2 minute read
Changes to information given in Newsletter 13: Breeding techniques and selection for breeding of the honeybee by F Ruttner.
The English translation of this publication is available from IBRA price £7.75 (excluding postage and packing)*
The title of K I Kigatiira’s new book is Beekeeping for beginners and not Beekeeping in Kenya as stated in Newsletter 13.
Beekeeping of the Assassin Bees
by D Espina Pérez
Cartago, Costa Rica; Editorial Tecnolégica de Costa Rica (1985) 158 pp. Available in English or Spanish from IBRA price £5.00 (excluding postage and packing)*
After an introductory chapter on tropical beekeeping, the author describes the characteristics and behaviour of Africanized bees, and discusses aggressiveness and its causes in honeybees (in general). Further chapters describe basic management techniques, swarming, migration and_ practical recommendations for beekeeping with the Africanized bee. There is a short list of literature consulted. Also available in Spanish La abeja africanizada.
Les Abeilles
compiled and published by Inades-Foundation Abidjan, Ivory Coast; Inades-Foundation (1988) 52 pp.
Available from the publishers: 08 BP 8, Abidjan 08, Ivory Coast. In French.
An introduction for would-be beekeepers in Ivory Coast. Descriptions are given of the honeybee colony, what it does and how it works, the types of hives found in Ivory Coast, enemies of bees, and the uses of honey and beeswax. Plenty of black and white illustrations and line drawings. This is probably the first book on beekeeping written specifically for Ivory Coast, and is a welcome addition to the literature.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates, Cairo, November 1988
Cardiff, UK; IBRA (1989)
The Conference Proceedings are in their final stages of preparation and will be available shortly from IBRA. Those who were not Delegates at the Conference will be able to purchase copies of the Proceedings from IBRA.
Please quote this Newsletter when you order
Post and packing charges for orders to UK and overseas addresses by surface mail only. Orders totalling:
up to £10.00.........................£1.00
£10.01 to £20.00 .........................£2.00
£20.01 to £30.00.........................£3.00
£30.01 to £40.00.........................£4.00
£40.01 to £100.00.........................£5.00
For orders over £100, post and packing charges will be quoted on receipt of order. Air mail charges are also quoted on request.