BCF- MAY 2020

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By Myra Wallace-Walker How easy it is for us to remember the offenses of others. Yet we are quick to justify the offenses we inflict on to others. We conveniently defend our right to hold a grudge simply because, well, we just need a little time to get over it. Then, time passes, the offender moves on, we may even forget exactly what the offense was. Then, one day the inevitable occurs, we find ourselves face to face with our offender feeling a certain way. Maybe our conversation is a bit strained or awkward, maybe we’re a little cynical or sarcastic. Sometimes we’re just down right rude. Why is that? Could it be that in that time you needed to get over your offense, you forgot to forgive it? Unforgiveness is a pretty hefty piece of emotional baggage. Unfortunately, everyone seems to carry it on this trip called life, only to find that when we get to our destination and begin to unpack, we find there was nothing of value inside. Forgiveness is our ticket to freedom. It’s our only opportunity to really get over it. Whatever “it” is. Now I’m aware that there are some offenses that cut to the bone and may not be that easy to get over. But it’s those offenses that cause the very burdens that are not ours to bear. It’s so easy to remember the great things about a person, once they are no longer here. We can reminisce about the good times we had and even laugh about some of the bad. But what’s the good in all that talk when you forgot to forgive. When we take time for granted, we assume we have more time and then, we forget. I must admit, there are many things in life that are worth forgetting. Forgiveness is not one of them. As we navigate through these difficult times, glued to our TVs, computers, tablets and cell phones, under lockdown at home, awaiting updates on the effects of this pandemic while praying it will pass soon. For many, it has been a time of reflection and for others a time of devastation, but for us all, it has been a time of loss. Loss of jobs, investments, social engagements, sports activities, vacations and most important the loss of lives. So as we take this time to reflect on the fact that life is short and tomorrow is not promised to anyone, l solicit all to take a moment to remember those people, those circumstances, those situations that you forgot to forgive and make it your mission to forgive. I pray that you experience forgiveness in all areas of your life.

Myra Wallace-Walker

What Will You Do? By Wend Reynolds

It’s so easy to walk out in the water when the sea is calm and the tides are low When the sky is blue and no winds appear to blow. But what will you do when the raging storm comes your way? Will you walk by faith or will you try to run away? Will you hold on to My Word knowing it will bring you through? Tell Me what will you do?

It’s so easy to not be afraid when the sun is shining so the day is bright When your mind is at peace ‘cause everything is going right. But what will you do when the midnight hour is upon you? Will you lift up your hands in praise to Me, knowing that I am He, Who can open prison doors and set the captives free?

Now will you really put your trust in Me? I love you and gave you life eternally. I gave My Son to you. How shall I not give you everything you need? You are my child. Keep walking by the faith that I’ve given you. Just put your trust in Me!

THE WAIT By Stacy McClendon I’m sure that everyone reading this article right now has some unattained dream and/or desire that they are hoping and waiting to be answered. You may wonder when, how and if these dreams will ever come to pass. You may have even given up on attaining these dreams, due to length of time passed, your age, marital or financial status, and so on. The wait can be even more challenging when you’re working to maintain your current life, while planning and hoping for what you really desire. Let’s not factor in the unexpected personal life occurrences, mishaps or tragedies that may occur during the wait. It’s no wonder that most get weary, start to think twice or give up entirely. We also live in a time when being patient and waiting for something is not an aspiration. Most of our society is moving very quickly, pushing morals and values to the side, focused on getting what’s theirs (at any cost) and content with throwing it away if there’s something they don’t like. You may be waiting/believing for some of the things listed below or something personal, unique and special to you, such as: • • • • •

To have family relationship(s) renewed, that may have once been strained To see positive actions from a child who is struggling with behavioral issues To own your own home To have a deeper connection with God To have joy and peace in your heart and mind

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To start and run a thriving business To have a baby To have a clean bill of health To build a nice size financial investment portfolio To live in/be a part of a positive community/neighborhood To make positive connections with those around you To get married to your best friend, partner and lover (this is 1 person, not 3) To have a real friend in your life To travel to beautiful, fun and exciting destinations with those you love To create/share something unique and special for people to enjoy (an invention, music, art, writing, etc.) You are Single or a Single Mom/Dad who desires to get married and build a new loving blended family To lose weight To work and excel in an area/arena that you haven’t seen your gender or ethnicity included in prior to To have time to enjoy the things you love

Some reasons your dreams/desires may not have been fulfilled or answered yet: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

You need to get closer to God to hear his voice You need to complete a project or tie up some lose ends You need to learn to love yourself You’re too busy and need to loosen up your schedule to receive your future blessings You need to come out of your comfort zone and try things in a way that you’ve never have before You need to create a new plan that will take you where you’re headed next You need to have some people removed from your life, as they may not be going where you’re headed next You need to leave the wrong relationship to get the right marriage You need to cleanse your heart and mind, so that you don’t bring old thoughts, habits and behaviors to your new life space The person(s) that is/are coming into your life, may not prepared to join you yet Your desire may have been placed on your mind/heart due to your current circle of influence or ideas placed upon you by places you inhabit or societal pressures (false desire) You’re pushing for this to occur, but it’s not God’s timing yet (Ecclesiastes 3:11) You may need to let your guards down and loosen up

What to do during the wait: • • •

Read a new book Attend and get more connected at church Help someone in need and/or volunteer for a local charity

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Attend/celebrate your friends and family members weddings (especially, if you desire to get married) Get together with family and friends Spend time alone with God (this is the best time for him to talk intimately with/to you) Go to a concert or event Travel to a new place Pamper yourself Exercise & Meditate Join a class and/or learn a new skill Start/attend a Book Club or Group (ex. Networking Group, Meetup.com) Relax and Chill (Yes, I said it!)

Don’t lose hope (Isaiah 40:31) and let the fact that you haven’t received or attained something, stop you from going after it. If it’s in your heart, then it’s most likely for you. Also, it’s much better to wait for God’s timing in our lives than to push and make something happen, as what we push or force usually falls apart, as it’s not built on a solid foundation (Matthew 7:24-27). In addition, when we wait on God’s timing, we end up getting the best for our lives. It may and usually does take longer than expected, but there’s no reason to settle for 2nd best when you can have 1st best! Always know that when I’m saying you (in my articles), it means that I’m not pointing a finger and that I’m including myself, as many of the things on this list I have waited for, am waiting for currently and have/am doing during the wait. So, if anything, you can take comfort in the fact of knowing you’re not waiting alone. The following books have helped me deal with some of the topics listed above, and may help to encourage and assist you in preparing for your new life that’s on the horizon: ▪ ▪ ▪

Woman Thou Art Loosed Bible – T D Jakes The Purpose Driven Life – Rick Warren Don’t Settle for Safe – Sarah Jakes

You can also visit your local library, a bookstore or go online to find the books listed above, or more books and info on this/these topic (s). As always, please send me any comments, suggestions, and/or testimonies that occur in your life after reading this article. Onward and upward! Email: stacluv@gmail.com Facebook: Stacy Mc Instagram: butterflyfree73 Twitter: @butterflyfree73

