The Quest - Issue 13 Being Human

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The Quest is a Collaboration Global digital publication

Issue Thirteen 2020

BENN ABDY-COLLINS Spotlight on a key collaborator


The theme of this issue is:



Published by Collaboration Global, 2 Moat House Horsecroft Road Harlow Essex CM19 5BN Issue 13, first published on 1st March 2020 All rights reserved. Copyright Š Collaboration Global and Contributors, 2020 While aligned to the vision and values of Collaboration Global, the views expressed here are soley those of the contributors and are not expressions of policy on behalf of the Collaboration Global leadership. To experience a Collaboration Global Community, be our guest and come to a meeting. Register at

For more details about The Quest and about Collaboration Global, visit our website at You can contact the team by writing to, or to one of the contributors whose contact emails can be found at the end of their articles. The Quest is a publication platform open to members of Collaboration Global to contribute to major debates and issues of concern. Operating within the UK economy, and part of a global economic system, contributors to The Quest hold a big picture. They are personally involved with complex issues that require the skills and intent of many to solve. They are on a passionate, sometimes a life-long search, to secure change in the world and as such hold a great responsibility for benefitting future generations. Collaboration Global believes in working for a world where every individual has the opportunity to be the best they can be: where we are empowered to recognize and honour our ‘innate genius’, exploit our full potential and make our dreams real. We seek a world where business and work are designed to meet a Human need for respect, to be valued, to achieve and to contribute to others. Most of all we seek a world where everyone has the opportunity to have their voice heard and make a positive difference to the planet and humanity. 2

Issue Thirteen


About the contributors Editorial Gill Tiney An incredible lesson from an anonymous person Gina Gardiner Love Personified Alan Brown How are YOU Being Human? Kay Westrap Being Human and living a wonderful life Paul Baker The Great Tapestry that joins us all together Terry Peers As human beings, how can we be anything other than human? Andrew Horder Collaborator profile: Benn Abdy-Collins

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About our contributors Gina Gardiner Gina Gardiner is a #1 International Best Selling author, Motivational speaker, Strategic Business and Empowerment Coach, with extensive experience of helping people achieve happiness and success. Supporting individuals to develop a greater sense of self–worth and develop confidence to step into their power, and business to become more profitable whilst caring for their people is at the heart of her work. Gina is the creator of The Thriving Not Surviving Programme and Thrive Together Tribe group in Facebook. She is passionate about helping her clients to achieve their full potential, to step into their power and be genuinely, authentically their best self. Email: Telephone: 07833 183327 Website:

Alan Brown Alan is an optimistic entrepreneur who loves life. He is passionate about helping people find true and lasting happiness and bringing a little happiness to everyone he meets. Alan is a successful businessman providing goods and services to schools throughout the UK. His true passion however, is to connect with people and has written a book entitled “It’s all about you” that concentrates on finding what it would be like to live life in true happiness. The book explores how to achieve a real-life balance that helps you to deal with all that life throws at you. Email: Telephone: 01279 437710 Website:

Kay Westrap Kay is fully qualified as a Master NLP practitioner, Master coach and hypnotherapist, timeline practitioner, advanced TFT practitioner and Empowering Learning Practitioner (level 2) She has a wealth of experience from working with young people and adults with learning and physical disabilities, mentoring and being a volunteer with the Samaritans. Her personal experience meana she empathises with people who are experiencing challenging times in their lives. Struggling to cope? Speak with Kay. Email: Telephone: 07795 217217 Website: and

Paul Baker Paul Baker works (and plays) with individuals, families and leaders who want to make systemic improvements in their outer and inner environments and who want all those around them to live good lives that get better and better the longer they live. He would love to help you and your business directly or indirectly to bring Systemic Win into your life and the lives of those you care about.



Terry Peers Terry Peers is a highly effective businesswoman, wife, and mother of two children. She is a Member of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and runs her bookkeeping practise, Crocus Bookkeeping, along with an intuitive strategy planning consultancy, The Business Whisperer. Most coaches and mentors aim to change you to fit your business, but The Business Whisperer is different: she can help you to change your business to fit your skills, your personality and your dreams. An avid knitter and grower of orchids, this multifaceted woman speaks regularly about the intriguing connections between the worlds of business and her many interests! Email: Phone: 07903 233 911 Website:

Andrew Horder Chief En-Courager at Joyful Genius Coaching – finding that sweet spot where your work is completely aligned with who you are at your very best. I work with teams to help them gain better alignment amongst the members and the organisations they are working with. I work mainly with individual business owners who know they have something special to share with the world, they just need a little help to fully discover and articulate it in a way that is going to attract their perfect clients. I aim to help them finally achieve the perfect blend of the passion that makes their work meaningful and the pragmatism that means they can make a living at it. Email: Telephone: 07885 963156 Website:

Benn Abdy-Collins Love is the most important component of life. Love empowers change, safety and comfort during times of transition. In his work, Benn empowers you to re-find your feet again during the challenging times you face. As Midlife Transitions Mentor, Medical Herbalist, Funeral Celebrant and Professional Speaker, he blends his professional skills, with life experiences of personal transitions. He knows how it feels to face life challenges, the effects these can have on emotions and sanity. How to arrive on the other side, with clarity and purpose. And, how to rise phoenix like, because of Love, care and kindness. Email: Telephone: 07957 658890 Website:

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Editorial Gill Tiney

Being Human is a vast topic, something many of us don’t even consider – it is what it is, we are human beings. Yet have we ever considered what it means to BE Human? Looking at the world today you might conclude that many people have no concept of the global responsibility they have towards humanity. In this issue we look at how it has affected some of our members of Collaboration Global and how they view their humanity and what it means to them to BE Human. A vastly differing viewpoint that encompasses internal and external drivers, provides basic human principles and new thoughtprovoking ideas that you will identify with as our interpretation of a way forward in our broken world. Gina Gardner looks back on her extraordinary life and remembers one person having a life changing impact on her. Who might you have impacted, do you consider that you being you can produce profound effects on others? What you believe and how you behave will undoubtedly affect those who are close to you. Alan Brown looks at his definition of Being Human through the lens of love. How as a species do we demonstrate love and when we do connect to this greater power what miracles can we achieve, By looking at our lives in the form of 3 areas he identifies how we can manifest a better life for ourselves and ultimately those who we interact with. Kay Westrap looks at the reality of being human. Making mistakes, living badly, being treated badly, suffering and desolation that occurs when life is not how we expect it to be. A life without love is when we move away from the glory of being human. No matter what life throws at you, by showing your love for others transcends the lack and connects you to the rest of humanity. Paul Baker has developed a theory over the last 20 years he calls ‘Systemic Win’ and here he shares a small part of this theory that illustrates how we can all have a better human experience by being self-interested. He sees life as a game, every action and reaction has a consequence within the system from which it operates. Being human becomes a series of choices. Terry Peers allows us to celebrate the differences of humanity by sharing her very rare gift of synaesthesia and illustrating how we have all been given different gifts and by being ‘different’ 6

we all have something special to bring to humanity. Andrew Horder delves into the spiritual side of being human. Identifying the relationship between the spiritual and the physical asserts the balance required by society at large to be kind to each other and follow your heart. Focusing on the doing and not the being strips away the most powerful part of being human and loses the love connection. We are, after all, connected as a species and through our spiritual connections. Have you ever been thinking of someone and they ring you? Intuition plays a part, although in our western world we do not give it the acknowledgement it deserves. Whatever your thoughts around what it means to be a Human Being I am sure you will enjoy this collection of insights that shed a different perspective on what might be a possible solution to what ails our world.

