Conversation Brief

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Conversation Brief

Becky Clark.

What is a conversation? A conversation is two or more people exchanging thoughts, opinions, questions, and talking in general to each other. It is sharing ideas and gaining knowledge from someone else. Conversations can take part in groups of any size, it can be a discussion or a sharing of interests. They are a big part of the human generation, and people have conversations everyday of their lives. Originally a conversation was two or more people talking face to face, it was a more personal way of communicating. People also communicated through a phone call or a letter, but as times and generations have moved on there are more advanced ways of communicating with each other such as, mobile phones, not only a phone call but texting and apps are used. The internet has had a big impact on the way we liaise with one another. The internet offers many ways for people to have a conversation, Such as social networking, this is a big way in which our generation are in contact with each other. People today are so involved with social networking and communicating digitally that they forget about the real world. The virtual way of talking has taken away the emotion of a personal conversation, talking face to face enables you to see the person you are talking to, to be able to read their body language, but virtually you are just seeing what they put across in words, it’s changed the way in which we talk. Conversations have been impacted

by social networking, mobile phones and other devices as they allow this generation to be more advanced, to contact people from all around the world, they allow us to stay in touch with old friends, business related matters, family, and to meet new people. It enables you to have a conversation with someone who is miles away from you, it allows people to communicate more efficiently and you don’t have to be standing next to the person anymore. It’s a quicker way and easier way to communicate with someone. By talking online or through a social networking site it can give people confidence to start a conversation with someone they wouldn’t likely speak to in person. In some ways it has helped and taught our generation to communicate better, however it has also stripped humans of their natural way of talking to one another face to face. It hasn’t stopped people talking in person completely but it distracts them a lot more. As the generation moves on it effects the topics of conversations as there is more to talk about such as the past, and everything at the current moment in time. We gain more knowledge as the world evolves and this enables us to have different thoughts, interests, and opinions. Our conversations are affected by the internet as we are updated constantly with the click of a button, we can find things out in a matter of seconds, this allows us to gain more information in which we can talk about and share with other people. It’s a constant way of learning. I believe a conversation on this date of the year can be totally different as

to what it was last year on the same date. Because as we evolve so do our thoughts and ways of living. You can get a lot from a conversation, it can determined what a person is like by how they engage in certain topics, it demonstrates personalities. Conversations are one of the main components of life, and will always be taken part in. The way in which technology advances allows us more ways in which we can stay in contact and will always be able to have a conversation with people. It’s a way of communicating and staying up to date with society.

What is a conversation?

JWT - Intelligence J.Walter Thompson writes about how the world is evolving and how the future will be a lot more advanced than the present. In this document about intelligence, it suggests how many people, companies and components of the world will be effected by the digital age, how most things will be accessed using technology. The virtual world is taking over the physical world. Number 1: everything is retail, this demonstrates how the retail business is heading towards accommodating for the technology generation of consumers. All shops will end up running online, enabling people all over the world to access and buy items from their company. It is mentioning how businesses have more ways to be successful and to create more purchasing opportunities for their consumers. 02: food as the new eco-issue, as we are educated we learn the causes and preventions of harming the environment. The use of technology can help us learn this information, we can keep track of what we are buying, where it’s sourced from, and how it effects us. By being an educated eater we can help improve and give a “positive change�. 03: mobile device as everything hub, mobile devices are effecting the everyday life, most of society now have a mobile phone, everything is digitized and people are changing the way they do things by accommodating to the use of their mobiles. The internet is

accessed through mobiles, as well as social networking, shopping, playing, apps, banking, and much more. People are basing many experiences round their mobile phones. All these subjects are demonstrated through how technology such as mobile phones and the internet have changed things. How the world is changing and people, businesses, and companies have to accommodate to this change to enable them to be seen, and to stay in contact with the world, or their target audiences. Everything in this generation is based on the digital side of communicating, people shop, communicate and document online, it is a big part of peoples every day routines. Overall I believe this is highlighting the big impact of mobile phones and other technologies, and how the world is evolving and accommodation for them. It shows how personal conversations are replaced by the virtual way of communicating and how conversations have changed over time as their are new topics to talk about. As the world evolves so does the human. 15fa37b8-e74a-4dcf-a0f0-d53b3a6efcd6-documents_snapshots.pdf

