Europe Day 2022

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Partnership with Europe

In celebration of Europe Day 2022 (9th May), Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD shares a message


n 10th May 2022, we will mark 50 years since the Irish people voted overwhelmingly to join what is now the European Union. Our membership has played a pivotal role in Ireland’s social and economic transformation in the intervening five decades. The values of the European Union are our values. At no point over that time has it been more important to defend those values than now, in the face of Russia’s illegal and immoral war on Ukraine. Ireland and the EU remain resolute in their solidarity and support for Ukraine.

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD


Europe Day: Solidarity in Adversity

EU Funds continue to support projects across all regions of the country. As Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, I have overall policy responsibility for Cohesion Policy Funds that amount to €1.3 billion for the 2021–2027 period. Supplemented by significant co-funding from the Irish Government, this investment will make a real difference to our regions and communities. The NextGenerationEU recovery instrument is central he European Union has rarely marked 9th May – to the EU’s response to the global pandemic. Ireland is Europe Day – in more troubling circumstances. expected to receive more than €900 million in grants under Since its origins, Europe Day has been a day of the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Ireland’s National celebration. On 9th May 1945, the guns of war went Recovery and Resilience Plan will help build a sustainable, silent in Europe after the destruction of World War II. Five equitable, green and digital recovery that complements and years later, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed supports the Government’s broader recovery effort. the creation of a coal and steel community – later to become The Brexit Adjustment Reserve represents an important the European Union – to pool economic resources and to response by the European Union to the challenges posed by make war impossible. the departure of the UK. The Reserve will help counter the Yet, in 2022, the unthinkable has happened: war has returned adverse economic and social consequences of Brexit. As the to Europe. Once again, the horrors of the Second World War Member State most impacted by Brexit, Ireland will receive and the wars in the former Yugoslavia are revisited. We see just over €1 billion, the largest allocation for any Member daily the horrific loss of lives, destruction of towns and cities, State. and the devastation of farms and rural communities. The Irish Government succeeded in securing support This year, on Europe Day, our thoughts are with the from both the EU and UK for a special new, billion Euro Ukrainian people. cross-border North-South PEACEPLUS programme to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24th February was strongly build on and continue the work of successive PEACE and condemned by the EU for grossly violating international INTERREG programmes. This support embodies the EU’s law, undermining European stability and causing widespread strong commitment to the process of peace building and unnecessary human suffering. To impose severe costs on reconciliation for more than a quarter of a century. Russia, the EU has implemented five sweeping waves of In addition to these funds, Irish agriculture continues sanctions to target the financial flows fuelling the war. to benefit from the Common Agricultural Policy and the In April, European Commission President Ursula von der Irish economy. Irish business and employment in Ireland Leyen was the first western continue to thrive in the massive leader to visit Ukraine. The opportunities offered by the EU is providing significant Single Market. As part of Europe Day humanitarian relief, with over Of course, the European half a billion Euros already Union means more than financial celebrations, across these four committed as humanitarian transfers and internal markets. pages, we share just some of aid, in addition to efforts to It embodies a commitment provide refugees with temporary to common values, a shared the many ways EU funding has protection, resettlement and solidarity, a common prosperity improved life in Ireland transfers. At this stage, over and a determination that the seven million Ukrainian people Union be a champion of peace are displaced and more than five and democracy. This is the true million have left the country. achievement of the European This year marks 50 years since Ireland signed the Treaty of project. This is what we celebrate on Europe Day 2022. Accession to join the European Economic Community, what later became the EU – and during that time, Ireland has helped Lá na hEorpa faoi mhaise daoibh go léir. shape the EU we know and cherish today. This is something

Mairead McGuinness, European Commissioner for Fiscal Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union, speaks about why peace and solidarity are more important than ever


National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Mairead McGuinness, European Commissioner for Fiscal Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union we can be proud of. The EU continues to advance its goal of promoting peace and the well-being of its citizens, and we make progress based on a shared set of values while respecting cultural diversity amongst our Member States. In recent years, we Europeans have weathered economic, environmental and health storms. As we mark Europe Day, Russia’s war in Ukraine demonstrates that the need for European solidarity and for our vision of peaceful cooperation has never been greater.

Back into the workforce

Guy Montbouli speaks about his experience on the Work Placement Experience Programme (WPEP) with Álainn Tours Ltd.



n July 2020, the European Council adopted a historic €800 billion recovery package, NextGenEU (Next Generation EU), as a shared response to the severe health and economic crisis caused by COVID-19. NextGenEU is an ambitious and common recovery package which will complement and support each country’s own national response to the crisis. Key to NextGenEU is the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), an instrument that allows the European Commission to help Member States implement reforms and investments, to aid in their COVID recovery and address challenges identified in country-specific recommendations under the European Semester framework of economic and social policy coordination. Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NNRP) will be supported by the RRF through grants totalling almost €1 billion, alongside national funds. The overall objective of Ireland’s NNRP is to contribute to a sustainable, equitable, green and digital recovery effort, in a manner that complements and supports the Government’s broader recovery efforts. Ireland’s Plan is based on 16 investment projects and nine reform measures covering the following priorities: • Priority 1: Advancing the Green Transition • Priority 2: Accelerating and Expanding Digital Reforms and Transformation • Priority 3: Social and Economic Recovery and Job Creation Already, a number of key milestones have been achieved in line with the Plan: • The first update of the Climate Action Plan (the 2021 Climate Action Plan) was published in November. • On eHealth investment, the contract for the ePharmacy systems has been signed. • A programme of actions to implement the SME Test has been developed and published. All Government Departments have been advised of the requirement to apply the SME Test. A project plan for a Single SME Portal has been developed and published. • The Trust or Company Service Provider Risk Assessment has been completed and published on the Department of