By Dr. Janice R. Love King David in Psalms 122 said; “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Today with the COVID-19 pandemic, the house of the Lord has a different look and feel. Yes the buildings are still standing but right now they are empty with the exception of the pastor and the video team and maybe a few musicians. Churches are still sharing the good news, but one thing we have learned in the last couple of months is that the real church is not the building but it is a community of like-minded people coming together to serve God. Church is now wherever the people are with their phones, tablets and computers. What happened on Easter Sunday I would have never imagined in a million years. Rather than getting all dressed up in our Easter attire and going to the house of the Lord, many came as they were, pajamas and all and celebrated the real meaning of Easter. This year there were no Easter egg hunts, no bunny pictures, no baskets and I’m thankful no peeps candy. This year for churchgoers, there was no Easter crowd. Typically, Easter Sunday is more attended. As crowded as Easter service is in when we fill the brick and mortar building, the numbers of individuals attending church online was phenomenal. It is estimated that 9-10 million participated in some type of online church platform. When pastors made the difficult decisions to close their doors even before the orders were put in place, churches that did not currently have an online presence had to regroup and come up with a way to reach their members. But the church was not giving up an opportunity to encouraged the masses. In fact since the beginning of many of the shelter-in-place orders more Christians have preached, prayed, worshipped and shared scriptures and memes on social media than ever before. Creativity amongst church leaders has been nothing but amazing. What a joy to see the “drive in churches” looking very familiar to the drive in movies I remember from my childhood. Despite COVID-19, saints still wanted to come together to praise the Lord. Churches were even more creative about how to continue additional services like distributing food to the masses.

Since my husband is a pastor, I saw firsthand what it took to transform our church into an online church. We got very little sleep at our house trying to make sure everything was in order the first time my husband did his first video sermon. He has been pastoring for 31 years and there was a whole lot of anxiety about the technology and making sure he could get the sermon out to everyone who wanted to hear it. Even my role changed significantly. My job used to be pretty easy. All I had to do was sit on the second row, pray for my husband and enjoy the sermon. Now I have a new job as an assistant videographer. Now that’s something to add to my job description as pastor’s wife. What a difference a few Sundays made. I’m a professional now at distributing the service by Facebook. Look at God! Crises have a way of bringing people back to church. Perhaps when this is all over we will see a difference when individuals are allowed to gather again. I am hoping to see less empty seats in the pews. I don’t mind watching church on television, Facebook, YouTube or even Zoom, but I am looking forward to the day we can all be in the same building worshipping together. I know what going to church does for me, but did you know that people who regularly attend religious services tend to be healthier and live longer? Don’t believe me? The California Public Health Foundation published a study in the American Journal of Public Health, and found a strong association between attendance at religious services and lower mortality. One study showed that if you have heart surgery and your church community is supporting and encouraging you and most likely praying for you, you’ll be three times more likely to be alive six months later. Here are other life-saving reasons you should attend church regularly once COVID-19 mandates are lifted. 1. Lower rates of depression and suicide Spiritual people are happier, have better mental health and have better coping skills when life’s problems arise. Faith in a higher power induces positive emotions, which counteract stress. Christians also tend to find meaning in the face of grief, loss and trauma. 2. Stronger immune systems Some religious communities have noticed a protective effect on health. Tight knit communities in the Mormon Church experience less cancer than the general population. Religious people are also more likely to forgive, which prevents negative emotions such as anger and resentment from triggering stress responses.

3. Involvement in a spiritual community prevents social isolation. People who share religious beliefs tend to take care of one another. Attending church events gets you out of the house and around people. Being alone without a support system can actually be harmful to your health. Hebrews 10:25 (CEV) states very clearly “Some people have given up the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord’s coming is getting closer.” We know that going to church helps you to grow spiritually, but knowing regular attendance can also improve your physical health and wellbeing is another reason to climb out of the bed on Sunday mornings and head out or tune in to your favorite house of worship. So what are you waiting for? Let’s go to church and get your blessing. Come as you are! Dr. Janice R. Love, The First Lady Coach Email: pearls@janicerlove.com Website: http://thefirstladycoach.com Facebook: https://Facebook.com/pearlsperfected/ Private FB group: http://yesiammarriedtoministry.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefirstladycoach/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janicerlove Twitter: https://twitter.com/JaniceRLove10

By Million Heir-Williams Globally, we are all faced with a New Normal narrative, and as a result of this new lifestyle, immediate changes have to be established. Faced with what seems to be uncertainty and maybe for the first time, many people are searching their souls for options and opportunities. Now is the time that the book that you have been putting off for many years to be written. Utilize this time to reset your life. Okay, set a goal for fifteen hours each week and start writing the book(s) you have inside of your hear and didn’t have the time to write, since you are not on the freeway or even working at home. BCF has a guide to help facilitate how to get started. Here with us today is author and entrepreneur, Alesia Dowden, to share some great wisdom on her journey of writing her books and how she got started. BCF: Please share with our readers, who Alesia Dowden is. Alesia: First and foremost, I am a Woman of God. He is in all my decision-making and the head of my life. I am a mother of four, two by birth and two by marriage and a grandmother of seven. I am a woman of purpose; I believe everyone was born with a purpose and, most importantly, a purpose that needs fulfillment. BCF: How long have you been an entrepreneur? Alesia: Since 2002. BCF: What is the most exciting component of being a business owner? Alesia: Seeing a dream fulfilled. Sitting and getting an idea, more significant than you. One day I finally decided to make it happen. Along with impacting the lives of others because you decided to take the step. As time moves forward, you see the vision as it continues to grow.

BCF: What have been the most challenging aspects of owning your business? Alesia: Since I am the only employee of my business, trying not to let the foxes spoil the vine. Also personal thoughts get in the way and overcoming them. BCF: Do you always work alone? Alesia: No. I have volunteers that work with me when I must plan an event. BCF: What is the legal entity of your business, and why did you choose that particular entity? Alesia: Sole proprietorship, no partners. Should the need arise in my business to change my legal entity, I will do so at that time. But for now, sole proprietorship works for me. BCF: Who is your client or customer? Alesia: Women thirty years of age and older. BCF: What was the catalyst that caused you to become an author? Alesia: While I was in high school, I loved to read. My mother was an avid reader; therefore, it influenced a significant component for my love of reading. I can remember I had to do a book report, and I had to read my book report, and I realized that maybe this was a way for me to go in life. Since I loved reading and writing, it made sense. There was a prophetic word spoken over my life, “You will write many books.” I knew there were many books in me, and I started the process. BCF: Are you self-published? Alesia: Yes. BCF: What is the name of your first book? Alesia: First book I co-authored with twenty-one authors titled, “Entrepreneur Extraordinaire.” My second book is titled “Heels Too High.” BCF: How long did it take you to write your second book? Alesia: Two years, once I got started, it was approximately fifty-six hours to complete. BCF: How much research was involved? Alesia: Not a lot of research for this book was needed because it was biblically based. I researched scriptures related to the essence of the book.