The internet of things This is all about how technology is advancing, and more high-tech equipment is made, all of this is making a smarter human. This is creating new ways for people to do things, making things easier and quicker. It is helping people develop and learn. The internet is a big tool in helping and assisting people throughout their lives. It is full of information and most subjects you can think of. This is what makes people take to the internet as it can give them information. People turn to the internet to document their lives, they share information about themselves with the public, and friends. The internet is always updating and more information is added each day. Everything is online or connected through a network, devices all over the world are connected to each other, people communicate, devices send reports, cars run electronically, everything has network intelligence. Devices are sourced digitally to run and to gain information. Devices can now update themselves as they are connected to bigger networks that can receive and send information. Data is getting more advanced, and humans are adapting to all this new range of technologies. Newer generations are gaining more opportunities, and all of the technology is helping people stay in contact with the world, allowing people to communicate and have conversations constantly.

First Things First - Manifesto This design manifesto is communicating how Designers are underestimated, how their skills are wasted on designing for commercial use. How design is becoming all about selling products, such as “cat food”, it’s taking the freedom away from designing. Designers are designing for society, to persuade them to buy products, when their design skills could be put to other uses. It shows how design is used to communicate to it’s consumers by hidden messages and gimmicks, to sell products to pay the bills. Designers are getting lost in the commercial messages, and the designs are becoming ordinary and routine, as this is something they are designing for all the time, it is taking away their creativity. It demonstrates how designers are used to communicate messages, and to speak to the consumers, they are wasting their skills on the ordinary side of design, when they could be focussing on bigger messages to get across to the public. Overall Ken Garland is stressing the issues of what designers are experiencing, and how the design community is being effected. This is an effective way to get a point across.

Social Networking Social networking sites are a huge part of how people communicate and stay in contact. There are many different sites that connect people together. These sites allow you to meet new people, stay in contact with friends, family and business associates.

However they have there disadvantages as if your profile is not private and your posts don’t show you in a good light it can put people and employers off you. Also people can view your profile that you don’t know and could use your information in a bad way. Social networking sites are also reliable The social networking sites allow for a lot of cyber bullying, as bullies you to build up a profile of yourself can hide behind their screen and online, you can tell people your say what they want. They can name, birthday, interests, work cause many negative effects. Also places, eduction, where you live, they can distract people away contact information, who you’re from their work and the real world, friends with, check-ins, events, people get caught up in the virtual professional skills, gender, world as it is “addictive”. Another languages, nicknames, family disadvantage is that people can members, and about you, this is a make false identities and they might build up of all the information about not be who they say they are, this yourself, and you can choose what is a dangerous aspect of social people can see about you. You can networking and something people also write posts, and update your need to be careful of when using status, this can be anything you them. want to share with people or say, On the other hand these sites you can also share photographs have many advantages such as, with the people you are friends with, people can stay in contact with their or if your profile is not on private friends and family all around the you can share with the public and world. They can share information whoever views your profile, all and updates on what they are this activity you can share helps doing. It helps people stay apart of people find out more about you and each others lives. There is more helps build up a character profile. communication, people are given a You can find information out about confidence by being able to speak people so easily before you even to people through the internet and communicate with them. Being not having to be in person to talk, able to build up a profile of yourself it can break the ice. They are good can have its benefits such as if you ways to make new friends as you are a business people can find out can use them to find new people, about you and stay updated with a and talk to people from different click of a button, also your profile places. can show employers what type of Overall social networking sites person you are like, you can use are how people communicate and it to make yourself appealing to create conversations on a daily companies. basis.

