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Bedford Borough Warm Spaces Network

The rise in the cost of living and increased energy bills means that many households will struggle with their heating bills this winter. People will be faced with tough decisions about when they can afford to heat their home.

To help residents, Bedford Borough Council is working with local partners to develop a Warm Spaces network. Warm Spaces will offer free, non-judgemental spaces where people can go to stay warm and maybe enjoy some company and a hot drink, or simply spend time reading a magazine or book. The Warm Spaces network will continue to grow as more organisations share their details.


All Nations Church, 79 Brickhill Drive Bedford MK41 7QF 01234 273773 / office@allnationsbedford.org

Bedford Beacon, Bedford Wellbeing Centre, 3A Woburn Road, Bedford MK40 1EG elft.recoverycollege@nhs.net

Bedford Central Masjid and Islamic Cultural Centre, 34 Brereton Rd, Bedford MK40 1HU

Bunyan Meeting, Mill Street, Bedford MK40 2NB Chris Bamforth Damp / 07702 270086 chrisdamp@mac.com

Christ Church Bedford, 140 Dudley Street, Bedford, MK40 3SX Christ Church Office (Pauline Grimley) 01234 327150 / office@ccbedford.org

Church of the Transfiguration, 132 Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8BQ 01234 635721

Church Lane Community Centre, 147 Church Lane, Bedford MK41 0PW 07816 044007 / info@churchlanecentre.com

Cotton End Village Hall. The Play fields, Wood Lane, Cotton End MK45 3AU Angela Stimson 01234 743858

Dean and Shelton Parish Council, Dalton Community Hall, High Street Farm. Upper Dean PE28 0LY Carol Pattison cdpattiso@yahoo.co.uk

Great Denham Community Hall 86-88 Saxon Way, Great Denham, Bedfordshire, MK40 4GP bookings@greatdenhamcommunityhall.co.uk

Higgins Bedford, Castle Lane, Bedford, MK40 3XD thehiggins@bedford.org.uk / 01234718618

iLearn Bedford, John Bunyan sport centre, Mile Road, MK42 9TS (Studio on 2nd floor) Ralley Rahman 07715881582 / iLearn_bedford@outlook.com Mondays 9.30am to 4pm

Every Thursday 5.30pm to 9pm

Monday to Friday 1pm to 5pm

Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 1pm

Friday 12 to 2pm

Monday: 11am to 5pm Tuesday: 9.30am to 5pm Thursday: 9.30am to 5pm Sunday: 9am to 5pm

Friday 1pm to 5:30pm

Thursdays 10am to 2pm January, February, March

Wednesdays 10am to 12pm. Starting 7 December 2022

Every Thursday 10am to 12pm

Friday 11am to 4pm Tuesday to Saturday 11am to 5pm Sunday 2pm to 5pm

Wednesdays 9am to 12pm

Kempston Hammers Sports and social Club, 123 High Street Kempston, Bedford, MK42 7BN 01234 853262 / khsscoffice@gmail.com

Kempston Swimming Pool Hillgrounds Road, Kempston, MK42 8SZ 01234 843777

Kingsbrook and Cauldwell Community Hub

Jubilation Centre Moulton Avenue MK42 0HL Stacy Dennis / 07956 023659 / stacy@yourfundyoursay.info

King's Arms Church, King's House, 245, Ampthill Road, Bedford MK42 9AZ. 01234 306500

Khush Hall Women's Group

Queen’s Park Community Centre, 52 Marlborough Road Bedford MK40 4LG Marie-Ange 07824035000 / qpco.bedford@gmail.com

Miracle Church of God in Christ, 36-38 Alexandra Road, Bedford MK40 1JB 01234 215081 / bedford@miraclecogic.org.uk

Priory Methodist Church, 63 Newnham Ave, Bedford MK41 9QJ 01234 353523 / leslie.noon@northbedsmethodist.org.uk

Riseley Community, 3 Hunters Yard, Riseley MK44 1EN riseleycommunitykindness@outlook.com

Riseley Community, All Saints Church, Church Lane, Riseley MK44 1ER riseleycommunitykindness@outlook.com

Riseley Community, The Giddy Goat Coffee Shop, High Street, Riseley MK44 1DR riseleycommunitykindness@outlook.com

St Andrews Church, Kimbolton Road, MK40 2PF 01234 216881 / info@standrewsbedford.org

St Mark's Church Community Centre, Calder Rise, Brickhill, Bedford MK41 7UY 01234 342613 / office@stmarkschurch.com / www.stmarkschurch.com 6:30am to 9pm Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday

Mondays 9am to 5pm

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm to 6pm

Tuesdays (term time only) between 10.30am and 12pm

Tuesdays 11am to 2pm

From 27 November for 4 weeks initially: Sunday 12pm to 4pm

Wednesdays 2pm to 4pm

Tuesdays 10am to 12pm

Mondays 10am to 12pm

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Every day 9am to 5pm

St Marys Church, Church Lane, Goldington, MK41 0AP (for sat nav use MK41 0HN) 01234 351920 / office@stmarygoldington.org.uk Every Monday 1pm to 4pm

St Peter’s Church, Church Lane, Sharnbrook, Bedford MK44 1HR Roland Carpenter / 07801 750963 / roland.carpenter@tiscali.co.uk

St Thomas a Becket Parish Church, Fellowship Centre (Church Hall), Green Lane Clapham MK41 6ER George Morrow georgemorrow48@gmail.com vicarcpc@btinternet.com Every Wednesday 9am to 6pm

Every Tuesday 1pm to 4pm from 6 December

Woodside Church Dover Cres, Bedford MK41 8QH 01234 272022 / getintouch@woodsidechurch.com Tuesday and Wednesday 1pm to 4:30pm

As part of the Warm Spaces offer, Bedford Borough libraries are also providing inclusive and welcoming community spaces with free Wi-Fi and a range of activities.

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