About The Quest Team The Quest is produced by the Collaboration Global Digital Team and is made possible by, you guessed it, collaboration. For her driving force to bring the project to fruition, proofing and liaising with contributors, writing of editorial and case study and being our Team Dynamo we give huge thanks to Gill Tiney

Colin Newlyn

For typesetting, layout and art, project management of The Quest, proofing and creation and maintenance of our website, our warmest gratitude and huge thanks to Kay Westrap and or

For diligently proofing the content and checking for typos, huge thanks to Alan Brown of Brown and Tiney.

For their awesome editing skills, thanks to Benn Abdy-Collins benn@bennabdy-collins. com and

For her proofreading and chasing skills, many thanks to Linda Burns.

For proofing the typesetting, design and artwork and generally ensuring that the look and feel are always 100%, our huge respect to Simon Thomas of Toucan Internet LLP. or

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Gina Gardiner



Human beings have developed the capacity to think, to interpret, to adapt, to be curious, to learn in the light of new experiences and to consciously choose how to use that learning in future situations. Our success as a species, and as individuals, has been greatly supported by our capacity to respond to new situations and to find effective solutions to the problems life offers. The way in which we operate in the world is governed by our beliefs. Our beliefs determine our thoughts, our emotions, language and our behaviours. These are often installed when we are very young by parents, teachers and peers. They can be the result of consistent conditioning as adults model their map of the world by sharing their own beliefs, both negative and positive. They can also come from an unkind comment or a single situation. Once installed we look for evidence to support that our beliefs are true. The difficulty comes when we interpret the evidence based on the very beliefs we are trying to prove.

that the person in question has absolutely no idea of the incredible difference he has made to so many lives. I’ve learned to walk twice as an adult and ran an award-winning school for over twenty years mostly from a wheelchair. Whilst I was a Head, I worked in a variety of roles including an Ofsted Inspector, a trainer facilitator for The National College of Leadership in Nottingham and a Workforce Reform Advisor for the DFES. It brought a much-needed income into school and provided lots of opportunities for professional development for my staff and I. There were times when I had to travel to other schools in other counties. I had an arrangement with a local taxi driver who was extremely helpful and helped me manage transfers, pushed my wheelchair and sorted out the luggage at both ends of the journey. I believed I was pushing the boundaries of my disability.

Most people go through life without questioning whether their beliefs are limiting or empowering. That is all very well when the beliefs are empowering and support confidence, happiness and success, but when beliefs are limiting, they act as a straight jacket. There are times in one’s life when you come across another human being who has a profound and lasting impact on the way in which you operate. They can inspire and be hugely motivating, opening up a world of incredible possibilities. They create a paradigm shift. I’d like to share with you an experience which had a profound impact on me, and through me, has moved many others. The amazing thing is Join the discussion...


“I held my nerve and was ecstatic when I reached the other end and sat down in my wheelchair”

I reluctantly retired from Headship in 2004 because my health was deteriorating but was not ready to settle for day-time TV. I started to work for myself. I attended many courses and became a Master Practitioner in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and an NLP Coach. As I had undertaken all my NLP training with the same organisation, I decided to explore how others were using NLP. It was during this period of exploration that I had an experience which was to significantly change my thinking and expand my horizons exponentially.


I decided to go to a course run by Tony Robbins called ‘Unleash The Power Within’ (UPW). I was pretty sceptical thinking that it would prove to be an experience full of hype, American swagger and little else. The reality was very different. I arrived at the Excel Centre in London to find there were 10,000 people on the course. There was a huge sense of excitement and lots of razzmatazz but as I listened to Tony that first morning, I was really drawn to another programme he was advertising. The programme ‘Date With Destiny’

was to be held in California. BUT. How on earth could I manage to travel on my own in a manual wheelchair? (I didn’t have the electric travel chair I use now) and lacked the ability to self-propel as I simply didn’t have the upper body strength. How could I manage by myself, in a foreign country, without the back up of my taxi driver, family or friends? I immediately dismissed any possibility that I could attend the course.

grass were laid in parallel lines in the carpark and there were people shovelling red hot coals along the length of the turf. The atmosphere was electric – there was a huge sense of anticipation, and so the fire walk began. I was directed to a waiting line of those who had special needs of one sort or another. Two years before this event I had an internal spinal stimulator fitted which meant that I now could walk a few steps with help. I sat in my wheelchair and removed my shoes and socks. I was frightened but determined to give the fire walk my best shot. With someone supporting me on both sides to help me balance, I managed to walk the length of the turf. The coals were incredibly hot, but I held my nerve and was ecstatic when I reached the other end and sat down in my wheelchair. I had done it. I’d walked the distance – an achievement in itself; and managed to walk across the hot coals without getting burnt.

A big part of the first day of UPW was the Fire Walk. It may sound crazy, but the Fire Walk involves walking around 30 feet over burning hot coals in bare feet and completing the walk without getting burned toes. Before the walk began, they spent a great deal of time getting us into the right mind set. We were drilled in focusing on a positive outcome and with 10,000 people chanting accompanied by drums we filed out of the hall into the carpark. The energy created was As I sat in my chair facing the oncoming walkers, incredibly powerful. I saw the next guy in line – a double amputee It was dark, there were flares lighting up the with no legs below the knee, turn himself upside carpark and a huge mound of glowing, red hot down into a handstand. Without hesitation he coals which looked terrifying!! Long strips of walked across the burning coals on his hands. Join the discussion...


“I thought if he can walk over hot coals on his hands what else am I capable of. Was I self-limiting?”

