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Sports day

Sports day


WORDS BY Mr Mike Mallalieu, Assistant Head Extra-Curricular

As with many of the activities that took place in this academic year,

Fencing was affected by the restrictions imposed by the Covid pandemic. Maximum numbers were reduced and as we were only able to have year group bubbles, we were limited to just having four Year 8 boys on Tuesdays and then four Year 7 boys on Thursdays. These boys were chosen for their ability, aptitude, and attendance in previous years. Not surprisingly, the progress of these boys has been good, and they have developed into proficient fencers. Another casualty of the pandemic is that there have been no Fencing tournaments, which was a pity.

Hopefully in 2021-22, we will be able to get back to involving more boys and year groups and give more boys the opportunity to take part in this skilled and challenging activity.


WORDS BY Ms Imogen Bowis, DT, English and Rowing Teacher

‘R esilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.” Elizabeth Edwards

In normal times, unlike most schools, we give the Y7&8 boys an early experience on the water. More complex logistics due to Covid-19 and a shared location has meant that for the first time in years this wasn’t to be. However with our Games rotation system we have managed to give even more boys a taste of Indoor Rowing with the ergos and, with the ever creative imagination of Mr Mulkerrins, we have all had lots of fun.

We have had technical sessions, learning good body positioning, rowed with squishy balls under heels and huge elastic bands around bodies to test concentration and improve technique. We have had power racing but also blind racing to try to hit an exact number of metres within a given time, using skill and a modicum of luck. We have brought the ergos out into the sunshine and had boys relaying between running and ergo-ing. We have even had a very inventive rowingfootball-cricket game, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

On top of this, Mr Mulkerrins has run a Rowing Ladder during his Friday lunchtime club and it has been wonderful to see boys improving their skill and moving up the ladder.

We have been delighted to finally see some of the senior crews starting to race competitively again and we hope that we have inspired the next generation of rowers to take up this popular sport as they move into the Upper School. Fingers crossed next year will bring us all back to the river once again.

“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.”


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