Finance’s website. It is available at: • The Land Development Agency has been established as a commercial state body. Further information on the RRF and NRRP can be found with the hashtag #NextGenEU and at the following links: • •

Brexit Adjustment Reserve Over the last 50 years, Ireland has benefitted from the solidarity that comes with EU membership. This solidarity has never been more evident than in the Brexit negotiations. The full implications of the UK’s departure from the EU remain to be seen, but clearly will be significant. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement does not replicate the status quo. Seamless trade no longer exists. This is why the Government has been working since 2016 to prepare for the consequences of Brexit. Our total Brexit-related expenditure, since the UK referendum on EU membership, is now over €1 billion. The Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) represents an important response by the European Union to the challenges posed by the UK’s departure from the EU and an important expression of solidarity with Ireland. The purpose of the Reserve is to help counter the adverse economic and social consequences of Brexit in the sectors and Member States that are worst affected. Ireland will receive just over €1 billion of Brexit funding, the biggest single allocation for any Member State, representing just over 20pc of the total fund. As the Member State most affected by Brexit, it is appropriate that we would be the largest beneficiary. Budget 2022 announced that around €500 million of the overall BAR allocation will be made available as a first tranche of funding, with the remainder available in 2023. Indicative areas for BAR funding include: enterprise supports, measures to support fisheries and coastal communities, targeted supports for the agri-food sector, reskilling and retraining, and checks and controls at Dublin Port and Rosslare Europort. Further information on the Brexit Adjustment Reserve can be found with the hashtag #EUSolidarity and at: brexit-adjustment-reserve/

hrough the WPEP, Guy Montbouli from Sligo, obtained work placement with Álainn Tours Ltd, after seeing the role advertised on WPEP, which is funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, allows employers to host a jobseeker on a work experience placement and to help the jobseeker to build new skills and gain valuable work experience. The programme is targeted at jobseekers who are on certain social welfare payments for six months and want to avail of training and work experience to re-engage with the job market. “My main motivation for applying was the chance of getting a training opportunity in a real work environment, where previous experience was not compulsory,” says Guy. “This scheme was a great opportunity to find my way back to work. For every task relating to my work, there was a mixture of job shadowing and hands-on support. This was very helpful and took away the pressure of making mistakes. During the work placement, the participant is paid by the Department of Social Protection. Guy says that spending time learning new skills in a real work setting, while being financially supported, was very helpful. “This has allowed me to develop myself and secure fulltime employment with the host company, Álainn Tours. “The training was not hard for me because of my accounting background and the way it was provided. My mentor was very supportive and patient, giving me enough time for coaching, training and feedback. I will definitely recommend the scheme if you are seeking your way back to work, whether that’s in a field you worked before or new area.”

Corine Ledanois, co-owner of Álainn Tours Ltd and Guy Montbouli as happy “Ambassadors” for the WPEP Programme, while highlighting Álainn Tours Ltd.

Enhancing digital opportunities We look at how the Digital Transition Fund is helping Irish companies on their digitalisation journey post-pandemic


mbracing digital technologies is crucial for our post-pandemic economic recovery. A competitive, innovative and resilient enterprise base is essential to provide high-quality jobs and employment opportunities for people to live and prosper in all regions. The digital economy in Ireland is running at two different speeds. While a small proportion of the enterprise base has fully embraced digitalisation, with an associated productivity boost, there is a need to accelerate and enhance digital adoption right across Irish businesses. To boost the uptake of digital technology in enterprises, the Government have set up the Digital Transition Fund as part of Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan. This is an €85 million multi-annual fund, which will run until 2026. Under Budget 2022, €10 million was allocated to the Digital Transition Fund. The funding will be used to help companies at all stages of their digital journey – from the early days of simply going online to digitalisation of products and business processes, to facilitating exporting and to using digital technologies to develop new markets and business models. Undertaking digitalisation can be daunting and challenging for businesses. Many companies view investment in digital technology as a cost, rather than a long-term opportunity. However, it represents an investment that can not only improve their resilience, but help address the big challenges businesses face. A lack of awareness of digital solutions is one of the main barriers that SMEs in particular face. One of the key features of the Digital Transition Fund will be the development of an online Digital Portal, which will be open to all businesses. Through the Digital Portal, companies will be able to assess their digital readiness and will be used to signpost supports for digitalisation. To help make digital technology more readily available to SMEs, Ireland will soon be part of a network of EDIHs. These hubs will play a critical role in facilitating the digitalisation of Irish SMEs across industries and regions through services such as ‘test before invest’, innovation and financing advice, and training and skills development. They will also incentivise collaboration and clustering to maximise innovation and spillovers between SMEs and large

multi-national companies. Ireland is committed to continuing its fast-paced digital transformation. This will be guided by the National Digital Strategy, which was launched in February 2022. “Harnessing Digital - The Digital Ireland Framework” is a high-level framework to support Ireland’s ambition to be a digital leader, at the heart of European and global digital developments.

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