BCF: How many pages are in your second book? Alesia: Seventy-nine pages. I believe in the SPA Principle – Simple, Powerful, and Anointed. BCF: How long did it take to publish your book once the manuscript was turned in? Alesia: It took a day to get it moving and two weeks to have the first book in hand. I published through Amazon. I am my graphic artist, so it didn’t have to go through a lot of hands to complete the project. BCF: How did you go about marketing your book? Alesia: It was genuinely divine marketing. The Lord told me to have a party, invite family, friends. And it was mainly word of mouth. I used some social media and whenever I spoke at events, I shared. BCF: How many copies have you sold thus far? Alesia: 130 to 150 books and the numbers increase each day. I also gave away some books. BCF: Did you have a book launch? Alesia: Yes. BCF: What what was the outcome? Alesia: Absolutely fabulous! The launch birthed more of the vision six months later, which the next book titled, Walk Like a Girl. I invited others to join me in telling their story. BCF: Was there anything special you provided for your audience? Alesia: They all received a copy of the book and a pendant of the shoe on the front cover of the book. BCF: How many books have you written thus far? Alesia: Three with the fourth in the works, while the fifth is on top of the stove. BCF: What advice would you give aspiring authors? Alesia: Write the book you want to read. Leave a legacy for your family. Your writing should be making an impact years to come. Don’t be like anyone else. I like self-publishing because it doesn’t’ have all the restrictions in regular publishing. You get to be you in the story. Be you, express yourself. BCF: Did you look for a publishing company before deciding to self-publish?

Alesia: I knew I always wanted to self-publish from the beginning. I had previous conversations with some girlfriends who had published with companies, and I realized self-publishing was the way for me. If God’s hand is on your project, it will be a best seller. Don’t chase the dream, and the dream will chase you! BCF: Is there something you would like to share with the audience? Alesia: The echo of what the Holy Spirit told me, remind the audience that every life has a purpose, designed on purpose, with a purpose. Reconnect with God to find out the plans He has for you. Step out into that place and allow Him to be the owner once you step into that place. No one can tell you anything else. I said okay to Him, and I said yes to His dream for my life. Make sure you are in line with His word. Once you discover that, move out in full throttle. BCF: How can people contact you? Alesia: www.alesiadowden.com.

www.EffectuaLifeCoaching.com Facebook: EffectuaLifeCoaching Twitter: EffectualCoach Instagram: @effectualifecoaching Linkedin: Linked.com/in/EffectuaLifeCoaching Phone: 323.435.6789

By Settie Crowell

With millions of people unemployed and millions of others working from home during these uncertain times, one might fall prey to becoming frantic and making irrational decisions when it comes to money management. How do you manage your money when you are in the middle of a mess? You just breathe and look at your options. Who Am I? The initial step that you take will depend on your employment status. If you are unemployed due to this pandemic, then you can apply for unemployment insurance through the state agency that disburses it. If you are unsuccessful, you can still apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance. More information can be found at https://www.benefits.gov/help/faq/Coronavirus-resources. On the other hand, if you are still employed you should look at your creditors and see which ones that you can defer without any penalty or doubling-up on payments after the deferment. This would assist in paying off those annoying credit cards any other unwanted debt. It may also give you an opportunity to do some necessary repairs that you have been putting off. Make your first move, your best move. Be Sensible with the Stimulus Check The best use of your stimulus check depends on who you said that you were earlier. Are you employed or unemployed? If you are the former, then you will probably need to use this stimulus check to help take care of those overdue creditors. However, if you are still working and receiving your regular check, this stimulus money could help you to elevate your financial situation. For example, you can pay down your current debt or save the money. But no matter which category that you fall under, use wisdom.

Investigate Loan Deferments A deferment coupled with the stimulus could very possibly help to stabilize your financial situation no matter if you are employed or unemployed. Some of the major banks such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Chase are offering 90-Day deferments without it damaging your credit. They are just extending your loan by 90 days. Explore Affordable Healthcare Options Understand this, in light of all that is happening, medically, during this pandemic, we have to agree that having healthcare coverage is an absolute necessity. If you are unemployed, you can apply for COBRA Continuation Coverage. This will come in handy if there is a gap in your employment. However, if this is not an option for you, either Medicare or Medicaid may be the answer then. You would have to dig deeper into which type of coverage fits your particular situation best, but don’t let anything deter you. It is necessary. Period. Different, Not Impossible As you can see, there is some work to do but you can survive and perhaps even thrive during this temporary situation, if you use wisdom. You have overcome a lot in your life. This is different, but it is not impossible. We are women. We have children. We have jobs. We have partners. We are built for uncertainty. We adjust. We are women.

By Lanette White

Areva Martin, Esq. is one of the most dynamic women that you will ever have the opportunity to meet. She is beautiful. She is a mother. She is educated. She is caring. She is an advocate for the disenfranchised and society’s most vulnerable. She is an author. She’s been a lawyer, legal expert for many television shows and news agencies, and a talk show host. Areva Martin is a bonafide boss! BCF sat down with her to ask her how she became the news source for the everyday person in the midst of this worldwide crisis known as COVID-19. My advocacy efforts started much earlier than my Harvard Law education. I grew up in a housing project with my grandmother and godmother and I was always questioning things. Why did some kids have more and we had less? Why did some families have a father in the house and there was no father in our house? I remember getting into it with my sixth grade teacher, Ms. Jones, because I was standing up for some kid. And her telling me to mind my business. If you needed someone to stand with you or stand up for you, I just did. I guess just watching my grandmother and godmother and seeing how hard they worked to make so much out of so little just inspired me to do what I could. I go into situations and find myself being the person who aligns with the underdog. And obviously once I got to college, I learned how to do it more effectively through writing and speaking and now even using the media as a platform. I didn’t choose advocacy. It chose me. My grandmother was in a wheelchair so I had to be her eyes and ears. I had to help her to navigate her world because here she was a senior, in a wheelchair, raising kids. This was at a time when there weren’t a lot of opportunities for people with disabilities at home, and especially if you were disabled and poor. I was out there talking to bill collectors and grown-ups about grown-up stuff because my grandmother was stuck at home in a wheelchair.

I would say it chose me and the circumstances that I found myself in caused me to perhaps grow up faster and deal with more mature things than my colleagues or peers. But those were all lessons that stayed with me and have served me well. There is so much going on right now that I felt like I had to figure out a way to talk to people and get this information out there. I have all of these expert friends that I’ve worked with on The Doctors, Doctor Phil and when I had my own show, Face the Truth. So I was like let’s bring all of these people together to give people some hope and information. I started The Special Report to give people access to the information. This Facebook Live show, The Special Report, came from my desire to give people access to information. I had to make a decision whether or not I could just keep all of this information and resources close to my vest or give the disenfranchised access to it. I truly believe that in times of trouble people turn to people that they trust. And I know, that as a leader in the disability rights community and the social justice community, I felt like I needed to be speaking out about this. So I did the first show to go and talk to my communities to let them know that we are here and I am here working hard trying to amass this information. The response was so great.