Social Networking I wanted to see why people use social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I asked the question “Why do you use apps such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter?� To see what replies I got. I asked 12 people and these are their replies. This then gives me an understanding to what people get from these apps, and how they benefit from them. It demonstrates why these apps are popular. Most of the answers were based around the fact they use them to communicate with people, to keep updated with their friends. I also found that people may use them for other reasons such as, looking back at memories, because they are bored, so they don’t feel left out, to find out about places, to look at girls, and to keep up with celebrities they like. This shows how people can use these sites in different ways, but their main purpose is to keep up to date with their friends and to contact each other. Society has a big impact on these sites. Because everyone is using them people feel that they need to have them to be in the loop otherwise they are missing out on things their friends and other people are doing. They feel by being on these sites they are part of society and of their friends lives even when they are not together. Overall these responses give me a reason as to why these sites are used, and how people use them as a part of their everyday lives. They are a big part of this generation.

Emojis iPhones are a big part of communicating as they offer people to text, use the internet and to be able to use apps. They are a very popular device that many people all over the world use. They have emojis which are icons to symbolise different moods and objects. People are now using less words to communicate, they are visually communicating through images. These emojis are used now to replace words, they make texting quicker as one emoji can represent how you are feeling, or what you are doing. People are now having emoji conversations, like this one you can see. Emojis used to represent different words from the lyrics of this song. You can pick up what the words are through the visuals. The human is getting smarter now in the fact they can recognise things through visuals. This shows how the generations have moved on as they used to talk face to face, then a phone call, then texting was introduced as an easier and quicker way to communicate and you can text people from all other the world. It offers more opportunities for people and businesses as they can stay better connected. We have now moved on from communicating using words, as symbols have been introduced as a quicker way to inform people. I believe that talking through emojis and visually will be the new generation of having a conversation, it will be a quicker way to inform and talk to one another.

Symbols Symbols are used to communicate a message or information in a way that your brain can register it faster. Your brain processes images quicker than it does words. Symbols are often used on signs so that when passing at a speedy pace you can associate a meaning to the image. It is a visual way of communicating. Many years ago the first way of communicating was to draw images, and symbols to tell a story. Pictures are an easier and more visually pleasing way to tell a story. More and more places are now replacing words with symbols, for example toilet signs don’t say “women’s” or “men’s” most toilets use an image of a girl by using a person with a dress on, and the males toilet sign has trousers on, these simple details define the difference between the two genders. There are many symbols that represent objects and meanings. Road signs are a very good example of replacing words with symbols.

Margaret Calvert - Signs Margaret Calvert is the creative that redesigned Motorway signs in 1957 and the rest of the road signs in 1963. She was hired by Kinneir to work together to redesign the signs, and she did so in a simplistic form. Calvert is reliable for the easy to understand signs, she designed the simple pictogram for people to recognise when using the roads in Britain. Road signs are informative and enable you to take instructions in at a rapid pace. Calvert also thought about colour codes to symbolise different types of roads such as white lettering on a blue sign to signify a motorway and colours that would make the signs stand out. This shows how people engage in information through symbols, pictograms and many other ways than using text, it is a quicker way to acknowledge a meaning, however some road signs still use text, as this is the only way to give directions, and destinations. It shows how the world is cutting down on text and finding simpler ways to give guidance. The typefaces that are used on the signs which benefit from text were carefully thought about as Calvert states, “The actual word shape was the most distinctive thing because if you had Birmingham in capitals, from a distance, it’s difficult to read but in caps and lower case you have word shape,” says Calvert. “That was fundamental.” It shows how the brain registers this formality of text faster than it would just capitals, it demonstrates how this is the best way to make the text bolder and to make it easier to read whilst travelling. Text is

still a big part of communicating information, but in other instances pictures are key to conveying a message. Signs are a big part of how we communicate and have an understanding of rules and regulations. It shows how images are an intelligent way of communicating with the public. The shape of the signs all have meanings, the triangle is used for warning, the circles are used for commands, and rectangular signs for information. This shows how the shapes all present a message. These are all other ways in which people have conversations because it is quicker to get information across. By using these techniques for the signs it enables them to last for longer as Calvert addresses, “By keeping it simple, it stands out and doesn’t age. It is still informing people more than 50 years after it was created.” It shows how newer ways to communicate last longer as the generations adapt this way of receiving information will still be used. Overall I believe that pictograms, symbols and signs are an effortless way to communicate with people. They are just as effective as words, and take up less time to put across. This is the upcoming way of how conversations will be effected, and will become less personal.

