) and bioreserves. As an added plus: Tulum continues to be the tiny, quiet alternative to the other Riviera Maya resort areas during the Spring Break season.

One of Mexico's largest cities, has all of the draws of an urban getaway — diverse dining, an abundance of museums, plentiful cultural sites and a buzzing nightlife. And given that both mariachi and tequila were born in Guadalajara, you'll experience modern local charms with twists of tradition.

This is more than just a coastal resort getaway. Somehow — also known as "Vallarta" or just "PV" — maintains a small-town atmosphere, while still boasting one of the most unique and sophisticated oceanfronts in Mexico. The dining options and the hotel choices reflect more of the same — you'll find both elegance and efficiency mingled together within the hotel and restaurant areas. Most people associate this west coast town with its boundaries — the Banderas Bay that snakes along the coast or the palm tree-lined Sierra Madre Mountains that stand tall in the east — but Puerto Vallarta is more than its scenery. Take some time to discover its other perks for yourself by sampling the delicious food, discovering a hidden boutique in the Zona Romantica, sipping a signature cocktail at a bar along the Malecón or dancing to a salsa beat in a Havana-style nightclub.

With secluded sands, brilliant sunsets and laid-back vibes, offers an authentic experience that sets it apart from its Mexican Riviera peers. Here, divers and snorkelers can pick from more than 30 dive sites, while foodies indulge in fresh fish tacos and ceviche along the beach.

Like a phoenix rising from its ashes, is once again a coveted beach escape. The sidewalk cafés and scenic Malecón are just as busy as they were when film stars like John Wayne and Gary Cooper used to come to town. Residents are thankful for the renaissance -- this "Pearl of the Pacific" definitely experienced a low point in the 1970s and 1980s. And they support and enjoy the revitalization efforts of the Centro Histórico and the refurbished museums and theaters just as much as the tourists. You should do the same. Mazatlán may never be the celebrity playground that it once was (that distinction now belongs to Cabo San Lucas), and its beaches aren't quite as golden as Puerto Vallarta's gorgeous strip. But for that you can be thankful. Instead, this city has carved a niche for unpretentious travelers who want to enjoy the beach on a budget.

first beckoned to Hollywood's elite in the 1970s as a luxurious reprieve from the "dregs" of show business. The town's rather seedy reputation changed as world-class resorts took up residence here, in the neighboring village of San José del Cabo, and along the 18-mile stretch of highway that connects the two (known as "the Corridor"). The construction of an international airport in the 1980s made it easier for travelers from all over to hop a nonstop flight to the "Los Cabos" area. Forty years later, this destination on the southernmost tip of Baja California is still known for its decadence — just take a look at the sprawling golf courses or deluxe villas. But the elitist pretense has dwindled: Days in the spa are just as coveted as evenings at a beachside watering hole. And there's a good chance that you'll see celebutantes and college freshmen sunning themselves side by side on the same stretch of sand. Vibrantly colored buildings line the cobblestone streets of century origins nestled among central Mexico's Sierra Madre Mountains. Through the past 50 years, this quaint city has evolved into a respite for expats and a popular destination for tourists looking to delve into the music, food and arts scene of off-the-beaten-path Mexico. It's easy to swoon over the 500-yearold colonial city's narrow walkways, baroque architecture and artisan shops selling plenty of crafts, jewelry and handmade accessories. Breaks from shopping can be spent exploring the city's defining Parroquia de San Miguel Arcangel church, taking classes at the well-recognized Instituto Allende art school or discovering handcrafted Mexican masks at The Other Face of Mexico gallery.

, a romantic city with 16th-

San Miguel's location — about 170 miles northwest of Mexico City in Guanajuato state — plays a key role in its dynamic history. Once full of wealth from nearby silver mines, San Miguel was left dilapidated after multiple wars (the early 20th century's Mexican Revolution among them). In 1937, Chicago native Stirling Dickinson stumbled upon the small town, established an artist's colony and quickly got San Miguel's renaissance off the ground. Today, evidence of that compelling re-emergence can be seen tucked into every lively corner of the diverse, arts-driven destination.

By Angela Dean Imagine wearing shape-wear that comfortably delivers a flatter abdomen, trimmer waistline and more shapely buttocks and thighs—and makes you feel healthier at the same time. Shaped By an Angel shape-wear by Celebrity Designer Angela Dean, merges new technology with innovative design to give women a range of fresh possibilities. Designed according to the five most common body types: hourglass, rectangle, triangle, oval (specifically for the plus size woman) and inverted triangle. This shape-wear has specially designed placement of panels to enhance a woman’s natural shape, this concept of sizing has never been done before in the shape-wear market. Whether you’re wearing a t-shirt or an evening gown over it, the results are often dramatic. The garments are made with compression fabric that acts as a second skin to support the body, literally pushing the flesh up against the downward flow of gravity. Remarkably, compression shape-wear has been scientifically verified to create muscle memory, helping to retain the desired contours and minimize trouble areas even after it is taken off. With consistent use, the shapers show us how it is truly possible to reshape our bodies. It also helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. By utilizing anti-microbial fiber, Shaped By an Angel repels moisture build-up that can otherwise create undesirable bacterial growth and skin problems when perspiration has no place to go. The fabric breathes, making sure the body stays cool and fresh. Perhaps the greatest impact of Shaped By an Angel products is helping heal life-long insecurities. As quoted by Beauty Editor for Essence Magazine, Miki Taylor, "Shaped By An Angel is like wearing a second skin that erases your flaws."