But what spoke to me was that I get to work on CNN and I’ve worked on all of these shows but I know that that’s not the reality of everyday people. They don’t get to meet them. They don’t get to ask questions of some of the top experts whether it’s a medical expert, political expert or economic expert. They just don’t have that access. So I said what I could do, since everybody’s home and nobody can basically say “No”, because you can’t say that you’ve got somewhere to go, is bring those expert voices to a community of people who wouldn’t normally have access to them. I could make them accessible. This has been an equalizer in a lot of ways. Everybody is broadcasting at home. They told us to do our reporting and correspondence from home. The average person is not going to get through to the experts and maybe they will never get their questions answered on CNN or one of the other big networks. I’m not bashing them because I think all of them are doing a great job at trying to bring people information and profiling everyday people. But I know that there are a group of people who already follow me on social media that maybe will never get their questions answered on CNN, MSNBC or some of those other big networks. That’s why we have those video questions. These are people that write in and have legitimate questions. After the response was so overwhelming, I reached out to a production team that I had worked with on other shows and found that they were willing to help me to do this work. We have had a Congressman. We have had celebrities. We have had the top medical experts. I just believe that your socio-economic status should not determine your access to information. No matter who you are or where you are on your journey, you are important. And you should have the access to the same information that someone else that was born with a silver spoon or may have acquired their money through hard work has. One through line that is starting to develop is that COVID-19 isn’t the great equalizer. There are huge parts of our community that are suffering through this in a very different way because shelter at home for them was very different based on what your home looks like. Because getting a test looks very different depending on what community you live in. Case in point, my aunt is 85 living in St. Louis and said when the testing sites sprung up, they weren’t in her neighborhood. They weren’t in the Black

neighborhoods in St. Louis. She said that she could get a test but she would have to drive an hour in order to get tested or get on some transport van that scared her to death. She ended up driving the hour outside of her community, which scared her to death to get tested. I want to talk about those inequities and then I want people to do something about it. This is an opportunity for us to expose so many of those social injustices that we face in this country. People know that they are there but this show will give them an opportunity to examine the gravity of them in greater detail. Now is not the time to be dogmatic. It’s too new. All of us are trying to process this information so we have to be gentle. We have to be non-judgmental. We have to be kind. This is causing us to do a lot of stuff that we are not used to doing. We thought that 911 was the crisis of all crises, but now we have something that it so uncertain. This is so big that no matter how prepared any state, any government, any entity might have thought it was to face a catastrophe, this is much bigger than anything that they could have conceived. The death toll in New York, alone, surpasses that of 911. Now the scientists are fighting about the model because they don’t even agree. So when you have inconsistent messaging and confusing messaging from the White House, and the scientists, who you thought were the trustworthy voices, disagreeing because of the imperfection of this model and that’s because it’s so new and unknown, the people need to feel like they can trust some source. We are that source. Areva’s show, The Special Report, can be seen and experienced on Facebook Live, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10am (PST). You can follow her on Instagram at arevamartin; and Twitter at @ArevaMartin. It’s the source for such a time as these… Lanette White Senior Managing Editor

By Chris Gilrath II

It has always soothed my soul. It has enhanced my good mood. It brings me joy. It takes me back and reminds me of some of my most precious memories of my life. I think of my family, my friends, and vacations. It has also brought me comfort in times of sadness, stress, and uncertainty. I am talking about music, it truly is the universal language and during this current time other than God, nothing has brought me greater comfort in this time of isolation and uncertainty. “You bring me Joy, when I’m down, oh so much joy. When I lose my way, your love come comes smiling down on me.” – You Bring Me Joy - Anita Baker Whenever I hear the famous Anita Baker song from her 1986 breakthrough album Rapture, I think of music. It truly does lift me up when I am down. During this time, many of us are finding outlets to keep our sanity in tack. Whether it’s reading, writing, exercising, or praying, we all should have an outlet and music is mine. Over the course of this period, DJ Nice has hosted several Instagram parties in which people could virtually be connected through our love of music. One of those parties has over 100,00 followers attending ranging from Senator Bernie Sanders to Halle Berry, but they weren’t celebs in this room, they were people who had something in common with me and the other attendees. They needed a release, a distraction. There were no politics, no worry or fear. It was just good, timeless music. There have been so many songs that have inspired me over the years and that’s what I have leaned on during this time of isolation. That music has inspired me to think of the good times that I have had, the good times to be had, and the music to help me know that things will be better. While right now, we cannot go out to our favorite clubs, gathering spots, happy hours, and cookouts, the music we know, and love will make us feel like we are there. It’s a welcome distraction to quiet the madness of the news, social media, and hysteria that has slowly crept into our minds.

The song Optimistic has been in my rotation since 1991, when the song made its debut. I was 14 years old. Little did I know then that the song would become a personal mantra for me. When I lost my job in 2010, I relied heavily on it, when I went through my depression, I relied on it. It helped me to reassess my life, my goals, and my purpose and that is how I ended up in California and have not looked back since. During this time, I have been playing this song quite frequently and have shared it with my followers, and people on social media. As in any time of trouble, it’s helped get me over that hurdle. There’s a line from the song that I continue to sing in my head and moves me even to tears. “I know the storms and strife, cloud up your outlook on life. Just think ahead and you’ll be inspired to reach higher and higher.” -Optimistic – Sounds of Blackness, 1991. Gilrath’ s Essential Inspirational Playlist 1. Optimistic – Sounds of Blackness 2. Head to The Sky – Earth Wind & Fire 3. Better Days – Dianne Reeves 4. The Best is Yet to Come - Grover Washington Jr. & Patti LaBelle 5. In the Midst of It All – Yolanda Adams 6. Be Blessed – Yolanda Adams 7. Be Alright – Zapp 8. Hold On – Sounds of Blackness 9. Ain’t No Stopping Us Now – McFadden & Whitehead 10. Be Blessed – Bishop Paul S. Morton 11. Stand – Donnie McClurkin 12. Someday We’ll All Be Free – Donny Hathaway 13. Through the Rain – Mariah Carey 14. Show A Little Love Today – The Jones Girls 15. Let’s Celebrate (Sitting on Top of the World) – The Jones Girls 16. We Are One – Maze featuring Frankie Beverly 17. Bridge Over Troubled Water – Aretha Franklin 18. Look into Your Heart – Aretha Franklin 19. Blessed and Highly Favored – The Clark Sisters 20. Ain’t No Need to Worry – The Winans & Anita Baker Gilrath’ s Essential Must Have Album List: Favorite Albums of All Time