I was gobsmacked. I was humbled. In that moment I questioned my decision to discount the course in California. I thought if he can walk over hot coals on his hands what else am I capable of. Was I self-limiting? On my return home that evening I booked a ticket on the course and booked my flight to California. Eight weeks later I attended the course. The experience was amazing! Of course, there were challenges, logistics which needed creativity, a solution focused approach and the capacity to see the funny side when things didn’t quite go to plan but I realised that I was capable of so much more than I had ever thought possible.

I urge you to consider the beliefs which run your life. Do a thorough review of the beliefs which empower and uplift you – they are definitely keepers. If you believe you are not good enough, not rich or well educated enough, too tall, too short, not pretty enough, that you don’t have the time or the expertise then it is time to challenge those limiting beliefs and to install new more positive and empowering ones.

My world expanded as a result of watching that guy tackle the fire walk. The amazing thing is the guy who precipitated such a profound shift in my thinking has no idea of the impact he has had on my life, and I hope on the life of those who have heard the story. I have no idea who he was, but I am eternally grateful to him. . I recognised that even though I had travelled around the UK for work before this trip, it had been done in a way where challenge was kept to You can contact Gina at: a minimum creating the illusion of freedom. Email: Since then I’ve travelled extensively for work Telephone: 07833 183327 and for pleasure. My first response when an Website: opportunity to travel is presented is no longer ‘I can’t manage this’ but ‘how can I make this possible’. I’ve shared the story of watching a guy I’d never met, walk on his hands over burning coals. I’ve identified the lasting impact that experience has had on my thinking and on the quality of my life, with thousands of people through my books, the TV series I made in Los Angeles (I travelled alone), podcasts and talks and have been heartened to hear how it has helped others challenge their own self-limiting beliefs. Like a stone thrown in a pond the impact of that event so many years ago continues to ripple out – to inspire and empower others as it did me. 12

Alan Brown


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When I look around at all the love in the world, the compassion and deep desires to look after each other as a race, it brings joy and happiness to my soul in a way that nothing else does. The joy of experiencing love is something that many people take for granted – but I don’t. The human race throughout the world are known as the “superior” race – a strange title when you think of the number of conflicts, poverty and the hunger that exists in many parts of the world, all within the control of our fellow human beings. There is no other creature that


decimates another population into extinction as we humans are doing. The problem is that power and greed often outweigh compassion and empathy for our fellow inhabitants of this world. But don’t worry about them, we are OK in the Western World, with our democratic governments, our excess of food and material possessions, it is all the others that must sort themselves out, isn’t it? That must be how it appears to those currently suffering.

“We are so advanced technologically we sometimes lose sight of what really matters”

So, what has gone wrong? We may have the rewards of mobile phones, computers, holidays abroad, houses etc. but is that at the expense of love and compassion for those less fortunate?

a stampede of hungry animals clambering to add to their wealth. However, most people would call to the person and offer it back to them. This is because being human means that being honest and fair takes priority over anything else. With a few exceptions, your compassion for a fellow human being will normally outweigh the alternative. It is also the case that for millions of people to live together in a law-abiding society, trust and compassion for others needs should be high on everyone’s agenda.

I would argue that human beings are not the superior race but simply the race that has so evolved we are now in danger of self-destruction. We are so advanced technologically we sometimes lose sight of what really matters, the caring and sharing of the world’s resources to ensure longevity of our beautiful planet. An example of this can be seen in the 1940’s when Bevan introduced the National Health Years ago, in the UK, communities used to Service into the UK that offered a health service, live in what was called ‘extended families’ that free at the point of delivery to all regardless of meant your mum and dad as well as your own ability to pay. Despite a few teething problems, children all lived near to each other, in the same the NHS still exists today and is the envy of the street and often in the same house. There was world. Humanity at its best. a real feel of community that was palpable where they bonded and would give anything I know that the media is full of doom and to help a fellow member of the community in gloom, but I don’t believe that accurately need. Nowadays, alas, we all live wherever our reflects the good work done in society (mostly lives take us and thanks to fantastic technology, voluntary) in the UK. Spend time watching the stay in touch with loved ones, despite living on good news stories of programmes such as opposite sides of the planet. Children In Need, to realise that the UK is filled with amazing people who want to help the less The love that is experienced in a human fortunate at whatever cost. This work done by relationship cannot be underestimated, it is, many is yet even more proof of the compassion above all, what makes us human – the ability shown every day. to unconditionally love another human being. To have a love like that is a blessing that not Most people would claim that they exercise everyone gets to experience. sympathy to their fellow human beings and offer help where they are able to. I would When someone drops their wallet in the street, like to explore this a bit deeper and suggest the media would suggest that there would be that people adopt a position of empathy Join the discussion...


instead. This difference between sympathy and empathy is that if someone is empathetic towards another human being, they will get down and meet them where they are to really understand what they are going through. They will then not budge until a plan is hatched for them to get out of the position they find themselves in. Here, we are getting deeper into what it means to be human.

hell, and drink in the beauty that lies all around. I believe there are three areas of your life that work in conjunction with each other, to complement and support each other, and so provide you with a balanced life. Just ensure they do not compete with each other.

No 1 – Your work life Every single person knows what it is like to be them. The ability to relax, think – and BE, the Be of Human BE-ing, and establish a relationship with life itself. However, we live in a very fast world where everything is expected immediately and without delay. I would urge you to just take some time out to smell the roses instead of rushing around like a bat out of 16

This is the area of your life where you learn and grow. It is a place where you can form your opinions and outlook to life itself. It is an ongoing process that continues throughout your whole life. It forms how you see the world, how you see other people and helps you form opinions and beliefs.

“Be happy in thought and mind and deed, because being human and your time right now is all you have.”

No 2 – Your family life Your family life is basically your interaction with the people in your life who are your nearest and dearest. These people can be your blood relatives or your extremely close friends who could be a brother by a different mother. This is where love sits. Over time, you start forming your truths and beliefs about love, compassion and forgiveness, amongst other human traits.

these three activities, you are well on the way to enjoying everything that they encompass and what it means to truly be human. The Dalai Lama was once asked: “What is the meaning of life?” He replied, “Most people expect me to say: ‘To be happy’ – he went on – “The real question should be, what makes us happy?”

In conclusion, being human means being happy (The meaning of Life). This manifests into Love at its highest level. We are all privileged No 3 – Your Me time or Be time This is the most important element of the to be on this wonderful planet for a short time, triangle – do not miss this section out as the we are guardians of the future and should act other two areas will not sit comfortably unless accordingly with forgiveness and compassion, you nurture this area of your life. This is where without these we might as well give up. Be happy in thought and mind and deed, because being human and your time right now is all you have. Live your life in an attitude of gratitude throwing away fear and scarcity, and adopting love and connection as your default. It will work. With love and blessings. You can contact Alan at: Email: Telephone: 01279 437710 Website:

all the work is about you. You are worth it and deserve it. There is a subtle difference between Me time and Be time, the best way to describe it is that Me time concentrates on activities for you – playing sport, cycling, getting your hair done, to name but a few. Be time is all about recharging your batteries – yoga, meditation etc. When you find the right balance between Join the discussion...



