Earth Artifact - Development

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earth artifact brief DEVELOPMENT BECKY CLARK

the experimentation stage

introduction For this brief I had to experiment using different techniques to show a range of development stages to get to my final outcome. I used different programs to demonstrate different skills and to give myself a wider set of tools to design with. I have to create a design that represents the Earth. My design must appeal to someone that has never visited Earth before and inform them or show them visually what Earth is like. For my final outcome I want to do a variety of info-graphics to visualise facts and percentages about the Earth. Something that can represent the Earth visually and in a different way to the golden record. I will experiment with the skills and ideas I have found whilst doing my research stage of this brief and bring

these across into the design stage. I can take influences from my research and develop my ideas from these. I will refine my ideas and experiments into the finals. My development will show how I have reached my finals and the steps I took to get there. It gives me a time to become creative and try my ideas out. the finals. My development will show how I have reached my finals and the steps I took to get there. It gives me a time to become creative and try my ideas out.

Come in peace and do not want a war. We welcome you to our planet and are happy to find out more about you, and would love for you to find out more about us. We

can work together and live as one. You teach us, as we learn so can you. Peace is a big part of living on earth and with this we can all get along.


we come in peace

12 The technology is advancing, moving forward, we run our lives by technology and the world is full of amazing new technology. Our technology has a lot to offer and without it the world would

suffer. You would need to know how to run this technology. Without the world there would be no technology. This is a smart generation and a world worth keeping.

food supplies


34 If you attack earth you will take all our food supplies with it. There will be no food to eat here on earth. We have the best foods all over the world. The world can offer you many things and

different foods and crops is one of those things. If you let earth live then we can introduce you to new foods and show you how we live and eat.

poster development

There are many places and countries all over the world, they all have something different to offer. Without these the world would be nothing. You need these to have land, to

build on, and to be able to use earth. We need earth, it makes up part of the solar system and has a lot to offer. It is a very advanced place.

For these posters I used typography to get the message across and create a visual. I used Helvetica as I believe this text works well bold and as a statement, it also works well as a smaller font. These were created in InDesign using the grid and columns to line the type up and make it flow. The text tool was the only tool used for these posters as I wanted to play around with a type based design for my posters to show this technique. These are all explaining why not to attack Earth and they state 4 reasons why Earth should be left alone. The text explains a bit about the topic but I did not want to overload the poster with too much text otherwise it would make it less sharp and effective, the message is taken in quicker with a less amount of type keeping the audiences attention rather than boring them with to much to read. This is in black and white as a basic first edit, as I played around with the layouts to see how I could position it all together.

We come in peace and do not want a war. We welcome you to our planet and are happy to find out more about you, and would love for you to find out more about us. We

can work together and live as one. You teach us, as we learn so can you. Peace is a big part of living on earth and with this we can all get along.


we come in peace

12 The technology is advancing, moving forward, we run our lives by technology and the world is full of amazing new technology. Our technology has a lot to offer and without it the world would

suffer. You would need to know how to run this technology. Without the world there would be no technology. This is a smart generation and a world worth keeping.

If you attack earth you will take all our food supplies with it. There will be no food to eat here on earth. We have the best foods all over the world. The world can offer you many things and

different foods and crops is one of those things. If you let earth live then we can introduce you to new foods and show you how we live and eat.

poster development


food supplies

34 There are many places and countries all over the world, they all have something different to offer. Without these the world would be nothing. You need these to have land, to

build on, and to be able to use earth. We need earth, it makes up part of the solar system and has a lot to offer. It is a very advanced place.

Next I developed these posters further by adding colour. By adding colour it makes them stand out and look more professional it does this because the colour draws the audiences attention and makes the posters stand out. The colour makes the posters look more modern and quirky. Although they are simplistic they still get the facts across. These work well as a simplistic format because it is easier to take in the information and not get lost in all the typography. I changed the background to black as I thought the colours stood out better and had a better contrast with the black, the darkness makes the colours seem brighter and catch your eye. Overall I am pleased with these outcomes and if there was anything I could change I would possibly add some illustrations to the posters.

after effects development For this part of my development stage I chose to use After Effects to use different techniques and make a 10 second type based video about the Earth. This was to experiment with skills I had learnt and to see if this is something I could refine and take on to being my final design. I used the “transform” tools such as “position” and “rotation” to edit my type and to make it move. I also used the “opacity” and “scale” these were all transform tools in order to edit my text and animate it. I did this by adding “key-frames” and within each key-frame the transform options were added. The time-line helped me to time everything and position it to work after the next transition, this way my video would flow. I used blue and green as background colours as these colours are represented with the Earth. Certain words I made bolder and changed the colours as I wanted to show that these were more important. I used these techniques to create my video and to play around with different ideas and skills. I

wanted to experiment and to try my ideas out. This is not going to be my final idea as I want to stay away from the video side of representing the Earth and do something different. I wanted to stick with infographics. But this is a way of showing another experiment and idea I had for this brief.