These are albums, which if you are isolated or out and about, that you want to take notice of and listen to. Track for track every song is essential. These albums have shaped me life. 1. Songs in the Key of Life – Stevie Wonder (1976) 2. Rapture – Anita Baker (1986) 3. Straight from The Heart – Patrice Rushen (1982) 4. This is Niecy – Deneice Williams (1976) 5. Ask Rufus – Rufus featuring Chaka Khan – (1977) 6. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill – Lauryn Hill (1998) 7. My Life – Mary J. Blige (1994) 8. Gratitude – Earth, Wind & Fire – (1975) 9. Off the Wall – Michael Jackson (1982) 10. Sign O’ The Times – Prince (1987) 11. Never Too Much – Luther Vandross (1981) 12. Innervisions – Stevie Wonder (1973) 13. Live at The Filmore West – Aretha Franklin (1971) 14. Rejoice – The Emotions (1977) 15. In A Special Way – DeBarge (1983) 16. Ahh...The Name is Bootsy Baby -Bootsy (1977) 17. The Heat is On – The Isley Brothers (1975) 18. II – Boyz II Men (1994) 19. Funky Divas – En Vogue (1992) 20. About Time – SWV (1992) During this difficult time, there are lot of things that we are uncertain of, things we disagree with and fret over. However, let us look at the things that unite and keep us tied together. Music holds true to the phrase we are all in this together or as the poetic Mr. Frankie Beverly would say... “We are one. No matter what we do. Love will see us through…and that’s the way it is...” Stay safe, be blessed, be encouraged, and get your groove on! We are one!

Email: clgil77@gmail.com Blog: www.chrisgilrath2.blogspot.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisgilrath2/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrisgilrath2 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chris.gilrathii

By Lanette White

According to christianitytoday.com, “Between mid-March and late March, GMO saw a 170 percent increase in clicks on search engine ads about finding hope. Clicks on ads about fear increased 57 percent, and about worry 39 percent. The ministry’s 12.4 million gospel presentations in March represented a 16 percent increase over the average month in 2019.” 1. In this time of a worldwide health crisis, where people don’t have answers to life’s problems and science is at odds with each other on what the safety protocols should be, people tend to turn to God for answers and hope. But how are they going to really connect with other believers, when they can’t go out? Well, they are going to Google a church of their choice or one recommended by their friend and join a live worship service via Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, YouTube or some other social media platform that allows for live meetings with large amounts of people. Out of the many churches that we have found online, we found very few that are engaging their members quite like The Secret Place, located in Pasadena, California, under the leadership of Senior Pastor, Troy L. Campbell. BCF caught up with Pastor Troy recently to discuss the innovative ways that he and his congregation are engaging all of his members and other seekers of peace and hope at this time. BCF: Please introduce yourself to our readers. Well, I’m Troy L. Campbell and I desire to serve God and to live His word. My main responsibility is not to teach or preach. It is to live His word. And as a result of living His word, the preaching and teaching that I get to do becomes more powerful and more relevant because it’s actually being lived out. BCF: How long have you been in existence?

The Secret Place has been in existence seven years this coming August. We founded the church in 2013. BCF: Most churches panicked during the start of this pandemic, but you all transitioned like it was second nature. How did you do that so quickly? We were able to switch it up quickly, just to give you the honest to goodness truth, because everything happened quite organically. It was almost like this is what’s supposed to happen. It just started coming from different corners. What I can say is that it grew out of the desire to simply meet the needs of the people that we are called to serve, being our church first and everybody outside of that. We started making calls to our partners and everybody that we serve in the ministry, asking how we could be of service to them and if they were okay. After doing that, they said that they were wondering if we could provide for them a time of ministry via livestream as far as New York and New Jersey and as close as Pasadena. BCF: How did you get to the point where a lot of your members were leading worship and hosting different types of classes or that varied from business classes to puppet making? Two things. It goes back to the vision of the house. Our vision is for us to be creative. Our core values have to do with collaboration, creativity, communication and accountability. In order to do those things we have to leave space and room for people to do just that: to be creative, to work together, to be collaborative, and to be communicative. And when everything hit we called our presbytery together and we talked about what they needs were and ways to connect. And by that time, things had already started rolling out. So our conversation together was more so us saying that we needed to have an actual visible schedule that people can see each day of how they can connect and how they can participate. And from there, we just opened up the floor for people who are trustworthy and whose hearts are in the right place to display what God has given them in a way that can be meaningful at this time, that can minister to people, that can keep us engaged and can allow us to connect with one another in various ways. So we put the schedule together and “Whoop there it is! Hello World!” BCF: Hello World! Another prophetic statement that you have been saying for a few years now is now being actualized. Can you give us a synopsis of some of the classes and connection opportunities that you have available?

It’s easier for me if I go from Sunday through Monday. On Sunday, since our church doesn’t currently have a worship team in the sanctuary, we have what is called a Worship Jam. And 30 minutes prior to service, whoever so wills, let him come. They can join in on Zoom and we have songs selected and the person who’s hosting explains why those songs were chosen. Then the person plays them and afterwards people get to share how those songs are touching or ministering to them right in that moment. Some Sundays it is done with live instruments but that doesn’t have to always be the case, so that everyone can feel apart. We’re just looking for ways to make it as normal as possible. After the live prayer and message, we have what’s called the After Party. We all love to fellowship so we provide an opportunity for people to log into Zoom so people can talk about how the service impacted them, what part of it stood out to them, and just kind of rejoice in the Lord and discuss what God is doing at this time. That’s the Sunday flow. On Monday we have something for the men called Breaking It Down. We get together ESPN style, just like the analysts who watch the film the day after the football or basketball games and talk about specific plays. We go through the Word play by play, whether you belong to our church or not. You bring the word that came forth either from God directly to you or you were shared with by your pastor. And we break the word down and talk about it. Iron sharpens iron. And we’re able to communicate, collaborate, cry, laugh, talk, love, hurt, repent and just be connected and engaged all together. BCF: What about the extended ministries? We do Breaking Bread on Thursdays and it beams directly into a women’s home in New York, who asked us to minister to them while they are dealing in this time of quarantine. That came from us just calling to check on them and they said that they needed the word and we had it. So here we are. Our idea with that is to keep people engaged during the crisis so that their hearts and continue to burn for the Lord. The other ones are our Weekly Devotions, which are on Wednesdays and Fridays and that was born out of need as well. The Hoving Home in Pasadena and we have a close and personal relationship with them. And we checked on them and they expressed a need for a shorter service to help remind the people that even in the midst of this, God is still God.