What are the Collaboration Global meetings all about? We are a community of motivated and passionate people who choose to work closely together so we can make a positive impact on businesses, organisations and the lives of individuals we work with. People get involved with Collaboration Global for the buzz of being part of something larger than themselves. They want to be able to fulfil their dreams and ambitions with a team of collaborators who are as passionate as they are, and share the same goals. Collaboration creates empowerment for personal, professional and philanthropic growth. In short, we are up for changing the world. Fancy a bit of that? You can see a little more about the whole Collaboration Global approach to life and business here:

Details of all our meetings are here:

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Kay Westrap



“Life can be inordinately tough; it can also be magical and wonderful and exciting. Often all at the same time”

Everyone’s take on being human will of course be different. So, I thought ok let’s ask Google! (As you do in the modern age). Well I found this:

idea who said it but “we are all beings having a human experience”. How true that is. That experience is our life and our journey and you have options in how you wish to perceive and experience it.

“Being human means making mistakes and being flawed. Being human means gaining a few pounds, eating unhealthily sometimes, and having stress breakouts. Being human means split ends, regrowth, chipped nails, worn out jeans, and stained t-shirts.”

Personally, I have had probably more than my fair share of challenges, but hey who decides what is fair? Yes, I have had a ‘colourful’ experience and it goes on, that is what life is. It is a series of challenges and rewards highs and lows and we experience it through the lens we I really liked that, it’s not the psychology choose. definition, it’s the real-life version that we all understand. It’s being who and what you are, I choose pink – my favourite colour. So, in my pink world, there are dark areas but there are warts and all. also vivid bright areas, so bright that they can One of the things in Collaboration Global be blinding! In my pink world, there is love in we focus on is the ‘Be’ing part of our human abundance, laughter in abundance, sometimes experience. You are who you are being. You tears (thankfully not in abundance) and there is can choose to be different, we all can. But joy, more joy than I can shake a stick at. sometimes we also choose not to. Sometimes we will blame others for what and who we Defining moments in my life have shown me are and not accept that we can choose to act the love and joy that envelope me and so I differently and not be a product of who we feel that no matter what may come, that will always be with me, like a suit of armour or a choose to blame. force field, enabling me to take just one more Life can be inordinately tough; it can also be step and just one more… until I finally climb that magical and wonderful and exciting. Often all mountain that seemed insurmountable when I at the same time. But if we accept that this is looked up. all part of being human, it is allowing ourselves to just BE and enjoy the experience. I have no Believe me I am not a ray of sunshine when I am Join the discussion...


“Can you imagine a situation where every single person that dealt with you was paid to do so? ”

cross or tired or frustrated – I am truly human. power of choice you have freedom. When you I make mistakes, sometimes huge doozy ones, feel those choices are not yours to make you sometimes funny bonkers ones. I have an awful feel trapped, oppressed and often angry or memory and so I frustrated. It cannot forget things – even be underestimated what I am having for how the power of dinner! But I never choice can set you ever forget how I free. feel about those I love and about how I volunteer with I feel when I have Young People that felt loved. These are in Foster Care. I defining moments am an Independent are indelibly etched Visitor. This on my memory. I essentially means choose to recall that you are a buddy these often, they to a Young Person (I bolster me, they have two), and you empower me and see them roughly they fill me with the once a month and courage to take that you spend time one more step. with them having So how do I cope fun. That can mean with the rest of the a trip to the Zoo, non-pink world? Cinema, Bowling or I make choices. something activity based, or just I make choices all window shopping, day and every day. sitting in the park chatting or just I choose who I having something spend my time with, to eat. It does not who I work with, have to cost the how I work with earth, often free them, how I spend things like boot my time and how I spend my money. I think sales or window shopping are just as much fun. this is the key. When you ‘feel’ you have the But the key thing is that you turn up regularly 22

and just be a constant in their lives. Can you imagine a situation where every single person that dealt with you was paid to do so? Could you imagine a situation where every single thing you said or did was recorded ‘on your file’ Could you imagine a situation where you come home from school to find all your possessions in black bags and you are told you are moving home – now? Could you imagine having a cherished possession, maybe the one and only thing that you have from an estranged loved one, lost in the move from one ‘home’ or as they are called ‘placement’ to another. In fact,’ can you imagine living somewhere you can’t call home – it’s your ‘placement’! Then when you finally do your time and you leave foster care, you get a Personal Advisor – not a friend, not a family member a Personal Advisor. They will see you once a month if you are lucky and probably have you and 50 others to check up on. I would say care for, but it’s not really care is it. You care for someone you love. These are Clients at the end of the day, you may be ‘caring’ but that does not mean you love them. In fact, professionally that would be very discouraged obviously. So, who does CARE?

of choice equals freedom. So, what do these Young People have? What can I do, not much other than give of myself and my time? Telling others, trying to publicise the IV programme, sharing the collection for Christmas boxes for the Care Leavers (obviously donating myself) and hoping that I win the lottery and can do so much more. There is a man called Sir John Timpson CBE. He has fostered 80 children in his lifetime. 80! He runs that little shop outside the supermarket that does your shoes or cuts your keys – yes him. If you go in there, he has written books that he gives away for free all about children in care. He also employs people that have left prison and gives them a second chance. He also cleans your suit for your interview for free if you are unemployed. That my friend is a man that leads by example, puts his money and his time and his commitment where his mouth is! Please don’t tell me how passionate you are about XYZ and how you are telling the world about it from your keyboard. Tell me what you are ‘DO’ing to make a difference. Being Human is ‘Do’ing not typing!

Don’t tell me you love me – show me you do. I care. Laugh with me, cry with me, hug me. Don’t come to my funeral and say how much you I care that they have no-one and nothing. I missed me. I will be gone, my Human days will care that they are alone in the world. I care that be over – come and be human with me now. they do not have choices. As I said, the power Join the discussion...