Info-graphics - Communication I wanted to look at info-graphics to see how they convey visual communication, to see how they show how visual communication is used and how effective it is. It shows how 90% of visual information is sent to the brain and that we are 94% more likely to view information that is visual which is key for getting peoples attention. These info-graphics show how the world is moving on from applying information through text. Most techniques now use more visuals are people are most likely to pay attention and take in the information better, people pay more attention to visuals than they would text and most of the time the brain can register information faster through images, as one image can convey a whole message. I also wanted to look at info-graphics to see how they are laid out and used to get information across also how they visually put across information. I personally think these are effective as the colours are striking, the information is enlarged and bold, they are pleasing to look at which is a more exciting way to put information across. It demonstrates another way in which we communicate with consumers.

Mike Perry - Typography I looked at Mike Perry as he is known for doing creative typography. I wanted to look at how he communicates through words and visually experiments with the word and each individual letters. This is a piece of work done by Perry. The word communicates visually to it’s audience. The imagery he has made the word up out of is representing the meaning of the word. It is showing what “play” means, by using drawings of balls, the feet, the basket ball hoop, it demonstrates what we define playing as. It is clever how the imagery the letters are made out of connects with the meaning. I like how he is visually communicating by turning the word into something more playful and eye catching. This is another way to communicate, by using the design to sum up the word, it helps people register the meaning of the phrase “go play”. It verifies that playing around and connecting the imagery to the word makes it a more powerful piece, it gives it more substance, and the piece flows. It verifies how designers communicate to their audience in more than just a piece of text, they transform it into a visual as people pay more attention to something that is visually pleasing. Perry is also communicating with the word using the visual aspect of what he perceives the word to look like. Overall I like this piece as it shows a different way to communicate and how to make words visual.

Adrian Johnson - Typography This is a design by Adrian Johnson, and it’s from the book Handjob. This communicates a message by using the text and imagery together, it’s a humorous way to portray a message across to it’s audience. The image demonstrates the meaning of the text, it’s showing what the physical meaning is, and they connect to each other by the message. This is a way to allow the words to come alive, by showing the visual aspect it gives the design a personality, the characters, are simplistic but effective as they make the message humorous, and playful. It is telling a story. The reactions on the characters face are realistic which connects you to the piece, it makes you feel apart of the situation. It shows me a way that I can communicate with an audience, by using images, and text together, as it makes the message flow. It gives you a better image of the meaning. This also shows by using emotions, and giving your design a personality it is a better way to connect to the audience, as it gives you a certain emotion. Overall I like this piece and I think it’s a good way to involve your audience, and communicate a message.

Perry,M.(2007) Hand Job [pg.122].Newyork. Princeton Architectural Press.

Jim Datz - Typography I looked at Jim Datz to see how he visually communicates with his audience. He uses word and image association to connect the visual with the text. This shows by connecting the image with the word it makes it flow and more understandable. In this case the word and image connect as the man is representing the physical way to say good day, it demonstrates the visual meaning of the word. The audience will pick up the definition of the word quicker through the image as this is the main focus of the piece, by having an image like this it communicates the message faster as the audience can understand the meaning from the image before they read the text. This is a clever way to use words and images together because the visual represents the word and the word defines what the image is suggesting. It shows me how visual aspects of a piece can communicate their own message to the audience and this is the part they will look at first as visuals are registered first because most people would rather look at an image than read text, it shows how important visuals are. It is a good way to communicate with people, and more exciting than just the text alone. The colours are also an element of this piece as they have made the man stand out due to putting an orange jacket, shoes and hat on him and sitting him against a dark background. Colours are also an aspect of how to communicate as different colours represent different meanings and emotions.

