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Apimondia Meeting on Bee Biology
Second Asian Apicultural Association Conference
25-30 July
Yogyakarta For further details
page seven
Further details will be given in this journal as they are announced.
Tropical Bees and the Environment
10th Brazilian Congress on Apiculture
13-16 March 1995, Serdang.
14-18 August 1994, Goias.
Further details from:
Secretariat, BEENET ASIA, Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Telephone. 010 60 3 948 3514 Fax: 010 60 3 948 2507.
Rua 26 No 157, 2° Andar, Goiania-Goids, CEP 74015-090, Brazil. Fax: 01055 62 224 4745 Further details from
Resources and Environmental Monitoring
The XXXIV International Apicultural Congress - APIMONDIA
3-7 Octber 1994, Rio de Janeiro Further details from:
8-14 August 1995, Lausanne
Roberto Pereira da Cunha, INPE. PO Box 515, 12201
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. toot
Further details will be given in this journal as they are announced
Apimondia Meeting on Pollination
National Honey Show
18-20 November 1993, Kensington and Chelsea Town Hall, London
Further details will be given in this journal as they are announced.
Further details from: Rev F Capener, Honorary Secretary, National Honey Show
Baldric Road, Folkestone, CT20 2NR UK.
Bees for Development Official Launch
XII International Congress on Social Insects 21-27 August 1994, Paris.
18-20 November 1993, National Honey Show, Londo
Professor Pierre Jaisson, Laboratoire d'Ethologie, Universite Paris-Nord, 93430, Villetaneus, France Telephone: 010 33 49 403218 Fax. 010 33 49 403975.
outh, NP5 4AB, UK. Telephone 010 44 600 713648 Fax: 010 44 600 716 167 Seventh Third World Fair 10-11 December 1993, London. Fourth Floor, 5-11 Worship $ treet, London, Further details from: TWIN, EC2A 2BH, UK
Systems-Orientated Research in Agriculture and Rural Development 21 " 25N Further details from. Secretariat du symposium sur es recherches-systeme, Bat,
Les Moulins B-10, BP 5035, 34032 Montpellier Ce dex
Further details from: Bees for Development, Troy, Mon
Further details from:
IX International Congress of Acarology Second West Africa Beekeeping Research Sen inar
17-22 July 1994, Ramada University Hotel and Confer ance Center, Ohio
28 November - 4 December 1993, Aburi Botanica Gardens.
Further details from: IX International Congress of Acarol ogy, Acarology
Mr Ralph A Hoyte-Williams, Ge neral Secretary, Ghana Beekeepers’ Association, PO Box 9581, Airport-A: cra, Ghana
Laboratory, Museum of Biological Diversity, The Ohi ) State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, USA. Fax: 010 614 292 7744.
Further details from:
Rural Project Planning
13th International Course for Development-orientated Research in
18 Apri]-27 May 1994, Canberra
Further details from: Course Co-ordinator, ANUTECH Pty Ltd, GPO Box 4, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. Telephone: 010 61 62 495671. Fax, 010 61 62 495875.
10 January - 28 July 1994 (in English), 28 February (in French). Wageningen.
International Agriculture |
- 15 September 1994
Further details from: lon Daane, International Agricultural Centre, PO Box 88, 6700 AB. Wageningen, Netherlands. Telephone: 010 31 837 090 J 11. Fax: 010 3] 837 018 552,
Short Course on Land Use Management for Tropical
2-10 fune 1994
Director General, Attn C Searle, International Consultancies, Department of Primary Industries, GPO Box 46, Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia. Telephone: 01061 72 393302. Fax: 010 61 72 213896 Further details from:
Rural Poverty Alleviation: Project Management and Design 18
April - 8 July 1994, Sri Lanka and Manchester, UK.
Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 90S, UK, Further details from:
International Workshop on Beekeeping and Extension 20 April May 1994, Ruppin Institute of Agriculture.
Diploma in Apiculture
The Director, Center for Intemational Agricultural Development Co-operation. (CINADCO), Ministry of Agriculture. PO Box 7011, Tel Aviv 61070, Israel. Telephone: 010972 3 697 1709. Fax: 010 972 3 697 1677. Telex: 361496 MINAG IL.
University of Wales College of Cardiff,
Further details from:
Further details from: Pure and Applied Biology, University of Wales College of Cardiff, PO Box 915, Cardiff CFL 3TL, UK. Telephone: 010 44 222 874147 Fax: 010 44 222 874305
Rural Extension for Foresters
If you want details of your event inc uded here send details to: Bees for Develo ment,
Troy, Monmouth, NP 5 4AB, UK. Fax: 010 44 600 716167.
January -
March 1994, University of Reading
Further details from:
RG6 2AL, UK.
AERDD, University of Reading, Whiteknights Road, Reading,