“Look for the positive, look for opportunities to make someone else’s human experience better. Share your joy and your love. ” Join in the fun that we will have, laughing at the past and being excited for the future. If you look for red cars, you will see more and more red cars - Everywhere! Similarly, if all you look for is doom and gloom and how awful the world is – that is all you will see. Look for the positive, look for opportunities to make someone else’s human experience better. Share your joy and your love. You were put here to be part of the human race – not to be on your own. We need to Collaborate, Love and Connect. Do that and your Human journey will not only be joyful for you but for everyone who you share that love and joy with. You can contact Kay at: Email: Telephone: 07795 217217 Website: and


Our main aim in Collaboration Global is to bring people together, face to face, in a community where we share values, grow together and are aligned, to create projects and events that will have a lasting impact to improve our world. Logistically it is not possible for everyone to physically get to a meeting (yet) and so we have developed the next best thing. Being in an online community with all of the same Collaboration Global ethos you can now access the same magic, connect with incredible Collaboration Global members and get the same generous spirit from our online community. Follow the link Join the Platform to become a member. There you will find articles, videos, discussions and information to help you in your business and your life. Learn from the community, share your knowledge, support and help others, near and far. Plus discover those who are aligned and are nearby to you, where there are events close by – or worth travelling to. Invite your friends in, no matter where they are in the world. The common denominator? Being passionate about making a difference to others and working in your genius, your flow, to make it happen. Discover others who share your passion and create something together – Together we are stronger. What could you achieve if you had others to help you? Come and find them on the Collaboration Global platform. See you on the other side.

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Paul Baker



“Winning the immediate game is not winning”

Being Human means collaborating to make Your future self always needs to be in good our lives, the lives of those that are important enough shape to care for those that are most important to you appropriately (remembering to us and the world, all better. that ultimately everyone’s well-being is their Humans, from an evolutionary point of view, own responsibility). are creatures or animals, but that is not all that we are. Amongst many other things we are the If you want to be a practical about making your most complex thing in the universe by a very life better there are three metaphors for life that are important and useful. long way. Do you want your present to be better than your past? Do you want your future to be better than your present? I do. It’s very much in my interest that things get better for you because it makes it more likely that I will have satisfactory ongoing encounters with you and those who are influenced by you if I can contribute to things going well for you. The first and easiest contribution I can make to you is to have a positive intention for your well-being and then not do anything to get in its way.

• Life is a journey • Life is gardening • Life is a game – the focus for this article Humans are brilliant at playing games which is lucky because life is a lot of interconnected ‘games’ or interactions going on simultaneously. Do you win more than you lose? Can we all win more than we lose? Only if you are playing the right kind of game and not one of the two ‘wrong’ types of game.

Now some even more important thinking I How do you win (because anyone given the choice would rather win than lose)? Winning would like you to do; the immediate game is not winning. More Do you want the future of those that are accurately it is not necessarily the most important to you to be better than their past important part of winning. Sometimes (often even) you lose battles on the way to winning and their present? the war. If you lose in the right way you can Who are two or three of the most significant win the meta game (the war) quicker. What of those people who are important to you? I you learn from losing is often more useful and sincerely hope that your answer includes your important than what you learn from winning. Losing helps you improve faster. future self. Join the discussion...


A very important thing about being human is attempting to improve things – What a good game! Humans spend an enormous amount of their time trying to make things better. We are not satisfied with things as they are. It is not our nature to be satisfied with things as they are for very long!

game systemically? – If you assess the impact on the players, the observers and everyone and everything else in the environment the overall consequences are; Better, worse or more or less the same.

Using the technical language of the game theorists, the game has to be one of three Do you know that the most powerful positive possibilities. Zero sum. Negative sum. Positive feelings we get are not when we have achieved sum. what we were aiming at? The best feelings are the result of being on track as we successfully Let me tell you a little story to illustrate the move ever closer towards what is important to difference between the three types of game. us (particularly if it is challenging and difficult to achieve). This is our most powerful motivation. Two hungry strangers who are a little bit drunk are ordering food at a bar. The pie is available The game of making things better relies on as a large pie or a small pie. The large pie cost another game. Maintaining what is good and twice as much as the small pie but it is bigger preventing things from deteriorating and than 2 small pies, so they decide to collaborate getting worse. You have to maintain enough of and order one large pie and an extra plate. At what is valuable to build something even more this point the game is positive sum because for the same money they are getting more valuable on it. pie. The pie arrives and now they are in a zero Are you aware that there are only three types sum game. If one has a larger piece the other of game if you assess the consequences of the has a smaller piece. They cannot agree who 28

“The zero sum game has long since become negative sum. When did it turn from zero sum to negative sum?�

is going to have the slightly smaller piece (if it even is smaller) and being drunk they get into an argument which escalates and they start to push and shove each other and in the scuffle the pie gets knocked onto the floor and the landlord’s dog starts to eat it. One of them kicks the dog who then bites him. At this point the landlord chucks him out of the pub. He stands outside angry, brooding, hurting and hungry as the other person comes out. He vents his anger and frustration by punching him and the police are called. The zero sum game has long since become negative sum. When did it turn from zero sum to negative sum?

simple (as if anything alive is simple) living creatures in a very few places to enormous numbers of life forms of very different sizes almost everywhere. Some of these life forms (us humans in particular) are incomprehensibly complex. Our everyday experience is full of short-term win / lose interactions so it is very easy to experience life as being zero sum (that all too easily becomes a local negative sum game as we lose on average approximately 50% of the zero sum games we play in the small everyday games of life.)

You have to win, or at least not lose too much, If you want a life that gets better the longer and you have to believe that you will win you live and the more games you play, the enough, soon enough, for life to feel (and be) only games to play are the ones that are or are satisfactory. becoming positive sum. Only humans can consciously set out to create Nature and evolution are an unconscious and and play positive sum games but almost no very slow positive sum game as 4 billion years humans are trying to do it currently because of life has gone from very few, very small, very it is not being taught in families, schools, Join the discussion...


communities or businesses and no leaders are consciously modelling it for others to emulate. This means that there is almost no support and encouragement to do it. (Collaboration Global is one of the few places where you will currently find people inviting you to “Systemic Win”.)

as I get closer to it disappears into branches, twigs, leaves, etc. If I was to fly up from the garden in a helicopter, the tree would become invisible as part of the landscape.