Pinterest - Typography This is a piece I found on Pinterest by Gina Luker. This piece demonstrates how the layout of the elements can have an impact on the message conveying through the end piece. This is about how the worst kind of mistake is not to make any, and by ripping up the paper it is laid out on represents how you throw away and rip up mistakes that you do on paper and disgard the ones you make in life, but by bringing it back together shows that by discarding your mistakes can be getting rid of who you are, and by making mistakes show that you have lived life even if things haven’t worked out. By using the effect of the ripped paper and the different typefaces represents the physical meaning of the piece. It shows how the imagery and the words all connect through the overlapping and bringing the paper back together representing the idea of what a mistake looks like. It gives more meaning to the type as it is more informative due to the way the type has been put back together. It is playing on how to connect to the audience through the idea of how to represent the meaning through visuals, it makes it more visually pleasing. It connects the audience to the meaning, making it more personal and giving it a deeper meaning. Overall I like this piece and how it communicates to the audience as it shows how the layout of a piece of design and how the clever ways of representing the word conveys a better end result. It shows me another way I can communicate more effectively with my audience.

Apps - Virtual Communication Apps are a big way to communicate with strangers, family or friends. They are used all over the world and are very easy to access, many apps are free and other apps you have to pay for to be able to download them onto you iPhone/ Android. There are many different kind of apps such as games, social networking, chat-rooms, dating, educational, photography, editing, fitness and many more. They are a popular digital element. Many apps allow you to communicate with people for instance, WhatsApp and Facebook messenger enable you to communicate with people in your contacts or who you have accepted as your friend, they allow you to stay in contact with people virtually which can enable a better relationship with loved ones and friends as you can be in contact all the time. There are other apps that allow you to communicate with strangers and meet new people, such as dating apps like Match. com, Tinder, Zoosk and many others to choose from, these allow you to find other people and if you match you can talk to them. Apps allow people to become closer, and to meet new people from all around the world, they create many communicating opportunists. Conversations are held every second of the day through apps, they allow more people to have a voice. Apps are a great way to interact with people and the world. I wanted to look at apps as they create many conversations. I want to get ideas for my final design and see what kind of apps are effective and what people like about them. They are a more current way to

have a conversation with people. By looking at what is current will give me fresh ideas that people would use. I also looked at the way these apps are laid out and used. Apps are the future, and people download them everyday to keep up with society, knowledge and to create more connections with people. People are looking for more ways to meet new people, and to be informed by digital technology. Everything is turning digital and apps are beneficial as they are easy to use, quick to download, and can also be cheaper. Overall apps are a big communication platform and are a good way to create conversations.

Tinder - App Tinder is a dating app that allows you to meet new people, you can either use it to meet new friends or to find a partner. Many people use this app, as it is a way to find people you are attracted to and people you would like to talk to. It is a way of communicating with people. I looked at a dating app to see how it is used, and to see what people get from it. This app works by swiping through people, you swipe right for like and left for dislike, if you match with the people you like you can then interact with them, share moments (photographs) or carry on swiping for other people. You have a profile in which you can connect it to your Facebook for it to automatically fill your information in for you, or you can edit your profile from scratch, you can also connect other social networking sites to your profile so people can add you on these or find out more about you. It is all about connecting with people and creating new opportunities for people to meet. This app is used more by younger people as most people use it for fun. This demonstrates a way in which people use apps to have conversations and to be able to talk virtually, which can give people more confidence, it allows them to build up a relationship with the person virtually before they may meet personally. There are big communication platforms as many people use them and it is creating conversations all over the world. It shows me how apps work to help people to communicate. The layout and the way Tinder works is straight forward allowing it to be understandable for more people to use. This is beneficial as it will

encourage more people to use the app. I have also noticed how many apps have instructions the first time you use it to show you around, what buttons do what and how to use the app. This is then informing people how to use the app so that they can use it comfortably. Dating sites and apps are one way of communicating, and most of them work in the same way. This has taught me that by keeping an app simplistic is encourages more people to use it, as it is easy and there is no hassle trying to work out what to do. A simple layout can be key for apps. Overall I think this is an effective app as it is very popular and it is a way of communicating.

