Darkstalkers Chronicle the Chaos Tower

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ThisdisccontainsgamesoftwareforthePSPrM(Playstation@Portable)system. Neverusethisdisc on anyothersystem, asit coulddamage it. ReadthePSPrM system Ins'trudion Manualcarefully to ensure correct usage. Donotleavethediscnearheatsources or indirectsunlight or excessive moisture,Donotusecracked or deformed discsor djscsthathavebeenrepaired withadhesives asthis couldleadto malfunction.

Thisgameis classified according to the PEGIratingsystem. ThePEGIratingmarksand contentdescriptors are displayed on the gamepackage(exceptwhere,by law another ratingsystemapplies).lherelationship betweenthe PEGIratingsystemandthe Parental ControlLevelis asfollows:


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Push down one cide of the

Placethediscasshown, gentlypressing downwards untilit clicksintop ace. Storing the discincoiiedly mayresultIndamage.

\disca s s hownandgent ly oLll | upwards ro remove it. Uting ex(ess foi(e to remove the | disc may {erult in damag*.

HEALTHWARNING Alwaysplayin a well lit environment. Takeregularbreakt15 minuteseveryhour Avoid playingwhentiredor suffering fromlackof sleep.Someindividuals aresensitive to flashingor flickering lightsor geometric shapes andpatterntmayhavean undetected epilepticcondition andmayexperience epileptic seizures whenwatchingtelevision or playingvideogames Consult your doctorbeforeplayingvideogames if you havean epilepticconditionand immediately shouldyouexperience anyof the followingsymptoms whilstplayingr dizzinestalteredvision, muscle twitching, otherinvoluntary movement, lossof awareness, confusion and/orconvulsions.

PIRACY ThePSPrM protection system andthisdisccontaintechnical mechanisms designed to prevent the unauthorised reproduction of the copyright workspresenton the disc.Ihe unauthorised useof registered trademarks or the unauthorised reproduction of copyrightworksby circumventing thesemechanisms or otheruiseis prohibited by law lf youhaveanyinformation aboutpirateproductor methods usedto cjrcumvent ourtechnicalprotection please measures emailanti-piracy@eu.playstation.com or callyourlocal givenat thebackof thismanual. Customer Seryice number

PARENTAL CONTROL (Play5tation@Portable) ThisPSPrM Gamesoftwarehasa preselParental ControlLevelbasedon its content. Youcansetthe Parental ControlLevelon the PSPrM systemto restrictthe playback ot a PSPrMGame witha Parental ControlLevelthat is higherthanthe levelsetonthe PSPrM syspleasereferto the PSPrM tem.Formoreinformation, systemInstruction Manual.

nestricted to 18 and over



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Recommendedfor plavers mature -r^.,^--^...-^ Parentalguidancerecommend-

| General

ULES-00016 DARKSTALKERS CHR0NICLFil The CHAoSToWER@CAPCo|\,1 C0., LTo. 2000, 2004 AtL RIGHTS RESERVED. Libtarypr00rams O 2003-2005 SonyComputer Entertainment Inc.exciusively licensed to Sony Computer Entedainment Europe. FoRH0[IE USE0NLYUnauthorised rental,iending, copying, adaptation. publicperformanc€ distributior,efiraction,re-sale, arcadeuse,charqing for use,broadcast, afd internet, cableor anyielecommunications transmission, accessor useofthis productor anyfademarkor copyrighl worklhat formspalrofthisproduct areprohibited. Published byCEEURoPE LTD.Deve opedbyCAPCoIVI C0.,LTD.

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WIRELESS (WLANI FEATURES Softwaretitlesthat supportWireless(WLAN)functionalityallowyou to communicatewith other PSPrM systems, download data and compete againstother playersvia connectionto a WirelessLocal Area Network(WLAN).

AD HOC MODE Ad Hoc Mode is a Wireless(WLAN)featurethat allows two or more individualPSPrMsvstemsto communicate directlywith each other.

GAME SHARING Some software titles feature Game Sharing facilities which enablethe user to share specificgame features with other userswho do not have a PSPTMGame in their l-St-'"' svstem.

INFRASTRUCTURE MODE InfrastructureMode is a Wireless(WLAN) featurethat allows the PSPrM system to link to a network via a Wireless (WLAN) Access Point (a device used to connect to a Wireless network). In order lo access InfrastructureMode features,several additionalitems are required, including a subscriptionto an Internet Service Provider,a network device (e.9. a Wireless ADSL Router),a Wireless(WLAN)Access Pointand a PC. For furtherinformationand settingup details,please referto the PSPrMsystem InstructionManual.


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