3 minute read
Year 4
Looking back on this academic year, it is safe to say that it has kept us on our toes! The Year 4 boys all moved on their learning in spite of the challenges we faced, as COVID 19 continued to impact on ‘normal’ school life. Mr Lee, Mr Maitland, Mrs Medd and I have enjoyed watching the boys develop in independence, both socially and academically.
It was lovely to start the year with all the boys back where they belong - in the classroom! The school vibrant with laughter, the boys making the most of social opportunities within the safety of our Year Group bubbles, of course. The resilience and maturity which the Y4 presented from day one, was evident. We kicked off the year studying Romans - a fabulous topic for the boys. Enthusiastic about their learning, the classrooms soon filled with superb mosaics, helmets, swords, shields and many other fantastic sculptures created by the boys, demonstrating just how well they engaged with their topic.
In December, sadly, we had to return to Remote Learning but the boys and staff did us proud, adjusting overnight to a full curriculum programme, taking it all in their stride. We were amazed by their organisation, personal motivation and their resilience. Academic studies continued in earnest. Boys still producing excellent quality work, throughout their time at home. One of our highlights of the Spring Term was an outstanding presentation over Teams by Mr Dey. Arjun’s dad, who shared with us his personal journey to the summit of Mount Everest. The actual footage and elements of his incredible achievement brought the topic of Mountains High, to life in the most wonderful of ways.
Remote Learning, although sad, showed us that there are always silver linings to be found in every situation. This period presented an opportunity to develop boys Extra-Curricular skills in exciting new ways; baking, gardening, bird watching, helping the community and exercise challenges to name but a few. The focus of these on developing new experiences, teamwork and opportunities to collaborate and stretch themselves even further. This culminated, as Remote Learning came to an end, with an unforgettable Enrichment Day! It was so lovely to see the boys engaging in a range of activities, Art, D.T, Music and sport - many involving their families in the challenges. It was most wonderful to see the boys’ confidence and growth evident, and heart- warming to feel the wider sense of the Bedford School Community.
In true BPS style, as soon as the boys stepped foot in school, sporting events resumed as far as possible. It was lovely to see the boys involved in House Competitions and external sporting fixtures. We were also lucky enough to still manage a Whipsnade Zoo trip, an on-site animal visit and an Outdoor Classroom Day as restrictions were lifted a little.
It has been a whirlwind, a very different year, and the boys’ skills in all areas have gone from strength to strength. They have displayed our Future Skills values in spades. They have proved themselves adaptable and resilient at every turn and I hope they will look back on the year with fond memories of challenge, growth and success. I know that the staff most certainly will! We wish the 2020/21 cohort of Year 4 boys all the best as they continue their journey. We wish Mr Maitland the best of luck in his Deputy Head of Operations role in Oxford and we look forward to welcoming our new Head of Year 3 and 4, Mr Sam Powell in September.

WORDS BY Miss Penny Oakley, Acting Head of Year 4