Omegle - Primary Research I went on Omegle to ask strangers questions about what apps they use and why. I got many replies and found out what the more popular apps were. This is so that I could see what apps are popular, and what they offer. I went on this site as I can talk to people I don’t know and of all ages, just to see what different people use, and if their answers were alike or completely different. Most people said, Facebook and Twitter which I did not find shocking as these are very popular apps that allow you to do many different things, such as interact with people, writes posts, and to paint a view of what type of person you are. Most people use apps now to communicated and meet new people. Omegle is a site where you can go on anonymously and talk to strangers, some people use this site for the wrong reasons, like to be offensive because they are anonymous, but others use it to get to know people and to have a conversation with someone you don’t know. I used the spy mode, where you can ask a question and watch people discuss it as I wanted to get to know what apps are popular, to show me if any educational apps are used. The education apps that people said they used, where Google chrome, which is a search engine where you can find out lots of information, Google maps, for locations, and Youtube where they can watch videos. I found that not many people use educational apps and that many people just interact with social networking. I think this is because there is not many educational apps out there and social media is used

more often as people feel left out in they don’t have such sites like Facebook, twitter and Instagram, because all of their friends are on them and they can be updated constantly. Everyone has these sites so that they are still in the loop. I found out some new apps through this research which was interesting. Overall I think communication is key for apps, and to be able to share information is important as people want to update people on what is going on in their lives, almost for praise, it is all about interaction with other people.

Apps & Sites - Educational As apps are a big part of the way we interact with people and technology, I wanted to look at educational apps and sites to see what is already out their for students, and what they can get from this technology. I found apps such as Backchannel chat and Soundnote. Backchannel is an app where tutors can speak to their students, moderate and remove content and set tasks. Soundnote is an app that allows you to make notes, and record information. Sites that I found was and Facebook groups. provides you with information about topics, and Facebook groups allows students to set up their own groups to be able to discuss information from their class and get help from their peers. I found that there was not many apps out their to offer students help or for them to interact with each other, and I believe there is a place in the market for an app that allows students to interact from different universities and colleges, also for them to share information and to be able to chat to each other. Their are many sites out their that offers students to find out information, and students can set up groups for their classes, but they don’t have the chance to speak to students from different institutions. I wanted to look what was already out their to get an idea of what help there is and to see if they are beneficial. The apps I found I wouldn’t use as I don’t think they would come in handy for my course. It demonstrates how these apps can be used and influences me towards an app idea for students, to create an educational conversation.

TED - Educational Site Ted is an educational site that offers tools such as information about topics, you can watch talks about certain topics, and updates on what’s new, also you can post a question and discuss it, this is a beneficial site as their is lots of information on it, and students can learn a lot from it. I wanted to look at educational sites to see what was already out there for students to use. Ted us a popular site and many people use it. I still believe there should be an app for students to use. This is a successful site, as it offers many tools for students to use. It’s an informative site, that allows people to find out interesting information and to help influence them with their work. I like this site, and I think it is a good idea, this is something I can take into consideration for an app idea, and it shows me what is successful. Overall I like the Ted site, because it is beneficial and I would personally use it myself. It is also a site that many age ranges and audiences can use, it is open and applies to many different people.

Uni Learn - Educational Site Unilearn is a Educational site for Huddersfield University students. Most Universities have sites in which students can retrieve their briefs, assessment details, module details, any help from tutors, reading lists, lecture information and email, where you can contact anybody from the university if you have their email address. These sites are useful for students in a way that all their study information is on it, and they can email, and talk to tutors. It is a university site which offers this for the whole of the courses, it’s a way of finding out information. However it doesn’t offer you the specifics, you can’t find information about the topics in your briefs apart from any help tutors have put up, and you can’t contact other students unless you have their email. It just offers the basics. This is something all students will use, and benefit from. It is a technology tool, and it communicates information to students virtually.

Ideas - Final Concepts APP IDEA


For this idea I will design an educational app that allows students to communicate with each other about different topics. This relates to “Conversation” by creating an educational conversation platform that enables students from Universities and Colleges to communicate with each other, about the topics they are learning or about something they find interesting. I think there is a place on the market for an app like this as apps are very popular and I believe that it creates a friendly way for students to interact with the same or other institutions about their briefs. It allows them another way to get information about their chosen topic. It will allow students to collaborate on different topics together. I want students to be able to be anonymous if they don’t want people to know who they are as they might feel more comfortable expressing their opinions and information this way, but I also want them to be able to sign up and have a profile, in which they can post information and photos of their work up and they can also follow other people that can help them with their work. I like the idea of an app as it creates a communication tool for students and encourages them to talk about their learning in a fun way. I want my app to be playful and fun to allow people to feel happy about using the app and for it not to feel like a chore, I can do this by typefaces and colour themes. Overall I like this idea and I will experiment with this.