By Myra Wallace So here we are 2016, ready to do our thing, tired of being broke and broke from being tired. Convinced it’s your time to shine, your time to step into your purpose, destined for greatness! I hear you, but are you really ready to do that thing, start that business, grow that business, be the next success story? Are you prepared or will it be yet another unfulfilled New Year’s resolution due to that oh so familiar bandit, procrastination? Disorganization leads to frustration, and frustration leads to procrastination. Please remember, procrastination is not your friend. Do not put it off another day, let alone another year. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail? There is more truth to that statement, than many of us would like to accept. There is no time for “a little folding of the hands.” There is always something for a good steward of time, to put their hands on. The question is, are you looking to make a difference or are you too busy trying to climb out of the mess you’ve created through procrastination and disorganization? The Bible instructs us to do all things with decency and order. We know that decency and order is the antithesis of procrastination and disorganization, so these two criminals must be eliminated from your life.

You have great ideas, but that’s where they remain, in the file cabinet, labeled great idea. You planned to start that business, but you keep forgetting to pull the information together to write your business plan. You’ve been meaning to clean out that closet, but the weekend is your time to relax. You wanted to volunteer at the community mission outreach, but they already had enough people signed up. You plan on buying a house, but you don’t want to commit to that mortgage payment. You really need to take a vacation, but can’t seem to save the money to pay for it. You know you need to get that insurance policy, but you use that money to pay your other bills. Obstacles are a reality in today’s life; the problem arises when you realize you’ve been singing this same song for so long, you’ve convinced yourself that you like the sound of its tune You don’t have to be a millionaire to start managing your financial affairs. Start with the little you do have. Perhaps one of the reasons you don’t have much, maybe because you haven’t managed the little you do have. There is a scripture that encourages us to do well with a few things, so that we are made rulers over of much more. You must not assume it will all work out fine when you have not even put in the work of a good steward. It’s easy to look the part, but if you want to know what a person is made of, look at where she spends her money. You might even surprise yourself, once you’ve completed the weekly spending budget provided in Appendix 5. Once you’ve figured out where your money is going, move on to the “A week of your time” worksheet found in Appendix 3 and dare to acknowledge the possibility that you are spending too much time doing things that are contrary to your divine purpose and quite possibly toying with being a bad steward of your time. If time could be calculated into money. What is yours worth? Time management is a term adopted by corporations to monitor their employees. What they’ve figured out is that most successful people are usually the ones who have mastered the art of time management. I believe the perfect example of a woman who mastered this is the Proverbs 31 woman. She is a beautiful example of poise and virtue. She never allowed her busy home life, her financial responsibilities, or her business sense to cloud her role as a wife, mother, and business woman. Sure, she had servants, but I would suppose she had put herself in a position to afford them. She succeeded in all that she set out to do and compromise was not an option. Despise not YOUR small beginnings. Don’t put it off any longer. Stop waiting for the thousands to show up in your account. Start with the ten dollars you have and a little discipline. Time is of the essence, and you have already wasted too much of it. Don’t put it off any longer; take the first step to start that business. Winston Churchill once shared, that “the era of procrastination, baffling expedients and delays is coming to a close, being replaced by a period of consequences.” What are the consequences of your procrastination and delays? Bankruptcy, brokenness, missed opportunities, confusion? Dare I approach the subject of credit, creditability, insurance, and accountability? Okay, let me give my personal disclaimer, I have been guilty of allowing my credit to go into the gutter, looking bankruptcy in the face fighting to keep all that I worked for, so please know that I speak not from a place of condemnation but from a place of experience to encourage you, as I had to encourage myself. The good news is when walking this path of what appeared to be vast impossibility, I continued to come out victorious when I step back to reassess and reorganize. I share these nuggets of wisdom just as Paul instructed Titus to tell the older mature women to train the younger women to live wise and pure and to take care of their homes. I had no one to

blame for my financial state but myself. I had a job, making decent money, and successful business ventures, but I was spending it faster than I was making it, tithing, but not off the top. I was paying my creditors, but not on time, and my debt ratio was embarrassingly high. Needless to say, I was certainly not a good candidate for home ownership, and the banking institutes did not hesitate to let me know. After, one too many denials, I finally wised up and decided to take a look at my credit. To make a long story short, it took me almost two years to get out of that bondage. It took a bit of sacrifice, much discipline and a lot of motivation to create a monthly budget and stick with it. I set out with a list of goals, starting small, graduating to what seemed almost impossible from the perspective I was coming out of. All the frivolous spending came to a halt; I came to a place of reckoning. You’ll know when you get to that place. Your priorities seem to change. Things you once thought you could not live without almost appear oblivious. Seventeen months after my financial revelation, I purchased my own home and that real estate venture proved to be a financial blessing in my life. It all started with a decision to get my finances in order. It’s a beautiful thing when you start to see light at the end of your financial tunnel. I’ve become an advocate for achieving it all. If one thing is wrong, nothing feels right. An organized life is not a given, but it is a nice step in the right direction of good stewardship. God created a great investment plan, with a guaranteed return. It is a biblical principle set forth in your life that holds true to every area of life. It is the reaping and sowing principle. You get back what you give out. You sow idleness; you get back scarcity. You sow procrastination; you reap delay. You sow disorganization; you reap confusion. Start planting seeds that return a harvest of prosperity. Tithing is an example of this same principle. Have you considered how much time and money you would save by simply putting a plan of action together for you and your household? God wants us to be prepared to require no aid our-selves and to be furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. He wants us to have plenty—not so we can hoard it, but for us to be in a position to give generously. A position to build our own empire, as different as it may seem from the TV version, it is never the less our own.

Beauty Come Forth Webzine--- the New Beauty Paradigm….

VISION This BCF Online Magazine is a monthly magazine featuring articles that address the lifestyle of women in transition to greatness.

MISSION The mission of BCF Online magazine is to Inspire, Motivate and Transform women’s Beauty through; fashion, finance, fitness, food, health, environment, entertainment, relationship, charity and spirituality.

PURPOSE To “Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in”


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