Starting Beekeeping - Beekeeping Supply You May Use

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Starting Beekeeping: Beekeeping Supply You May Use Get A Free Email Mini Course On Beekeeping

Perhaps you are starting beekeeping and you are looking for beekeeping supplies. Beekeeping being a hobby that includes living creatures, it can be a good move to try to get as much information as possible. The fact that there seemed to be a need for information about this subject was one of the reasons that led me to write this article. If you want to know which equipments you may be in need of when working on a Langstroth beehive, please continue reading this article. In fact, there are some tools that I would like to tell you about. These tools are: the smoker, the uncapping fork, the hive tool, the suit, and the netted veil. Certain equipments listed above are turned toward caring for the hive and inspecting it. The other tools are directed towards your safety. As you can guess, the netted veil and the suit for instance enter in the latter category. Caution for Beekeeping A person starting beekeeping as a hobby or a commercial activity could come to the conclusion that using caution can be advantageous when keeping bees. As we know beekeeping can involve pain. In fact, receiving bee’s stings is, according to what I have learnt, a fact of life for beekeepers. This being, wearing certain types of clothes can lead you to be stung fewer times by your honey bees. A netted veil is one tool that can help you protect your body. To the netted veil, one can add the beekeeping suit as well as a pair of jeans and boots. The Smoker Another tool is employed in a way that could help the beekeeper be more safe. This tool is called the smoker. The smoker as its name indicates provokes smoke. This smoke will calm down the bees. The smoker is a closed kettle with an air inlet. Inside of this equipment burning chips of woods are placed. These burning chips will create smoke that will come out of the tool from the stout. Less than 4 puffs from the smoker could generally calm down the bees. The Hive Tool Due to the fact that honey bees are likely to put some propolis or natural glue on various sections of the hive, the use of a hive tool might come in handy. In fact, the hive tool is composed of a handle and a wedge/blade part. This tool is used to remove propolis on parts of the hive. You might find this tool colored brightly by the manufacturers. This type of coloration can help the beekeeper identify the tool when it is on the grass or

mixed with other tools. Getting a hive tool made of stainless steel could be advantageous because your tool might be usable for a longer period. One should note that because beekeeping is mostly done in the open, acquiring equipments that are weather resistant can be beneficial. Starting Beekeeping: The Uncapping Fork A beekeeper might find the uncapping fork useful when the time of the extraction of honey comes. These organized creatures, the honeybees, will normally cap cells that are filled with honey. How to open these cells? As you might have already guessed, you can open these cells with the uncapping fork. Actually, the fork used during honey extraction is the flat fork. It is wide and possesses several metal points. This being, there are also other types of fork. These are the bent fork and the Swedish fork. If you are starting beekeeping, I don't think that you should be discouraged by the fact that you might have to learn about certain topics. In this article I have talked about some equipments that a associated to this activity. Effectively, useful beekeeping supplies are the: the smoker, the netted veil, the suit, the hive tool and the uncapping fork. As mentioned earlier, some of these tools are directed towards your safety, while the others are generally used in activities such as the hive’s inspection.

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