This idea I will design posters and digital advertisements, about what text abbreviations mean. They will inform my audience what certain abbreviations mean. I will play on the fact that if you don’t know what an abbreviation means you feel stupid and like you are being laughed at. In society today you feel like you have to know what things mean, or your feel like an outcast. You feel you can’t ask people what they mean, because “you should know”. Abbreviations are a quicker way to communicate, they are the new virtual language that people use. It is a shortened version of a phrase. This relates to “conversation” because it is the future and present way of people communicating and style of conversation. I will play around with my typography and experiment with ideas of how I can display this information across in a playful way.

Development & Final Concepts



My App My app is all about communicating for educational purposes. The target audience is for students at college and University as I feel at this stage of education students benefit from collaborations with other students and sharing ideas. I believe that students sometimes feel more confident speaking and getting advice from other students rather than always going to their tutors, I think this because they feel less intimidated, and it’s a more enjoyable way to talk about their projects. I want my app to incorporate this and allow students from the same or different institutions to be able to talk to each other, and share anything they have learnt that can benefit other people. This app encourages collaborations between different colleges and universities, and can give people a more sociable documentation of different topics. My app will have many different topics, such as Art, English, Maths, Business and many more so that it covers a wide range of courses taught at different institutions. I have researched into apps and sites for students and education and I did not find anything that works in the way my app will, I think that their is a place in the market for an app like this as it will benefit students and encourage them to talk about their work and ideas openly, giving them more confidence for their future careers, and a chance to meet new people. It will work in the same way social media apps do in the way that you can have a profile, write posts, share photos, follow people and have followers but it will be all education related and anything

they find interesting or inspiring, as I found lot’s of students all use social media to keep in contact with their friends and to update people on their lives. I want my app to also give the option for been anonymous so that they can join in a chat about a topic anonymously, as some people are more comfortable talking openly and sharing opinions and thoughts when people don’t know who they are because I found that lot’s of people like to use chatrooms to meet new people and to talk to strangers anonymously, it gives people confidence. I will make my app playful and fun looking to encourage people to engage with it, and so they feel happier about talking about education. They can also use their creativity to edit their profile picture, and background, giving their profile a personality to suit them. The typography will also be fun as I don’t want people to feel like they are on a typical university portal, I want them to feel like they are using social media to talk about their work and to promote themselves. The app would have people monitoring the content to make sure people are not abusing the app, as this will keep it clean, and people on track with their education. The app will work by letting people pick a topic and loading them into a chat with different people, where they can ask questions, get advice, or benefit from anything to do with their topic that people are talking about, it will encourage communication between students. They can also have private chats to people they are following to talk about anything related to their education. My

apps aim is to get students more involved with their education by talking to people their own age, younger or older to learn anything they don’t already know or to share information they think people will benefit from. I will advertise my app by using Facebook to inform people, and the app will also have a Facebook page for people to review it, to share it, and to encourage people to download it. I will also do posters that would be put around different educational communities and institutions. Overall I will target my app at students to give them a way to enjoy talking about their education and a way to meet new people that are going through the same situations as them. To encourage students to help each others out, which will all help them benefit in a more sociable way.

Firstly I thought of many different names I could call my app, I did a mind-map to get all my ideas out on paper. Then I could pick the names I found most effective and sketch logo ideas out for my app.

Name Availability I picked the names and logo’s I thought were suitable for my app, then I checked the name availability to see if they are taken, I found that Topicc was a name that wasn’t used as much and it would allow me to have a

web address that ended in “.co. uk”. And the other names also had specific availability. I did this to see if I would be able to use these names.









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Final Outcome

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