1 minute read

Prize Crossword


Bumper Prize Crossword


Complete the crossword, fill in your details below, cut out this section and send to the address below before Friday 14th January Prize Crossword, BedsLife, 17 Foxbrook, Stevington, Bedfordshire MK43 7QY

Last Months Crossword Winner – Mrs Woolf, Putnoe

For last months answers please turn to P70


1 Pile, stack (4) 3 Large performing arts centre in

London (8) 9 Introductions, Preambles (4-3) 10 Relationship between two numbers (5) 11 Paper fasteners (7,5) 13 Essence, personality (6) 15 Garden tool (6) 17 Fungal disease affecting tubers (6,6) 20Halt, break-off (5) 21 Scannable mark on merchandise (7) 22 Money or property (8) 23 European mountain range (4)


1 Recklessly determined (4-4) 2 Use or benefit (5) 4 Designate, nominate (6) 5 Intruder deterrent (7,5) 6 Feline foot or to dupe someone (4-3) 7 Alcove, crevice (4) 8 Day care centre (12) 12 Sparkles (8) 14 Before time (3, 4) 16 Times two (6) 18 Bogeyman, fiend (5) 19 Baby cow (4)

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