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In Newsletters No 9 (1986) and No 12 (1988) the beekeeping programmes operated by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) were listed. Projects listed in Newsletters No 9 and 12 are not shown again here, although many are still underway and some programmes may have been extended. This information is kindly supplied by G Paltrinieri, Food Industries Officer, Agricultural Services Division, FAO.
At IBRA we welcome news of all beekeeping development projects, however large or small. Our intention is to stimulate exchange of information and co-operation between those involved in both planning and implementing beekeeping programmes.
Since 1984 FAO has been responsible for the implementation of 55 beekeeping projects of which 16 were long-term (more than 12 months duration). Their regional distribution is shown:
Africa - 19 projects
Asia and the Pacific - 11 projects
Latin America and the Caribbean - 8 projects
Near East - 17 projects
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Agricultural Diversification (Apiculture Component) BEN/87/014
DURATION: 1 month
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To evaluate potential for apiculture development with special emphasis to women.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Beekeeping study tour Kenya TCP/ETH/4409
DURATION: 1 month
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To strengthen the capability of the ARDD. staff in the management techniques of apiculture projects.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: External training.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Beekeeping Demonstration Centre TCP/SEY/8851
DURATION: 18 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To raise the income of part-time beekeepers to increase horticultural output and to generate new sources of income through the introduction of beekeeping in new areas such the Coralline Islands.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Local training. Equipment and materials.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Apiculture Development TCP/AFG/2202
DURATION: 12 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To establish training and demonstration apiary at the agricultural research station
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Advisory services. Local training. Equipment and materials.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Beekeeping Development for crop pollination and bee products production (preparatory assistance) BUR/87/004
DURATION: 1 month
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To assess the present situation the bee industry in the country and to prepare project document.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.
DURATION: 3 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To establish the potential for apicultural development.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Beekeeping for pollination of coconut and production of bee products TCP/MAL/8851
DURATION: 18 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To increase the production of coconut and other agricultural and horticultural crops through bee pollination and to start honey production in the country through the introduction of beekeeping.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. External and local training. Equipment and materials.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Beekeeping and honey production development TCP/BRA/4402
DURATION: 12 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To promote beekeeping and honey production development as primary and alterative activity compatible with other activities.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Equipment and materials.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Development of pilot area for apiculture in the ‘“Juventino” island TCP/CUB/4404
DURATION: 12 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To improve honey production and hive management for pollination purposes and develop queen rearing station.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. External and local training. Equipment and materials.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Preparation of a national apiculture programme TCP/PER/4403
DURATION: 12 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To advise the working group charge of the preparation of the National Apiculture programme with the objective of starting apicultural development at national level.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Technical Assistance to the National Union of Women (Apiculture component) TCP/DJV7852
DURATION: 1 month
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To train groups of women through the National Union of Women to teach and train other women in country,
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Equipment and materials.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Honey management and control of diseases and pests TC-PfEGY/2311
DURATION: 12 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To improve the production of honey through training programmes offered to extension specialists and beekeepers.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. External and local training. Equipment and materials.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Economic Utilisation of Honeybees TCP/SUD/6766
DURATION: 18 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To increase the production of honey and other bee products.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. External and local training. Equipment and materials.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Apiculture Development KUW/88/009
DURATION: 12 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To increase honey production through the introduction of modern beekeeping and to increase the production of horticultural crops through bee pollination.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Assistance to apiculture development TCPARA/4510
DURATION: 3 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To improve honey production through the establishment of queen rearing stations.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.