Beekeeping Hives: What Are Components of the Langstroth Beekeeping? Get A Free Email Mini Course On Beekeeping Among the types of beekeeping hives that are used in beekeeping, the Langstroth hive is one that is popular in the United States. If you are wondering about the utility of different parts of the Langstroth beekeeping hives, this article could be beneficial. In fact, in a previous article where listed parts of the hive. I invite you to read this article if you do not know the elements making up the Langstroth beekeeping hive. This article will actually evolve around 5 parts and give a brief overview of their utility. One part is called the base Let’s begin with the base of the Langstroth beekeeping hives. This part of the hive is the sitting place of all the other parts as one can imagine. Cypress is a wood used to fabricate the base. In fact, compared to other types of wood, cypress seems to be a material that is more weather resistant. Now the hive stand Now, another part of the Langstroth beehive is the hive stand. This part is not only advantageous in keeping your beekeeping hive away from the grass’ moisture but it also can be beneficial for the bees. Effectively, the hive stand elevates the structure which should prevent you from having grass blocking the entrance and exits point of the hive. If these points are blocked, the bees might find themselves in a difficult situation. Also, this part of the hive allows the ventilation of the different part of the hive. The entrance reducer Thirdly, let me introduce the entrance reducer. The entrance reducer is a wooden cleat that is employed to preserve the warmth within the hive during the cooler times. As you can imagine, when it gets warmer during the ear, the entrance reducer is not to be used unless you have a new colony being hosted. The deep hive, what is it? The deep hive is the principal part of the Langstroth hive. This part is made of the lower deep and the upper deep. The lower deep is employed as storage, as well as a place of cure for the honey. It is in fact the place where all the 10 frames are installed. The location where the eggs are laid is the upper deep. To make this part of the hive, you may find cypress or pine being used. Excluding the Queen
The active production of honey happens in the queen excluder according to my understanding. The queen excluder goal is to avoid a mixing between the honey, pollen and brood. This screen prevents the queen to pass through while the workers can due to the fact that they differ in size. There different parts that make up a Langstroth beekeeping hive. The hive stand for instance can not only have a positive impact on the condition of the hive but it could also result in bees have an easier access to the hive. Other parts of this type of hive are the entrance reducer, the deep hive that is composed of the lower deep as well as the upper deep. To those components is added the queen reducer and the base.