Implementing Systemic Win; One of the commonly used formulae for “Systemic Win” is the name I have been giving success in life is to keep cycling around the to creating conscious positive sum games in sequence of “planning, doing and reviewing”. the world in and around you for almost 20 years. Systemic Win requires that your behaviour is Doing this process effectively involves systemically self-interested*. three roles; 1. The leader with a vision who is supported by 2. A follower who is very practical Summary and gets done or arranges to get done what is necessary to implement the vision. The Being truly human is deciding consciously to 3rd role is the system awareness facilitator play Systemic Win with all those you encounter. who is aware of the systemic complexity To play Systemic Win you have to help each and which part or parts of which level of the other behave systemically self-interestedly interconnected systems have to be attended on your journey to win systemically in the to for the health and well-being of the whole game of life and death. You have to “cultivate system and its key elements or parts. Broadly your garden” so that your inner and outer the leader is responsible for planning, the environments get better and better sustainably follower for doing or implementing the plan because of, not despite, the challenges you and the system awareness facilitator for the face as you travel through life. reviewing and making sure that there is sufficient systemic awareness and to help the leader “Would you like to play some Systemic Win and follower work together harmoniously and right now?” Do you know how to? Being aware that everyone’s behaviour is systemically selfof it is the beginning of the game. interested. Footnotes

Systemic self-interest is the transformation from narrow short-term selfishness that Systems and systemic; becomes care for your future self and the Life is complex because the interactions present and future others that are important to between people and between and within one’s “systemic self”. systems create deep complexity very rapidly. A very oversimplified model of a system is that You can contact Paul at: one part of a whole relates to another part of the whole when the whole is the context Email: that the parts are part of and depend upon. It rapidly becomes complex because if the part is examined it turns out to be made of parts that are interacting, so the part is a lesser whole. If the whole is observed from a greater distance it turns out to be part of a greater whole. The tree I can see as a whole tree outside my window 30

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Terry Peers



Being human is a unique experience for everyone but especially so for me as I see a very different version of the world to most people. This is my attempt to share with you the way that I see my version of this world and my place within it, part of the great tapestry that joins us all together.

As a child I took all this for granted, of course, and I had no idea that not everyone saw what I saw or heard what I could hear. It wasn’t until I had a daughter of my own and we were discussing the sound of a sunset within the

I am a synaesthete. That is, I am a person who’s senses are interlinked at some level. Synaesthesia is a condition which occurs in approximately 1% to 2% of the population. Where the brain is cross wired such that the input from one sense triggers responses from more than one sense. Synaesthetes, as a group, tend to perform well on memory and intelligence tests and there are links to autism. It is also different for each person who has it! Synaesthesia has a few distinct forms and someone with this condition may have all or only some of these. One of the more common forms is grapheme-colour, where the synaesthete associates specific colours with specific letters or numbers. However, I come from a world where sounds, especially voices, have colour and texture (Chromesthesia) and vision has sound and a weightiness about it. Some things are just more real than others for me. Imagine walking into the garden on a frosty morning, a beautiful braid of coloured song weaving through the air as a Robin sings his heart out. The curls of frost evaporating from the grass dance up and through the polyphonic notes of the rising sun as you feel the amber glow enmesh the air, the crisp tang of snow laden clouds vies with the citrus notes from a thrush and a startling kingfisher flash from a Jay’s wing. For all of you who only have the ‘normal’ limited and separate senses, I feel for you. To me, this is a beautiful world and worth every effort to save in all its glory.

hearing of my husband that I realised this wasn’t a universal skill. It is, however, one which can be inherited, though it is quite rare, even in this rare condition, to inherit the exact same type of synaesthesia. I received it from my Mother and gave it to my elder daughter, but not my younger one, who looks at me like I’m slightly mad when I talk about the music of the stars! I also get very odd looks on occasion when I use these skills in a work setting and I suppose I can understand why. Watching a video of me working is so amazingly dull! The camera, and I have to accept most of the humans present, can’t see the swirling chains and ribbons of colour that I can see. They can’t see how they weave and blend, can’t watch for them to ring out clearly as unity points are found. They can’t watch the rich, vibrant braid form

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“The camera, and I have to accept most of the humans present, can’t see the swirling chains and ribbons of colour that I can see.”

as the underlying patterns of business or behaviour are explored, altered, built upon and with and then restructured into new, cohesive patterns, inherently strong, based on solid beliefs and firm commitments. It’s such a joy working that way, helping people with the problems they choose to share in a genuinely unique collaboration that frequently opens new avenues of growth and development at both an individual and business level. But what does all of that mean in terms of being human to me? Living in a near constant sensory overload, always aware I may need to cut in my ‘breaker circuits’ and find a dark, quiet space; or block out the world for a while and hide behind headphones or in the pages of a book. 34

My world is full of raucous noise and vibrant colours masking all the subtle patterns and beautiful melodies. Wagner’s Ring Cycle has been described as having wonderful moments and terrible half hours and I suppose you could say the same of my life. Sounds that rob me of my sight, colours that deafen me, the price I pay for seeing the world the way I do is paid in the coin of migraines and a requirement to wear tinted glasses to reduce the light levels around me. But I wouldn’t change it for all the tea in China! Well, apart from the migraines, I could get along quite well without them! Possibly surprisingly, given this is a capability I have had all my life, it is also one I have only learnt to use in the last few years. It took nearly

dying to learn how to live and nearly losing alone into the hospital, knowing that I would be everything to appreciate everything that is ‘switched off’, rebuilt and hopefully restarted, and that no matter what happened, from that around me. point my life was irrevocably changed. I have had what might be termed an eventful life. Something of a late bloomer at school, I My journey since then has been one of discovery. was held back a year in primary and eventually Learning about who I am, shorn of all the masks ploughed my way to a Bachelors degree at we hold up each day. Identifying those things the age of 23, via such heights as my school I stand for, what I will give way on and more refusing to call an ambulance for my ruptured importantly, what I won’t! The value of friends appendix, being assaulted a couple of times, and family, the people in my life who will stand attempted suicide and a broken engagement! up and be counted when the chips are down. I then settled down to being a housewife and Collaboration Global is a huge part of that, a mother and managed a quiet, if accident prone, fantastic group of people who are open to all life for a number of years. I headed back to a the limitless variety that the human condition high jinks lifestyle a little over 3 years ago when embraces, where even my somewhat unusual I had a heart spasm at work. This led to various way of working is taken at the value it creates. tests and the news that at the age of just 49 I A collaborative, non-judgmental space where was in need of an urgent triple heart bypass. everything is just an interesting point of view and there is always someone to challenge or Now if you need a reason to sit down and work support or provide accountability for whatever out just why you are on this planet at this time, it is you desire to work on and with. spending three weeks not knowing if going to sleep at night might mean never waking in the Being Human to me is all about the journey. morning can really give you focus! And the There are no right or wrong answers, just single most terrifying thing I have ever done is endless questions and perspectives. It’s not not having appendicitis or giving birth or even a static thing, as we go through our lives and seeing a corpse – it was walking quietly and question old thoughts and beliefs, so we change and grow. Join the discussion...


“Being Human to me is all about the journey. There are no right or wrong answers, just endless questions and perspectives.”