info-graphic development This was done by using crayons and grating them up. First I got a blank piece of paper and used masking tape to mask out where I wanted my graph bars. This would also create a block from the crayon and stop it from being filled in. Next I grated the crayons into piles so that they were small enough to sprinkle over the top and stick down. I put glue all over the page and sprinkled the crayons over the top, filling the page until it was covered. After letting it dry, I tipped the excess crayon off the paper and removed the masking type allowing the graph blocks to be revealed. I took a photograph of the final result and then brought it onto the computer to refine it further. I used Photoshop to crop and get rid of any edges I did not want. Finally I moved onto the text. I used the text tool on Photoshop to add the type and write the percentages. I put the type into the white blocks to make it visible so that you can read it clearly. The percentages explain the graph blocks and how each one represents a different percentage of literacy for that country. Next I added the title. First I tried black type but I realised that this didn’t stand out as well as I would of liked it

too. I tried many other different colours and finally I came to the conclusion that cream was the best colour as it stood out and was legible. This is another experimentation stage and will not be refined further or used as my final design as I do not think it is strong enough for a final and there is not much more I can do with it.

infographic development I moved onto my infographics. I did this by getting a glass jar and filling it with coloured chocolate counters, I used these to represent each person and used different colours to show the different religions. After I had filled my jar and made the layers into the correct height I took a photograph of the jar. I refined this further by taking it onto the computer to edit it and make it into an infographic. I used Photoshop and illustrator to do so. I got rid of the photos background by using the quick selection tool and the rubber to neaten everything up. Finally I added the text with the text tool and used the colour pallet to colour coordinate the text

with the colours used in the jar to represent the different percentages. I played around with the layout to see which position of the type looked best and to see how it should all sit together as one to work as an infographic. The rulers were used to align everything and to make it neat. I took this into illustrator to add the lines using the pen tool to make it look more like an infographic and to make it clearer as to which religion is which in the jar. This is an experimentation for my final design as this is my final idea.

infographic development The second infographic I did was based on the GDP rankings in the world. To show how money is a big part of the Earth and how it effects different countries. I used coins to fill up the jar to connect the information to the visual aspect of the infographic. I layered these up in different heights to show the different percentages and used different coins for each one. I also took a photograph of the jar and uploaded it to the computer. I refined it further by getting rid of the photos background using the same techniques (quick selection tool and rubber). Next I added the information

with the text tool to explain the percentages and to show what the visual is about. I did this on Photoshop. I played around with the layout and the way of setting out my infographic. Next I refined it further by taking it into illustrator to add the lines using the pen tool to created the labels to show which layer of the jar is which country and percentage. This is also one of my final ideas.

infographic development For this infographic I used food to make up the layers in the jar. This was so the visual aspect of the infographic connects to the information. By doing this you can also see what some of the food looks like and what types of food people eat here on Earth. I experimented with the layout trying different ways of presenting my infographics using, lines, text, and blocks of colour to represent the different layers and percentages within the jar. This was created in the exact same way as the other two, using the same programs and techniques to get to my final outcome. This is another one of my final ideas. I will do a range of infographics with the

same theme displaying different facts about the Earth. This way it will represent the Earth and inform my audience about different facts and figures here on Earth.

infographic development Crayons were the next material I used to display my information. This jar was based on the literacy percentages for around the world, I chose five different countries. The crayons connect as they are a type of drawing equipment that children use when they are learning in school to draw or when they are being taught. This connects again to the information making the visual relevant. The same tools, programs and techniques where used to create this infographic. The layouts were experimented with to show different ways of laying my infographic out and presenting my information to the audience. I wanted to find the most successful way

of presenting the information clearly and visually. This is another jar for my final idea.

my final earth artifact outcomes

final info-graphics These are my final outcomes for the Earth Artifact brief. I have chosen to do infographics as I believe these are the best way to communicate information quickly and in an understandable format. These represent the Earth by explaining different percentages and facts about the Earth, the people and the way the Earth works.

percentages of information.

The infographics have being done by using a glass jar and layering up a material inside. The material connects to the information displayed on the infographic making it relevant to each other. I have done five different infographics displaying different information about the Earth mainly percentages from different countries. They all have the same theme by using the same layout, same idea of working, using the jar and filling it with materials, same typefaces and way of communicating the information across to the audience. I wanted to make it clear that they have being made by the same person.

Overall I am happy with my final outcomes. I think they represent the Earth as they display facts about different things connected to the Earth and inform the audience about five different topics. They inform visually which also helps the audience to take the information in through the visuals and to see what the information is connected to.

My first infographic is about the layers of the Earth showing what the Earth strata is made up of and a general look at the Earth its self. I used sand to created this infographic. I got the jar and used the different colours of sand to layer and add different heights to the jar making it look like the layers of the Earth. This is representing the Earth by showing what it is made up of. The next infographics are about religions, food, GDP and literacy percentages. These are all created using the materials to layer up the height to represent the different

I used Photoshop and Illustrator to edit these, using tools such as, quick selection tool, rubber, text, colour pallet, pen tool, unsharp mask, hue and saturation and brightness and contrast. These are all tools that helped to develop my final designs.

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