We also have Business Tips, is a session that was designed to help people understand that great opportunity comes from great tragedy. It also is to give people tools on how to come out of that (tragedy) knowing and looking at the opportunities that the Lord has placed in front of us. New voices, new doors, new access, new opportunities and new ministries. All of that happens in between the closing of one age and the opening of a new one. We have an opportunity to seize this moment and keep our ears to God’s mouth so that we can know like the sons of Issachar what we are to do. BCF: If there’s anything that you would tell other pastors about how to transition into engaging the congregation in totality, what would it be? First, make sure that you make personal contact via phone or video-chat with every person. Ours was organic. It was born out of the desire to make sure that members were taken care of and that their needs were met. Members have commented on how much the phone calls meant to them. So make sure that the members know that you love them and you’re there for them. Take inventory of their needs and make sure that you’re engaging the whole person. Classes should be developed organically based on the needs of your church. Pastor Troy’s church also hosts other sessions such as Youth Roll Call, Family Fun Night, TSP Kidz, A Whole New You, and Make It with Ms. Vinnie. These and all of the other sessions are designed for fellowship, worship and educating the body of Christ. And even though we miss being with each other physically, there are still people who can’t and won’t be able to. This is the prototype for better ways to connect to ALL of the members. This is how you praise God during a pandemic. This type of engagement will become a part of the new normal.

References: 1.


By Christine Buckner

OMG! How much more can I stretch? I am a mother. A teacher and due to this pandemic, I’m also a homeschool teacher. What in the entire COVID-19 is going on? I am the head of household. Going to work was not only a job for me but it kept me balanced. The drive home helped me to decompress. What am I supposed to do now? If this sounds like you too, then obviously you are not alone. This stay at home order is causing many of us to have panic attacks. What do we do? Well licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Ruby Richards, M.A., gave BCF some steps to take in order to keep a cool head. When chaos is going on all around you, go in a room, even if it is a bathroom, and take deep breaths for about 3-5 minutes. While the child is still screaming. While the partner is still expressing their annoyance. Just excuse yourself and walk away. Don’t wait for permission. Just go in that room and take some time to breathe and literally clear the air in your mind and body. Buy some meditation music and play it. Do you know that your human psyche picks up that sound? And even though you’ve got all of this chaos going, it brings your level (anxiety) down. This creates calmness. There are so many things that we need to do for self and they are not way out there things. People listen to music all of the time but they don’t consider the fact that your brain needs a certain type of music to connect with, in order to do with your body what it needs to do for your body.

You have to make a commitment to do for self what self deserves. We are trained, especially in the Black community, to always do for others. We are trained, without the words being used, to neglect help. Do for husband. Do for children. Do for neighbors. Do for other relatives. That’s part of our inherent nature, cultural stuff. And so we’re all just geared toward that without the words being spoken. It’s learned behavior by learning how mom did it or whomever your growing up caregiver was. The word ‘I’ can be an important thing when we dwell on it. Seminars don’t typically teach that “I deserve a timeout for me.” So we have to learn to push passed the learned behavior and implement the ‘I’ behavior. The ‘I’ behaviors consist of saying “I want. I need. I will.” Those are the things that we don’t consider when thinking about ourselves. Whatever it is that you want and need write it down and discuss it with other women. Then that will determine what you will do or will not do. That discussion helps you to brainstorm and know that you are not alone in needing things in order to keep your anxiety level down. It will also help you to determine if you need professional help. Seeking professional help is a great thing. Don’t run from it. Run to it. That is practicing great self-care. Envision a special place that makes you happy and at peace. I teach people to go into a room, even if it is the restroom, and envision a place that is calming to you. After doing this so many times, you won’t have to leave the room in order to do it. You may go into a corner of the same room or just stop and close your eyes in the midst of the chaos and envision your ‘place of peace’. The mere fact that you are visible, the kids or the annoying adult won’t act out as much. But envisioning this place brings your anxiety levels down and you can finish the task and/or even the day. Although this is not an exhaustive list, these are things that anyone can do immediately to bring down their anxiety levels. Do not forget that it is also responsible to seek professional help. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSA) hotline number, which is 1-800-9855990, is also a good resource. No need to panic during the pandemic. Take a breath. Put on some music. And give your mind and body what it deserves, a break!


Casonna is a BCF Contributing Writers ( See her “How to make a Mask� video on our open site.

#frontliner #stayprotected

By Nailah Sabah

I used to have this dream of working from home. Having the luxury of taking my daughter straight to school without the need of a day care center. Creating my own schedule. Working out in between meetings. Wonder Woman is the phrase I would get on my t-shirt while I’m Every Woman played as my theme music. I am woman hear me roar! Fast forward to today. Yeah all that stuff you can throw out the window. Now here we are in this awful COVID-19 predicament also known as the Rona or Ro-Ro for short. While I’m extremely thankful I have the opportunity to transfer my daily schedule to home for this temporary time, this is not what I bargained for. Homeschooling If my daughter is depending on me to make it to the next grade she’s got another thing coming. I am not smarter than a fifth grader. For the record, fractions are different. I feel like my mother when I tell my daughter I don’t know this “new” math. Where is her teacher? Shouldn’t she be video chatting with this child daily? The other day the teacher emailed us with a sample daily schedule and a video conference appointment. I can’t even begin to tell you the level of thankfulness I had when I got the email. Homeschooling is something that I can now cross off my list with the newfound virtual partnership with her teacher. Social Distance Dating At this juncture, no one stresses the fact that dating is off the table, more than women with a partner at home. Ooh they are so vocal about it whilst their freshly sanitized leg and hand is getting caressed. Listen Susan, we are not the same. But yeah we get it, you can get the cooties. Gotcha. But the fact that as a single woman you

can’t entertain company for months on end, is really hard. For those who may be in strugglemode, you can always Skype or video chat, if you need to have some resemblance of a personal life. Exercising I saw a funny meme, “So, after this quarantine will the producers of My 600 Pound Life just find me, or do I call them, or how will this work?” Funny huh? But as I write this article, I have done nothing. Nada. Zilch. The only working out I’m doing is tracking my steps to the refrigerator. So far I have hit a personal best of 659,000 steps to my kitchen, the living room, and back to my bedroom. The Little Things Oh the things I have seen during this time. Did you know my living room has three walls but is not shaped like a triangle. Did you know your kids are STILL determined to tell you about their day in full detail although they have gone nowhere? Amazing, huh? These are just the things I have noticed while being on house arrest. At this point I know I need to do something or they are going to have to wheel me out of the house like they do on the reality show and I refuse to be on the news in grease-stained sweatpants with the assistance of the fire department. Digital Solutions All jokes aside, for the moment, I say all this to let you know you are not alone. But we have to make the best this situation. For the homeschoolers, ABC Mouse www.abcmouse.com is offering free services to kids for a limited time as well as Khan Academy www.khanacademy.org. As far as dating in this social distancing climate, well there is no solution to this, so just don’t do it. You are not Sabrina Elba and he is not Idris. It’s not worth it girl. Well apparently for Sabrina it was. Regarding exercising, like Nike said ‘Just do it.’ Go to Daily Burn www.dailyburn.com. They are offering free 60 days of online workouts due to the crisis. What a blessing to be able to do this in the comfort of your own home. For my walkers, go to YouTube and search Leslie Sansone. She will have you in a full sweat power walking in place like never before. For entertainment purposes, log in or create an Instagram account. Our beloved comedians, singers, deejays, and rappers are hosting free concerts weekly. Some charge but the most I have seen is a whopping $2.

