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Year 6

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The Year 6 students have been remarkable this year. Returning to School in September, in totally new circumstances and classroom arrangements due to the pandemic, they have taken it all in their stride. Marvellously led by their tutors, Mrs Lee, Mme Chaillou-Kindred, Mrs Leeson and Mrs Osborne, the Year 6 boys have been hard-working, resilient and adaptable in their approach to a very topsy-turvy year. I have particularly enjoyed visiting the tutor groups each morning and seeing the vast array of activities and quirks that were present in each group. From 6KL singing the vastly catchy (and moderately irritating) ‘Today is Monday’ on a daily basis, to 6C doing picture riddles and developing their stand-up comedy routines, it’s great to see so much personality and fun in a year group.

The message that is sent out at the start of the year is a straightforward one; be kind and get involved in as much as you can. Our boys did this with great vigour this year. Whilst the Autumn Term was difficult for all the boys, with so many new processes to learn and new routines to adjust to, the boys did fantastically. The lack of competitive


fixtures was certainly tough for some, but seeing them involved in the Ready-for-Rugby fixtures on Saturdays was great. The end of our Autumn Term was cut short, and much of the Easter was spent away from School, but the boys did brilliantly. Even in lockdown, they engaged in lesson discussions and activities with great aplomb, and it was amazing to see some of their creations on the Curriculum collapse day. The Summer Term was peculiarly punctuated with a new obsession, introduced by Mme Chaillou-Kindred; the growing of tomato plants! Seldom have I seen Year 6 boys more driven about anything, but they could be seen refilling their watering containers every morning and heard discussing how to encourage their plants to grow at a faster rate. Many boys may well arrive in Year 7 with green fingers!

There are multiple moments that will live long in my memory, and I can’t mention them all. However, Oliver Barbour’s love of reading must get a mention, not only his remarkable 10 million words read this year, but also his willingness to support others in this, by setting up his lending library to support others with reading during lockdown for his make an impact challenge. I have really enjoyed getting involved in some of the golf sessions with the Year 5 & 6 golf squad, taking them on in various ‘chipping challenges’, and losing comfortably! It was remarkable to hear Rocco Shelton arrive one morning with news that he had played golf with Joe Hart the weekend before, an amazing experience, it’s just such a shame he couldn’t find any Newcastle United players to play with…

Well done to all the Year 6 boys this year. Keep working hard in Year 7, keep showing kindness to all, and keep challenging yourselves. Well done, boys.

WORDS BY Mr Ed Loader, Head of Year 6

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