Bees for Development Journal Edition 1 - August 1981

Page 4

4, HELP?


distribution of tee diseases


I receive so many enquiries from beekeepers who wish to import queen bees from another country, that the old English saying that "the grass is always

Put greener on the other side of the fence'’ seems to apply here too. importing queens or bees carries the risk of importing new bee diseases or We parasites into a disease-free area and may endanger all the bees there. know far too little of the world distribution of bee diseases, and it is I am trying to compile urgently necessary to improve our knowledge. for Ree World, showing the countries where the preliminary maps publication-in

following diseases

American foul brood European foul brood



Bacillus larvae

Strertococcus pluton and

Facillus alvei

sactrood virus Nosema apis

sackrood nosena amoeba




chalk brood acarine

Ascosphaera apis Acarapis woodi bee louse Praula coeca external wites Varroa jacobsoni Tropilaelans clareae .


find no information whatever on the disease position in the mainland countries (except for a 1959 report on acarine disease by following I


E.P. Jeffree). Please send me any revorts or offers of help, including confirmation that disease is believed not to be present in a certain country. Africa: Almost all countries in a belt south of the Sahara and north of Zaire and Tanzania; also Fotswana, Lesctho, Madagascar, Malawi, Swaziland America: Ecuador, Honduras, Nicarague, Surinam Asia: Almost all the Arabian peninsula; also Bangladesh, Bhutan, Rrunei, Zurma, Laos, Nepal, Philippines, Sikkim, Singapore, Sri (Varroa jacobsoni and/or Tropilaelaps Lanka, Thasland, Vietnam. -clareee are known to be present in some of these countries).


The "Proceedings of the Second Conference on 4piculture in Tropical Climates", held in 1980, is heing produced by the Indian Council of Agricul-

tural Research.

The "Birectory anc guidelines for beekeering develorment programmes", by Dr. E. Crane and Professor W, Drescher, is funded hy the German Aid Agency GTZ, and will he published (in Fnelish) by then. We are

eagerly awaiting these

definite publication dates.

two new hooks, but are


unable to give


Please send me any change in your address, or that of your institution. Most important, if your work no longer involves bees or apiculture please tell me, so that money is not wasted in sending you further leaflets. Margaret Nixon Information Officer for Tropical Apiculture

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