Bee Supplies - What Are These Bee Supplies For

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Bee Supplies - What Are These Bee Supplies For? Get A Free Email Mini Course On Beekeeping

Do you want to know what tools can be found in a bee supplies? Do you want to know about some of these tools? Are these tools necessary? If you do, please continue reading this article. Let’s take the example of a hive at honey harvesting time to see how bee supplies can come in handy. It is called the smoker To begin with, the smoker is one of the bee supplies used to calm down the bees. It is a tool that should be acquired from the beginning as it permits the beekeeper to approach the bees. The smoker is practically a closed kettle with a tall body and to have the oxygen get in, there is an inlet for air. But, how does it work? Actually, for the smoker to work, one will have burning wood inside which will create smoke. The smoke exits the tool from the spout. This smoke has for effect to calm the bees. Working on the hive Secondly, in order to remove propolis as well as stuck woodwork from parts of the Lansgtroth beehive, you might need a hive tool. What does a hive tool consists of? This tool is made of a handle and a wedge/blade part. Bright colors on the hive tool can help the beekeeper distinguish it among other tools. The price of the tool in general varies with the metal used to manufacture it. Knowing that as a beekeeper you might have to work on your bees outside, choosing bee supplies that can resist the weather might more adequate. For a tool that has chances to last long, you could select a hive tool with a wedge made of stainless steel. The Uncapping Fork The uncapping fork permits to open the cells filled with honey. In fact, the uncapping tool should help remove the wax caps. This is due to the fact that the honey is enclosed within cells that are capped by the bees. What does the uncapping tool looks like? It is similar to a fork that is wide, and flat with several metal points. This part of the beekeeper supply can also be used to have the bees move the cured honey to the hive body upper section. This being, there are more than one type of uncapping fork. Additionally to the flat fork there is the Swedish uncapping fork that can help remove from the wooden frames burr combs. Furthermore, to the forks already mentioned there also is the bent fork that is employed when checking for the varroa mite infestation.

Other tools that could be added to the general beekeeper equipments. Among these tools are the hive stand to prevent the Lansgtroth beehive from rotting as well as the brush to push bees when doing inspections on the hive.

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