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Year 5

WORDS BY Mr Dominic Affleck, Head of Year 5

Year 5 have had a very successful year despite all that the pandemic threw at us. The transition from Year 4 and the addition of many new boys meant that an action packed year was promised. The new boys settled in quickly thanks to the friendliness of the year group and the four new classes soon got used to their new(ish) environments and all that Year 5 and a new sense of independence entails.
The boys soon settled to life in Year 5 and we were struck by how quickly they acclimatised. Independence is our buzzword and we really encouraged the boys to pack their own bags, use their lockers and remember where they were meant to be at any given time. With the added bonus of long trousers and blazers, we were delighted to see how quickly they merged to life in senior part of the Prep School.
It was so disappointing to have so many of our events cancelled this year, but we finally managed our first trip in the Summer Term! A superb day out at Ickwell did mean that the tutors (Mr Roberts, Mrs Rossington, Mrs Russell, Mr McGregor & I) got a real opportunity to do some fun team building exercises with their tutees. Under the guidance of Mrs Russell the boys enjoyed a range of activities from fire-lighting to team building games. Archery Tag proved very popular indeed. The school is lucky to have such a resource at its disposal.
We have enjoyed this fine crop of Year 5 boys and are confident that they will go onto great things. We wish them every success as they move onto the dizzy heights of Year 6.