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Speech & Drama

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WORDS BY By Mrs Patsy Turton, Head of Speech and Drama



The festival is a huge event in the Speech and Drama calendar, only this year was a little bit different. Each boy had to submit a video of their performances to google classroom and the videos were then submitted to the festival portal. The live adjudications took place between 8th and 12th March giving boys the opportunity to hear the adjudicators comments on their pieces. It was lovely to hear all of the boys’ hard work being recognised and their efforts acknowledged. The different set up this year provided the boys with an opportunity to explore performance for the camera as well as their usual skills. It was an event where all the family were able to get involved from camera crew, rehearsals and even some pets making an appearance!

The LAMDA exams took place over the course of three days: Monday 21st -Wednesday 23rd. Boys from Year 3-8 took their exams in a range of subjects ranging from Verse and Prose, to Acting. In total, 136 pupils took their LAMDA exams. Every boy had to perform two pieces as well as answer technical questions about their pieces and performances. All the boys worked so hard to prepare, including during lockdown, and we are so proud of the boys for their resilience and dedication. It was a delight to see the boys relish in the opportunity to share their work with the examiners! RESULTS: Distinctions: 48 | Merits: 78 | Pass:5 Clockwise from top right: boys from years 3-8 who were placed at the Bedfordshire Festival of Music, Speech and Drama


No. of 1st place: 16 No. of 2nd place: 30 No. of 3rd place: 25 Placements in total: 71 PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITY

Two of our Prep boys took part in the Upper School Showcase on Wednesday 30th July. Ben Cutts and Elio Lepore took to the stage and to share their LAMDA exam monologues. Ben Cutts performed ‘Sherlock Homes’ and Elio Lepore performed ‘The Date’. This proved a fantastic opportunity for the boys to perform their pieces in front of a wider audience and to celebrate their recognised hard work before the end of term. We are so impressed with all of the boys for their outstanding efforts this year! We wish all our year 8 pupils all the best of luck pursing their love for Drama in the Upper School and look forward to another busy and successful year next academic year!

2020 2021

Speech & Drama


Monday 8th March Verse Speaking Solo - Aged 9 2nd Adam Purdie 3rd Abhay Raghunath

Dramatic Solo - Aged 7-8 1st Austin Reddy 2nd Joe Willard 3rd Jack Efe Taylor

Write and Speak a Poem Aged 7-8 2nd Joe Willard

Prepared Reading Solo - Aged 9 1st Lucas Hill 3rd Conor Hayes

Shakespeare Solo Aged - 7-8 1st Monty Pool Joint 2nd Thomas McDonald and Gabriel Roberts Tuesday 9th March: Write and Speak a Poem Aged 9-10 1st Lucas Hill

Write and Speak a Poem Aged 11 1st Advik Mishra 2nd Aryan Sohanpal 3rd Ralph Franklin

Dramatic Solo - Aged 9-10 Joint 2nd Isaac Devenish and Samuel Hughes 3rd Cayo Sinclair

Prepared Reading Solo - Aged 11 2nd Kasim Sheikh

Verse Speaking Solo - Aged 11 Joint 2nd: Joshua Lincoln and Advik Mishra Prepared Reading Solo - Aged 8 1st Austin Reddy 2nd George Steed 3rd Veer Ramani

Wednesday 10th March Verse Speaking Solo - Aged 7 1st Major Grewal 2nd Thomas McDonald

Verse Speaking Solo - Aged 8 2nd Charlie Tillison

Verse Speaking Solo - Aged 9 2nd Angelo Milioto

Prepared Reading Solo - Aged 7 1st James Workman 3rd Major Grewal

Prepared Reading Aged 8 2nd Charlie Tillison 3rd James Holt

Prepared Reading Aged 9 1st Luke Mitchell 2nd Joshua Worboys 3rd Cayo Sinclair

Verse Speaking Solo - Age 10 Joint 3rd Place James Angus and Samuel Hughes

Prepared Reading Solo - Age 11 2nd Charlie Gandesha

Thursday 11th March Verse Speaking Solo - Aged 8 1st James Holt Joint 2nd Jacob Jemmett-Gabrys and Oscar McCartie 3rd Benedict Armstrong

Prepared Reading Solo - Aged 8 2nd Oli Hudson

Prepared Reading Solo - Aged 9 2nd Archie Fleming

Dramatic Solo - Aged 9-10 1st James Angus 2nd George Harrison 3rd Matthew Moretto Verse Speaking Solo - Aged 10 1st Alastair Tierney 3rd Toby Hudson and Thomas Whiting

Verse Speaking Solo - Aged 11 3rd Leo Mathew

Prepared Reading Solo - Aged 10 3rd Ethan Daubney and Freddie Barnes Prepared Reading Solo - Aged 11 1st Advik Mishra

Dramatic Solo - Aged 11 1st Oliver Quince 2nd Rocco Sarro and Advik Mishra Friday 12th March Verse Speaking Solo Aged 13 2nd Aadhi Arun

Dramatic Solo Aged 12: 3rd Sam Deardon

Dramatic Solo Aged 11 1st Charlie Gibson 2nd Aryan Sohnapal 3rd Joshua Lincoln

Verse Speaking Solo Aged 13 3rd Joe Lee

Verse Speaking Solo - Aged 12 3rd Aiden Reid

Dramatic Solo - Aged 12 2nd Ben Cutts 3rd Elio Lepore

Shakespeare Solo - Aged 11-12 1st Owain Harries 2nd Harry Brown 3rd Tom White

Religious Text Reading Solo Any Age 2nd James Gordon 3rd Tom White

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