No-one is too old or too young to take that single step and admit they don’t know, thus opening a door to learning. The only thing we should avoid is complacency, as that can stop learning, change and growth. Being Human is about learning to explore, seeing that ‘Brave New World’ and wanting for it, needing it enough to make the change in thinking that lets it become your reality - and then searching again for the next frontier and taking the journey again and again until you have built the world you want to be a part of. We all have the ability to take that journey; when will you start yours?


You can contact Terry at: Email: Phone: 07903 233 911 Website:

Andrew Horder


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I think that depends on what we think a human the bank balance to heat our nice homes, or is. The biological definition is easy: Homo the ability to employ large men with guns to Sapiens, ‘Wise Man’, the ape with the biggest protect our families and all our stuff. brain. Two arms, two legs, a head, and the bit in the middle that contains all the viscera and other gooey stuff. All of that has physical requirements – the right temperature, enough food to fuel it, and protection from smaller-brained beasts with larger teeth and sharper claws. Those physical needs drive a lot of our human behaviour, making sure we always have our physical needs met and therefore survive. We generally convince ourselves that we also have needs beyond those physical needs. We call them things like “belonging”, and “society”, and “law and order”. But if you trace those back, they all come back to feeling confident that we will have our physical needs met and that nobody’s going to come and take it all away from us. So our pursuit of those types of things are still really driven by physical needs.

The best me I can be Far too many humans stop at that point. Or, more likely, they spend their lives desperately trying to reach that point of supposed abundance, where they have stock-piled more riches than they can possibly spend, so that they feel safe. Some would even say the system is designed that way, to keep humans focussed on the acquisition of stuff, to keep them running in For a large number of us humans (albeit not yet that hamster-wheel of “more, more, more” enough), those physical needs are pretty much that proves they are worthy members of our covered. So we are free to worry ourselves consumer society. about other matters, things like “status” and “wealth”. But even those are really about And if that is all that being human is about, then making sure we have enough of the stuff we we probably have to agree with the Hobbesian need to ensure our physical needs are met, view of human life as “solitary, poor, nasty, whether that’s the money to buy lots of food, brutish and short”. 38

“...rather than us being human beings discovering a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. ”

Fortunately, an increasing number of people are realising that there is more to life than the maintenance and protection of the physical human body. With our physical needs dealt with and by choosing not to fall prey to the fear of what we have being taken away, we can look to the spiritual side of being human. Other human needs start to appear, such as what Maslow called “self-actualisation”. I actually much prefer the phrase coined by one of our own, Angela Makepeace: “being the best me I can be”.

with protection of their physical body, not even indirectly. They exhibit kindness and compassion, handing over to others what they could use themselves. They develop a community (a whole different thing to either belonging or society) and design ways to support its members, for no other reason than because they can. And they explore the meaning of life, coming up with intricate philosophies about how to live a life of purpose and fulfilment. We have to wonder what lies behind that kind of seemingly irrational behaviour, don’t we? The only explanation that I’ve heard that makes any kind of sense is that there is more to us than this human existence. It’s often described in this way - rather than us being human beings discovering a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The purpose of that human experience is open to debate but I’ll share my take on it here.

My personal view is that we are all infinite beings, so why wouldn’t we want to experience every part of ourselves? Each of us represents a unique individuation of all that there is, with More than just a meat-suit a specific job to do here on the planet. We can I believe there is an enormous difference get into all sorts of fascinating conversations between the human body (the “meat-suit”) about whether it is, in fact, possible for us all and the human spirit. We all observe people to be infinite beings, but I’m going to side-step doing things that have little or nothing to do that by pointing out that the concept of infinity Join the discussion...


is (probably) a human construct. As, I suppose, is logic and things having to make sense. You see what I mean about some humanoids engaging in what looks on the surface like irrational behaviour?

reduces physical resources too because they waste those resources blowing up each other’s stock-piles. Did someone say something about irrational behaviour? But there are also people who are stuck in a spiritual paradigm, trying to ignore the value of the physical. While a brief period of fasting may help in the spiritual quest, a prolonged famine is going to leave us too weak to achieve anything much with our awakened spirit. A full life has both elements, in balance; a full belly and a fulfilled heart. It’s also important to realise that however ‘woke’ we might become, the world is only going to work at its best if we can bring the scared and the scarcity-minded along with us. That’s going to mean speaking to them in language and concepts they can connect with. Talking about some ‘kumbaya’ community to a person facing foreclosure on their home is just not going to cut it. We need to blend the passion with pragmatism.

More than just a thought We can easily get lost in the theory of why we’re here and forget that while we are here, we need to work out a way to rub along together. All the theorising in the world won’t stop the powerful harm that humans can do when they choose to behave as if the physical is all there is. We have to get a bit pragmatic, and that’s where remembering to be human comes in. You can contact Andrew at:

Those who are stuck in the paradigm of fear and Email: scarcity have (largely) not yet realised the value Telephone: 07885 963156 of the spiritual. Their focus on the material gets Website: in the way of things like community, compassion and collaboration, and that makes the world a poorer place. And not just spiritually, it actually


Profile: Taking a look at a key Collaborator in the community.

Benn Abdy-Collins

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Who is Benn Abdy-Collins? Born in Scotland as the second son to a naval officer, I am a partner to Ela, a son, a child to one parent, as my Mum died in 2004. As a family, we moved frequently when I was young, I have carried that moving along into later life, becoming incredibly adaptable/ used to change, yet set in many of my ways. By the age of forty, I could count forty homes and by 53, attendance at fourteen schools and colleges. I have no children of my own, but a stepdaughter, a granddaughter, a son-in-law and their dog.

humans. I see the “remarkable� as normal, so is the magic within, along with wisdom; finding these, experiencing these and accepting these, is when reality happens. I am joyful when I witness the magic from people seeing remarkable is possible in their lives. My passion is to reach into other people and to encourage their healing to occur. We are each and all capable of so very much more than the mundane world of everyday life. So very much more, so very rich with the capacity and capability to be well, to be balanced and to be full of life, vitality and wonder. The way I see it, little needs to be learnt, and or done. More often, life’s restrictions (in the mind, and beliefs) just need to be recognised as unnecessary and untrue, and released. We are already wise beyond belief. I encourage that awareness in others. This brings me joy.