During this time don’t forget to laugh, love, pray, cry, grow in faith, and believe that you will make it through. Learn to smile in every situation. It’s hard, but trust me it will make the days go by quicker than you can image.

Email: msnailahsabah@gmail.com Instagram: Nailah.Sabah

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By Gerald Harris

Greetings to you, beautiful readers of Beauty Come Forth. It seems like a lifetime has passed since we last visited. So much is going on in the world right now. I truly hope and pray that all of you and all of yours are safe and protected from this pandemic we are currently engrossed in. Trouble don’t last always. This too will pass. Ladies, I want to speak to you about the innate grasp you naturally have on emotional maturity and the fact that you overwhelmingly mature much faster than men do. In fact, we men run from our emotions on a regular basis. This is something we do for a myriad of reasons. The games people play Many of us grow up trying to play the childhood games of our youth as long as we can. And of course, we play to win because everyone loves a winner. So let me be the first to apologize to anyone who suffered because of my personal inability to mature and grow in my emotional content and character at any time in my life. After a while, it becomes habitual for a man to play Tag or Duck Duck Goose with his emotions. All too often he wakes up one day with just his memories and his duck and goose as his only companions or with memories of distant times and recent times that he cannot easily distinguish. “Are you sure?” This question he will ask himself many times. It’s because of the games that the modern-day man all too often plays on women. You see they have actually boomeranged right back into his face. More and more women have adapted to the simplicity of these follies and become desensitized

to its desired effect. So when he makes up his mind to come to the woman of his choice in full earnest, she is likely unavailable because now, through repetition, she has learned to play the very same games. But hold on to your tickets and stay in your seats for just a moment. What happens now is the stage has been set for Beauty to chime in and make a grand entrance onto this stage. How does Beauty enter? I thought you would never ask; Beauty is going to enter into this equation only by you. It will come in by your essence and the very core of who you are, even your lineage can be called into play here. What you talking about Gerald? Hang on, hang on, I’m getting there. You see first it’s your recollection of a time gone by, the time when this was actually what you desired most. It could be five years ago or twenty-five years ago. I don’t know, but the woman within you knows. While we as young boys spent our days filled with mischief and frivolities, most girls were either learning how to be little mommies themselves or being taught domestic qualities. Faith was already formed in you All acts of love, and the faith that you would one day exist in this love. Yes, your faith was already being formed and molded when we were still falling out of trees and chasing frogs. The Bible actually confirms this in 2 Timothy 1:5 when the Apostle Paul says, “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.” Do you see where he traced the faith back to? He traced it back to not only his mother but his grandmother as well and proclaimed that it would be found excellent in him too. This is a generational blessing only needing two progenitors to be ushered into your life. Beauty and faith are both on the scene So your jaunt back to complete control of your emotions and what your heart truly desires is now a short one. He is gladly giving you what you want and can’t be any happier about it than a child is on Christmas morning. Isn’t this the essential oracle of emotional maturity? More often than not you will recognize this before he does, and it needn’t be a recycled relationship in order for you to be cognizant of what’s happening and why.

It’s time… It’s his time and he has chosen you to dedicate the rest of his life to. The beauty that takes centerstage now will be a conglomeration of what the two of you have to offer each other and are able to receive and endure from each other. Let your faith in your days of preparation from long ago come into the fold. It was indeed put there for a reason. What’s more beautiful than two hearts coming together to function as one in these days of trying times? Protect Beauty There is a threat over our heads just looming every day. He wants to steal our time and the quality of our time together. Never allow this burglary to take place on you ever again. Call Beauty to the porch to greet him whenever he shows up from now on. The strength in unity now formed and sanctified by the generational blessing of faith manifested in beauty brought forth by You will win out. That’s the power of this emotional maturity. It comes from up above. It offers us pride and atonement with joy versus jealousy, division, and a lack of covering for each other. This will sturdy up any foundation to a level of victory. So that now victory to victory is the only way you will travel.

Gerald Harris

By Steffanie Rivers THE Travel Diva

The good news is public transportation is wide open if you want to take a bus, train or flight. The bad news is everything is wide open because COVID-19 has most everyone afraid to stand within six feet of a stranger; unless that stranger offers you a beverage while scantily clad on a beach in Florida. Rumor has it generation Z’ers are helping the virus to go viral, with all the eating, drinking and sharing of personal space that goes on during spring break. Asia, most of Europe and the Caribbean have closed their borders to inbound flights. And if visitors are allowed in, there’s a daylong mandatory quarantine. In the meantime, only a few of our national parks throughout the United States are open for business. If you can drive there, admission is free for a limited time. In the middle of the forest is a great place to exercise, explore and still be in compliance with social distancing regulations. Recently I celebrated my birthday by hiking to the top of Half Dome at Yosemite National Park. The round-trip hike from the bottom to the top and back took twelve hours. In the middle of a forest traversing rocks the size of the one that covered the entrance to Jesus’ tomb making my way up a mountain with 8,800 feet elevation isn’t how most people want to celebrate their birthday. Yet, I’ve never been like most people. At 52 I’m not going to start!

But I must admit I wasn’t even an hour into the six-hour ascent before I thought to myself, “My mouth wrote a check my ass can’t cash!” With every step, it got harder to breathe. I stumbled over rocks the size of pebbles because my legs felt like logs. And when I started to get dizzy it dawned on me that in my altered state I might become easy prey for wild animals! Then questions with my mother’s face on them started to pop into my head: ‘What if this happens?’ or ‘What about that?’ All the uncertainties that crowded my mind, coupled with the unanticipated weight of my hiking boots, started to make me second-guess how I chose to memorialize my birthday. Besides, Black people don’t hike! That day at Yosemite there were just three African-Americans in the entire forest; myself, the man I came with and one other guy who worked at the park. Even though he wore a park employee shirt with a name badge, I confirmed his status before I asked him for directions to the bathroom for what turned out to be my last trip to a real toilet for the next twelve hours. Of the thousands of hikers I saw that day my beau (we’ll call him Springs-For-Legs) and I held it down for all the chocolate people! I guess I should clarify: He held it down. I was just trying to keep up with him. Judging from the looks on the faces of some of the White people who passed us, they were surprised to see us there too. If it wasn’t for the fact that he kept stopping every 200 yards or so to wait for me to catch up to him, some might have assumed that the distance between us meant we weren’t together! I’ve never been a hiker, but I like challenges. So when I read about the woman who fell to her death while trying to summit Half Dome I wanted to try it! When I told Springs-For-Legs about my plan, he was all for it. Having him with me kept me focused on my goal. Afterward, he told me my reliance on him is what kept him in the game. There we were, two chocolate drops representing the African Diaspora, keeping each other motivated while getting the workout of a lifetime. Hikers must have a permit to climb to the top of Half Dome. Permits are distributed by a lottery. Even though we had a permit and the proper equipment, we almost stopped short of climbing

the last 400 yards because the summit only can be accessed via the infamous cable staircase. It was getting close to sundown and we didn’t want nightfall to catch us outside in an unfamiliar place. Before we started the hike our plan was to reach the top of Half Dome in under four hours, giving us plenty of time to get back down the mountain before dark. But with two hours of time lost on the way up we started to consider surviving Half Dome instead of just climbing it. Then it happened: Somebody who just left the summit told us it only took them fifteen minutes to climb the cables instead of the hour some others had claimed. I wasn’t about to let a fifteenminute cable climb keep me from my goal. So we put on our gloves and up the cables we ascended! Those people lied! It took at least thirty minutes for me to reach the top. When I got there, Springs-For-Legs was waiting! I won’t tell you how long he sat at the top waiting for me before I arrived (patting his foot and shaking his head I imagine). The main thing is we got to the summit. He sang ‘Happy Birthday’ when I made it to the top! By that time I had forgotten what day it was. The view from 8,800 feet elevation was amazing! Steffanie is a freelance journalist living in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