Undergoing so much change has made me who I am; a mix of resilient, with a twist of neurotic. Continual change is characterforming, both good and a challenge. It aids adaptation, yet forces concerns about what is true, dependable and reliable. Which is likely why I do what I do for my work, asking these What is your reason for BEing? Or in other questions, and exploring why people are who words what are you passionate about? they are; and how real these fears may be. I am passionate about building rapid, deep, What fills you with joy? intimate relationships of care and respect, through conversation, presence and loving My love in life is to be loving, caring and kind. acceptance. Using empathy and intuition, I see how considering others is important. I I enjoy the wonder of giving other people seek to include and to acknowledge my fellow permission to express and explore their own 42

For these reasons, Collaboration Global has enabled my growth, to see further, and given the opportunity to contribute, empowered my confidence in what I do makes a difference. I’ve also both gained new friends and deepened If you could choose one Collaboration Global older friendships. As a result, I feel more value that you identify with what might that be? confident and more resilient about my selfexpression and the benefits and value I bring Tough choice, though I’d go with Human Being to my work and the world, in general. First. With this, I can be Loving, Collaborative and embody the rest of the values, too. I found This issue of The Quest has focused on ‘Being myself using Human Being First as a part of my Human’, how do you see that manifest in your own language very soon after joining CoGlo as life and how as a state of mind is it valuable to it resonated so well with me… It is so very easy you? to not be humane with each other, something being human overcomes very quickly. It is I see life is a vulnerable proposition, where for this reason that the Dalai Lama builds his each individual seeks to make some sort of connections so powerfully and rapidly, his sense from the experience. Being increasingly honest and vulnerable myself, i.e. not having all compassion and being human first. the solutions, as I am but a mortal, then I have You have been a member of Collaboration the opportunity, and I hope, humility to learn Global for a while now, can you identify how about what others share. Being but a human you have been impacted in your life by being allows me to find the problems others face, with the hope that together we can collaborate a member? towards a solution. By knowing that “I don’t I feel very at home in a collaborative, loving know” allows me to explore the problems and high values environment. I feel like a people face – whether in their health, their duck taken to water. On a very personal level, life, in facing a time of bereavement or grief (of the meetings, connections and relationships whatever cause) – I can hold the space for their have touched me, and brought me out of stepping forward into or towards a solution, myself. I enjoy feeling very at home with my and a difference in their lives. Being human, I fellow collaborators; the sense of inclusion; guess is a touch like having common sense, the opportunities to share, to have fun, to something relatively uncommon, or unusual. I understand more of what I bring into the world. recognise that I am imperfect, and don’t have internal dialogues and understandings. I hold the space; I Love; I seek to enable and through these, I follow my passion, and feel that BE-ing is worthwhile.

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all the answers, but I care, I love, and I support I am overloaded with stuff over and above my people whilst they seek answers. That I hope is own (sometimes I know not who’s I am reacting with or to). Second, I often suppress inborn and being a decent human being. ingrained wisdom to avoid taking the risk of As one of our team on The Quest at expressing my genius. This can prove perverse Collaboration Global why do you think it is as it is honestly self-defeating! When, however, I am within my genius, I seldom important to support others? seem to think. It is but a glide, a breath, a I know what it feels like to walk the crest at the breeze of sense that flows through me and the edge of the blackhole of despair, of distress and words fall out with ease and grace. The natural confusion; I know what it feels like to question beauty of connection and communication my sanity and to try and decide if I wish to be just are in the present. The now. The magic of here. If The Quest provides others with a sense intimacy happens, just as required. Easily. Even of belonging, understanding, care, support or as a wordsmith, this isn’t easy to describe. direction in life, then we as the team have given them a chance to feel valued, to feel supported, What vision do you have for your business and and able to shift. Support is often about being your life working with the Collaboration Global there with another, engaged, holding a loving community? space, whilst offering a potential education and viewpoint they can value and resonate with. My worldview has palpably changed due to Support is invaluable in life; I am often amazed my relationships, experiences and connections how far people are able to travel the path of life within Collaboration Global. I can’t tell you without any obvious amount of it. And why it is all of them, but I can point to some. My selfso powerful when they do find it. Quite literally, perceptions have shifted due to the love, care and acceptance from my CoGlo colleagues. I life-changing. have a greater confidence in what I bring to the Are you free to operate within your Genius? party and my work. People I value share their perspectives and inclusion into their worlds What does that mean for you? and thus support my wellbeing and sense of Being very honest, even though I know better, I purpose. am not always smart in the choices I make about how to use my genius. Being both perceptive As a result, it’s likely I will collaborate further in and an empathetic intuitive, I am very good at the following Collaboration Global adventures: two things. First, being aware to such a degree My business grows, as I grow, from the 44

awareness I develop through investing in the time I spend with remarkable people, in remarkable environments, sharing remarkable kindness together (almost regardless of the topic under discussion – it’s the inclusion that counts)

That there’ll be humour, seriousness, Love and respect. There will also be wisdom, gently shared, and an interest in who I am, and what I have to say/share. Yes, there will be business, but it is the relationships of who we are that are the most important part of each meeting. For me, personally, it is the relationships I have, Expanding the organisation’s vision and mission and what they bring into my world, that keep through collaboration with other Guiding Lights me coming back. within Collaboration Global Team-playing projects to better serve others, either as a volunteer, or in paid capacities with You can contact Benn at: clients requiring our insight, skills and support Email: And, on occasion, people within the community Telephone: 07957 658890 invest in hiring me for my skills, abilities and the Website: work that I do. If someone is interested in coming along to a Collaboration Global meeting, from your perspective what might they expect when they get there? What they can expect “depends”, is the only answer I can give. Each and every meeting is unique, as are each and every attendee. My personal experience of each meeting is that I will be greeted by friendly and warm folk. Join the discussion...


The Quest Invitation to visit.

The Collaboration Global community believe that true collaboration – as you have witnessed here in The Quest, occurs when people develop and deepen their relationship, building trust through sharing their authentic self. This doesn’t generally happen as a result of online communication. Meeting face to face is the best way to create amazing possibilities where wonderful projects happen. The Quest is just one such project. We believe that meeting regularly is fundamental to our growth and learning so we have monthly meetings for guests and Collaborators to meet and discuss new ideas, issues and potential life changing solutions. Each meeting delivers knowledge sharing, business insights, personal development opportunities as well as thought leaders in the making presenting their genius to the room. All of this in an atmosphere where fun and laughter are paramount. At the end of the meeting, we find no one wants to leave so we continue the conversations in a social get together for as long as you want to stay. If you would like to visit and meet our community you are very welcome. You can get full meeting information including upcoming dates and venue details here to book your seat. Can’t get to a meeting? Then join us on our platform it’s the next best thing! We look forward to meeting you soon.


What happens at a Collaboration Global meeting? 2.45pm – 3pm is open networking, grab a cuppa and meet our community. 3pm – 6pm The Collaborators will join you to share, create, discuss, inspire and learn – plus have fun! 6pm onwards there is always a social vibe to continue the conversation, you are very welcome to stay and we can get to know you more too. We look forward to welcoming you to a Collaboration Global event soon.

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