Info@AirlineTravelSecrets.com @tcbstef and on Steffanie Rivers.

By Myra Wallace-Walker I must begin by saying, my visit to Israel was by far, the most fulfilling of all my travel experiences. There is so much to see and a plethora of history to explore. One could spend months exploring the many monumental sites mentioned in the Bible. During my visit, I often reflected on the statements of the many individuals who attempted to share their experiences with me and the challenges they had in conveying why their journey was so impactful. I now understand their challenge, for there are really no words that can adequately describe it and pictures only give you a peek into the enormity of the experience of visiting the Holy Land. So where do I begin? For starters, I must first pay homage to Pilgrim Tours and our wonderful tour guide Jeremy, for they were responsible for delivering this life changing experience, in the form of their Best of Israel Tour. I must admit, the name did fit the experience, because I cannot imagine any tour topping this one. This 10-day tour hit all the hot spots on my bucket list. In addition to the history lesson, my palate has never been more pleased. The food was incredible, and I ate plenty of it. I was finally able to put a name to a place and relate scripture to an experience. In my travels I can always tell how much I enjoyed the journey, by how many pictures I take. During stay in Israel I took over 800 pictures and videos! For the sake of time and space, here is only a fraction of some of my most memorable experiences:

Mt. Carmel, where Elijah challenged King Ahab and the prophets of Baal.

Getting baptized in the Jordan River and passing by the area Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, Elijah and Elisha crossed the Jordan. This was also where the children of Israel, led by Joshua, entered the Promised Land.

Beit-Shean/Scythopolis, the most magnificent archeological site in Israel, located at the strategic juncture of the Jezreel and Jordan valleys.

Taking a dip in the Dead Sea, or should I say taking a float on the dead sea

Touring the mountain top fortress of Masada, built by Herod the Great. Built as a refuge for himself famous for the last stand of the Zealots in the Jewish Revolt

Ein Gedi, where King David hid from Saul, and where God defeated the enemies of the Israelites by praise and worship led by King Jehoshaphat. And where I was asked to lead the Bible study on these events.

Bethlehem. The birthplace of Jesus

Temple Mount and Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

Garden of Gethsemane and Garden Tomb of Jesus

House of Caiaphas where Jesus was beaten and spit upon. and held the evening before his crucifixion

And of course, my camel ride‌.

Well, I’m sure you get the picture, Israel is rich in beauty and history. So once travel bans have been lifted and you begin to plan your next vacation, I highly recommend Israel and Pilgrim Tours to get the best out of your Israel vacation. Travel safe and take lots of pictures.

30 Minute Meal: Shrimp and Spinach Garlic Pasta By Chef Kimmy Ingredients: 1 lb. Farfalle Pasta 1 cup Butter 1 tbsp. Minced garlic 1½ lb. Shrimp 2 cups Fresh spinach Seasonings:

Salt, pepper, paprika, onion powder


Parsley and Parmesan Cheese

Instructions: 1. Boil pasta as directed on package then set aside. 2. In a large sautee pan melt butter then add garlic and let cook for 5 mins. Then use seasonings to taste and adjust. 3. Add pasta, toss in sauce. 4. Add shrimp and spinach. Cook shrimp until pale pink and allow spinach to wilt. Once done, plate and garnish with Parmesan cheese and parsley.

Kymberly Monique Bereal FB: chefkymmyb IG: @berealcateringbychefkymmy

By Lanette White

Mother’s Day… It’s usually a time that I dread, if I am going to be totally transparent. Oh, I have three kids and a few “honorary” ones who celebrate just right, but I still haven’t looked forward to it in years. My mother died seven years ago and I still had a hard time letting go of the pain associated with her passing. I was not there when she passed. She was cremated in another state. I had to celebrate her life alone. The list goes on and on with being unable to feel the closeness to her, of her, just one last time. I missed my mom, especially on her special day… Fast-forward to this time of sudden good-byes and unexpected endings that this pandemic has spawned, and I now understand that I must live in the present and give my own children the opportunity to feel close to me. In my own act of grieving, I was not fully allowing my kids to enjoy all of me. Yes, I had been physically present, but I was emotionally absent. I was not allowing myself to feel any real joy. I was smiling on the outside but not on the inside. Time to switch it up. Now that social distancing is in place, my Mother’s Day will be celebrated just a little differently. The three kids will be here with me, as they have been throughout this entire self-isolation process. However, my honorary children will see me via Zoom. I am looking forward to hearing their voices and seeing their faces because I miss them too! I took the ability to see and touch them for granted before, but never again. We’re going to do so much stuff this year. Look at me. I am planning my Mother’s Day! Sharing Baked Goods We are going to share baked goods. We are going to overnight the baked goods via UPS. They are really good about that, as long as it is packaged correctly. This enables us to at share the flavors of the day together. It won’t be the entire meal, but something is shared. And we’re cool with that.

Social Distancing Games First off, we’re going to play games. I just bought Jackbox Party Pack 6! It’s the coolest Party Pack yet, with games like Trivia Murder Party 2, Dictionarium, Push The Button, Joke Boat and Role Models. My children will use their phones or tablets as controllers and we will play with up to 10 players! It’s about to be on! Hosting a Watch Party or Co-Watching The last thing we’re going to do is Co-Watch one of the past Verzuz episodes on Instagram. These are live music artists or producer challenges meant to entertain the self-isolated population. They are great and sharing music and commenting on it in our little private chat space. It’s called a Watch Party on Facebook, but it’s really the same thing. I cannot wait! I’m going to do the dances that mirror the time the music was created in. I am also going to sing and laugh at all of the jokes made about others and myself. It is going to be great! At the end of the day, motherhood is an honor and a privilege and should be treated as such. Taking anyone for granted, even during times of grief, is not okay. The job of a mother is to teach her children how to be healthy, considerate, loving, socially responsible and interdependent human beings. I choose to be more considerate this year and really celebrate my Mother’s Day with my kids. And you’d better believe that I’m looking forward to it!

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